What you need to know about UN Agenda 21 and how to stop it in your local community

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What you need to know about

UN Agenda 21 and how to stop it in your local community

June 28, 2012

Tell Congress: NO AGENDA 21!

Send letters and e-mails to Congress

Right now, forces are working to eradicate the United States Constitution and give regulatory and political power to the United Nations and their vision for a global, one-world government. This is not a conspiracy that MAY happen ... it is in place as you read this. AGENDA 21 is a vast United Nations initiative that may already have been implemented in your town. In the interest of "saving" the Earth and creating a "sustainable" future, Agenda 21 will dictate: • • • • •

What kind of car you can and cannot drive; Where and when you can travel; Where you can live; What kind of property you can own, if you are allowed to own property; What size family, if any, you can have

The American Policy Center reports that Agenda 21 means that: "every societal decision be based on environmental impact, focusing on three components; global land use, global education, and global population control and reduction." It's true, global warming environmentalism has reached a new level of hysteria. Despite countless arguments against it, the issue is not going away, and its backers are more rabid than ever. Agenda 21 seeks to control how Americans live their lives, presumably in an effort to "save the planet" and "sustain" life on Earth. How did this happen? Slowly, and in relative quiet, so you wouldn't figure out what was happening and try to stop it! In June, 1992, more than 178 governments - including the United States of America adopted the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, and the Statement of Principles for the Sustainable Management of Forests at a United Nations conference in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. These were not just typical "go-green" initiatives that would eventually end up being fought through legislation in Congress. It was the beginning of the systematic destruction of freedom for every American citizen. Protect the sovereignty and freedom of all Americans. Sign our petition and send messages to Congress to STOP AGENDA 21 now!

After the 1992 conference, President Clinton established a Presidential Council on Sustainable Development in 1995, by executive order. That means you and I did not get an opportunity to reject or support the idea. This was done by executive order for good reason. J. Gary Lawrence, Council advisor to President Clinton, said: "Participating in a UN advocated planning process would very likely bring out many of the conspiracyfixated groups and individuals in our society. ... This segment of our society who fear "one-world government" and a UN invasion of the United States...would actively work to defeat [Agenda 21]. So we call our process something else, such as comprehensive planning, growth management or smart growth." One of the planners has said Agenda 21, "...proposes an array of actions which are intended to be implemented by every person on earth. ... [I]t calls for specific changes in the activities of all people. ... Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all humans, unlike anything the world has ever experienced."

It sounds like a post-apocalyptic horror film, but this is reality that is unfolding before our very eyes. The United Nations is no friend to our Constitution and our freedom. Their viewpoint is completely anathema to the hard-fought values and principles this country was built upon -- liberty, freedom, individualism. YOU ARE THE ENEMY, according to the United Nations. Your greedy freedom, democracy, and right to wealth must be stopped! You may wonder how a global body could overrule your rights as an American...they believe they can do this because they do not respect the rights you hold. For example, one of Agenda 21's premises is that private property is "a social injustice since not everyone can build wealth from it." That is why they have no problem placing property restrictions on residents. The U.N. Conference on Human Settlements agrees, stating: "Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice...The provision of decent dwellings and healthy conditions for the people can only be achieved if land is used in the interest of society as a whole."

We must call on Congress right now to protect our U.S. Constitution, oppose any and all legislation that comes before Congress attempting to impose Agenda 21, and demand the education of local governments on the dangers of Agenda 21 programs. This cannot wait a day longer - the United Nations is actively working to gain control over the United States and its political system. SIGN THE PETITION AND SEND MESSAGES TO CONGRESS! Visit this website to sign petition: http://petitions.conservativeactionalerts.com/6674/tell-congress-no-agenda-21/

UN Seeks New Powers to Remake World at Rio Sustainability Summit ALEX NEWMAN The New American Monday, April 23, 2012 The United Nations plans to use its upcoming UN Conference on “Sustainable Development” (UN CSD or Rio+20) in Rio de Janeiro to amass a vast array of unprecedented new powers and literally re-shape civilization, the global economy, and even peoples’ thoughts, according to official documents. All of it will be done in the name of transitioning toward a so-called “green economy.” Among the new authorities being sought by the world body are global carbon taxes, wealth redistribution amounting to trillions of dollars per year, and a barrage of programs dealing with everything from poverty and education to health and resource allocation. Virtually no realm of human activity will be unaffected by the scheme, which analysts have described as a “mammoth exercise in global social engineering.” The global transformation agenda was laid out in a recently published report entitled “Working towards a Balanced and Inclusive Green Economy: A United Nations System-wide Perspective.” The document — prepared by a group of more than 35 UN agencies and assorted international institutions under the banner of the UN “Environmental Management Group” (UNEMG) — explains the goals of the global body’s upcoming “sustainability” summit. The conference marks the 20th anniversary of the 1992 UN Earth Summit that adopted the highly controversial “Agenda 21.” “Transitioning to a green economy requires a fundamental shift in the way we think and act,” the document explains, calling for greater “education,” information, and “awareness” efforts to help “change individual and collective behavior” in lifestyles as well as consumption and production patterns. The agenda will necessitate “a serious rethinking of lifestyles in developed countries,” it notes. Cost: Trillions per Year, and Then Some The dramatic transformation to a supposedly “green economy” — still largely undefined — will not be cheap. In fact, according to the UN, the price tag will be in the trillions of dollars per year. And consumer prices will have to increase across the board, too, with food, energy, and housing at the top of the list.

“A global transformation towards a green economy will require substantial financial resources,” the document admits, proposing “ecological taxes” as a way to “unlock” the enormous amount of funds needed to redesign human civilization. One suggestion offered in the plan: impose carbon taxes or a cap-and-trade system on the people of industrialized countries to extract some $250 billion per year for the UN agenda. Related article: UN Report for Rio+20 Outlines Top-down “Green” World Order But private capital will play a big role, too. According to the UN, public policy — regulations, mandates, incentives, and more — should be used to funnel investment money into green schemes on a massive scale. “By fundamentally restructuring public spending and leveraging private investments towards environmental and social investments, indebted industrial countries can expect to find new growth paths that support fiscal consolidation while contributing to a green economy,” the UN claims. The global body estimates that its schemes just in the “green infrastructure” field will end up costing over $1 trillion per year. Of course, agriculture and industry need to be “greened” as well, according to the UN. The total price tag is expected to be over $2 trillion of direct spending and wealth transfers per year — not including the economic devastation that would result from central planning. The vast majority will be paid by taxpayers in “developed” countries. However, the UN understands that there may be a limit to how much wealth governments can extract from their populations or divert from investors to be poured into “green” programs. So, to deal with that, the world might have to move toward an international currency that would allow global authorities to finance the schemes by printing money. “In addition, there is a need to identify and develop new sources of international funds at scale that support the global transition towards a green economy,” the document explains. “Efforts need to be made to explore the potential for an innovative use of Special Drawing Rights (SDR), international reserve assets, and pools of concentrated assets to serve the aim of financing green economy investments with attractive social as well as private returns and increasing the provision of global public goods.” SDRs are a proto-global currency managed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) based on the value of a basket of major fiat currencies. The global governmentpromoting establishment and a wide array of national leaders have been demanding for years that SDRs be used as a world currency — eventually displacing the U.S. dollar’s status. The calls for such a monetary transition are only growing louder, but critics are fighting back. Giving global institutions the power to print currency, of course, would provide a potentially unlimited supply of funds to transform the world and erect the global environmental governance structures sought by the UN.

Education: Ensuring Future Support


To ensure that the global population supports the UN agenda, the controversial report notes that “UN entities need to scale up support for education” and “culture must be an integrated part of a green economy transition.” The future of humanity — the youth — must be taught about the supposed dangers of theoretical man-made global warming. And children must also learn that the UN is needed to solve the alleged problem. “Climate change education is a particularly important part of quality education,” the report claims without elaborating. And so, the UN educational scheme “provides people at all levels of education, in particular youth, with the skills, competencies, and knowledge needed to prepare for green jobs and to change unsustainable consumption and production patterns.” The commitment to “sustainable development” education “must, therefore, be integrated into educational curricula at all levels and in all educational settings,” the report explains. “Communication and media, including the generation of information on sustainable use of resources for poverty reduction and access to such information is also important.” Poverty and Green Welfare According to the UN, poverty and “sustainable development” are linked. Therefore, the global body must ensure that welfare programs represent an integral part of the so-called “green” economy. “Poverty reduction policies should be formulated with a view to encouraging sustainable consumption and production patterns and establishing a green path for future development,” the report notes. Of course, the global transformation is going to leave a lot of people unemployed — and the UN acknowledges this, citing the fossil-fuel industry as a prime target for elimination. To deal with the destruction of livelihoods wrought by the “green” schemes, the document calls for welfare programs to support the broad array of people expected to lose their jobs. “Measures to support the most vulnerable groups such as access to a social protection floor and social safety nets are essential to achieve social inclusion, to deal with the restructuring towards a greener economy, and to adapt to climate change,” the report claims. “Coherence between social, environmental, and economic policies is needed to maximize opportunities and buffer the social cost of the transition. A transition to a green economy needs to project a vision of a greener as well as a fairer economy and society.” Instead of traditional indicators of human progress and well-being — economic growth, for example — the global body intends to roll out new measurements such as the “UN System Environmental-Economic Accounting” (SEEA). That way, the tremendous loss to be suffered around the world in material well-being can be camouflaged by claiming that life has improved using other measures – happiness, perhaps, or sustainability. http://www.infowars.com/un-seeks-new-powers-to-remake-world-at-rio-sustainability-summit/

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BEHIND THE GREEN MASK: U.N. Agenda 21 with Rosa Koire From: TheAlexJonesChannel | Feb 16, 2012

Alex talks with activist, speaker and blogger Rosa Koire about the United Nations' Agenda 21. Koire is a forensic real estate appraiser specializing in eminent domain valuation. She is the co-founder of the Santa Rosa Neighborhood Coalition, Democrats Against UN Agenda 21, and the Post Sustainability Institute. She is the author of Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21. Watch the interview: Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheAlexJonesChannel#p/u/14/lnfReKnmNkQ Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheAlexJonesChannel#p/u/13/OF3uPzwy69c Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheAlexJonesChannel#p/u/12/MTdQQ6gEWxU Part 4: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheAlexJonesChannel#p/u/11/2Wg7w1Efv3E Visit: www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com/index.html

Watch the February 13, 2012 interview: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheAlexJonesChannel#p/u/2/tqgwf3p7gnc Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheAlexJonesChannel#p/u/1/Cyujynj0UHU Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheAlexJonesChannel#p/u/0/hkwN-T-ZsLA

FULL SPEECH ON AGENDA 21, Rio Vista, CA: www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwBZjP062aU

Order Your Copy Today If you've been wanting an interesting, clearly written, how-to-manual for identifying and fighting UN Agenda 21, here it is. Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21 (paperback) by Rosa Koire is 172 pages of truth. It contains all the information you need to understand what is happening in your town, why it's happening, who is behind it, and what you can do to stop it. Part history, part current events, part hand-to-hand combat, and part blueprint for keeping your freedom; this is one book that you'll put to work immediately. Boots on the ground and all hands on deck is the order of the day. Awareness is the first step in the Resistance. http://www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com/buy-behind-the-green-mask.html ago

Life in America Under Agenda 21 with whistleblower Charlotte Iserbyt From: TheAlexJonesChannel | Feb 13, 2012 | 25,776 views

Charlotte Iserbyt is the consummate whistleblower! Iserbyt served as Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education, during the first Reagan Administration, where she first blew the whistle on a major technology initiative which would control curriculum in America's classrooms. Iserbyt is a former school board director in Camden, Maine and was co-founder and research analyst of Guardians of Education for Maine (GEM) from 1978 to 2000. She has also served in the American Red Cross on Guam and Japan during the Korean War, and in the United States Foreign Service in Belgium and in the Republic of South Africa. Iserbyt is a speaker and writer, best known for her 1985 booklet Back to Basics Reform or OBE: Skinnerian International Curriculum and her 1989 pamphlet Soviets in the Classroom: America's Latest Education Fad which covered the details of the U.S.-Soviet and Carnegie-Soviet Education Agreements which remain in effect to this day. She is a freelance writer and has had articles published in Human Events, The Washington Times, The Bangor Daily News, and included in the record of Congressional hearings. Watch the interview: Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheAlexJonesChannel#p/u/51/gEfdpC6Vjfs Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheAlexJonesChannel#p/u/50/puzO-oW9e8c Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheAlexJonesChannel#p/u/49/trs7ulKbPZw Part 4: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheAlexJonesChannel#p/u/48/twemnnvUxbA http://www.americandeception.com/ http://deliberatedumbingdown.com/index.html

The Federal Reserve banking system must be abolished and the fraudulent debt it has created for the world repudiated. It’s time to think about creating state run banks similar to those in North Dakota. Banks need to be designed to benefit the public and be honest and equitable in their transactions.

WWF Calls For Global Poverty To Save The Planet Part of elite’s “planned-opolis” agenda to reduce living standards Paul Joseph Watson Infowars.com Wednesday, May 16, 2012 The World Wildlife Fund has released a report which calls for all carbon emissions to be banned by 2050 and for the entire human population to live in a state of poverty in the name of preserving rare species and saving the planet. “Extremist green campaigning group WWF – endorsed by no less a body than the European Space Agency – has stated that economic growth should be abandoned, that citizens of the world’s wealthy nations should prepare for poverty and that all the human race’s energy should be produced as renewable electricity within 38 years from now. Most astonishingly of all, the green hardliners demand that the enormous numbers of wind farms, tidal barriers and solar powerplants required under their plans should somehow be built while at the same time severely rationing supplies of concrete, steel, copper and glass,” reports the Register. The World Wildlife Fund’s new report, entitled Living Planet Report for 2012, cites its own narrowly defined and agenda-driven ‘Living Planet Index’ to claim that the “overall state of global biodiversity” is in crisis and that rare species like tigers (presumably not including the ones shot dead by WWF President Prince Philip), are in decline because humans in richer countries enjoy too high living standards. According to the WWF, humans in developed nations are abusing their “ecological footprint” and using more “biocapacity” than they have. The only people operating within their allotted “biocapacity” are poor people in impoverished countries. The solution? The organization wants to see “inequality adjusted human development” rather than economic development. Or put another way, the answer is focused around “drastically shrinking the ecological footprint of high income populations”. This is merely a regurgitation of the post-industrial revolution – the planned-opolis – that Malthusian elites have been pushing for decades. Using the highly emotive propaganda offensive of rare animal species (since global warming has now largely been discredited), the WWF calls for virtually all carbon emissions to be abolished by 2050.

“For almost all of human history and prehistory we have burned things to generate energy – it is one of the things that makes us human – but now, within a single generation, that is to almost completely stop. After a million years, the fires will go out,” writes Lewis Page. This insane drive to ban carbon emissions, the very lifeblood of human development, happiness and prosperity, has parallels with the Forum for the Future proposal, funded by the likes of Bank of America, Time Warner and Royal Dutch Shell, which advocated the regulation of all human activity by a scientific dictatorship which would restrict car use, impose calorie food rationing, decide people’s future careers for them, and imprison malcontents who don’t conform to the new eco-fascist system within squalid ghettos. The WWF was founded by former Nazi and Bilderberg Group kingpin Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands. Its current President Emeritus is Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh. Betraying his eugenicist fervor, Prince Philip has repeatedly expressed his desire to see large numbers of human beings wiped out by a deadly virus. “In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation,” Philip told Deutsche Press Agentur in August 1988. Philip even bemoaned the fact that medical advances had helped alleviate Sri Lanka’s crippling malaria problem in the 1980′s, brazenly lamenting the fact that less people would die. “Sri Lanka must feed three times as many mouths, find three times as many jobs, provide three times the housing, energy, schools, hospitals and land for settlement in order to maintain the same standards. Little wonder the natural environment and wildlife in Sri Lanka has suffered. The fact [is] … that the bestintentioned aid programs are at least partially responsible for the problems,” he said during a University of Western Ontario speech in July 1983. In the preface of his 1988 book Down to Earth, Philip spoke of his desire to see humans “culled” through means of population control. “I don’t claim to have any special interest in natural history, but as a boy I was made aware of the annual fluctuations in the number of game animals and the need to adjust the “cull” to the size of the surplus population,” he wrote. Prince Philip’s brazen bloodlust to see humans culled in large numbers betrays the real agenda behind the WWF’s touchy-feely “green” veneer. The true purpose of the organization is to advance the arcane, authoritarian, and oppressive pseudo-science of eugenics behind the thin veil of environmental advocacy. ********************* Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. http://www.infowars.com/wwf-calls-for-global-poverty-to-save-the-planet/

Agenda 21: Arizona close to passing anti-UNsustainability bill By Jim Gold, msnbc.com Arizona lawmakers appear close to sending to Gov. Jan Brewer a tea party-backed bill that proponents say would stop a United Nations takeover conspiracy but that critics claim could end state and cities’ pollutionfighting efforts and even dismantle the state unemployment office. A final legislative vote is expected Monday on a bill that would outlaw government support of any of the 27 principles contained in the 1992 United Nations Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, also sometimes referred to as Agenda 21. Senate Bill 1507 was passed by the state Senate last month and received an initial House affirmation Wednesday. It is sponsored by state Sen. Judy Burges, R-Sun City West, who also sponsored a state birther bill that Brewer vetoed last year. "The bill is designed to protect the rights of Arizona citizens and prevent encroachment on those rights by international institutions," Burges told msnbc.com in an email. "We have three branches of government and when one branch preempts the process through executive orders, the balance of power is lost in the process. It is that simple -- no more, no less." At a March 15 hearing on the bill, Burges said an executive order signed by then-President Bill Clinton in 1993 started the implementation of Agenda 21 after the Senate refused to pass a treaty ratifying it. "Any way you want to describe it, Agenda 21 is a direct attack on the middle class and working poor" through "social engineering of our citizens" in "every aspect" of their lives," she told the hearing. But House Minority Leader Chad Campbell, D-Phoenix, has a different view. “It’s the most poorly crafted bill in this state,” Campbell told msnbc.com. “It’s so broad and overreaching, we’re not sure what it could impact.” Among the U.N. declaration’s non-binding principles are calls for sustainable development, environmental protection, eradicating poverty, eliminating unsustainable production and consumption patterns, economic growth and the participation of women in government decisions. “We wouldn’t be able to use CFL light bulbs in state buildings because that would be considered energy efficiency,” Campbell said. Campbell also said that the state’s Economic Security Department, which handles unemployment and welfare benefits, could be outlawed because it has to do with eradicating poverty. Also, Arizona universities have sustainability programs that could be banned if the bill becomes law, Campbell warned. Arizona State University has a School of Sustainability, Northern Arizona University offers a master's in sustainable communities, and the University of Arizona has an environment and sustainability portal.

Brewer, who last spring vetoed Burges' bill to require presidential candidates to prove their U.S. citizenship, typically does not comment on legislation until it reaches her desk, her spokesperson told msnbc.com Thursday. About the Rio declaration, SB1507 says “the United Nations has enlisted the support of numerous independent, shadow organizations to surreptitiously implement this agenda around the world.” Rep. Terri Proud, R-Tucson, told supporters in an email that the U.N. declaration “will take away our rights as Americans by allowing the United Nations to mandate laws on our soil,” the AzCapitolTimes.com reported. “It’s very real and it is happening.” The Times also reported that during House debate Wednesday, Rep. Jack Harper, R-Surprise, said the declaration is connected to the “occult” of sustainability. "The tea party and conspiracy theorists run the state now, Campbell told msnbc.com. See video from the March 15 House Judiciary committee meeting on SB1507 here. http://usnews.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/04/26/11415282-agenda-21-arizona-close-to-passing-anti-unsustainability-bill

If I wanted America to Fail WASHINGTON, April 22, 2012 – Another “Earth Day” has nearly passed, along with its sanctimonious urgings that we abandon our evil, energyand chemical-consuming lives in order to “save the planet.” It’s become a key part of today’s secular, socialist faux religion. And in an era of economic deprivation, this nonsense and false piety is becoming increasingly repugnant. There’s another, more bracing point of view that tracks much better with the American spirit, and we think it’s best expressed in the following video (with a hat tip to PJ Media). Watch the video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZ-4gnNz0vc

States Vote to Ban UN Agenda 21 Policies Susanne PoselMay 19th, 20120 Comment

Susanne Posel Occupy Corporatism May 19, 2012

The New Hampshire House of Representatives voted to ban UN Agenda 21 polices. This legislation will prevent local, county and state governments from adopting the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) programs. ICLEI is a UN agency that provides “local” community plans, software and training to towns and cities that pay their dues. Other private organizations in league with ICLEI are: • National League of Cities • International City/County Management Group • National Governors Association • American Planning Group “I know it is totally against our Constitution from reading the U.N. biodiversity assessment,” Rep. Anne Cartwright (R-Alstead), the primary sponsor of the bill. “It’s through local initiative that it is being implemented in bits and pieces to erode our property rights.” Cartwright believes ICLEI is attempting to remove individual property rights through sustainable development. Cartwright said: “They are very slowly implementing rules and regulations that have not reached a high level yet. They are implementing it through zoning, planning and regional planning things that impact our property rights.” NH is not the only state to pass anti-Agenda 21 legislation. In Kansas a resolution was approved that quashed Agenda 21 from taking over the state. Tennessee also resolved an anti-Agenda 21 resolution that failed to receive Governor Bill Haslam’s signature. The Arizona House of Representatives voted down a ban that resembles the NH ban. Louisiana and Alabama have resolutions against Agenda 21 that are still under consideration. Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the UN, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human beings impact the environment.

The Agenda 21 plan is to assist in social and economic issues by providing maintained healthcare and vaccinations, implement controls on how to govern the populous and make decisions for the people of the world through actions taken by the UN. Their plans are to focus on the global impact of use of land, education and depopulation through control measures. Through the elimination of personal property rights, private education (including homeschooled children) and eugenics (forced sterility), the globalization of the planet can be achieved. The UN plans to take over conservation and management of resources for their developmental purposes. By abolishing personal property rights, the demise of rural area living, removal of personal ownership of natural resources, they will take away the power away from individuals are place it firmly in the hands of governments who have agreed to these controls. Financial independence will be illuminated because dependence on the government keeps the population under its grip. Through monitoring energy usage, behaviors, big brother style controls, and re-education (brainwashing with propaganda); as well as restricting local governments by installing their own leaders voted into office by a coerced consensus. America 2050 is an organization sponsored by the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations, lists 11 megaregions in the United States and Canada. A megaregion is typically defined as a chain of roughly adjacent metropolitan areas. The concept is based on the original Megalopolis model. • Environmental systems and topography • Infrastructure systems • Economic linkages • Settlement patterns and land use • Shared culture and history Megaregions are needed because the US will be reduced to only 11 regions that will be habitable for humans by the UN’s design. These mega-cities will be connected through railways. The general public’s access to free movement across megaregions will be severely restricted. Trains will also be used to transport the food and supplies to these areas. Currently, federal government agencies are working with corporations like Amtrak, the housing and urban development authorizations and farm policies to connect and restrict the needs of the cities. A high speed rail system is needed to meet the growing movement across the country. This provides freight systems to move directly to ports, pick up their goods and transport them. Truck Only Tolls are designed to discourage individual movement of goods. The need for traditional truck driving will be a distant memory. Trains are more easily controlled by the governing agencies in charge of managing the population of these areas. As states become aware of the underlying meaning behind Agenda 21, they are putting in place legislation to prevent this takeover of our rights as Americans by the UN. President Obama, a big supporter of the UN’s Agenda 21 initiative, signed the executive order Establishing a White House Council on Strong Cities, Strong Communities where he outlined plans to partner with local communities and the US government to “provide them with

comprehensive technical assistance to use and compete for Federal resources”. The US government will then “enable them to develop and implement economic strategies to become more competitive, sustainable, and inclusive”. Obama claims that only with regional collaboration and comprehensive planning with the US government will stabilize economic growth, create jobs, and lead to sustainable redevelopment of our American cities. This rhetoric is nearly copied directly from the Agenda 21 documents from past Earth Summits. Obama wants to gain governance over resources and implement US government objectives under the guise of suggestive communication with state and local governments. Simply put, when the US government provides the financial backing, they can create any outcome they desire. By using the cloak of sustainability and economic growth, the Obama administration is seeking to obtain voluntary control of our towns and cities from our local governments. As with Agenda 21, this governmental intervention will take all the power out of the local residents of towns and cities. The US government will have supreme control by way of financial manipulation. As the local level is forced to change independent strategies, the government will assist the supposed flailing local governments with predetermined and sustainable economic opportunities . . . as long as the local government’s do as they are told by the Obama administration. Watch Agenda 21 for Dummies: www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=TzEEgtOFFlM Write to your local elected officials, attend community meetings and vote against Sustainable Developmental plans whenever you can. The more attention we bring to this hidden goal of the UN, the less likely we will face a totally controlled future by an international body under the power of global governance. The time is now; but our time to effectively halt the UN’s takeover is dwindling. http://occupycorporatism.com/states-vote-to-ban-un-agenda-21-policies/

Executive Order #13575: Theft of rural and agricultural lands for UN Agenda 21 Friday, July 15, 2011 Watch a video:


Obama recently signed EO 13575, establishing the White House Rural Council. The council is a list of the most aggressive agencies and departments in the US government. The all-inclusive council members represent the very agencies and departments most dedicated to forcing the subjugation of the US to United Nations control. In fact, many of the agencies, departments and organizations listed as Council members are in fact creations of the UN; created for no other purpose than to give the United Nations direct access to the United States. This council can be viewed as nothing less than the establishment of a domestic terrorism group which will orchestrate the coming assault on private agricultural property owners in an effort to force them off their land and out of production. There was an effort during the Reagan presidency to launch a similar assault on individual owners of agricultural land which would have displaced more than 2 million people, handing their land over to others who were more amenable to the government and UN control. Watch a video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_juUVKKBw-k&feature=player_embedded The new White House Rural Council is led by many of the same government agencies that lead the National Invasive Species Council (under the USDA). It is preceded by Clinton’s 1993 creation: President’s Council on Sustainable Development. Sustainable development being the cornerstone of UN Agenda 21 mandates for theft of property from the individual. Next came the National Invasive Species Council (NISC) created by Clinton Executive Order 13112 in 1999 and co-chaired by the Secretaries of the Interior, Agriculture, and Commerce. NISC members include the Secretaries of State, Defense, Homeland Security, Treasury, Transportation, Health and Human Services, the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR), as well as the Administrators of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and U.S. Agency for International Development. Stunning in the inclusion of the Department of Defense and NASA, the Rural Council represents the greatest threat to independent and family farming and ranching and is focused primarily on the heartland…..for now. The actual focus of the Council will be to remove as many as possible from valued agricultural lands across the country. Drawing on the Department of Interior and Bureau of Land (mis) Management’s claim that only they can determine beneficial and/or adequate use of available lands, waters and resources, the Council is set to displace a large portion of America’s private agricultural operations and the attached property rights, substituting them with Big AG corporate contractors; All for the global economy and to the detriment of life around the globe. What isn’t handed over to bio-pirates as a gift will be handed to the UN for their UN Agenda 21 biodiversity/non-human habitat plan.

