Statism Is Dying by Feb 12 2014
“I think the nation-state as a form of organization is on its way out, and that a 100 years from now people will look back at countries like China and the U.S. the way we look back at medieval kingdoms today.” – Doug Casey Statism is dying, sooner or later it will be nothing but a thing of the past, along with many of its primitive and archaic notions such as “nation-states” that barbaric and antiquated concept which consists on pledging faith to some imaginary borders invented and promoted by governments as a way to marking the territories that they stole. It’s the delusional belief that you have the moral obligation to honor some drawn limits around a certain geographic area to the millimeter, and even defend them if need be, because of a simple accident of birth. So if your parents had fooled around twenty meters to the left, then you would’ve have had the “duty” to pay tribute and admiration or even protect another country all together. I bet you didn’t think an orgasm could be so costly, or did you? After you are born, you are expected to stick to some social contract which you’ve never signed (and which no one has ever seen by the way) and to honor those imaginary lines engraved by the blood of hundreds of thousands (millions all through history) of innocent people who did nothing wrong, except from the simple fact that they happened to live to in a certain geographic area that a certain ruler/president/king, or any other imaginary statist power figure happened to be salivating about. So if you’re a statist you would probably just go ahead and pay tribute to all those immoral appropriations of lands acquired through the murder of its original innocent inhabitants, because that’s what’s your government expects from you to do, because in the end, how else would they keep the scam going? And that's why they count on you to keep buying in the con-job, and feeding their powerhungry machine of taxation, stealing, etc. The biggest delusion however is that the reason behind the which you are supposed to honor that
special chunk of land is not because you share the same ideology with its “owners” or because you believe in similar principles and values. No! The reason is simply because of a stupid genetic accident! Does that make sense to you? Of course not, as it’s the case with all notions invented by governments (which usually happen to be ruled by sociopaths; Pareto’s law) you would be to blame trying to make sense of something that came out of the wild imagination of a sociopath, it's foolish, it can't be done, sociopaths make no sense.
Another antediluvian notion is that crazy outdated “honoring the troops”. You've heard it before I'm sure, that primeval archaic notion that implies that you should honor some hired murderers who bring death, destruction, torture, rape, and genetic wrecking to way too many men, women, and children, and which implies that you have the “obligation” to get passed it, to forget about all those horrific crimes, and to give them a pass. Or even worse, it is expected from you to pay them tribute, or as they would say it in rhyming tones: "to honor the horror!" The reason why you should do that is course no other than - wait for it - being born in the same geographic area. Un-freakin'-believable I know! How many times we’ve heard that before? “Look, the government is a one trick pony, they keep recycling the same story, selling you tales of honor and glory, and you keep eating up all the baloney.” – Drunk guy from the bar last night I know how delusional this is? How deranged have you become when you buy in to the state’s propaganda? But hang with me here because it gets even worse. You see, governments usually have no shame, none whatsoever, so not only they expect you to honor the death, destruction, torture, rape, and genetic wrecking that they inflict on staggering numbers of innocent men, women, and children, but they usually try to sell it as the moral and virtuous thing to do. And they often say that with a straight face.
I guess that’s what happens when you trust people with no conscience and no moral values to dictate what’s virtuous and what’s immoral. How the public keep expecting people with who are even more incompetent then them , and have more than questionable moral values to rule over them is something I can never understand. It’s like putting the fat kid in charge of watching the cake.
The strange thing is that despite all reason, logic, and despite all historical proof, people keep hoping, and expecting their government rulers to do the right thing. So I respectfully ask myself: What the f#ck are you people talking about? These people probably never did the right thing in their entire lives, and you expect them to change once you give them all the power and no accountability? This is beyond unrealistic, it’s delusional thinking. Luckily, this notion too is on its way out since nowadays everybody knows the joke that is “fighting for freedom”. (Until it’s recycled to a new excuse for the next generation.) Since no one is ignorant to the suffering that “their” troops are bringing to thousands of innocent people on a daily basis, children’s lives are decimated, mothers hearts are broken, no one would have the audacity to pay tribute the troops anymore. I mean, what kind of hypocrite would trade humanity for 5 minutes of patriotism? You have to be extremely selfish and mildly brain-dead to honor the troops at this point, or even worse calling them heroes, and incentivising their crimes to keep the scam running, just to feel that sentiment of belonging for a couple of hours on thanksgiving and Super Bowl. That and for a couple of beers. No one is that wickedly selfish. So this obsolete notion can also be dissolved with minimal use of reason.
Everyone nowadays realizes that fighting for freedom, and fighting for “our country” is nothing but an old con-job that cost humanity hundreds of millions of innocent lives already. Which makes you wonder, where this did “fighting for our country” delusion come from anyway? If that was the case, don’t you think that the US would be the richest country in the world by now? Instead of being the biggest debtor nation in history of humanity? “A continent of oil kingdoms, bought for a bargain Democracy is just a word, when the people are starvin' The average citizen, made to be, blind to the reason A desert full of genocide, where the bodies are freezin' And the world doesn't believe that you fightin' for freedom Cause you fucked the Middle East, and gave birth to a demon" — from "Immortal Technique" by The 4th Branch Politicians historically have always hidden behind the homeland, the flag, etc, and many other imaginary symbols they keep attaching to people’s emotions. You see, they only got a dozen tools in their repertoire but they keep repeating them all through history, the minute those tools become public domain, the curtains will immediately fall and they would be exposed as the sociopaths they are, because as most predators they are slaves to their own M.O., and that’s something you will never learn in criminology classes. For better or for worse, the times are changin’. The Case for Statists It’s hard to be a statist. I don’t know this first hand, but I can only imagine it must be so hard to exclude all reason, logic from your thought process, and to outsource all critical thought to distractions, making denial your primary brain activity, denial of all the historic burden that government blessed us with, millions and millions of lives destroyed. ALWAYS WITH THE EXACT SAME M.O., ALWAYS UNDER THE SAME SEQUENCE OF EVENTS.
