Coming? The Warrantless ‘Security Check’ of Your Home

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Coming? The Warrantless ‘Security Check’ of Your Home Eric Peters 1. November 20, 2011 What will we say when the government announces that “for security reasons” it will begin conducting random checks of our homes? That we will be required by law to open our doors and stand aside while government agents do a walk-through, just to “be sure” and (of course) “to keep us safe”? It is a serious question, not (as I will be accused of purveying) exaggerated or paranoiac. After all, we are already told specifically that we have no legal expectation of privacy when we’re out in public and it’s been implicit for years now that we have very little left in the way of Fourth Amendment rights anywhere – even in our own homes. See, for example, the recent Indiana Supreme Court decision that a homeowner has no right to resist even an illegal, warrantless and probable cause-free entry by cops. A cop, possibly psychotic, without doubt armed and packing the state’s authority to administer lethal violence – can literally kick in your door, for absolutely no lawful reason whatsoever – and if the homeowner resists, it is the homeowner who is in violation of The Law. If, say, you are asleep in bed and are awakened suddenly by the sound of your door being kicked in and you – fearing for your life – grab the pistol you keep by your bed and shoot the unknown berserker, it’s you who will go to prison!“We believe,” said these latter-day Roland Freislers, that “… a right to resist an unlawful police entry into a home is against public policy and is incompatible with modern Fourth Amendment jurisprudence.” (Italics added) “We also find that allowing resistance unnecessarily escalates the level of violence and therefore the risk of injuries to all parties involved without preventing the arrest.”And of course, we are told that we must Submit and Obey at airports. But that is hardly the end of it. As predicted, submission training is being expanded to bus stations and Interstates. The Department of Homeland Security is deploying its VIPR (Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response) squads of khaki-clad, sidearm-wearing, black shirted American SA all over this land for the sole purpose of further routinizing random, probable cause-free searches and, of course, assaults on what used to be regarded by most people as their inviolable personal space. Get people to accept crotch grabs and they will soon accept anything. The government knows this – which is precisely why the government is doing this. There is simply no rational reason, for example, to herd people leaving a train or bus into a gantlet of cops for a session of Submit and Obey. Yet this has been done – is being done – and will continue to be done. Because it acclimates people to the unreasonable, the unfair – the abusive. It is the whole point of the exercise, you see. Read full article

Saying no: Sheriffs fed up with worsening federal interference, bureaucracy J. D. Heyes 1. Natural News November 20, 2011 (NaturalNews) Adding a new wrinkle to the phrase, “I’m mad as hell, and I’m not taking it anymore,” several California sheriffs, as well as one from Oregon, say they aren’t cowtowing to the federal leviathan anymore. Last month, at the Yreka fairgrounds in northern California, the sheriffs – who, of course, are elected by the people – gathered with a large group to discuss what to do about Big Brother and his consistent meddling in state and local affairs. Speaking of the federal bureaucracy, Plumas County (California) Sheriff Greg Hagwood declared, “A giant has been awakened, and they didn’t count on that.” One by one the sheriffs recounted their experiences with an ever-encroaching federal government, whether from the aspect of emergency management, the foisting upon local jurisdictions of federal mandates, or the passage of federal statutes which many now feel run roughshod over state and local governments, inhibiting their ability to mold their own laws and policies around the needs of their respective populations. “I had spent a good part of my life enforcing the penal code, but not understanding my oath of office,” Sheriff Dean Wilson of Del Norte (Sacramento) County told the group. “I was ignorant and naive, but now I know of the assault against our people by the federal government,” he said, receiving some of the loudest and longest applause of the gathering. Event host Sheriff John Lopey of Siskiyou (California) County said one of

his biggest pet peeves was the federal government’s everincreasing environmental regulations. “I have told federal and state officials over and over that, yes, we want to preserve the environment, but you care more about the fish, frogs, trees and birds than you do about the human race. When will you start to balance your decisions to the needs of the people? We are right now in a fight for our survival,” he said. No one makes the case better that the county sheriff is the real supreme law of the land than former Arizona sheriff Richard Mack. Speaking at the event, Mack says the word is beginning to get around. “It’s becoming a national movement now,” Mack said, noting he planned to announce in January a national education movement that he anticipates will draw about 200 sheriffs from around the country. “The county sheriff is the last line of defense guarding our people’s liberty,” he said.

TSA Claims X-ray Scanners are Safe as Europe Bans Scanners for ‘Health, Safety’ Anthony Gucciardi November 20, 2011 The European Union has decided to ban all X-ray scanners from EU airports in order to protect the health and safety of EU citizens, yet the TSA still claims that the scanners are completely safe. The ban comes after the recent media outburst regarding the 1998 report that linked the Xray scanners to cancer. The report found that the machines could be causing 100 cases of cancer per year conservatively. It is quite clear that the TSA is clinging on to the X-ray scanners for dear life, while the EU is taking the appropriate steps in protecting the health of travelers. This is evidenced by how differently the two governing bodies responding to the X-ray scanner cancer issue. The European Union, following the news that the scanners are causing a threat to public health, decided to address the threat by removing the scanners. The European Commission issued a press release on November 14th calling for members of the European Union to remove X-ray scanners from its airports to avoid risking “citizens’ health and safety.” The United States on the other hand, went back on a promise to launch an independent safety into the machines. Instead of commissioning the independent review, TSA administrator John Pistole has declared a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) ‘draft’ that focuses primarily on the upkeep

and maintenance of the machines to be sufficient evidence that the machines are safe. The draft has not yet been released, though Pistole assures the American people that it is very conclusive and reassuring. In fact, Pistole actually states that it is his ‘belief’ that the scanners are safe during a Senate hearing that was to be centered around hard evidence regading X-ray scanner safety. ‘My strong belief is those types of machines are still completely safe,’ Pistole said. ‘If the determination is that this IG study is not sufficient, then I will look at still yet another additional study.’ Of course there is hard evidence that the machines are posing a risk to the health of citizens, just as the European Union has stated. The scanners admittedly use ionizing radiation, which is known to cause DNA damage as well as cancer. The 1998 estimate of 100 cancer cases per year as a result of the body scanners is most likely far below the real numbers, considering that the radiation level of the machines was oftentimes found to be “10 times more” than expected. It is quite outlandish how the TSA still expects citizens to blindly accept their lack of evidence on the supposed safety of the machines in place of the real evidence highlighting the powerful dangers. Explore More: TSA Backs Off Independent X-Ray Scanner Safety Test Knowing Truth Came Out in 1998 Government Ignored 1998 Report Finding up to 100 Cancer Deaths from TSA Naked Body Scanners Per Year Naked Body Scanners | 5 Most Health and Privacy Damaging Aspects Radiation Scientists Speak Out Against Naked Body Scanners New Government Regulations Signify Crackdown on Natural Health

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