It is important to understand why all these various agencies were included. This is to bypass non-positive code & title. What could not be codified into public law stands only as prima facie evidence of non-positive code & title. A complete list of all codes & titles can be found here. For the purposes of the Council just created and the Councils set up by Clinton, these agencies circumvent Constitutional prohibitions meant to prevent the Federal government from encroaching and expanding its power unlawfully into these areas: Not one of these Titles can be codified and enacted into public law as they are outside the enumerated powers of the federal government, and as such, are unenforceable. Title 6 Homeland Security. (formerly Surety Bonds, which was repealed; see Title 31) Title 7 Agriculture. Title 8 Aliens and Nationality. Title 15 Commerce and Trade. Title 16 Conservation. Title 21 Food and Drugs. Title 22 Foreign Relations and Intercourse. Title 30 Mineral Lands and Mining. Title 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters.. Title 42 Public Welfare. Title 43 Public Lands. While many wondered why every alphabet soup agency or department was included in what I consider to be a newly forming government sponsored domestic terrorism organization, it appears obvious to me; Including every possible agency and department covers all the bases. If the EPA or BLM can’t terrorize you into forfeiting your land and your livelihood, there are copious numbers of other agencies who will move in to attack from various angles. Because of the massive number of agencies and departments involved, just stepping out the front door of your farm or ranch house will now be a matter of breaking some rule, regulation or unknown provision that will be the catalyst used to begin the wholesale attack by government agents and agencies and none of it will be lawful. The newly formed Rural Council is poised to move vast numbers of family and independent farmers and ranchers off their valuable and productive land. This Council which will be used to perform acts of domestic terrorism against US citizens under the guise of “ natural security, land stewardship, conservation, best land practices, best animal practices, beneficial use of water, restoring agricultural economies, for the greater good, for all of mankind, saving the environment, and of course the ever changing “global warming/climate change bs along with other innocuous and non-threatening sounding jingo’s, is the Trojan horse rolling out of the United Nations. What is about to take place under the UN’s watchful eye is an unlawful detainer: The Act or judicial fact of withholding from a person lawfully entitled the possession of land or goods: Or, the restraint of a man’s personal liberty against his will. This is a forced taking of private property: an unlawful detainer. And, it is about to happen with great frequency. New Council or not, it would be a relatively simple matter to halt the coming terrorism by corporate federal agencies against agricultural property owners. Our governors would have only to refuse any contracting with these federal corporations which would deny them access inside the geographical boundaries of the states. In fact, revocation of previous contracts with these same federal corporations which are in fact, foreign to the states, could go a long way in repairing the damage done from decades of federal interference.

The time worn argument for contracting with federal corporations, is funding. Governors and legislators will claim that the state will lose mountains of federal funding that the state needs if the contract is refused or revoked. But….where does that funding come from? From the states via the taxpayers and the funding money is for corporate federal programs. Get rid of the corporate federal programs and agencies, and there will be little need for funding as the burden on the citizens of the states to comply in exchange for otherwise unneeded funds diminishes exponentially. The sad truth is that our governors will throw the door wide open to more encroachment and most all legislators will follow suit. Hard times are coming for the heartland as agricultural land is seized and property rights are trashed. The White House Rural Council is in my estimation…….a war council and one which has declared its intention to mount an attack on property owners across the nation. The most disdainful part of this is that these attacks will be the result of one American turning on the other as lines are drawn between the general public and those who turned their backs on everyone else while they aligned themselves with terrorists in our government. ______________________________ http://www.usa.gov/Agencies/Federal/Executive.shtml US Code & Title positive and non-positive Clinton’s PCSD In 1993 with Bill Clinton’s President’s Council on Sustainable Development (PCSD) – (this is the direct link to Agenda 21) was established. Here is a list of the major Executive Departments: Executive Departments Department of Agriculture (USDA) Department of Commerce (DOC) Department of Defense (DOD) Department of Education (ED) Department of Energy (DOE) Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Department of Housing and Urban Development


Department of Justice (DOJ) Department of Labor (DOL) Department of State (DOS) Department of the Interior (DOI) Department of the Treasury Department of Transportation (DOT) Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)

ALL of them have a Sustainable Development (SD) plan as required by UN Agenda 21. Marti Oakley‘s article first appeared on Activist Post. Read the article: http://www.activistpost.com/2011/07/executive-order-13575-theft-of-rural.html

Agenda 21 Brainwashing: “Integrating Population Issues Into Environmental Mass Media Coverage” Jurriaan Maessen Infowars.com April 17, 2012 During a discussion at the 1980 Bilderberg conference in Aachen, West-Germany, one participant stood up to make his case for depopulation and the third world. In the Bilderberg notes we read: CFR boss Richard Haass: “The common enemy of humanity is man.”

“The speaker (a German participant) went on to say that the leaders of the LDC’s understood that the oil price explosion had hurt the Third World much more than the industrialized countries. And they were beginning to see that they did not have at all the same interests as the oil-producing countries. What they did not perhaps fully understand was what a menace the population explosion was to their countries. It seemed that no one wanted to tell them thatneither the Catholic Church nor others. It would be nearly impossible to feed and employ the future world population at the rate it was growing. This had to be faced seriously; it could not be solved by talking about “gadgets and gimmicks.”, the German participant concluded. The gadgets and gimmicks the Bilderberger referred to during the 1980 get-together were already in place during the 1970s and beginning of the 1980s en were to be expanded with painstaking accuracy by the global elite in the years and decades to come. To tackle the population problem and convincingly manufacture an ongoing crisis in order to justify their plans, they would have to find some pretext, any pretext, on the condition that it superseded nation-states for their own transnational designs. CFR-head Richard N. Haass offers an insight into the true objective of the environmental argument in a 1991 Club of Rome document, ‘The First Global Revolution’: “The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a common enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill.” As we know, the globalists have decided long ago that the environmental debate is no longer a debate- it has been decreed that the “discussion is over” and everyone should better realize that man is the prime cause for global warming on the planet earth, or of any other natural calamity. As long as it serves the double purpose of the elite: to abolish nation-states in favor of a great global government, and reduce the world population in the same breath. The imagined threat of “international terrorism” being hardly sufficient to justify the drastic measures being implemented, another common enemy has presented itself, and that enemy is staring back at you in the mirror. As numerous meteorologists and climatologists have testified to in recent years, their participation in the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has been used to back a theory that they themselves did not support. And then there are the thousands of meteorologists of good name and standard, who out of scientific righteousness have stepped forward and presented their facts before the public and scientific community. But

it is of no concern to the global elite. They have for a good long time, spanning the last couple of centuries at least, presided over the politics of eugenics and enforced its diabolical mechanisms with energy, cunning and precision. It is not an idle use of words, when we identify eugenicists as such, for however just and noble its cloaking makes them out to be, this supposed righteousness is merely a grotesque carnival-costume intended to shade its true countenance. For an October 1975 ‘International Workshop on Environmental Education’, UN-representative Lars Emmelin writes: “The adult education effort seems to me most critical. First, because this element- now outside the formal channels of education- will continue to be the decision makers for the next 15 to 20 years, and it is within this period that the most critical and disruptive decisions will have to be made. We cannot afford to focus on youth and let the elders die off before changing our course, which, if time permitted, would be the most efficient way of institutions change.” In choosing its course for mass-indoctrination, the 1975 workshop explores various ways in which the mass media can be used to “sensitize” the general public in accepting the UN’s long-term ambitions. Under the headline ‘The Media as Environmental Educators’ (page 4) several options are being presented by one of the participants in how the media can best be used: “Discussing the role of media as motivators Sandman concludes that: “Four relatively effective kinds of environmental information are: basic ecological principles; prescriptions for environmental action; early warnings of anticipated problems; and assessments of blame for environmental degradation.”’, the report states. During an ENESCO-conference in October 1977 held (bizarrely) in Soviet Russia, the Director-General of UNESCO, Amadou-Mahtar M’Bow, “paid tribute to the Soviet Union and to the spectacular results achieved since the October Revolution in all areas of economic, social and cultural life, particularly in education and science, and, more especially, in environmental education.” You’re reading it right. Here the good Director-General is paying tribute to a then 60-year old regime responsible for murdering many millions of its own people in death camps and deliberate mass-scale starvation-operations. Yes, “environmental issues” were very high on the agenda of the USSR, very high indeed. After having taken his hat off to his fellow-psychopath, the Director-General plunged into a long and melodious speech on the importance of the “environment-issue” in the decades to come: “The objectives and strategies relating to the environment and to development had to be linked and coordinated. (…) It would be the task of education to make people aware of their responsibilities in this connection, but in order to do so it must first be reoriented and based on an ethos of the environment” And a little further on he states: “Environmental education should also promote attitudes which would encourage individuals to discipline themselves in order not to impair the quality of the environment and to play a positive role in improving it.” It is true, under the intentionally vague ‘environment’-umbrella one can assemble all kinds of calamities and as many solutions to combat them. “Work in this programme area”, the report continues, “will be intensified “in the line of the conference’s recommendations and move into a more operational faze. This means, among other activities, “making aid from UNESCO available to member states (of the UN) which would like to launch pilot projects”; considering a “bank” of experts on environmental education; augmenting “work in the exchange of experience, in training

and in encouraging the production of teaching materials”; and strengthening the Secretariat and UNESCO’s infrastructure in general for the increased promotion of environmental education..”’ In the meeting, the chairman of the conference stressed that no means must or will be shunned in the coming propaganda war against the people: “Some countries have also taken an interest, as part of in-service training activities, in the environmental education of various social and occupational categories of the population, such as factory workers, farmers, civil servants, etc. Marked progress has been made in the preparation of audio-visual and printed teaching materials concerning the environment, and the mass media are being increasingly used for sensitizing and informing broad sectors of the public about the environment.” In a follow-up conference more than ten years later (this time in Moscow) the Secretary-General of UNESCO, Federico Mayor, discusses “three levels of global education” in regards to the environment. The first, he states, is the “moral imperative” to reach as many people as humanly possible. The second level is “to harness school systems, non-formal learning and informal education to teach and learn about the global issues that shape and threaten the quality of our lives.” Arriving at the third and last level of global indoctrination, Mayor states: “The third level concerns the means at our disposal to project a global reach for education through both simple and highly advanced existing technologies. (…) the daily newspaper and radio have a crucial role to play in building bridges to the wider world. We must promote these media, defend and expand their freedom and appeal to their professionals at all levels to work with us for global education.” We can hardly accuse the globalists of keeping their plans secret. At every possible UN event or brainstorm conference, they openly brag about their plans for the world in quite explicit ways. The Secretary-General continues about the steps that have to be taken in order to build a “new global perception”: “Our first initiative would be to create a worldwide expert panel of scientists and educators to plan a global education curriculum of practical value and planetary scope.” The Secretary-General forgets to mention here that just such a panel was created two years earlier by the very organization he presided over. “Second, putting environmental education at the center of all curricula from kindergarten to higher studies and training the teachers and the administrators who can carry the massage into all schools.(..) Third, promoting a global civic education by devising teaching methods and materials that emphasize the ethics of worldwide community living.(…) Fourth, teaching the children of the wealthier countries about the conditions of their brothers and sisters in the developing world (…) Fifth, working with the mass media and telecommunication enterprises to produce and broadcast audio-visual packages that introduce audiences, particularly children and young people, to the great teachers of this world at al levels and in all cultures (…).” “And finally”, the Secretary-General concludes, “let me make a very immediate and concrete proposal: building on the broadcast of this forum scheduled for tomorrow (…), to create global television learning networks on the issues of the human agenda for the next century. This would be an experiment in informal global education at its best.” Under the term ‘Information Repackaging’, the UN has published several manuals on this subject, teaching their cronies how to most effectively influence public opinion. In a 1986 Manual for Repackaging of Information on Population Education, the UNESCO proposes “strategies for integrating population education into different subject areas”- one of these being playing into fears on the part of the population in regards to the subject of their home environment family:

“For instance, the effectiveness of fear appeals in changing attitudes and behaviour, such as the adverse effects of non- or limited access to education and housing facilities with more than two children, depends on the credibility of the source of information and the extent of general/public support to the message conveyed by a particular piece of information. Fear appeals directed to the welfare of people valued by the receiver of information (e.g. family members, close friends) are also effective.” On page 37 of the manual, under the header “Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI)”, the strategy is further elaborated upon: “One SDI package, for instance, focuses on the integration of population education into environmental education. The package contains materials which will help users understand the relationship between man and the environment, as well as provide insights and actual data on how to plan, teach and implement practical environment/population activities for everyday life.” As we know, the above mentioned gadgets and gimmicks are being incrementally used in the mass media as the climate change propaganda machine is working overtime. Using the mass media to prepare the population for globalist supreme rule is not only an ambitious plan- it reveals the deceitful spirit behind the provided information, rivaling the work of Joseph Goebbels and his Department of Propaganda. A March 2009 policy brief by the United Nations Population Division reveals that the long-term plan for worldwide population reduction is not going fast enough according to the social engineers, not by a long shot. Under the desperate headline “What would it take to accelerate fertility decline in the least developed countries?” this particular policy brief gives an overview of the progress made by developing countries in regards to the globalists set goal of reducing population and proposes several ways of speeding up the death. Richly draped with graphic illustrations on the state of global population and the progress made by the UN to bring back fertility to “acceptable” levels, the policy brief advises an increased effort on the part of governments to commit to a strict family planning- policy and other measures designed to bring a halt to life. “The reduction of fertility could be accelerated if effective measures were taken to satisfy the existing unmet need for family planning.” After these recommendations, the authors plunge into a long, wailing lament about the slow progress of the desired culling of the population. They also blame a lack of commitment of the governments concerned and, as expected, they stress the need for a global intervention in order to avoid certain destruction. This recent policy brief was just one out of many in regards to the long-term plan by the elite to significantly bring down the numbers of the existing earth population. From the moment the Rockefeller funded family planning-machine was widely kicked off in the 1960s and 70s, numerous meetings have been held in the last couple of decades where various strategies were discussed to implement population-reduction on as large a scale as possible. The strategies in question were especially directed towards the third world as the globalists had virtual carte blanche in the impoverished developing countries. The famous 1994 population conference in Cairo outlined some of the proposed strategies to be implemented. Then Secretary-General of the UN, Boutros Boutros-Ghali in his opening statement on the International Conference on Population and Development, stated that: “I am not exaggerating when I say that not only does the future of the human society depend on this Conference but also the efficacy of the economic order of the planet on which we live.”

During a follow-up-meeting held in New York on December 1994, the United Nations’ participants came up with some practical solutions to the “population problem”– one of which is the integration of population issues with matters of “environment” and “human development”: “Several priority areas were identified that needed immediate action by the participants. These included creation of awareness of the interrelationships between environment, population and development; advocacy; education; training; population management; gender concerns; monitoring and evaluation; and information dissemination and networking.” Under the headline “Youth NGOs Agree to Integrate Environment and Population Issues in their Activities” were mentioned the following activities to “guide” the young into the right mindset by, again, mixing in environmental issues with population issues: “Among the current issues identified by the Working Group as requiring priority attention were the problems dealing with population, environment and sustainable development. Hence, a Working Group Meeting of the Regional Consultation of Youth NGOs in Asia and the Pacific was held from 19-21 April 1995 at the UNESCO PROAP to discuss and shape a plan of action integrating issues on environment, population and development for consideration by the youth NGOs. (…) To help them develop a relevant plan of action, the participants were exposed and sensitized to the current policies and programmes adopted by FAO, UNEP, UNFPA, and UNESCO in the areas of population, environment and development.” Further on the use of mass-media is being proposed as effective “carriers of population-information” to hammer dehumanization into the collective consciousness: “With more than 2 billion radios in the world, roughly one for every three people, and growing number of televisions, the electronic media plays an increasingly important and influential role in building awareness of population and other development issues.” The report continues with a prime example of predictive programming: “Radio and television soap operas featuring family planning themes, popular songs on population-related issues, and phone-in question-and-answer sessions have all had an impact in different countries. The use of such media can be very important where literacy is low or where written information is not widely circulated. A TV soap opera series is credited with bringing thousands to family planning clinics in Mexico, and night-time drama series integrating family planning themes have proved successful in Egypt, Nigeria and Turkey.” In a January 1994 preparation meeting for the Cairo conference called “Family Planning Communications Strategies Examined” it was discussed how best to use the media in order to create tolerance among the general public and “how attitudes and beliefs could be changed through the innovative use of traditional and mass media.” “The meeting featured case studies and presentations by communication practitioners and covered a wide range of subjects, such as: the use of folk tradition and drama to organize community action in Egypt; the use of micro-communications to encourage acceptance of family planning in the Philippines; the use of traditional and modern media in Ghana; and the use of songs to propagate family planning messages in Latin America. The success in India and Mexico of radio and television soap operas and films on family planning subjects was also discussed.” During the meeting the Executive Coordinator of the ICPD, Jyoti Shankar Singh, stressed the importance of using mass media to “convey family planning and reproductive health messages”:

“Electronic media, print media (and) interpersonal interventions were all part of the kind of comprehensive information, education and communication (IEC) strategies we need in pursuit of population goals.” In another technical report Guidelines on Basic Education with special attention to Gender Disparities for the UN Resident Coordinator System the message is repeatedly conveyed that: “It is important that information be disseminated through various channels including traditional means and packaged in various forms to allow both literate and illiterate persons to understand the key messages.” In 1997 the UNFPA organized a Regional Media Seminar on Population and Development for the role of the mass media in (euphemistically called) ‘Information Repackaging’ for the Pacific islands. The UN officials boasted on the success of the seminar: “The seminar brought together journalists in the print and radio media from 9 countries of the South Pacific to explore both the role and potential of mass media as a vehicle for population advocacy, information, education and communication. (…) The seminar explored the role of the media in developing and packaging population materials for identified target groups. The meeting also provided development partners with an opportunity to forge networks with media personnel and develop effective strategies to better address population and development goals and accelerate the implementation of the ICPD (International Conference on Population and Development) Programme of Action.” In other words: every possible resource should be utilized for propagandizing different target audiences. But the people burdened with designing and implementing population education on a large scale emphasized the need for a common tongue and sequence of arguments with which the different UN-divisions sell the people on the idea of dehumanization. “Mr. Michael Vlassoff, Senior Technical Officer, Technical and Evaluation Division, UNFPA, introduced the work of the Working Group on Policy-Related Issues. He explained that the Working Group had decided to address the “common advocacy” concern by drawing up a Statement of Commitment that would then be issued by all agencies and organizations involved in the IATF. The aim of such a statement would be to ensure that all UN agencies and organizations use the same language regarding population and development issues.” The report goes on to list these arguments with which populations worldwide should be lured into embracing modern-day eugenics as a sensible policy: “The “Statement of Commitment on Population and Development by the United Nations System”, drafted by the Working Group, is divided into three sections: a general introduction stressing the commitment by the UN agencies and organizations to implement ICPD (International Conference on Population and Development); a section on the linkages between population issues and other development issues; and a concluding section calling for global partnership in addressing these interrelated issues.” In short- a great part of the 1990s was occupied with a coordinated mobilization of mass media for propaganda purposes by the global elite, a test case so to speak, before implementing the same strategies worldwide in the first decades of the 21st century. The great global warming swindle then was put into action, arriving just in time as the environmental issue to attach the basic message to: there are too many of us- and our numbers should be reduced before the planet is destroyed. Because the warming is global, the response should be so as well. However eloquently the message may be presented by hopelessly compliant media outlets, it is the tyrant’s voice we discern amidst the chatter- and all with ears to hear should educate their neighbor in this all-out information war. Let’s not forget what the elite who have funded the UN from the moment of its very conception have always aspired. In the words of the aristocratic fiend Prince Philip:

“If I were reincarnated, I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.” Similar/Related Articles 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

The UN, Eugenics and the Mass Media Undermining Human Nature: Mass Media & Eugenics Al Gore, Agenda 21 And Population Control Environmental Toxins May be Causing Mass Cancer Wave Eugenics Alert: UN’s Agenda of Population Control Accelerating UK “Green Advsior” Says Population Must Fall to 30 Million Top Professor at Globalist Population Control Summit: “No More Shrouding Our Statements in Code” China says population control key to Copenhagen deal From 7 Billion People To 500 Million People – The Sick Population Control Agenda Of The Global Elite Former UNEP-Chieftain and Bilderberger Admitted to “International Consensus” on Population Policy The Population Reduction Agenda For Dummies UN’s World Population Day 2010: Beijing Announces Measures to Stop “Unauthorized Births”


All the major problems on the planet can be connected to the deceitful, corrupt international banking cabal. By creating and regulating the value of currency, the banksters have now created a worldwide economic collapse. Using our own money taken through bailouts, interest and taxation, booms and busts, they plan to own it all! They are working in tandem with the mainstream media, corporations, big-pharma, the military industrial complex and even control Hollywood filmmakers.

EPA's Plans for Implementing UN's Agenda 21 Thursday, 03 May 2012 19:00 Written by Larry Greenley

One of the most successful grassroots campaigns during the past year has been the Stop Agenda 21 movement both at the local level and state level. However, we haven't heard as much about Agenda 21 implementation at the national level. Of course, there were President Bill Clinton's establishment of the President's Council on Sustainable Development by executive order in 1993 and President Obama's "Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance" executive order in 2009. And, many federal agencies have been incorporating sustainability into various aspects of their organizations. Still, virtually all Stop Agenda 21 grassroots activity has been focused on the local and state levels. The establishment of Clinton's President's Council on Sustainable Development (PCSD) started a pattern of denial by federal government agencies regarding any connection with the United Nations Agenda 21. Even though the PCSD was clearly established in 1993 in support of the UN's Agenda 21 and its Sustainable Development proposals from the UN's '92 Earth Summit in Rio, the PCSD's statements and documents never referred to the UN and Agenda 21.

We have evidence that federal officials were taking pains to make the PCSD appear to be completely separate from the UN's Agenda 21 because J. Gary Lawrence, an advisor to the PCSD, said the following in 1998: Participating in a UN advocated planning process would very likely bring out many of the conspiracy-fixated groups and individuals in our society.... This segment of our society who fear ‘one-world government’ and a UN invasion of the United States through which our individual freedom would be stripped away would actively work to defeat any elected official who joined ‘the conspiracy’ by undertaking LA21 [Local Agenda 21]. So, we call our processes something else, such as comprehensive planning, growth management or smart growth. This helps explain why virtually all federal activities in pursuit of sustainability rarely make any reference to the UN or the UN's Agenda 21, even though these federal activities are very much in sync with the UN's Agenda 21. Nonetheless, there have been very significant developments regarding sustainability at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) beginning with its 40th anniversary in late 2010. On November 30, 2010, EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson stated: "Today I am formally requesting President Cicerone and the National Academies convene a committee of experts to provide to the U.S. EPA an operational framework for sustainability that applies across all of the agency’s programs, policies, and actions." Jackson added: "Today we have a new opportunity in front of us. We have an opportunity to focus on how environmentally protective and sustainable we can be. You see, it’s the difference between treating disease and pursuing wellness."

The National Academies of Science (NAS) responded with a detailed study, Sustainability and the U.S. EPA (aka the "Green Book"), which cost the EPA $700,000, and which was published in August 2011. The NAS also produced a five-minute video (see video also below) about this project.

Here are some excerpts from the 286-page "Green Book": • "The [UN’s World Commission on Environment and Development] called upon the UN General Assembly to transform its [1987] report into a global action plan for sustainable development. The nations of the world did precisely that at the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development, or 'Earth Summit,' in Rio de Janeiro. These nations, including the United States, endorsed a global sustainable development action plan, known as Agenda 21, and a set of 27 principles for sustainable-development, called the Rio Declaration. Together, these agreements modify the definition of development by adding a third pillar — environmental protection and restoration — to the economic and social pillars of development." • "First, the committee recommends that EPA formally adopt as its sustainability paradigm the 'Three Pillars' approach of 'Social,' 'Environment,' and 'Economic' dimensions of sustainability.” • "Sustainability impact assessment is used to analyze the probable effects of a particular project or proposal on the social, environmental, and economic pillars of sustainability.” Thus, the "Green Book" acknowledges that the nations of the world, including the United States, "endorsed a global sustainable development action plan, known as Agenda 21" at the '92 Earth Summit in Rio. Next, the NAS committee recommended that "EPA formally adopt as its sustainability paradigm the 'Three Pillars' approach of 'Social,' 'Environment,' and 'Economic' dimensions of sustainability.” Which would make the EPA sustainability paradigm exactly in sync with the three pillars of sustainable development agreed upon at the '92 Earth Summit. Finally, the NAS proposed a new tool for EPA, the sustainability impact assessment, that would be "used to analyze the probable effects of a particular project or proposal on the social, environmental, and economic pillars of sustainability.” Therefore, it is apparent that the NAS "Green Book" is positioning the EPA to become the premier federal agency for implementing Agenda 21 in the United States. 

EPA spokesman are wary in this highly-charged, election-year political climate about making any definitive statement regarding whether and how soon the EPA would adopt the "Green Book" sustainability methodology. However, it is clear from listening to the audio of the November 30, 2010, meeting where the EPA commissioned the NAS to produce a new "operational framework for sustainability" for the EPA that the EPA sees the "sustainability paradigm" as the future for the agency. Moreover, just to keep it real for those of us accustomed to the American way of life, here is what Maurice Strong, Secretary-General of the UN Earth Summit in Rio in 1992, said in his opening speech to the attendees: “Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class — involving high meat intake, the use of fossil fuels, electrical appliances, home and work-place air-conditioning, and suburban housing — are not sustainable.” (Emphasis added.)

 Based on Strong's remarks, it doesn't take much of an imagination to predict just how much downward pressure on our standard of living would be exerted by a sustainability oriented EPA. 

It also doesn't take too much talent at connecting the dots to understand that an EPA based on sustainability, an EPA that wants to pursue wellness, not treat disease, an EPA that wants to use "sustainability impact assessments" to analyze the probable effects of a particular project or proposal on the social, environmental, and economic dimensions of sustainability — that would be an EPA that would aspire to regulate in detail virtually every aspect of our lives, thus completely destroying our freedom and prosperity.

The point of all of the above is that even though the EPA is already guilty of vastly over-regulating us, an EPA based on an operational framework of sustainability would be much worse. There's currently no legislation in Congress to stop the EPA from implementing the UN Agenda 21 concept of sustainability. Realistically, given the makeup of Congress, there's virtually no chance that a bill could be passed this year to stop EPA implementation of Agenda 21. However, in light of the rapid growth of the Stop Agenda 21 movement over the past year, and the changes that will occur with the elections in November, Congress could very well be more likely to initiate and pass anti-Agenda 21 legislation in 2013. Click here if you would like to send a message to your Representative and Senators about this issue. Photo at top: EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson: AP Images This article (slightly modified) originally appeared under a different title at JBS.org and is reprinted here with permission.

Enron The Smartest Guys in the Room Uploaded by SSBFPakistan on Sep 1, 2011 Enron dives from the seventh largest US company to bankruptcy in less than a year in this tale told chronologically. The emphasis is on human drama, from suicide to 20,000 people sacked: the personalities of Ken Lay (with Falwellesque rectitude), Jeff Skilling (he of big ideas), Lou Pai (gone with $250 M), and Andy Fastow (the dark prince) dominate. Along the way, we watch Enron game California's deregulated electricity market, get a free pass from Arthur Andersen (which okays the dubious mark-to-market accounting), use greed to manipulate banks and brokerages (Merrill Lynch fires the analyst who questions Enron's rise), and hear from both Presidents Bush what great guys these are. Watch the full video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xIO731MAO4&feature=plcp

UN Creates New, More Powerful Global Environmental Agency Susanne Posel, Contributor Activist Post Sunday, May 27, 2012

In June of this year, at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, the United Nations (UN) will push for the expansion of their new and improved global environmental agency. The UN Environmental Program (UNEP) will be promoted to “specialized agency” with a new title, UN Environment Organization (UNEO). The UNEO will prop up the Sustainable Development division of the UN. The same agency that disseminates Agenda 21 policies to governments will be centralized into a global agency with powerful international backing. As the unscientific assertions of a global environmental crisis, vanishing biodiversity and over-population become more “urgent” to the UN, the insertion of international governance is being covertly added into the mix as the answer to solve all problems worldwide. Through treaties, agreements and institutions, reformation of the UN within the UN has yielded quite a response. Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary General, devised the global sustainability panel that includes more than 50 supporters of the creation of UNEO. “One option is the possible transformation of UNEP into a specialized agency of the United Nations. A strengthened UNEP could enhance coherence between relevant multilateral environmental agreements, and better integrate its work with the activities of development institutions, especially the United Nations Development Program,” states one recommendation. The UN is changing the status of the “program” to an “agency” to demand more funding for its initiatives, as well as to receive more power and autonomy. Although UNEO is slated to be funded entirely by voluntary donation, “assessed contributions” could be allocated to the agency on the basis of success and necessity. Specialized agencies within the UN receive these “assessed contributions” by member states as derived from factors such as national income and gross domestic product.