It must be hard to keep ignoring all that is happening around you, pretending it has nothing to do with you. It must be hard to seek refuge in fictional reality shows, to avoid thinking about what’s really going on, even though you know full well that the consequence of your silence is the rise of tyranny, so without even realizing it you just keep erasing from your memory all the constant evil-doings of the state, every freedom they take from you or from other people, you delete from your memory and pretend or even believe that this is how things were since the beginning. It must be hard to deal with that crazy weary process of the continuous erasure of the past. It must be hard to be a statist indeed. “Statism, because it is so immoral and so power-hungry and so manipulative and so false, it has all the moral conscience of water spilled over jagged rocks attempting to find the deepest hole it can fill, it requires a continuous process of self-erasure, of the erasure of memory and history and of contest... But this is the weird thing that has to happen to your brain when you live in a statist society, is that you have to live in this immoral, empty, vacuous, soulless, post-modern hell of nothing and no one but the power and the lie of the moment.” – Stefan Molyneux History is a Teacher, Not Trivia If you take a look at any history book, it becomes extremely hard to disregard the fact that government is easily, easily, the leading cause of death on this planet. Millions (even billions who knows) of dead motherf#ckers can attest to that.
Staggering numbers of dead motherf#ckers who had their lives ended through the all-loving, allnourishing state. I mean the facts are so monstrously repugnant that I don’t even need to bring up some of the other favourite activities of the state, like for example: enslaving people. If history shows us anything is that governments are never shy, to send people to die on a manufactured lie. The Meat and Potatoes (Statistics: Something Consistent You Can Bite Into)
The chart on the right shows us estimates of Democide, when your government kills you, the numbers are staggering. over 260 MILLIONS of people in the 20th century, and that's not even counting wars. (Source University of Hawaii.) You know, you grow up thinking that government is the best thing since mother’s milk. You grow up hearing all this stories about how the state cares about you more than Bill Clinton cares about skirts, and then... And then you turn 10, you learn how to Google. Statistics keep showing us that the state’s biggest contribution to humanity is the imprisonment and the oppression of other groups of people, doing so under any excuse you know to men (or to ETs for that matter): race, color, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, work background, educational background... the list is endless. And you know what? I dare you to make up as many excuses for oppressing and tormenting innocent people as the state does, I dare you! You have no chance! No chance, when it comes to deranged and deviant excuses, you can’t possibly compete with the wild imagination of a sociopath. "Coerced force to government is like oxygen to humans, something without the which, it just seizes to exist." — Claim it as your own, I don't believe in intellectual property But hey, by all means, keep defending the state because in your personal situation you are comfortable for now, but just make sure to ask Martin Niemöller how did that work out for him. Statism is dying. The lie is collapsing under its own weight. It's an easy equation really, and the constant is the state. (Evil will do what evil will do.) The variable is technology, and the catalyst is you, all of you! We have reason on our side, we have truth on our side, we have access to historical data, to all kinds of statistics, all they have is empty words, because at the end of the day, there's something that no one can deny, the body count is at biblical proportions.
Can you imagine if there ever was an accurate way to calculate the victims of the some of the state’s favourite activities? To calculate the numbers of people that were killed, tortured, imprisoned, enslaved, or even forced to marry someone they didn’t choose to? Can you imagine that? So if you’re a statist how can you counter that? How can you defend the vilest organization that ever existed in history of the world? How can you possibly find a counterargument to that? And the most important question of all, why would you possibly wanna apologize for the holy grail of malevolence? Of course nobody wants to, when people see evil, people oppose evil and that’s why statism is dying, when is the last time you heard someone saying something like: “The government is a benevolent and nourishing organization that cares about people?” The thing is, no one is that delusional. Statism is Dying The world is changing. Statism is dying. Polls keep showing us that every time there are more people asking for smaller government, month after month polls keep showing that more and more people want smaller government with smaller services, and this is only getting stronger with the passage of time, and you know how this is gonna end, right? Once you remove the shackles off of people, who would wanna have the government on their backs again? Beautiful and bright people everyday are taking a verbal stand of integrity, and their message flows like poetry.
For instance, watch this outstanding video by Julia Tourianski of, one of the new faces of liberty and a former Anarchast guest. This clever and elegant video has also been featured on Alex Jones’ Infowars. (I highly recommend you to check out her website by the way.) Questions for Statists VIDEO BELOW v=DaDjlWAzIck Awesome video, right? Now you should probably start doing the same, start questioning, history doesn’t have to keep repeating itself you know? Sooner or later people are gonna start asking questions, questions like: Every four years there’s an election. Each of the candidates makes a list of usually 10 promises, none of the which has been proven to be kept EVER! And you still expect those people to keep their promises? Someday people will realize that “protecting your freedom” means “taking away you freedoms”, that “bringing the troops home” means “expanding the wars”, and that “the economy is gonna be fixed” means “the economy is gonna be devastated, etc. In the end, it's a pretty simple thing really. Sooner or later people will see the truth, the true nature of government, see its barbaric evil, and its primitive measures, and then the critical mass would simply walk away. More and more people are waking up to that primitive and violent abomination that is statism, I urge you to take 4 more minutes and watch this beautiful video by another great free-thinker, and also past Anarchast guest, the courageous Josie Wales of Who Owns You? VIDEO BELOW