Iranian Terror “Mastermind” Described as Drunk, Pothead, Hooker Frequenting “Joke” Steve Watson October 13, 2011 Scatterbrained used car salesman selected as patsy by Feds The already 1. dubious “Iranian” terror plot to assassinate a Saudi ambassador and blow up the Saudi and Israeli embassies in Washington, continues to unravel into farce with the revelation that the so called “mastermind” behind the plot is a failed used car salesman described by those who know him as a “joke”. While The Justice Department is hyping the notion that 56-yearold Iranian-born U.S. citizen Manssor Arbabsiar was participating in a dastardly Iranian plot to kill Saudi Arabia’s U.S. ambassador, details have emerged that make the already farcical case look like a badly scripted comedy. Local media in Austin and San Antonio spoke to several of Arbabsiar’s acquaintances in Round Rock and Corpus Christi, who described him in most unflattering terms, saying that they doubt Arbabsiar could have had any meaningful involvement in the supposed international ploy. “He used to drink, smoke pot, go with the prostitutes,” Tom Hosseini, an Iranian who has known Arbabsiar since college, told reporters, adding “His first wife left him because he would lose his keys every other day. This guy is not a mastermind.” Hosseini also told reporters that in college Arbabsiar earned the nickname ‘”Jack” for his affinity for whisky, confirming that he wasn’t in any way religious and that “he couldn’t even pray, doesn’t know how to fast.” Describing Arbabsiar as rude, offensive and unfriendly, others noted that he was a “floundering” businessman who at various points had tried his hand in running a restaurant, a convenience store and a used car lot. “He was pretty disorganised, always losing things like keys, titles, probably a thousand cell phones,” David Tomscha, who ran the small used-car yard with him, said. “He wasn’t meticulous with taking care of things.” “He never spoke ill of the United States,” Mr Tomscha added. “I always thought he liked it here, because he could make money. He loved to make money.”
Arbabsiar, who has a history of run ins with the law and minor criminal offences, was described in other accounts as having a preoccupation with traveling to Iran in order to procure the services of cheap Persian prostitutes. Another local acquaintance, Mitch Hamueen, scoffed at the DOJ suggestion that “Chevrolet” was a code word for the alleged terror operation. “He probably wasn’t talking in code, he was probably talking about an actual Chevrolet,” he said. “He’s the fall guy,” Hamueen said. “They’re looking for a fall guy.” Reporters also spoke with Arbabsiar’s apparently estranged wife who told them “I know that his innocence is going to come out.” The Obama administration contends that Arbabsiar tried to hire assassins from a Mexican drug gang to carry out the murder of ambassador Adel al-Jubeir during a visit to the United States. However, the head of the drug gang turned out to be a DEA agent posing as a Mexican Los Zetas gangster. The story has all the hallmarks of classic FBI entrapment tactics that have characterized almost every major terror bust in recent times. Nevertheless, Everyone from Hillary Clinton to John Kerry has pounced on the allegations, suggesting there is a wider conspiracy, that sanctions should be placed on Iran, and that even further action should not be ruled out. US warns of "serious" consequences for Iran WQ It remains thoroughly unclear why members of the Iranian elite Quds Force would select a bumbling scatterbrained halfwit to communicate with hardcore Mexican drug gangs and carry out an assassination inside the U.S. Related: FBI Insider: Obama Administration Likely Manufactured Dubious Terror Plot
Wheels Come Off Phony Iran Terror Plot Kurt Nimmo October 13, 2011 The bogus plot cooked up by the FBI and DEA to frame a used car dealer and claim he tried to set up an assassination plot at the behest of Iran’s Quds is coming apart at the seams. Hillary Mann Leverett, a former official in the Bush administration, says the supposed plot makes no sense. Questions about the 'Alleged' Iranian plot...'Intentional Fraud?'
