Contents Personal Profile
Product Design
Side Project
Other Works
Sketch, Modeling, Rendering
我是林祐生, 我認為設計是源自於體驗的想像。畢竟生活就是由各式各 樣的體驗所堆積而成,因此我喜歡觀察其中的細節,實踐 自己對於體驗的想像。在這本作品集中收錄了我對於體驗 的各種想像,也包含了關於設計的經歷。 I am Yu Sheng Lin, I believe design is derived from the imagination of experience, because our daily life is a composition of different experience. Therefore, I like to observe the details of daily life and practice them by myself. This portfolio includes my imaginations of daily life and the progress of learning design.
2019.9 - 2020.6 / 成大工設畢業設計展 - 展場組
中文 - 母語
2019.9 - 2020.2 / 唐草設計工讀生
英文 - TOEIC 780
2019.7 - 2019.8 / 唐草設計實習生
台語 - 流利
/ 成大工設夏季期末展 - 金獎
/ 成大工設冬季期末展 - 銅獎
2018.11 / 台灣國際學生創意設計大賽 - 決選 2018.9
/ LEXUS Design Award 設計工作坊
EDUCATION 2014 - 2016 / 瑞祥高中 2016 - 2020 / 成功大學工業設計學系
2017.12 / 來自亞洲設計力量國際工作坊 2017.9
/ 學年書卷獎
- Sketch
Model Making
Market Research
SOFTWARE - Adobe Series After Effect
Premiere Pro - Solidworks - Keyshot
Product Design
AirZoom A hairdryer designed for professional stylist
Refresh A device designed for slow down
CO-Zi Modular furnitures designed for co-working space
Kindness Catalyst A set of tableware designed for inducing good intention
AirZoom # Hairdryer Design # Fluid Mechanics # Design For Professional
AirZoom 是一款為專業設計師而生的吹風機,利用流體力學的原理特化吹髮功能,且依照設計師獨有的 使用習慣改良機身結構,只為達到最佳的工作效率。 AirZoom is a professional hairdryer designed for stylists, we strengthen the function of wind power by using the principles of Fluid Mechanics. And according to the unique using habit of stylists to redesign the structure of hairdryer to achieve the best work efficiency.
" Professional Stylist "
吹風機對於專業設計師是一項非常重要的工具,可用來吹髮、可用來做造型,因應需求有不 同的使用方式。在經過訪談後我們發現了幾項特點,如吹風機與頭髮的距離關係,吹風機的 握持方式,或使用吹風機冷卻頭髮的方式等。而最重要的兩個因素就是 " 風速 " 與 " 溫度 "。 Hairdryer is an essential tool for professional stylist, it can be used for drying hair or styling, and there are different using methods based on the work demand. After interview, we found some special features of the using methods. For example, the distance between hairdryer and hair, how they handle the hairdryer, and how they used the hairdryer to cool down hair. However, the most important factors are "wind speed" and "temperature".
(A) 在吹乾頭髮時將吹風機拿至較遠的距離增加作用範圍。 Longer distance for large working area. (B) 在做造型時將吹風機拿至較近的距離增加塑形溫度。 Shorter distance for higher temperature. (C) 將吹風機轉向背面使用進風口將頭髮降溫。 Turn to air-intake side for cooling down hair.
發展過程中主要針對風力與溫度進行發想,觀察 風道形狀、吹嘴造型、扇葉構造對於整體效能之 影響。並以 3D 列印的零件進行風力實驗,調整 各結構參數。 In the progress, we mainly focus on wind velocity and heat. Observed how the shape of wind tunnel, blow gun, fan blade affected the efficacy of hairdryer. And used 3D printed components to conduct the wind experiment, then adjusted each parameter.
Flow simulation 經過風力實驗後發現,在風道中加入 " 梭形結構 " 與 " 內層風道 " 可引發 " 白努力效應 " 增強風速,並進一步 進行流體力學模擬發現透過調整梭形結構位置,能夠 " 改變風速急速區距離 "。而這樣的差別所代表的正是: 改變梭形結構位子就能改變吹風機的最佳作業範圍,並配合作業需求進行調整。 After wind experiment, we found that by adding a furiform structure and inner wind tunnel can arouse the basical principle.Furthermore, we can change the high speeed area of wind by adjusting position of foriform structure, it means that "we can adjust the best working area by changing the position of furiform structure, then based on the demand of work to adjust it
(A) 急速區較遠、溫度較低 Longer distance of high speed area, Lower temperaature
(B) 急速區較近、溫度較高 Shorter distance of high speed area, Higher temperaature
Wind Module - Drying Mode - Styling Mode
Inner Threa
Drying Mode Longer distance of high speed area, Lower temperaature
Outer Wind Tunnel
Styling Mode Shorter distance of high speed area, Higher temperaature
Inner Wind Tunnel
最終,我們藉由流體力學模擬數據設計了一個 " 風力調節模組 ",由中心的梭形調節器、內風道、螺紋結構所 構成,透過旋轉外環調整梭形調節器前後位置改變風力模式。 Finally, we utilized the statistics of the Fluid Mechanics Simulation to design a wind adjust module, consisted of furiform regulator, inner wind tunnel, and thread structure. It can change the wind mode by rotating the ring to adjust the position of furiform regulator.
