Kype Magazine Volume 3, Issue 2

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Kype Magazine VOLUME 3, ISSUE 2, 2011

What is a Kype? A kype is a hook that forms on the lower jaw of a male trout, salmon or steelhead, during spawning periods. This is their badge of power and dominance, that is unique to only these species—a sign of a warrior. From this mark of strength comes the title of our magazine, KYPE.

Kype Magazine Castle Douglas Productions.LLC PO Box 2024 Anacortes, WA 98221 360.299.2266 Kype Staff Publisher: George Douglas Staff Editors: Kristen Bailey Lem James

Curse of the Perfect Season........................................4 Single Handed Spey......................................................8 Solstice Salmon...........................................................12 Vise to Vise, an Angler’s Journey..................................16

COPYRIGHT Kype Magazine Copyright © 2011 Castle Douglas Productions LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. May no part of this publication be copied or reproduced in any way without written permission from the publisher.

Free Your Mind and The Trout Will Follow......................20 Blessed Beauty, Live Long the Dean..............................24 Alaska Adventure........................................................28 Electric Caddis Pupa....................................................32 Mother’s Day Madness................................................34

There are few things in life that excite me more than watching a pod of 20” Delaware Browns munching down a heavy hatch of E. Subvaria. When people ask me what my favorite hatch is on the D, without question, my reply is always the Red Quill / Hendrickson’s. Why Hendrickson’s, you ask? Jeez, where do I start? Along with the Quill Gordon’s and Blue Quills, these babes are the first of the season to get the trout looking up. In April and early May the trout have yet to see any real angling pressure and tend to be less wary. I wouldn’t say the fishing is easy, just easier. Unlike the little blue quills and olives, they are closer to a size 12, which makes the fly more visible on the water. In addition, the E-subs will typically start hatching mid-day through the evening hours, often with a mid-day spinner fall mixed in. What? A heavy mid-day hatch of big bugs that can get every big fish in the river feeding with reckless abandon? Count me in! —Darren Rist Fly Fishing Guide

Curse by George Douglas

of the

Perfect Season


ly Fishing has the uncanny ability to fill the void in our lives, repair what is broken, and rejuvenate our passion with new perspectives along our journey. It’s a sport with an infinite knowledge base that offers us opportunities of growth whenever we are ready—even for those of us who have made fishing their career. Kype’s slogan, “Keeping it Real,” comes with a responsibility to address all aspects of the sport, not just the how-to aspect, but subjective topics as well, as they have been proven to be just as important, if not more so. What’s in our heart will dictate our attitude and, ultimately, decide if we are in this sport only to take or to give back as well. Throw a twenty-year-old fly fishing guide on a river that receives a hundred thousand anglers a year, over a hundred additional drift boat captains...and watch what happens. Over time, the well-intentioned heart of a new guide hardens, and a dominant streak of competitiveness will inevitably flow through their veins—trust me—I know. Young and green, with misplaced priorities, I found myself striving to be the best guide out there by out-fishing the other more seasoned guides on the river. A skunk was okay, if, and only if, they too were skunked. I set my standard to their level, charged what they charged, and fished the way they fished. As time went on, however, and with the introduction to other fisheries and regions, I felt compelled to raise the bar and hold myself to higher standards. I’d approach each and every season with the same simple goal in mind: to obtain a

perfect season—a season where each and every guide trip resulted in surpassing my client’s expectations by landing fish no matter what obstacles came our way. Similar to an obsessed football coach studying every last move on film, I’d go over my journals, my calendars, water-flow charts, weather reports—all in hopes of positioning my clients in front of fish the following morning. On those evenings of uncertainty (and each season there are always a few), half dreaming, half awake, all options would replay until the alarm sounded. Eventually, usually over a cup of coffee, a decision was made with the refusal of questioning it any further. With only two days left in the 2011 spring steelhead season, my calendar reflected a perfect record—thus far—that is, until there was a knock on my door at four-thirty that morning. “The Creature’s in jail,” the visitor blurted out in the damp darkness outside my cabin door. “What?” I asked in a raspy voice, still not fully awake and not believing what I was hearing. Comprised of multiple nicknames, Sisco, TWild, Skidz, Goof, and of course, the Creature (aka, Creatch), the group of nine young anglers



Triple “S” Guide Service Fishing SW Washington & Oregon Contact Lee Freeman to discuss your fishing adventure today. 503-312-9844

Brazda’s Fly Fishing - # 10393 Trout & Steelhead Fishing on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington Fly Fish Montana with Jeff this year! 253-307-3210

Guide, George Douglas (right), and friend / client, Erik Gonzalaz with a bright female steelhead, caught on a Steelhead Alley tributary, Ohio.



Briquettes Smokehouse Pork, Chicken, Beef Brisket, & Ribs Dine-In or Take-Out In historic Ashtabula Harbor 440-964-2273

Martinis Restaurant & Lounge Spacious Lounge & Dining Overlooking the Golf Course 440-964-2800

from New York had met me in Steelhead Alley for two days of fly-fishing. “Dude,” Sisco explained, pointing to the mere six digits inked on the back of his left hand, “It all started when I was getting a chick's phone number, and (out of no where) some guy punched me and Creatch stepped in.” The complications of Creatch going to county lock-up and the bruise upon Sisco’s brow led to a late start that morning and a nasty skunking— therefore ending my prided streak of perfection. The following night, after an amazing day of fishing and a most unusual holiday dinner with the remaining eight anglers, I sat on my couch with my calendar and etched in the final numbers of the season, Easter Sunday. Sitting back and reviewing the entire season, I contemplated earnestly why my eyes were continually drawn to one particular day, the only day with a goose egg. Out of an entire steelhead season that consisted of great clients and friendships, amazing moments, rewarding late afternoon comebacks and dozens of trophy steelhead, I was immensely bothered by the one skunk. It was at this time I realized something was very wrong. The fishing industry has pockets of guides, shop owners, and political figures who compete for control, fish, clients, land and monies. There are guides who compete with each other for pools— cliques of territorial guides who despise the newcomer—and the daily clash of styles amongst bank anglers. The list goes on and seeps into our fisheries, therefore, often creating an arena of competitiveness that can often clash with the beauty of the sport. I’ve come to realize that unless we are representing our country on the national fly fishing team, excessive competitiveness does not belong in fishing, as it often leads to bad etiquette, bad

attitudes, bad internet posts, bad vibes, bad business and bad fishing. When we can remove ourselves from this toxic asylum, we are able to visualize the sport from afar, and, hopefully, rejuvenate our perspective by reverting back to a time when we first started fishing—a time when our passion was red-lined—the feeling of exploration charged through our hearts as we searched for trout and bass near our homes—the sense of achievement when we leaped from dancing bobbers to a dancing fly line—a simple time in our lives when the only pressure we had was to beat the dinner bell and be home on time. Back then when it was pure, untarnished, unwavering, and as innocent and sincere as a page in The Adventure's of Tom Sawyer—That’s what I’m talking about. After talking to a few other fishing guides and gaining their perspectives on guiding, it quickly jumped out at me that my unrealistic pursuit for perfection and the intense competitiveness in my heart had blocked my ability to tap into what I consider the most important and precious aspects of fishing—the very things that had hooked me initially—things I had lost touch with over the years—things, perhaps, we all need a reminder of—The river is a source of peace and beauty, a place where we can leave our problems behind, a place where the rat race ends and tranquility finds us. It should, therefore, be a friendly place, a place where we extend a hand and help one another, where respect and courtesy of fellow fishermen presides, where we encourage new anglers to pursue fishing as a hobby, career or religion and find patience with those who merely want to catch a fish, but have yet to learn the do's and don'ts of streamside etiquette. It should be a place where attitudes run parallel with the peaceful terrain and voices harmonize with the soothing rush of the river—a place where we appreci-

Fishing with Rob Olson Montana Outfitter #8976 PO Box 2382 Livingston, Mt. 59047 406.579.3619 www.FishingWithRob.Net




Mountain Creek Anglers Handmade Portable Fly-Tying Tables, Lanyards, & Really Cool Fly-Fishing Bumper Stickers! (606) 923-7488

Steve Smith and George Douglas (right) finding success in high, muddy water. Spring 2011, Steelhead Alley.

