Dr. Mary’s Monkey, Unannounced DHS Checkpoints, Iowa Aaron Dykes Infowars News January 5, 2012 Tonight’s Thursday, January 5, 2012 edition of the 1. Infowars Nightly News, Alex Jones interviews Edward Haslam, author of Dr. Mary’s Monkey, which sheds light on a fascinating angle of the JFK assassination that shows links between accused patsy Lee Harvey Oswald and covert cancer research conducted by the CIA in attempt to weaponize disease that was taking place behind the scenes in the New Orleans area. Tangled in the story are Oswald’s reputed mistress, Judyth Vary Baker, alleged-co-conspirator David Ferrie, who first met Oswald in the Civil Air Patrol, and Dr. Mary Sherman, a physician at the Ochsner Clinic. Co-host Rob Dew will cover news for the day, including calls from the former head of the Secret Service to establish a ‘global e-mail fusion center’ that would effectively be capable of tracking and tracing all private mail sent over the Internet– in the name, of course, of stopping terrorism. Reports show that Homeland Security conducted an unannounced ID checkpoint at a Florida social security office, refusing to explain to the media or Florida officials the rationale behind the heavily-armed “drill.” “With their blue and white SUVs circled around the Main Street office, at least one official was posted on the door with a semiautomatic rifle, randomly checking identifications. And other officers, some with K-9s, sifted through the building,” reported the Daily Commercial. In the wake of Mitt Romney’s dramatic close finish in Iowa, Rob Dew will put together a number of
reports on anomalies during the Iowa caucus voting process, with focus on Clinton County, where a ‘computer glitch’ reportedly delayed a vote count. Audio from the head of Clinton County Republican Women’s Club gives us some important information on this issue. Put that into perspective with lax voter ID requirements, reports that lights went out during vote tallies, the reported secret vote counting locations, letters from our readers (that will be covered by Dew) and much more. Other news focuses on various cases in the ever-escalating war on food & medicine, with FritoLay now facing a lawsuit alleging that it deceptively marketed 1. genetically-modified snack foods as “all natural.” Meanwhile, the British Medical Journal published a study that shows many drug manufacturers have been found to frequently leave out inconvenient data when publishing trial results. Meanwhile, GlaxoSmithKline was fined $400,000 pesos by an Argentine judge after 14 babies died during illegal lab vaccine trials conducted between 2007 and 2008. Finally, the EU is planning to add a VAT tax to food, putting even greater pressure on families dealing with the rising costs of paying for essentials. The TSA continues to face not only opposition to its policies from travelers, but from credible critics as well. Dr. Edward Dauer, head of radiology at the Florida Medical Center, has come forward to warn that the controversial body scanners used at airport checkpoints can cause cancer, particularly affecting those over age 65, as well as women of all age who’ve been found with genetic predisposition to developing breast cancer. Alex Jones interviews Edward Haslam, author of Dr. Mary's Monkey 1-5-12 VIDEO BELOW http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HbAVHuUhEmQ (Full) Infowars Nightly News for Thursday, January 5, 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNM3rOtSvKg
DHS Now Issuing Thousands of New Photo ID’s for ‘Voting Purposes’ Patrick Henningsen Infowars.com January 6, 2012 “As a nation, we will do everything in our power to protect our country. As Americans, we will never give in to fear or division. We will be guided by our hopes, our unity, and our deeply held values. That’s who we are as Americans … And we will continue to do everything that we can to keep America safe in the new year and beyond.” - Barrack Obama’s opening address for the Department of Homeland Security 2011 Budget Report The Orwellian overtones could not be more ominous. Contrary to Obama’s moral decree, America is already ten years into its latest social experiment – making fear and division its premier business. One of the true hallmarks of any successful police state is a compulsory national ID. On this score, Janet Napolitano’s Department of Homeland Security has officially taken up challenge of making sure that no American will be left without one. Tennessee provided the launchpad for this new DHS police state project, but like anything with the DHS, it’s hard to actually pinpoint whose banner it is actually run under. Originally conceived under the Bush Administration in November 2002, supposedly in response to the attacks of September 11, 2011 and the dubious anthrax attacks (both these events have not been proven to be carried out by foreign agents), the DHS along with its stepchild the TSA, have become a bottomless pit of federal and grant money, who’s only achievement to date has been to instigate increased control and monitoring of the US domestic population – bullying its way through the legislative branch at the same time as the USA PATRIOT Act.