Outer Thread
Oblique Air-Intake Passage 在不影響進風效率的前提下,將傳統直進式進風口改為斜向進風口,能夠明顯降低將頭髮吸 入的機率,且不再需要將吹風機 180°轉向來使用進風口,只需將手腕稍微傾斜就能將進風口 轉向頭髮。 Without reducing the efficiency of air-intake, we changed the traditional vertical air-intake passage to oblique air-intake passage. It can obviously lower the risk of inhaling hair, and users don't have to turn 180 degrees to use air-intake passage, just turn about 30 degrees the passage would face the hair.
Mode Regulator 使用者可依照工作需求,透過旋轉機身上的調節環,調整梭形調節器位置改變風力模式。進 行吹乾作業時,將調節環以逆時針方向旋轉;進行造型作業時,將調節環以順時針方向旋轉。 According to work demand, users can change the wind mode by rotating the mode regulator on the hairdryer. When conducting drying mission, switch the mode regulator to counter clockwise; when counducting styling mission, switch the mode regulator to clockwise.
Styling Mode
Drying Mode
Refresh # Self-Examination # Slow Down # Relax
Refrsh 是一款讓使用者進行自我檢視的裝置。試圖藉由檢視智慧型手機的使用狀況,讓使用者了解自身 的行為模式,更進一步的達到改善。 Refresh is a device designed for self-examination. By reviewing the using condition of cellphone let users understand the behavior model of themselves, furthermore improve it.
現代社會中,人們的步調已越來越快,無數的資訊充斥在我們的身邊。不論願不願意, 我們都將被快速流動的資訊所影響,一旦不留意就會被資訊的洪流沖走,甚至失去自己 的步調。其中,智慧手機的出現就是一個重要的因素,因為有了智慧型手機,我們無時 無刻都在被動的接觸資訊。 In modern society, our living pace has been faster and faster, numerous informations around our daily life, no matter what we will be affected by them. If we don't pay attention to it, we would lose our own living pace. However, smart phone plays an important role, because of it we are all passively receiving informations all the time.
Why people become phubbers ? 智慧型手機儼然已成為了一個不可或缺的工具,它帶來了強大的便利性,集結了許多功 能,從最基本的通話功能,到照相功能、社群媒體、遊戲娛樂,甚至是一些事務型功能 都包括在內,也正因為它的便利性導致我們無法脫離它。 Smart phone has been a necessary tool in modern life because of its convenience functions. It has many functions, from the basical comminication function to photographing, social media, game playing are all included, it even has some business functions. As a result, we are all trapped by it but can't abandon it.
When will people put down their phones ? 於是,我們試著找出一個讓人們自願放下手機的理由。從使用者的行為模式開始分析, 像是使用手機的原因、使用手機的時間、使用手機的習慣等。最後我們發現,所有使用 者都有一個共同的時機會放下手機,那就是 " 當手機需要充電時 "。在手機充電時,我 們不得不暫時放下手機,同時也是個自己休息片刻的時間。因此,我們決定將 " 充電 " 作為我們的設計目標,重新設計充電的 " 行為意涵 ",將它變為一個具有象徵性意義的 行為,使充電不再只是為了繼續使用手機,更有 " 放下手機,好好休息 " 的意義。我們 希望強化這樣的行為意涵,並讓使用者意識到自身的狀況。 However, we tried to find a reason to let people put down their phones. Then we started to analyze users' behavior, like why they use cellphone or how long do they use cellphone or their using habit. Finally, we found a moment all the people would put down their cellphones, that is when the cellphone ran out of battery. Only when the phone is charging, people would necessarily put down their phones, and take a break. As a result, we decided to redisign the behavior of charging phone, let it become a meaningful behavior, not only for charging, but also for taking a break. We want to enhance this mening, and let people understand their self-condition.
Remodel the experience of charging phone 為了重新塑造人們對於充電行為的理解並且融入 " 休息 " 的意涵,我們在行為的聯想與 產品語意加入了許多具有平靜人心或是放鬆意涵的元素,如點蠟燭的行為、枯山水或是 竹林的意象連結。 In order to remodel tha behavior of charging phone and merge with the meaning of taking a break, we added some symbols of mindfulness and relax into usage behavior and product image, like the behavior of lighting a candle, the image of dull landscape and bamboos.
A device for self-examination
- The usage amount is larger, the light is dimmer 以充電的行為作為基礎,我們加入了檢視使用情形的回饋," 將使用者的狀態投射到 Refresh 上 "。在使用者將手機放上 Refresh 後,Refresh 會檢測該手機當日的使用情形, 改變上方燈光的亮度,使用量越大,燈光就會越微弱;使用量越小,燈光就會越強烈。 在經過充電後燈光會逐漸恢復到最大值,使用量越大就需要越多的時間才能恢復,就像 手機在充電後會才會恢復電力一樣。而這樣的資訊同樣也在反應使用者的狀態,需要經 過適當的休息才能回復我們的能量。 Based on the behavior of charging phone, we added the function of self-examination on phone usage amount, it would reflect the status of user on Refresh. When users put their cellphone on Refresh, Refresh will examine its usage amount. If the amount is larger the light is dimmer; if the amount is smaller the light is lighter. Then after the phone being charged, the light will recover to the maximum. However, the dimmer the original light is, it would take more time to recover the luminance, just like the cellphone needs more time to recover. On the other hand, this situation also reflect the status of ourselves, it means that we need proper rest to recover our energy.
- Take a break to recover the luminance
Refresh your mind and body 我們將 Refresh 結合了具有舒緩身心效果的 " 香氛 ",讓使用者在放下手機後,在遠離壓 迫的資訊之外,更讓身體進入放鬆的狀態達到實質性的休息。 We added the function of fragrance which can smooth body and spirit to Refresh, so as to let users become more easily to relax when they charge their phones.