ate today's fish, rather than worry about tomorrow's. These are important messages we should all convey to our children alongside teaching them the art of fishing—the knowledge, care and wisdom to supersede. I express these things that you may learn from my realization, and that you, perhaps, will be as inspired as I am in being reconnected to a perspective of days gone by, in toning down the competitiveness that you bring to the river. If you can find your way to this mindset, I’m confident you’ll better enjoy your time on the water, fish better, be more creative, more successful, and ultimately give back to the sport as your attitude blends with nature, dispersing a contagious vibrancy that will linger on the banks of our rivers. For me personally, and as far as guiding goes,

it may be unrealistic to say I'll have zero competitiveness and/or that my intensity on the river will taper, however, I feel extremely fortunate to be back in touch with something I had missed and desired for many years without ever being conscious of it. I'm confident that my newly inspired mindset will radiate a deeper appreciation for each opportunity to guide for these magnificent creatures and I will do so with a more balanced approach—one that will preserve the color of my hair, allow me to put things in proper prospective, and to make room for enhanced creativity on the river. As far as my writing goes, it has always been dear to my heart, now even more so, as this experience has taken me to a place I have never seen before—a place I will bring you in an upcoming book due after the new year. Until then... KYPE 7

Single Handed Spey and the Salmon Fly by Chris Lessway

Bio: Michigan Fishing Guide Fly Fishing Instructor Tube Fly Tier Guide for North Branch Outing Club Type of Fishing: Fly Fishing / Spey Casting Location: Michigan Trout and Steelhead Rivers Website: Contact Info:


ver been confronted with something in life so challenging that you just step away and move on? Many people tend to just sweep their problems away and never really try to figure them out. I am not writing this in hopes of becoming someone’s life counselor, but I’d like to say that these same issues can apply to situations on the river. Anglers sweep their fishing problems away on the river by moving to a different spot or by calling it a day—often a bit early.

They never truly face the challenge of catching that rising trout just out of reach or trying something different to get that fish you know is there, but won’t take your offering. When we arrive at the river, we arrive with many tools to face these challenges: boxes of different flies, fluorocarbon tippets, light weight rods, longer rods, etc. One tool many anglers tend to overlook is our cast. Most fly fishermen know how to overhead cast and roll cast, but what about spey cast? Spey casting is essentially an advanced, aerialized roll cast developed on the Spey River in Scotland, where anglers were faced with wide, fast rivers that had trees and brush runNEW YORK


Orleans Outdoor Oak Orchard and Western NY Trout and Salmon fly, float & spin 1764 Oak Orchard Rd Albion, NY 585-682-4546

Lone Wolf Sportfishing Lake Ontario & Lake Erie Charters Guaranteed Fish - Guaranteed Success 717.863.0018

ning all the way down to the river’s edge. These obstacles left no room for back casts. In spey casting, we learn a bunch of different casts and use them in certain situations: The Single Spey, Snap-T, Snake Roll, and the Perry Poke—just to name a few. Each cast was developed for a certain situation on the river. River fishermen are faced with endless obstacles including wind, back eddies, deep water, fast water and over hanging limbs. It is our duty as an angler to accept these challenges and figure them out. People are creatures of habit. If a certain technique works for us one time, we tend to stick with that technique. If for some reason our technique doesn’t work, we sometimes look at it as a lost cause instead of looking for a solution. On the river, spey casting can be part of that solution, especially if you incorporate it into fishing with your singlehanded rod. That’s right; spey casting is not just for double handed rods. More and more anglers are beginning to see the value of spey casting with a singlehanded rod. I discovered that one day while wading the upper Colorado River during the Salmon fly hatch. It was a beautiful mid June day. Without much run off, I decided to head over to a section of the Colorado River and see if the notorious Salmon Fly hatch had started up. When I pulled into the parking area, I could tell something was up. There were more cars

then usual and people were frantically racing to the river. I looked up and could see the black and orange kamikaze jet fighters dive-bombing every angler as they stepped into the river. “Game on!” Since there were a lot of people, I worried that I wasn’t going to be able to find a good spot to fish. As I walked down the edge of the river, I saw two anglers standing in the water next to the bank with perplexed looks on their faces. I looked to the run across the river and could see three or four good size trout rising. “You guys been tearing them up?” I asked. They responded with a sarcastic little laugh. “Ha, ha. No, they’re impossible to reach, but if you want to try, go for it.” The river was about 60 feet wide,

by Chris Lessway

“I looked up and could see the black and orange kamikaze jet fighters divebombing every angler as they stepped into the river. “Game on!”



All Season’s Sports 3733 RT. 13 Pulaski, NY 13142 Salmon and Steelhead Gear. NY Fishing Licenses. 315-298-6433

Fat Nancy's Tackle Shop 3750 RT. 13 Pulaski, NY 13142 Right off the Pulaski Exit. Everything you’ll need. 315-298-4051

with steep banks, brush hanging over on both sides, and it dropped off very quickly about four feet from the bank. The river was running from right to left. Being one to never pass up an opportunity to a rising fish, and knowing that there were a lot of anglers on the water, I gladly accepted their invitation and stepped into the river. I waded out as far from the bank as I could, until the water was about six inches from the top of my waders. I turned around to see how far from the bank I’d gotten, and there I stood a mere seven to eight feet from the clearing between the bushes and trees. I thought to myself, wow, this is going to be tough. If you were to attempt an overhand cast, these guys were right, the fish were out of reach.

Then it hit me. Then, I knew a little bit of spey casting. Why not try a spey cast? I thought about how I was going to go about this. So after a little pondering, I positioned myself slightly upstream and across from the rising trout, then quickly stripped out a bunch of line from my reel and let the current carry it downstream until my line was taunt. I lifted my rod tip, swung it around and down at the water. That in turn, shot my fly back upriver and set my anchor point. I swept my rod around over my right shoulder to form my D-loop and then moved onto the forward stroke of my cast. The line and the fly shot out like a bullet, sending my gigantic salmon fly imitation right into the feeding lane. Because I was still new at spey casting, I was completely amazed at what I accomplished. I had just done a Snap-T with my 9 ft. 6 weight! It took a few casts

Yellowstone Horseback Fly-Fishing Trips



Cast River Guide Service Steelhead*Salmon*Trout Fishing N Cali & S Oregon (707) 487-CAST (2278) I fish From Dusk’till Dawn

Sierra Drifters Guide Service Guiding Eastern Sierra Year round Drift Boats (760) 935-4250

Photo by Klint Borozan

before I figured out the right drift, but I finally managed to land a decent brown out of the run. At that point, landing a big fish was not my main concern. What I just figured out with my casting was far more meaningful to me. I opened up a whole new world of

fishing opportunities to myself and I began to clearly see more and more benefits of learning spey casts. There is no doubt about it, fly fishing is challenging. We take up that challenge every time we step into the river with our fly rod. At times it leaves us humbled and causes us to even spit out a few cuss words—yet we come back and do it again and again. Is it because we are obsessed? Maybe. Whatever the reason, it is something that brings joy and fulfillment to us. Learning to spey cast isn’t going to solve all your problems on the river, however, it’s a step in the right direction. It’ll increase your arsenal of tools and tactics for solving some of these so called “quandaries” on the river, ultimately improving your odds of landing more fish! KYPE



Fairfield Inn & Suites 3701 North Country Dr. Traverse City, MI Close to the Betsy and Big Manistee River 231-922-7900

Woodland Rivers Guide Service Catering to the needs of the Fly-Fishing Angler on Michigan's most productive waters! 248.608.0908