The new DHS national ID card program was officially rolled out this week in the state of Tennessee. From January 1st, 2012, ID cards are longer optional, they are the law. The new state law requires that all Tennessee citizens must present a federal or state-issued photo ID in order to vote at the polls. The law also requires the DHS to issue photo IDs for voting purposes – at no charge. Residents appear to have given in without any serious fight, giving a new dimension to the state’s lofty moniker as a “Volunteer State”. The program was quietly ushered in earlier in 2011, as reported today by Tennessee journal Clarksville Online: The Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security today announced that 9,492 photo IDs had been issued for voting purposes from July 1st through December 31st, 2011. The vast majority (8,989) of those issued were non-photo driver licenses converted into photo driver licenses, while 503 were original photo identification cards. If Tennessee passes another state law making the new ID cards a prerequisite for voting, which the current trajectory of this legislation seems to be aimed towards, then other states could follow suit, making it illegal to cast one’s vote without this new generation DHS Federal ID Card. Notice here that the DHS has successfully embedded itself as a local franchise in each state – making initiatives like this latest voter ID card in Tennessee look and feel like a localized state program. This ID program is being rolled out under the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security. Rather than looking like a federal DHS project, this police state measure effectively delivers a fully federally mechanized ID card scheme – under the perceived banner of a state mandate. Clever. Since its inception, the DHS has grown into one of the largest and most expensive federal bureaucracies on the planet, costing the country an estimated $57 billion. But the DHS isn’t like any of its other federal department or branch military forerunners. It is what one might describe as the “Haliburton’ of federal agencies, whose apparent role is to ‘reorganize’ federal and state emergency services, coordinate logistics, streamline interdepartmental communications and work out 1. Critical Infrastructure Protection. All this has been orchestrated and paid for under the assumption that, before Sept 11th, all these federal responsibilities were not being looked after, highlighting the need for a new layer of federal bureaucracy and making a
number of existing federal bodies – including the FBI, all but redundant. For all intensive purposes, like any other 21st century federal security program, this brave new idea was purposefully constructed around a feeling of national fear and division – the same one that Obama was unknowingly(or knowingly) alluding to in that DHS budget address. The police state and big brother implications of this type of statesponsored ID roll-out are quite evident. Already, all new US passports issued after 2008 are fitted with an RFID chip inside, allowing authorities to track and trace the movements of any US citizen over borders and through transit depots. It would only be a matter of time before this same feature would be implemented in the DHS national ID card. No doubt also, that some right wing xenophobic tendencies towards illegals can be used by government officials and media in order to sell the benefits of a voterfriendly ID card. “The Iowa caucus is over, and the presidential primary season is in full swing. Tennessee’s presidential primary will be here before you know it, so I strongly encourage anyone who doesn’t already have a valid photo ID to get one as soon as possible,” Said Tennessee’s Secretary of State Tre Hargett. Tying these mandatory ID cards to voting will ensure that the program sticks, but this latest divisive move in Tennessee should be viewed by citizens of the Volunteer State, and Americans elsewhere too, as a step backwards in terms of rights and liberty. Local liberty organizations around the country should mobilize now, in order to head-off a complete rout by the DHS of the our polling and democratic system. Once their system is in place, it will be near impossible to dismantle.