Cotton Stick & Glass Bottle 將霧化片至於透明玻璃瓶頂部,以棉條浸水的 方式吸取香氛,讓使用者能夠直接檢查剩餘的 香氛量。 Set the nebulizer on the top of transparent glass bottle, and use cotton stick to draw the fragrance, let users can directly check the remaining amount of fragrance.
Wireless Charging Module & Sensors
Mist Regulator 使用者可依需求旋轉上方的調節器 可改變香氛水霧量。 Users can switch the regulator on the top to adjust the amount of fragrance.
Refresh work flow
CO-Zi # Co-Working Space # Modular Design # Furniture Design
CO-Zi 是一組探討開放空間與私人空間的模組化家具,藉由視覺通透性的變化與軟硬材質的結合,試圖 在公共空間中創造最舒適的私人空間。 CO-Zi is a set of modular furniture designed for exploring the theme of public space and personal space. We tried to create the most comfortable personal space in the public space, by the means of changing vision transparency and combinating hard and soft materials.
Background - Breaktime 大學生活是一個自由的時期,人人都能夠規劃自己的時間,不再需要 過著制式化的生活,其中的原因就是 " 自由排課 ",依照專業與興趣 規劃自己的專屬課表。而在這樣的制度下也誕生了一段特別的時間, 就是 " 空堂 " 時間。我們可以盡情的利用這段時間,可以讀書、可以 寫作業、可以休息,這是一段屬於自己的時間。 College life is a period of free time, because everyone can schedule their own curriculums and does not have to follow the standard life pace. However, there is a kind of special time called "break time". Everyone can utilize this time to study or do their homework or take a break. No matter what, this time is entirely belongs to yourself.
- The existing space in campus can't meet students' need 然而在空堂時間,有些人會尋找一個可以安靜工作的的地方,有些人會尋找一個可以好好休息的地方, 有些人會尋找一個可以進行討論的地方。經過訪談後發現,多數人會選擇直接 " 回家 ",因為家裡是 最不容易被打擾的地方,也是最能夠達到舒適休息的地方。 When in the break time, some people would go a place where they can work without disturbing, some people would go to a place where they can take a break, some people would go to a place where they can discuss homework with others. After interviewed, we found that most people would choose to go home, because home is the most comfortable place for working and taking a break.
The cost of moving frequently 從受訪者一天的行程可以發現,當中都有幾段大約一至兩個小時的空堂時間,他們幾乎都會選擇回到 家中或是宿舍,繼續進行工作或是休息,直到接近下一堂課的時間再準備出門。而這樣的頻繁移動也 造成了一些看不見的隱形成本,如回家休息時就必須將往返的交通時間也算進去,可能就會足足少了 接近半個小時,無法完整的利用空堂時間。另外一方面,頻繁移動時也會不斷增加碳足跡,如交通工 具的碳排放,或是回到家中使用電器的所增加的能源等。 From the daily schedule of interviewee's, we can find some break times about one to two hours. In the break times they usually choose to go home to do their work or take a break, until the the next class. However, frequently moving from school to home in the break time would create some invisible cost. For example, if you want to go home for taking a break you have to add about 30 minutes of traffic time to your schedule, this also means you lost 30 minutes of break time. On the other hand, frequently moving would also increase carbon footprint, like the carbon emission, and the electricity energy we cost at home.
- Increase time costs - Increase carbon footprint
Redesign campus space - Turn the campus space into a place students would like to stay in 我們希望將現有的校園空間打造為一個舒適的環境,讓學生能夠就近得到他們所需要的舒適感,減少 頻繁移動所造成的隱形成本。為了達到這樣的目的,我們開始分析家中所創造 " 舒適感 " 究竟是由那 些元素所構成。 We wanted to turn the existing campus space into a place students would like to stay in, let students get enough comfortability in a nearby place. In order to reach our goal, we started to analyze the reason why people woukd like to go home rather than stay in the existing campus space.
- Create a private space in public space 在歸結訪談內容後,我們發現 " 隱私性 " 是構成舒適感的一個關鍵因素。許多人選擇回到家中最根本 的原因都是因為家中是一個最讓人有舒適感的地方,在家不需要在乎他人的眼光,能夠更安心的進行 工作或休息。其中,更是有人一定要在家裡才能夠進入睡眠。 To summary the result of interviews, we found that "privacy" is the most important factors to form a sense of comforbility. This is also the reason why many people choose to go home, because when stay at home, they don't have to care about others, they can focus on their works and more easily to relax. Even some people only sleep when they at home.
Deisgn direction one - Vision obstruction level and direction 經過嘗試後我們發現," 隱私性 " 所帶來的安全感是一個相對的感受,而視覺就是一個最容易影響我 們判斷隱私與否的感官。在不同情境下對於視覺隱私性的要求也有所不同,有時候只要一定程度的屏 障就能創造出足夠的隱私性,如餐廳中的隔板一般,在沒有隔板的情況下與陌生人用餐是一件非常不 自在的事情,但有了隔板之後即使兩人之間的距離不到一公尺也不會感到不便。因此,我們就利用這 樣的原理,以隱私程度要求最高的睡眠作為實驗方式,進行 " 視覺的屏障程度 " 與 " 視覺的方向性 " 的簡單實驗。 After some tests we got a conclusion, "privacy is a relative feel", and vision is the key point to judge the level of privacy. According to the situations the need of vision privacy level is different, sometimes only a little degree of vision block can create enough privacy. For instance, it is easy to dine with stranger in restaurant with a clapboard in front of table, but without the clapboard this situation must be very embarrassed. Based on the same way, we do some test about different degrees of vision block and direction, in the situation of sleeping which needs the highest level of privacy for most people.
