Why The Globalist Agenda Is Backfiring Zen Gardner 1. Before Its News December 21, 2011 Think about it. The more people who lose their homes and material wealth in this manipulated downturn, the more people who stop, think and reevalute. The more people who realize the financial and political situation is engineered for the good of a very few and not the people, the more wake up. The more people who are directly offended by these draconian new anti-freedom laws and intrusive surveillance methods, the more startled, questioning and activated they will become. And the more people who become aware it’s this way because that’s the way someone wants it, the more come to some alarming yet empowering conclusions. This is what the New World Order is unwittingly precipitating, and they’re seeing it and they’re afraid. Here’s their admission by an Illuminist global strategist and a hint at their sinister solution: “For the first time in human history almost all of humanity is politically activated, politically conscious and politically interactive… The resulting global political activism is generating a surge in the quest for personal dignity, cultural respect and economic opportunity… [The] major world powers, new and old, also face a novel reality: while the lethality of their military might be greater than ever, their capacity to impose control over the politically awakened masses of the world is at a historic low. To put it bluntly: in earlier times, it was easier to control one million people than to physically kill one million people; today, it is infinitely easier to kill one million people than to control one million people.” Zbigniew Brzezinski “Infinitely easier.” No options there. This wicked snake is one of Obama’s mentors and current advisers. But who’s looking?
Paths to the Wake Up Beginning the search leading to a radical change in viewpoint can be precipitated by many things; personal financial ruin, the death of a loved one, a serious accident, experiencing the horrors of war, or a major health challenge. Any of these can drive someone to want to get the answers to the real questions in life–who are we, where are we, and why are we here? It’s odd that so many don’t approach those fundamental questions before embarking on life, but that’s what the matrix does–it does everything it can to prevent human awakening. Why? Because our empowerment and understanding of our true unlimited identity and potential goes contrary to their control plan. Whatever personal experience, discovery or realization precipitates this paradigm shift, one of the following categories will usually be highlighted that begins to shake people to their foundations and make them realize something’s very rotten in Denmark. Here are 7 just for starters: 1. The pro-profit anti-health conglomerate. This is possibly the best way to introduce people to the deliberate, orchestrated government backed abuse of humanity. It’s a great inroad just by pointing out, “Did you know the FDA approves more and more dangerous drugs, rather than less? Do you ever wonder why natural foods and supplements have been targeted for elimination while highly questionable tainted and genetically modified foods are given a free pass? Have you heard how many people have died or been seriously sickened by vaccines? Do you think it’s right pharmaceutical and big agra industry heads rotate as heads of the FDA?” The rest follows, but this field has been a major avenue towards a big wake up for many. 2. The Big Bank Fraud. Headline news for a long time with no change happening, all while people’s accounts get drained and even stolen by the likes of MF Global. The FED conspiracy has come to a much greater light, while the government clearly bails out the guilty. Do they think no one is looking? “If the banks are getting away with that now, how long have they been at it?” This has turned many into anti-bankster/corporate control activists and led to further serious dot connecting. 3. 9/11 and the Propagandized War Business. Finally anti-war folks are realizing Obama is an extension of a long line of war mongers. Like the stark truths of Pearl
Harbor or Vietnam being engineered to get America into costly wars, the 9/11 wake up is difficult for many to swallow, it’s so all-encompassing and frightening. But it’s becoming increasingly clear to most Americans that at the least war is a big, costly business that’s draining our economy and has no end in sight. The 9/11 realization will take them “home” if they get it, but it’s according to each person’s willingness. 4. The Homeland Security Scam. Built on the false premise of 9/11, this Nazi era infrastructure of people monitoring is so over the top even your Sunday footballer is getting fed up. Cities are finally protesting these invasive and dangerous scans and searches, realizing this is absolutely uncalled for as well as dangerous. They’re pushing their limits, and have been for a long time. 5. Virtual Martial Law Provisions with Increased Censorship and Surveillance. The lines defining the category of conspiracy theorist are starting to blur as people witness for themselves they can be subjected to unlimited detention without trial and will soon see our own military on our streets, signalling a dramatic erosion of our constitution.That there hasn’t been more outrage is mind boggling. When they start to exercise this unlawful detention on innocent Americans we will see outrage as we’ve never seen. 6. The Geopolitical Awakening. These outrageous government takeover bids by the banking cartel is a huge catalyst for change. It is dissolving the lazy laissez faire public mindset and causing people from all walks of life to want to regain their national and ethnic identities. The collapse of the EU is the perfect example, but this is taking place across the globe, financially, politically and religiously. The harder the PTBs pound Islamic cultures the more they’re galvanized. The more they attempt to erase the Christian heritage and sovereignty of Americans the more ardently they’re clinging to their fundamental faith, values and Constitutional roots. 7. The Endtime Scenario. Whether spiritual, economic, political or geophysical, things are pointing to cataclysm. While the PTBs have been attempting to program humanity with as much fear as possible, just the realities of increased earthquakes and violent weather due to solar activity, magnetic field changes and galactic alignments are enough to make people stop and take notice. What would you do in such a calamity? How should you change your life now to prepare? Why does this all match up with some
many prophecies? How should I prepare and care for my loved ones? Even though the manipulators are exacerbating and taking advantage of current changes, there’s no way they can completely control geophysical, never mind profoundly spiritual change. But they’re trying. Just don’t help them, they can’t do it on their own.
