Meetings with a difference
Tartu Tartu, Estonia’s second largest city (population 100,000) and the capital city of the country’s southern region, is a perfect place to hold an academic conference. Home to the Estonia’s top university, as well as a number of other institutes, research centres, biotechnology industries and several software companies, Tartu is the nation’s education and innovation capital. The city’s academic credentials make it a great choice for all types of scientific and medical conferences. Tartu is one of Estonia’s prime conference destinations, hosting as many as 400 events each year. The oldest city in Baltic states provides a charming backdrop: A hodge-podge of 18th- and 19th-century buildings line the street of its historic Old Town, itself centred on the handsome expanse of Town Hall Square.
Town Hall
Adjoining Old Town on its western edge is the quiet, leafy Toome hill with its 13th-century cathedral ruins, while on its
to cover on foot. With everything within easy walking
east side the Emajõgi river, fronted by parks ad spanned by
distance, Tartu has a distinctively small town feel.
foot bridges, drifts lazily past. Tartu University, established in 1632, dominates the historic town centre. Conveniently,
Tartu is also the launching point for trips to number of
many of its buildings and lecture theatres, both modern
other interesting destinations around Southern Estonia.
and classical, are available for use as conference venues.
One of the most intriguing areas to visit is Setomaa, home of the Seto people, an ethnic group with its
Jaani (St John’s) Church and Cultural Quarter, an Old Town
own unique traditions that’s been living in this
block made up of the Medieval St John’s Church and the
corner of Estonia since time immemorial.
St Anthony’s Guild, is Tartu’s best single spot for sights,
Those looking for a unique cultural
activities and fun. With more than 1,000 terracotta statues,
experience should travel to the
the church itself is a must-see as well as a prime concert
villages around Lake Peipus to
venue. A few meters away the historic St Anthony’s is
visit the traditional communities
home to 22 arts and crafts workshops where visitors can
of Russian Old Believers,
watch masters at work and browse their creations. Thanks to the creative ambiance generated by its 20, 000 students, Tartu has a café and bar culture that rivals that of the capital. There’s never a shortage of interesting places for one-on-one discussions, relaxing breaks or evening unwinding. Tartu’s neoclassical city centre is small enough