Solstice Salmon Kenai on the Fly by Fred Telleen

Bio: Owner, Outfitter and Guide of Mystic Waters Fly Fishing Freshwater Fishing Hall of Fame Inductee Type of fishing: Fly Fishing, Spey Casting Location: Based in Cooper Landing Alaska on the Kenai River June to mid-October and registered Guide in Montana fishing the Missouri River. Contact: 907-227-0549


hh, solstice fishing. Summertime in south central Alaska means long days. Anglers from Anchorage and beyond are pulling “Suicide Runs” to the Kenai/Russian River confluence and other accessible locations, consisting of driving for hours to a fishing site, fishing all night and returning in time for work the next day. Alaska’s mostly two lane roads can be rather busy in the summertime. Many of the travelers have different agendas including sightseeing, wildlife viewing, and in the case of suicide anglers, traveling at the speed of light. Accidents do happen. What could possibly justify these extremes? The sockeye salmon are running and the desire to hook-up and provide a fresh fish for the table is beyond all reason. Why spend $10.00 a pound for fresh, commercially harvested sockeye when you can get your own with $90.00 worth of gas and hardly any sleep for several days? Alaskans want to get some and they are not alone. Travelers from “outside,” otherwise known as the Lower 48, along with Swiss, German, Japanese and many other nationalities, join the fray. This is where combat fishing was born. Imagine hundreds of people flogging away with heavy sinkers and sharp

hooks more intent on what is in the water than the activity around them. Now mix in some odd personalities and anglers hopped up on energy drinks or strung out from lack of sleep, or even overindulgence of beer and controlled substances. Add in a couple of hungry bears and you get the idea. There isn’t much room to drift. When the bank is busy, the rods look like the oars of a Viking ship, moving in unison until someone either screws up or hooks a fish. Once a fish is hooked, an energetic call of “FISH ON” is mandatory. Sockeye must be landed quickly to avoid running into other combatant’s lines, and because sockeye are so



Salmon River Sport Shop 4826 Salina St. Pulaski, NY 13142 On Salmon River’s “Town Pool” 315-298-4343

Whitaker's Sport Shop and Motel 3707 Rt.13 Pulaski, NY 315-298-6162 Check out our web site at:


strong, something often gives. If not the line, then the rod might blow up. I have seen anglers fall over backwards after breaking off fish. If the leader breaks below the lead, then a projectile bullet with the velocity of a 44mag can come flying toward anyone within range. Anglers have been knocked senseless, had lead weights impale their skin, and even lodge in their eye sockets. If the fishes’ jaw tears first, a heavy gauge wire hook follows the lead. This often necessitates a trip to the ER in Soldotna, where the doctors are expert at hook removal and have a huge collection of flies and lures to prove it. A good pair of glasses and a hat are minimal requirements. An NFL football helmet and biker leathers are not a bad plan either. Many, would be, sockeye fly fishers are put off by the combat scene and do not give it a chance. However, you’ll be hard pressed to find other waters with more salmon than anglers. When Sockeye are plentiful, they are quite easy to catch on fly-fishing tackle, even on the edges of the combat zones. Often, anglers fishing with conventional gear are amazed to watch fly rodders catch fish regularly. I thoroughly enjoy the battle of a fresh sockeye on an 8wt fly rod—hook one up and you will too. To catch sockeye with consistency, the fly must be presented at their level. Sockeye will seldom move up or down in the water column to intercept a fly. The key is to get the fly right in front of the fish. This can be accomplished sev-

eral ways, a variety of sinking tips, shooting heads or full sinking fly lines can get the job done. The easiest solution to reaching sockeye however, is to use a floating line. Adjusting the amount of weight and leader length makes it possible to work any depth and current velocity where you are likely to find the salmon. Casts consist of lobbing or flipping 1040 feet of floating line straight out or slightly upstream of the angler. Enough weight is needed to make bottom contact through the lower portion of the drift. As the drift begins, lower the rod tip to the water and lead the line down and across the drifting lane. This is best

Angler's Lodge For Those Who Enjoy A Secluded Natural Setting Altmar, NY 13302 (315) 298-6028

Fox Hollow Salmon River Lodge 2740 State Route 13 Altmar, New York 13302 Roger Wolfe - (315) 298-2876

Fred Telleen

The key is to pull hard when your sockeye lets you— ease up as they burst. Eventually you will land your prize.


done when the angler stands facing downstream, looking toward the fish. Maintain enough tension to “feel” the drift without lifting your weight far from the bottom. Depending on flow volume, line can either be fed into the drift to maintain depth or drawn slowly across to avoid hang-ups. The technique is a cross between nymphing and a wet fly swing. Hooking sockeye can take some practice. When a fish is felt, a low and lateral sweep is better than a combat fishing jerk. Sockeye will often explode downstream. All the angler should do is hang on and let the fish run. Sometimes, the salmon keep motoring upstream requiring the angler to quickly pick up line to maintain control, before the eventual turn and surge downstream. Given the chance, sockeye will show you plenty of backing, but the odds of landing them after long runs are minimal. Unless you can follow your fish downstream, you need to stop them, then you’re on for a slugfest, with several fits of jumping likely. Think of baby tarpon in a current. Sockeye fishing is not a cast and wait game. It is a

cast and get ready to rumble fishing. Every day of the season, I hear the cry of anglers getting payback as knuckles and fingers are bashed by spinning reel handles. The key is to pull hard when your sockeye lets you—ease up as they burst. Eventually you will land your prize. Gearing up for combat fishing...An Ugly Stick fly or spinning rod with 30# Maxima is considered premium. The rod will not break and you can club your salmon with it. Bring a Tuna stick for backup just in case. Buy a hand full of $.99 Russian River Coho flies and attach a huge rubber core sinker a couple feet above the fly. For a more sporting approach, an 8 wt rod is perfect for sockeye. I prefer 9’6” and 10’ rods for increased control on the cast and drift, but most anglers use standard 9-footers. A premium reel is well worth the money. A smooth powerful drag will add both pleasure and success to your angling. Add a 3’- 5’butt section of 30-pound mono to your floating line. The faster and deeper the water, the more butt you will need. The leader consists of 15- to 20-pound tippet and can range from 2’-6’ in length. Add enough split shot above the joining knot to feel bottom through the prime water on your drift. During the drift, a portion of the floating line will belly downstream. Do not mend. The belly swings the weight along the bottom and draws the leader down. Depending on current speed and depth, the leader length is adjusted. If you feel you are drifting over the fish, simply adjust the tippet length until you start hooking-up. While a 20-pound tippet may seem heavy for 4-10 pound fish, sockeye still manage to break off, and exceptional fish may top fifteen pounds. Adult Sockeye are not predators like other salmon, which makes them a bit mysterious. During their ocean phase, they typically graze on amphipods, cope-

Phoenix Inn & Suites Salem North 1590 Weston Court Northeast Salem, OR 97301 (503) 581-7004




Aladdin Motor Inn 2333 Washington Street Port Townsend, WA 98368-4608 (360) 385-3747

photo by Fred Telleen

pods, occasionally squid, and sometimes fish. Trying to tempt them on large and flashy baitfish streamers seldom draws a strike. Smaller, more sparse patterns are far more effective. You do not need to tie a bunch of specialized patterns if you already have some smaller steelhead fare. Comets, Crazy Charlie’s and other small bonefish patterns can also work. As a guide, I go through hundreds of flies in a month when we fish sockeye, so I rely on simplicity. For easy durable sockeye flies, I tie yarn or soft hackles on Mustad 7970 hooks in sizes 4 and 6. The 4X heavy wire helps to land more fish. Fresh, bright sockeye have softer mouths and standard streamer hooks are more likely to tear free when applying significant pressure. You can also fold the large barb down. The resulting bump still holds fish, but makes release far easier, especially from human

flesh. I always carry a hook file and keep the points sharp. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game manages the sockeye runs intensely to ensure escapement for spawning survival. In the right circumstances, killing your own food can connect you to the natural world and to the fact that humans do kill to eat and live. I believe that realizing this helps people make better choices related to their impacts on the natural world. Sockeye are incredibly tasty and one of nature’s most perfect foods. Handle them carefully, take only what you will eat, and enjoy! Most people head straight to the grill, but be sure to season them, you cannot go wrong as long as you do not overcook. My favorite sockeye is raw (sashimi), sprinkled with lemon and dredged in soy, wasabi, and ginger and followed with an icy cold beer. KYPE



Briquettes Smokehouse Pork, Chicken, Beef Brisket, & Ribs Dine-In or Take-Out In historic Ashtabula Harbor 440-964-2273

Martinis Restaurant & Lounge Spacious Lounge & Dining Overlooking the Golf Course 440-964-2800

Vise to Vise An Anglers Journey by Bobb Cannella Jr.