Exclusive: Charlotte Iserbyt Reveals Skull & Bones and the Destruction of America Aaron Dykes Infowars.com January 6, 2012 “Education is a weapon whose effects depend on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.” Joseph Stalin in an interview with H.G. Wells, 1934 Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt served as the head of policy at the Department of Education during the first administration of President Reagan, and has since become a treasure trove for a wealth of information on the secret agendas working against America– not the least of which is the secret society Skull and Bones– as well as a coordinated plan to undermine education, eradicate individualism and brainwash the masses to create a subservient population ruled by the super-elite. Last year, Infowars researchers conducted many hours of exclusive interviews with Charlotte Iserbyt at her home in Maine, including a thorough examination of many archive documents never before seen by the public, forgotten books with important hidden history and other relics, and even the official membership lists from Yale’s Skull & Bones rosters- which Iserbyt herself leaked to the public through author Antony Sutton. Infowars then released two video presentations, both of which have been among the most detailed, researched and significant that this website has released– the first on the Secret History of Western Education, and the second, Secrets of Skull & Bones Revealed. Charlotte Iserbyt - Skull and Bones, The Order at Yale Revealed (Full) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29QV_GNMt3Q IN PARTS ON THEALEXJONES CHANNEL: 1. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 Video production by Alex Jones (PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com) October 2011, Length 58:01 Charlotte & her team took the time and effort to release of a full transcript of the first of those interviews, here re-titled America’s Road to Ruin and available for free download via PDF (Download PDF). Together, with the exclusive PrisonPlanet.tv interview, it is the ultimate research companion to share with friends, family, colleagues and contacts so they can understand the truth about our world.
Now, Charlotte Iserbyt has re-issued and revised her seminal work, The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, a book replete with a lifetime of study aimed at behind the scenes manipulation of America’s schools– aimed at re-engineering the future of the United States. With the hope of putting that information in the hands of all patriotic Americans, Iserbyt has worked long hours from retirement to condense that information and re-print this essential work in a presentable format that anyone can read. Psychological techniques of domination. Secret mergers with the Soviet Union. A plan to dumb down the people and destroy the U.S. economy It’s all documented, but it’s something you were never told in the classroom, on television, or in the political arena.
REVISED & REPRINTED: THE DELIBERATE DUMBING DOWN OF AMERICA Get Your Copy at Infowars.com The revised and abridged edition of the deliberate dumbing down of america is the updated and smaller version of Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt’s original, now out of print, masterpiece about the American education system. This revised and abridged edition is Internet interactive and allows you to access the abridged material online. Most importantly, it includes a new “Update” chapter which covers the long-planned institutionalization of three new activities that have occurred since the publication of the original book in 1999. Author Charlotte Iserbyt is the ultimate whistle blower. As former Senior Policy Advisor in the U.S. Department of Education, she blew the whistle in the `80s on government activities withheld from the public. Her inside knowledge will help you protect your children from controversial educational methods and programs. This book is organized as a chronological history of the past 100+ years of education reform. Each chapter takes a period of history and recounts the significant events, including important geopolitical and societal contextual information. Citations from government plans, policy documents, and key writings by leading reformers record the rise of the modern education reform movement. Americans of all ages will welcome this riveting expose of what really happened to what was once the finest education system in the world.
The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America: Revised and Abridged Edition exposes how American social engineers have systematically gone about destroying the intellect of millions of American children for the purpose of leading the American people into a socialist world government controlled by behavioral and social scientists. It documents the gradual decline of our once academically successful education system into one devoted to training compliant children to be used by government and industry. The successful implementation of this fascistsocialist philosophy of education will spell the end of the American dream of individual freedom and opportunity. This powerful book will change forever the way you look at your child’s education.
