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Workshop on Climate Change Workshop on Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction Overview of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)

Presented by Nyi Nyi Soe

20 December 2010

Basic DRR Concepts • Risk ‐ The expected losses (lives lost, persons injured, damage to property and disruption of economic damage to property, and disruption of economic activity or livelihood) • Hazard ‐ An event or physical condition that is a potential cause of fatalities, injuries, property damage, l ff l d infrastructure damage, agricultural loss, environmental damage, business interruption, or other types of harm or loss • Vulnerability ‐ The conditions determined by physical, social, economic, and environmental factors or social, economic, and environmental factors or processes, which increase the susceptibility of a community to the impact of hazards. • Capacity‐ A combination of all the strengths and A combination of all the strengths and resources available

Disaster ‐A serious disruption of the functioning causing widespread human, material, economic or environmental losses ‐The set of adverse effects caused by social‐natural social natural and natural phenomena on human life, properties and infrastructure

Disaster Risk = Hazard x Vulnerability/Capacity Disaster Risk = Hazard x Vulnerability/Capacity Disaster i risk i k reduction d i i to improve is i capacity i and to reduce vulnerability

Disaster Management Cycle R I S K M A N A G E M E N T

Disaster Impact Response









Disaster Risk Management Disaster Risk Management • Prevention‐To Prevention To ensure that human action or natural phenomena do not cause or result in disaster or similar emergency g y • Mitigation‐To minimize the destructive and disruptive effects of hazards and thus lessen the magnitude of a disaster • Preparedness Preparedness‐To To minimize loss of life and damage, to organize and facilitate effective rescue and relief,, and to rehabilitate after disaster

Disaster Risk Reduction Disaster Risk Reduction • All actions taken to decrease the consequences of an event including measures of prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response, and research • Consider with the possibilities to minimize vulnerabilities and disaster risks throughout a society, to avoid (prevention) or to limit ( ii i (mitigation and d preparedness) d ) the h adverse d impacts of hazards

Structural / non‐structural Structural / non structural measures measures Structural measures • any physical construction to reduce or avoid possible impacts of hazards, which include engineering measures and construction measures and construction of hazard‐resistant and protective structures and i f t t infrastructure

Non‐structural measures • Training, capacity building policy development, awareness, knowledge development, public commitment and methods commitment, and methods and standard operating procedures, including participatory mechanisms ti i t h i and the provision of information

DRR Initiatives in Myanmar DRR Initiatives in Myanmar • Community based DRR programmes y p g done by y various I/NGOs and UN agencies • Development of policy documents such as Myanmar Action Plan on DRR Institutional Myanmar Action Plan on DRR, Institutional Arrangement for DM • Capacity development at various development Capacity development at various development • Public awareness through media and IEC materials • DRR discussion forums such as DRR Working Group and CSF ‐ DRR

How is Adaptation different from DRR?

• Origins (humanitarian assistance vs. scientific theory) g ( y) • Hazard types (all hazards vs. climate‐related hazards) • Time horizons (present vs. future) • Approach to autonomous resilience (sufficient vs. insufficient) • Planning information (historical data vs. modelling) • Orientation (community‐oriented vs. policy‐oriented) Orientation (community oriented vs policy oriented) • Tools (established vs. emerging) • Political recognition (weak vs. strong) • Funding (ad‐hoc & insufficient vs. substantive & increasing)

THANK you y

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