World War III NATO Announces It Will Deploy On Russia’s Border Kurt Nimmo April 16, 2014
European Union has indicated it may increase sanctions against Russia NATO boss Anders Fogh Rasmussen has announced military alliance will move troops up to the Russian border in response to resistance by eastern Ukrainians to an operation by the coup government to shut down a secession movement in Donetsk, Slaviansk and other areas of the country. The move by NATO arrives as the parliament in Transnistria on the Moldova-Ukraine border unanimously adopted a resolution calling for the international community to recognize it as a sovereign independent state. “According to the universally recognized norms of international law, a right of people to self-determination should be the basis of political decisions. Every state should respect this right,” said deputy speaker Sergei Cheban. A 2006 referendum held in the region that broke away from Romanian-speaking Moldova after the collapse of the Soviet Union showed 97 percent of residents were in favor of independence. The referendum also indicated the majority is interested in joining the Russian Federation. Earlier this month, the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, said his government supports Moldova’s territorial integrity. The population of Transnistria consists primarily of Russian-speaking people. Rasmussen said the alliance’s decision will result in more sorties flown over the Baltic region by NATO aircraft and “allied ships will deploy to the Baltic Sea, the Eastern Mediterranean and elsewhere, as required.” In addition, troops will be deployed “to enhance our preparedness, training and exercises,” he said, and NATO “will have more planes in the air, more ships on the water, and more readiness on the land.” Rasmussen promised the measures will go into effect “straight away” and “more will follow, if needed, in the weeks and months to come.”
In addition to the more aggressive move by NATO, the European Union has indicated it may increase sanctions against Russia. Maja Kocijancic, a spokeswoman for Catherine Ashton, the EU foreign policy boss, said when “it comes to stage three, the preparatory work is in an advanced stage.” Kocijancic said that a meeting to discuss additional economic sanctions would be up to the president of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy. Ron Paul and others argue that economic sanctions are a form of warfare. Paul believes sanctions “are imposed by people looking to start a war” and moves by the United States and the European Union are “criminal, it’s stealing and will just aggravate things and escalate things. Sanctions are acts of war … to freeze assets if you’re at war with Hitler and there’s a declared war, that’s a little different, but to do this so easily and casually as we do, that’s just looking for a fight.”
Ukraine Army Column In East Disarms Before Pro-Russians April 16, 2014 The soldiers in the town of Kramatorsk handed over the firing mechanisms of their rifles to a pro-Moscow protest leader.
Putin: Ukraine’s Radical Escalation Puts It On Edge Of Civil War RT April 16, 2014
The sharp escalation of the Ukraine crisis virtually puts the country on the brink of civil war, Russian President Vladimir Putin told German Chancellor Angela Merkel during a telephone call. Putin and Merkel discussed the upcoming Ukrainian crisis talks between Russia, Ukraine, the EU and the US, scheduled to be held on Thursday in Geneva. Merkel’s press office noted that, despite some differences of opinion, the upcoming talks were the main focus of the telephone conversation. “While there were differences in the interpretation of current events, preparations for the planned meeting in Geneva…were the focus of the talks,” Merkel’s office said in a statement. Putin meanwhile expressed hope that the Geneva talks will help to de-escalate the situation, and return it to peaceful cooperation. The president also reiterated the importance of stabilizing the Ukrainian economy, and ensuring the supply and transportation of Russian natural gas to Europe. On Tuesday, Moscow urged international partners to condemn Kiev’s recent “anticonstitutional”actions in southeastern Ukraine, which it believes may lead to catastrophe. “We are deeply concerned over the military operation launched by the Ukrainian special forces with support by the army. There have already been victims,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement. Russian diplomats called it a criminal offense for Ukraine to fight against its own people who demand that their lawful rights are preserved. “Current events demonstrate persistent unwillingness of Kiev’s authorities to organize a dialogue with Ukrainian regions, which is necessary for the country,” the statement reads.
The US has approached the situation from a different angle, justifying Kiev’s actions against anti-government protesters in the country’s eastern region. “The Ukrainian government has the responsibility to provide law and order and these provocations in eastern Ukraine are creating a situation in which the government has to respond,” White House spokesman Jay Carney told reporters on Tuesday. Annie Machon, an analyst and former MI5 agent, believes the US has contributed to the escalation of the crisis in Ukraine. “State Department official Victoria Nuland boasted that since the fall of the Soviet Union, America has pumped about $5 billion into Ukraine to try and peddle influence in that country. So I don’t think there’s any doubt that Washington has been meddling with the internal politics of Ukraine and continues to do so. But I think this time they’ve miscalculated the wishes of the Ukrainian people,” Machon said. The US has not been alone in supporting the military operation against anti-government protesters in Ukraine. Giving his reaction, Polish Foreign Minister Radoslav Sikorskii said that Warsaw agrees fully with the military operation in eastern Ukraine, RIA Novosti reports. He believes the Kramatorsk actions against “armed people” who “occupy airports” to be in line with the law. Giving his reaction, Polish Foreign Minister, Radoslav Sikorskii, has said that Warsaw agrees fully with the military operation in eastern Ukraine, RIA Novosti reports. He believes the Kramatorsk actions against “armed people” who “occupy airports” to be in line with the law. Earlier in the day, Putin also spoke to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. During the call Putin stressed that the escalation of the Ukraine crisis was the result of Kiev’s irresponsible politics, which ignored legitimate rights and the interests of the Russian-speaking population. The two also discussed bilateral cooperation and other topics on the international agenda, including the negotiations on Iran’s nuclear program. The Mass Marketing Campaign For World War III VIDEO BELOW This Is A Call To Impeach Obama - We Are On The Verge Of Nuclear War VIDEO BELOW