The Irrelevance of the Republican Party

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The Irrelevance of the Republican Party Sartre November 14, 2011 The first myth to dispense with is that the GOP is a conservative political party. The millions of registered Republican voters, that truly want a genuine conservative to lead this nation, are disappointed with every election cycle. The idiots that emerge as the standard-bearer of the legacy of Abraham Lincoln, are would be despots, wrapped in the flag of a failed empire. The comic performances in the arena of staged debates, just proves that the party of NeoCons, deserves trouncing into the ground of their blood stained soil. Only Ron Paul has the dignity and courage to claim the consent of the public and lead a revolution that dismantles centralized government. So why won’t rank and file Republicans demand that the Grand Old Party go to

battle against the forces of the New World Order? Who in the mug shots below will make a clear break from the tragic treasonous policies of the last three Republican administrations? Examine each, one at a time. 1. Michele Bachmann is a Christian Zionist. Her viewpoint that America must be the chief defender of Israel places her in the camp of the NeoCons. The question for her centers on her definition of what exactly is pro-American. Her version of an Israel-First course of action, is inconsistent with the traditional canons of national defense, established in Washington’s

Farewell Address. “I wish the American media would take a great look at the views of the people in Congress and find out: Are they pro-America or anti-America?” – Rep. Michelle Bachmann, calling for a new McCarthyism, Oct. 2008. Herman Cain plays the victim, while he champions the Federal Reserve as the crown jewel for the gatekeepers of the corporatist criminal syndicate. Yet, he claims his character is above charges of indiscretion, don’t blame me. “Don’t blame Wall Street, don’t blame the big banks. If you don’t have a job and you are not rich, blame yourself! ” When the erudite Newt Gingrich proclaims himself a “cheap hawk“, he is really saying his neo-conservatism loyalty is to a government imperium that is efficient in its pillage and conquests. Newt supports the CIA sub-rosa government. “Frankly I believe that there’s too little funding for intelligence, we have too few assets and too few analysts. And I think if the Congress and others are going to demand a greater capacity in intelligence we’re going to have to be prepared to pay for a more sophisticated and a more intense structure of intelligence capabilities, and I think its wrong for some members of Congress to vote to cut intelligence spending, to vote to cut the number of intelligence analysts and then to set unrealistically high demands on the intelligence community.” Jon Huntsman, Jr. accepts that government economic development is a necessary function. How conservative is it to institutionalize FDR socialism as a cornerstone of the corporate/state? “I was criticized at some level within the Republican Party by those who say government should not be in the economic development business at all. My response is that the only country I know that doesn’t have an economic development plan is Papa New Guinea.” Ron Paul stands out from the crowd of candidates for several reasons. This quote reflects the insight lacking in the other GOP hopefuls. “As recent as the year 2000 we won elections by saying we shouldn’t be the policemen of the world, and that we should not be nation building. And its time we got those values back into this country.” It is because of this distinction that the elitist masters of the Republican Party are so scared to allow the Congressman from gaining the nomination. Highlights of Rick Perry's Bizarre (Drunk) Cornerstone Speech VIDEO BELOW 1. Rick Perry, Oops . . what can you say about the governor? This video of Highlights of Rick Perry’s Bizarre (Drunk) Cornerstone Speech, explains a lot. Perry and Cain have much in common neither are ready for prime time. How is Mitt Romney any different from the NeoCons? “We will strengthen our security by building missile defense, restoring our military might, and standing by and strengthening our intelligence officers.” Here is where Mitt and Newt become joined at the hip. Both are able to deliver an articulate message that seems to resonate to many, but when you dissect their actual methods for implementing policy, the similarities with the Bush era gang of internationalists, is exposed. Rick Santorum bills himself as the most socially conservative among the latest gang of dwarfs. But, he buys hook line and sinker the phony war on terror. “This is a huge victory for the people of the 911th and the team we put together. Not only did they get the expanded mission, they get

