PDD 51 & Executive Order To Give Obama Dictatorial Powers

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PDD 51 & Executive Order To Give Obama Dictatorial Powers Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Monday, January 18, 2010

An Obama executive order that creates a council of state governors who will work with the feds to expand military involvement in domestic security, together with PDD 51, a Bush era executive order that gives the President dictatorial power in times of national emergency, eliminate the last roadblocks to declaring martial law in the United States. The new order, which is entitled Establishment of the Council of Governors (PDF), creates a body of ten state governors directly appointed by Obama who will work with the federal government to help advance the “synchronization and integration of State and Federal military activities in the United States”. The governors will liaise with officials from Northcom, Homeland Security, the National Guard as well as DoD officials from the Pentagon “in order to strengthen further the partnership between the Federal Government and State governments,” according to the executive order. The exective order combines seamlessly with Presidential Decision Directive 51 to hand Obama dictator status in times of declared, and not necessarily genuine, national emergency. In May 2007, former President George W. Bush sparked much alarm by openly declaring himself to be a dictator in the event of a national emergency under provisions that effectively nullify the U.S. constitution, but such an infrastructure has been in place for over 70 years and this merely represented a re-authorization of martial law powers. Legislation signed on May 9, 2007, declares that in the event of a “catastrophic event”, the President can take total control over the government and the country, bypassing all other levels of government at the state, federal, local, territorial and tribal levels, and thus ensuring total unprecedented dictatorial power.

The National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive, which also places the Secretary of Homeland Security in charge of domestic “security”, was signed earlier without the approval or oversight of Congress and seemingly supercedes the National Emergency Act which allows the president to declare a national emergency but also requires that Congress have the authority to “modify, rescind, or render dormant” such emergency authority if it believes the president has acted inappropriately. Journalist Jerome Corsi, who studied the directive, also states that it makes no reference to Congress and “its language appears to negate any requirement that the president submit to Congress a determination that a national emergency exists.” In July 2007, Congressman Peter DeFazio (D – OR) was asked by his constituents to see what was contained within the classified portion of the White House’s plan for operating the government after a terrorist attack. Since DeFazio also sits on the Homeland Security Committee and has clearance to view classified material, the request would have appeared to be routine, but the Congressman was unceremoniously denied all access to view the documents, and the White House wouldn’t even give an excuse as to why he was barred. “I just can’t believe they’re going to deny a member of Congress the right of reviewing how they plan to conduct the government of the United States after a significant terrorist attack,” DeFazio told the Oregonian. [efoods]“We’re talking about the continuity of the government of the United States of America,” DeFazio says. “I would think that would be relevant to any member of Congress, let alone a member of the Homeland Security Committee.” “Maybe the people who think there’s a conspiracy out there are right,” DeFazio concluded. These new powers have now been handed over to President Obama, allowing him, along with a body of councillors personally selected by him, to declare martial law without there necessarily being a genuine national emergency, greasing the skids for U.S. troops and National Guard to conduct domestic

policing of the American people. In October 2008, Northcom, a Unified Combatant Command of the United States military based out of Peterson AFB, Colorado Springs, was assigned the 3rd Infantry Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team returning from Iraq. An alarming September 8 Army Times report which was later denied after it sparked controversy stated that the troops would be used by Northcom to deal with “civil unrest and crowd control” in the aftermath of a national emergency. The Obama executive order states that governors will help advise the feds on National Guard, homeland defense, and civil support activities. The fact that the order further blurs the lines between state and federal power, as well as greasing the skids for more military involvement in domestic affairs has stoked fears that Obama may be laying the groundwork for his promised “national civilian security force”. Conservatives and libertarians responded to the announcement by expressing their suspicion that Obama is preparing to give governors their marching orders in targeting “anti-government” types that have long been characterized as a terrorist threat by the feds in numerous reports stretching back over a decade. “There is a definite purpose to this,” wrote one commenter on the popular Free Republic website, “The initial steps toward a domestic “Civilian Security Force” in each state, as called for by the fascisti during the campaign. It will be coordinated at the state level, under the authority of DHS and DoD and assorted agencies. The provision will be made for it to be “federalized” in an emergency, as is the National Guard.” “This is a concrete step toward eliminating the independent authority and dissolving the sovereignty of the several States. It lays the groundwork for the end of the United States as a Republic,” she adds. Others warn that Obama could be preparing to cancel elections under the justification of a national emergency, a fear that was often expressed when Bush was in office but one that never materialized. However, the executive order clearly represents another assault on Posse Comitatus, the 1878 law that bars the military from exercising domestic police powers, which was temporarily annulled by the 2006 John Warner National Defense Authorization Act before parts of it were later repealed.