She should know something about the Iranians – Mann Leverett was Director for Iran, Afghanistan and Persian Gulf Affairs at the National Security Council in the Bush administration, served as Middle East expert on the Secretary of State’s Policy Planning Staff, and Political Advisor for Middle East, Central Asian and African issues at the U.S. Mission to the United Nations. “Ms. Leverett has published extensively on Iran as well as on other Middle Eastern, Central and South Asian, and Russian issues. She has spoken about U.S.-Iranian relations at Harvard, MIT, the National Defense University, NYU, the Norwegian Institute for International Affairs, and major research centers in China,” her bio states. Despite her expertise, the CNN teleprompter reader on duty at the time of her interview lamely attempts to dispute the claim that the Iranians would never engage in such pointless stupidity. Others are disputing this absurd terror plot as well. Afshon Ostovar, a senior analyst at the Center for Naval Analyses, went on NPR and to say the alleged attack “is … drastically out of step with [Quds] modus operandi” because carrying out an assassination “in the United States is unprecedented.” Working with a criminal drug cartel in Mexico is also unprecedented, Ostovar says. He is writing a book about Iran’s Revolutionary Guards. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton is consulting with allies in preparation for an attack on Iran – or at minimum a round of debilitating sanctions, although it should now be obvious the globalists who
run Obama prefer the former. The Germans have expressed reservations about the plot as related by the Justice Department, according to Spiegel. “Some doubts have been expressed in Washington about the Tehran government’s actual involvement,” said Gernot Erler, a Social Democratic Party lawmaker in parliament who specializes in foreign affairs. “I’d suggest we take those seriously.” Erler said it was “absolutely clear” that a confrontation would “enormously complicate” the activities of the Middle East quartet seeking to broker a peace deal between the Israelis and the Palestinians. In fact, this is exactly the point in addition to taking out Iran the same way Iraq was taken out and Syria will eventually be taken out despite its resistance. The neocon faction of the globalists have made it perfectly clear the idea is to reduce Islamic nations to Stone Age rubble in preparation for IMF and bankster fire sales and looting practices that pass in some quarters as free trade. Not all German politicians are as circumspect, however. Ruprecht Polenz, chairman of the German parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee and a member of Merkel’s Christian Democrats, said Iran has the “burden of proof” in the current showdown. “We shouldn’t act as if this assassination plot is just some sort of American fantasy,” he told Spiegel. Uusually, the accuser has the responsbility of providing the burden of proof, but all the normal rules of behavior changed following September 11, 2001.
Biden: Huge Increase In Murders And Rapes If Govt. Doesn’t Spend More Money To Help The Economy The Economic Collapse Thursday, October 13, 2011 An increasing number of politicians and celebrities are openly declaring that if the economy continues to decline, it could lead to civil unrest, more crime and outbreaks of violence all over America. But instead of loudly denouncing the coming violence, many of them are making it sound like the natural response for those that have lost hope in the economy is to resort to violence.This is extremely unfortunate. The truth is that violence is not the solution to any of our problems. Violence is only going to make things worse. But right now a lot of big names are warning that if significant changes are not made soon, the only alternative is going to be civil unrest and violence. In fact, one of the latest to make a bold declaration like this is Vice President Joe Biden. According to Biden, there are going to be a lot more rapes and a lot more murders if Congress does not pass Obama’s jobs plan. The following are comments that Biden made about Flint, Michigan during a recent speech he gave to promote the jobs bill…. “In 2008, when Flint had 265 sworn officers on their police force, there were 35 murders and 91 rapes in this city. In 2010, when Flint had only 144 police officers, the murder rate climbed to 65 and rapes–just to pick two categories–climbed to 229. In 2011, you now only have 125 shields. God only knows what the numbers will be this year for Flint if we don’t rectify it.” So is there some truth to what Biden is saying? Of course there is. Many of our cities are rapidly being transformed intohellholes where crime is rising dramatically. But instead of fixing the underlying problems, Biden is saying that if we don’t spend more federal money in these local communities we are going to havechaos in the streets.