to keep what they’ve had, too. It’s more than a complete victory.” With the exception of Ron Paul, the stature of the Republican candidates for President cannot hold a candle to the like of Congressman Hamilton Fish III, Senator Robert Taft, Senator Barry Goldwater, and Pat Buchanan. Anonymous listens to Robert Welch in 1974 Revealing Agendas Of New World Order VIDEO BELOW The excoriation of the John Birch Society by the Republican Party proves either the sinister betrayal or the ineptness of the GOP faithful to protect real conservative values. View the video of 1. Robert Welch in 1974 Revealing Agendas Of New World Order and reflect the truth in his words and the profound legacy of bona fide conservatives. Read each article from the following list of remarks for a comprehensive overview, why the Republican Party is irrelevant. 1) The Identity Crisis For Conservatives “We have heard the resounding voices of our patron saints from the Right lately that depart from the usual message of common sense and advocacy of Liberty. They have become the ‘new jingoist’, defender of the State and ‘revenging angel’. You know of who they are: David Horowitz, Bill O’Reilly and Rush Limbaugh. They all claim to be Conservative. But what does that really mean, especially in today’s crisis environment?” 2) What is Happening to Conservatives? “Will our mainstream raconteurs experience an epiphany of a ‘Conscience of a Conservative’, to use Barry’s words; or will they run to the beat of the Jonah Goldberg’s? Barry’s notion of Liberty is our prize! Transform the ‘War Party’ into an assemblage of Justice seekers, that promote Liberty.” 3) What is Conservative Populism? “A person can’t be a real conservative if he rejects the primary populist message. The political solution is to become a populist and convince the uninformed that real conservatism is the best hope for promoting the maximum opportunity for the greatest number of people.” 4) What Makes a Republican – a REPUBLICAN? “For Republicans knew what they were all about and had an example of a true champion of principle in one, Senator Robert A. Taft.” 5) The Republican Death Wish

“The vast apathetic hordes of the American public desperately want to follow a serious change in the status quo. The reason that so many have dropped out of the process is because the nature of the Republicans resemble the mirror image of a Democrat, only in a better suit.” 6) Betrayal of Republicanism “The Republican Party has long pursued a path contrary from its heritage. Under President George W Bush, that direction has cumulated in a repudiation of traditional conservative principles. Any honest conservative maintains a core roster of values and policies that reflect their passionate support for the Republic.” 7) The Future of the Conservative Movement, evaluates Russell Kirk’s conservatism. A short reflection of Ten Conservative Principles by Russell Kirk is in order. Read the explanation of each. 8 ) That Republican 2010 Landslide and What It Means “The Republican Party’s attempt to co-opt the spontaneous spirit of the Tea Party geneses illustrates the panic that both entrenched parties have from a true populist movement. The mind dead voters who continually vote for the lesser of two evils, or adhere to the squishy William Buckley rule guarantee perpetual servitude.” 9) The Reemergence of the NeoCons “Paleoconservatives have their own message for the Congressional freshman class. Dump your leadership. Purge NeoCons from your party.” 10) Liberty for the Ron Paul Generation “The stark reality about the Ron Paul revolution is that the power elites could not survive in a society based upon individual liberty. Now the Ron Paul generation understands that liberty and genuine national security is never advanced under the military-industrial-homeland war party.” These ten essays map out a clear distinction that the conservative tradition in American politics is virtually absent in the current Republican Party. If you believe you can work to take over the national GOP and restore time-honored principles, you are naive. The only rational option is to create a true grass roots party that encompasses the disaffected middle class. NeoCons are traitors. Establishment proponents loyal to the two party farce, do not allow genuine conservative doctrines into public policy. Explain how a sincere Republican can ignore Ron Paul and support any of the phony status quo clones for the nomination? The straightforward explanation is that the average GOP voter is just as dumb as a Democrat supporter. End the tyranny of the NeoCons and regain your own dignity.