Bio: Fly Fishing Guide Custom Fly Tying Fly Tying Instructor Fly Shop Supervisor Type of Fishing: Fly Fishing Rivers and Lakes for Trout and Salmon Location: Jackson Hole, Wyoming Bristol Bay, Alaska Contact:


pon the fork in the road of life, we are all forced to make choices and decisions. Some have to do with love, others have to do with financial matters, or even simple concerns such as is, "what's for dinner?" My choice to set my feet in the quick-drying concrete of the world of fly fishing was undoubtedly the right one. I grew up a mid-western city boy from Nebraska, not unlike many people forcibly do. Not a fisherman at heart, or any kind of angler, I rarely fished. Fishing was chucking hardware in the local lake, being a jerk on one end waiting for a jerk on the other. It was not until my grandfather passed away that I inherited a fly rod—not through a willed deed, but through shear default that no one else in the family wanted it. I spent the first three years of my fly fishing career playing Paul McLean in my front yard, teaching myself the discipline of a tight loop and a firm stance to deliver to my target. Little did I know at that time that it would be the main event that would essentially change my life forever, one of those cataclysmic occurrences that we read about in National Geographic that redefines the measure of life.

I never put the darn thing in the water until, through the luck of the Irish, a work associate of mine at the local BBQ joint asked if I wanted to go fishing. I replied with visceral confidence, "I have a rod." And so it began. I spent a day here, a day there, traveling to local waters, seeking out the elusive bluegill, crappie, or largemouth bass hiding under the thick cover of darkness. To my surprise, this was not all that difficult. A little research here, a few mishaps there, a strike of luck every now and again, and I was dialed in like a telemarketer waiting for their next victim. It wasn't until I met my mentor, Dr. Dave Wesley, a spry man for his 70's, did I realize the potential of the gift that I had received. A simple man at heart, he was passionate about one thing, fly-fishing. We met one day along the banks of a local



J&J River Guides Inc. Baldwin, Michigan Fish the Big Manistee & Pere Marquette 231-578-0946

Jeff’s Guide Service Drift & Jet Boat - Fly & Spin Fishing Muskegon River – Steelhead & Salmon 616-204-4999

pond stocked with farm-raised rainbows. We were the only two men with fly rods, ripping lips to the dismay of the local gear chucker's in the mist. Often we talked about taking a trip to a "true trout fishery." He had fished all over the country before I even learned that girls didn't have cooties. (Trust me, they don't.) He suggested a few trips to Arkansas and South Dakota for some good fishing. I, being eager to get out of Nebraska for whatever reason necessary, happily accepted. We grew to be good friends and even better fishing companions. He never failed to let me know that I should one day become a guide, due to the fact that I tied all my own flies, knotted all my own leaders, and did all the research necessary to plan our epic adventures on the water. I finally gave into the Doctor's advice and looked into guiding. I researched Sweetwater Travel Company, a highly credited guide school owned and operated under the close and watchful eyes of Livingston, Montana's Vermillion brothers. It was a moderate blow to the pocketbook, but an ever so worth it indenture. I paid in full and took off to Montana for a week of basic training in fly fishing and the art of Heineken in the evening, age pending of course. With Tracy Petersen and Ron Meek at the helm as instructors, I was there no more than three days when

opportunity presented itself: Alaska, and I was off. It was a shock that I had made it this far on my own in such little time. It was a dream most would have given all to go back and do, while myself, I had nothing more to lose. Two days to pack and off to Bristol Bay I was. I placed my newly defined life under the brow of Brad Hughes, Rainbow Point Lodge's chief operator and owner. We dodged bears in the bush and ran down the bank with clients chasing slabs of silver, lunging and flipping in the water like dolphins at Sea World. I finally slept sound at night for the first time, know-

To make a client forget about the ever so menacing life of the city and reach deep inside themselves to find the forgotten art that lie in their hands, the river as their canvas and the fly rod as their paint brush.



Fairfield Inn & Suites 3701 North Country Dr. Traverse City, MI Close to the Betsy and Big Manistee River 231-922-7900

Woodland Rivers Guide Service Catering to the needs of the Fly-Fishing Angler on Michigan's most productive waters! 248.608.0908

ing that I have found purpose in life: To make a client forget about the ever so menacing life of the city and reach deep inside themselves to find the forgotten art that lie in their hands, the river as their canvas and the fly rod as their paint brush. I wanted to see memories remembered, not just created. A few years in Alaska has a humbling effect on the avid to illusive fly fisherman. It forces them to appreciate the subtle gift of their local trout stream as a wild and thriving world of microscopic life along with the prey that seeks them. A diamond in the rough created forcibly through nature. Summers came and went, as did those who helped make them a memory and not just a job in and out. Friends once earned and never lost. Loves once remembered and ever so suddenly lost. Then, it was through coincidence and a pinch of luck that a Nebraska native, Steve Fleming, whom I worked with at the local town brewery, offered me the opportunity to move to Jackson, Wyoming for the No better way to potty train a two year old future lip ripper than with Kype Magazine. Photo of Jake by his father, Bill Hansen.

summer; hence opening another chapter in the life of my head-hunting career. Work was hard getting and far from easy moving to a ski town in March, looking for a job in fly fishing. I spent my time fishing every river known to the area, gaining strange looks from the locals wondering, "What the hell is that guy doing in the river when it's 25 degrees out?" I didn't mind; I actually liked it. I had the Tetons' playground in my front yard, and no one there to bother or quiz me on my fly box. I caught fish, and a lot of them. I applied at every local fly shop in town, and there were quite a few for such a small area on the map, but no replies to be heard. I knew it wasn't "fishing season" for the fair weather fans, but hail, rain and snow delays are for organized sports, not fly fishing. I woke up each morning placing my rod in hand, my heart intact, and my eye on the prize, the true wild fine-spotted Snake River cutthroat on the dry. It took till about late May, and then, I kid you not, I got four job offerings in twentyMORE RECOMMENED HOTELS OAK ORCHARD CREEK AREA Best Western Crown Inn & Suites Fish Oak Orchard by day and hit Batavia Downs by night! Batavia, NY 585-344-8882 CATTARUGUS CREEK REGION Clarion Hotel Marina 30 Lake Shore Dr. East Dunkirk, NY (716) 366-8350 DETRIOT AREA FOR FISHING EXPO’S Hampton Inn Detroit/Northville 20600 Haggerty Road Northville, MI 48167-1990 (734) 462-1119 PITTSBURGH AREA Holiday Inn Express Hotel 3122 Lebanon Church Rd. West Mifflin, PA. 15122 412-469-1900



Clarion Hotel Marina 30 Lake Shore Dr. East Dunkirk, NY (716) 366-8350

Best Western Crown Inn & Suites Fish Oak Orchard by day and hit Batavia Downs by night! Batavia, NY 585-344-8882

four hours. Each had their merit, but one caught my eye like the Porsche hiding amongst the traffic; idling still, waiting to let the horses go. I accepted the job with Jack Dennis Outdoors under the wing of the infamous Scott Sanchez, world renowned fly tier and writer for American Angler Magazine, as well as Howard Cole, a caster, a master, and sometimes, a dictionary-like forecaster of water. It seemed to all be coming together like a puzzle. The edges were done, now it was time to fill in the middle and finish the game. I have been offered guiding gigs out here in Jackson. Fishing here or there, rowing this or that, but I am content right now. I guide through the fly shop. I let you grab a hold of your own dreams, placing your own fly in those self-chosen riffles with the subtle push from me in the right direction of where to fish, what to throw, and how to go about it. Maybe a casting tip here or a tying tip there; it's still your own adventure and it's my job

to make it happen. I was left to discover this life on my own, and I want the same for others. Guides on a river have an amazing adventure to endure, but guiding yourself is a memory less forgotten and further more appreciated. I fish a lot, almost every day. I strive for that ever forgotten ability to do it yourself and be humbled by a river's natural glory. Guides can put you in the dragon's den, armed to the teeth with an arsenal that could send a small population of fish into the deep end with their tails tucked between their pelvic fins, but in the end, it is the fisherman with self-discipline and resourcefulness that makes it happen. Never forget who you are, why you fish, and what it has made of you. Share the passion for a quick strike, a sudden like, and contentment that we are one with the river. STAND STRONG, LOVE SOFT, FISH HARD, TIGHT LINES FOR LIFE‌ KYPE

Free Your Mind and the Trout Will Follow... by Michael McAuliffe

I Bio: Owner: Rise Form Studio/Rise Form Fly Fishing Guides NJ Fly Fishing Guide Fly Fishing Instructor Author Fly Tier Type of Fishing: Fly Fishing everywhere Filming everywhere Website:

am in the fortunate position of making my living fly fishing. In order to make this a financially viable scenario, most guides have to HUSTLE. For me this means doing lectures, fly tying shows, fly fishing shows, working at Ramsey Outdoor (Fly Shop), hosting clinics, and running the Official Regal Fly Tying School. That’s quite a bit of time talking about fishing.

