PORTFOLIO Ky Sandefur Bachelor’s of Architecture 2019
The University of Oklahoma

Edu ca�on :
University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, USA
Graduated December 2019
Bachelor of Architecture
Minor: Interior Design
GPA: 3 44
Ksandefu@yahoo.c om
h�ps://issuu.c om/kysandefur
Skills :
Adobe Creative Cloud
DataCAD (19-22)
Lumion/Unreal Engine
Rhino 5
Python and C++
Maya and Blender
About Me:
An architecture graduate from the University of Oklahoma, I am organized and mo�vated, with an affinity for accuracy
I have varied experience with conceptual and realis�c projects, including mul�family residen�al projects with commercial spaces, furniture design, and de sign-build compe�tons.
Wo rk E xp eri en ce:
Womack + Hampton Architects: Dallas, TX, 2020-2023
- Entry Level Mul�family Residen�al Design Posi�on
- Building Design and Details in DataCAD
- Building Performance Analysis with ResCheck
Redland Childers Architects: Ada, OK, 2017
- Summer Intern Posi�on
- AutoCAD, Building Design, Photography, Graphic Design
Photography: 2016-2023
- Engagement, Landscape, and Architectural
- Architectural Photography Published in The Aster Review
Amazon: 2022-2023
- Consumer Tes�ng and Product Analysis
Walmart: Del City, OK, 2016
- Overnight stocking posi�on
McDonald’s: Central OK, 2013 & 2018
- Customer ser vice cashier experience
- Longstanding customer reten�on
- Church Food Pantr y, 2010-2019, 2023
- Habitat For Humanity (framing), 2017
Architecture Compe��ons:
- First Place: Tulsa Riverbank Compe��on 2016
-Entered: COTE 2016
- Entered: DBIA 2016
- Entered: 120 Hours 2017
- Entered: PAVE 2017
- Entered: NonArchitecture Ea�ng 2018
- Entered: 120 Hours 2018
- Second Place: TEXO 2018
- Second Place: TEXO 2019
- Entered: IES Dallas St udent Ligh�ng Compe��on 2020
Autodesk Revit 2017 Cer�fica�on : Buildi ng Performance Analysis Cer�ficate
Study Abroad: Germany, 2016
-Winter Abroad, Interior Design
- Visi ted an operahouse renova�on jobsite
- Learned importance of sustainabilit y
- Obser ved design across cultures
- Dean’s Honor Roll: 5 Semesters
- Distinguished Scholar Scholarship: 2014-2017
-National Honor Society: High School 2010-2013