Other Tyrants Who Have Used Children As Props

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Other Tyrants Who Have Used Children As Props Infowars.com January 16, 2013 Obama’s shameless exploitation of children as set pieces is hardly new or original. In fact, tyrants and dictators have used kids as props down through the ages. Here are a few more recent examples: The Soviet Union’s Joseph Stalin Killed 60 Million People

China’s Mao Zedong Killed 15 million People

Germany’s Adolf Hitler Killed 50 million, and as many as 12 million Germans.

Cuba’s Fidel Castro 100,000. His latest update on Dec. 31 2007 showed 4,074 people were killed

North Korea’s Kim Il-sung 29,000,000 and three quarters People Killled

Venezuela’s Hugo Chávez killed over 1000 People

Dictator Obama Exploiting the Children for Executive Action on Gun Control

Obama your a Piece of trash you don't care about kids how many kids have your drones killed over seas in your murderous drone attacks of the innocent? Do You want to know? watch this VIDEO BELOW Obama Orders Children Murdered http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvOU-czQnl8

Obama’s Blueprint to Destroy the 2nd Amendment Analyzed Infowars.com January 16, 2013

Barack Obama’s bold use of executive orders to ‘take action without Congress’ amounts to an outrageous unconstitutional overreach of powers, and is impeachable action on its face. And Obama isn’t even done; he has vowed to push Congress on a new assault weapons ban along with other legislative restrictions on the guaranteed 2nd Amendment, which “shall not be infringed.” But worse, the 23 executive orders issued today by Obama make clear that the vast medical bureaucracy centralized under ObamaCare will be used to profile and harass Americans in order to disqualify them for gun ownership based on “mental health” history. The Sandy Hook Shooting - Fully Exposed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wx9GxXYKx_8 Obama's Blueprint to Destroy the 2nd Amendment Analyzed VIDEO BELOW http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=P4AuFNFUgFI At least 7 of the 23 executive orders relate to mental health reporting that includes “clarifying” the role of doctors and health care providers in “asking their patients about guns in the home,” reporting “threats of violence” to authorities, and screening for “mental health” will create the backbone for a “no buy” list that disbars Constitutional rights from flagged individuals without due process. At least 8 executive orders relate to new rules on background checks and weapons sales & ownership restrictions. READ MORE From Infowars’ Analysis of Obama’s War on Guns


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