Sadly, this sounds so much like what a lot of other prominent people have been saying lately. For example, Democratic strategist James Carville recently made national headlines when he told talk show host Don Imus that civil unrest is “imminently possible”…. “You know, look — this is a humanitarian — you know, you’re smart enough to see this . . . People, you know, if it continues, we’re going to start to see civil unrest in this country. I hate to say that, but I think it’s imminently possible.” Much more frightening is what Michael Moore recently told Keith Olbermann. The following is a comment that Michael Moore recently made during an interview on Current TV…. “The smart rich know they can only build the gate so high. And, and, sooner or later history proves that people when they’ve had enough aren’t going to take it anymore. And much better to deal with it nonviolently now, through the political system, than what could possibly happen in the future, which nobody wants to see” Even more bizarre is what Roseanne Barr had to say during a recent appearance on RT…. “I first would allow the guilty bankers to pay, you know, the ability to pay back anything over $100 million [of] personal wealth because I believe in a maximum wage of $100 million. And if they are unable to live on that amount of that amount then they should, you know, go to the reeducation camps and if that doesn’t help, then being beheaded” Are “reeducation camps” and acts of violent revenge going to solve any of our problems? Of course not. But this is a mindset that is growing. There are millions upon millions of Americans that are deeply suffering right now. The mainstream media is not telling them the truth about the economy and neither are our politicians. So the American people simply do not understand what is going on. That means that they are prime candidates to be drawn into radical protest movements. So far, the Occupy Wall Street protests have been non-violent, but that doesn’t mean that some of
the protesters do not have violence on their minds. For example, the following is what one speaker at the Occupy Los Angeles protests recently had to say about violence…. “One of the speakers said the solution is nonviolent movement. No, my friend. I’ll give you two examples: French Revolution, and Indian so-called Revolution. Gandhi, Gandhi today is, with respect to all of you, Gandhi today is a tumor that the ruling class is using constantly to mislead us. French Revolution made fundamental transformation. But it was bloody. India, the result of Gandhi, is 600 million people living in maximum poverty. So, ultimately, the bourgeoisie won’t go without violent means. Revolution! Yes, revolution that is led by the working class. Long live revolution! Long live socialism!” You can see video of these shocking comments right here. Back during the Great Depression, the American population did not resort to rioting and violenceBut times are different now. The American people have become addicted to endless prosperity, and now that things are going downhill they want someone to blame. As the economy continues to crumble, we are going to see some national “temper tantrums” that are going to be absolutely mind blowing. For even more on how anger and frustration are rising in America, please see an article I did the other day entitled: “Buckle Up: America Is Getting Very Angry And The Protests Are Going To Become Much More Frightening“. But let us not diminish in any way the very real pain and suffering that tens of millions of Americans are going through right now. About a million families a year are losing their homes, the number of good jobs continues to decline and many of our communities are rapidly turning into hellholes. Unfortunately, there are signs that things will soon get even worse for our local communities. For example, the largest county in Alabama is preparing for what would be the biggest municipal bankruptcy in the history of the United States.
And this is just the beginning. Hundreds of other state and local governments from coast to coast are on the verge of bankruptcy. The cry for bailouts from the federal government is going to get louder and louder, but the federal government has already piled up the biggest mountain of debt in the history of the world and there is only so much more debt that it can take on before our entire financial system collapses. All of the long-term trends are pointing to a total collapse of the economy. If you think that people are angry now, just wait until that happens. We are going to see outbreaks of rioting and looting and crime and violence that will be absolutely unprecedented. The American people are not morally equipped to handle a severe depression. We simply do not have the same character that previous generations possessed. We have gotten very soft and very spoiled and very selfish. But that doesn’t mean that there won’t be a remnant that will hold on to the truth and that will stand for what is right. When things are the darkest, that is when the greatest heroes are called for. Let us work together to wake up America, and let us continue shining a light in the darkness. We must work while it is still day, because night is coming soon..