The Secret History of Western Education: The Scientific Destruction of Minds America’s Road to Ruin (Download PDF) Transcript of Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt speaking on the Secret History of Western Education: the Scientific Destruction of Minds DOWNLOAD PDF TRANSCRIPT HERE IN PARTS ON 1. THEALEXJONESCHANNEL: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 Video production by Alex Jones (PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com) May 2011; Length 1:14:50. Transcript of Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt speaking on the Secret History of Western Education: the Scientific Destruction of Minds Download PDF Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt served as the head of policy at the Department of Education during the first administration of [President] Ronald Reagan. While working there she discovered a long-term strategic plan by the tax-free foundations to transform America from a nation of rugged individualists and problem solvers to a country of servile, brainwashed minions who simply regurgitate what- ever they are told. We now present to you the Secret History of Western Education: the Scientific Destruction of Minds. Onscreen text: On November 25, 1910, Andrew Carnegie established a 10 million dollar endowment to “hasten the abolition of international war, the foulest blot upon our civilization,”.
He selected a board of 28 trustees and directed them to use, “the widest discretion as to measures and policies they shall from time to time adopt,” in carrying out the purpose of the fund. In the early 1950s, the Reece Commission led by Norman Dodd, uncovered minutes from the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace dated 1910. Charlotte Iserbyt [reading from Lines of Credit: Ropes of Bondage by Robert H. Goldsborough (Washington Dateline Publishers, Baltimore, Maryland, 1989)]: The minutes reveal that in 1910 the Carnegie trustees asked themselves this question: “Is there any way known to man more effective than war to so alter the life of an entire people?” For a year the trustees sought an effective “peace- ful” method to “alter the life of an entire people”; but ultimately, they concluded that war was the most effective way to change people. Charlotte Iserbyt: The Miseducation of America Part 1-Full http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezTIYd5UFRY 1. DOWNLOAD PDF TRANSCRIPT HERE Iserbyt: World War I — horrible [15 million deaths and 20 million wounded] — made every other war look like nothing!… They sent a confidential message to President Wilson insisting that the war not be ended too quickly. After the war the Carnegie Endowment trustees reasoned if they could get control of education in the United States, they would be able to prevent a return to the way of life as it had been prior to the war; and they recruited the Rockefeller Foundation to assist in such a monumental task. Iserbyt: [reading quote from Bertrand Russell’s The Impact of Science on Society (Columbia U. Press, 1951)]: “Education should aim at destroying free will so that pupils thus schooled, will be incapable throughout the rest of their lives of thinking or acting otherwise than as their schoolmasters would have wished. . . . Influences of the home are obstructive; and in order to condition students, verses set to music and re- peatedly intoned are very effective. . . . It is for a future scientist to make these maxims precise and to discover exactly how much it costs per head to make children believe that snow is black. When the technique has been perfected, every
government that has been in charge of education for more than one generation will be able to control its subjects securely without the need of armies or policemen.” Onscreen clip of a 1930s era instructor lecturing teachers: “Young people cannot be trusted to form their own opinion. It’s our job to tell them!” I had never intended to become involved in the battle that all of us are involved in. I had no idea anything was wrong with the way the country was going as I was growing up. Even during my foreign service experience [I was basically unaware of the strange direction in which our nation was being directed] I found myself mysteriously — (I would say the good Lord works in wondrous ways) — being put in spots, around the world or in my country, where extraordinary things were taking place under the guise of “change.” We’ve all heard that so much; from the Obama administration, Bill Clinton — he was the first one to mention “change agents,” etc. For some reason I was plucked out. I found myself being sort of pushed. My name is Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt. My maiden name is Thomson. My husband, who I want to give great credit to at this point, was Belgian, from the Flemish part of Belgium. I met him — I’ll explain that later — in Europe when I was working at the Embassy in Brussels. Without my late husband’s help throughout the last [40] years, certainly when we came back to Maine [in 1970], my work never would have happened . . . He had been highly educated in Europe and he understood the whole plan! In fact, about five years after we had come back to the United States someone gave me Gary Allen’s book None Dare Call It Conspiracy. I was on the school board [in Camden, Maine] and this lady called me. She loved the work I was doing on the school board READ FULL TRANSCRIPT IN PDF FORM HERE.