Export Twitter Tweets

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Twitter Archiver Premium

With Twitter Archiver, you can save tweets for any #hashtag or search results in a Google sheet automatically. You can track and archive what people are saying about your brand, capture interesting tweets around an hashtag, create a tweetbook with your own tweets and more. The Twitter Archiver program works in the background and automatically adds new tweets as they arrive. It can even fetch older tweets for the previous 6-9 days. Here are some sample search terms that you try monitoring and archiving with the Twitter Archiver. • #IndianEnglish - Archive all tweets with this particular hashtag. • to:twitter filter:links - Show all tweets sent to @twitter user that have links (URLs) in the tweet. • iPad OR iPhone OR iPod - Show tweets that mention either of these Apple products. • from:narendramodi lang:hi - Show tweets from this user that are written in a particular language (say Hindi) You can get your copy of the Twitter Archiver from Digital Inspiration.

Digital Inspiration www.ctrlq.org

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Twitter Archiver Premium

1. Create a Twitter App Go to apps.twitter.com, sign-in with your existing Twitter account and click the "Create New App" button to make a new Twitter Application for archiving tweets. The app will have readonly access to Twitter meaning it will only be used for fetching Twitter search results but won't be able to post tweets.

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Twitter Archiver Premium

1.1 Describe the Twitter App Give you Twitter app a unique name, fill in the description and put https://spreadsheets.google.com/macros in the Callback URL field. Agree to the terms and click the Create button to finish building your twitter archiver application.

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Twitter Archiver Premium

1.2 Get the Twitter Keys On the next page, click the "API Keys" tab and make a note of your API key and the API secret. We will need these values in a later step.

Digital Inspiration www.ctrlq.org

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Twitter Archiver Premium

2. Install Twitter Archiver Open the Twitter Archiver Premium sheet (available here) and choose "Make a Copy" under the File menu to clone this sheet into your Google Drive.

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Twitter Archiver Premium

2.1 Specify Search Queries You may notice that the sheets inside the Spreadsheet are named as Search #1, Search #2 and so on. You need to replace these with search terms or #hashtags that you would like to sheet to monitor and archive. You can specify as many as 10 different search queries in a spreadsheet.

Digital Inspiration www.ctrlq.org

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Twitter Archiver Premium

3. Configure the app Open the Google Script editor available under the Tools menu of the Google sheet.

Digital Inspiration www.ctrlq.org

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Twitter Archiver Premium

3.1 Specify Twitter Keys Replace KEY and SECRET on this screen with the consumer keys that were made available when you created the Twitter application for Tweet Archiver.

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Twitter Archiver Premium

3.2 Authorize the App Choose the Initialize option under the Run menu. An "authorization required" dialog will popup. Click the "Authorize" button and the Twitter Archiver will go live.

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Twitter Archiver Premium

4. Installation Complete Close the Google Script editor window and switch to the Google Spreadsheet. You'll see a message box saying the Archiver is now active. Close the sheet and it will begin fetching tweets in about 2-3 minutes.

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Twitter Archiver Premium

5. Tips The sheet has a special Twitter Archiver menu that offers a couple of helpful functions. 1. Clear Sheet - This will clear the content of the current active sheet but not the other sheets. 2. Stop Service - If you wish to stop the program from archiving any more tweets, use this option. 3. Factory Reset - This will stop the service and also clear the content of all sheets inside the spreadsheet. 4. Start Service - If you would like to re-initialize the service after the factory reset, use this option.

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Twitter Archiver Premium

Support For help and support, send me an email at amit@labnol.org or tweet @labnol. If you require custom Google Apps Script, please visit ctrlq.org. You can find more useful Google Scripts on Digital Inspiration.

Digital Inspiration www.ctrlq.org

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