Design direction two - Create a semi open space 上個階段的測試後,我們確定只要屏蔽部分的視覺就能產生一定程度的隱私性,但相對的使用者也會 因為視線的遮擋而感到壓迫感。因此在下一個階段中,我們開始嘗試創造出一個 " 既開放又安全的私 人空間 "。 According to the last experiment, we believed that when the vision block level reach to a certain extent, users would feel privacy in the space, but on the other hand it would also cause the sense of oppression. As a result, we started to create a space which is open but make people feel praivacy.
在第二階段,我們將霧面透明模型板與不透明模型板組合成一個半開放的空間。在使用者的背後 是不透明的椅背,右側是一個霧面透明的牆,兩者組合成一個 L 型的角落。接下來將模型放置在 不同的開放空間,如校園內的草地上、地下停車場、柏油路中等等,再請一位受測者坐在椅子中, 感受模型所創造的空間感。經過幾次測驗後發現,模型所圍出的角落與開放的另外一測產生強烈 的對比,在開放空間中的角落給人十足的安全感,而視覺壓迫感的問題也改善了,使用者能透過 霧面的牆看到外界的景色,但內側卻也不會被清楚的看到。 In the second stage, we use frosted plastic board and opaque plastic board to build a semi open space. Bedind the user was the opaque chair back, on the right side was a frosted wall, the chair back and the wall formed a L shape corner. Next, we put the model to different open space, like the lawn in campus, underground parking lot, and in the middle of the road, then asked a subject sit inside the chair to experience the atmosphere. After some tests, we found that the corner compared to other side created a sense of security to users, and the problem of vision oppression was also improved, users can see the view of outside through the frosted wall, however they would not be clearly seen by other people from outside.
- Ideation 在經過前期的測試後,我們決定以霧面介質與半開放空間的特性作為發展方向,並結合模組化家具 符合不同的使用需求。 After testing, we decided to use the feature of frosted medium and semi-open space as main direction, and combined it into modular furniture to fit different scenarios.
CO-Zi 最終成品 CO-Zi 選擇以霧面壓克力作為主要的材質,利用霧面的特性創造出一 種 " 曖昧的視線 ",由模糊的視覺與外界產生連結,且內側也不會有被窺探的壓 迫感。而後方用深色的布面材質將使用者環繞,包圍出一個舒適的休息空間。 不論是工作或是休息都能提供使用者一個自在的個人空間。 Finally we choose frosted acrylic as the main texture of CO-Zi, it utilizes the feature of frosted surface to create an ambiguous spcae. People who inside CO-Zi through the vague medium to see outside, would not feel any oppression from the sight of outside . And the back side of CO-Zi is the cloth material, surrounding user to create a cozy rest sapce. No matter working or just taking a break CO-Zi can offer a comfortable space for users.
- Create a cozy space in campus for students CO-Zi 可分為屏風、沙發、桌子等三個部件,透過改變組件間的相對位置能產生不同的視覺效果,且彼 此間能夠做出不同的組合,如不同面向的工作模式與討論模式等以符合學生的不同需求。 CO-Zi has three components includes screen, sofa, table, by changing the relative position of components CO-Zi can generate different visual effect. And the components can combine with each other to form different modes, like working mode or discussion mode, to meet the different need of stidents.
Kindness Catalyst # The Catalyst for Good Intention # Interaction Design # Table Wares Design
PRODUCT DESIGN - Kindness Catalyst
Kindness Catalyst 是一系列為互動體驗而設計的餐具。我們希望以物件作為催化劑,在用餐過程中創造 出更多具有善意的行為交流。 Kindness Catalyst is a series of table wares designed for interactive experience. We want to use objects as catalyst to create more interaction with good intention during the meal.
PRODUCT DESIGN - Kindness Catalyst
Background - Turn the invisible kindness into visible interaction 在餐桌上存在著許多有趣的互動,人們可能會分享彼此間的生活,可能會發現一些體貼的行為, 偶爾投起頭時,可能會發現某人也正好在看著自己。而在這些互動過程中所得到的正向感受,我 們稱之為 " 無形的善意 "。我們希望透過物件作為 " 催化劑 ",將這些無形的善意化為有形的行為 互動,為用餐的過程創造更多體驗價值。 There are many interesting interactions during a meal. For intance, people may share their life experience with others, maybe we can see some thoughtful actions, maybe when you look up you can find someone is aslo looking at you. However, these interactions usually create a sense of good feeling for us, we called it "invisible lindness". We want to utilize objects as the catalyst to turn the invisible kindness into visible interactions, create more valuable experience for the dining time.
PRODUCT DESIGN - Kindness Catalyst
測驗過程中,並未給予使用者任何使用上的提示, 而是讓他們以最直覺的使用方式進行測驗。 In the test, we didn't not offer any informations about the tea pot to testees, we just told them use it to pour tea by the most instuitive way.