Mathematical Proof Of Dramatic Media Bias And Favoritism During The Republican Debates 1. The American Dream Monday, November 14, 2011 It should be evident to anyone with half a brain that the recent Republican presidential debates have been incredibly slanted in favor of certain candidates. The candidates that the mainstream media favor are receiving far more talking time than the other candidates during the debates. It is hard to defend the legitimacy of our political system after watching what a farce the race for the Republican nomination has become. First, the major news networks dedicate thousands of hours of “programming” to telling us that candidates such as Mitt Romney and Rick Perry are “top tier” and that nobody else has a legitimate chance. Then, once the poll numbers are skewed by that relentless coverage, they use those polls to justify giving the “favored candidates” more questions during the debates. The funny thing is that even if support for a favored candidate drops off dramatically (such as with Rick Perry), that candidate will still be given extra time during the debates. What you are about to see is mathematical proof of dramatic media bias and favoritism during the Republican debates. After reading this information, it will be hard to keep believing that our political system is fair. It seems like the bigger the media outlet, the worse the bias and the favoritism becomes. For example, the Republican debate on CBS the other night was a total sham. During the nationally televised portion of the debate, Rick Perry got more than five times as much talking time as Ron Paul did. The funny thing is that according to Real Clear Politics, Rick Perry and Ron Paul are nearly tied in national polls. As I write this, Rick Perry is averaging 9.8 percent in national polls and Ron Paul is averaging 8.2 percent. You would think that both candidates should be treated at least somewhat equally. But instead, favored candidates such as Mitt Romney and Rick Perry were given huge amounts of talking time during the CBS debate and candidates that the mainstream media has disdain for such as Ron Paul and Michele Bachmann were virtually ignored.

The following is how one blog broke down the talking time for the Republican debate on CBS on Saturday night‌. Rick Perry 7:45 Mitt Romney 6:30 Newt Gingrich 6:00 Herman Cain 5:45 Rick Santorum 5:15 Jon Huntsman 3:30 Michele Bachmann 3:15 Ron Paul 1:30 Does that look fair to you? Even the candidates on the very bottom of the national polls were given more time than Paul and Bachmann. Rick Santorum is averaging 1.5 percent in national polls and John Huntsman is averaging 1.0 percent in national polls. Yet both of them were given more time than Bachmann and both of them were given more than twice as much time as Ron Paul. Look, if they are going to distribute questions based on polling data, then they should at least be consistent about it. The fair way to do it would be to ask all of the candidates an equal number of questions. That way each candidate would have an equal opportunity to present his or her case to the American people. But instead, we have a system that greatly favors certain candidates over others. The following is a statistical average of the talking time during the six major Republican debates there have been hosted by CBS, MSNBC, CNN, Fox News and CNBC during the months of September, October and November. The raw data for this analysis was originally compiled by We Occupy The Web and Wes Hemings. Jon Huntsman only has data for five debates because he boycotted one. As you can see, Mitt Romney and Rick Perry have received much, much more talking time during the debates than the other candidates, and Ron Paul has gotten the least talking time of all‌. Mitt Romney (6:30 15:11 14:47 12:09 10:56 11:57) - 11.91 minutes Rick Perry (7:45 11:01 07:25 11:10 13:54 14:59) - 11.03 minutes Michele Bachmann (3:15 09:58 06:50 6:13 8:35 9:05) - 7.32 minutes Newt Gingrich (6:00 07:53 09:10 5:44 7:32 6:53) - 7.20 minutes

Jon Huntsman (3:30 07:54 7:41 7:50 8:52) - 7.16 minutes Herman Cain (5:45 09:06 08:23 6:23 5:42 5:41) - 6.83 minutes Rick Santorum (5:15 09:50 05:25 7:06 7:06 6:11) - 6.81 minutes Ron Paul (1:30 10:05 07:27 4:33 7:34 9:19) - 6.75 minutes So why is Ron Paul on the bottom of this list? Is it because he has been on the bottom of the national polls? No, the truth is that he has been bouncing around between 3rd place and 6th place in national polls. If his talking time truly reflected his poll numbers then he should be somewhere in the middle of the pack. How can we explain this discrepancy? Well, the reality is that the big networks have their “favorites” and the other candidates are going to be ignored as much as they can. On Saturday, proof of this was revealed to the world. An internal CBS News email got accidentally sent to an official with the Bachmann campaign on Saturday. It was an email that contained a discussion between CBS News senior producer Caroline Horn and CBS News political director John Dickerson about Michele Bachmann. In the email chain which is reproduced below, Horn mentioned that there was a possibility that Dickerson may be able to interview Bachmann following the debate…. “I was just speaking with Alice Stewart, cc’d here, about the Congresswoman or a senior member of her staff joining you for the webshow.” In response, Dickerson made the following very revealing statement…. “Okay let’s keep it loose since she’s not going to get many questions and she’s nearly off the charts in the hopes that we can get someone else” The communications director for Bachmann’s campaign, Alice Stewart, believes that this email shows that there was a “planned effort to limit questions to Michele Bachmann at tonight’s CBS / National Journal Debate.” You can read this shocking email for yourself below….

