Pantelis Kyriakou
Selected Works 2017-2021
Pantelis Kyriakou
Elsenstr. 27-28 Berlin, 12435 +49 176 58860672
My name is Pantelis Kyriakou and I am an architect, cur rently living in Berlin. I graduated from the University of Thessaly in January 2021 where I successfully acquired my master’s degree in Architecture. In 2015 I became the Greek National Contacter for the largest European Architecture Stu dents Association (EASA) and this was my first opportuni ty to travel and meet architecture students from all over the world. Through this experience I discovered the benefits of a multicultural environment and my interest in urban design topics. In 2017 I moved to Berlin to work for LIN Architek ten. After carrying out a variety of demanding projects and competitions in LIN, I undoubtedly enhanced my architectur al skills and knowledge at a professional level. At the same time living in the dynamic city of Berlin had a strong impact on broadening my architectural perception. For the next two years I was moving back and forth between Greece and Ber lin, finishing my studies and working as a freelancer for var ious projects and competitions.
In 2021, I started working full-time for Dax-I, an interior de sign firm. During this period, I worked on almost all phases (LP 1-3, LP 5-9), overseeing the construction site and han dling cost calculations and offer reviews. My time at Dax-I allowed me to take on additional responsibilities, discover new strategies for organizing and managing my team, and su pervise (and learn from) interns with the goal of project de livery.
Most importantly, I am proud of my time at Dax-I since I was able to extend our clientele by upgrading our presentations with 3D Visualizations. I was extremely devoted to this proj ect because it was purely my initiative, and was overjoyed when it paid off: we noticed that the time spent negotiating with clients was significantly decreased since our proposals could be depicted more effectively. This resulted in fewer client sessions (saving time and money), while ultimately it attracted more customers.
In this portfolio I would like to express my critical point of view to contemporary architectural developmen, urbanization as well as interior design, through my academic and professional experiences. Throughout this process I attempt to seek for new possibilities of architectural and urban forms by im posing new meaning on older ideas.
Pantelis Kyriakou
MSc Architecture
Elsenstr. 27-28 Berlin, 12435 +49 176 58860672
2012/9 - 2017/9 University of Thessaly Bachelors in Architecture

2018/5 - 2021/1 University of Thessaly Masters degree in Architecture Valedictorian, 9,39/10
Professional Experience
2017/9 - 2018/3
LIN Labor Integrativ Gesellschaft von Architekten mbH, Berlin Internship
2018/5 - 2019/6 Freelance
Interior Design projects and big-scale competitions alongside professionals
2021/5 - present Dax-I
Interior Design projects with focus on residencies. Mainly private clients
2015/8 - 2016/10 Greek National Contacter European Architecture Students Assocciation EASA
2015/6 Participation in “Default 5: Long Time No Sea” Short-film and architectural collage
2017/10 2nd Prize for Rauchstr. 34 - 40 LIN Architekten Internship
Valedictorian, Highest Grade Among Graduates in Masters Degree in Architecture University of Thessaly
Computer Rhino 3d + Vray, Archicad, Blender, 3ds Max, Sketch-up, Autocad, Photoshop, Ilus trator, InDe-sign, Premiere Pro, After Ef fects, Office
Model Making, Laser Cutting, Wood and Metal Fabrication
Greek, Native Speaker English, Proficient Speaker (C2) German, Intermediate Speaker (B2)
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Trash Is Not Going Away Recycling Center and Hab of Eco-Industrial Living
Seaside Ephemeral Accommodation Laboratory
A Gateway to the City Redesign of Konrad-Adenauer Square in Düsseldorf
Rauchstr. 34-40
Proposal for Residential Buildings in Spandau, Berlin
Interior Design
Fragments of my work the past year and a half

α T. I. N. G. A.
Trash Is Not Going Away Berlin, Germany
UTH Master Thesis Collaborators: Individual Winter 2020
This diploma project refers to a different time. In this time, nothing vanishes. Nothing magically disappears from our toilets and our trash cans to un known direction. Everything stays here, piled up, emblems of a coming com munity. And we all dance around them, around the beautiful nothingness, in love with the marks that time cannot erase, being true ecologists.
Springboard to this project was the video-essay of philosopher Slavoj Žižek, in the documentary Examined Life. There, Žižek addresses the relationship that mankind retains with its waste, the problematic issues of modern ecolo gy and possible theoretical outlets. The video starts with a general shot of a trash pile and Žižek saying “This is where we should start feeling at home”.
In regard now to the actual product of this academic project, there has been designed a recycling and sorting center in which, most importantly, trash are in open display.

To this is added a second-hand market with several workshops that deal with the practices of processing recycled material or reusing and repairing existing products.

With dark blue is highlighted the visitors’ main circulation-observation area, which takes place above the industrial activity.
The market’s and workshops’ main input comes from the recycling center. More over a student and volunteer/visitors’ housing unit is added along with offices for the public transport company, that owns the site.

The accommodation unit, used for both student and TINGA’s guest-volunteers, is designed to have in the center the main waste disposal facility, the toilet.

The recycling center works on an “in dustrial tourism” model that follows the one from agrotourism. In other words visitors work in the center and in return they live there and take part in the industrial life, its systems and chains of recycling.

With this project, besides the architectural proposal, I tried to find a different point of view on the ecological discourse. And through the lens of trash, which was used to zoom in to the city, an endoscopic view of exis tence might have been occurred.