The more the country can afford, the more the UN takes to fund their international directives. One way of directing funds to the UN is through the usurpation of innovative technologies for the sake of “saving the planet”. There is a call for development and manufacturing of greenhouse safe products; however, the allocation of funding toward research for finding a way to mitigate or even stop climate change effects seems to be left out. The business of climate change is expected to be quite lucrative for those successful at convincing authoritative bodies that these technologies must be purchased by their nation and mandated for use by their citizens. The UN will disburse a global carbon tax , redistribute the world’s wealth and install programs that will place all issues concerning humanity, poverty, the securitization of resources and education under its control and command. They will force ecological taxes to steer large amounts of money into funds designed to redesign humanity, civilization and the planet – and fit them all into their mold. A carbon cap-and-trade tax system for industrial countries could yield $250 billion per year. They also want to take in investment monies to mandate new public policies, regulation and propose incentives “by fundamentally restructuring public spending and leveraging private investments towards environmental and social investments, indebted industrial countries can expect to find new growth paths that support fiscal consolidation while contributing to a green economy.” The US contributed $22.9 million of American taxpayer money to the UN in 2010. That accounted for 9.8% of the agency’s total annual funding. US federal agencies that “voluntarily” gave to the UN are: • • • •

The Department of the Interior Department of State The Environmental Protection Agency NASA The creation of a global environmental agency is championed by the European Union, who has been calling for the upgrade of UNEP for quite some time. IN 2007, Jacques Chirac called for the expansion of a “massive international action to face the environmental crisis”, referring to the yet realized UNEO. We are coming to realize that the entire planet is at risk, that the well-being, health, safety, and very survival of humankind hangs in the balance. We call for the transformation of the UNEP into a genuine international organization to which all countries belong, along the lines of the World Health Organization. The ideal that Chirac lead over 5 years ago is now being resurfaced and supported by 46 countries in the European Union, as well as Africa, Latin America and Asia. The US, Russia and China have declined to be part of the push for this monstrous agency that will wield enormous international power over the environment.

Chirac, a man-made climate change alarmist, backed the documentation of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) when they made public a series of reports that claimed the global temperatures were exponentially rising and those drastic effects would continue for centuries. Obama has followed suit with the UN and created his own environmental organization called the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). IRENA is run like a UN agency, with members’ contributions based on the same criteria as the UN funds their agencies. IRENA receives American taxpayer money which makes up 22% of its current annual budget. Susanne Posel is the Chief Editor of Occupy Corporatism. Our alternative news site is dedicated to reporting the news as it actually happens; not as it is spun by the corporately funded mainstream media. You can find us on our Facebook page. http://www.activistpost.com/2012/05/un-creates-new-more-powerful-global.html#more -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Chart Shows The Bilderberg Group’s Connection To Everything In The World

The Bilderberg Group is 120-140 powerful people who meet each year to discuss policy. The meetings are closed to the public. This graph we found on Facebook shows the members’ connections to a ton of corporations, charities, policy groups and media. Everyone from Eric Schmidt to George Soros is a member. There are tons of conspiracy theories about the group, including that they control the world economy. We took the findings with a grain of salt–after all, it’s easy to trace an individual to a corporation and the graph doesn’t specify what influence the member wielded. But perhaps it’s a compelling argument for why the meetings should be public. [Click on chart to see full-sized image.] http://www.businessinsider.com/this-chart-shows-the-bilderberg-groups-connection-to-everything-in-the-world-2012-6

10 Reasons Why Reality Is A Collective Dream Saman Mohammadi Infowars.com May 27, 2012 The government beast to the people: sleep now, little child. Everything is going to be alright. Mommy and I are not going to let anyone hurt you. 1. The Western media is keeping mainstream Western consciousness in a state of sleep. It is doing this in order to suppress public awareness of massive crimes against humanity by financial, media, and political leaders in the U.S., England, and Israel. 2. Time is speeding up, and leaving little time for reflection and thinking. The world is changing at a pace that exceeds our ability to grasp what the changes mean for us as individuals and for our collective destiny as a species. The overwhelming sense of lost time is too much to bear for a lot of people, so they get depressed, disengage from the real world, and escape into their fantasy worlds. 3. Everything we are led to believe about official reality and official history by society’s institutions is a lie. A sense of meaning to our lives has been lost, and we are desperately looking for answers. Some of us get trapped in the maze of information, and give up our personal quest for understanding. And some of us continue to slog on through the darkness, night in, night out, because we are never satisfied with our current level of knowledge. 4. On 9/11, we witnessed the Orwellian leaders of the U.S. and Israel destroy reality and reason, and replace them with illusion and irrationality. Their political use of terrorism to mentally condition the people of the West into believing that the threat of terrorism demands their vigilance and sacrifice to the state has created societies of sheep that instinctively react against truth-telling and anti-conformist speech. 5. The politicization of news has created a culture of disinformation, distraction, and deception. 24-hour “News� is the most dangerous and lethal thing in the world. Television is a cancer on the mind. Since 9/11, television has been utilized as an instrument of psychological warfare against the people in America, Canada, and other Western countries. 6. Esoteric-minded individuals in government, media, secret societies, and Hollywood are pursuing a secret political and religious agenda. Deception and secrecy are instrumental to their demonic mission. Their commitment to suppressing historical facts and objective reality is total and absolute. 7. Movies are more than entertainment, they are a subversive and successful form of mass programming. Hollywood is a dream factory, and its dreams become reference points for people, media, and politicians. On 9/11, responders and survivors said that they felt like they were in a movie. There are so many more examples of this social, cultural, and psychological phenomenon.

8. Seeing life as a dream is a trick of the mind. For the criminals of the world, especially those who control governments and financial companies, being separated from reality allows them to engage in illegal activities with an exaggerated sense of confidence. The state terrorists who did 9/11 feel untouchable because their absurd lie has been mindlessly accepted as an objective fact by the majority of the world, rather than as an evil deception. They are the masters of reality, and they know it, which is why they are not afraid to stage another false flag event in the West to justify another criminal war. 9. Consensus reality under a system of dictatorship is reached at through the use of terror and systematic propaganda. How do we arrive at a consensus on public policy and government spending programs in a democracy? Idealistically, through intense debate, political dialogue, public education, and public discussion. But that is not what happened in the days and weeks after 9/11. Western nations arrived at a consensus about the threat of terrorism after the shadow governments of the United States and Israel committed the biggest act of terror in history. The consensus reality we have lived under since 9/11 is a collective spell, and a long nightmare. The social fruits of this collective spell are death, poverty, and misery. The propagandists who work for Washington, London, and Tel Aviv are masters at devising an “international consensus” on political and military objectives, whether in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, Libya, Syria, or Iran. But they don’t use logic and reason to win over the world, instead, they use big lies and false flag terrorism to intimidate nations into accepting their twisted version of reality. 10. Regimes of terror and fraud create a collective dream state to limit the consciousness of the people so they do not wake up and realize the magnitude of the crimes that have been committed against them while they slept. The propagandists of totalitarian regimes of terror are constantly engaged in a war on collective memory. Their target is the collective psyche of the society. And they use all kinds of psychological, military, and scientific techniques to realize their goal of creating a dispirited, unconscious, ignorant, fearful, and psychologically traumatized population. But there is a way out of our collective nightmare. We can reject the terror-based consensus reality that has been constructed by the tricksters behind the 9/11 events. We can dream a new dream. Saman Mohammadi’s post first appeared on his blog, The Excavator.

Big Green Oil Money: WWF founded and run by Royal Dutch-Shell Oil Patrick Henningsen Infowars.com April 13, 2012

If any person or group dares to question the great global warming and climate change orthodoxy, green clerics will first attempt to discredit them – normally by leaping across the table and pointing the finger of shame right in their face, exclaiming, “You’re funded by Big Oil!” That makes it all the more ironic when you consider who first funded, and later ran the great global flag ship for the modern green movement… Donna Laframboise‘s recent article entitled, The WWF’s Vast Pool of Oil Money chronicles the rise the globalist green charity – seeded with funding from global petroleum giant Royal Dutch Shell, who’s former President of 15 years, John Loudon, later served as president of WWF International for four years after that. In 1961 Shell Oil forked-out the handsome sum of £10,000 to help found WWF-UK, money that in today’s terms equates to £418,000 – or $663,000 (see the historical calculator here). But that’s only the beginning. WWF continued to ride the wave of oil cash for the next 40 years – from giants like BP, Shell and others, until the year 2000. Not surprisingly, self-appointed socialist technocrats at Greenpeace dictate on their own website that the idea of free speech no longer applies when it comes to the climate debate, and will often attack climate skeptics based on their alleged connections to ‘Big Oil’. According to the charity Greenpeace:


“There’s a difference between free speech and a campaign to deny the climate science with the goal of undermining international action on climate change… Freedom of speech does not apply to misinformation and

Their own militant stance makes it all the more interesting that Greenpeace itself is funded by Standard Oil money, and so is Sierra Club – according to the watchdog website Activist Cash.

See for yourself: Rockefeller Brothers Foundation Greenpeace $1,080,000.00 1997 – 2005 Sierra Club $710,000.00 1995 – 2001 ACORN $10,000.00 2002 – 2002

Rockefeller Family Fund Greenpeace $115,000.00 2002 – 2005 Sierra Club $105,000.00 1996 – 2002 ACORN $25,000.00 1998 – 1998 Rockefeller Foundation Greenpeace $20,285.00 1996 – 2001 Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors Sierra Club $38,250.00 1997 – 2000 Suffice to say that the neither of these champions of climate change and global government – the WWF and Greenpeace, would exist without all that juicy Big Oil Money. One last inconvenient truth should be mentioned here. The unofficial leader of the global warmist movement, Al Gore, is also heavily invested in, and is doing massive deals with – Big Oil. Estimates put Gore’s wealth holdings in Occidental Petroleum upwards of $500,000 in stocks and shares, which stands to reason why Gore fixed up the deal to sell the country’s US Naval Oil Reserve… to Occidental Petroleum – in a no bid contract, naturally. Still, so many people admire Al Gore so for all wonderful his ‘envronmental credentials’. Or could it just be a case of the bland leading the blind? http://www.infowars.com/big-green-oil-money-wwf-founded-with-money-from-royal-dutch-shell/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

UN’s 2012 “Earth Summit” Devised To Disembowel Sovereignty, Impose Absolute Rule Jurriaan Maessen Infowars.com May 28, 2012 In the run up to the next Earth Summit to be held in Rio in June of this year, the global leviathan that is the United Nations bares its teeth. A continuing stream of publications is pouring down from every corner of the transnational community, in essence calling for global governance of the environment as well as a stark reduction in the global human population. These two items are very much intertwined, according to the growing pile of UN papers flying from the supranational tree, all basically stating that the first is necessary in order to facilitate the latter. One of these leaves circles down to us from the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) displays a collection of “key messages” written by the usual suspects, such as dedicated man-hater Paul Ehrlich, ecoterrorist James Lovelock and NASA’s own mad-as-hell environmentalist James Hansen. Their joint statement titled “Environment and Development Challenges: The Imperative to Act was clearly designed to inspire the UN and its upcoming confab to make haste with global government. In their manifesto the impatient fiends call for a global implementation of population policies and rights being trampled upon in order to address what they call “the population issue”: “The population issue should be urgently addressed by education and empowerment of women, including in the work-force and in rights, ownership and inheritance; health care of children and the elderly; and making modern contraception accessible to all.”, they write. “Globally, we must find better means to agree and implement measures to achieve collective goals.” The authors go on to assert that “in the face of an absolutely unprecedented emergency, society has no choice but to take dramatic action to avert a collapse of civilization. Either we will change our ways and build an entirely new kind of global society, or they will be changed for us.” Decrying that “funding (for worldwide fertility control) decreased by 30% between 1995 and 2008, not least as a result of legislative pressure from the religious right in the USA and elsewhere”, the authors call for “education and planning needed to foster and achieve a sustainable human population and lifestyles.” Now what do you think this means exactly, a sustainable human population? James Lovelock in 2009 gave us the answer, called for the culling of the population with a desired outcome of 1 billion people worldwide. Watch the video: www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=dBUvZDSY2D0#!

Lovelock also arrogantly stated in 2010 that humans are too stupid to prevent climate change- therefore governments worldwide, preferably a one world government, must prevent it for them. Of all the eco-fascists penning down proposals, Paul Ehrlich may be considered the most bloodthirsty of the bunch- with his continuing insistence on massive population reduction. Few people need to be reminded of the words he wrote in Ecoscience which he co-authored with John P. Holdren, the current White House science czar. To highlight a few of these: “Adding a sterilant to drinking water or staple foods is a suggestion that seems to horrify people more than most proposals for involuntary fertility control. Indeed, this would pose some very difficult political, legal, and social questions, to say nothing of the technical problems. No such sterilant exists today, nor does one appear to be under development. To be acceptable, such a substance would have to meet some rather stiff requirements: it must be uniformly effective, despite widely varying doses received by individuals, and despite varying degrees of fertility and sensitivity among individuals; it must be free of dangerous or unpleasant side effects; and it must have no effect on members of the opposite sex, children, old people, pets, or livestock.” Remember this when you read his proposals for a global society necessary to “address population issues”. Also out of Ecoscience: “… Perhaps those agencies, combined with UNEP and the United Nations population agencies, might eventually be developed into a Planetary Regime—sort of an international superagency for population, resources, and environment. Such a comprehensive Planetary Regime could control the development, administration, conservation, and distribution of all natural resources, renewable or nonrenewable, at least insofar as international implications exist.” This suggestion might well come to pass, considering the statements issued by an organization calling itself the “Regeneration Project”, when recently it suggested in their manifest Bringing Rio Closer that the UN Security Council expand its mandate “to include environmental issues and security issues related to the environment” as well as “an International Court for the Environment (ICE) to settle disputes related to the environment and international environmental law.” “global institutions”, they say, “will be responsible for developing, implementing, and monitoring sustainable development policies going forward. Currently left largely to UNEP and the UN’s Commission on Sustainable Development, there is a desire by many to strengthen the authority of these institutions and/or create a new World Environment Organization (WEO).” The group also called upon governments and NGO’s to create “personal carbon quotas, essentially making carbon a new form of currency for Individuals.” A global carbon policy, in other words, enforced by a global carbon court. Furthermore, the group advocates implementation of population stabilization policies at the upcoming summit: “Securing commitments from governments to try to stabilize global population”, the document reads. Stabilize the global population no less, and using UN member-states (governments) as the enforcers of policies designed to achieve that goal. Here we have yet another example of key globalist players proposing farreaching measures to exercise control over the masses, not for the sake of control itself (that’s something for the minor psychopaths that play along), but with the objective of culling the human population globally.

Another measure proposed by the Regeneration Project: -Establishing a World Environment Organization (WEO) The envisioned “Planetary Regime” is nearing when we take into consideration this set of proposals issued by the group. We might be surprised were the group not co-sponsored by the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) and the World Bank. We have come to expect such things from these organizations. It was the World Bank which back in 1984 suggested (page eight) that “drastic steps” may be necessary if developing nations do not comply with their population control directives. It was not the first time that the Regeneration Project sought to cull the human population. In their paper Unfinished Business the group, consistent with the Georgia Guidestones, advises governments to keep the population under a certain number: “(…) stabilizing population to not more than eight billion people”, the Unfinished Business report explains. Another concept that has been thrown out there, is that humanity has now entered a new geological era, dominated not by natural processes, but by man. This new age, ominously dubbed “the Anthropocene” can only be reversed, the UN says, when transnational rule wipes out sovereign rule- a suggestion that has a distinct tyrannical ring to it. Watch the video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvgG-pxlobk&feature=player_embedded This particular promo, designed to prelude the Earth Summit, has been put out by a team of UN-sponsored scientists. The website associated with the “short film” states it has been set up by “researchers and communicators from some of the leading scientific research institutions on global sustainability.” The “leading scientific institutions” the website mentions are visible at the credits-page, namely: the Stockholm Environment Institute, the Geosphere-Biosphere Programme, Stockholm University and other organizations aimed at promoting global governance. The film itself follows the same old tiresome script we’ve heard so often from the mouths of neo-eugenic propagandists: too many people, shrinking icecaps, rising sea levels and all the rest. In an very recent paper by Colorado state university professor Philip Cafaro titled Climate ethics and population policy, the term “Anthropocene” pops up once more- and once again the finger is explicitly pointed towards humanity as the prime evildoer. Citing the UN’s debunked Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the professor paints a picture of gloom and doom (page 57): “Scientists now speak of humanity’s increased demands and impacts on the globe as ushering in a new geological epoch: the Anthropocene. Such selfish and destructive appropriation of the resources of the Earth can only be described as interspecies genocide.” He of course forgets to mention that if there’s one thing constant about climate, is that it changes constantly. Furthermore, the idea that CO2 emissions have any significant impact on the earth’s atmosphere has really been put back on the fiction-shelf where it belongs : “It is past time to acknowledge the immense injustice toward other species represented by climate change and other human assaults on the biosphere”, the professor goes on to say: “and to reform our environmental ethics and behavior accordingly.”

What the professor means when he writes “behavior”, is not just some friendly “family planning”- campaign. He actually writes that in order to prevent global Armageddon, only the most draconian policies will do: “Ending human population growth is almost certainly a necessary (but not sufficient) condition for preventing catastrophic global climate change. Indeed, significantly reducing current human numbers (emphasis added) may be necessary in order to do so.” An important distinction. It is one thing to end growth. It’s quite another thing to reduce current human numbers. “(…) we are more likely to achieve a decent future for the world’s poor if we end global population growth as quickly as possible. In fact, reducing the human population may be necessary in order to achieve such a future.”, the professor repeats himself on page 54. Cafaro regards the issue as an ethical one- and stresses once again that nothing less than a significant reduction in the current human population is necessary. “My first substantive assertion in the second half of this paper is as follows”, he writes. “The consensus regarding acceptable limits to global climate change demands, at a minimum, that we take steps to end human population growth. Indeed, taking such limits seriously probably supports significantly reducing the size of the current global human population. Given the role population growth has played and will play in accelerating climate change under business as usual, no less cautious policy would appear to pass ethical muster.” Decrying that “the IPCC’s position seems to be that population control is too controversial to discuss.”, the professor goes on to say that “(…) the failure to address population issues distorts our judgments regarding just what we should do to mitigate and adapt to climate change, and what constitutes a fair international division of labor regarding these efforts.” As Cafaro continues his case for stringent population policies worldwide, he touches upon the inevitable question whether to implement such policies by force or on a voluntary basis: “(…) the question of coercion may not be avoidable forever. It is an article of faith among many progressive writers in this area that voluntary methods are sufficient to limit populations to acceptable levels, but that probably does not hold true for all times and places, and it may not hold true for the world as a whole in the 21st or 22nd centuries.” The professor then argues that for any population policy to be effective, it has to be done by coercion: “China’s policies have largely stabilized its population, while some nations that rely solely on non-coercive measures, like India, continue to balloon.” The professor can of course not wholly avoid the issue of free will perhaps revolting against a UN enforced global population-reducing assault: “True, for many people, telling them what kind of car to drive or how many children to have will seem an intolerable infringement of their rights. But then we should move expeditiously to put non-coercive or less coercive incentives in place that achieve the desired ends. If these prove insufficient, then we may have to accept stricter limits on our freedom to consume or to have children.”

Another a bunch of scientists involved with the “Planet under Pressure” confab- one of whom stated earlier that questioning “climate change” equals serious mental illness- is featuring the Anthropocene-film prominently on its website, in addition to calling for global government to stem the tide of “human-induced climate change”. As part of the State of the Planet Declaration issued by the UN-backed organization, a collection of high-level scientists now pushes the idea of global governance, calling it “Earth System Governance”. The declaration reads: “Governments must take action to support institutions and mechanisms that will improve coherence, as well as bring about integrated policy and action across the social, economic and environmental pillars. Current understanding supports the creation of a Sustainable Development Council within the UN system to integrate social, economic and environmental policy at the global level. There is also strong support for strengthening global governance by including civil society, business and industry in decision-making at all levels.” Again: a Planetary Regime by any other name… In a separate policy brief put out by the same confab titled Transforming Governance and Institutions for a Planet under Pressure the initiators again openly promote the emergence of global government when they write under the header “Prepare Global Governance for a Warmer World”: “At the global level, the institutional framework seems ill prepared to cope with the consequences of massive global change that will affect such major systems as food, water, energy, health and migration, and their interactions. While massive changes, for example in sea level, may not be imminent, future dangers can be minimized if institutional reform is planned and negotiated today. Global adaptation programmes thus need to become a core concern of the UN system and governments.” It has of course been exhaustively documented that if there’s one thing constant about the climate, is that it changes constantly. Furthermore, the idea of world government is much older than any global warming-craze the elite have come up with. As lord Christopher Monckton points out, the UNEP and other agencies within the UN system are just extra bureaucracies that are out to ruin individual freedom, replacing real liberty with the artificial sort under an planetary rule. Furthermore, all this emphasis on culling the population must give even the most gullible reader pause. This article first appeared on Jurriaan Maessen’s website www.explosivereports.com

Agenda 21 for Public Officials Uploaded by Lentenlands on Nov 8, 2011 Watch the video:


What is agenda 21? What is Smart Growth? What is sustainable development? This video provides a description of Agenda 21/sustainable development and how it affects your property rights. While it is important to be good stewards of our planet, the sustainable development movement has been coopted by an aggressive agenda to rewild America (The Wildlands Project) and reduce automobile usage and unnecessary travel by gradually shifting people into high density urban areas supported by mixed use dwellings (Smart Growth.) Often the planning process to meet these objectives confiscates private property rights through imminent domain or conservation easements. The outcome is not a safer planet, but rather, an unrecognizable nation most would strongly oppose. When advanced community by community, most do not realize the bigger picture. Please share this video with your friends and get the word out that our American Freedoms are being threatened!

Some Resources: www.freedomadvocates.org/ www.facebook.com/pages/Stop-UN-Agenda21-Stop-ICLEI/284021125057 www.jbs.org/issues-pages/stop-agenda-21 http://smashabanana.blogspot.com/

Agenda 21: Conspiracy Theory or Threat Tuesday, May 29th, 2012

The battle over Agenda 21 is raging across the nation. City and County Councils have become war zones as citizens question the origins of development plans and planners deny any international connections to the UN’s Agenda 21. What is the truth? Since I helped start this war, I believe it is up to me to help with the answers. The standard points made by those who deny any Agenda 21 connection is that: • • • • • •

• • •

Local planning is a local idea. Agenda 21 is a non-binding resolution not a treaty, carries no legal authority from which any nation is bound to act. It has no teeth. The UN has no enforcement capability. There are no “Blue-Helmeted” UN troops at City Hall. Planners are simply honest professionals trying to do their job, and all these protests are wasting their valuable time. The main concern of Agenda 21 is that man is fouling the environment and using up resources for future generations and we just need a sensible plan to preserve and protect the earth. What is so bad about that? There is no hidden agenda. “I’ve read Agenda 21 and I can find no threatening language that says it is a global plot. What are you so afraid of?” And of course, the most often heard response – “Agenda 21, what’s that?”

And after they have proudly stated these well thought out points, they arrogantly throw down the gauntlet and challenge us to “answer these facts.” Well, first I have a few questions of my own that I would love to have answered. Will one of these “innocent” promoters of the “Agenda 21 is meaningless” party line, please answer the following: •

If it all means nothing, why does the UN spend millions of dollars to hold massive international meetings in which hundreds of leaders, potentates and high priests attend, along with thousands of non-governmental organizations of every description, plus the international news media, which reports every action in breathless anticipation of its impact on the world? It if all means nothing, why do those same NGO representatives (which are all officially sanctioned by the UN in order to participate) spend months (sometimes years) debating, discussing, compiling, and drafting policy documents? If it all means nothing, why do leaders representing nearly every nation in the world attend and, with great fanfare, sign these policy documents?

Time after time we witness these massive international meetings, we read the documents that result from them, and when we question their meaning or possible impact on our nation, we are met with a dismissive shrug and a comment of “oh, probably not much…”

Really? Then why? Why the waste of money, time, and human energy? Could it be that the only purpose is to simply give diplomats, bureaucrats, and NGOs a feeling of purpose in their meaningless lives, or perhaps a chance to branch out of their lonely apartments? Or could it really be that these meetings and the documents they produce are exactly as we say they are – a blueprint for policy, rules, regulations, perhaps even global governance that will affect the lives, fortunes, property and futures of every person on earth? Which is it? You can’t have it both ways. Why the fear of Agenda 21? Those who simply read or quickly scan Agenda 21 are puzzled by our opposition to what they see as a harmless, non-controversial document which they read as voluntary suggestions for preserving natural resources and protecting the environment. Why the fear? What exactly bothers us so much? The problem is, we who oppose Agenda 21 have read and studied much more than this one document and we’ve connected the dots. Many of us have attended those international meetings, rubbed elbows with the authors and leaders of the advocated policies, and overheard their insider (not for public distribution) comments about their real purpose. Here are a few examples of those comments made by major leaders of this movement as to the true purpose of the policies coming out of these UN meetings: “No matter if the science of global warming is all phony…climate change provides the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.” Christine Stewart (former Canadian Minister of the Environment) “The concept of national sovereignty has been immutable, indeed a sacred principle of international relations. It is a principle which will yield only slowly and reluctantly to the new imperatives of global environmental cooperation.” Report from the UN Commission on Global Governance. “Regionalism must precede globalism. We foresee a seamless system of governance from local communities, individual states, regional unions and up through to the United Nations itself.” Report from the UN Commission on Global Governance. All three of these quotes (and we have many) indicate using lies and rhetoric to achieve their goals, and that those goals include the elimination of national sovereignty and the creation of a “seamless system” for global governance. Again, do these quotes have meaning and purpose – do they reveal the true thoughts of the promoters of these policies, or were they just joking? For the past three decades through the United Nations infrastructure, there have been a series of meetings, each producing another document or lynchpin to lay the groundwork for a centralized global economy, judicial system, military, and communications system, leading to what can only be described as a global government. From our study of these events, we have come to the conclusion that Agenda 21 represents the culmination of all of those efforts, indeed representing the step by step blueprint for the full imposition of those goals. Here’s just a sample of these meetings and the documents they produced: •

In 1980, West German Chancellor Willy Brandt chaired the Commission on International Development. The document, or report coming out of this effort, entitled “North-South: A program for Survival,” stated “World development is not merely an economic process, [it] involves a profound transformation of the entire economic and social structure…not only the idea of economic betterment, but also of

greater human dignity, security, justice and equality…The Commission realizes that mankind has to develop a concept of a ‘single community’ to develop global order.” •

That same year Sean MacBride, a recipient of the Lenin Peace Prize, headed up a commission on international communications which issued a report entitled “Many Voices, One World: Towards a New, More Just and More Efficient World Information and Communication Order.” The Commission, which included the head of the Soviet news Agency, TASS, believed that a “New World Information Order” was prerequisite to a new world economic order. The report was a blueprint for controlling the media, even to the point of suggesting that international journalists be licensed.