The Power of the Individual I believe the most important aspect of this wonderful worldwide awakening is the incredible power of the individual. By any one of us realizing our true potential, and living our lives accordingly, things change radically. We will naturally then influence anyone and anything in our sphere of influence. As others resonate and break free it then grows exponentially. All it takes is a little cooperation with Source, God, the Universe, whatever you want to call It. When the options and means for living the essentially selfish, materialistic lives we’ve been taught to live start to fall away, people look for meaning in their lives. Many years ago I spoke to a Holocaust survivor in Holland who told me the best years of his life were his internment in a concentration camp. That may sound pretty extreme, but he said life became real to him for the first time. Every day had real meaning and he discovered the power of living in the moment. Friendships he made had profound importance, and most of all he discovered the spiritual side of life and the power of gratitude which he said made it worth it all. It’s so easy to take things for granted, and when things are moving along fine for you, why rock the boat? It’s said 15% of Americans work for our bloated government bureaucracy. Let’s say they each have spouses, now you’re at 30%, or somewhere around there. When voting time comes and family decisions are made, do you really think they’re gonna vote for smaller government? It’s survival. However, with a crashing economy many of these people will eventually be dumped, and hard. Think they’ll see things differently? It’s human nature. Now apply this to any sector out there, never mind the ongoing bankruptcies and foreclosures, and it’s like a room full of mousetraps loaded with ping pong balls going off. And they’re gonna eventually find and plug into the truth! Read more
DHS to takeover Arizona Sheriff jurisdiction on illegals Associated Press December 20, 2011 The Homeland Security Department says it will replace Maricopa County officers after revoking Sheriff Joe Arpaio's authority to access agency systems. Phoenix The Homeland Security Department will use 50 immigration agents to screen jail inmates in Arizona's most populous county after revoking the sheriff's authority to access its systems, the agency said Monday in a letter to Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.). The letter from Homeland Security Assistant Secretary Nelson Peacock, obtained by the Associated Press, says the 50 dedicated agents will "screen, identify, apprehend and remove criminal aliens" found in Maricopa County jails. The agents will replace county officers who had special training and the authority to perform the task in Sheriff Joe Arpaio's lockups. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano revoked that authority last week after a Justice Department investigation concluded that Arpaio's office engaged in a pattern and practice of civil rights and constitutional violations and discriminated against Latinos. Arpaio strongly disputed the Justice Department findings and said Monday that the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents won't come close to replacing the 91 officers who had been doing the work. He said agents won't be in the jails and won't deport all illegal immigrants. "They're going to have people answering telephones and deciding what levels they're going to deport," Arpaio said. "This is just to pacify the public that they aren't going to be released. And they are going to be released." That's not the case, according to an ICE statement sent in response to Arpaio's comment that agents would not actually be in the jails. "As was done previously, all individuals booked into the Maricopa County jail will be screened to determine if they are removable from the United States," the agency said. Those arrested for criminal offenses who are in the country illegally will be "removed from the United States in line with our priorities." The government's report released last week found that Arpaio's office committed a wide range of civil rights violations against Latinos, including jail policies that deprive prisoners of basic constitutional rights. It also found that his office failed to investigate sex crimes involving Latino victims.
