Israel And Washington Are Sounding The Horns For Another War Saman Mohammadi The Excavator Tuesday, November 1, 2011 Nobody was surprised when the Obama administration announced that it will increase America’s military footprint in the Gulf in preparation for a future war against Iran. Leaving Iraq was a political stunt by President Obama to give a bone to his loyal voters ahead of the 2012 election. The people who bought this lie ought to be ashamed of themselves for not knowing even the slightest bit of history. Those with a grasp of grade school history know that invaders never leave a conquered country peacefully, they are always pushed out violently by the people they are oppressing. While U.S. troops are being moved around like doomed pawns on a chessboard, Israel is planning to attack Iran any day now. All it is waiting for is a gift from heaven, and if God doesn’t budge, then Israel’s maniacs will look to the gods in Washington to pull off the usual magic. General Pet over at the CIA, who has acted as a lapdog for Israel all these years, may come in handy in the next few months. Former CIA analyst Ray McGovern has warned on numerous occasions that the new CIA head is more subservient towards Israel and the crazy Neocons than former CIA head Leon E. Panetta. Two weeks ago, McGovern wrote in an article entitled, “Petraeus’s CIA Fuels Iran Murder Plot”: The public record also shows that former Gen. Petraeus has long been eager to please the neoconservatives in Washington and their friends in Israel by creating “intelligence” to portray Iran and other target countries in the worst light. One strange but instructive example comes to mind, a studied, if disingenuous, effort to blame all the troubles in southern Iraq on the “malignant” influence of Iran. On April 25, 2008, Joint Chiefs Chairman, Adm. Mike Mullen, told reporters that Gen. Petraeus in Baghdad would give a briefing “in the next couple of weeks” providing detailed
evidence of “just how far Iran is reaching into Iraq to foment instability.” Petraeus’s staff alerted U.S. media to a major news event in which captured Iranian arms in Karbala would be displayed and then destroyed. Oops. Small problem. When American munitions experts went to Karbala to inspect the alleged cache of Iranian weapons, they found nothing that could be credibly linked to Iran. It is a given by now that General Pet will grease the wheels of the media machine yet again and pump out Neocon propaganda that Iran is making nuclear weapons with the intent to strike Israel. But the propaganda won’t end there. On the international front, Israel is using its media muscle in an attempt to totally discredit Iran with new lies and fabricated plots. Richard Silverstein says that a new IAEA report that is due out sometime in November could provide Israel with a new propaganda edge, writing: There is much chatter about an expected IAEA report next month which, for obvious reasons, war hawks anticipate will provide proof that Iran is intensifying its efforts to turn its nuclear program to military, rather than civilian uses. It’s completely unclear to me how these pro-war, largely Likud and neocon oriented sources know what the report will contain unless it’s been leaked to them (which none of them have indicated is the case). On the domestic front, there is a White House policy of both isolating Iran and gassing it up. The effect of this propaganda policy is twofold. Iran is turned into a bloated evil balloon that is threatening other mild-mannered balloons in the crowded global sky, which leaves only one solution: war. Israel’s maniacs and Western politicians have loudly declared for years that the Iranian balloon needs to be popped in order to clear the air in the global room and protect the world from Islam. All this is possible because of the false global narratives that Israel, Washington and London have created about Iran, Islam, and International Terrorism. There are two main narratives about Iran. One, Iran is guilty of international terrorism and state-sponsored assassinations, and, second, Iran is a big bad wolf that wants to blow down the democracies that America is building in the Middle East. In order to reinforce these two narratives, Israel and Washington have created two new talking points in the last month. The first talking point is that Iran contacted a Mexican drug cartel to
carry out a hit against the Saudi Arabia ambassador to America in Washington. This lie aimed to isolate Iran. However, it went nowhere. But that failure doesn’t matter. Washington’s philosophy is that the more mud is thrown at Iran, the better, even if some of the slick mud doesn’t stick. Propaganda mud is thrown against Iran because it satisfies the Israeli maniacs as well as their dogs of war in America, and puts Iran on the defensive. So it is a double win in the double game that Washington is playing. The second talking point is that Iran won America’s war against Iraq. America’s move to temporarily get out of Iraq has been criticized for this reason. But it is a ridiculous lie that Iran won anything from the tragedy in Iraq other than popular support which was pretty much handed to them on a silver platter. I view Iran’s strong foothold in Iraq as a curse rather than a victory. Iraqi popular support for Iran will not last forever. It is a necessary friendship. If America leaves Iraq for good a nationalistic Iraq will step out of Iran’s Islamic shadow and reassert itself in the region. The main purpose of this “Iran won Iraq” lie is to build up the threat of Iran in the international imagination. It also implies that America must attack and destroy Iran in order to save its legacy of nation building in the Middle East. Preparing the road to war always begins with such ludicrous lies that invade the subconscious collective mind and mysteriously turn into historical fact. You may say America is losing credibility and trust. Or that America’s image has eroded because of the numerous lies it tells to the world. But the magic of America is that it can tell no lies. America is always the good guy. It defeated Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, two big enemies against democracy and freedom. And, in the minds of many, America is defending democracy and freedom today. America is still the God of this Earth. It can do whatever it wants. What is the Law to the God of Nations? Just bow down to America’s financial occupiers and accept Satan as your master. Satan is what we’re looking at when President Obama speaks. And before Obama, other
presidents voiced Satan’s will on the world stage. I have no doubt in my mind that we are living in the age of the Apocalypse, in the last days of a dead age. And only God can save the day. I’m not a Muslim or a Jew or a Christian. A couple of years ago, God was hardly on my mind. But I don’t see anyway else out of this hole. We either take Satan’s hand, who promises us the light, and accept the authoritarian new world order, or we place faith in God and come together to rebuild what has been destroyed by evil demons in power. Ultimately, world peace will be achieved. No regime will gain from the invasion and occupation of Iraq. And no regime will gain from an all out war in the Middle East. The American Emergency State will crash and burn. The American people will take back their government. Israel’s Zionist regime will destroy itself and Israel will transform into a nation that the Jewish people can be proud of. Iran’s Islamic Republic is medieval and can only survive if there is a persistent outside enemy. So once Zionism and the American empire are gone, the Iranian people can begin recreating their nation. A renewal is what all our nations need. All the unpopular regimes that are ruling us are doomed to collapse. And that would be the best outcome for us all.
