Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich GOP ticket? By Joy Freeman-Coulbary 01/04/2012 1. Washington Post As a progressive, a Ron Paul/Dennis Kucinich presidential ticket would stoke my fires. It might also attract Republicans who long for the party’s non-interventionist, fiscally conservative roots. This week, Sen. Rick Santorum (RPa.) said U.S. Rep. Ron Paul’s (RTexas) “views on foreign policy are more in line with liberal anti-war Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) than with the Republican Party.” It was meant as a diss. But Santorum just may have won Paul more converts. Why not put the two peace-loving, civil-liberty-favoring, avant garde congressmen together on a ballot? Merging polar opposite sides of the political spectrum could be one of the most politically pure, bipartisan ideological unions yet. Through that union, political dualities would ideologically balance each other out, appealing to divergent ends of the political spectrum. If elected, Paul has said he would consider Kucinich for his cabinet. On New Year’s Eve, President Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act, despite “serious reservations.” The act makes it legal to indefinitely hold Americans in military detention. We may be fast approaching an Orwellion reality: “War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength.” Paul and Kucinich both oppose the NDAA, which Paul calls a “slip towards tyranny.” Kucinich has been a consistent advocate for peace in the U.S. Congress, stated before the House of Representatives in recent weeks that the “bill authorizes permanent warfare anywhere in the world.” Apparently, the youthful and invigorated “Paulbots” agree and are more interested in nation building here
than abroad. Along with bringing back into the fold discontented youth and progressives, Democrats must come to terms with articulating a coherent and consistent message on war spending, which is at odds with promoting civil and human rights. Then there’s the war on drugs waged in the ghettos of America—disproportionately impacting people of color and the poor; however, supported by leading Democrats, is highly criticized by the Libertarian Paul. On Nightline, after the Iowa caucuses, one young Ron Paul volunteer in Iowa said because she believed that her generation would fare worse economically than her parent’s generation. And she hopes that Paul could help keep that from happening. Joy Freeman-Coulbary, a Washingtonian, is a pacifist, lawyer and blogger. You can reach her at and follow her on Twitter @enJOYJFC.
Satire: Cobra Commander Announces Presidential Run January 4, 2012 On the Infowars Nightly News today, Cobra Commander will announce his run for the office of supreme leader and will lavishly detail his outstanding record – endless war, torture, secret arrests, and a continuation of the jackhammer effect on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. News covered on this evening’s show: A pharma lab is slapped with meager fines over vaccine tests that have killed 14 babies. CNN’s brazen attempt to shut down a live feed of a soldier talking about his plan to vote for Ron Paul. A report that admits the plain truth – Ron Paul may have secretly won the Iowa caucus.
Paul’s takedown of the scurrilous neocon and unrepentant globalist Newt Gingrich. An amazing high-tech plane built to soar above the clouds — on Saturn’s mysterious moon Titan. The unconscionable European Union plan to slap a VAT tax on food. The dead herring mystery: thousands of dead fish that have washed up on a Norwegian beach. The increasing robbery of commuters as they pay around a fifth of their wages on rail fares that have soared lately by 11%. And finally the arrogance of Obama, who declares that he does not need the NDAA to secretly arrest and detain American citizens.
Ron Paul: Young People, Independents, Moderates Key To Campaign Success Steve Watson January 4, 2012 Young voters provided Congressman with one third of his total votes in Iowa. Speaking in a number of television interviews this morning, GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul praised the large numbers of young people and Independent voters that supported him in Tuesday’s Iowa caucuses, adding that their backing proves his campaign can go the distance. “If you’re looking to bringing new people in, the frustrated young people Obama had, you have to look at my campaign.” Paul told MSNBC’s ‘Today’ show. “That’s where the enthusiasm is,” Paul added. “So I would say the Republicans would be very neglectful if they say you don’t need the independents, you don’t need the young people. That’s where the excitement is, and that’s where the changes are coming about, and that’s how you would have to beat Obama, so I think there were some very encouraging statistics.”
On Monday, Paul was given a rock star reception by students and young people at a ‘get-out-the-vote’ rally at Valley High School in West Des Moines. The ‘Rock the Caucus’ initiative was intended to increase the participation of young voters in the political process. “The thunderous applause for Paul rocked the bleachers and caused a crush of media to turn their cameras away from the stage in the middle of the gymnasium to the bleachers where Valley seniors cheered on their first preference among the candidates.” Iowa City Patch noted, adding that the other candidates in attendance, including Rick Santorum, were not treated to as enthusiastic of a welcome. That boisterous applause did indeed translate into votes for Paul from Iowa’s young people. In fact, of the 18,000 Iowans under the age of 30 who participated in the GOP Caucuses last night, Paul earned the support of 48%, according to data collected by CIRCLE. Rick Santorum came in second with 23%, while Romney gathered just 13% support.