In 1982, Olof Palme, the man who single-handedly returned Socialism to Sweden, served as chairman of the Independent Commission on Disarmament and Security Issues. His report, entitled “Common Security: A Blueprint for Survival,” said: “All States have the duty to promote the achievement of general and complete disarmament under effective international control…” The report went on to call for money that is saved from disarmament to be used to pay for social programs. The Commission also proposed a strategic shift from “collective security” such as the alliances like NATO, to one of “common security” through the United Nations.

Finally, in 1987, came the granddaddy commission of them all, The Brundtland Commission on Environment and Development. Headed by Gro Harlem Brundtland, Vice President of the World Socialist Party, the commission introduced the concept of “Sustainable Development.” For the first time the environment was tied to the tried and true Socialist goals of international redistribution of wealth. Said the report, “Poverty is a major cause and effect of global environmental problems. It is therefore futile to attempt to deal with environmental problems without a broader perspective that encompasses the factors underlying world poverty and international inequality.”

These four commissions laid the groundwork for an agenda of global control; A controlled media would dictate the flow of information and ideas and prevent dissent; control of international development manages and redistributes wealth; full disarmament would put the power structure into the hands of those with armaments; and tying environmentalism to poverty and economic development would bring the entire agenda to the level of an international emergency. One world, one media, one authority for development, one source of wealth, one international army. The construction of a “just society” with political and social equality rather than a free society with the individual as the sole possessor of rights. The next step was to pull it altogether into a simple blueprint for implementation. During the 1990s, the UN sponsored a series of summits and conferences dealing with such issues as human rights, the rights of the child, forced abortion and sterilization as solutions for population control, and plans for global taxation through the UN. Throughout each of these summits, hundreds of Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) worked behind the scenes to write policy documents pertaining to each of these issues, detailing goals and a process to achieve them. These NGO’s are specifically sanctioned by the United Nations in order to participate in the process. The UN views them as “civil society, the non governmental representatives of the people. In short, in the eyes of the UN, the NGOs are the “people.” Who are they? They include activist groups with private political agendas including the Environmental Defense Fund, National Audubon Society, The Nature Conservancy, National Wildlife Federation, Zero Population Growth, Planned Parenthood, the Sierra Club, the National Education Association, an d hundreds more. These

groups all have specific political agendas which they desire to become law of the land. Through work in these international summits and conferences, their political wish lists become official government policy. In fact, through the UN infrastructure the NGOs sit in equality to government officials from member nations including the United States. One of the most powerful UN operations is the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP). Created in 1973 by the UN General Assembly, the UNEP is the catalyst through which the global environmental agenda is implemented. Virtually all international environmental programs and policy changes that have occurred globally in the past three decades are a result of UNEP efforts. Sitting in on UNEP meetings, helping to write and implement policy, along with these powerful NGOs are government representatives, including U.S, federal agencies such as the Department of State, Department of Interior, Department of Agriculture, Environmental Protection Agency, the National Park Service, the U.S. Forest Service, and the Fish and Wildlife Service. This, then, is a glimpse of the power structure behind the force that gathered in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 for the UN-sponsored Earth Summit. Here, five major documents, written primarily by NGOs with the guidance and assistance of government agencies, were introduced to the world. In fact, these final documents had been first drafted and honed though the long, arduous series of international conferences previously mentioned. Now, at Rio, they were ready for adoption as a blueprint for what could only be described as the transformation of human society. The five documents were: the “Convention on Climate Change,” the precursor to the coming Kyoto Climate Change Protocol, later adopted in 1997; the “Biodiversity Treaty,” which would declare that massive amounts of land should be off limits to human development; the third document was called the “Rio Declaration,” which called for the eradication of poverty throughout the world through the redistribution of wealth; the fourth document was the “Convention on Forest Principles,” calling for international management of the world’s forests, essentially shutting down or severely regulating the timber industry; and the fifth document was Agenda 21, which contained the full agenda for implementing worldwide Sustainable Development. The 300 page document contains 40 chapters that address virtually every facet of human life and contains great detail as to how the concept of Sustainable Development should be implemented through every level of government. What did the United Nations believe that process entailed? In 1993, to help explain the far-reaching aspects of the plan, the UN published “Agenda 21: The Earth Summit Strategy to Save Our Planet.” Here’s how the UN described Agenda 21 in that document: “Agenda 21 proposes an array of actions which are intended to be implemented by every person on earth…it calls for specific changes in the activities of all people…Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all humans, unlike anything the world has ever experienced.” I have never read a stronger, more powerful description of the use of government power. However, critics of our efforts against Agenda 21 rush to point out that Agenda 21 is a “soft law” policy – not a treaty that must be ratified by the U.S. Senate to become law. So it is just a suggestion, nothing to be afraid of. To make such an argument means that these critics have failed to follow the bouncing ball of implementation. Following the bouncing ball to implementation It started when, at the Earth Summit, President George H.W. Bush, along with 179 other heads of state signed agreement to Agenda 21. One year later, newly elected President Bill Clinton signed Executive Order # 12852 to create the President’s Council on Sustainable Development (PCSD). The Council consisted of 12 cabinet secretaries, top executives from business, and executives from six major environmental organizations, including the Nature Conservancy, The Sierra Club, the World Resources Institute, and the National Wildlife

Federation. These were all players in the creation of Agenda 21 at the international level – now openly serving on the PCSD with the specific mission to implement Agenda 21 into American policy. It is interesting to note that in the pages of the PCSD report entitled “Sustainable America: A new Consensus for the Future, it directly quotes the Brundtland Commission’s report “Our Common Future” for a definition of Sustainable Development. That is about as direct a tie to the UN as one can get. The PCSD brought the concept of Sustainable Development into the policy process of every agencies of the US federal government A major tool for implementation was the enormous grant-making power of the federal government. Grant programs were created through literally every agency to entice states and local communities to accept Sustainable Development policy in local programs. In fact, the green groups serving on the PCSD, which also wrote Agenda 21 in the first place, knew full well what programs needed to be implemented to enforce Sustainable Development policy, and they helped create the grant programs, complete with specific actions that must be taken by communities to assure the money is properly spent to implement Sustainable Development policy. Those are the “strings” to which we opponents refer. Such tactics make the grants effective weapons to insure the policy is moving forward. From that point, these same NGOs sent their members into the state legislatures to lobby for and encourage policy and additional state grant programs. They have lobbied for states to produce legislation requiring local communities to implement comprehensive development plans. Once that legislation was in place, the same NGOs (authors of Agenda 21) quickly moved into the local communities to “help” local governments comply with the state mandates. And they pledged to help by showing communities how to acquire the grant money to pay for it – with the above mentioned strings attached. We’re told over and over again that such policies are local, state and national, with no conspiracy of ties to the UN. Really? Then how are we to explain this message, taken from the Federal Register, August 24, 1998, (Volume 63, Number 163) from a discussion on the EPA Sustainable Development Challenge Grant Program? It says, “The Sustainable Development Challenge Grant Program is also a step in Implementing ‘Agenda 21, the Global Plan of Action on Sustainable Development,’ signed by the United Stats at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. All of these programs require broad community participation to identify and address environmental issues.” Or consider this quote from a report by Phil Janik, Chief Operating Officer of the USDA – Forest Service, entitled “The USDA-Forest Service Commitment and Approach to Forest Sustainability” “In Our Common Future published in 1987, the Brundtland Commission explains that ‘the environment is where we all live; and development is what we all do in attempting to improve our lot within that abode.” In short, Janik was explaining to his audience (the Society of American Foresters) just where the Forest Service was getting its definition of Sustainable Development – the report from the UN Commission on Global Governance. Meanwhile, the NGOs began to “partner” with other governmental organizations like the U.S. Conference of Mayors, the National Governors Association, the National League of Cities, the National Association of County Administrators and more organizations to which elected representatives belong to, assuring a near that a near universal message of Sustainable Development comes from every level of government. Another NGO group which helped write Agenda 21 for the UN Earth Summit was a group originally called the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI). It now calls itself ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability. After the Earth Summit in 1992, ICLEI set its mission to move into the policy process of local governments around the world to impose Sustainable Development policy. It now operates in more than 1200 cities globally, including 600 American cities, all of which pay dues for the privilege of working with ICLEI. Like

a cancer, ICLEI begins to infest the local government policy, training city employees to think only in terms of Sustainable Development, and replacing local guidelines with international codes, rules and regulations. So it’s true, there are no UN blue helmeted troops occupying city halls in America, and yes, the UN itself does not have enforcement capability for this “:non-binding” document called Agenda 21. However, it does have its own storm troopers in the person of the Non-governmental Organizations which the UN officially sanctions to carry on its work. And that is how Agenda 21, a UN policy, has become a direct threat to local American communities. Why we oppose Agenda 21 It’s important to note that we fight Agenda 21 because we oppose its policies and its process, not just its origins. Why do we see it as a threat? Isn’t it just a plan to protect the environment and stop uncontrolled development and sprawl? As Henry Lamb of Freedom 21 puts it, “Comprehensive land use planning that delivers sustainable development to local communities transforms both the process through which decisions that govern citizens are made, and the market place where citizens must earn their livelihood. The fundamental principle that government is empowered by the consent of the governed is completely by-passed in the process…the natural next step is for government to dictate the behavior of the people who own the land that the government controls.” To enforce the policy, local government is being transformed by “stakeholder councils” created and enforced by the same NGO Agenda 21 authors. They are busy creating a matrix of non-elected boards, councils and regional governments that usurp the ability of citizens to have an impact on policy. It’s the demise of representative government. And the councils appear and grow almost overnight. Sustainablists involve themselves in every aspect of society. Here are just a few of the programs and issues that can be found in the Agenda 21 blueprint and can be easily found in nearly every community’s “local” development plans: Wetlands, conservation easements, water sheds, view sheds, rails – to- trails, biosphere reserves, greenways, carbon footprints, partnerships, preservation, stakeholders, land use, environmental protection, development, diversity, visioning, open space, heritage areas and comprehensive planning. Every one of these programs leads to more government control, land grabs and restrictions on energy, water, and our own property. When we hear these terms we know that such policy originated on the pages of Agenda 21, regardless of the direct or indirect path it took to get to our community. You’ll find Watershed Councils that regulate human action near every trickling stream, river, or lake. Meters are put on wells. Special “action” councils control home size, tree pruning, or removal, even the color you can paint your home or the height of your grass. Historic preservation councils control development in downtown areas, disallowing expansion and new building. Regional governments are driven by NGOs and stakeholder councils with a few co-opted bureaucrats thrown in to look good. These are run by non-elected councils that don’t answer to the people. In short, elected officials become little more than a rubber stamp to provide official “approval” to the regional bureaucracy. But the agenda outlined in Agenda 21 and by its proponents is a much bigger threat that just land use planning. They openly advocate massive reduction of human populations. Some actually call for as much as an 85% reduction in human populations in order to “save the planet.” David Brower of the Sierra Club said, “Childbearing should be a punishable crime against society, unless the parents hold a government license.” The

UN’s Biodiversity Assessment says, “A reasonable estimate for an industrialized world society at the present North American material standard of living would be 1 billion.” They also openly advocate the destruction of modern society as Maurice Strong, the head of the Earth Summit said, “Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrial nations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about? This issue then is not about simple environmental protection and modern planning. It is about a complete restructuring of our society, our values and our way of life. They use as their model an urgency based on global warming and climate change, claiming there is no need for discussion on these dire issues. Yet science is showing more and more proof that there is no man-made global warming. Are we to completely destroy our society based on such a shaky foundation? And that is just what the proponents are rushing to do. Barack Obama has issued a flurry of Executive Orders to bypass the Congressional process and dictate sustainable policy. In 2011 Obama issued EO # 13575 creating the White House Rural Council. It brings together 25 Cabinet Secretaries to enforce multi-jurisdictional enforcement of farming virtually controlling every decision for food production. It is a major assault on American farm production intended to enforce Sustainable farming practices. In truth it will only lead to food shortages and higher prices as farmers have no ability to make a decision without the approval of 25 government agencies, working at cross purposes and causing chaos in farm production. On May1, 2012, Obama issued EO # 13609, dictating that the government must enforce coordination of international regulatory policy. Those international regulatory policies are UN-driven and the basic translation means enforcement of Sustainable Development policy. But, again, skeptics of our fears of Agenda 21 continue to argue that it is all voluntary and if the US or local governments want to enforce it they are free to do so – nothing to fear but ourselves. Well, even if that were true, that’s all about to change. On June 15 – 23, international forces are again converging on Rio for Rio+20. The stated intention is to complete the work they began in 1992. Specifically called for is a UN treaty on Sustainable Development. If passed by the Senate and signed by the Obama Administration, that will eliminate any ambiguity about where the policy is coming from. Moreover, documents produced so far for the summit call for a global council, new UN agencies, budgets and powers, and “genuine global actions” in every nation – to ensure “social justice,” poverty eradication, climate protection, biodiversity, “green growth,” and an end to “unsustainable patterns of consumption.” Again, thousands of NGOs, diplomats and world leaders will spend a lot of money and time in the Rio+20 effort. Is it all just for fun, or does it have a purpose with strong consequences for our way of life? The fact is, we fight Agenda 21 because it is all-encompassing, designed to address literally every aspect of our lives. This is so because those promoting Agenda 21 believe we must modify our behavior, our way of doing everyday things, and even our belief system, in order to drastically transform human society into being “sustainable.” We who oppose it don’t believe that the world is in such dire emergency environmentally that we must destroy the very human civilization that brought us from a life of nothing but survival against the elements into a world that gave us homes, health care, food, and even luxury. Sustainable Development advocates literally hope to roll back our civilization to the days of mere survival and we say NO. Why should we? We have found great deception in the promotion of the global warming argument. We believe in free markets and

free societies where people make their own decisions, live and develop their own property. And we fully believe that the true path to a strong protection of the environment is through private property ownership and limited government. Those who promote Agenda 21 do not believe in those ideals. And so we will not agree on the path to the future. And our fight is just that – a clash of philosophy. There is very little room for middle ground. The United States has never been part of a global village in which rules for life have been handed down by some self-appointed village elders. We are a nation of laws that were designed to protect our right to our property and our individual life choices while keeping government reined in. We oppose Agenda 21 precisely because it represents the exact opposite view of government. http://deweesereport.com/category/68-june-2012/ Posted in #68 June 2012 | No Comments 

How to Fight Back Against Sustainable Development By: Tom DeWeese of the American Policy Center

Sustainable Development: For the past fifteen years my efforts against Agenda 21 and sustainable Development have been single-minded – get the message out to tell people about what it is and why it is dangerous to our way of life. All of our materials, special reports, hand outs, speeches, radio and television interviews and DVDs have been created for that purpose. However, we have had so much success over the past year in getting that message out that we are now faced with a new problem. People are getting the message. They know what the problem is. So they are asking the next logical question – how do we fight back? It sounds like and easy question to be put to someone like me who has worked on the issue and sounded the alarm for so long. But in fact, actually having success in organizing people to fight Sustainable Development in their local communities is a very new thing.I could blow smoke at them and pretend I know the answer. That would just be sending lambs to the slaughter. It’s easy to stand in front of a friendly audience and dazzle them with facts and figures, get them riled and then tell them to charge down to city council as I make a quick exit from town. And I have done that many times. The truth is, however, I have never stood in front of city councils or county commissions and endured their sarcasm as I tried to question their policies or explain where it comes from.So, now, as more and more call my office asking what to do next, I felt it was vital that I learn first hand how to fight back and then share that experience to make our fight more effective and eventually successful in stopping Sustainable Development. That’s what I’ve been doing in my local community for the past five months. I’ve also been traveling across the state of Virginia, working with local activists in their communities and learning from them. Recently I joined fellow Virginia activist Donna Holt as we presented the case against sustainable development to the staff of Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli. We have also been successful so far in working with theVirginia legislature to move a bill that will end mandatory comprehensive development plans in local communities. The sustainabilists have been using legislation passed in Virginia in 2007 as an effective weapon to force the policy on local communities. It hasn’t passed yet, but we forced it out of committee over the objections of the VA Speaker of the House. That alone was a victory in that it started debate on the issue, something that has been missing at the state level. Such legislative action can serve as a model for legislators around the nation.The fight has only begun, but I and these fellow activists are learning a lot. So, to help all of the movement to take on the fight in their community, I want to share what we’ve learned so far.

Be aware of the world in which your elected officials live: To begin the effort to fight back against Sustainable Development it is vital to first understand the massive structure you are facing. You need to know who the players are and you need to understand the political world your officials are operating in. This may help you to understand that perhaps they aren’t all evil globalists, but, perhaps, good people who are surrounded by powers that won’t let them see the reality of the policies they are helping to implement. I’m certainly not making excuses for them, but before you rush in and start yelling about their enforcing UN policies on the community, here are some things you should consider. In most communities, you mayor, city council members and county commissioners are automatically members of national organizations like the National Conference of Mayors, National League

of Cities, and the national associations for city council members, and the same for commissioners. Those in the state government also have the National Governors Association and state legislators have their national organization. For the past fifteen years or more, each and every one of these national organizations have been promoting Sustainable Development. The National Mayors Conference and the Governors Association have been leaders in this agenda, many times working directly with UN organizations to promote the policy. This is the message your local elected leaders hear; from the podium; from fellow officials from other communities; from “experts” they’ve been told to respect; in committee meetings; from dinner speakers; from literature they are given at such meetings. They are told of legislation that will be soon be implemented, and they are even provided sample legislation to introduce in their communities. There is also a second horde involved in the sustainablist invasion – state and federal agency officials including EPA agents; air and water quality agents; Interior Department officials, HUD officials, energy officials, Commerce Department officials, and on and on – all targeting your locally elected officials with policy, money, regulations, reports, special planning boards, meetings, and conferences, all promoting the exact same agenda. And don’t forget the news media, both locally and nationally, also promoting the Sustainablist agenda, attacking anyone not going along, ready to quickly use the “extremist” label. The message is clear – Sustainable Development is reality – politically correct, necessary, unquestionable, and it has consensus. Is your head spinning yet?

Think of the affect all of this has on a poor local official who just thought he would run for office and serve his community. This is his reality. This is what he thinks government is supposed to be because, after all, everyone he is dealing with says so. Now, as he is surrounded by all of these important, powerful folks, along comes a local citizen who tells him that some guy named Tom DeWeese says all of these programs are from the UN and are taking away our liberty. Who? He said what? Come on, I’m not doing that. And I don’t have time to talk about it. I have another meeting to go to. If we are doing to successfully fight Agenda 21, it is vitally important that we all recognize this reality as we plan to deal with it and defeat it. With that in mind, I offer the following ideas.

How to fight back

Research: Don’t even begin to open up a fight until you know certain details. First who are the players in your community? What privately funded “stakeholder” groups are there? What is their agenda? What other communities have they operated in? What projects? What results? Who are their members in your community? Are they residents or did they come from “out of town?” (That could prove to be valuable information later in the fight). Finding this information may be the hardest of your efforts. They like to operate out of the spotlight. It’s not likely that the town will carry official documentation of who it is working with. It probably will require that you attend lots of meetings and hearings. Take note of who is there and their role. Do this quietly. Don’t announce to the community what you are doing. Don’t make yourselves a target. You may have to ask questions and that may raise some eyebrows. But stay out of the way as much as possible. Second, get all the details on the plans your community is working on. Has there already been legislation passed? Most of this information can be found on the town website. Knowing this information will help you put together a plan of action. Once you have it, you can begin to take your fight public. With the information you have gathered, begin to examine the effect the policies will have on the community and its residents. Find who the victims of the legislation may be. This will be of great value as you confront city council. People understand victim stories – especially if it is them. It is the best way to undermine the process.

You will find that Conservation Easements have raised taxes as much of the county land is removed from the tax rolls – someone has to make up for the lost revenue and the payment of easements. Are “stakeholder” groups helping to get landowners to sign up for the easements – and if so – do they get any kind of kickbacks? Who are getting the easements? You may find the rich land owners have found a great loophole to cut their own property taxes as the middle class pays for it. Does the community plan call for reduction of energy use? If so, look for calls for energy audits and taxes on energy use. The audits mean that the government has set a goal to reduce energy use. It will follow that government agents are going to come into your home to inspect your energy use. Then they are going to tell you what must be done in your home to cut usage. That will cost you money. Don’t fall for the line that it is all voluntary – to help you save money. They haven’t gone to this much trouble to be ignored. Regulations are not voluntary. These are just a couple of examples of what to look for as you do your research. There are many more, including meters on wells to control water use, smart meters on your thermostat to take away your control of your thermostat; non elected boards and councils to control local development and implement smart growth, leading to population growth; Public/Private Partnerships with local and large corporations to “go Green;” creation of open space; pushing back live stock from streams, enforcing sustainable farming methods that restrict energy and water use in farming practices; and much more. It all leads to higher costs and shortages, in the name of environmental protection and conservation. Your goal is to stop Sustainable Development in your community. That means to stop the creation of non-elected regional government councils that are difficult to hold accountable. It means to stop local governments from taking state and federal grants that come with massive strings attached to enforce compliance. And it means you must succeed in removing outsider organizations and Stakeholder groups that are pressuring your elected officials to do their bidding.

Civic Action: Armed with as much information as you can gather (and armed with the ability to coherently discuss its details) you are ready to take you battle to the public. First, it would be better for you to try to discuss it privately with some of your elected officials, especially if you know them. Tell them what you have found and explain why you are opposed. First discuss the effects of the policies on the average citizen. Explain why they are bad. Slowly being the conversation around to the origin of such polices – Agenda 21 and the UN. Don’t start there. It is important that you build the case to show that these policies are not local, but part of a national and international agenda. If this conversation does not go well (and it probably won’t) then you have to take it to the next level – to the public. Begin a two fold campaign. First, write a series of letters to the editor for the local newspaper. Make sure that you are not alone. Coordinate your letters with others who will also write letters to back up and support what you have written. These will generate more letters from others, some for your position and other against you. Be prepared to answer those against you as they are probably written by those “Stakeholders” who are implementing the policies in the first place. This may be a useful place for you to use what you’ve learned about these groups to discredit them. Second, begin to attend Council meetings and ask questions. The response from the council members will determine your next move. If you are ignored and your questions met with silence or hostility, prepare a news release detailing your questions and the background you have as to why you asked those questions. Pass the news release out to the people at the next meeting as well as the news media. Attend the next meeting and the next demanding answers. Be sure to organize people to come with you. Don’t try this alone. If necessary, have demonstrators outside city hall carrying signs or handing out flyers with the name and picture of the officials who won’t answer your questions along with the question you asked – including the details you have about the policy.

The point in all of this is to make the issue public. Take away their ability to hide the details from the public. Expose the hoards of outsiders who are dictating policy in your community. Force the people you elected to deal with YOU – not the army of self-appointed “stakeholders” and government officials. Shine a very right spotlight on the rats under the rock. If the newspaper is with you, great, but you will probably find it with the other side. It may be difficult to get a fair shake in the newspaper or on radio. That’s why you deliver your news releases to both the media and the public. Get signs, and flyers in stores if necessary. And keep it up for as long as it takes. Have the tenacity of the folks in Egypt who would not leave the demonstration until they had acquired victory. The final step is to use the energy you have created to run candidates for office against those who have ignored and fought you. Ultimately, that is the office holders worst nightmare and may be the most effective way to get them to respond and serve their constituents.

Fighting ICLEI If ICLEI is in your city, the details about Agenda 21 and the UN connection is easier. Your community is paying them dues with your tax dollars. Here is how to handle them: if your council derides your statements that their policies come from the UNs Agenda 21, simply print out the home page from ICLEI’s web site – www.iclie.org. This will have all of the UN connections you’ve been talking about, in ICLIE’s own words. Pass out the web page copies to everyone in the chamber audience and say to your elected officials, “don’t call me a radical simply for reporting what ICLEI openly admits on its own web site. I’m just the one pointing it out – you are the ones who are paying our tax dollars to them. ”Then demand that those payment stop. You have proven your case.

Stopping Consensus Meetings Most public meetings are now run by trained and highly paid facilitators whose jobs is to control the meeting and bring it to a preplanned conclusion. If he is good at his job, the facilitator can actually make the audience think the “consensus” they have reached on and issue or proposal is actually their idea. This is how Sustainable Development is being implemented across the nation, especially in meetings or planning boards that are advertised as open to the public. They really don’t want you there and the tactic is used to move forward in full view of the public without them knowing what is happening. There is nothing free or open about the consensus process. It is designed to eliminate debate and close discussion. To bust up the process you must never participate, even to answer a question. To do so allows the facilitator to make you part of the process. Instead, you must control the discussion. Here is a quick suggestion on how to foul up the works. Never go alone to such a meeting. You will need at least three people – the more the better. Do not sit together. Instead, fan out in the room in a triangle formation. Know ahead of time the questions you want to ask: Who is the facilitator? What is his association with the organizers? Is he being paid? Where did these programs (being proposed) come from? How are they to be funded? One question to ask over and over again, both at facilitated meetings and city council meetings, is this: “With the implementation of this policy, tell me a single right or action I have on my property that doesn’t require your approval or involvement. What are my rights as a property owner?” Make them name it. You will quickly see that they too understand there are no property rights left in America. By asking these questions you are putting his legitimacy in question, building suspicion among the rest of the audience, destroying his authority. He will try to counter, either by patronizing and humoring you, at first, or, then becoming hostile, moving to have you removed as a disruptive force. That’s where the rest of

your group come in. They need to back you up, demand answers to your questions. If you have enough people in the room you can cause a major disruption, making it impossible for the facilitator to move forward with his agenda. Do not walk out and leave the room to him. Stay to the end and make him shut down the meeting.

In conclusion‌ These suggestions on how to fight back are, admittedly, very basic and elementary. They are meant only to be a guideline. You will have to do your homework and adapt these tactics to your local situation. These tactics are designed to create controversy and debate to force the Agenda 21 issue out of the secret meetings and into public debate where they belong. Many of these same tactics can be used at all levels of government, right up and into the state legislature. Our plan is to demand answers from elected officials who want to ignore us. They must be taught that such actions have consequences http://whatisagenda21.net/how_to_fight_back.php

High-speed rail funding must be stopped By Ryan Townsend · Daily Trojan Posted April 17, 2012 at 9:05 pm Rick Santorum’s decision to suspend his presidential campaign last week has positioned former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney as the Republican presidential nominee for the 2012 election. And with recent polls showing Romney neck-and-neck with President Barack Obama, many citizens and legislators are beginning to consider the future of green-lit government projects. Nowhere is this fear more tangible, or more relevant, than in the current California high-speed rail proposal, a gargantuan $70-billion project that would create a 520-mile line of electrified track from San Francisco to Los Angeles.

The project, which was approved Thursday after many years of opposition, would be an absolute financial disaster for California. If elected president, Romney should immediately withdraw all federal funding for this nonsensical project and encourage California legislators to shelve the idea altogether. If current American railways are any indication of this line’s potential to succeed, the project should be stopped immediately. According to the Bureau of Transportation’s statistics, rail and mass transit receive considerably larger federal subsidies on a per passenger-mile basis than any other forms of transportation. In spite of all these subsidies, only 30 million Americans rode Amtrak last year. In particular, the California high-speed rail project has been an absolute public embarrassment. A few months ago, the price approximation swelled from a $30-billion proposal to a $98-billion proposal. After hasty revision, legislators were able to slice $30 billion off the price tag. The plan now stands at $68.4 billion — still $25 billion more than what voters approved four years ago — thanks to the implementation of a “blended system.” Under this system, high-speed trains would share tracks now used by commuter trains. But the new proposal also removes stops in Sacramento, San Diego and Anaheim — three destinations that were heavily used to sell the project to voters in 2008. The ballooning price tag is not the only part of the proposal that has come under fire. This project has been expedited through the use of imploded and biased numbers. In 2008, the Reason Foundation, a public policy think tank, published a report estimating that the rail would see only 24 to 30 million riders in 2030, far below the 65.5 to 96.5 million rider estimates that were touted by the California High Speed Rail Association. And these numbers came out before the project scrapped San Diego and Anaheim from the proposal. Officials are struggling to find a new way for the system to turn a profit. Beyond the ample statistics that illustrate the futility of this project, we should look to common sense. Proponents of the project have argued that the railway will allow millions of L.A. residents to spend the day in San Francisco and vice-versa.

