What Constitution? Obama To Emphasize Intention To Use Unilateral Presidential Authority Zero Hedge January 28, 2014
While the stats of the union remain unremarkable at best, it would appear that despite the rancor in Washington, President Obama will get his way “whatever it takes.” As the WSJ reports, the State of the Union address Tuesday night will emphasize his intention to use unilateral presidential authority — bypassing Congress when necessary — to an extent not seen in his previous State of the Union speeches. “We need to show the American people that we can get something done,” Dan Pfeiffer, a senior White House adviser, told CNN; it seems no matter how totalitarian and unconstitutional it would appear to be. Via WSJ, President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address Tuesday night will seek to shift the public’s souring view of his leadership, a challenge the White House sees as critical to shaping the nation’s policy direction over the next three years. Mr. Obama will emphasize his intention to use unilateral presidential authority— bypassing Congress when necessary—to an extent not seen in his previous State of the Union speeches, White House officials said. … Mr. Obama will stress that he intends to take unilateral action on a host of other issues: infrastructure development, job training, climate change and education. Administration officials
hinted broadly at the assertive new direction Sunday. “We need to show the American people that we can get something done,” Dan Pfeiffer, a senior White House adviser, told CNN as part of a round of interviews previewing the speech. The more aggressive, executive-led approach marks a recalibration by the White House after seeing how congressional Republicans responded in 2013 to the president’s re-election, a senior administration official said. Several key White House initiatives stalled in Congress last year, including an immigration revamp, an increase in the minimum wage, gun-control legislation and economic proposals. … “He says, ‘Oh well, it’s hard to get Congress to do anything.’ Well, yeah, welcome to the real world. It’s hard to convince people to get legislation through. It takes consensus,” said Sen. Rand Paul (R., Ky.). “But that’s what he needs to be doing is building consensus and not taking his pen and creating law.” Sen. Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) said in an interview that Mr. Obama’s speech wouldn’t present “a grandiose agenda. It’s going to be a very practical agenda aimed at middleclass people.” … One big agenda item is apparently a “pledge” to hire more by US companies… He also is expected to announce that some of the nation’s largest employers, have signed a White House pledge agreeing not to discriminate against the long-term unemployed when making hiring decisions, according to a draft of the policy and interviews with several people familiar with the matter. But the corporate hiring pledge also shows the limits of executive power. Under the nonbinding agreement, companies won’t be obligated to hire the long-term unemployed, and it is unclear how the administration will monitor progress. More lip-service, more class-warfare, more totalitarianism… just what we need for ‘growth’… It does make one wonder if the surge in t-bill yields around the debt-ceiling dates are indicative of some reaction by the Republicans to this aggression?
Rep. Steve King: Obama’s Gov’t Contractor Wage Hike A “Constitutional Violation” Adan Salazar Infowars.com January 28, 2014
Rep. King: Congress needs to “restrain this president from his extraconstitutional behaviors” President Obama’s forecasted plan to use executive orders to increase the federal minimum wage for government contractors is a violation of the Constitution, Iowa Rep. Steve King said on CNN today. “It provides incentive to step up and defend the Constitution,” Rep. King responded when asked if Obama’s move to implement a new living wage by executive fiat would motivate the Tea Party faction to fall in line. At his State of the Union speech tonight, the president is expected to address several issues he plans to present to Congress before ratifying them through executive orders, including an increase to the minimum wage for federal contract workers to $10.10 an hour. “I think it’s a constitutional violation,” King said during a CNN interview preceding tonight’s speech. “We have a minimum wage. Congress has set it. For the president to simply declare ‘I’m going to change this law that Congress has passed,’ is unconstitutional. He’s outside the bounds of his Article II limitations.” “Wherever you raise the minimum wage you necessarily cost jobs,” King argued, “because some employers will decide, ‘I can’t afford that any longer.’ …The minimum wage is the government interfering in between the relation between the employee and the employer.” Throughout his tenure, the president has announced on numerous occasions that he can just as easily work around Congress to pass any legislation he wants, Constitution be damned. Back in October 2011, for instance, Obama told students at the University of Colorado-Denver that he could help them repay their student loans, but only if he worked around Congress to do so. “We can’t wait for Congress to do its job. So where they won’t act, I will,” the president stated. “We’re going to
look every single day to figure out what we can do without Congress.” In April 2012, Obama also “declared.. that the administration needed to more aggressively use executive power to govern in the face of Congressional obstructionism,” Charlie Savage wrote for the New York Times. And just mere weeks ago, Obama arrogantly announced to the nation that he had a pen and a phone, and he’s not afraid to use them. “We’re not just going to be waiting for legislation in order to make sure that we’re providing Americans the kind of help they need. I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone,” Obama said during a cabinet meeting. “And I can use that pen to sign executive orders and take executive actions and administrative actions that move the ball forward.” Congressman King seemingly addressed the president’s “pen” remarks during his interview. “This threat that the president is going to run the government with an ink pen and executive orders, we’ve never had a president with that level of audacity and that level of contempt for his own oath of office,” Rep. King said. King also said the president knows what he is doing is unconstitutional. “This is the president who