When you factor in all of the clients I guide for trout, bass and carp, I talk to ALOT of fly anglers over the course of the year. Most of these conversations are quite interesting and frequently reveal valuable information. All of these talks have a life of their own. Each one is quite different and they will wander across many fly fishing topics. However, there seems to be one common denominator or thread that runs through damn near every one of these discussions. This would be the discourse of style. Without fail the other person in the conversation will say something along the lines of “I only” fish dries, use bamboo, swing for steelhead, target

stripers… you get the idea. These statements are always followed up by the question, “What do you do?” This is the moment where it always gets interesting. My standard reply is “Whatever the fish tells me.” This inevitably causes a pained and/or confused look from the other person. After all of these years, it is still shocking to witness the apparent need of fly anglers to classify or compartmentalize who we are and what we do. This way of thinking is problematic for several reasons. Firstly, it limits the angler’s chances to catch fish because they are biased against using an effective technique or piece of equipment. Secondly, it creates a confusing, contra-



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dictory, and intimidating mass of information that overwhelms new fly anglers and possibly inhibits the growth of the sport. The last and most detrimental aspect of this need is the division of our numbers, weakening our collective bargaining power. Gear and Technique When dealing specifically with cold water species in the northeast, you may employ a huge array of techniques and gear. Afly angler can: throw streamers, tight-line and indicator nymph rigs, swing braces of wets, use a dry dropper, launch huge top water flies the size of cats, skate Stoneflies & Caddis, and

thistle down dries upstream PAstyle as well as downstream Catskill style. Sometimes it is a hybrid of two or three of the aforementioned techniques that mimics the primary food source and gets the fish to the net. Gear choices are as varied as the techniques mentioned above. You may use fly rods as light as a 7 ft medium slow 3 wt to a fast action 9’6” 5 wt, all the way up to 14’ spey rods. Employ gear that is appropriate for the size of the river you are fishing and the type/size flies you are casting. A great example in the divide on technique is indicator fishing. Most fly

Mike Nutto teaching Michael McAuliffe some spey casting basics in the Delaware River. Photo by János Czifra

Whenever there is an issue threatening our watersheds and ecosystems, you can bet there is a fly angler, or fly fishing based organization leading the fight.

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Best Western Crown Inn & Suites Fish Oak Orchard by day and hit Batavia Downs by night! Batavia, NY 585-344-8882

anglers will either say they love strike indicators or they will not use them, rather than approaching the water using a logical tool for the right job. Strike indicators are best suited for moderate and slower currents where the water is 3 or more feet deep. This makes them indispensable on our east coast freestone streams and rivers in the winter because this is the exact type of water that the fish hold in when the water is closer to the freezing point in the late fall, winter, and spring. Indicators don’t fit every situation. When using an indicator, it takes several seconds for the weight to grab the bottom and the slack between the indicator and weight to pull tight. This is what needs to happen before you can visually detect a strike. If you are trying to use this rig in fast water, it is too far downstream from you before this happens, rendering it less effective for a good hook set. When the water is above the 50 degree mark, fish are more likely to hold in faster currents. In this scenario you will see better results using a tight line approach coupled with a tuck cast.



Issue 2, Movie: Issue 1, Movie: Fishing for a Dream Miracle Mile

Issue 1, Movie: Rivers of Many Fish

Issue 3, The Road to Issue 4, Salmon River Dropbacks Steelhead Alley

Issue 2, Movie: Steelhead Streams

This cast rockets the weighted flies or split-shot and flies to the bottom much faster, allowing you the longest possible drift. There are many different types of water and just as many different food sources exhibiting many behaviors. You should use the most effective technique to address each situation. Mis-Disinformation and Opinion Nothing drives me as crazy as when an angler professes their OPINION as fact. This is for all the guides, authors, internet heroes, and shop owners out there. All of the accepted techniques in fly fishing work under the right set of circumstances! If these techniques did not work, they would have not been accepted in to the lexicon of fly fishing. If you prefer one style of fishing, this does not mean that you should teach beginners that the other forms of fly fishing are inferior, outdated, or less effective than your favorite style. This is not only confusing and intimidating to the novice angler, but it also presents an incomplete picture of our sport. Let me elaborate on this point with a little story.

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Alaska River Adventures Lodge & Guide Service Alaska’s Upper Kenai River & Kasilof River 1-888-836-9027

Mystic Waters Fly Fishing 907-227-0549 Fly fishing guides for Trout and Salmon on Alaska's Upper Kenai R.

While fishing in PAlast summer with my friend János Czifra from there was a heavy Caddis emergence and we could see the fish slashing at the Pupa under the surface. So for the hell of it, we decided to use as many different techniques as we could to catch some trout. János caught trout using a Humphrey’s style presentation and then a Leisenring Lift. I started out swinging wets, switched to an indicator rig, and finally employed a dry dropper technique. Guess what? We each caught several trout using each technique. No one style of fly fishing worked better than any other! Granted, the trout were locked in on one bug in a three foot deep glide, the perfect set of circumstances for such an experiment, but several techniques can apply to other situations as well. A Culture Divided Cannot Stand Let’s face it: we are a very small segment of the angling public. Trout are the fourth most popular freshwater sport fish in the U.S. Catch and Release fly fishing is an even smaller segment of that segment. It is important that fly anglers do not let dissension among our ranks divide our numbers. We have been environmental “Canaries in the Coal Mines” for numerous decades. Whenever there is an issue threatening our watersheds and ecosystems, you can bet there is a fly angler, or fly fishing based organization leading the fight. Our community is directly involved in many issues such as invasive species, hydraulic fracturing, cold water restoration, the pebble mine debacle, dam removal, mine drainage, and habitat protection. If we want our culture to survive, grow, and flourish we need to spend our efforts engaging in positive projects that protect and restore our aquatic resources while involving and educating younger anglers. It is counterproductive for fly organizations, groups, or individual anglers to squabble over style when we look at the big picture and what could be lost.

Michael McAuliffe tight line nymphs the riffles in PA. Photo by János Czifra

The Bottom Line Fly fishing is an amazing sport/culture/art. Fly anglers are VERY PASSIONATE about their time at the vise and on the water. Do what makes you happy. However, you would be well served in tempering the previous statement with the simple advice to step outside your comfort zone and learn a new technique or two. Fly fishing is a big sport! Step outside your comfort zone and enjoy all of the possibilities that lie within. I Fly Fish because it is a challenge. Nothing is as satisfying as walking up to the river and successfully examining the clues Mother Nature has laid out. On a good day, the riddle is solved and you can identify/mimic what the primary food source is. For me, this is largely the factor that determines my style of fishing and gear. KYPE

Brian Silvey’s Fly Fishing Guide Service Deschutes and Sandy Rivers Steelhead and Trout Fly Fishing 800-510-1702




Mack's Sport Shop 212 Lower Mill Bay Rd. Kodiak, Alaska 99615 907-486-4276 SHOP ONLINE!

Blessed Beauty Long Live the Dean by Klint Borozan

Bio: Former Fishing Guide SW Montana and Alaska Steelhead & Salmon Fly Tier Outdoor Writer Type of Fishing: Spey Casting for Anadromous Species. Location: Michigan, Alaska, Montana, Florida.


teelheaders have been talking quietly with fingers crossed for the past year, hopeful that the Dean River would make the turn. From 2005 to 2009, the counts didn’t reach the trailing ten year moving average of 3000 steelhead. In some years, it didn’t even reach 1500 fish. However, good numbers of people were still going up to the Dean to catch ocean fresh, lice laden Chinooks and to spend some time in arguably the most beautiful place in creation. Although the steelhead fishing wasn’t the same, I still believe Steelheaders are eternally hopeful. Even if the runs had become very small, the real technical anglers were still successful. The

occasional river monster, often mistaken for a Chinook, was still being caught. The history of the Dean River gene pool is still the stuff of legends, and the romance of the Dean lived-on

Contact Info:



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in the hearts and minds of fly fishermen from all over the world. I was willing to go to the Dean River based on the relatively broad optimism of the river guides. Jeff Hickman, an exceptional steelhead and Chinook guide out of Oregon and the Pro Staff host on our trip, said his instincts told him things have taken a turn for the better for the steelhead, but the Chinooks were a great fall back plan if the steelhead didn’t show. Just pack the right sticks, tips, leaders, and go. “But expect the grabs to be vicious.” The Dean River is a Class 1 classified water with regulations to limit the number of anglers that can fish over the course of the season. There is a beautiful upper river above a truly wicked canyon, with miles of bends and wonderful runs to fish. There is the canyon itself, where the water is so deep, so powerful, and so fast, no structure can long withstand the high water season without meeting its doom. This is a very big clue to the size and reputation of these fish. Last, but certainly not least, the lower river is referred to as the upper and lower tidal runs. I would fish all of them with great enthusiasm, trying to find the trophy steelhead now back in play. With such beautiful scenery, I still had to keep my head in the game because this is one of the most technical rivers you will ever fish. Water levels charge up from overnight rains, providing a mixed bag of visibility in the morning, coupled with much faster

Jim Greenleaf with a beautiful chrome beast fresh from the ocean.

flows. During the day, with no rain, the river can fall over an inch an hour. Having a plan is key. Most importantly, know when to change your approach so you are not wasting your time. We were spey fishing geeks, throwing 8 or 9 weight rods, sink tips, big flies, and packing high expectations. Some of us fished the Chinook opener in the Kuskokwim just three weeks before and ran into a late arrival of slim pickings and needed some stimulation. The Dean river has good numbers of Chinooks AND very large, hot steelhead. The kind you don’t see much in Oregon or the Great Lakes. As Hickman put it, “You never know what you are going get. It could be a big steelhead, or a big Chinook. Either way it’s a win.” The fish of both species in this river are renowned for size, toughness, durability, and vicious strikes. I

Alaska River Adventures Lodge & Guide Service Alaska’s Upper Kenai River & Kasilof River 1-888-836-9027

Mystic Waters Fly Fishing 907-227-0549 Fly fishing guides for Trout and Salmon on Alaska's Upper Kenai R.

Photo by Klint Borozan

We were spey fishing geeks, throwing 8 or 9 weight rods, sink tips, big flies, and packing high expectations.


think the researchers and river biologists have narrowed it down to a couple of key reasons: having to make it up the aforementioned wicked portion of the river through the canyon, and spawning in big rocks that the fish have to muscle out of the way, like bowling balls, to build redds. They’re power-lifters. Day one was very interesting. The water was falling and becoming very clear. We set aside the big, bold colored flies for smaller medium sized streamers. The guides recommended an un-weighted fly in either pink or orange, and surprisingly, a much lighter tip. Scott Baker-McGarva, the head guide and Dean River expert at BC West, had a pretty systematic view. In the lowering and clearing conditions, fly pattern simplicity, smaller size, and light color was critical. He advised to fish the seams along the edge of the middle flow as the water lowered, because the fish would work their way into these bouldery areas. More technical fishing, all varsity level stuff. Luckily, in the clearer water, it was much easier to iden-

tify the location of the bigger rocks and boulders that held fish behind them. The combination of swinging the lighter colored fly, using a little lighter leader, connected to a much lighter sink tip, was “money” when swung from the strike zone. And BOOM goes the dynamite. I had them chase from behind the big rocks to crush my pink patterns. The subsequent days were orchestrated in an entirely different manner. After a full night of rain, the river came up. Way up. The river speed changed dramatically and the color turned to vanilla latte (only 10 inches of visibility) to make the technical specification change again. The fish typically move into the shallows and tail outs, into softer water, making the swing something that needs to happen much closer to the bank—right up to the bank. I dare say a single handed rod might even be a better tool when this happens. Jeff Hickman has a very keen ability to read the water and make the necessary adjustments. The much higher water created deep

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troughs close to the banks, where he wisely worked only the tip. He hooked up and landed an 18 lb steelhead and a nearly 50 lb. Chinook fishing in close, along the bank, when most of us were being blanked by high and dirty conditions. He said the fish were there, and he was right. As he had so aptly demonstrated, instead of looking at which boulder or seam to work, it was the swing right into the bank, and ultimately an extra second of hang down time, that produced steelhead—Big ones. One key take away from my time with Hickman this year has been to use smaller to medium flies. The greater clave of steelhead fisherman in the northwest have gone to more intruder type patterns that are more challenging to cast, even with a spey rod. His point is a fair one: “Smaller flies are less threatening to steelhead and easier to cast. Make better casts, catch more fish.” When no one else is catching anything, he usually puts up multiple fish with that approach—usually bigger fish too. Man, what a steelhead trip! This trip is a lot like the old 3M steelhead videos made by Lani Waller in the early 80’s on the Babine. You enter by float plane or helicopter. You cover ground in a trail system above the canyon by ATV. Guides help you out with a skiff below the canyon to the tidal runs. It’s actually somewhat complicated to design logistically for the Ronan fly guy, especially to ensure you have mobility to fish above and below the canyon once you get there. But this was the cleanest, most well thought out trip I had ever been on. The only possible way to improve it would be to keep a hot tub handy. There are plenty of bears living there and tooling around, such that I personally don’t believe camping

photo by Bobb Cannella Jr

there is a great idea, even in the unlikely event you were able to get a camping permit from the authorities. Most of the guys I know that hit this place every year go to BC West. Fishing with their team Scott BakerMcGarva and Jeff Hickman is a priceless learning experience. By the way, if you have a problem with heights, or aggressive flying, I would make one important recommendation: make sure you tell the helicopter pilot ahead of time. He is an ex-military pilot with some incredible skills. I had to close my eyes often, but it was worth it. The steelhead are coming home, not a clipped fin among ’em! KYPE

AK Adventure In the Middle of Nowhere by J.J. McMahon

Bio: Co-founder Himalayan Development Foundation Amateur outdoor/travel writer

Type of Fishing: Fly and Spin Location: Yakutat, AK. Eastern AZ: Black River, White Mountains, Lake Powell (AZ/Utah)



remember the evening well, as it was the summer of 2000 and we had all gathered for a few hours of camaraderie, song and flowing libation's. It was indeed a special occasion—a time to celebrate—for it was the evening before our dear friend would travel halfway across the world and into the bowels of the Japanese banking market. And as the weight of our own chosen paths became a sobering reality, we decided to forge a pact: to set aside some vacation time every year, so that the gang could “saddle-up” and continue to ride into a new adventure. But like so many wishes born on the cusp between full-manhood and those weaning strands of adolescence, the pledge was cast into the abyss of simply “living life,” and that’s where it would lie dormant for ten years. Now, fast forward a decade and there we were, casting side-by-side into the Situk River, one hundred miles north of Juneau, in Yakutat, Alaska. We arrived with a motley assortment of fishing gear, which reflected both our different levels of fly-fishing experience as well as the fiscal rewards of those “chosen paths” discussed earlier. Gear included a sleek and versatile Helios Switch, 11-foot, 6-weight, but also a broken tipped 9’(more like 8'6") 5/6 weight, no-named brand rod nicknamed “old fashioned,” and a 6x tapered trout leader.

We read that beginning in late July, Alaska silver (Coho) salmon begin to congregate in bays and near the mouths of their spawning streams (and rivers), as they wait for water temperatures and stream flow to change before continuing their migration to freshwater spawning grounds. We were also told that large numbers of spring sea-run cutthroat, summer sockeye, pinks and fall/winter silver salmon swelled the rivers—often congregating around and under the various bridges in the area. Armed with this helpful information, we eagerly began our adventure. We learned very quickly that the most popular places to fish were the Situk River, Tawah Creek and Cannon Beach. These areas were popular for good reason: they’re near the airport, they offer sever-



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al access points, they have well maintained roads and most importantly, bountiful world-class salmon. Our first few days were filled with an onslaught of non-stop casting. We were landing mostly Silvers— everything over 10 lbs—and a few Pinks (Humpy) and several Sockeye. As intense and productive as those first few days were, little could we imagine the Silver bonanza that was awaiting us just a short thirty minute flight from our lodge. As the tiny, single-prop, bush plane was wheeled out (by hand) onto the runway; I immediately thought the locals were playing a joke on us warm-blooded Arizona boys: The plane looked like half of a single cab Mini Cooper and the tires looked like inflatable arm bands made for either Paul Bunyan or the Incredible Hulk. But as I scanned the area looking for a hidden camera, I suddenly realized that was was no joke, and as our pilot strolled onto the tarmac, it all immediately started making sense. I mean this was Alaska baby: The Land of the Midnight Sun, The Last Frontier. It was home of the Iditarod; of 1,000 lb Moose; of behemoth Kodiak, Black and Brown bear, and of course, the World Record 12.6 foot, 1,600 lb Grizzly. The name of our pilot was Butch and he stood six feet tall and weighed well over 250 lbs. Butch embodied every characteristic that is Alaska, we figured, as he was rugged, burly, durable and strong; but he also possessed a refined