- The first trial 在最初的草模發展中,我們以現有的用餐行為作為基礎並加入許多不同互動的機制,重新設計多組餐具的使用 方式。其中印象最為深刻的是一組擁有雙向壺嘴與把手的茶壺,在這個草模中我們想要探討究竟使用者們會為 了自己而使用,又或者是為了他人而使用?但測驗後發現,大部分的使用者並不了解雙向壺的產品用意,只是 單純覺得使用上非常困難。 In the first stage of model testing, we based on the existing tablewares to added some different interactions into their usage behaviors, then designed many sets of creative tablewares. The most impressive one is these models was the tea pot with two spouts and handles, this model was made to test whether people would use it for themselves or other people? However, after testing we found the testees didn't understand the purpose of it, they just considered it difficult to use.
PRODUCT DESIGN - Kindness Catalyst
- Dining simulation and thinking aloud 第一階段的草模發展後,我們決定針對 " 使用行為所帶來的互動效益 " 進行設計,透過產品的使用行為創造出 客觀的正向感受。在第二階段的草模測試,針對了餐前、餐中、餐後的三個階段分別設計了一組餐具,分別為 餐前的冷水壺組合、餐中的共食盤組合與餐後的水果叉組合。測驗過程中以 " 放聲思考 " 的方式進行用餐,藉 此觀察受測者們的互動關係與產品操作體驗。 After the first stage of model test, we decided to focus on the benefits that resulted from the interactions when people using the tablewares, we want to create an objective scenario of positive feeling. In the second test, we designed three sets of tablewares for each stage of dining, the first set was the water bottle and cups, the second set was a co-eating plate, and the final set of forks. In the process, we asked participants to think aloud about their thought during the dining simulation, then observed their interactions and the usage way of our models.
PRODUCT DESIGN - Kindness Catalyst
- Forming product image and usage behaviors 定義各組產品的使用行為後,依照其行為意涵與產品功能進行發散整合, 創造令人印象深刻的餐前服務,體貼而不張揚的餐中互動,餐後不經意的 偶然舉動等。 Based on the goal of each stage of dining process, we integrated the usage imageries and the function of products to form new kinds of tablewares. Create an impressive ministrant behavior before the meal, a kind of considerate interaction during the meal, an occasional action after the meal.
PRODUCT DESIGN - Kindness Catalyst
- Texture simulation in 3D renderings 在發想階段,同時以 3D 渲染選擇適當材質與調整整體產品外觀。最終選擇金屬、玻璃、陶瓷作為主要材質。 In the development process, we also used 3D renderings to inmitate the textures and adjust the form of products. Finally we chose metal, glass, ceramics as the main texture.
PRODUCT DESIGN - Kindness Catalyst
- Model making 製成階段與陶瓷師傅、玻璃師傅討論製作可能性,並依 照真實材質特性調整設計。 Discussed with professional ceramic masters and glass master to check the possibility of manufacturing our objects, and according to the limitation of real texture to adjust our design.
PRODUCT DESIGN - Kindness Catalyst
The Kindness Catalyst
PRODUCT DESIGN - Kindness Catalyst
- Reforming a service show 將花形的玻璃瓶塞放置於環形架上,並緩緩倒入冷水,直至滿溢後便會由花瓣尖端傾潟 而出流向各個杯中,將餐前的倒水行為重塑為一種外顯的服務表演,以作為用餐的開端。 Put the flower shape glass cork on the metal ring, then slowly pour the water into it, until the glass flower is full, the water inside would leak off from the tips of petal then seperated into each cup. Reform the behavior of pouring water for other people into a service show, as the beginning of dining.
PRODUCT DESIGN - Kindness Catalyst
- A kind of considerate behavior 概念源自於傳統辦桌中的圓盤,將傳遞的行為以更自然的方式發生於用餐過程中。以餐盤外側的溝槽作為 暗示,引導使用者將共用餐具至於盤中,並順勢轉向他人以方便取餐。 This idea is retrived from the round plate in traditional Pan Toh culture, aims to make the behavior of passing serving utensils during the meal. The co-eating plate uses the periphery groove as the hint to induce users put the serving utensil on the plate, then naturally pass it to other people.
PRODUCT DESIGN - Kindness Catalyst
- An occasional action 利用叉子上的卡榫作為契機,創造一種偶然的分享行為。 另一方面透過交疊的幾何圖騰構成簡約的植栽意象,作為 餐桌上的點綴。 Utilize the latch on the forks as the juncture to create an occasional sharing behavior. On the other hand, by overlapping the geomatric patterns to form the image of little potted plants as the decoration on dining table.
PRODUCT DESIGN - Kindness Catalyst
- The catalysts to induce good intention 我們希望透過一系列的催化劑,將無形的善意化為有形的行為互動,在用餐 過程中創造出不一樣的體驗價值。 We want to utilize a series of objects as the catalysts to turn the invisible kindness into visible interactions, and create a new experienced value for the dining time.
Side Project
UFO PEELER A multifuntion peeler designed for collegers
Gemini A speeker designed for urban life style
UFO PEELER # Peeler Design # Modular Design # Bottle Opener
UFO PEELER 是一款為外宿大學生所設計的削皮刀。在削皮功能之上與外宿大學生的生活習性做結合, 創造出全新的廚具體驗。 UFO PEELER is designed for collegers who living outside of home. Based on the normal peeling function I add another function according to collegers' living style, to create a new kitchenware experience.
在學生的生活中,飲食是一件隨意的事情,只要有幾項簡單的器材就 能打理好一餐。而學生的飲食文化中,飲料或是酒是一個特別的部 分,每當聚會總會出現這樣的需求。因此,希望能創造出一款學生必 備且更貼近生活的廚具。 而最終我選擇 " 削皮刀 " 作為我的設計目標。
Eating is a casual daily thing for collegers. Even they only have some basic kitchenwares but they still can finish cooking with them. However, there is a fact that soda and alcoholic beverages play an essential role in their eating culture, especially in dinner or party. As a result I want to create a kind of kitchenware that is a necessary tool but fit their life style more. Finally, I chose peeler to be my design target.