The statistics show that a very substantial 8,800 young people caucused for Ron Paul in Iowa. That means that young voters supported Ron Paul in a far greater percentage than any other age group supported any candidate. Indeed, people under 30 provided Ron Paul with one third of his total votes. During his interview with MSNBC today, Paul also pointed out that exit polls indicate that roughly half of the Iowans who voted for him were “very conservative,” while the other half were moderates who want “a different approach to personal liberty and some of these foreign expenditures.” “Conservatives aren’t supposed to believe in big government, they’re not supposed to regulate your private life,” Paul said, adding “The American people are waking up to this.” Commenting on his strong showing in Iowa, Paul noted “You always can do better, it inspires our people, and it inspires me to do better, but coming in third in essentially a very, very close race if you put the other two together, we’re
actually in second place. They were tied for first.” ” I think it’s doing very well to be in the money and getting an opportunity to go into New Hampshire with a good showing.” Paul said. Watch the interview at this link (At time of writing the MSNBC embeddable video is not working). In another interview this morning with Fox & Friends, Paul reiterated those sentiments. “I think my position I hold for limited government across the board is very attractive across the board and in New Hampshire, there are a lot of independents.” Paul said. The Congressman added, “There are more registered independents than there are Republicans or Democrats. So we’re looking forward to New Hampshire.” Watch the interview below: Ron Paul on Fox & Friends 01/04/2012
DNC-linked Organization Attacks Ron Paul Kurt Nimmo January 4, 2011 In addition to taking heat from RINOs, Ron Paul is now facing an attack from establishment Democrats. “Ron Paul’s dangerous ideas are too extreme for America,” declares the Democratic Governors Association (DGA). “Paul called Social Security and Medicare ‘unconstitutional,’ even comparing these vital programs to slavery! And Paul has said that if elected President he would dismantle much of the federal government, including the public school system and Social Security.” They are encouraging people to sign a petition “to stand against Ron Paul’s extreme ideology.” The page does not explain what DGA plans to do with collected signatures or what sort of political action aimed at Paul they will take. Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution does not say the government can take your money and set
it aside for retirement. In fact, Social Security is not even a federally mandated insurance program. “The truth, of course, is that your contributions are not put aside,” Ron Paul explains. “Social Security is simply a tax. Like all taxes, the money collected is spent immediately as general revenue to fund the federal government. But no administration will admit that Social Security is nothing more than an accounting ledger with no money. You will collect benefits only if future tax revenues materialize as hoped; the money you paid into the system is long gone.” The DGA – a creation of Chuck Robb and the Democratic National Committee – is not telling the truth. Instead of gutting the program completely, as DGA and the worshippers of the state and the Democrat party insist, Paul believes that Congress needs to reduce spending, reassess monetary and spending policies, and stop borrowing from foreign investors and bankers. “Unless Congress makes real cuts in spending– and stops spending Social Security taxes on completely unrelated programs– millions of Americans simply will not receive even a fraction of the money they paid into Social Security,” 1. Ron Paul wrote back in 2006. “All Social Security obligations could be met if Congress did not spend so much on other things.” He has called for younger workers to opt out of Social Security, something anathema to the DGA and the Democrats who favor wealth confiscation at gunpoint. Paul would not “dismantle” education as the DGA claims. For Ron Paul, education is a states’ right issue, not one determined by the federal government. “I believe that parents and teachers know what is best for their schools at the local level. The key to reforming public education in America is returning local control back to our public schools,” he stated in 2001. Again, the very idea that parents have a right to educate their own children is anathema to Democrats and most Republicans, even those running for president who mimic much of Ron Paul’s ideology. Now that millions of Americans realize the federal government is an out of control leviathan stealing billions of dollars every year from honest working people, borrowing trillions more and demanding that future generations pick up the tab, and will never end the wars, the government is running scared. That the DGA and Democrats tell lies about Ron Paul and his political philosophy simply reveals how desperate they are to hang on to their corrupt franchise, especially with a large number of Democrats considering a vote for Paul in an effort to shut down the establishment’s endless wars. As Paul takes his message to New Hampshire, the DNC and its “super PAC” are engaging in a shameless effort to make Paul out as a “rightwing extremist” of the sort Obama’s Department of Homeland Security equated with domestic terrorists.