Now, whether you plan to vote for Michele Bachmann or not, the reality is that all of us should want a process that is fair and balanced and that gives the American people a legitimate opportunity to decide for themselves who they want the Republican nominee to be. But instead, the mainstream media relentlessly pushes some candidates in front of us at the expense of others. Why in the world should CBS News give Rick Perry more than twice as much talking time as Michele Bachmann and more than five times as much talking time as Ron Paul? Support for Perry is dropping like a rock. A brand new NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey shows that support for Rick Perry has dropped to four percent in recent days. CBS News should be absolutely ashamed of how they handled that debate.

Needless to say, the Paul campaign and the Bachmann campaign are quite steamed today. Ron Paul campaign manager John Tate has written the following about the lack of time Ron Paul was given during the CBS News debate…. 90 seconds. That’s how much of the first hour of tonight’s GOP debate was given to Ron Paul. 90 measly seconds out of 3,600 seconds. The remaining 3,510 seconds were spent with the other major candidates: ** Declaring their desire to start wars in Iran, Pakistan, and Syria; ** Rehashing their support for torture; ** Agreeing that President Obama has the right to unilaterally assassinate an American citizen without a court conviction; ** Explaining their plans to continue nation-building, policing, and occupying countries across the globe. Whether you agree with Ron Paul or not, the truth is that you should at least want him to get a fair shake. Tate said that he actually felt sick as he watched the blatant favoritism during the debate…. It literally made me sick watching the mainstream media once again silence the one sane voice in this election. But if you can believe it, the mainstream media does not even acknowledge that there is a problem with bias and favoritism. Just check out what CBS News had to say about Ron Paul’s debate performance…. The polls suggest Paul’s brand of hardcore libertarianism has a limited appeal with GOP primary voters, and he remains a serious longshot for the Republican presidential nomination. But his goal is also to get his ideas into the public sphere, and on that front this debate was an unqualified success for him. What in the world? First, notice that they are once again reinforcing the notion that he is a “longshot” to win the nomination. Secondly, they actually have the gall to claim that the debate was an “unqualified success” as far as getting “his ideas into the public sphere” when they only gave him 90 seconds to speak.

What a joke. It has been shameful how much bias and favoritism there has been by the media during this campaign already. Time after time, the mainstream media has been caught taking down online polls if the “right candidate” is not winning. You can see one example of this phenomenon documented right here. Not only that, the truth is that the mainstream media devotes far, far more coverage to the candidates that they like than they do to the candidates that they do not like. For example, one scientific study found that between May 2, 2011 and October 9, 2011 Ron Paul received the least news coverage of any of the Republican candidates that are running for president. In the end, what all this means is that the Republican Party is going to nominate yet another “establishment candidate” for president and we will be faced with the “lesser of two evils” once again in November 2012. At best, Newt Gingrich, Herman Cain and Rick Perry are political moderates with deep, deep ties to the establishment. Mitt Romney is so liberal and has such deep ties to the establishment that it is truly remarkable that the American people are not able to recognize him for what he really is. If anyone out there actually believes that things will be much different if one of these “establishment candidates” is elected in 2012, they are seriously deluded. The reality is that not much changed when Barack Obama took over for George W. Bush. And not much will change if one of the “top tier” Republican candidates takes over for Barack Obama. The American people keep sending new faces to Washington D.C., but they keep on getting the same results over and over and over. It is time to wake up and realize that these “establishment politicians” are leading this country straight down the toilet.

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