Indiana Sheriff Stands Up to FDA in Raw Milk Case By ROGER SCHNEIDER 1. THE GOSHEN NEWS The Goshen News
Dec 17, 2011, GOSHEN — David Hochstetler of rural Middlebury distributes raw milk to people who buy into his herd of Jersey cows. That action has drawn the ire of the Food and Drug Administration, which wants to inspect his farm because it believes it is the source of a 2010 bacteria outbreak in Michigan. But Sheriff Brad Rogers has a message for the FDA, which is “get a warrant.” The conflict between the local and federal authorities came to a head two weeks ago when Hochstetler was summoned to testify before a federal grand jury in Detroit. He declined to appear, invoking his 5th Amendment right. Sheriff Rogers also notified the Justice Department attorney that if FDA agents tried to inspect Hochstetler’s farm without a signed warrant, they would be arrested on trespassing charges. Since then the federal subpoena for Hochstetler has been withdrawn, according to Rogers. The sheriff sees his action as protecting a local Amish resident, who he called “an honest man,” from being harassed by federal officials. “The thing is that if the FDA agents come in and they meet with the farmer and the farmer wants them to come in, I don’t have a problem with that,” Rogers said. “But in this case Mr. Hochstetler did not want the agents there. This is an administrative rule of the federal government and I think people are tired of the federal government walking all over everybody and it is time to take a stand for states’ rights.” Rogers said sheriffs across the country are beginning
to resist actions by federal regulatory agencies when a warrant has not been issued. He cited a 1997 Supreme Court ruling, Printz vs. The United States, that found in favor of a sheriff who did not want to enforce the federal Brady Act gun laws. That act required local law officers to enforce the federal law. The case was based on the 10th Amendment, which states that powers not specifically granted to the federal government are reserved for the states. “This isn’t about raw milk,” Rogers said. “It’s about fundamental rights.” Federal stance Ross Goldstein is the Justice Department attorney who is investigating Hochstetler’s operation. Friday he declined to comment on the case, saying federal law prohibits him from talking about grand jury cases. “We can’t talk about it,” Goldstein said, “because there is an ongoing federal investigation.” But Goldstein did email Rogers and warned him that interfering with a federal investigation could be prosecuted as a felony and would carry up to a three-year term in prison. Goldstein also cited the federal “supremacy clause” that the Supreme Court has interpreted as making federal rules and laws superior to local ones. “The supremacy clause has been interpreted since the earliest days of the nation to mean that federal law trumps state law whenever the two conflict,” Goldstein wrote. And the attorney contends that federal law specifically allows the inspection of Hochstetler’s farm without a warrant. “Because Forest Grove Dairy manufactures, processes, packages or holds food, the provision of federal law authorizes FDA personnel to enter Mr. Hochstetler’s property,” Goldstein wrote. “Because it is a federal law, indeed an act of Congress, officers or employees of the FDA may do so lawfully without regard to any Indiana law to the contrary.” After receiving the email, Rogers indicated he is not changing his stance. He said he has talked to county attorneys about the issue, but in the end, any action or inaction is his call. There have been no recent attempts by the FDA to inspect Hochstetler’s farm, Rogers said. The last attempt was in March, at which time Hochstetler refused entry to the inspectors, according to the sheriff.
“He was desperate, frustrated at what he perceived as harassment,”Rogers said of Hochstetler, who contacted him for help. “This man is an Amish man, an honest man who is trying to make a living.” When contacted by The News, Hochstetler declined to comment for this article Others supportive Rogers said he has been receiving new email in support of his action about every 10 minutes since word about his warning to the FDA spread across the Internet. One of those supporters is Deborah Stockton, executive director of the National Independent Consumers and Farmers Association. Her agency is an advocate for small farmers who want to sell ag products directly to consumers. She sees Rogers as a brave man taking on the massive and powerful established agriculture industry and government agencies that support that industry. “I think it was a brave thing for him to do,” she said. “This is increasingly occurring around the country.” She said the FDA has taken a strong stance against the consumption of raw milk, which puts the agency in conflict with thousands of consumers who see raw milk as a nutritious and healthy alternative to pasteurized and homogenized milk. Congress banned the sale of raw milk in 1987, so consumers have bought shares in cow herds to get around that ban. “There are very few instances where it was proved raw milk was linked to illnesses,” Stockton said. She also wondered why the FDA, which she claimed cited the lack of funds for other investigations, particularly an outbreak of illness traced to a peanut plant, has spent so much time going after Hochstetler. “But they do have enough money to have a two-year undercover operation against an Amish farmer whose product has not hurt anyone,” Stockton said. The allegations The Michigan Department of Health believes Hochstetler’s raw milk has caused illnesses. The
department issued a health warning March 19, 2010, which claimed that raw milk from Hochstetler’s Forest Grove Dairy and distributed through a food coop in Vandalia, Mich., was the source of campylobacter, a bacteria that sickened at least 13 people in Michigan who drank the milk. In April 2010, Hochstetler told The Goshen News that he had an independent lab test of his milk for the bacteria and nothing was found. On Friday, a spokeswoman for the Michigan Department of Health said her department has turned over test results from that outbreak in 2010 to the FDA. “Our epidemiological evidence points to Forest Grove, that the milk came from Forest Grove,” spokeswoman Angela Minicuci said. “From there it was turned over to FDA for investigation.” The issue is rights Rogers said his whole point in confronting the FDA is to protect the Constitutional rights of local residents. He indicated he wants the federal agency to go through the court system and present its evidence to a judge, who could then decide if there was enough evidence to justify the issuance of a warrant allowing the inspection of Forest Grover Dairy. “Due process is the important part of it... Quite frankly, we have state laws and county ordinances and so on,” Rogers said. “For example, the health department does inspections. Even with those, I am very pro health department, but on the other hand, if the store owner says ‘No, I don’t want you coming in,’ they will probably close them down, and that’s fine. But they don’t have to let them come in, in the true sense of the word. They have the right to go further with their due process.” And Rogers’ reasoning is something Stockton finds refreshing. “Sheriff Rogers has taken on the role that we hope every sheriff in the country will take... upholding his oath of office and protecting the inalienable rights of everyone,” she said. The World According to Monsanto http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lH6wqCC5wQo Food, Inc. http://www.sprword.com/videos/foodinc/ Food Matters http://vimeo.com/18579151