發想時主要試著將 " 學生的生活風格 " 體現出來。可能是多樣的,可 能是活潑的,可能是有趣的,結合以上的風格意象打造出屬於這個年 紀的全新行為模式。 In the ideation progress, I tried to show off the living style of collegers in this peeler. Maybe it is diverse or lively or funny, I abstracted all of these styles to remodel a new behavior mode for young people in this age.
Rotable blade Disk 將刀片與旋轉圓盤結合,可達到 180°的轉向,使操作方式變得更加靈活,符合 不同使用者的習慣。且旋轉的模組為可拆式零件,可依照個人喜好更換配件。 Combine blade and rotable disk intend to reach 180 degrees of rotation, makes operation method more flexible to fit every users using habit. And the rotation module is detachable, users can change the component to match their style.
Bottle Opener 圓盤頂面是開瓶器的結構,以握把作為槓桿就能輕鬆開啟瓶蓋。 On the top of the disk is a bottle opener, it can easily on the bottle's cap by using the handle as the lever.
Gemini # Speaker Design # Industrial Style # Easy Storage
Gemini 是一款為漫步於城市的人們所設計的隨身喇吧。讓音樂隨著足跡前往各個城市角落,為快速的生 活步調注入新的節奏,與我們享受片刻的悠閒時光。 Gemini is a portable speaker designed for those who enjoy roaming in city corners. Let music companies with us to every city corner, slow down the busy pace, and enjoy the leisurely moments.
漫步在城市中,可以看到各式各樣的色彩與質地,有著林立的工廠、 清水模的牆面、傍晚時的金黃色燈光。我試著將城市中的各種圖像重 新組合,創造出一個全新的都市意象。 When Roaming in city, we can see different colors and textures, like huge plants, concrete wall, and golden lights in the evening. I tried to combinate these pictures to create a brand new urban image.
在發展過程中,從城市中的各個意象收斂出 " 六角形錐狀柱體 " 的造型,並以不同比例將柱 體切為兩個獨立的喇叭,以扣環相互結合。而 材質方面,以工業風的手法將水泥質感與金屬 質感做結合,打造出中性的精緻感,讓 Gemini 能夠自然的融入各種場景。 In the progress, I abstracted the image of city corners and transfomed them into a hexa pillar shape. Then separated it to two parts as a pair of speaker, and utilize buckles to combine them when storage. In texture, I selected the Industrial Style features concrete and metal to create a neutral exquisite style, let Gemini easily fit any kind of scenes.
在繁忙的都市生活中找到屬於自己的片刻時光,與 Gemini 一起享受當下,找回屬於自己的步調。 Find your private time in the busy city,then enjoy the moment with Gemini to get your pace back.
Other Works
Pan Toh in 2020 A redesign of traditional Pan Toh experience
SHAPA CIS Design CIS design practice for a conception brand SHAPA
RATIONAL DRINKING Brand vision design
- How will Pan Toh change after 2020 ? " 辦桌 " 是亞洲文化中一種別具特色的飲食方式,在重要節慶或是聚會 時,與親朋好友們坐在大圓桌前一同享用美食、相談勝歡。但在爆發 COVIS-19 的 2020 年後,人們開始還怕群聚,各種場域也開始設立隔 板分開人群。在這樣的社會氛圍中,強調 " 共食 " 的辦桌文化勢必會受 到影響,因此我們開始想像,辦桌文化在這樣的社會氛圍中又應該做出 怎麼樣的改變? "Pan Toh" is a special dining experience in Asia. In important festival , people would dine together with family and friends at a big round table, chatting with each other and sharing recent situation. However in 2020, COVIS-19 raging all over the world, people began to scare crowd gathering, many stores also set up clapboard to seperate people. As a result, we started to think about how to redesign the experience of Pan Toh, let it conform to this situation.
- If people do not face to face anymore? 在 2020 年,因應疫情影響許多場域都可以看見 " 保持社交距離 " 的標語,餐廳中甚至開始設立隔板 或是限制座位人數,避免人們面對面的接觸。但如果增加了這些障礙物,某些在辦桌中才會看見的互 動方式就會因此受到影響,如:旋轉中央轉盤為他人遞菜。於是 " 如何跨越物理間的障礙物 " 就成了 主要的發展方向。 In 2020, in order to avoid swarm infection, the concept of "social distance" became more and more important. Even the restaurant started to set up calpboard or limit the number of seats. However, if we add this obstacles to "Pan Toh", some special experience would be affected, such as rotate the lazy susan for others. So "how to overcome the physical obstacles" became the biggest challenge in this project.
- In fact The distance between us has became longer and longer 但有趣的是從另一個角度來看用餐行為就會發現,儘管不受疫情的影響 " 人與人之間 的距離早已增加 "。近年來,由於智慧型手機的影響,許多人們在用餐時總是將手機 放在餐桌上,互動的不再是坐在對面人而是社群媒體中的朋友們。餐廳中也早已出現 主打 " 單人用餐 " 的拉麵鋪。 In 2020, in order to avoid swarm infection, the concept of "social distance" became more and more important. Even the restaurant started to set up calpboard or limit the number of seats. However, if we add this obstacles to "Pan Toh", some special experience would be affected, such as rotate the lazy susan tfor others. So "how to overcome the physical obstacles" became the biggest challenge in this project.
