Digital Media_Portfolio Example_COA_TTU

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Kyle Meeks TTU_COA Spring 11

Kyle Meeks TTU_COA Spring 11 Digital Media I Cordinator: Maria Perbellini Instructor: Kyle Meeks

Texas Tech University College of Architecture ARCH 1353- 590, 591, 592, 593, 594, 595, 596, 597, 598, 599 DIGITAL MEDIA I Instructor: Rob Diaz Coordinator: Maria R. Perbellini TAs: Kyle Meeks, Will Denman, Christopher Davis, Jose Sanchez Spring 2011

A.3 Visual Communication Skills: Ability to use appropriate representational media,such as traditional graphic and digital technology skills, to convey essential formalelements at each stage of the programming and design process.

knowledge about images made ofpixels: type, size, resolution and all those basics information that are necessary toacquire in order to be efficient with graphics. The second stage of the coursefocuses on the use of Adobe Photoshop. Students learn about how to manipulate and edit pixel-images. They work with a full set of actions involved with reiteration,transformation, editing, filtering and layering. The history of all these applicationsmust be documented graphically. The third stage explores vectors and diverse ways to deal with lines and drawings. Students implements all the features of AdobeIllustrator, including files export techniques from other programs (Photoshop,AutoCAD) and text features.The fourth stage goes more in depth on layout and additional graphical applicationsusing Adobe-InDesign, instrumental for giving to the students more proficiency intheir portfolio representation and organization.Students work on weekly assignments.




Catalogue description: 1353. Digital Media I - Prerequisite: AutoCAD. An introduction to the use of thecomputer as a design drawing tool with an emphasis on conceptual knowledge andcomputing skills for design communication. Levels: Undergraduate - TTUCredits: 3 semester credit hours


The course intent is to develop the ability to use representational tools andmethods. Students are exposed to effective visual communication strategies using arange of media, such as analog and digital drawings and graphics, to support eachstage of the design process.The first stage of this course introduces a general

The course is designed to work both as the supporting course associated with ARCH 1411, Architectural Design Studio I, and as a “stand alone� course. Students apply the course digital knowledge and tools on their studio design process, in order to be efficient and well prepared on graphi-

cal representations.Guided by the instructor and the coordinator, the section assistants will beresponsible for every in-class aspect of their particular section of this course: fromtaking attendance, to assignment delivery, to assessment. A typical class day willinclude anything from a program related presentation, a discussion of an assignedreading, to a review of completed work. Each section meets nominally for two hourseach week at designated times. The section assistants will have two hours a week of regular office hours for students in their section. A student with a median skilland acumen level should require 9 hours of study a week outside class to successfully complete the coursework.


On completion of this course the student should: - have a good understanding of digital representations and graphics, and theirimpacts on architectural design; - have the ability to use the indicated digital programs features; - be able to manipulate and transform images (pixels) and drawings (vectors); - be able to generate and edit digital applications and tasks; - be able to organize files transfers between programs; - be efficient and creative with studio projects representations and portfolio layout and content.

Table of Contents:

Assignment# 01....................................................3-4 02................................................... 5-6 03.1................................................ 7-10 03.2............................................... 11-12 04.................................................. 13-14 05.1................................................ 15-17 05.2............................................... 18-20


Generative pixelation

[The grid was diagrammed with an image underlay of birds flying. This relationship was then abstracted further to create an organizational structure to the overall composition.]


Assignment 1 explores the tectonic assemblies of pixel and grid. This process is the developable form that all imagesfollow regardless of their parameters. This exercise explores that reality by investigating the natural order of a pixel and its relationship to the grid.The idea is based on the simple order of orthonogonal originality of grids and pxiels. The grid forms the parametric orders where the void spaces become the active cubonic device that illustrates the next phases of visualization through color and texture. The edge definition from this experiment from overlay orders to displacement and transformation will attain a spatial reality from one relationship to another as images get more complex.



Digital Collage

[Phase 1 was based off some sort of organizational pattern. An explanation of how you put the composition together can be informative. ]

Phase 2

[Phase 2 can have another explanation like the first. Remember to stay brief.

Phase 1

Assignment 2 is an analysis of images of one particular object you were to analyze (30-40 images). One picture can represent many dialogues consistent with that particular scene or environment. A picture can host several different events,objects, environments, and so on. This particular assignment will examine how these pictures formulate a relationship with the prescribed object and its connectiveness with each segment the object inherits. Then the assignment will direct its attention to a new visual abstraction assemblage in a form of a collage. Arrange the photos so that is become the original but in an abstract way. The second phase will be a rearrangement of images so that it begins to illustrate a new dialogue



Digital Architectonics

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Collage + Vector

This exercise is an exploration of collages and vector lines. The purpose is to understand the general concept of alineweight through extraction and abstraction of profile and shadow lines. This is a two part assignment because thefirst part will entail a collage of a building of your choice followed by the general concept of the building delivered in avector-base output composition.




Collage + Vector

Digital Architectonics

This exercise is an exploration of collages and vector lines. The purpose is to understand the general concept of alineweight through extraction and abstraction of profile and shadow lines. This is a two part assignment because thefirst part will entail a collage of a building of your choice followed by the general concept of the building delivered in a vector-base output composition.



Digital Architectonics


Section Study

Villa Savoye Le Corbusier

This assignment was to introduce the principles of plan and section as well as the art of generating legible and understandable sections. Standard building drawings were provided and studied to deliniate a well composed section with appropriate lineweights in accordance with depth and effectivly render section cut poches.



This study will investigate the potentiality of geometries as a fundamental emergence of two or three basic geometriesselected by the user. The geometric shapes will determine the direct order but the user will take the few lines thatemerge from the shape as a radiancy transpiring selection that will interact with its neighboring segments and connectwith opposing systems. The idea is to explore the geometries that emerge from the inner-connective segments as theymeet with each other and extend beyond the current system.



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Tectonic Expressions







Tectonic Expressions





Tectonic Expressions

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This study will investigate the potentiality of geometries as a fundamental emergence of two or three basic geometriesselected by the user. The geometric shapes will determine the direct order but the user will take the few lines thatemerge from the shape as a radiancy transpiring selection that will interact with its neighboring segments and connectwith opposing systems. The idea is to explore the geometries that emerge from the inner-connective segments as theymeet with each other and extend beyond the current system.




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iNNER + connective rob diaz




Instructor Blog: Kyle Meeks Instructor Blog: Rob Diaz

iNNER + connective rob diaz

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