I question the lure of such an opportunity. What USC student would spend five hours of his or her Saturday traveling on a train to spend a few hours in San Francisco? Why would anyone pay a large fare to travel by train to either city when they could fly to that destination in under an hour for approximately the same price? I don’t think most Californians would even be willing to make the roundtrip flight. Sure, security is a hassle at airports, but similar measures could very well be implemented for this railway. And if a plane breaks down, you can almost always catch another flight. If the train breaks down, you don’t have a whole lot of options. The Obama administration has already promised $3.3 billion toward initial construction of the railroad. The current business plan anticipates $20 billion or more in additional government funding over the next decade. Fortunately, Republicans in Congress have been able to temporarily block future federal spending for the project. The rise of the railroad in the 19th century propelled the American economy to incredible heights. But the Iron Horse has had its time and should remain in its own sector of history. The decision to stop the California high-speed rail project is clear. At the very least, this project needs to go back to the drawing board before legislators proceed to saddle our state with even more debt. http://dailytrojan.com/2012/04/17/high-speed-rail-funding-must-be-stopped/

California High-Speed Trains: Visual Tour http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Nx8rNysZSI&feature=BFa&list=UUEBwb6m9O6TVgR6RYKVyUPg AND http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSLXWRfFsxY&feature=endscreen&NR=1

The Master Plan: Agenda 21 in Action By Clint Richardson Wednesday, April 18th, 2012 The Master Plan, as referred to in the title of this writing, means something other than what it seems. In fact, now that I am starting to understand the full agenda, the use of the “Master Plan” by local and state governments is perhaps the most dastardly representation of Agenda 21 tools and principles I’ve come across to date. A basic tenet of the implementation of United Nation’s (Agenda 21) world-wide program entitled “Sustainable Development” is to replace the many declarations of rights and privileges called “constitutions” of the many countries with one global charter. This constitution of the Earth, called the ‘Declaration of Human Rights”, has one very important distinction between itself and that of the U.S. Constitution: the critical altering of individual rights so that the good of the collective people and the state have absolute rights over the individual people. In essence, the concept of natural or God-given rights are erased within this global charter. This video presentation is critical to understanding Agenda 21: Agenda 21 for Public Officials http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=fFIcZkEzc8I

In essence, the rights of the people to have private property must be eroded or stripped, making all ownership of any property a part of the “community”. Only then can the global Agenda 21 Sustainable Development take a root where once there was individual rights and property. And only by making private property into public (community) property, can the State and local governments justify the legal theft of that property in the name of the people. The “Master Plan”, as stated above, is one of the most useful tools in this takeover and subversion of private property rights for individuals. What is the Master Plan? Each municipality (city), county, and State government generally have something called the Master Plan on file at their offices or city halls; a literal drafted blueprint for the future construction of roads, bridges, schools, and other “public” and “private” infrastructure for which the government has planned to build. The only problem is… the Master Plan and its creators don’t care if your land, home, or business is located where this future construction is planned to be built. And through the use of the abusive powers of eminent domain with the BAR’s “due process” establishing “just compensation”, the governments of the States, counties, and municipal corporations (cities) grant themselves complete autonomy and overpowering authority to take the property of anyone that stands in the way of completing the Master Plan – all in the name of “community development”.

Like anthills or moles holes, the property of Americans everywhere is being pre-meditatively squashed for the crime of having their foundations within the future expansion of the Master Plan. Now, it is very important to understand where this idea stems from, and that it is fully supported from the highest levels in government; up through to the federal government and the United Nations. In fact, this practice of legally stealing land and property from the people is actually one of the standards and practices recommended by the Government Financial Officers Association (GFOA) – a very powerful organization. When we go to the GFOA website, we find that this non-governmental organization (NGO) is a private association for which many local, state, and federal financial officers hold membership within. And we also find that this organization is heavily steeped in United Nations and Agenda 21 planning principles. This particular link brings us to the recommendation by the GFAO to local and state governments on how to use their Master Plans as a standard and practice (best practice) for stealing the peoples private property for future economic development: Source: www.gfoa.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1600 Begin Excerpt from the GFOA: BEST PRACTICE

The Role of Master Plans in Capital Improvement Planning (2008) (CEDCP) Background. Many governments establish long-range strategies focused on community development and sustainability through the use of Master Plans.1 As blueprints for the future, these plans identify economic, land use, and infrastructure development and/or redevelopment, which may include transportation, housing, and public facilities. Master Plans, most frequently coordinated by the local government’s planning department with broad community participation, identify jurisdictional needs ten to twenty-five years into the future. Regular updates to these plans are imperative to ascertain development or infrastructure needs as local conditions change. Master Plans are the foundation for: • • • • • • • • • •

the development of physical plans for sub-areas of the jurisdiction; the study of subdivision regulations, zoning standards and maps; the location and design of thoroughfares and other major transportation facilities; the identification of areas in need of utility development or extensions; the acquisition and development of community facility sites; the acquisition and protection of open space (private lands); the identification of economic development areas; the incorporation of environmental conservation (Agenda 21 Sustainable development); the evaluation of short-range plans (zoning requests, subdivision review, site plan analysis) and day-today decisions with regard to long-range jurisdictional benefit; and the alignment of local jurisdictional plans with regional plans (i.e. organized crime).

In addition to a long-range Master Plan, governments utilize Capital Improvement Plans (CIP) to identify present and future needs requiring capital infrastructure. Such plans operate for a shorter duration, often three-to-five years, and list the projects and capital programs planned for the community with corresponding revenues and financing sources. Paying attention to financial factors during the development of master plans

allows for a smoother transition of long-range plans to implementation and lessens the impact on the CIP and future operating budgets. Subsequently, to adequately guide the fiscal, operating, and land use needs of the community, finance officers should use Master Plans as a framework for capital project requests that go into the CIP. Recommendation. The Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) recognizes the role of Master Plans as one of the CIP’s important elements and recommends that governments consider the following: 1. Master Plans should provide a vision for capital project plans and investments… 2. Governments should make capital project investment decisions that are aligned to their long-range Master Plans… 3. The finance officer should play an active role in the early planning process… 4. Financial factors should be considered as part of the development of Master Plans… Approved by the GFOA’s Executive Board, February 22, 2008.

1 – Jurisdictions may refer to Master Plans by various names, including Comprehensive Plans or General Plans. This Recommended Practice utilizes the title Master Plans to denote the long-range plans (10 – 25 years) that act as a framework for capital project requests that direct the Capital Improvement Plan. –End Excerpt Now, to help you to understand how this recommended “best practice” is most likely being utilized in your State or municipality, I would like to explain how this is being used where I live, in Draper, Utah (Salt Lake County). In the historic Draper area, one of the wealthiest areas in the Salt Lake area, sits one of the oldest farms in Draper’s history, the Fitzgerald farm. This farm has cows, sheep, and horses on over 100 acres. It used to be a working dairy farm as a milk supplier to the local Costco chain, until this small family farm was pushed out of the business by some of the larger dairy providers in the area. Not by coincidence, the Winder Farms Dairy is a very large supplier of milk in the Salt Lake valley. The Deseret News in Salt Lake City reports: WEST VALLEY CITY — Winder Farms will celebrate another milestone today, Oct. 11, its 130th birthday. Over its 13 decades, the local company has established a rich history and legacy. It is also a family business, with a sixth generation now involved. Besides the dairy business, the Winder family has a lesser-publicized legacy — it has produced 10 elected officials in Utah, as well as one general authority of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The following is a list of the Winder family’s 10 elected officials over the years, plus four other prominent family members. (An asterisk by the name means the person is still living):

John R. Winder (British immigrant, Mormon pioneer and LDS general authority) — Salt Lake City Council (1872-78), Salt Lake County assessor and collector (1870-84), president of Utah State Fair Board (1866-1900) William C. Winder (son of John R.) — President of Utah State Fair Board (1919-37) George Winder (son of William C.) — Utah State House of Representatives (1935-37), president of Utah State Fair Board (1930s and 40s) Shirl Winder (son of William C.) — Utah State House of Representatives (1921), Utah State Senate (1923-25) Ed Winder (son of William C.) — Granger-Hunter Improvement District trustee (1960s) Ned Winder (son of Ed) — president, Salt Lake Chamber of Commerce; Utah State Senate President; and Salt Lake Area United Way Richard Winder* (son of Ed) — Granite School Board, president of Granite School Board (1966-67, 1971-72) Judge Dave Winder (son of Ed) — U.S. district judge appointed by President Jimmy Carter (1979-2009) Pete Winder* (nephew of Shirl, Ed and George) — original West Valley City Council (1981-87) John Winder* (descendant of John R. Winder) — Sandy City Council (1982-2006) David B. Winder* (nephew of Shirl, Ed and George) — Gov. Mike Leavitt’s cabinet, director of Community & Economic Development, (1997-2002); and special assistant to the Governor (2002-2004) Kent Winder* (son of Ned) — Taylorsville City Council (1996-97); chairman of the board, ChamberWest (199697); and Granger-Hunter Improvement District trustee (2008-present) Mike Winder* (son of Kent) — West Valley City Council (2006-2010), mayor of West Valley City (2010present), and Utah Board of State History (2005-present) Jim Winder* (son of Judge Dave) — Salt Lake County sheriff (2007-present) Jim Winder is now the county Sheriff. If you aren’t familiar with my toils with this completely corrupt Sheriff, know that he succeeded after his election in dissolving the entire Sheriff’s Department, and implemented a new corporate structure called the Unified Police Department (UPD), which made the former Sheriff’s deputies into county municipal police. Winder accepted this corporate structure as the elected Sheriff, and gave up his authority and autonomy as Sheriff (America’s last hope) by agreeing to be CEO of this UPD under the authority of the county council and the mayor of the county. Please see my research on Jim Winder “The Sheriff Who Sold His County”, click here: http://realitybloger.wordpress.com/2011/05/22/the-sheriff-who-sold-his-county/ http://realitybloger.wordpress.com/2011/05/28/salt-lake-county-mayor-admits-to-cafr-fund-wealth/ http://realitybloger.wordpress.com/2011/06/06/an-inteview-with-the-sheriff-who-sold-his-county/ https://realitybloger.wordpress.com/2011/06/28/special-districts-and-service-areas/ (VERY IMPORTANT)

Mike Winder was on the city council of what is known in Salt Lake County to be the most corrupt of the incorporated municipalities in the county, especially the courts. This information is important to understand, as when sometimes secret no-bid contracts are given to private corporations after the land and property of the people is taken or force-bought through intimidation by the governments and local city councils and mayors, we find that these corporations are often friends or family of the councilmen and mayors enforcing the eminent domain. They often take more land than they need for their master plan, and then sell off that land to developers and businesses. And of course one of the jobs of the Sheriff of the county is to enforce state liens and sales of the peoples property, whether its a “bankowned” foreclosure or eminent domain property. So organized crime in Salt Lake County, as you can see, is often a family affair. And it is much easier when the Sheriff’s Department has been “federalized” into a state “incorporated” district. Now, back to our good Irish farmer… This farm, which has been in the Fitzgerald family for many, many generations – since before the “Draper” city councilman’s and mayor’s parent’s-parents were even born – has over the years been slowly taken by the Draper City Corporation and the State of Utah. Bit by bit, these government entities have used the recommended Best Practices of utilizing the Master Plans to forcibly dismantle and steal the land and property of the Fitzgerald family farm. Firstly, it is important to know that over the years, people have built their homes all around the Fitzgerald farm, and that it is now completely surrounded by these neighboring home’s backyards, except along the main road. This raises these homes property value. But it is also important to know that the majority these “neighbors” will not lift a finger to help this family retain its working farm, and some of them actually support the city and state in its organized criminal effort – at least they did until they realized a train station and train tracks was being planned to pass right by their peaceful homes. One might consider that they deserve what they are getting as such good neighbors! Step 1) The city first approached the farmer about selling part of his farmland a part of his frontage land along the road (byway) of the farm. Though the farmer consented to the sale, the Municipal Corporation was the only entity that made an offer. In other words, the City was quite clear that this “deal” would be a no-bid or single-bid transaction. The farmer could not sell to another interested developer or buyer. This land was eventually turned into the City Hall Offices, coincidentally where the Master Plan for Draper City is now housed. The house that originally stood on this land was relocated by the city and is used by the cities Chamber of Commerce. And to add insult to injury, the Draper council and newspaper still refers to this stolen home as “The Historic Fitzgerald Home”. Step 2) Next, the Master Plan was changed to show a K-6 grade school complete with parking lot, playground, and a large soccer field on the farmers property; and the farmer was again approached by the city to purchase another swath of land. Though the Fitzgerald family didn’t necessarily want to sell this land, as it was growing alfalfa to feed its cows, horses, and sheep and to sell to other farmers – and had been in the family for over 100 years – the city council was very clear that it was going to purchase this land whether the farmer wished to sell it or not. After all, it was in the communities interest to force a private property owner to forcibly sell his land or face eminent domain proceedings. The school was then built on a closed court street, causing major traffic problems and dangerous conditions for the children. (Note: Farms are dirty places. They have scrap metal, old machinery and tractors, and out of use stainless steel milk machines laying around, among other supplies. But one of the tactics used by the city was to order the farmer to clean up his private property, and to hall away some of the scrap. If he didn’t obey the city, they

threatened massive fines and fees. Once the sale of property was complete, the threats and intimidation ceased. Step 3) The City once again approached the Fitzgeralds’ to sell even more acreage from their farm. This time, the master plan showed other community services. The farmer once again agreed to sell so that the Draper City Library could be built. Step 4) Next to the Library, the Farmer yet again agreed to sell about an acre of his land so that a senior citizens center could be built according to the Master Plan. Important to consider, this non-frontage 1 acre sold for about $200,000. At this point, knowing that eventually this whole farm would definitely be taken by the City, developers (who were friends with the councilmen and the mayor) started approaching the farmer so as to buy the land in order to develop it. And it is important to note that these types of housing developments are sometimes purchased and built despite the fact that the city’s Master Plan shows something different planned for this land in the future. The developer doesn’t care, as he will get paid to build the houses regardless. The City often allows this to happen and issues all the necessary permits despite its foreknowledge that it will confiscate the new development and the land according to this Master Plan scheme. After all, these developers are friends of the family, and sometimes are even family themselves. And so the properties that are build are then stolen by the city or state through eminent domain, and perfectly good houses or businesses are condemned and destroyed. Step 5) The farmer owned 15 acres across the main street, where more alfalfa was growing. But the State and the City had made different plans for this land, and the Master Plan shows this area as a parking facility for the future site of a public transportation railroad – a light-rail system. The owners of an Associated Farming grocer was also put on notice that eventually their property would be taken. The Farmer has received word that the City was looking to eminent domain further into his frontage land, and that his family home was in the proposed taking – an historic adobe home that is over 100 years old where the farmer’s retired father and mother now reside on the family land. But this alfalfa field across the street was even more valuable, as its boarder faced an even more well-traveled frontage road that was highly sought after to build commercial real estate upon, meaning that the price on this property should be enormous. The State valued this property at over $5 million dollars in its evaluation, before the eminent domain proceedings began. But the county/City appraiser contracted to attain the actual “fair value” of the property – what the constitution of the United States refers to as “just compensation” in the 5th Amendment (the takings clause) – decided to assign only a value of just over $2 million. And in the end, after the attorneys squabbled, the farmer received about $2.5 million for the State-stolen land, despite the fact that the state appraisal showed its true value at over $5 million. Remember, just one acre fetched $200,000 without having access to a major 4 lane business road. The State “TRAX” station and railway is currently under construction, and has been the cause of many similar eminent domain cases throughout the county. To add insult to injury, once the land was already forcepurchased by the government, they charged the farmer for a bridge that had to be built over an already existing eight-foot wide irrigation ditch to the tune of several hundred-thousand dollars. Step 6) The current Master Plan on display at the Draper City Hall shows several new roads going through several parts of the farm. These roads do not exist today, and the farmer has not been contacted about the building of these roads… yet. The farmer was recently forced to allow the City to build a blacktop bike/nature path through the middle of his field, along with fences and a bridge so that the farmer could get his equipment and tractors to the outlaying fields. He will have to sell off some of his cattle now, since the hey supply cannot be kept up to support his animals now that over 20 acres of farmland have been legally stolen by the organized crime syndicate called the City/State. And the farmer and family are quite sure that the farm will definitely be taken through eminent domain at some time in the very near future – a families heritage literally

destroyed in the name of the community through the use of Best Practices of the GFOA and the United Nations Agenda 21 principles. It is also important to note that when the city attorneys and council conduct these types of transactions, the victims of these organized crimes receive what can only be called a “gag-order” until the eminent domain transaction is complete. This ensures that other interested developers or potential buyers of the property cannot and will not be allowed to place another higher bid in for the property, making the transaction a no-bid contract. You could call this a monopoly on theft. But it is also important to understand that instead of returning the unused portion of this land (that the State/City will not use), some of this land that was taken from the farmer by the State/City will be sold for a profit to interested developers along the main frontage road for businesses to be built. And chances are that a bond will be issued with taxpayer money to complete the construction of this infrastructure. The farmer will not see a penny of the profit from this transaction. Please note that the same intimidation techniques used on this farmer can be much, much worse, as in the case of Andrew Wordes, as reported by Natural News and the Health Ranger: http://www.naturalnews.com/035524_Andrew_Wordes_Roswell_chickens.html

This is the crime of the century. It is perfectly legal. And it will not stop… And this, ladies and gentleman, is the Master Plan. Do you know what yours is? The real question is: When will you, the People start defending each others property from your elected city and state representatives, before you become the neighbor that nobody cares about or helps? And what good is the second amendment if the people don’t ever use it for its real intended purpose – to fight for your rights and the rights of others? We pay this “right” lip service, but never prove our worthiness to keep it. And now the United States is just one of the many United Nations. How very sad… –Clint Richardson (realitybloger.wordpress.com) –Wednesday, April 18th, 2012

The Dirty Secrecy of Clean Energy Costs MARCH 19, 2012 By DAVE ROBERTS “Sunshine is the best disinfectant,” said Supreme Court Justice Lewis Brandeis regarding the need for governmental transparency – but apparently not when it comes to solar power and other renewable energy sources. California has embarked on an ambitious, unprecedented program to provide one-third of its power from renewable energy sources by 2020. It’s likely to be expensive replacing oil and cheap natural gas with costly, inefficient solar and wind power. But Californians aren’t being told how much extra they’ll have to pay. “I don’t understand what the size of the bill will be for it all,” said Robert Michaels, a Cal State Fullerton professor of economics and an energy expert. “Basically, what’s happening is everybody is being kept in the dark about this. Allegedly because it’s necessary to maintain competition among projects. It’s a drama that none of us is allowed to see, and none of us is allowed to get the figures on.” Many of the purchase power agreements for renewable energy projects are coming in at above the market rate for energy — a cost that will be passed on to ratepayers. But the amount is known only to the California Public Utilities Commission, which keeps the figures under wraps for years. The CPUC approves nearly every renewable project that comes before it, regardless of cost. But that’s not how it was supposed to be. The enabling legislation in 2002 for what is known as the Renewables Portfolio Standard, SB 1078, required that the cost of proposed renewable projects be compared to the market price of energy, and that procurement be restricted if the project’s price is too high. It also provided for above-market costs to be paid from a state-controlled above-market fund, rather than passing the extra cost on to the consumer. This was reaffirmed in follow-up legislation. In 2006, SB 107, by State Senator Joe Simitian, D-Palo Alto, increased and accelerated the renewable target goals while continuing to limit procurement if prices were too high. Likewise in 2007 with SB 1036 by then-Sen. Don Perata, D-Oakland. And similarly in last year’s SBx1 2 by Simitian. But as the pressure has increased to meet the state’s renewable energy goals, the prices have also increased — and cost-containment has gone by the wayside like a golden eagle after flying into a windmill blade. The average bids for solar projects doubled while wind projects increased about 50 percent from 2005 to 2007, according to the CPUC’s Division of Ratepayer Advocates in a report last August titled “The Green Rush.” Fifty-nine percent of renewable contracts have been awarded at above-the-market rates in recent years, with PG&E leading the way with 77 percent of its contracts. But what about that above-market fund that was supposed to pick up the tab for the high-cost contracts? As of last August, $773 million had been allocated — but a whopping $6 billion is needed to pay for all of the above-market contracts that have been approved. Michaels said that fund has since run out of money. Pay for It “Essentially you now have no choice but to pay whatever the contract price is for the renewable,” he said. “Renewable energy in California means wind and solar. Wind is expensive and solar is astronomical, particularly for the power you get. So what you have got now is a more interesting problem: People are not allowed to find out what the actual bills for these projects will be. The reason is because the PUC has agreed with utilities complaining, ‘We can’t let ordinary people

know what the price of these things are, because you can cause competitive problems and it can result in price fixing’ — or something like that.” Michaels cited what he called an “outrageous project” — PG&E’s solar project in the Mojave Desert. The plant could cost an estimated $1.6 billion while generating only 250 megawatts. Although scheduled to be completed it 2014, it may not be hooked up to the electrical grid until 2018 after needed upgrades are made. Likely emboldening PG&E to lay out that kind of money for a questionable project is that it comes with a $1.2 billion loan guarantee from the U.S. Department of Energy. That’s the same DOE that provided a $535 million loan guarantee for Solyndra. “That’s a staggering amount to pay for the kind of power you are getting — it only works when the sun is shining,” said Michaels. “The Division of Ratepayer Advocates is very upset about all of this. But there’s nothing that can be done about it. This is only the start. When we get closer to the 33 percent requirement, it’s just going to get worse, because the resources will be even more expensive.” Shortly after the PUC approved PGE’s 25-year contract for the Mojave project in November 2011, the Division of Ratepayer Advocates sent out a press release headlined, “DRA Troubled By Continued CPUC Approval of Overpriced Renewable Projects.” It pointed out that the CPUC had also recently approved the overpriced North Star Solar project in Fresno. Both approvals ignored the legislative directive to contain costs. “The Commission has the power to keep the cost of renewable energy reasonable,” said DRA’s acting Director, Joe Como. “Instead … it is signaling to the market that California will accept overpriced renewable energy, and that it is willing to lock customers into higher rates for decades to come. I agree with Commissioner [Mike] Florio [the only vote against the Mojave project], who said that we should be getting twice the amount of renewable energy for the price of this contract. “The CPUC must get serious about reducing greenhouse gas emissions from power plants, and it can’t do that by ignoring the costs. DRA strongly supports the state’s renewable energy goals, but fears that customer backlash against high energy bills will hurt the state’s efforts. Sending a message to renewable energy developers and investors that the cost of renewables must be reasonable will support the effort to reach California’s goals to reduce greenhouse gas. We simply can’t afford to do otherwise.” Encouraging Development One of the encouraging developments in renewable energy recently is the significant price drop for photovoltaic energy due to the increased production of solar cells (ironically a contributing factor in Solyndra’s demise because its products were made at a higher price). The cost of these systems dropped 19-23 percent in California (depending on the size of the system) from late 2008 to mid-2010. But, at the same time the utility bid prices for photovoltaic systems actually increased, according to the DRA. Also concerned about the increased cost of renewable energy is the state watchdog agency the Little Hoover Commission. It held a hearing Feb. 28 at which Commissioner David Schwarz asked what can be done to get the CPUC to put the brakes on the renewable energy “spending binge.” Matt Freedman, an attorney for The Utility Reform Network, responded, “The era of approving overpriced renewable generators has passed. Most were in 2008, 2009. For years the PUC has pretty much approved whatever the utilities wanted. It goes to the oversight of utilities by regulators who feel it’s their job to give the utilities what they want when they want it. There’s been a spending binge.” But that binge may not be over, according to Como, who said, “The commission has accepted all but two contracts in the last several years. There have been about 170 contracts from 2003, and only two have been rejected. It does speak a lot to the fact that there are political and other pressures that go into the final decision other than ‘best fit, least cost’ analysis. I think we are still looking at contracts that are overpriced. The prices are confidential. But we do look at the trends.”

Schwarz accused Como’s group of not sufficiently advocating for ratepayers by not fighting the confidential pricing system. “Aren’t you doing your constituents a disservice?” Schwarz asked. “I would like to see confidentiality lifted so we have transparency.” Como responded, “I’m in support of modifying confidentiality, not lifting it. Three years of confidentiality may be too long. Six months to a year would be good. Nevada doesn’t have a confidentiality cloak on its procurement.” Asked what the cost impact will be to customers in order to achieve the 33 percent goal, Como said, “It’s probably about 5 to 7 percent on a typical bill of a customer. The above-market costs that we have identified, that’s probably what the impact will be.” Cost Unknown But Freedman said that no one knows how much it’s going to cost. In 2009, a consultant estimated there would be a 7 percent increase, but that study is already out of date because “all of the assumptions are totally wrong in respect to price. For example, it was thought solar thermal, big mirrors in the desert, was going to be the primary way we would reach the 33 percent target. It assumed 7,200 megawatts of solar thermal. Half of that has been canceled. It assumed photovoltaics would cost between 29 and 47 cents a kilowatt-hour. We have been looking at prices in the 11-to-14 cent range approved last year. They are lower today than last year, and it looks like they will be going lower still. Every longterm model ends up being wrong. In the field of renewables, we have seen a very dynamic market with extremely fastchanging prices, more than anybody could ever predict.” The energy experts are confident that California will be able to meet the renewable energy goal by 2020. The big question remains the size of the bill that Californians will get stuck with. “It would be wonderful if we can make this work,” said a dubious state Sen. Mark Wyland, R-Carlsbad, who is also a Little Hoover commissioner. “To me right now the bottom line is what is the cost to the user. Particularly in a state where we have the second-highest unemployment in the country, where privately a very senior official in this government has said, ‘We all know the real rate of unemployment is closer to 17 percent,’ where the human cost is really, really, really difficult, and at the same time when we have some companies leaving. I just think at the end of the day we need to know: Can we deliver this in such a way that it doesn’t hurt jobs? We’ll see.” http://www.calwatchdog.com/2012/03/19/the-dirty-secrecy-of-clean-energy-costs/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Watch Hacking Democracy: www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVTXbARGXso

CA Energy Schemes: ‘We are getting fleeced’ April 5, 2012 By Katy Grimes

The California Air Resources Board has created a stealthy new corporation in Delaware. The Western Climate Initiative Inc., which will manage cap-and-trade programs, even has its own form of currency. WCI Inc. says it exists “to perform administrative and technical services to support the carbon trading market, including market monitoring of allowance auctions, and market trading of compliance instruments.” “CARB is creating a whole new currency with these pollution certificates,” explained Assemblywoman Diane Harkey, R-Dana Point. “Initially the state was to unite with other Western states to reduce the purported menace to the future of our planet,” Harkey said. “However, our partners determined that they would prefer not to tackle the issue during a recession; the cost of making their states less competitive in a tough business environment outweighed the benefit.” Harkey has been trying to get her legislative colleagues to understand that the “fix,” setting a goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels, with increasing population on the horizon, “is guaranteed to cost employers and everyday people more for the electricity and products they need. California’s only remaining partner is the Canadian province of Quebec.” At a recent legislative hearing with CARB officials, Harkey asked why WCI was registered in Delaware and not in California. But CARB’s Richard Corey couldn’t provide a legitimate reason. “WCI is an established … it’s a program to link with others,” Corey said. “Many California companies are incorporated in Delaware, like Chevron and Disney,” Corey added. “And the Delaware incorporation law is taught in law schools around the country. It was on the advice of counsel.” “California has Sunshine laws and open hearing regulations,” Harkey said. “We have public funds we are dealing with here, not like Chevron or Disney.” Harkey noted that Delaware is not subject to California state open meeting or sunshine laws, leaving many questioning why the WCI opted for such secrecy. The WCI Board of Directors is made up of Matt Rodriquez, the newly appointed secretary for the California Environmental Protection Agency; James Goldstene, CARB chairman and CEO; and the equivalent officials for the Canadian provinces of British Columbia and Quebec. No other America states are involved. The Fleecing Game Imagine 50 million Californians living on less water and electricity than 38 million Golden Staters do now. That’s the scheme being hatched by some state officials and legislators. With the state’s population growing at about 3.4 million a decade, the 50 million figure should be reached around 2040. Instead of addressing the historic economic and energy problems in the state, Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown continues to push the HighSpeed Rail plan. This week its supposed cost was scaled back from $98 billion to a mere $68 billion.

