PRACTICAL WORK Nº 1 PHONETICS III 1. What are the prosodic features of the English language?
2. What is intonation? How can we define intonation? 3. What is the role of pitch in defining intonation? What does the term “pitch” refers to? 4. Why do we say English is an intonation language? 5. Describe the form of English intonation 6. What are the functions of English intonation? Provide examples 7. Why do we say English intonation is systematic, characteristic and significant? 8. What does Peter Roach say that discourse function is the most compressible one? DEVELOPMENT 1. The Prosodic (or suprasegmental) characteristics of speech are those
of pitch, loudness and speed. These combine together to make up the rhythm of speech. It is clear that different languages also regularly differ in their prosodic characteristics. Stress is realized by a combination of loudness, pitch and duration. The difference of meaning depends entirely upon the location of the stress. In English there are a few pairs of words distinguished just by stress, for example ‘import (noun) and im’port (verb). Stress is an important part of spoken identity of an English word. Tone is another prosodic characteristic, being realized mainly by differences in the pitch of the voice (e.g. high level, mid level, rising or falling) an acceleration in the rate of vibration is heard as a rising pitch, a slowing down as a falling pitch. 2. Intonation is the melody of speech. In studying intonation we study how the pitch of the voice rises and falls, and how the pitch of the voice rises and falls, and how speakers use this pitch variation to convey linguistic and pragmatic meaning. It also involves the study of the rhythm of speech. Then, if we had no intonation, our speech would be monotonous. 3. The pitch of the voice plays an important part in the definition of
intonation. One of the most important tasks in analysing intonation is to listen to the speaker’s pitch and recognise what it is doing; this is not an easy thing to do, an it seems to be a quite different skill