2023 Portfolio

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PORTFOLIO Ky Sandefur Bachelor’s of Architecture 2019

The University of Oklahoma

Edu ca�on :

University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, USA

Graduated December 2019

Bachelor of Architecture

Minor: Interior Design

GPA: 3 44

Ksandefu@yahoo.c om


h�ps://issuu.c om/kysandefur

Skills :

Adobe Creative Cloud

DataCAD (19-22)

Lumion/Unreal Engine

Rhino 5







Python and C++

Maya and Blender

About Me:

An architecture graduate from the University of Oklahoma, I am organized and mo�vated, with an affinity for accuracy

I have varied experience with conceptual and realis�c projects, including mul�family residen�al projects with commercial spaces, furniture design, and de sign-build compe�tons.

Wo rk E xp eri en ce:

Womack + Hampton Architects: Dallas, TX, 2020-2023

- Entry Level Mul�family Residen�al Design Posi�on

- Building Design and Details in DataCAD

- Building Performance Analysis with ResCheck

Redland Childers Architects: Ada, OK, 2017

- Summer Intern Posi�on

- AutoCAD, Building Design, Photography, Graphic Design

Photography: 2016-2023

- Engagement, Landscape, and Architectural

- Architectural Photography Published in The Aster Review

Amazon: 2022-2023

- Consumer Tes�ng and Product Analysis

Walmart: Del City, OK, 2016

- Overnight stocking posi�on

McDonald’s: Central OK, 2013 & 2018

- Customer ser vice cashier experience

- Longstanding customer reten�on


- Church Food Pantr y, 2010-2019, 2023

- Habitat For Humanity (framing), 2017

Architecture Compe��ons:

- First Place: Tulsa Riverbank Compe��on 2016

-Entered: COTE 2016

- Entered: DBIA 2016

- Entered: 120 Hours 2017

- Entered: PAVE 2017

- Entered: NonArchitecture Ea�ng 2018

- Entered: 120 Hours 2018

- Second Place: TEXO 2018

- Second Place: TEXO 2019

- Entered: IES Dallas St udent Ligh�ng Compe��on 2020

Autodesk Revit 2017 Cer�fica�on : Buildi ng Performance Analysis Cer�ficate

Study Abroad: Germany, 2016

-Winter Abroad, Interior Design

- Visi ted an operahouse renova�on jobsite

- Learned importance of sustainabilit y

- Obser ved design across cultures


- Dean’s Honor Roll: 5 Semesters

- Distinguished Scholar Scholarship: 2014-2017

-National Honor Society: High School 2010-2013

Oth er E xp eri en ce:


NonArchitecture Eating 2018

Tulsa Riverbank Competition 2016

IES Dallas Student Lighting Competition, 2020

TEXO Design-Build Competition, 2018 and 2019

2020-2023 Professional Site Visit Work Examples

Concept Sketch

First Place

Team Members: Ky Sandefur, John Brown, James Spear, Jacob Stinson, Daniel Kleypas, Aubrey Pontious, Mahsa Yan

Tulsa Riverbank Competition 2016
Arkansas River Pedestrian Crossing BoardwalkLearningCenter Interstate 44

Boardwalk Learning Center

Arkansas River Pedestrian

IES Dallas Student Lighting Competition


Energy Calculation Budget Analysis Library Plan
Jamie Anderson Mackenzie
Ky Sandefur 2020

Library Stacks

2018 TEXO: James Spear, Trent Leonard, Dalton Gilliam, Orion Couch, Ky Sandefur, Kelson Willet

34,000 sqft - Recovery and Wellness Center

$12,240,000 budget

2018 TEXO 2019 TEXO

2019 TEXO: Trent Leonard, Dalton Gilliam, Orion Couch,

2020-2023 Professional Site Visit

Work Examples

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