- A reverse Pan Toh for another way of interaction 最終,我們設計了一組簡易的 " 反向辦桌體驗 "。在反向辦桌中,我們改變了 硬體配置,讓人們不再是面對著大圓桌用餐,而是背對背坐在環形的軌道中 看向外側,並且在每一位受測者的正前方放置一台電腦,以視訊的方式進行 互動。在過程中我們發現,即使彼此只能以 " 間接 " 的方式看見對方,但在 溝通上卻也不會受到限制。其中也有一些有趣的發現,當有人需要轉動軌道 時,所有人都會放下手中的碗筷一起幫忙,原本不太熟識的人們也會一同參 與這向體驗。 以測驗結果來說,反向的辦桌看似增加了許多物理上的屏障,但事實上卻是 以一種不同的方式拉近彼此的關係。 In the end, we designed a reverse Pan Toh experience, and changed the form of lazy susan. Instead of sitting around round table, in reverse Pan Toh people sit back on back in the round track and face outward. In front of the seat we set a laptop for video call. In the process, we found that although prople only can see others by a indirect way, but the communication between them seems to be the same. Another interesting thing is that if a person want to spin the round track to take the meal, all of participants would put down their bowl and support the person to sipn the track, even they don't know each other. From the result of experiment, we can say that even the reverse Pan Toh increases the physical distance between person and person, but it actually promote the interaction between them.
- A conception fashion brand features Taiwanese fashion style 品牌名 SHAPA 就是台語中的 " 瞎趴 ",意旨帥氣、搶眼、引人注目的。 而 SHAPA 以推廣台式文化做為宗旨,將傳統與潮流結合,試圖創造出 台灣的特有潮流風格。 品牌 LOGO 設計取自 " 符咒 " 的意象,意旨在貼上 SHAPA 的標誌後, 任何人都能展現出台式潮流獨有的魅力。 The brand's name "SHAPA" means fancy, cool, and eye catching in Taiwanese. Its brand goal is promoting Taiwan culture, it combines the traditional culture and fashion trend, trying to create the unique fashion style of Taiwan. SHAPA's logo is derived from the image of charm. it means "No matter who wears the design of SHAPA can show the unique Taiwanese fashion style".
- A bar stand in campus RATIONAL DRINKING 是校園限定市集中的酒吧攤位,希以自製調酒作 為 " 理性 " 生活中的 " 感性 " 出口,為平日壓抑的學生們提供舒緩的調 劑。主視覺以模糊的深海呈現出飲酒時的沉浸,而理性是深海中的一道 曙光,用以指出正確的方向。 RATIONAL DRINKING is a bar stand in limited campus market, its brand goal is offering cocktail for students to smooth the oppressive school life. The brand vision uses blurrd deep ocean to symbolize the immersive feeling when drinking, and the rationality is the light in deep ocean to indicate the right direction for us.
- Stand Poster
NDD internship and part-time worker Project assistant
Part-time worker in Qfort, NCKU Design part-time worker
2020 NCKU ID graduation exhibition curator Space planning and interaction design
NDD internship and part-time worker
new design dimension
Internship and Part-time worker 在 2019 年 7 月至 8 月進入唐草設計擔任實習生,學習業界 設計流程與觀念。實習期間參與產品設計專案前期市場調查 與概念發想,並負責部分專案之 3D 建模與渲染。實習結束 後以工讀生身分續留唐草設計,協助設計師進行專案。 During the summer internship in NDD Design from Jul. 2019 to Aug. 2019, I mainly participated in the prophase of product design projects, including market research and ideation. On another hand, I was also in charged of some 3D modelings and renderings of projects. After internship, I continuely acted as the part-time worker in NDD Design.
NDD internship and part-time worker
- A set of furnitures designed for both human and pets 實習階段第一個接觸到的專案是以 " 共好 " 作為訴求的寵物用品設計。而所謂共好意旨為彼此創造價 值,那彼此之間的價值到底又是什麼呢?對於從來沒有飼養過寵物的我來說是無法想像的畫面,於是 在設計初期,就投入大部分的時間研究寵物與飼主之間的相處模式。過程中從設計問卷開始,希望透 過問卷了解飼主與寵物之間的關係,進而找出設計重點。 The first project I participated in the internship was to design a series of pet supplies for building up more relationship between pets and human. However, I did not have any experience of having a pet, as a result it was difficult for me to imagine it. So in the prophase, I spent a lot of time to study how pets get along with human. First, I utilized questionnaire to survey the relationship between them, then tried to find out the keypoint for building up relationship.
- Create more interaction in their daily live 在調查後發現,寵物飼主之間的一項重要關係就是 " 陪伴 ",但這樣的陪伴關 係是不能強制創造的,因此希望透過創造 " 共同的生活空間 ",讓彼此在自然 的生活中也能達到陪伴的效果。最終的產品形式也以傢俱作為載體,創造一 系列屬於兩方的共好傢俱。 After survey, I found an important relationship between pets and human that was "company", and this relationship was unable to force. Thus I decided to create a co-living space for more interaction between pets and human in their daily life. Finally, I chose furniture as my design target, I designed a series of furnitures for both pets and human.