Why Does The New World Order Hate This Country? Here Is Proof And Here Is How We Stop Them! by Dave Hodges America has gone from being annoyed with their government to the point of resisting their government. In my previous article, I have detailed how state governors, veterans, truckers and just average everyday citizens are resisting the tyrannical and egregious abrogation’s of the United States Constitution. The police state crackdown mechanisms are in place which are designed to break the back of any resistance to federal authority, legitimate or not. The net effect of the establishment of “Police State America” is that it is designed to subjugate the populace and stamp out any remaining vestiges of Constitutional liberties and create a society where the state is all-powerful. With America’s new found spirit of civil liberty being expressed through acts of civil disobedience, martial law is being put into place. When one couples this undeniable fact with the fact that President Obama is under extreme pressure and is struggling to maintain control of the country, these measures are going to be rolled out in a style reminiscent of the Shock and Awe style witnessed in Gulf War I.

Obama Is a Wounded Animal Obama was clearly given a mandate by the central bankers to get the US into a war in the Middle East, first with Syria and Iran. This conflict was designed to temporarily preserve the Petrodollar which Iran is threatening by selling oil for gold to China, Russia and India. The powers that be were hoping that Russia and China would resist and any final resistance to a complete central banking takeover of the planet would be eliminated. Obama’s initiatives, designed to provoke a war with Syria, as a first step, were turned back. Obama has been publicly humiliated by Russian leader, Vladimir Putin. The world and specifically, the alternative media, thwarted Obama and the central bankers on this front.

Obama’s Motivation for Martial Law Implementation Richard Nixon was unable to survive one direct hit upon his administration, namely, the Watergate scandal. Conversely, Obama is facing five scandals which dwarfs Watergate in terms of criminality, abuse of power, malfeasance of office and outright treason. The damage inflicted upon the American people by the criminal syndicate occupying the White House, in American History, is unparalleled. Last May the central bankers, through their corporate controlled press, released five Watergate type scandals in a brief 10 day period designed to force a reluctant President’s hand in the Middle East. America is outraged by (1) Benghazi-Gate; (2) IRS-Gate; (3) AP Spy-Gate; (4) Whistle-blowerGate; and even (5) Fast and Furious made a second pass. The alternative media is being so effective that it is forcing the MSM to jump off Obama’s ship and claim they do not support him any longer (e.g. MSNBC Chris Mathews). These five events are real threats to this President remaining in office. Unable to get a war started in the Middle East, how can the President survive these five crises? He has no choice but to move from the soft forms of martial law to an all-out implementation of martial law if he wants to remain in power.

The Three Stages of Martial Law Roll-Out Under martial law, Obama can effectively eliminate all opposition to his administration. Under martial law, Obama can eliminate all media opposition to his presidency. Additionally, under martial law, Obama can remain in power, perhaps indefinitely. The pattern for the implementation of martial law follows three very distinct stages.

Stage one of martial law consists of the gradual roll-out of government controls over citizen liberties. Travel is restricted through inland border checkpoints. The internal DHS VIPR programs which randomly search citizens at public events and on the highways are now in place. Citizens are conditioned by the TSA that they do not control or own their bodies as the flying public is molested by the TSA everyday in our nation’s airports in an extreme violation of our citizens Fourth Amendment rights. Stage one also begins to create an enemies list and we have already seen this in the MIAC report in which Christians, Ron Paul supporters, Second Amendment supporters, Libertarians and Constitutionalists have been branded as domestic terrorists. The enemies list has been created and will

be acted upon at a future date. In Stage one, the government elevates itself above any pretense of constitutional liberties. America has been firmly under Stage one martial law governance since the events of 9/11. In Stage two, martial law implementation becomes obvious to all citizens except for the ones who invoke cognitive dissonance as a psychological coping mechanism. Stage two is marked by restrictions on travel, the loss of free speech and the right to assemble to air grievances against the government. Press release date: April 4, 2012 Owner: Department of Homeland Security Project Description: Shelters Direct provided the Department of Homeland Security with this 4Ă—13 Steel UL 752 Level 3 Bullet Resistant Booth. This guard building features a standing seam hip roof, a thru-wall HVAC unit, (2) UL 752 BR Level 3 sliding doors, UL 752 Bullet Resistant Level 3 glass and a Low]E coating.

National ID In Stage two, the free internet as we know it, will disappear. Subsequently, the truthful, alternative media will disappear as well. Stage two is also characterized by the total loss of due process of law with regard to detainment, imprisonment or worse. This stage is also marked by limiting participation of members of the society who have been previously identified as enemies of the state (i.e. MIAC Report). This would include the ability to hold certain kinds of employment, a special designation on a form of national ID, the imposition of restrictions on who can marry, where one can live, etc.