is a former adjunct professor of teaching Constitutional law at the University of Chicago. He knows better, and he gave a speech at a high school here in Washington D.C. a couple of years ago that made it clear to them he knows better,” King said. “He has limitations, he’s article I, he’s the Executive branch of government, his job is to keep his oath of office and take care that the laws be faithfully executed. It’s congress’s job to pass the laws. He knows that and we need to take our oath seriously and defend the Constitution here in congress.” Despite his notable frustration, King was reluctant to jump on the impeachment bandwagon. “You know, I’ve stayed away from that word,” King confessed to CNN’s Chris Cuomo, adding, “although it does come to me on the streets of America consistently. I think instead, this Congress should lay out the violations that the president has had. And there are many.” Indeed. See 100 Reasons To Impeach Barack Obama. “We need to lay that all out — I think we should bring a resolution to the floor and say so, and restrain this president from his extraconstitutional behaviors,” Mr. King said. Congressman Steve King -- CNN New Day -- pre SOTU VIDEO BELOW http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzXYxrlgbl8
Credibility Lost: Will Obama Push Global Warming Measures In SOTU? Thomas Lifson americanthinker.com January 28, 2014
As President Obama prepares to deliver his State of the Union address, a long list of public schools and agencies are closed today in the nation's capital owing to extreme winter weather. This comes on the heels of what is shaping up to be the coldest winter in recent memory. So will President announce unilateral administrative actions designed to "combat" the "threat" of "global warming"? If so, he will continue to erode his own credibility, for the American public has largely concluded that global warming predictions are not to be taken seriously. Roger L. Simon, writing at PJ Media, makes the interesting point that Obama risks coming across as anti-science - precisely the mirror image of the intent of the original global warming hoaxers, who slurred skeptics as anti-science deniers: Word is that President Obama is going to ignore the freezing weather and say something about "global warming" or "climate change" or "stormy weather," or whatever the euphemism of the moment may be, during the State of the Union address Tuesday night. It's a sign of desperation - fewer people believe in this now than ever - an attempt to change the discussion and a sop to his left wing. Also, it's a power grab, in concert with his desire to circumvent a supposedly do-nothing Congress. But it's worse than that. If he goes this way, he will be attacking and discrediting, and therefore undermining, something far more important than he , or any other president in history, could ever be - science. I don't know how much Barack Obama knows about science. I'm skeptical he knows much. His
college and graduate school grades have been a state secret beyond anything even Eric Snowden could ferret out. But we can assume they're not terrific in the science area. They may not be as bad as Al Gore's D in geology, although Obama was attending Occidental, not Harvard, when he was required to study science. No one knows what happened when he was at Columbia. In any case, he doesn't evince a public interest in science. He hobnobs with Beyonce and Jay Z, not Nobel Prize winners in chemistry. Public skepticism over the pronouncements of government officials, the warmist scientific establishment, and the prevailing elites is at a high point, and shows no sign of abating. It is a fate richly deserved, but it leaves the nation more difficult to lead. What is necessary as a remedy is a new leadership unafraid to call BS. The American p0eople are yearning for honesty and frankness in the leaders. If the GOP nominates another "moderate" get-along-to-go along candidate for president, it will sacrifice more than its electoral prospects. The times, they are a changin'.
Video: Mega Banks Caught Spying On ‘AntiGovernment’ Citizens Anthony Gucciardi Infowars.com January 28, 2014
Mega banks caught tracking your every move online in deal with feds, but new legislation introduced as a response to our exclusive reports may soon fight back. Do you dare to question the government online? You are more than likely a target of mega bank spying teams. Teams that recent documents reveal actually work with the federal government to target and track those who associate themselves with organizations that oppose big banks and the corrupt establishment. The good news, however, is that by posting these documents in an exclusive article authored by Mikael Thalen and posted up on Infowars and Storyleak, we have now launched a nationwide resistance to what can now be termed mega bank spying. Below, you can read the email for yourself detailing a conversation between Bank of American’s Global Corporate Security Vice President Kim Triplett-Kolerich, the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and one redacted recipient: And it’s all thanks to readers and activists who share this key news around the world — a spread of information that has now led state legislators in Washington to stand against the NSA spy grid and mega bank spying. Specifically, legislation is now in the works to starve off the
NSA through cutting off finances via the state of Washington and others. Now what’s amazing is that this move is a result of key individuals inside government, who have already known something is wrong with the corrupt control freaks who run them, reading our work and deciding to take action. While I have not yet been authorized to release the full details, I have been alerted by a number of political heads that these articles have led to the launch of numerous pieces of anti-spying and antityranny legislation. The release of little known or secretive documents such as the “Modernizing State’s Continuity of Operation Planning,” which grants Washington’s governor dictatorial powers in the event of ‘any disaster or emergency’, are absolutely key to preserving our freedoms and stamping out attempts to circumvent our legal system. 2014 will be a key year in the spread of information, and I hope that you will join us in a rallying cry against those that aim to burn the Constitution and track our every action. 2014 Rising: Exposing Bank of America Spying, Continuity of Government VIDEO BELOW http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvCO_yVWbQY