NDD internship and part-time worker
- integrate the semanic of existing product lines 在二個接觸的專案為雄雞燈具的現有產品整合專案。希望以統一的視覺系統與材質結構整合現有的產品線,其 中包括不同種類的公共燈具,如地磚燈、壁燈;立燈等品項。在發展初期,從品牌定位開始規劃,並同時進行 競爭者分析,為雄雞燈具找出適合的發展方向與風格定位。 The second project I participated in the internship was Rooster's brand CIS integration. Rooster wanted to integrate the existing product lines by using the same visual system and texture or structure. The existing product lines had various items, including ground lamp, wall lamp, and floor lamp, etc. In the prophase, I began with definiting brand image and making competitors' analysis, in order to find the best development direcrion and style definition for Rooster.
- Proposals for future development 在方向整合後,以品牌現有基礎技術 " 板金彎折 " 作為統一 元素。將鈑金件做為主體,配合不同的品向作出調整。並提 出以 " 模組化 " 作為未來發展方向,可設計各產品線的共同 核心單元,以降低製造成並創造多樣的組合模式。 After idea integration , we decided to use Rooster's basical manufacturing method "sheet metal bending" as the unified feature. And set up a modular system by using the same components among all product lines, in order to lower the cost of manufacture. On the other hand, modular system could also create various combination modes.
NDD internship and part-time worker
- Assist 3D modeling and rendering 實習期間也曾協助過金屬中心與唐草設計合作的口內掃描 機 3D 建模與渲染。工讀期間則主要負責專案之 3D 產品 渲染與協助工作。 In the internship, I also assisted 3D modeling and rendering in the project of mouth scanner by Metal Center and NDD Design. In the period of part-time worker in NDD Design, I was mainly in charge of 3D rendering and assisted designers in projects.
QGR-506 旋出式修正帶系列組圖渲染 oval / NDD Design
NDD internship and part-time worker
商業機密無法公開 Trade secrets
Part-time worker in Qfort
Part-time worker 前沿量子科技研究中心為成功大學之新創單位,工讀期間主要 負責中心形象整合設計。曾負責中心形象影片拍攝與剪輯、中 心 logo 動畫製作、中心大廳 logo 裝置設計、名片設計、網頁 製圖等設計工作。 Qfort (Quantum Frontiers of Research and Technology) is a startup orginization in NCKU, when in the part-time period I was mainly in charge of brand CIS design. The works included centre image film, centre logo animation, logo decoration in centre lobby, business card design, graphic design for website, etc.
Part-time worker in Qfort
- Logo decoration in lobby 將中心 logo 拆解拆解為多個單位,以高 低層次交疊出立體的空間感。 Seperated Qfort logo into several parts, utilized higher and lower levels to create a stereoscopic space.
- Graphic design for website 以科技相關元素作為主要風格,製作網頁所需圖面。 Use technology relative elements as the main feature, and design pictures for Qfort website.
Part-time worker in Qfort
- Logo animation and centre image film 工讀期間因工作需求開始接觸動畫製作與影片剪輯。Logo 動畫製作嘗試將量子科技的形象視覺化,創造新穎 的科技感。而形象影片主要為中心空間介紹,從施工過程開始至完工後的空間導覽,呈現不同視角的中心影像。 Because of the demand of work I started to learn the field of animation and film editing. The theme of animation was to visualize the image of quamtum technology, trying to create a novel technical style. And the image film was about the centre's space, from the record of construction progress to final finished space to show the different part of Qfort's new space.
2020 NCKU ID graduation exhibition curator
Exhibition curator 在成功大學工業設計系畢業展覽 _2020 中擔任展覽策展人,以 " 增進觀展者與學生之交流 " 作為展覽目標,執行空間規劃與視 覺呈現設計。 In the NCKU ID graduation exhibition, we set up a goal of increasing the interaction opportunity between visitors and students. In order to reach the goal, we made a new space plan and presentation way that differ from the traditional graduation exhibition.
2020 NCKU ID graduation exhibition curator
- Less information for more interaction 在展場中,我們除去了過往大面展牆所呈現的海量資訊,取而代之的是吊掛的說明牌、 自製的酷卡或是小書等。我們希望以更多元的方式呈現作品,讓觀展者不只是被動的接 收資訊,而是主動的參與這個展覽。 In our exhibition, instead of putting huge amount of informations on the wall, we used another way to show our works, like hanging cards on the ceiling, or putting kukas and portfolio on the cube. We wanted to create various kind of experience for visitors, let them not only passively receive informations but actively participate in this exhibition.
2020 NCKU ID graduation exhibition curator
- Create intersection between we and visitors 除了各組的作品資訊之外,我們也在空間中設置了許多互動的小卡。小卡上放著各組想 要傳達給觀展者的資訊,可能是一個問題,可能是自己這一年來的想法,或是作品相關 的議題。希望透過這樣的互動機制為觀展者與我們之間建立起更多交集,創造出更多的 交流機會。 Beside the informations about our works, we also set up many interactive cards in the space. The words written on the card is the informations we want to deliver to the visitors, maybe it is a question, or our thought about about this year, or the issue about our works. We want to create more intersection between we and visitors and build up more communication through these cards.
- See the inner information through filter tool 互動小卡上的資訊分為兩層,第一層的資訊可直接看見,但第二層的 資訊需要透過濾淨才能看見。 The informations on the card are seperated into two layers, the first layer can be seen directly, but if you want to see the second layer you have to put on the filter to figure out it.
Sketch Modeling Rendering
Nature Creatures
The PanthĂŠon solidworks, keyshot, photoshop 142
Shark Boat solidworks, keyshot, photoshop 144
Cross Peeler solidworks, keyshot, photoshop
BYE. 146