UN passes Iran’s bid for nuke disarmament Press TV November 1, 2011 The UN General Assembly’s First Committee has endorsed an Iran-sponsored resolution on nuclear disarmament despite attempts by the US and the Israeli regime to kill the bid. The committee, which focuses on disarmament and international security issues, approved the resolution with 107 votes on October 31, despite strong opposition and negative campaigning by the US, the Tel Aviv regime as well as some European governments, IRNA reported. The resolution calls for the implementation of pledges made at the three most recent Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty review conferences. It also reiterates the urgency for a nuclear-free Middle East and demands that the Israeli regime must sign the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT). Israel, widely believed to be the sole possessor of a nuclear arsenal in the Middle East with over 200 undeclared nuclear warheads, pursues the policy of “deliberate ambiguity” for its nuclear program.
Syrian Domino: UN’s IAEA Claims Assad Regime Working on Nukes Kurt Nimmo November 1, 2011 The United Nations nuclear agency claims it has detected a previously unknown complex in Syria that leads the International Atomic Energy Agency to believe the Assad regime worked with the so-called father of Pakistan’s atomic bomb, A.Q. Khan. Pakistan’s nuclear weapon program was green-lighted by the United States in the 1980s. At the time, the U.S. was working closely with Pakistani intelligence to recruit and arm the Afghan Mujahideen who were fighting Soviet troops in the country. Asked for his views on Pakistan’s nuclear ambitions, Ronald Reagan replied “I just don’t think it’s any of our business,” Andrew Cockburn reported in 2009. “During the years that the infamous A.Q. Khan was peddling his uranium enrichment technology around the place, his shipping manager was a CIA agent, whose masters seem to have had little problem with allowing the trade to go forward,” Cockburn writes. Now that Syria is slated to be the next domino to fall following the destruction of Libya and the assassination of its leader, its alleged nuclear program will increasingly be viewed as a serious problem. Details of a collaboration between Khan and Syria are now being leaked via the establishment media in preparation of an attack on the country. “Details of the Syria-Khan connection were provided to the AP by a senior diplomat with knowledge of IAEA investigations and a former U.N. investigator. Both spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue,” the Associated Press reports today. In question is a complex located in the city of al-Hasakah. According to the AP, it appears to be a cotton-spinning plant and investigators have found no sign that it was ever used for nuclear production. “But given that Israeli warplanes destroyed a suspected plutonium production reactor in Syria in 2007, the unlikely coincidence in design suggests Syria may have been pursuing two routes to an atomic bomb: uranium as well as plutonium,” the AP notes. “Are the wonderful mainstream media, who gave us Saddam’s mythical Weapons of Mass Destruction, lying to us
again? The answer is yes,” wrote John W. Farley in April of 2008 following the much publicized attack. Farley quoted Joseph Cirincione, director of nuclear policy at the Center for American Progress, who said: “In attacking Dair el Zor in Syria on Sept. 6, the Israeli air force wasn’t targeting a nuclear site but rather one of the main arms depots in the country. Dair el Zor houses a huge underground base where the Syrian army stores the long and medium-range missiles it mostly buys from Iran and North Korea. The attack by the Israeli air force coincided with the arrival of a stock of parts for Syria’s 200 Scud B and 60 Scud C weapons.” Cirincione noted that Syria has a small nuclear research program, which has been around for 40 years and is going nowhere. “It is a basic research program built around a tiny 30 kilowatt reactor that produced a few isotopes and neutrons. It is nowhere near a program for nuclear weapons or nuclear fuel,” he said. More than a dozen countries have helped Syria develop its nuclear program, including Belgium, Germany, Russia, China and even the United States, by way of training of scientists, he explained. Saddam Hussein’s chemical and biological weapons program was also supplied by the West prior to the claim that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. The US Department of Commerce licensed 70 biological exports to Iraq between 1985 and 1989, including at least 21 batches of lethal strains of anthrax, I wrote in September, 2002, before the U.S. invasion. Phillips Petroleum, Unilever, Alcolac, Allied Signal, the American Type Culture Collection, and Teledyne supplied materials that would later be used as stage props in Secretary of State Colin Powell’s theatrical presentation before the United Nations Security Council in February of 2003. Syria’s intransigence following the Israel bombing of what appears to be a non-nuclear military facility – a violation of Syria’s notional sovereignty and also a violation of international law – will now be used to claim the Assad regime is attempting to hide a secretive nuclear weapons program. “What is at stake here is the nuclear history of that facility,” Mark Hibbs, an analyst at the nuclear policy program at the globalist Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, told the AP. “People want to know what did they intend to do there, and Syria has provided no information.” The step-by-step demonization of Syria prior to a military attack will unfold in predictable fashion. Following the IEAE allegations, the U.S. will call for sanctions and Hillary Clinton’s State Department will denounce Assad and his cronies as a threat to peace in the region. An ominous nuclear threat – despite the fact Syria does not have a bomb (and Israel does – and has shown its willingness to attack its neighbors) – will be added to sketchy reports of human rights abuses in the country and will be used to prepare another NATO “humanitarian” intervention.