When the national ID card is implemented, it is time to run for the hills because history shows that

nobody will be safe.

The Loss of Private Property Stage two also witnesses the total loss of private property and free will in terms of choice of domicile (i.e. Agenda 21), choice of employment and exercising any form of political choice. In short, Stage two is characterized by creating a political caste system in which the legal rights of certain groups are set in place (i.e. NDAA, Executive Order 13603, etc). The MERS mortgage fraud inspired thievery of legitimate home titles and the MF Global theft of privately secured investment accounts are cases in point. Stage two is often preceded by a false flag attack (e.g. burning of the Reichstag) designed to create a perceived enemy which serves as the excuse for the encroachment of “necessary” tyranny in a society in which “we must trade our liberty for security” approach to governance.

Stage three martial law has given history some of its darkest days. Warrantless detentions become common place in which suspected political dissidents are removed from society, usually in the middle of the night. In modern terminology, these would be referred to as the “Red list” tagged citizens who are detained and normally executed. These include outspoken preachers, outspoken talk show hosts, people who have any kind of history of civil disobedience. The remainder of this article will exclusively focus on the establishment of Stage two martial law.

Police State Measures From unconstitutional border checkpoints which are dozens of miles inland, America has been under a soft form of martial law for some time. The TSA conducts illegal and unconstitutional sexual assault, everyday, upon the flying public. The TSA has expanded their illegal detention and search operations

through Operation VIPR on highways, malls and even a high school prom in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The NSA spies on your every electronic communication and has created a threat matrix database on every American. Why? What have Americans done that is so bad that our federal agencies have to invade rodeos, NASCAR events and the I-40 highway in Tennessee to pull over Americans without probable cause and molest their bodies in the name of national security? These unwarranted actions are the preliminary event to the roll out of Stage two martial law.

Creating the “Reichstag Fire” Justification I do not look for one false flag event designed to move the country into martial law, it is likely that several false flag events will take place, in different regions of the country. The pattern is almost always the same in which the authorities conduct a drill related to terrorism. The drill is used to mask a false flag attack arising from the drill. This happened on 9/11, the 7/7 bombings and most recently, at the Boston Marathon. These drills combined with resulting false flag events will give the administration the ability to incrementally implement martial law in a fashion similar to what happened in with the implementation of illegal martial law in Boston following the Boston Marathon bombing on April 15th. The roll out of Boston’s martial law was clearly a beta test for what is coming all across the country. And who could ever forget the images of the federal subjugation of an American city in which we saw troops in the street, curfews imposed and free travel eliminated. Recently, DHS sponsored a self-study entitled, “Homeland Security and Intelligence: Next Steps in Evolving the Mission“, in which DHS proclaims that they are no longer concerned with foreign inspired terrorism. They are only going to focus on domestic terrorism, ostensibly, against the American people. Does the DHS purchase of 2.2 billion rounds of ammo, the acquisition of 2700 armored personnel carriers and the beta test of martial law in Boston last April begins to make a great deal of sense. Total control over the country, through a false flag event scenario seems entirely likely given the pre-positioning of assets by DHS. The real purpose behind the creation of this American version of the East German Stasi secret police was to monitor and control the American population. Unfortunately, DHS has shared its high tech toys with most local police departments and Sheriff’s Departments and has, as a result, co-opted their local

function. In other words, the federalization of local police forces, in violation of the 10th Amendment, is well underway. The early returns on this process are in and the results are extremely ugly, and through the federalization of local police departments, DHS is acquiring the manpower to enforce its soon-to-be martial law edicts.

The Importance of PDD 51 Cannot Be Overstated Further support comes from Presidential Decision Directive 51 which handed President Obama dictator status in times of declared, and not necessarily real, national emergency. PDD 51 is a Bush era executive order that gives the President dictatorial power in times of national emergency, eliminates any roadblock to declaring martial law in the United States. It gives Obama the power to suspend elections. Under this arrangement, Obama could have 50 Watergate type of scandals hanging over his head and he does not have to worry about leaving office.