“The Crew.”

nature, one polished with an aura of confidence and poise, one that quickly assured us that we were in both capable and experienced hands. I’m still not exactly sure how he loaded four adult men (three, well over 6’) onto that miniature airplane with all of our gear—but he did. With a few adjustments to the cockpit and securely stuffing our smallest buddy into the plane’s tail like a cocoon, we were off…sailing into the majestic blue. As we quickly ascended above the tree-line, the interior of the cabin became utterly silent, as we all marveled at the brilliance that lay before us. From the jagged slopes of Yakutat Glacier, to the splendor of Wrangell-St. Elias National Park, and the vast grandeur of Tongass National Forest, we were witnessing pristine beauty—nature’s perfection. We flew along the coast for several miles and then north, crossing the

photo by Jay McMahon

The plane looked like half of a single cab Mini Cooper and the tires looked like inflatable arm bands made for either Paul Bunyan or the Incredible Hulk.



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Dangerous River and into the Italio River Valley. As we circled the various arms of the river, our pilot pointed to large dark spots in the water and said, “That’s your limit fellas…beautiful sight!” We all enthusiastically agreed! So, after a few “Hail Mary’s,” we proceeded to land a few hundred yards away from where we had spotted the salmon. On our descent, Butch pointed out where he would land when he returned, and then, just like that, he was off…leaving us somewhere in the middle of nowhere. Now, being completely alone, surrounded by boundless miles of barren land, void of any sign of civilization, and at the complete whim of Mother Nature, caused us a bit of trepidation. However, when we considered that we had just flown over hundreds of untouched Silver salmon, eagerly awaiting our cast—it put our fears to rest. I’m usually like a young child with shoelaces when it comes to tying flies, which means that I usually get to watch others catch the first fish—this day was no exception. No sooner had I ran my leader through my favorite Dalai Lama fly, when all the sudden Blaine and Muzzy had simultaneous hits—and they were hit hard. Both anglers set their flies aggressively and with pole tips skyward, the game was on. Now there’s a certain sound that your line makes when a 15 lb Silver salmon attempts to rip it off your reel, and I can tell you it’s a sound of pure beauty: Like a well played Stradivarius, or the hum of a 16 cylinder Bugatti at 200 mphs, it’s truly magical. Imagine that experience for four people, for six hours straight…it was pure bliss. When Butch returned and opened the cockpit door, we were all glowing with excitement, and though physically exhausted, we were anxious to return to the lodge for fresh salmon steaks, cold Alaskan Amber and the celebration of a day well spent. All “fish stories” aside (and we didn’t need any), we all caught our limit that day. Our average salmon weighed between 12-15 lbs and each landing took between 8-10 minutes. We loaded around 150 lbs of salmon onto the plane that afternoon, and as we began our accent back into the beautiful Alaskan sky, a final sense of respect, admira-

tion and wonder swept over our crew. I think we were all on a similar page: It was a time of reflection—a moment to confirm how wonderful the power of experience is. It was one of those profound moments when you realize that you might be part of something greater then yourself. That perhaps there may be a symmetry that unites everything—that humans are indeed connected to all aspects of nature. And lastly, that good friendships are a rare gift that must be appreciated and cherished. In short, the trip was a complete success! Even Steve’s global jaunt seemed well worth the fourteen hour, 8,300 mile flight, as he landed a monster salmon—the largest of our week long adventure. In the end, our 2010 Alaskan adventure had been ten years in the making, but it ended the way it had began: With a night full of local refreshments reminiscing about the old days and a pact to return next year…Oh, and agreeing that the next morning’s headache seemed much worse then we remembered from a decade earlier. KYPE

Brian Silvey’s Fly Fishing Guide Service Deschutes and Sandy Rivers Steelhead and Trout Fly Fishing 800-510-1702




Mack's Sport Shop 212 Lower Mill Bay Rd. Kodiak, Alaska 99615 907-486-4276 SHOP ONLINE!

JC’s by John Collins

Bio: Custom Order Fly Tier NJ Fishing Guide Fly Tying Tutorials on Custom Flies at Type of fishing: Fly Fishing Location: Northeast Trout Streams Great Lakes Tributaries Ocean and Delaware River Striped Bass

Contact Info: 908-319-4592

Electric Caddis Pupa


his is a fairly new pattern I came up with using the Ultrawire/ Stretch Tubing combo, to give the fly a translucent effect. It has worked phenomenally here in the east during Grannom Caddis hatches. Colors and sizes can be changed to imitate various Caddis hatches here in North America.

This fairly realistic pattern plays upon the translucent characteristics of an emerging Grannom Caddis Pupa's abdomen and color, which is bright Green/Chartreuse when under water. Way's to fish this fly are as follows; A) during a full blown Caddis hatch. B) as a searching pattern in a tandem nymph rig. C) as a dropper off a Dry Fly. D) by itself, utilizing a "Leisenring Lift." E) on the swing to imitate an emerging insect. It's an easy pattern to tie and very durable. Materials and directions are as follows; Materials Thread: Chartreuse 8/0 Hook: Daiichi 1150, #12 thru #18 Abdomen: An under body of chartreuse

tying thread, which is covered with the wire/tubing combo (Small Hot Chartreuse Waspi Ultrawire inserted into the Chartreuse Waspi Micro Stretch Tubing) Thorax: Natural Tan Dubbing or Tan Ice Dub Wing Bud: Black Raffia unfolded and burned with a Caddis wing burner. (Also can be cut to shape with scissors) Antenna: Two fibers of Lemon Wood Duck or imitation Wood Duck (Mallard dyed Wood Duck) Note: Color combos (Abdomen/ Thorax) can be changed to imitate Caddis that are prevalent on a particular stream or insects that are hatching at a certain time of the year.

A beautiful Rainbow Trout taken with an indicator rig on New Jersey’s Pequest River. Fish, fly, and photo by János Czifra.



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Briquettes Smokehouse Pork, Chicken, Beef Brisket, & Ribs Dine-In or Take-Out In historic Ashtabula Harbor 440-964-2273

Step One: Insert Small Hot Chartreuse Ultrawire inside of Chartreuse Micro Stretch Tubing. Step Two: Attach tying thread just behind the eye and cover shank to about 1/3 around hook bend and return thread a little less than 1/8 of an inch from the eye. Step Three: Attach wire/tubing combo at the point you stopped your thread in step two and cover completely. Now, return your tying thread to the point just behind the eye and tie off. Your wire/tubing combo should be at the farthest point to the rear of the hook which has been

covered with thread. Step Four: Take your wire/tubing combo and pull as tight as you can so the tubing constricts around the wire and wrap forward. At the midway point relax the tension you put on the wire/tubing combo midway up the bend of the hook. Doing this will give the abdomen a tapered look. Make three or four more wraps (relaxed) and pull tight again until you reach the thread tie-off point and lash down the wire/tubing combo—cut off the excess material at that point. Step Five: Unfold some Black

Raffia and take your Caddis Wing Burner (or cut to shape with scissors) and make two wing buds. Attach one on the near side of the fly and another at the far side. The position should be at the tie off point in step four. Step Six: Dub your thorax so the wing buds stick out and dub forward to where you want to tie in your head. Step Seven: Add two Wood Duck Fibers for your Antenna pointing towards the rear. Whip finish. Then color the Chartreuse head thread with a Brown Sharpie or similar permanent marker. KYPE

Martinis Restaurant & Lounge Spacious Lounge & Dining Overlooking the Golf Course 440-964-2800




Rapids Camp Lodge King Salmon, AK Legendary Alaska Fishing 907-246-8345

Mother’s Day

Madness by George Douglas


Type of Fishing: Fly, Spey, Spin, Pin & Plug Location: 1/2 the Year, Great Lakes 1/2 the Year, West Coast Filming everywhere else Website: Contact Info:


With the place to himself and a fridge full of beer, Tom puts his feet up and exhales a sigh of relief, as it took the pressure off his ailing leg—compliments of a construction accident a couple years prior. He scans the lodge's book titles in anticipation of a long wait for the guide and the rest of the crew to return. “Hhmmm—interesting." he said aloud. "Fish Like a Guide, by George Douglas.” The sound of swilling beer, a few belches, and the turning of pages occupy the empty lodge for the next couple of hours. Now, rewinding four months, I was at a fly fishing event at Ramsey Outdoor store in the Ledgewood, New Jersey area, and saw Darren Rist, a fishing guide I've seen at various fishing events throughout the northeast. Darren invited me, that afternoon, to fish with him on an upcoming drift boat trip to pursue Browns and Rainbows on the Delaware River system, more than likely, the west branch. Flipping through his busy calendar, one blank space was as glaringly obvious as a silver dollar in a pocket full of change, a day he claims is empty every year—Mother’s Day. NEW YORK

Bio: Publisher of Kype Magazine Ohio & N.Y. Fishing Guide Fishing Hall of Fame Inductee Fly Tier

tall man limps out of the treeline after getting yelled at by one of the neighboring land owners along the west branch. He figures he might as well call it quits for the day as it was starting to get late, and, after all, he had a guide trip booked for the following morning. “Hello!” he yells as he opens the door, but all it’s occupants are wading upon swarms of Hendrickson's and rising fins.

Orleans Outdoor Oak Orchard and Western NY Trout and Salmon fly, float & spin 1764 Oak Orchard Rd Albion, NY 585-682-4546

“George, I don’t know if you can swing this, but Mother’s Day is one of the best days of the year—I can never book it." “Pencil me in,” I said imagining this wouldn't go over so well back at home. Later on that night, I gave my mom and my wife four months notice that I would not be there for their special day...and because it was so far off, both of them were okay with it. Tom, in the mean time, had finished reading my book at the lodge and had no earthly idea that our paths were about to cross. The next morning, Darren and Tom took to the river and had one of the best day’s fishing Tom had ever had, as they caught the hatches perfectly and landed one fish after another. Throughout the day, Tom began critiquing Darren in a joking manner, stating that he read a book that said you shouldn’t do this, and you shouldn’t do that. This continued throughout the day until Darren finally asked Tom, “Who the heck’s book is this anyway?” Tom replied, “Some guy by the name of George Douglas.” Lone Wolf Sportfishing Lake Ontario & Lake Erie Charters Guaranteed Fish - Guaranteed Success 717.863.0018

Darren broke out in a fit of laughter and told Tom I was, at that moment, on my way up there. Tom could not believe what Darren was telling him, but after learning that information, the razzing amplified. Darren casts his fly line out in the river and a loop, momentarily, got caught on his forceps. Tom instantly sparked, “George says nothing should be hanging from your vest—Chapter Six.” Darren, mistakenly, drops a pack of split shots from his vest onto the floor of the boat, and Tom fires off, “George says you shouldn’t have pockets full of gear.” Darren ties a fly on the tippet and trims the knot. Little did he know, Tom was timing him. “George says a knot should take only thirty seconds to tie—it took you forty-five,” he bantered. Tom Isenberg from Stewartsville, NJ. with a monster Brown on the West Branch of the Delaware.

Later that night, I met both of them at Darren’s lodge, a beautiful lodge at that. They shared the details of their day on the river and told me how my book had inspired a day of teasing. I couldn't help but be both amused and flattered. Over a couple of beers I began sharing a couple fishing stories from my spring steelhead season. Tom, interrupted one of my stories and said, “George, that shouldn’t have happened if you adhered to your book, page sixty-two." This guy knew my book better than I did, and he continued to correct both Darren and me all night long! I had a deep appreciation for his interest, dedication and humor, and the guy had me in stitches the entire night, which made the trip even more unique. But, as it turned out, Tom had a Mother’s Day function to attend the following morning. If not, it could have turned out to be one very long day on the river with one of the most charismatic anglers I’ve ever met reciting rule after rule in Fish Like a Guide and noting which chapter and page it was on. Mother's Day turned out to be a true success. Darren and I crushed fish all afternoon and into the night as we took the boat out in Hancock in the pitch dark. It was a phenomenal experience, one I highly recommend—a great guide, a nice lodge and fantastic fishing for Browns peaking over twenty inches. If your wife and your mother doesn’t mind, be sure to book this day with Darren, however, I will give you fair warning right up front...don’t expect much on Father’s Day—trust me, I know. KYPE Email Darren at



All Season’s Sports 3733 RT. 13 Pulaski, NY 13142 Salmon and Steelhead Gear. NY Fishing Licenses. 315-298-6433

Fat Nancy's Tackle Shop 3750 RT. 13 Pulaski, NY 13142 Right off the Pulaski Exit. Everything you’ll need. 315-298-4051

OKAY, WE ADMIT TO VEERING WILDLY WHEN DRIVING OVER BRIDGES, SIZING UP THE NEIGHBOR’S CHICKENS FOR HACKLE AND A POTENTIALLY UNHEALTHY INTEREST IN SMALL INSECTS. And yes, we’ve been known to whip dueling micrometers from pocket protectors to check line thickness from time to time. The upside? Products like our RIO Gold trout line. RIO Gold’s revolutionary taper design provides phenomenal loop stability for maximum distance, and at the same time, allows easy loading at close range. It handles flies from #2 to #22 and excels in every situation a trout angler might encounter. When our fanaticism results in what might just be the best, most versatile trout line ever made, we figure we deserve a little forgiveness. At least from our fellow anglers.

Ready to fish the ultimate trout line? Fish RIO Gold.


Fishing Blogs That Support Kype Magazine Kype Staff


Motel 6 Janesville 3907 Milton Avenue I-90 at Highway 26, Exit #171-A Janesville, WI, 53546 (608) 756-1742

America's Best Value Inn 3900 Milton Avenue Janesville, WI 53546-1007 (608) 756-4511 “the retired guys”

Our goal is to provide you with the “best of the best.” –

Fly Only Zone - Fly Tying & Fly Fishing 39

Magnuson Grand Hotel Madison 3510 Mill Pond Road Madison, WI 53718 (608) 224-1500


Kype Fishing Magazine

...Excerpts by George Douglas

A kype is a hook that forms on the lower jaw of a male trout, salmon or steelhead, during spawning periods. This is their badge of power and dominance that is unique to only these species. It's an explanation point, similar to the rack of a male deer—a sign of a warrior—a sign of Publisher of Kype strength. Only the brutes, only the stout, only the Ohio & N.Y. Guide herculean bucks will display this emblem of pure Hall of Fame Inductee power, thus the title of our magazine, KYPE.

“ “

Volume 1, Issue 1

People are creatures of habit. If a certain technique works for us one time, we tend to stick with that technique. If for some reason our technique doesn’t work, we sometimes look at it as a lost cause instead of looking for a solution. On the river, spey casting can be part of that solution, especially if you incorporate it into fishing with your single-handed rod. That’s right; spey casting is not just for double handed rods.

In the first pool above the beach we found twenty to thirty mintbright fish, stacked like cordwood against a cut bank. Barrett gave me first shot at the pod of fish. Taking my lightweight float rod, I pitched my float and jig well above the fish. As soon as the float hit the water, every fish in the pool took off at warp speed—for where? I had no idea. I had blown my shot before I even got started.

—Chris Lessway Single Handed Spey Submitted for the next issue of Kype

—Dave Gantman Fly Fishing Jigs Volume 1, Issue 3

STRIKE INDICATORS by FloatMaster Products “You don’t have to cut your line to put them on, or to take them off.” Made in the USA!

“ “ The tools we use for our research are a seining net, stomach pump, notebook, and digital camera with a macro function. Armed with these devices we started cataloguing what the trout were eating during every month of the year. I like to jokingly call this the Salmo Gastronomic Index for New Jersey.

—Michael McAuliffe Learn What Trout Really Eat Volume 2, Issue 2

This was one of only a few days in my life when I was content to call it a day and go back to camp. After more tablets of Aleve and a shot of Single Malt, I crazy-glued my cut fingers back together. Feeling so thoroughly beat up by big fish, I was afraid I would fall asleep in my waders. All of this on my second day of the season. —Klint Borozan Bully Beatdown on the Kanektok Volume 2, Issue 2

George Douglas’ Books, Magazines, DVD’s Guide Service, Articles Visit:


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