Crony capitalism: The real culprit inAmerica`s economic nightmare.

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Crony capitalism: The real culprit in America`s economic nightmare. Scott Biddulph , Conservative Examiner November 15, 2011 What is crony capitalism? Is it in any way related to real capitalism and what does it entail? These are questions we as Americans should look at and gain an understanding of the true definitions. Crony Capitalism: A description of capitalist society as being based on the close relationships between businessmen and the state. Instead of success being determined by a free market and the rule of law, the success of a business is dependent on the favoritism that is shown to it by the ruling government in the form of tax breaks, government grants and other incentives (, 2011) Why is it so important that we understand the meaning of this term? Because it is being thrown around in the news and many of our fellow citizens do not understand the definition. The left claims that crony capitalism is a direct and unavoidable result of the free market; they believe that only stiff regulation by government can stop crony capitalism. The Marxist believes that the government should own all industry and that would stop crony capitalism. Both groups have a basic inability to believe in people`s capacity to make good decisions and in the ability of people to self govern. Advertisement The Republican party--in regard to the RINO`s and moderates--has also participated in this nasty little game. During the Clinton years, when the Republican revolution took place, moderate Republicans did not like what Newt Gingrich and other conservatives were doing and they got rid of that problem. The

conservative wing of the Republican Party sought out to rid our government of corruption, over spending, and back door deals; Newt did not help matters with his affair, and, with his personal issues in the forefront-- the Republican leadership was lost. In 2006, the Democrats took full power in the House and Senate; they held the purse strings, they held control of the committees, and they are absolutely responsible for the housing crash. This is an indisputable fact if one wished to watch the hours of video evidence of Democrats--in their own words--denying a housing crash was eminent due to Freddie & Fannie. Had the Democrats approached Bush with legislation to fix the problem looming on the horizon--he would have signed it. They were up to their eyeballs in crony capitalism with Freddie and Fannie; therefore, they did nothing to stop the looming problems. Take a moment of you time and just Google crony capitalism; not only will you see definitions and information on its history, but you will see current news stories as well. The “Occupy” movement began with the intention of addressing crony capitalism. If they would have remained organized, civil, and stayed out of bed with the nuts on the left--they may have succeeded in carrying an important message; however, they decided to bed with socialists, Marxists, racists, and all other manor of vagrants--Occupy has been completely discredited at this point. One of the headlines on Drudge yesterday was a story about one of these detestable animals defecating in the street; I cannot take anything these “leeched on the ass of society” say seriously. The jackass in the video squats to defecate on the curbside right in front of the morning traffic--what the hell can they expect decent human beings to think when they behave like that? How about this: Occupy a damn bathroom you jerk! What we are seeing from Obama right now is a push to borrow more money to fund his electorate. He needs a job bill that will fund teachers, union members (SEIU), and other public sector employees and jobs. He has never in his Presidency proposed anything to help the private sector--he does not care. The media is a complicate propaganda machine for the Democrats and Obama; and finally, the Senate majority (Democrats) know they can`t

pass his bill without paying for it at the polls in November 2012. So, what do they do? They put out this ridiculous notion that Republicans are stopping Obama`s jobs bill?? People, they don`t have the votes to stop it!! This is a damn lie--period. Obama is the quintessential crony capitalist. He rewards those companies who suck up to him and his campaign efforts with tax payer dollars and other government goodies. He spent most of the 2 trillion dollar stimulus package rewarding his buddies in the private and public sectors. Don`t believe it? Look it up for yourself, its public record where most of the money went. The term “Too big to fail� is horse hockey!! Those businesses should have been allowed to fall on their asses--Republicans were guilty as well. The private sector and the free markets would have consumed the market gap and it would have adjusted back to smaller companies. The Democrats and Republicans both needed to save their big buddies in the auto industry and the banks as well as take care of union members. Yes folks, we are pissed off, we are raising up grass roots organizations like the Tea Party to fix this problem and we will prevail in 2012; however, we must pull together as Americans and see that Democrats and RINO Republicans are the enemy--government is the enemy--not your fellow citizen and certainly not the rich!

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