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Green With Envy First Class, Sustainable Events

Sustainability by design: Smart business, better events

Nancy J. Zavada, CMP Co-Founder, Green Meeting Industry Council Principal, MeetGreen

Michael Luehrs Sustainability Advisor President, GMIC


Overview • Sustainability Defined • Mega trends • Best practice • Get Started

Design “You have to start with the customer experience and work back …not the other way around.”

What and Why? What do we mean by sustainability? Why does it matter? How important is it for business? (3 min)

What and Why? What do we mean by sustainability? Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Why does it matter? During the last decade Estonia experienced a fast progress towards economic welfare, but the same cannot be said in regard to social coherence, ecological balance and developments in the cultural space-- Statistics Estonia

How important is it for business? - In 2007, Estonia produced twice as much waste as in 2000 - Demand for resources will increase by 50% increase before 2030 - Employees at green companies are 16 percent more productive

Events Industry Examples of how to improve event design? What do you wish worked better about your event?

(3 min)

• Produces 27 kgs of solid waste (2 at home) • Uses 3200 l of water (976 at home) • A 2012 event w 15000 delegates = 27.000 t C02. • 646,500 new trees growing for 10 years • More than annual CO2 Honduras, Costa Rica, El Salvador and Paraguay combined •

Driving a Hummer 2250 times around the equator

What’s Happening in the World?

Assessment Planners (and destinations) are -Not asking -Not measuring -Not engaging

What’s Happening in the World?

Audio Visual Accommodation


On-Site Office


APEX/ASTM Environmentally Your Text here Sustainable Event Standards

Title Destinations Meeting Venue Food & Beverage


ISO 20121 = Process



Targets /KPI

Track progress/report

Measure, Report, Improve • • • • •

Have objectives Engage suppliers Track performance Share results Improve next time

Industry Threat?

Virtual Meetings

Business Case? • 4000 people, 113 countries • 70% : sustainability permanent part of the agenda • “necessary to being competitive” • 1/3: “contributes to profitability” • 68% have increased committments

Business Case? • “Business cannot survive in a society that fails”” • The need for companies to play a more active role is very transparent” – Paul Polman

• Share price has doubled since 2010 when plan was launched

Events: Cost Saving • • • •

Serving in bulk Reduce printing Reuse signage Reduce transport

1 event: Amex saved $65000 US by Switching to water coolers

Case Study • 60% local food purchased • 96,897 lbs within 100 miles • 63% of hotels using green-certified cleaners • 100% compliance with sustainable seafood

Case Study • UN Global Compact • CSR criteria in RFPs • CO2 offsetting thru Saambou Sewing Cooperative • Messaging at every session

Case Study • 8 different NGO’s directly benefit from 2012 event • Supplier Collaboration • Exhibitor incentive • Sustainable event assessment

Destinations: Case Studies • • • • •

Copenhagen San Francisco Vancouver Thailand / TCEB Gothenburg

Tips to Start


Goals! Do you have targets for your events? (budgets, attendance, media) Pro tip: have goals for desired sustainability outcomes

KPIs % of compliant hotels

% of local items on menu

MeetGreen Score

80% waste diversion

CO2 emissions


% of recycled content in signage

Measure, Report, Improve

Destination Does the destination have: • Recycling infrastructure • Venues within walking distance • Public transportation – airports

Communications • Use post consumer/recycled paper 20% • Reduce or eliminate programs – use electronic options • Ensure signage is made from environmentally responsible materials: – FSC certified wood – Reused metals – Non vinyl – OR- resusable


Hotels • Ask about – Carbon emissions – Waste diversion – Donation programs

• Look for – Occupancy sensors – Waste management – Non toxics

Venues • Ask about – Ability to provide energy report – Waste diversion – Donation programs

• Look for – Efficient lighting – Waste management – Certification

Stuff • Conference bags: Really? • made from renewable sources by communities • Built for re-use • Multi year sponsors

• Sourcing & Substrates • Know your suppliers


Local and organic Local, non-organic


Organic, non-local

Bulk Up

Meeting Venue • Ask: – Efficiency initiatives – Team training – Measurement & goals

• Look for: – Low flow toilets/sinks – Anti idling policy – Energy efficient practices – Effective waste management

Transportation • • • •

Develop & enforce a no idling policy Use hybrid or alternative fueled vehicles Encourage use of public transportation Measure CO2

Social Responsibility Integrate Co-Create Delegate Activate & Elevate

Sourcing: Pro Tip

Influence! • • • •

Policies Requests for proposals Contracts Reports

Tell Your Story • • • • •

Registration sites Measure and report Invite Media Write Articles Apply for awards

Design “You have to start with the customer experience and work back …not the other way around.”


1 Action - Develop a policy? - Ask clients - Back of house tour on next site? -Measuring carbon next event?

Resources •MeetGreen® •Green Meeting Industry Council •Convention Industry Council PEXASTM.aspx

Thank You! @michaelluehrs

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