Stage Two and the Abrogation of Civil Liberties When the first false flag event occurs, America will witness the implementation of Obama’s Executive Order 13603. In Section 601 of Executive Order 13603 signals the most Orwellian aspect of this executive order in which “upon request by the Director of Selective Service, and in coordination with the Secretary of Defense, assist the Director of Selective Service in development of policies regulating the induction and deferment of persons for duty in the armed services” (paragraph 2). What is particularly troubling is that the Secretary of Labor will possess oversight over the Selective Service process, instead of the Secretary of Defense. This revelation left me scratching my head as I wondered why would the Department of Labor be in charge of the coming military draft? Then it dawned upon me that we were not just talking about military conscription. I refer to the 2008 Presidential campaign in which Obama stated that “we need to construct a national civilian security force that is just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded” (as the military). Obama is clearly planning to conscript civilians, train them and send them where they are needed and will pay them whatever wage the Secretary of Commerce determines (Section 601; paragraphs 3, 4Section 801; paragraph C). In one fell swoop, Obama has sidestepped the 13th Amendment as we are talking about the introduction of forced labor (i.e. indentured servitude). Under Executive Order 13603, the Secretary of Transportation has been given control over civil transportation which “includes movement of persons and property by all modes of transportation in interstate, intrastate, or foreign commerce within the United States, its territories and possessions, and the District of Columbia, and related public storage and warehousing, ports, services,equipment and facilities, such as transportation carrier shop and repair facilities.” “Civil transportation” also shall include direction, control, and coordination of civil transportation capacity regardless of ownership” (Section 801 part A). Can there be any doubt that the expanded surveillance program of the TSA, in their unconstitutional practices of hands down our pants VIPER program, is designed to control all travel in the United States? The former Soviet Union used to have checkpoints every 20 miles in order to restrict travel and to prevent the congregation of “revolutionary forces” for purposes of opposing government control as well as to limit the ability of political dissidents to flee from their governmental pursuers. I feel compelled to ask, what is the government going to do that is so nefarious and so intrusive that they are seeking to set up a control grid which will accomplish these same goals? The present day Border Patrol checkpoints are part of a conditioning process designed to get Americans used to the fact that they have no constitutional liberties (e.g. Fourth Amendment). Under EO 13603, the Secretary of Energy will have control over all “Energy” (which) means all forms of energy including petroleum, gas (both natural and manufactured), electricity, solid fuels (including all forms of coal, coke, coal chemicals, coal liquification, and coal gasification), solar, wind, other types of renewable energy, atomic energy, and the production, conservation, use, control, and distribution (including pipelines) of all of these forms of energy…” This means the government will have total control over all utility prices, the installation of smart meters along with the implementation of the smart grid and the amount of energy which can be consumed by average Americans will be severely curtailed under this new system of energy feudalism which will be imposed on the new American serfs. Obama, in the 2008 Presidential Campaign, stated that “under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.” Previously ignorant Americans will soon come to know the true meaning and the prophetic meaning of these words (Section 801, part b).

Stalin did it, Hitler did it and now Obama has the ability to do it. In Stage two martial law, if you want to eat, you must obey. The Secretary of Agriculture will possess control over “fertilizer” (which) means any product or combination of products that contain one or more of the elements nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium for use as a plant nutrient.” The Secretary of Agriculture will also control “food resource facilities “(which) means plants, machinery, vehicles (including on farm), and other facilities required for the production, processing, distribution, and storage (including cold storage) of food resources, and for the domestic distribution of farm equipment and fertilizer.” This is the total control of all food. This will allow Monsanto which demonstrably controls the Department of Agriculture, the FDA and EPA to move forward, unabated, for the total GMO takeover of our food supply. Even more disturbing is that a few men will have total control over all food production and the dissenting masses who oppose this fascist takeover can be effectively starved into submission or starved to death (Section 801, parts c-f). There can be no doubt as the Secretary of Defense will be placed in charge of all water resources Section 801, part n). I can draw no other conclusion that placing the control of water under the DOD represents the weaponizing of water and the intended target of this full frontal assault are the American people for the purpose of imposing population control and complete compliance. I hearken back to the movie, The Hunger Games, this is exactly what lies in our future with regard to a martial law roll out which reaches Stage two.

What Will It Be Like to Live Under Martial Law? In summary, Stage two martial law will follow a false flag event in which the internet will be taken down. All bank accounts, pension funds and 401K’s will be frozen and stolen. Extreme travel restrictions will be put in place. Random house to house searches will be conducted (Don’t forget about the 386,000 foreign troops which just completed their training on American soil). What will they be looking for? Of course, they will be looking for guns and the false flag events will give them the pretext to do so. And they will also be looking for known trouble makers. We will all be living in a society where we can be singled out for persecution, or worse. We will all have to watch every word we say. As it was in the Soviet Union, your young children will be used to spy upon and tattle on you at their school. And of course, you will be totally dependent upon the government for food, water and shelter. Traveling will be so onerous, that you will be content just to huddle in your home. When the false flag events commence, we will look at these days as the good ‘ole days


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