To fund his pet choo-choo, now he’s pushing a cap-and-trade program to sell carbon credits. Brown and public employee unions have also proposed a $9 billion tax-increase ballot initiative. California is no longer a manufacturing leader, but is leading the country in manufacturing schemes. Schemes Top of the list of schemes is cap-and-trade, or emission trading–a way to tax residents and businesses by another name. Throw in renewable energy mandates and the implementation of AB 32, the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, and it’s clear state leaders are closing their eyes as the California Express runs off the rails. Legislators are still too busy patting themselves on the back for passage of the extreme Renewable Portfolio Standard last year. But lawmakers will soon be forced to address the impending energy crisis their own laws caused. That’s because their renewable energy mandates won’t be able to power the Golden State. You Pat My Back, I’ll Pat Yours The California Independent System Operator, is a quasigovernmental agency which regulates the reliability of the state’s energy grid. In a recent study, it warned that, as California tries to meet the stringent requirements of the Renewable Portfolio Standard of 33 percent renewable energy production, “so does the need for flexible capacity resources.” The study continued, “Integrating a 33 percent Renewable Portfolio Standard creates several new challenges for the ISO. Among these challenges is ensuring that the ISO has sufficient flexible capacity to address the added variability and unpredictability created by intermittent resources.” The “intermittent resources” referred to by CalISO are wind, solar, algae, ethanol and all other earth-friendly fuels. While they are not consistently reliable energy sources, most can serve as intermittent alternatives. The 33 percent figure is the highest in the country after the Legislature pushed through and passed the environmentally restrictive Renewable Portfolio Standard. It mandates that California obtain 33 percent of all electricity from renewable resources by 2020. This figure includes all of the energy purchased outside of California. Energy experts say that California purchases more than 30 percent of its energy from out of state. Carbon Trading Scheme It appears that CalISO doesn’t believe that meeting the 33 percent renewable energy mandate is possible. Its study said, “California is making plans to link the cap-and-trade system with that of Quebec in 2012, under the auspices of the Western Climate Initiative, but challenges remain as allowances trade at record lows.” So far, no other countries are interested in participating in trading carbon credits. However, the California-Quebec relationship is not trading apples-to-apples: Quebec gets 97 percent of its energy from hydroelectric sources. California is trying to reduce traditional electricity production, including hydroelectric power, and instead replace it with as much “renewable” energy as possible from wind and solar, algae and ethanol. But energy experts have been saying in recent months that California’s energy demand is too much for the alternative energy and lower usage standards. Additionally, Quebec has only 80 regulated industries; California regulates more than 300 industries.

“This will create the largest carbon market in North America and provide a model that can guide future efforts to establish a creative road map for future national approaches in Canada and the U.S. to reduce greenhouse gas emissions,” said Western Climate Initiative Inc. co-chairmen James Goldstene, executive officer of the California Air Resources Board, and Jim Whitestone of Ontario’s Ministry of the Environment, at a recent hearing about cap-andtrade. CARB officials plan on giving away free carbon allowances for the first auction “to the State’s large industrial emitters as well as the State’s electric utilities in order to reduce the economic impact of the cap-and-trade program,” a background paper explained. But it appears that state officials have quietly recognized that selling carbon credits could actually do more damage to the state. The first carbon auction has been postponed from August to after the November election – with little comment, and no fanfare. Carbon Currency California’s new cap-and-trade program places a limit on greenhouse gas emissions from the businesses and entities responsible for approximately 80 percent of the state’s greenhouse gas emissions. CARB will issue carbon allowances to these businesses and entities, which will be able to turn around and sell them to other businesses on the open market. The “cap” is the state-imposed limit on businesses that emit greenhouse gasses, and the “trade” is the sale of carbon credits to other businesses. It’s the ultimate example of the government picking which businesses get to survive, and which will not, because not just anyone can purchase or sell carbon credits. Only the businesses chosen by CARB get to sell, and profit, from selling carbon credits to polluters. Businesses will be limited on how many credits they can purchase. If a business produces more carbon emissions than the state allotted, CARB will issue stiff fines and penalties. Or the business can just reduce their production output and lose money instead. Cap-and-trad emission credits are not a new scheme. For years, the state’s many air quality management districts have been requiring certain polluting businesses to purchase “clean air credits” from larger government approved companies, which were allowed to purchase up most of the credits. It’s a government run pay-to-play scheme. “The capital gains from trading in the new currency of pollution ‘allowance certificates’ could very well create the next boom and bust cycle for our state if the scheme works as planned,” Harkey said. “With the creation of a carbon market for pollution, California will be monetizing pollution and charging businesses and residents for the air we breathe. We are getting fleeced.” http://www.calwatchdog.com/2012/04/05/ca-energy-schemes-we-are-getting-fleeced/

Lord Monckton Debunks Global ‘Warming’ MARCH 22, 2012 By KATY GRIMES

A visit to California from Lord Christopher Monckton, 3rd Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, promised to be full of his telltale wit, knowledge and controversy, as well as plenty of science. Lord Monckton did not disappoint. As California is on the verge of its first cap-and-trade carbon auction, Assemblywoman Shannon Grove, R-Bakersfield, invited Lord Monckton to address the Legislature, and arranged for him to make several presentations throughout California over the next few days. Grove sent out invitations to each of the 120 state legislators, but only a handful of Republicans accepted to participate in the hearing. And only one Democrat attended the hearing — Sen. Rod Wright, D-Inglewood. Monckton’s message is important as well as scientific: Most climate change science is bogus, and California can and should stop the quest for ending climate change on our own before the state’s economy is completely destroyed. Monckton has consulted many governments around the world about climate change.

Monckton, together with Tom Tanton, a renewable energy expert and special consultant to the energy and technology industries, testified to a packed room in a special legislative hearing Wednesday on climate change and carbon trade. Tanton and Monckton gave an even more detailed presentation at an event later that evening. New California Tax Scheme I’ve had to sit through several years of legislative hearings lacking in science, facts and detail about the sources of climate change. After that, Monckton’s presentation about how the global warming hysteria began, how the data and science was altered and why they hysteria continues was fascinating and refreshing. As California prepares for its first cap-and trade-auction in August, taxpayers and utility customers should all be concerned and not worry about being called “deniers.” As I wrote in California Remedy For Eco-Guilt about AB 32′s implementation and upcoming cap-and-trade auctions, ”Instead of providing affirmative plans to accomplish this feat, and answers to legislators’ questions, it became abundantly clear that no one in the state has a handle on the implementation of AB 32, the Global Warming Solution Act of 2006, or the potential repercussions from the vast law.”

Most notably, Tanton and Monckton warned taxpayers that, because Gov. Jerry Brown decided to monetize CO2 carbon emissions, and plans to tax utility customers, business owners and taxpayers for the emissions, the state stands to take in an extra $1 billion in revenues. The new revenue stream is not new money coming into the state, but an additional $1 billion from the same old sources – businesses, manufacturers, utility customers, homeowners, property owners, automobile owners and taxpayers. Overall, if California continues down the road of selling and trading carbon emission credits, it will cost the state $450 billion by 2020. Monckton found that even with $450 billion spent, the impact to curb total global emissions will be close to nil – just 0.4 percent will have been abated. Just the Science, Please Monckton went through an elaborate presentation and showed the data, charts and graphs originally used by the United Nation International Panel on Climate Change, when it concluded that man-made global warming must be stopped. But Monckton found that the original science and data had been altered in order to further the agenda, and force the West to comply with the international rules. Monckton also showed the altered data, and the changes were staggering and obvious. Tanton said that California is already the third best state in the United States in the carbon intensity of our economy. The United States is four times better than China, and better than the average of all other countries. Even with this information, Tanton warned that cap-and-trade is going to come at a very high cost to Californians. Families will be forced to pay thousands of dollars more out of their budgets each year, and the state will lose more than 100,000 more jobs in 2012 – on top of the 650,000 manufacturing jobs lost since AB 32 was made law. By 2020, California stands to lose more than 1 million more jobs, just because of the state’s climate change laws. “This state grew because of manufacturing,” said Sen. Wright. “If we want a policy of no manufacturing, the we should tell the rest of the manufacturers, instead of bleeding them dry – tell them ‘you should get out.’” A 2011 Rasmussen poll found that 69 per cent of 1,000 respondents believed it at least “somewhat likely” that climate scientists had falsified their research data to support the case for catastrophic human-caused global warming. Forty per cent of respondents said falsification of research data was “very likely.” Only 22 percent responded that they were sure that climate scientists had not falsified data. California Over-Regulation California already suffers from over-regulation. Monckton and Tanton addressed California’s 40-year ban on most offshore drilling, despite the 15 billion barrels of oil available. Their concern, besides the decisions made on faulty and fraudulent science, is that California already suffers from record unemployment, high taxes and a $6 billion deficit, and is facing a potential unfunded pension meltdown. According to Monckton and Tanton, adding more taxes onto the backs of business owners and utility customers will only cause the wealthy and more employers to flee California.

“Rich Californians are fleeing the state, taking their jobs with them,” said Monckton. “Intel says it will never build another plant here; Globalstar, Trizetto, and eEye fled in just one month; Boeing, Toyota, Apple, Facebook, and DirecTV have all fled,” said Monckton, referring to expansions by those companies, although some of their headquarters remain here. “The wagons are heading east.” http://www.calwatchdog.com/2012/03/22/lord-mockton-debunks-global-warming/ Also Read: Democrats in the Legislature Chicken Out of Climate Debate With Lord Monckton

California counting its carbon tax riches May 29, 2012, By Katy Grimes While the rest of the country shuns carbon trading schemes, California politicians continue to embrace the concept, and are forging ahead with a Cap and Trade carbon trading system. But eight states have dropped out of California’s Western Climate Initiative, leaving many scratching their heads in wonderment, as only California and Quebec are left alone to solve the world’s global warming and climate change issues. But instead of being a real innovator and helping businesses sincerely lower emissions, California looks as if it is desperately clinging onto the notion that we can lead the rest of the world in controlling climate change, and behaving as a Nation State. Why Quebec? Cap and Trade was first concocted by the United Nations as a way to financially benefit from selling carbon offset credits. VicePresident Al Gore was already part of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which helped seal the deal in the 1990′s through the Clinton administration’s involvement in the Kyoto Protocol, which mandated that nations reduce or offset carbon emissions. This scheme must have been irresistible to the California Legislature, which passed AB 32, California’s Global Warming Solutions Act, in 2006. The original plan was to create a giant climate change coalition with other states and provinces from which carbon trading and taxing would emanate. But one by one, states have dropped out, citing the difficult economy and cost to manage such a program. But not California. “Linking with Québec is a significant advance in California’s efforts to fight climate change and steer our economy toward a clean energy future,” said CARB Chairman Mary D. Nichols. “Linking provides more options to California businesses and lays the groundwork for other partners to join with us. This sends a strong message to two national governments that now is the time to support innovation, energy efficiency and the development of clean technologies.” But Quebec is not even a trading partner with California.

Counting the chickens before they are hatched As part of his 2012-13 state budget, Gov. Jerry Brown made a gigantic assumption that the state will see $1 billion in cap-and-trade revenue. The state Legislative Analyst’s Office warned that this is a dangerous budget gimmick and an unstable calculation. The California Air Resources Board passed cap-and-trade regulations in 2011 as part of its effort to implement AB 32. The air resources agency was granted authority by AB 32 to develop “market mechanisms” to reduce emissions to 1990 levels by 2020.

To achieve this, CARB developed its Cap and Trade program, and named 300 industries as the polluters, which will be required to buy carbon credits from the state in order to continue doing business in California. When more closely examined, Cap and Trade appears to be a wealth redistribution program, by imposing a carbon tax on mostly private businesses, as well as utilities. Economists have warned that it will send businesses in California packing for other states. While CARB continues to insist that Cap and Trade programs have been a smashing success, programs in Europe and the Northeast have failed, resulting in business closures and downsizes, and fewer tax revenues. Spain nearly went bankrupt with its green energy programs, by killing more jobs than it created. Many warn that Cap and Trade has failed every time it has been implemented, especially in the European Union and Japan. But CARB will have to rely on companies to honestly report their emissions, which undoubtedly will lead to gaming the system, and cheating. At a recent Assembly hearing on Cap and Trade, Assemblyman Brian Jones tried to put CARB’s role into perspective. But his objections were met with steely resistance from Assembly Democrats. ”It is my perception since I’ve been elected and serving here for 14 months that CARB is a rogue agency” Jones said. “I want to reaffirm and state emphatically that CARB’s authority derives from this Legislature. It doesn’t derive on its own.” “Your commissioners are not elected by the public or the voters of this state. We are elected by the voters of this state,” Jones continued. “And this Legislature has given over to CARB some authority that I believe CARB has run away with, and I am only hopeful that my colleagues in this committee and the rest of this Legislature will also come to the same conclusion that I’ve come to and soon realize that the authority of CARB comes from this Legislature, and we will start to rein that in and protect the voters and the public interest in this state.” Global warming and political influence In February, China ordered its airlines to ignore the 2008 European Union law which imposed a carbon emission tax on all flights traveling to and from the EU. Moving in opposite directions, China continues to build coal plants, while California continues to enforce strict regulations to limit traditional forms of energy production, and encourage solar, wind along with other environmentally friendly alternatives. Recent political history helps us understand how Cap and Trade works, and the political influence derived from its programs. The now-defunct Chicago Climate Exchange, was founded by Chicago Board of Trade chief economist Richard Sandor, former Goldman Sachs & Co. CEO Hank Paulson, and former Vice President Al Gore, and started trading in 2003. The CCX received start-up funding from the Joyce Foundation in 2000 and 2001, during which time then-Senator Barack Obama sat on the board of directors. The CCX had more than 400 members, which included corporate giants, auto manufacturers, universities, large utilities, and even Amtrack.

The CCX was estimated to make $10 trillion a year, and explains why California politicians continue to pledge support for California’s carbon trading program. But the CCX was closed down because the voluntary participation of its members waned as other carbon registries entered the market. The Climate Action Reserve and American Carbon Registry continue to operate.

Cap and Trade revenue hearing CARB’s Board of Directors held a hearing last week to discuss the anticipated revenues from upcoming Cap and Trade auctions, and how they planned to spend the windfall monies. “We are looking for synergy and consensus,” CARB Chairwoman Mary Nichols said at the hearing. Nichols said that in the transportation sector, efforts to capture the synergies have been successful, “which will help to make our state more competitive.” Nichols reported that CARB does not know how much money will come in from carbon trading auctions, but the CARB Board estimates “several billion dollars each year.” CARB invited two panels to participate in the hearing, made up of mostly environmentalist stakeholders, with the exception of the California Manufacturers and Technology Association, the lone voice for business. Assemblywoman Diane Harkey, R-Dana Point, expressed her concerns at the hearing about how the Cap and Trade program will work, and whether the program will actually result in lower greenhouse gas emissions, as mandated by AB 32. Harkey suggested that it may just be a scheme to allow vast sums of money to change hands, with investors eventually getting rich off of market speculation, and with no improvement in the reduction of emissions. Harkey warned that CARB was entering the sophisticated financial world of derivative markets and hedge derivatives, where investors get involved in betting, trading and profiting on the value of carbon credit shares. She warned that such sophisticated financial dealings should be managed by specialists, and not a state agency tasked with a mission of cleaner air. Ignoring all warnings Two years ago, the Christian Science Monitor published a joint investigation with the New England Center for Investigative Reporting, which found that existing carbon trading schemes were just another way to make money. “Carbon offsets are nothing more than the environmental equivalent of financial derivatives: complex, unregulated, unchecked and – in many cases – not worth their price,” the investigation reported. “They are buying into projects that are never completed, or paying for ones that would have been done anyhow,” the investigation found. “Their purchases are feeding middlemen and promoters seeking profits from green schemes that range from selling protection for existing trees to the promise of planting new ones that never thrive. In some cases, the offsets have consequences that their purchasers never foresaw, such as erecting windmills that force poor people off their farms.” Instead of heeding the many warnings, California is moving ahead at rapid speed to implement the first Cap and Trade auction in November. As with most schemes, the catch is in the amount of empathy and guilt the con artist can elicit. Buying carbon offsets may ease eco-guilt, but experts have concluded that it will do absolutely nothing to lower the world’s carbon emissions, particularly as California goes it alone. http://www.calwatchdog.com/2012/05/29/california-counting-itscarbon-tax-riches/

Obama Administration Still Pressuring Congress to Ratify LOST Susanne Posel, Occupy Corporatism May 27, 2012

The Obama administration is still pressuring Congress to ratify the Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST); citing that without the treaty , the US military is at an increasing risk of confrontation while at sea. At a Senate Foreign Relations Committee meeting, senior defense officials like General Martian Dempsey, chairman of the Join Chiefs of Staff claimed that “If we do not ratify over time, what would happen is that we put ourselves at risk of confrontation with others who are interpreting customary international law to their own benefit.” “If we are not a party to this treaty and can’t deal with it at the (negotiating) table, then we have to deal with it at sea with our naval power,” Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said. “And once that happens, you clearly increase the risk of confrontation.” Panetta along with Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State, tried to entice the panel, claiming that LOST would bring huge economic and military benefits to the US government. However, the dispute quickly came up against the same protests that have blocked the treaty’s ratification in the US. “My problem is with sovereignty,” Republican Senator Jim Risch said, nonchalantly glancing through the pages of LOST. “There’s 288 pages here, and as you read it, there’s some good stuff in here. But if we have to give up one scintilla of sovereignty that this country has fought, has bled for. . . I can’t vote for it.” LOST encompasses “all ocean space, with all its uses, including navigation and over flight; all uses of its resources, living and non-living, on the high seas, on the ocean floor and beneath, on the continental shelf and in the territorial seas…. The Convention is widely recognized by the international community as the legal framework within which all activities in the oceans and the seas must be carried out.” LOST will install a 200-nautical-mile (370-km) of elite economic zones that create coastal states rights of expansion and exploitation of natural resources. The ability of other countries to navigate, overfly and lay communications cables across the regions would rest in the hands of the UN. LOST would give the UN authority over everything above and below the seas and oceans of the world. Under LOST, there will not be an ability to veto as with the UN Security Council. The 62nd UN General Assembly Plenary meeting recorded this statement with regard to LOST: “The Assembly had before it a 22-part resolution on oceans and the Convention on the Law of the Sea … by which it would call on States to harmonize, as a matter of priority, national legislation with the provisions of the Convention and, where applicable, relevant agreements and provisions…. The Assembly then adopted the resolution by a recorded vote of 146 in favour to 2 against . . .”

Lawmakers and defense officials said the treaty would strengthen the military’s hand in dealing with growing powers like China and Russia and others that have joined the convention and are seeking to establish claims in the Pacific and Arctic. At a prior hearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in January of 2012, Hilary Clinton remarked that the ratification of LOST is a priority for her “because it is long overdue”. Clinton scoffed and made light of LOST , alluding to the conspiracy theories of world government by saying: “Honestly, I don’t know where these people make these things up.” In Section 106 of the bill to ratify LOST is the power to engage the executive branch of our US government to apply LOST through executive orders, regulations, directives and/or delegations of authority. Obama signed his executive order Stewardship of the Oceans, Our Coasts and the Great Lakes and the Interim Report of the Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force (IOPTF). The purpose of IOPTF is to adhere to LOST. The report will provide the framework for planning and conservation, economic endeavors, user adherence and sustainable use; as well as social justice, as dictated by LOST and the UN. An estimated $900 million will be used for the implementation of a global approach to our land, oceans, coastal areas and Great Lakes. The US Senate is expected to vote on LOST next month. More committee meetings and hearings may occur prior to the vote. The Obama administration is pressuring Congress in all ways they can to get this UN treaty ratified because once it is law in America, the UN will finally have their grip on our Constitutional Republic. http://occupycorporatism.com/obama-administration-still-pressuring-congress-to-ratify-lost/

LOST is Centralized Control of the World by the UN Susanne Posel Jun 9th, 2012

Occupy Corporatism June 9, 2012

The UN’s Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST) will deliver American sovereignty and seven-tenths of the world’s surface through allocation of oceans and seas to the UN by way of the entanglement of global bureaucracy. Over three decades ago, then President Ronald Regan rejected LOST, saying “no national interest of the United States could justify handing sovereign control of two-thirds of the Earth’s surface over to the Third World.” The writers of LOST want to give the UN power to draw oceanic boundaries to impose environmental regulations and restrict business on the high seas. LOST would give critical US naval and drilling operational decision making and final word to the UN. Regan believed LOST was an “effort to promote global government at the expense of sovereign nation states — and most especially the United States.” On Capitol Hill, supporters of LOST include Senators Richard Lugar (who now heads the Senate Foreign Relations Committee), Chuck Hagel, John Warner, Trent Lot. The coalition of the US Navy, multi-national oil corporations led by Shall and radical environmentalist lawyers are providing advocacy for the UN’s usurpation of our individual rights as an independent nation. Big oil supports LOST because of its provisional extension of jurisdiction over the continental shelf beyond the current 200 mile limit. However, LOST requires that royalties of between 1 and 7% be paid to the International Seabed Authority (ISA) on the value of oil and minerals produced from those waters. Effectively, the UN would regulate offshore and deep-sea production all over the world. The financing would come from American taxpayers. The taxation collected by the ISA would be redirected to the UN. Larry Bell of Forbes magazine wrote that “as much as 7 percent of U.S. government revenue that is collected from oil and gas companies operating off our coast” and then reallocated by the UN to “poorer, landlocked countries.” In the name of environmental justice, trillions of dollars would be siphoned from Americans.

Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta believes that “the time has come” for the Senate to ratify LOST. Panetta said about LOST: “Not since we acquired the lands of the American West and Alaska have we had such an opportunity to expand U.S. sovereignty.” The US Navy supports LOST because it supposedly classifies navigational rights and freedoms that would assist the US Navy in key operations; however there is no need to ratify a treaty that empowers the UN to govern the US Navy to do what they already do. The necessity of an international body to give the US military permission to perform as it normally does is ludicrous. Still, the US Navy and Joint Chiefs of Staff forcefully repeat to Congressional committees that LOST is crucial to the success of US military operations. The US Navy contends that LOST will preserve American freedom of transit in dangerous waters, such as the Strait of Hormuz and the South China Sea. Panetta retorts: “How can we argue that other nations must abide by international rules when we haven’t officially accepted those rules?” For decades, admirals have warned that the US cannot guarantee navigational rights without ratification of LOST through Congress. In 1995, one admiral wrote: “This may be our last opportunity to ‘lock in’ those critical navigational and overflight rights.” In 2007, a vice chief of Naval Operations stated to a Senate Foreign Relations Committee: “We need to lock in the navigation and overflight rights and high seas freedoms contained in the Convention while we can.” LOST will give the UN jurisdictional claim that may interfere with navigation of the seas by military or commercial ships. The Freedom of Navigation Program provides the US diplomatic protest through the State Department when warships are prohibited from navigating foreign waters. LOST would remove the US Navy’s right to diplomacy by right of global and international governance. Under LOST, since the UN has no navy, America would be expected to protect the world’s sea lanes and punish piracy by mandate of international law. The International Tribunal of LOST (ITLOS) would have jurisdiction over “maritime disputes”. This tribunal of 21 members resides in Hamburg. ITLOS’s judgments could be enforced against Americans, but not appealed in US courts. Maritime disputes would essentially be turned from accidents at sea between ships, to issues of global warming with power to create binding mandates on climate change. Steven Groves of the Heritage Foundation published a paper that outlines how radical environmentalist lawyers and climate change alarmists could use LOST to file lawsuits to advance man-made climate change agendas. John Bolton, former UN ambassador, asserts LOST has become more dangerous “with China emerging as a major power, ratifying the treaty now would encourage Sino-American strife, constrain U.S. naval activities and do nothing to resolve China’s expansive maritime territorial claims.” In 2010, Obama issued an executive order National Policy for the Stewardship of the Ocean, Coasts and Great Lakes that seized total control from states and localities for “conservation, economic activity, user conflict and sustainable use of the ocean, our coasts and the Great Lakes.”

Obama installed a National Ocean Council (NOC), a 27 member group that will implement ocean management plans “in accordance with customary international law, including as reflected in the Law of the Sea Convention.” NOC is chaired by John Holdren , Obama’s Science Czar, (who supports eugenics, mass sterilization and forced abortions; as well as geo-engineering for the sake of saving the planet) and Nancy Sutley, White House on Environmental Quality. The NOC also seats Jane Lubchenco, head of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and a former high-ranking official at the left-wing Environmental Defense Fund (EDF). The EDF is known for supporting draconian declines of commercial fishing ships and leisure fishing to pursue centralized control. Elisabeth Mann Borgese, co-author of LOST is quoted saying: “He who rules the sea, rules the land.” LOST gives all-encompassing power and global governance over the world’s water sources in the name of environmental protection. http://occupycorporatism.com/lost-is-centralized-control-of-the-world-by-the-un/

Climate Change Alarmists Leading the World Toward Global Governance Susanne Posel

Occupy Corporatism June 6, 2012 Climate change alarmists are hard at work, pushing their agenda of manmade global warming which ultimately leads to global carbon taxing through the governance of the UN. Daniel Sarewitz , professor of science and society and co-director of the Consortium for Science, Policy and Outcomes at Arizona State University, asserts that: “There is not any serious debate about whether anthropogenic climate change is happening. Scientists are certain about that, and it is unfortunate that the national debate is lagging so far behind.” The move toward convincing the general public that man-made CO2 is responsible for global warming partially stems from a study from 2000 which was co-authored by James Hansen, a prominent eco-fascist. Hansen’s team admits that “rapid warming in recent decades has been driven mainly by non-CO2 greenhouse gases . . . not by the products of fossil fuel burning, CO2 and aerosols.” And then admonishes that the method of controlling emission output should “focus on air pollution has practical benefits that unite the interests of developed and developing countries. However, assessment of ongoing and future climate change requires composition-specific longterm global monitoring of aerosol properties.” As Hansen states that global warming is not man-made, he still desires to see global governance over emissions regulation and carbon taxation mandated by international law to reduce this imaginary problem. The debate over climate change originated with the 2007 report of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The IPCC emphatically concluded without empirical scientific data, but rather projected conjecture used to create computer models that claimed human activity was the sole cause of the earth’s rising temperature. The IPCC is concerned about the world’s governemnts not cutting carbon emmissions enough to reduce the CO2 output into the atmosphere. John Reilly , co-director of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s (MIT) Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change and an expert on climate economic models believes this is the crux of the problem. Reilly blames the governments and their leaders for failing to take the appropriate steps to reduce emissions; in particular China and the US. He claims that the European Union has rising greenhouse emissions that they have failed to deal with “properly”. In 2009, Reilly and colleges from MIT collaborated with researchers from Penn State, the Marine Biological Institute in Massachusetts and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. They decided to create computer models for climate change projections with the same major flaw that the IPCC made in their models; they did not account for the erratic weather patterns indicative to earth. Their findings were published , which claimed that large amounts of greenhouse gases would cause the median global temperature to rise over 5 degrees Celsius by 2100. This was a dramatic difference from the IPCC’s assertion that the rise in global temperature would be 3.5 degrees Celsius. The study also falsely asserted that:

The Arctic would warm up 3 times as predicted by the IPCC • Severe weather patterns would emerge • Ocean levels would raise dramatically • The oceans would endure acidification Reilly proudly touted: “The IPCC suite of scenarios provide … a bit too rosy of a picture. Our study shows that without action, there is virtually no chance that we won’t enter very dangerous territory.” This year, MIT conducted another “ projection ” that warned if countries did not achieve emissions cuts, as they promised the UN, then the world’s temperature would raise by over 4 degrees. Quite a scare tactic. John Christy , atmospheric scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, IPCC author in 2001 and a well-known skeptic of human-caused climate change, said: “I’m surprised there are those who think the IPCC is too conservative. I think the simple evidence is very clear—the IPCC models overestimate the warming of the climate system.” The IPCC has not commented on their erroneous climate change models. The IPCC’s task was not to create accurate predictions about how the earth would be affected by man’s influence on the biosphere. Their purpose was to engage the world’s governments in a game of control and relinquish of power to the UN over an assumption that could not be verified. Or so they thought. Through the use of geo-engineering (chemtrails) governments have been dumping massive amounts of pollutants into the upper atmosphere that has caused the thunderclouds to trap heat which has had a dramatic effect on the surface temperature. After spending more than a decade observing the glaciers in Greenland, scientists have concluded that they are not melting with the veracity that climate change alarmists would have us believe. This means that the warning of several feet of rising seas that were purveyed by Al Gore in his film An Inconvenient Truth, will actually only be a significant rise by inches. According to a study published in the journal Nature, plants are flowering up to 8 times faster than were projected. The authors of the study admit that their previous summations were incorrect and based on erroneous information provided by the IPCC. Data from NASA satellite, Terra, showed that the earth is naturally expelling heat out into space from the upper atmosphere. This cracks the crux of the climate change alarmist’s theory that the earth’s temperatures are rising because the heat is trapped. However, to counter this natural phenomenon, the excessive use of chemtrails has been deployed by governments of industrialized nations to “cause the problem” they claim is the fault of man’s CO2 emission. The UN’s agenda, through the IPCC, globalist colleges like MIT and Penn State, and those scientists that have been bought off to assist in purveying false data as empirical scientific research are scaring both world leaders and the general public into buying their climate change nightmare for the purpose of usurping international control over sovereign nations. So far,unfortunately, they have been quite successful.


AB 32 Cap and trade hearings high on speculation, low on details May 3, 2012 By Katy Grimes SACRAMENTO — A recent poll about the implementation of AB 32 shows that California voters and taxpayers aren’t real crazy about cap and trade or regulatory reporting regulations. Cap and trade programs mandate reduced emissions, while providing a trading mechanism for emissions “credits.” Despite the entire program being speculative, and the dismal poll results, the California Air Resources Board is moving ahead with a cap and trade program and its first carbon auction in November. Additionally, a strange informational hearing about cap and trade took place Wednesday in the Senate Select Committee on California and Mexico Cooperation. More of a dog-and-pony show to gin-up interest in cap and trade, the hearing was supposed to be about California and Mexico becoming carbon trading partners. But Mexico does not have a cap and trade program, does not have a climate change law in place like AB 32, and pulled out of the Western Climate Initiative.

AB 32 Poll The poll, authored by the AB 32 Implementation Group, submitted the polling information to the CARB, but it appears that CARB has turned a deaf ear on Californians. The poll found: * Support for AB 32 has declined since 2008, with a slim majority of voters still in favor. *California voters are unwilling to pay more for energy and other essentials in order to fund GHG reduction policies. * Nearly two-thirds of voters oppose CARB’s proposed cap and trade auction and less than a majority of informed voters support cap and trade in general as currently planned. * Two‐thirds of voters think California is seriously on the wrong track. * Only about a third of voters have a favorable view of the Legislature. And once California starts down the path of carbon trading, there is no going back.

Cap and Trade and Mexico Currently, the cap and trade program can’t support itself. Despite this, Gov. Jerry Brown, state legislators and CARB are trying to push this aggressive and untested program alone, despite a shaky economy. Yet the hearing was held as if California and Mexico are forging ahead as part of the Western Climate Initiative.

WCI Inc. As I reported last month, the California Air Resources Board has created a stealthy new corporation in Delaware. The Western Climate Initiative Inc., which will manage cap-and-trade programs, even has its own form of currency. WCI Inc. states that it exists “to perform administrative and technical services to support the carbon trading market, including market monitoring of allowance auctions, and market trading of compliance instruments.” Initially, California was to unite with other Western states to reduce carbon emissions and put an end to global warming. “However, the partners determined that they would prefer not to tackle the issue during a recession,” Assemblywoman Diane Harkey, R-Dana Point, recently explained to me. “The cost of making their states less competitive in a tough business environment outweighed the benefit.” Harkey has been trying to get her legislative colleagues to understand that setting a goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels, with California’s increasing population, is guaranteed to cost employers and everyday people more for the electricity and products they need. That’s also one reason why so many businesses are already leaving the state. Last November, New Mexico, Arizona, Washington, Oregon, Montana and Utah all pulled out of the Western Climate Initiative. Despite the exodus, California formally launched its own cap and trade system on January 1, 2012, with a very ambitious target of carbon emissions reductions of 80 percent by 2050. California’s only remaining partner in the Western Climate Initiative is the Canadian province of Quebec. The province is expected to launch its own scheme in 2013, which is said to link with California. And this is where things start to get sticky. Once California links with another carbon trader, we can no longer make changes to the plan. It has to be right the first time. If our trading partners offer more carbon allowances to their businesses and industries than California does, it will hurt our competitive advantage, similar to the way higher in-state taxes already hurt California businesses competing against businesses in other states. And it is important to note that the California-Quebec relationship is not trading apples-to-apples. Quebec gets 97 percent of its energy from hydroelectric sources. California is trying to reduce traditional electricity production, including hydroelectric power, and instead replace it with as much “renewable” energy as possible

from wind and solar, algae and ethanol. Energy experts have been saying in recent months that California’s energy demand is too much for the alternative energy and lower usage standards. Additionally, Quebec has only 80 regulated industries. California regulates more than 300 industries.

Hearing from the players The requisite climate change supporters spoke at the hearing. One was Gary Gero, with Climate Action Reserve, formerly known as the Climate Action Registry. He said Climate Action Reserve is the largest offsets registry in North America, with nearly 500 offset projects in four U.S. states and Mexico, and has certified more than 24 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emission reductions. Gero called for forest protocols, livestock protocols and ozone protocols, and is looking to be “the largest liquid North American carbon market.” Jim Gonzales with the Renewable Energy Accountability Project, a national environmental organization, said he thinks a California-Mexico offset program is in the cards. However, many question the validity of this since Mexican industry is currently much less regulated than California businesses and industry, and Mexico does not have the strict pollution standards California is famous for.

California Air Resources Board No hearing about climate change would be complete without testimony from CARB. Much of this hearing centered around CARB’s mandates and future implementation policies. Richard Corey with CARB gave his usual song-and-dance about CARB’s great work. Corey gave an overview on the implementation of AB 32, California’s Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, as well as the 2008 scoping plan, and the Renewable Portfolio Standard of 2011. “Cap and trade acts as an economy-wide backstop,” Corey said. “We will work with other greenhouse gas emission markets and can trade allowances with each other.” But the most important point Corey made is that CARB sets all of the carbon allowances. With the upcoming first carbon auction in November, committee members wanted to know how this was going to impact industries within their districts, suddenly faced with being forced to implement new programs or fined for carbon emissions. Corey said that CARB is allowing free emissions for the first period, but in the second trading period, emissions will be charged. “A lot of industries in my district have already spent millions of dollars to clean up their act to lower emissions, and pushed it as far as the science will go,” Sen. Anthony Cannella, R-Ceres, told Corey. Cannella was concerned that businesses have already made substantial reductions on their own, and will be punished by CARB with even stricter emission reductions. And if that is the case, the fear is that businesses will continue to flee the state. Sen. Bob Dutton, R-Rancho Cucamonga, expressed concerned with the Mexico and California relationship, and why Mexico is no longer an “observer” of WCI Inc.

Corey couldn’t answer why Mexico left the WCI, but talked about the law just passed by the Mexican Legislature, similar to AB 32. Mexican President Felipe Calderon has not signed the bill yet. Dutton grilled Corey about the purpose of WCI Inc., and why CARB incorporated WCI in Delaware. Corey insisted that WCI Inc. is just an administrative function for the cap and trade program, but did not specifically address why it is incorporated in Delaware and not in California. However, he did admit that WCI Inc. will be facilitating the carbon auctions, proceeds of which will go to California. Dutton wanted to know under what authority WCI Inc. was created. Corey said that embedded in AB 32 was authorization for CARB to create WCI Inc, and offered to provide Dutton more information after the hearing.

Cap and Trade California’s new cap and trade program places a limit on greenhouse gas emissions from the businesses and entities responsible for approximately 80 percent of the state’s greenhouse gas emissions. CARB will issue carbon allowances to these businesses and entities, which will be able to turn around and sell them to other businesses on the open market. The “cap” is the state-imposed limit on businesses that emit greenhouse gasses, and the “trade” is the sale of carbon credits to other businesses. Only the businesses chosen by CARB get to sell carbon credits to polluters, and profit from doing so. Businesses will be limited on how many credits they can purchase. If a business produces more carbon emissions than the state allotted, CARB will issue stiff fines and penalties. Or the business can just reduce their production output and lose money instead.

Mexico Cap and Trade Dr. Luis Farias, the president of Mexico’s Sustainability Commission, testified that in Mexico, it will be the private sector which makes the investment needed into alternative energy. Farias said that there are 431 projects currently under way in Mexico. But in what sounded like a warning to California, Farias said that we need to find a way to increase rather than retard business growth. “All offsets are not created equal,” Farias said. “Standards and protocols are one thing, implementation is another.” Alfonso Lanseros, president of CO2 Solutions in Mexico, gave a lengthy, highly technical presentation about the opportunities for California’s technology and labor in Mexico’s renewable energy development. Wrapping up the hearing was Dorothy Rothrock with the California Manufacturers and Technology Association. Rothrock acknowledged that California has already passed AB 32 and now we must deal with it. But she said that there is a “great tension” in the implementation process, which does not have to be there. Rothrock warned that, as California heads for the carbon auctions, it is important to keep in mind the necessity for our businesses and industries to remain competitive. If they cannot, less capital will be available, and it is likely that other states will not join us as trading partners.

However, if California does this right, we could be the leader. “We’ve a great history of imposing requirements on ourselves. We can help others get up to our standards, rather than continue to hammer on ourselves,” Rothrock said. And Rothrock warned that linking with Quebec is a problem. “They are distant, and not a trade partner of California,” she said. “We can’t make changes after linking with anyone.” As the hearing ended, Sen. Lou Correa, D-Santa Ana, said he had more questions, not fewer, after hearing all of the testimony. He said much more research was needed before California moves forward with a cap and trade program. Assemblywoman Harkey opined that, if California starts to bleed more businesses, then create more carbon certificates, we will create inflation and the carbon certificates will be devalued. “I would hope that the Senate and Assembly hold banking and finance hearings to tell us how this would work,” Harkey said. “Who will be in charge behind WCI Inc.? We need to move slowly so we don’t get hosed in the meantime.”

Food safety bill invokes Codex harmonization and grants FDA authority to police food safety of foreign nations (NaturalNews) Of all the talk about S.510, virtually no one has actually read the language in the bill -- especially not those lawmakers who voted for it. The more you read from this bill, the more surreal it all becomes. For example, did you know there's a global FDA power grab agenda hidden in the Food Safety Modernization Act? Keep reading and I'll quote text straight out of the bill itself. Section 305 is entitled "BUILDING CAPACITY OF FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS WITH RESPECT TO FOOD SAFETY" and it gives the FDA authority to set up offices in foreign countries and then dictate the food safety plans of foreign governments. It says, specifically, on page 217 of the bill (http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS-111hr2751eas/pdf/BILLS-111hr2751ea...): Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/030863_food_safety_bill_Codex_Alimentarius.html#ixzz1wZQCYNiZ

CA stands alone in ending global warming May 7, 2012, By Katy Grimes

I’ve always believed that everything is economic. It appears that this is true, even with climate change mandates. But even insolvency may not be an important enough reason for global warming apologists in California to stop implementation of AB 32 and upcoming carbon auctions.

It’s over, over there British Columbia is now questioning the future of the climate initiatives it enacted. Quebec’s greenhouse gas reporting data has been so erratic, it won’t be clear whether the mandates have actually achieved the reduction targets set by the 2006-2012 Climate Action Plan. The U.S. climate change policy was shelved by the feds, and the Western Climate Initiative is down to two members — California and Quebec — after six U.S. states withdrew last November. What will it take for California Democrats, Gov. Jerry Brown, the California Air Resources Board and legislative global-warming “experts” to admit that California’s climate change policies need to be shelved as well? Because if they don’t admit this soon, and scrap plans for the upcoming carbon auctions, we can only conclude that they want to destroy the once Golden State. “In an annual report, Michael Samson, the Canadian province’s acting auditor general, said Quebec’s greenhouse gas reporting data has been erratic to the point where it won’t be clear whether it has achieved the reduction target set out in its 2006-2012 Climate Action Plan,” Point Carbon website reported. “Samson said the province too often relies on reporting that is ‘anecdotal,’ and cannot be verified, and said new policies are needed.” This will undoubtedly impact California. The inability of Quebec to report its emissions accurately and consistently is a big red flag, because California and Quebec are planning on linking their carbon markets next year, in an attempt to create the world’s second largest carbon-emissions trading scheme. Is this plan based on reality, or is it ego-driven? The planned carbon trading markets are purely speculative, and could be the death blow to California taxpayers.

We can thank Brown, who decided to monetize CO2 carbon emissions, and plans to tax utility customers, business owners and taxpayers for the emissions. His theory is that the state stands to take in an extra $1 billion in revenues with the carbon credit sales. But the new revenue stream is not new money coming into the state, and instead is an additional $1 billion from the same old sources — businesses, manufacturers, utility customers, homeowners, property owners, automobile owners and taxpayers. Predictability, climate change supporters go silent when the results of their efforts are discussed. Overall, if California continues down the road of selling and trading carbon emission credits, it will cost the state $450 billion by 2020, and only 0.4 percent of total global emissions will have been abated.

The Falsified Data is Still False A 2011 Rasmussen poll found that 69 per cent of 1,000 respondents believed it at least “somewhat likely” that climate scientists had falsified their research data to support the case for catastrophic human-caused global warming. Forty per cent of respondents said falsification of research data was “very likely.” Only 22 percent responded that they were sure that climate scientists had not falsified data. The data from international climate scientists is still falsified. California’s diesel emission regulations were falsified. And the hysteria and hype is being pushed by those who stand to gain financially. An industrious reporter put together a report and photos of how climate change scientists have falsified even the “official” temperature readings. His photos highlight the locations of official climate thermometers located in different cities throughout the world. The thermometers were intentionally placed near air conditioning units which emit heat, at airports where they received blasts of heat from jet engines and against protected walls, where warmth from cement, bricks, and the sun’s reflections produce heat. The totalitarian statists in government don’t give a hoot about climate change. Its just a convenient vessel for expanding government and government control over the people. These same people also love to use children and minorities as props for their statist policies. And now California is truly alone in the end global warming game. Voters and taxpayers must make this stop. We know that the mental midgets in our government won’t put an end to their gravy train. www.calwatchdog.com/2012/05/07/ca-stands-alone-in-ending-global-warming/

Just Say No to Big Brother's Smart Meters: The Latest in Bio-Hazard Technology by Orlean Koehle What is a SmartMeter? It is one that contains RF (radio frequency) so that it can be remotely controlled and read. No longer will a meter reader have to come to your home to read the meter. It will all be done remotely. When all is in place, the smart meter will not only keep track of how much electricity you are using, but it will be able to control, regulate, and ration your use of that electricity. If "big brother" decides that you are using too much heat in the winter time, or too much air conditioning in the summer time, or using too much hot water in your showers or washing machine (even if you are willing to pay for that extra usage), that use of power will be automatically turned down. A future goal is to have - by 2012 - all appliances replaced with those containing RF so that the smart meter can speak to your appliances and turn them off in peak hours - for even more regulations and controls. Get a free copy: www.scribd.com/sharlenemusic/d/66132059-Just-Say-No-to-Big-Brother-s-Smart-MetersThe-Latest-in-Bio-Hazard-Technology-by-Orlean-Koehle

ICLEI is a Conspiracy and That's No Theory By Stacy Lynne Friday, 20 August 2010 14:06

Conspiracy: An illegal, treasonable, or treacherous plan to harm or destroy another person, group or entity; an agreement manifesting itself in words or deeds and made by two or more persons confederating to do an unlawful act or use unlawful means to do an act which is lawful; a combination of persons banded together and resolved to accomplish an evil or unlawful end. (Webster’s Third New International Dictionary) Theory: Imaginative contemplation of reality. Fact: Something that has actual existence; an actual happening in time or space; physical actuality or practical experience as distinguished from imagination, speculation or theory. Congested Laurel Street in front of Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado. This four lane road was reduced to two lanes in August 2010. Vehicle driving lanes were removed so that bicycle lanes could be added in the center of the road. Bike lanes were already present on each side of the road.

Arapahoe County, Colorado and ICLEI Arapahoe County, including, but not limited to, the cities of Aurora, Englewood and Littleton, are participating members of the foreign organization called the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI). Taxpayer money is used for annual dues, to pay city employees who work for ICLEI’s programs, and for programs such as government-owned bicycle businesses.

Bicycles are a Big Deal ICLEI Charter 1.7, Principle 14 says, “Integrate into formal education and lifelong learning the knowledge, values, and skills needed for a sustainable way of life.” ICLEI member cities focus their efforts on ecomobility, multimodal transportation, transit oriented design and multiple other ways of changing your ability to travel by use of personal vehicle. This is accomplished by making driving more expensive and difficult while simultaneously spending millions of taxpayer dollars on government-owned walking, biking and mass transit projects. Emissions from vehicles are blamed by ICLEI as being a primary source of man-made global warming. Scientific studies show that global warming is a natural and cyclical occurrence and man-made emissions are miniscule in proportion to natural sources. ICLEI uses a “precautionary approach” to decision-making: if knowledge, facts and science do not support or show justification for an idea or action then the best course is to act radically and rapidly to prevent something which could or might occur. The City of Fort Collins pays a “bicycle coordinator” a yearly salary equivalent to a police officer. The duties of the city bike employee are to teach people of all ages how to ride bicycles. He has a focused partnership with the school district (Principle 14).

The City of Denver, under the direction of ICLEI’s 2009 Cool Mayor, John Hickenlooper, is enacting foreign mandates and spending taxpayer money on bicycles. Denver’s bike sharing program received $210,000 of taxpayer money in 2009. This money was given to the City of Denver through a federal block grant. ICLEI requires member cities to adopt multi-modal transportation policies and bicycle programs meet those requirements. Greenprint Denver is a document produced by ICLEI. Two of ICLEI’s goals include eliminating personal vehicle use and reducing private ownership of property. These two goals are being accomplished through city-owned and operated bicycle programs and by claiming private property through eminent domain. Transit oriented design is ICLEI’s policy of building high density multi-use building on property which is sometimes claimed through eminent domain. These buildings are designed in areas which make vehicle travel difficult. Walking, biking and mass transit become top priority budget items. High density housing communities are typically too small and cost-prohibitive for families. ICLEI cities systematically and methodically make owning and driving a personal vehicle more difficult and expensive. They accomplish this by removing parking spaces and driving lanes, increasing parking fees and car ownership taxes. Privately owned automobile dealers and bicycle shops are adversely affected by this government interference.

Media Coverage of ICLEI ICLEI is successful in part because they operate largely out of public view. ICLEI is highly organized and when exposed, calls on its associates to conduct focused campaigns in an attempt to ridicule and silence the people who are reporting facts. The Fort Collins Coloradoan belongs to ICLEI's Climate Wise program. The Denver Post is owned by Media News Group. The Santa Cruz Sentinel, also a long-time ICLEI member city is owned by Media News Group. Media News Group is ranked high on the Carbon Capture Report.

What is Wrong with ICLEI? ICLEI is a foreign organization on a mission to transform local governments. Each ICLEI mandate, policy and agenda is based on the principle that the collective good is more important than individual rights; this is in direct opposition to the principles set forth in the Declaration of Independence.

ICLEI is a Conspiracy and That's No Theory by Stacy Lynne View Stacy Lynne's ICLEI presentation here. http://www.freedomadvocates.org/articles/illegitimate_government/iclei_is_a_conspiracy_and_that%27s_no_theory_2 0100820423/

SOUNDS LIKE SCIENCE FICTION...OR SOME CONSPIRACY THEORY... BUT IT ISN'T. UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development is implemented worldwide to inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all information, and all human beings in the world. INVENTORY AND CONTROL. Have you wondered where these terms 'sustainability' and 'smart growth' and 'high density urban mixed use development' came from? Doesn't it seem like about 10 years ago you'd never heard of them and now everything seems to include these concepts? Is that just a coincidence? That every town and county and state and nation in the world would be changing their land use/planning codes and government policies to align themselves with...what? First, before I get going, I want to say that yes, I know it's a small world and it takes a village and we're all one planet etc. I also know that we have a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, and that as cumbersome as that can be sometimes (Donald Rumsfeld said that the Chinese have it easy; they don't have to ask their people if they agree. And Bush Junior said that it would be great to have a dictator as long as he was the dictator), we have a three branch government and the Bill of Rights, Constitution, and self-determination. This is one of the reasons why people want to come to the US, right? We don't have Tiananmen Square here, generally speaking (yes, I remember Kent State--not the same, and yes, an outrage.) So I'm not against making certain issues a priority, such as mindful energy use, alternative energy sponsorship, recycling/reuse, and sensitivity to all living creatures. But then you have UN Agenda 21. What is it? Considering its policies are woven into all the General Plans of the cities and counties, it's important for people to know where these policies are coming from. While many people support the United Nations for its peacemaking efforts, hardly anyone knows that they have very specific land use policies that they would like to see implemented in every city, county, state and nation. The specific plan is called United Nations Agenda 21 Sustainable Development, which has its basis in Communitarianism. By now, most Americans have heard of sustainable development but are largely unaware of Agenda 21. In a nutshell, the plan calls for governments to take control of all land use and not leave any of the decision making in the hands of private property owners. It is assumed that people are not good stewards of their land and the government will do a better job if they are in control. Individual rights in general are to give way to the needs of communities as determined by the governing body. Moreover, people should be rounded up off the land and packed into human settlements, or islands of human habitation, close to employment centers and transportation. Another program, called the Wildlands Project spells out how most of the land is to be set aside for non-humans.

U.N. Agenda 21 cites the affluence of Americans as being a major problem which needs to be corrected. It calls for lowering the standard of living for Americans so that the people in poorer countries will have more, a redistribution of wealth. Although people around the world aspire to achieve the levels of prosperity we have in our country, and will risk their lives to get here, Americans are cast in a very negative light and need to be taken down to a condition closer to average in the world. Only then, they say, will there be social justice which is a cornerstone of the U.N. Agenda 21 plan. Agenda 21 policies date back to the 70's but it got its real start in 1992 at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro when President Bush signed onto it. President Clinton signed it later and continued the program in the United States. A non-governmental organization called the International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives, ICLEI, is tasked with carrying out the goals of Agenda 21. Over 600 cities in the U.S. are members; our town joined in 2007. The costs are paid by taxpayers. It's time that people educate themselves and read the document and related commentary. After that, get a copy of your city or county's General Plan and read it. You will find all sorts of policies that are nearly identical to those in U.N. Agenda 21. Unfortunately, their policies have advanced largely unnoticed and we are now in the end game. People need to identify their elected officials who are promoting the U.N.'s policies and hold them accountable for their actions. Only when we've identified who the people are and what they are trying to do will we be able to evaluate whether or not we approve of the policies they are putting forward. Some people may think it's appropriate for agencies outside the United States to set our policies and some people will not. The question is, aren't Americans able to develop their own policies? Should we rely on an organization that consists of member nations that have different forms of governments, most of which do not value individual rights as much as we do? It's time to bring U.N. Agenda 21 out in the open where we can have these debates and then set our own policies in accordance with our Constitution and Bill of Rights. *** Ok, you say, interesting, but I don't see how that really affects me. Here are a few ways: No matter where you live, I'll bet that there have been hundreds of condos built in the center of your town recently. Over the last ten years there has been a 'planning revolution' across the US. Your commercial, industrial, and multi-residential land was rezoned to 'mixed use.' Nearly everything that got approvals for development was designed the same way: ground floor retail with two stories of residential above. Mixed use. Very hard to finance for construction, and very hard to manage since it has to have a high density of people in order to justify the retail. A lot of it is empty and most of the ground floor retail is empty too. High bankruptcy rate. So what? Most of your towns provided funding and/or infrastructure development for these private projects. They used Redevelopment Agency funds. Your money. Specifically, your property taxes. Notice how there's very little money in your General Funds now, and most of that is going to pay Police and Fire? Your street lights are off, your parks are shaggy, your roads are pot-holed, your hospitals are closing. The money that should be used for these things is diverted into the Redevelopment Agency. It's the only agency in government that can float a bond without a vote of the people. And they did that, and now you're paying off those bonds for the next 45 years with your property taxes. Did you know that? And by the way, even if Redevelopment is ended, as in California, they still have to pay off existing debt--for 30 to 45 years. So, what does this have to do with Agenda 21? Redevelopment is a tool used to further the Agenda 21 vision of remaking America's cities. With redevelopment, cities have the right to take property by eminent domain---against the will of the property

owner, and give it or sell it to a private developer. By declaring an area of town 'blighted' (and in some cities over 90% of the city area has been declared blighted) the property taxes in that area can be diverted away from the General Fund. This constriction of available funds is impoverishing the cities, forcing them to offer less and less services, and reducing your standard of living. They'll be telling you that it's better, however, since they've put in nice street lights and colored paving. The money gets redirected into the Redevelopment Agency and handed out to favored developers building low income housing and mixed use. Smart Growth. Cities have had thousands of condos built in the redevelopment areas and are telling you that you are terrible for wanting your own yard, for wanting privacy, for not wanting to be dictated to by a Condo Homeowner's Association Board, for being anti-social, for not going along to get along, for not moving into a cramped apartment downtown where they can use your property taxes for paying off that huge bond debt. But it's not working, and you don't want to move in there. So they have to make you. Read on. Human habitation, as it is referred to now, is restricted to lands within the Urban Growth Boundaries of the city. Only certain building designs are permitted. Rural property is more and more restricted in what uses can be on it. Although counties say that they support agricultural uses, eating locally produced food, farmer's markets, etc, in fact there are so many regulations restricting water and land use (there are scenic corridors, inland rural corridors, baylands corridors, area plans, specific plans, redevelopment plans, huge fees, fines) that farmers are losing their lands altogether. County roads are not being paved. The push is for people to get off of the land, become more dependent, come into the cities. To get out of the suburbs and into the cities. Out of their private homes and into condos. Out of their private cars and onto their bikes. Bikes. What does that have to do with it? I like to ride my bike and so do you. So what? Bicycle advocacy groups are very powerful now. Advocacy. A fancy word for lobbying, influencing, and maybe strong-arming the public and politicians. What's the conection with bike groups? National groups such as Complete Streets, Thunderhead Alliance, and others, have training programs teaching their members how to pressure for redevelopment, and training candidates for office. It's not just about bike lanes, it's about remaking cities and rural areas to the 'sustainable model'. High density urban development without parking for cars is the goal. This means that whole towns need to be demolished and rebuilt in the image of sustainable development. Bike groups are being used as the 'shock troops' for this plan. What plan? We're losing our homes since this recession/depression began, and many of us could never afford those homes to begin with. We got cheap money, used whatever we had to squeak into those homes, and now some of us lost them. We were lured, indebted, and sunk. Whole neighborhoods are empty in some places. Some are being bulldozed. Cities cannot afford to extend services outside of their core areas. Slowly, people will not be able to afford single family homes. Will not be able to afford private cars. Will be more dependent. More restricted. More easily watched and monitored. This plan is a whole life plan. It involves the educational system, the energy market, the transportation system, the governmental system, the health care system, food production, and more. The plan is to restrict your choices, limit your funds, narrow your freedoms, and take away your voice. One of the ways is by using the Delphi Technique to 'manufacture consensus.' Another is to infiltrate community groups or actually start neighborhood associations with hand-picked 'leaders'. Another is to groom and train future candidates for local offices. Another is to sponsor non-governmental groups that go into schools and train children. Another is to offer federal and private grants and funding for city programs that further the agenda. Another is to educate a new generation of land use planners to require New Urbanism. Another is to convert factories to other uses, introduce energy measures that penalize manufacturing, and set energy consumption goals to pre-1985 levels. Another is to allow unregulated immigration in order to lower standards of living and drain local resources.

All of this sounds unbelievable until you have had direct experience with it. You probably have, but unless you resisted it you won't know it's happening. That's why we'd like you to read our blog 'The Way We See It' (click here). Go to the section in the blog (look on the right side under Categories) called Our Story. You'll get a look at how two unsuspecting people fell into a snake pit and survived to tell about it. www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com/index.html

Final Warning: A History of the New World Order (Illustrated Edition) The definitive resource on the origin and history of the movement toward oneworld government. This is the rogue Illustrated Edition and contains 2000 pictures. Its 90 mb’s and worth every minute! Download a free copy: http://www.scribd.com/DavidARivera/d/6491259-FinalWarning-A-History-of-the-New-World-Order-Illustrated-Edition

It’s the bankers or us!

What you need to know as the international bankers crash the world’s economy. Here is an interactive magazine called It’s the Bankers or Us! featuring insightful documentaries and in-depth, non-mainstream news articles to help you understand the perils of the real banking and financial system. This is a crash course uncovering the chicanery of the private Federal Reserve Bank, the United Nations and Agenda 21, the Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports (that track the hidden wealth of government), Wall Street, and the Corporation Nation. This is jaw dropping information that you won’t find on TV or in your newspaper. You will discover how the mainstream media is completely owned and controlled by the "international elite", and that they do not report any meaningful news and are fully engaged in mind control and propaganda. Download a free copy: www.scribd.com/doc/64021159/Its-the-Bankers-or-us

El Dorado County folks riled by U.N. agenda for sustainable growth By Carlos Alcalá calcala@sacbee.com Published: Thursday, May. 24, 2012

The United Nations is haunting El Dorado County. Critics of a 20-year-old U.N. document called Agenda 21 are becoming more vocal, blaming it for any number of ills in the county. Agenda 21 came out of a United Nations conference in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. It recommends a framework for nations to develop and grow sustainably – that is, with minimum damage to the environment. Although it was accepted by presidents George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, it carries no force of law here. According to local critics, however, Agenda 21 is environmental extremism responsible for U.S. Forest Service road closures, onerous regulations on family farms, high-density low-income housing projects, a ban on dredge mining, a Highway 50 wildlife crossing, unemployment and maybe even traffic roundabouts. Those issues resonate with many of El Dorado County's 180,000 residents. The county has growing suburbs near its border with Sacramento County, but is largely rural, and largely federal forestland, as it climbs the Sierra to Lake Tahoe. The issue has become so heated that the Mountain Democat newspaper in Placerville is publishing a four-part series on Agenda 21. The headline to kick off the series dubbed the U.N. measure "Central Planning on Steroids." "It mixes environmentalism and socialism," said Kathleen Newell, one of 14 people who spoke against Agenda 21 at an El Dorado County Board of Supervisors meeting May 15. An anti-Agenda 21 resolution was on the calendar for that day, but was tabled. Three supervisor candidates – George Turnboo, Sue Taylor and Ron Mikulaco – attended the meeting to condemn Agenda 21. Supervisor John Knight, who placed the resolution on the calendar, said in an interview that he wasn't sure he fully understood Agenda 21. But he said he actually supports the kinds of regional planning critics blame on the U.N. measure. "I don't see any connections at all," Knight said, with respect to the United Nations controlling El Dorado County deliberations.

He said he brought the resolution because he had heard constituents' concerns about Agenda 21 and felt they had to be addressed. It was withdrawn, he said, because the county counsel had concerns about wording. There are no plans to bring it back. Only one member of the public defended Agenda 21 at the supervisors' meeting. "What I hear is a lot of fear and misunderstanding," said Jamie Beutler, emeritus chair of California Democrats' rural caucus. "Frankly, I don't see what it has to do with anything on the local level." Agenda 21 promotes concepts such as focusing growth in urban areas, preserving natural areas for wildlife and decreasing pollution. Beutler lauded some of its principles, which include national sovereignty combined with the responsibility to prevent environmental damage to neighboring countries. "What in this principle violates or does harm to the interests of the people of El Dorado County?" she asked. But critics see Agenda 21's fingers in a recently approved Sustainable Communities Strategy approved by the Sacramento Area Council of Governments, under Senate Bill 375. The state law authored by Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg, D-Sacramento, seeks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by favoring certain kinds of development. The six-county region will grow by 900,000 people by 2035, according to SACOG. "They're going to take it down to where everybody will have to ride buses and public transportation," said Judy Mathat, a supporter of supervisor candidate Turnboo. She said she has worked to raise the alarm about Agenda 21 since the 1990s. Turnboo has heard the message. "Basically what they want to do is bring a lot of people out of the rural area, give it back to wildlife," he said. Critics of Agenda 21 and SACOG often refer to "stack 'em and pack 'em" housing, because of incentives for concentrated housing along transportation corridors. "This is all about moving toward one-world government," Mathat said. "We're a pawn. Our president's a pawn." The lines connecting Agenda 21 to federal, state and local government are vague. Critics such as Taylor say decisions made in Congress or by the president show its sway. Mathat compares the failure to see the connections to a parable about catching wild pigs. The parable says if you put corn out for the pigs to eat and build an enclosure one wall at a time, the pigs will be fenced in before they know it. "I'm seeing what I think is three sides of the pen," she said. "It does have a kind of conspiracy theory flavor," said Michael Barkun, an emeritus professor at Syracuse University who studies such movements. "There's no semblance of truth about it," he said. Supporters of sustainable growth say communities are adopting the strategy on its own merits, not as a result of marching orders from the U.N. Steinberg pointed out that SB 375 requires regional agencies only to make a plan, not to adopt specific regulations.

"That government is making people give up their suburban lifestyle, that is just false," he said. Instead, the SACOG plan coming out of SB 375 is based on incentives for certain types of development and includes support for rural residential areas, said Matt Carpenter, SACOG director of transportation services. "It's corn," Mathat says of the state and SACOG incentives, referring to the pig trap. The issue has not arisen only in El Dorado County. Several state governments have taken up the matter, though it appears none has approved measures against Agenda 21. In the Bay Area, sustainability planning has met with similar criticisms from people affiliated with the tea party movement, said Steinberg. But he said he had not heard specifically of Agenda 21 before a reporter's call. Criticism of Agenda 21 is supported by organizations including the John Birch Society, and is widespread enough that the American Planning Association has felt compelled to create a "Myth and Facts" sheet about Agenda 21. That has, in turn, spawned online attempts to debunk the fact sheet. http://www.sacbee.com/2012/05/24/4512939/el-dorado-county-folks-riled-by.html#storylink=misearch

By Eduardo DiBaia / Associated Press file, 1992

At a 1992 United Nations event known as the Earth Summit, Brazil's president signs a document as he's applauded by the U.N. secretary-general at right. Critics say the summit's Agenda 21 sets extreme environmental goals that threaten rural residents. Read more here: http://www.sacbee.com/2012/05/24/4512939/el-dorado-county-folks-riledby.html#storylink=misearch#storylink=cpy

REVOLT AGAINST AGENDA 21 March 17, 2011 By Rretta

The County Commissioners of Carroll County, Maryland, have launched a revolution against the United Nation’s Agenda 21. They shut down the county’s Sustainable Development Office, terminated its manager and then terminated the county’s contract with ICLEI, an international organization dedicated to pushing the UN Agenda 21. They also rejected the County’s Comprehensive Development Plan, which was nothing more than a “sustainable development” scheme written by ICLEI that violated private property rights and the U.S. Constitution. Every patriot in this country needs to stand behind these brave individuals in Carroll County. You can email J. Douglas Howard at dhoward@ccg.carr.org; Haven Shoemaker at shhoemaker@ccg.carr.org; Robin Bartlett Frazier at rfrazier@ccg.carr.org; David Roush at droush@ccg.carr.org; Richard Rothschild at rrothschild@ccg.carr.org. If you prefer to write them the address is 225 N. Center Street, Westminister, Maryland 21157. Richard Rothschild is working with the American Policy Center on a DVD that will be sent to elected officials and activists around the nation as a teaching tool to build even more opposition to Agenda 21. ICLEI, the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives was founded in 1990, as a membership, nonprofit international organization. They changed their name in 2003 to Local Governments for Sustainability committed to working with local governments in advancing climate protection and sustainable development. There are local Virginia offices of ICLEI in Arlington, Abingdon, Alexandria, Augusta County, Blacksburg, Charlottesville, Carroll County, Dumfries, Falls Church, Harrisonburg, James City County, Lexington, Loudoun County, Lynchburg, Norfolk, Richmond, Roanoke County, Roanoke City, and Warrenton. ICLEI receives its funding by membership dues from local governments, grants from the EPA, the Department of Energy, and other federal agencies and fundraising from the Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, Local Agenda 21, the Cities for Climate Protection, the Turner Foundation, the UN Development Programme, the Rhoda Goldman Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation Fund, the Tides Foundation, the David Rockefeller Foundation, and the Pew Foundation to name a few. Of course, George Soros being heavily involved in the United Nations also donates funds from his Open Society Institute. ICLEI also partners with other organizations to promote sustainable development and climate protection. The United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), Metropolis, World Economic Forum, the Clinton Climate Initiative, the UN Environmental Programme (UNEP), the UN Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, the UN Convention on Biological Diversity, the UN Convention to Combat Desertification, the Un Millennium Development Goals, the Johannesburgh Plan for Implementation, the Climate Group, the World Bank, the World Conservation Union (IUCN), the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership, the Global Footprint Network, and the International Center for

Sustainable Cities. If you look at financing of these nonprofit agencies, you will find George Soros and his Open Society Institute, the Rockefeller Foundations, the Tides Foundation, etc. Sustainable development is a socialist trap. In most communities, your mayor, city council members and county commissioners are automatically members of national organizations like the National Conference of Mayors, the National League of Cities, and national associations for city council members and county commissioners. Governors and state legislators have their own national organizations. For the last 15 years or more each of these national organizations have been promoting “sustainable development“. The National Mayors Conference and the Governor’s Associations have been the leaders in pushing Agenda 21, many times working with international organizations like the ICLEI or UN organizations to promote policy and provide sample legislation. In turn, state organizations and federal agenices such as the EPA, the Department of Energy, HUD, the Commerce Department are targeting your local elected officials with policy, money, regulations, reports, special planning boards, conferences, etc. all pushing Agenda 21. WE MUST FIGHT BACK WHILE THERE IS STILL TIME TO KILL AGENDA 21. Research is the first step. Check out your local government web page – Find out who the players are in your community – what privately funded organizations are working with your elected officials – what sustainable development plans do they have. Attend your local city council or board of supervisors meetings and ask questions. Remember, they work for you. Write letters to your local paper, engage local patriot groups, educate your neighbors, and write your state and federal representatives. Together, we can defeat this. In 2007 Virginia passed the Urban Development Areas (UDAs) legislation mandating that localities with a growth rate of 15% or a growth rate of 5% with at least 20,000 population must designate at least 1 Urban Development Area in a comprehensive plan by 2011. During the 2011 General Assembly Session HB 1721 was introduced to make UDAs optional rather than mandatory. While the bill passed the House, it died in the Senate Local Government Committee. All 8 Democrats in the Committee voted against sending it to the Senate floor for a vote. They were Louise Lucas (18th), Henry Marsh (16th), Patsy Ticer (30th), Roscoe Reynolds (20th), Toddy Puller (36th), Mark Herring (33rd), Mamie Locke (2nd), and David Marsden (37th). Maybe these districts need new Senate representation! http://www.franklincountyvapatriots.com/2011/03/17/revolt-against-agenda-21/

NEW: Cap & Trade parasite bill signals civil war on business May 31, 2012 By Wayne Lusvardi Speaker John A. Perez’s push of Assembly Bill 1532 through the State Assembly on Tuesday, May 29, signals a shift from regulation of air pollution to an outright civil war on business and industry in California. AB 1532 is not content with just using pollution taxes collected under California’s Cap and Trade emissions trading program to lower water, power, and natural gas bills for ratepayers, due to the looming higher price of green power. Rather, AB 1532 will directly use Cap and Trade taxes to parasitically transfer jobs taken from the private sector, to political pork jobs in the public sector. It could also end up circumventing the limitation of new taxes of Propositions 13 and 26. The passage of AB 1532 is a provocative act that crosses the line between regulation and outright plunder of the private sector for public sector make work green jobs programs. AB 1532 passed the State Assembly by a 47 to 26 vote. The record of who voted for or against AB 1532 was not available online as of the writing of this article.

AB 1532 is a parasitical public sector jobs grab Cap and Trade is a set of regulations under California’s Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 — AB 32 — to reduce air pollution by requiring industries and public utilities to buy pollution permits, also called pollution credits or allowances. In reality, Cap and Trade is a program to socialize water, power, and natural gas rates to shift the coming burden of the high cost of green power onto the middle class. Thus, the enormous taxes collected under the Cap and Trade program were to be rebated to utility ratepayers to socialize the “rate shock” of green power. But AB 1532 takes this one step further by using Cap and Trade taxes to fund local governments and create parasitical green jobs programs. AB 1532 will not backfill jobs lost in those industries directly affected by California’s Cap and Trade pollution permit trading law. Instead, it will create another self-perpetuating bureaucracy of political patronage and jobs programs under the guise of “clean tech” industries and air pollution reduction programs. AB 1532 will divert “investment towards the most disadvantaged communities in the state.” It will also fund “small businesses, schools, affordable housing associations, water agencies, local governments, and other community institutions (including public universities) to benefit from statewide efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.” In other words, AB 1532 is just another tax to fund government and public schools, and redistribute jobs in return for political patronage. It is an end run around Prop 13 and Prop 26, both of which require a two-thirds vote for any tax, fee, levy, or tax allocation.

Price of pollution permits will go up even without gaming system Once established, it will incentivize government gaming of the Cap and Trade system to inflate the price of pollution credits. According to energy consultant Robert Lucas of the California Council for Environmental and Economic Balance, government gaming of the Cap and Trade system will likely double the annual amount of taxes collected under Cap and Trade regulations. Cap and Trade taxes would be expected to rise from $6.25 to $12.5 billion per year — or from $50 to $100 billion over the next 8 years. Even if government does not game the system to its taxing advantage, the program is supposed to reduce the number of pollution permits each year as air pollution is improved. The fewer the permits, the higher the price for the pollution permits, and the greater the pollution taxes collected. By design, there will be about 15 percent fewer pollution permits available to trade by the year 2020. Thus, pollution permit prices will likely rise without any gaming of the system. What is made to look like the workings of the so-called pollution credit market will actually be a structured way to inflate the price of pollution permits.

Reduce production or ration public utilities? If, however, there are no credits to buy because there is no more pollution that can be realistically reduced, then industries and utilities may offset their pollution by planting trees or burying carbon in the ground. More of a false economy will be created and expanded. But this will do little to reduce air pollution as long as population policies under AB 375 — the anti-urban sprawl bill — continue to divert growth to urban air basins that trap pollution. The solution to pollution is dilution, not concentration. Or if all else fails, industries and utilities can simply reduce production or call for rationing of water, power, and natural gas. Clean air at any cost.

AB 1532 is point of no return — the “Pottery Barn Rule” The next step with AB 1532 will be its review in the state senate. Under Senate President pro-tem Darrell Steinberg, this is likely to result in passage and forwarding to Gov. Brown for signature. The legislature and governor are likely to pass AB 1532 before political redistricting may change the composition of the legislature. AB 1532 has fired the first symbolic shots in a civil war of what is permitted under the Global Warming Solutions Act — AB 32. Several nonprofit liberal think tanks have rendered quasi-legal opinions that California’s Cap and Trade taxes cannot be used beyond providing utility ratepayers with rebates. But Assembly Speaker John Perez has signaled he is going to push the legal limits of what can be funded with Cap and Trade taxes. In the ancient Roman Empire, Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon River with his army, thus signaling civil war with the Roman Senate. At Fort Sumter, the South fired the first shots in the Civil War between the North and South states. California State Assembly Speaker John Perez has crossed the point of no return with AB 1532, signaling a war on California’s business, industry and the middle class. Gen. Colin Powell once cited what is called the “Pottery Barn Rule” about starting an unpopular war: “if you break it — you buy it.” And Assembly Speaker John Perez and the Democratic Party are about to buy themselves a civil war chock full of unforeseeable consequences. http://www.calwatchdog.com/2012/05/31/captrade-parasite-bill-signals-civil-war-on-business/

California Essential Habitat Connectivity Project: A Strategy for Conserving a Connected California • • • •

Statewide Analysis - California Essential Habitat Connectivity Project Eco-regional Analyses Within California Western States Grant Funded Connectivity Research

California Essential Habitat Connectivity Project: A Strategy for Conserving a Connected California The California Department of Fish and Game and the California Department of Transportation (CalTrans) commissioned a team of consultants to produce a statewide assessment of essential habitat connectivity by February of 2010, using the best available science, data sets, spatial analyses and modeling techniques. The goal was to identify large remaining blocks of intact habitat or natural landscape and model linkages between them that need to be maintained, particularly as corridors for wildlife. Over sixty federal, state, local, tribal and non-governmental organizations collaborated in the creation of : 1. 2. 3.

A statewide wildlife habitat connectivity map using a Geographic Information System (GIS) based modeling approach; An assessment of the biological value of identified connectivity areas; and A strategic plan that helps varied end users interpret and use the statewide map and outlines a methodology necessary for completing connectivity analyses at finer spatial scales.


Geographic Information System (GIS) Data •

BIOS Web Site, with links to view the GIS layers in an online map viewer and download the GIS data.

Final Report • • • •

California Essential Habitat Connectivity Project: A Strategy for Conserving a Connected California (37 Mb PDF) Appendix B In Spreadsheet Format (Excel) - Detailed Characteristics of Essential Connectivity Areas Appendix C in Spreadsheet Format (Excel) - Detailed Characteristics of Natural Landscape Blocks Lookup Table for Column Labels - Detailed Characteristics of Natural Landscape Blocks (PDF)

Support Materials • • • • • •

Fact Sheet (PDF) Executive Summary (PDF, 7 pages with map) What It Is/ What It Is Not (PDF) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About the Data (PDF) Technical Presentation (PDF) o Speaker's Notes for Presentation (PDF) CalTrans Web Site - with links to videos of recorded meetings, agendas, summaries, handouts, and presentations. http://dfg.ca.gov/habcon/connectivity/

10 Ways to Stop Being a Slave and Bring Down the Pyramids of Control Activist Post

Thursday, May 24, 2012

There are very real conspiracies in the world, and those conspiracies are always conducted by people "in the know" against those who are ignorant or naive of backroom machinations. Past slavery was largely based on force (thus was much more obvious), but modern-day slavery is actually more widespread because global slave masters use all of the scientific tools at their disposal to win hearts and control minds, convincing us that our hands and feet are free, so we must be living self-directed lives. There are signs that the mind-pyramids that technocrats have built to enforce their 21st-century global plantation slave system are crumbling as they press harder upon our cognitive ability to make sense of words and actions. The owners of the shoulders on which the structure of tyranny is supported are beginning to leave in droves. The pyramids are falling as slaves begin to recognize their unconscious effort, and consciously encourage others to find a different line of work

Here are 10 ways that you can help collapse all of the pyramids of control.

Anthony Freda Art

1. Media and Intelligence - Information is knowledge and knowledge is power -- this is where it all starts. Turn off the TV, stop passively receiving information that turns you into an idiot at the teat of the "idiot box." Get creative: start a blog, a neighborhood newsletter, radio show, public access TV or YouTube channel, write encouraging letters to companies you appreciate and nasty ones to those you boycott; DO something; anything to increase awareness. Homeschooling is another great way to help short circuit the negative influences of systematic programming. Even if you don't agree with homeschooling, or are not able, there are concepts that you can help introduce into your public school to enhance education. Intelligence - there are technologies to thwart constant surveillance, as well as low-tech solutions to high-tech tyranny. The Internet is being used to surveil the public, but it also provides an opportunity for the public to surveil and report the real criminals. Use the system against itself.

2. Health and Agriculture - Why do tyrannical systems always move to declare methods of independence such as farming, vitamins, raw milk, and natural medication like cannabis as underground contraband systems that threaten the health of society? Clearly because this is a cornerstone of freedom. Learn to make your own medicines, trade on the underground, support other states (and countries) who have embraced food freedom, and stand your ground by forming local community resistance against food and health tyranny. Moreover, simply making your mind and body stronger by pursuing what is natural and healthy will give you more power to challenge the system in every other way. 3. Energy and Technology - Support true economic development and pursue open source solutions to all technological problems that can affect humanity on the widest scale. These are the technologies that have been suppressed in the past, their creators destroyed; but now there are too many people pursuing goals to free humanity. Embrace innovation and technology, but only as it leads to self-empowerment, selfdetermination, and genuinely helps the human and environmental condition. There are reportedly many freeenergy patents being kept from the public. These technologies can't be kept secret forever as long as the Internet remains free and open. Support all efforts to maintain Internet freedom and the right to pursue innovation. 4. Mobility and Flexibility - Always be willing to adapt and move. The structure of tyranny might be global, but there are always pockets of freedom that tyranny ignores -- normally based on economic interest. Become adaptable, don't buy into the "American Dream" of having possessions to define your self-worth. Once you discard the unimportant things, look for specific towns, states, or countries to escape economic decline and those which promote freedom. It's a difficult decision to pick up and move, especially when extended family comes into play, but discuss your ideas and the evidence for your concerns openly and honestly, and be the first to pioneer the building of a new future -- if things begin to collapse in earnest, you will soon be sought after by those who once doubted your "crazy" reasoning. 5. Prepare for the Worst - Along the same lines as being mobile and flexible, make sure that you store enough supplies to get through a few months or more of tough times. The current system relies on your dependence and they can easily control those who live just-in-time lifestyles. Most people don't realize how much they "need" the system until something like a blizzard knocks out their power and wipes out the grocery store shelves. It's wise to store back-up food, have the ability to produce food, gather tools and other items needed during power outages or other disasters, and actively pursue any and all other survival prepping and selfsufficiency techniques. 6. Refuse to Pay Unjust Debt - This is a moral decision based on the information that much of what was created to be a "loan" was based on a predatory system. As they say, ignorance of the law is no excuse, and that is duly noted, but when confronted with an enemy that has deliberately contrived devious ways to steal productivity and the fruits of honest labor, then the principle of justifiable self-defense is invoked. Forget about your credit score; it is the invisible chain that keeps you in prison. Refuse to pay debts that you know were fraudulently imposed. Remember, the banks never had the money they "lent" to you in the first place; they created it out of nothing to buy your servitude. If you are hesitant to simply quit paying the criminal banks, then learn how to reduce your exposure to all debts.

7. Create New Banking Systems - We have seen economic collapse taking down countries like dominoes across the third world, and now the first. These money junkies cannot and will not stop. It is up to us to develop systems which permit us to completely withdraw our support for the current system and shield us from manipulated collapses. This may be the most productive way to break free from modern slavery; whether it's switching to local credit unions, storing precious metals instead of cash, engaging in barter systems or using alternative currencies, or supporting full-blown monetary reform. 8. Learn a Skill - Learn as many skills outside of your day job as possible. This can be as simple as giving more attention to your hobbies like fishing, hunting, gardening, painting, blogging, tinkering on cars, building things, sewing, cooking, etc. Whatever useful skill you're most passionate about, learn more about it, become an expert at it, and acquire the necessary tools to start a side business with it. By doing this, you'll reduce the dependence on your job and find much more fulfillment in life. Remember, skills are the only form of wealth that can't be taken from you. Additionally, form clubs or partnerships with your neighbors and share your skills and tools to form a stronger community that will be resistant to whatever the systems of control throw your way. 9. Boycott - Activists have enjoyed many recent victories through boycott, most notably the rapid removal of "pink slime" meat from major supermarket chains following public outcry once they became aware of the product. It goes to show that the public still holds the power over corporations, but the masses must be educated before they're moved to action. Not you though. Readers of this post know exactly what companies to boycott and why. Start living your principles and follow through on your knowledge. Voting with your dollars DOES work, but not if the aware crowd refuses to do it. 10. Taxes - Taxes are the most controversial of all -- the one that catches the most flak, so the one that must be most directly over the target. How do you feel knowing that money is extracted from you by force to be injected into systems around the world that create violence, rip apart cultures, and put us on a path of complete annihilation and self-destruction? This is slave-like thinking in its highest form of denial. No Constitution of any country anywhere in the world openly recognizes that it is lawful to forcefully extract money you have earned enslaving you for life to kill others with it, upon penalty of imprisonment. It's the final chain to be broken, and is admittedly the thickest. But how can a machine be built without the funding to build it? The entire prison system we see around us has been built with our own money. Did you authorize it? Did you authorize the preemptive wars, bank bailouts, corporate subsidies, the high-tech surveillance grid that enslaves you? Significantly, these are all things you can do on your own. You don't need to influence politicians, or ignite a mass protest, or wait for an uprising. There is no cavalry coming. You are the change you seek. Get out there and become more self-reliant and the system will lose its grip on you. If enough of us do this, the system will fall apart by its own unsustainable making. Refuse to be a slave today and unchain others by sharing this article and implementing the tips on this list. http://www.activistpost.com/2012/05/10-ways-to-stop-being-slave-and-bring.html

Read other articles by Activist Post HERE.

More information

www.jbs.org/tags/agenda-21 and americanpolicy.org/ and www.freedom21.org www.eagleforumofcalifornia.com/ and www.citizensagainstmoraldecline.com/ and www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com/index.html

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