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MICHAEL CONAGHAN TD Keeping in Touch Spring/Summer 2015 INTRODUCTION


After many difficult years, Labour in Government has helped to stabilise the economy. We have moved to a new phase where we can begin restoring living standards for Irish families. We want to primarily benefit low and middle-income earners so that the recovery will benefit those that most need it. Labour in Government is delivering for them through both tax and welfare changes in as fair and equitable a manner as our electoral mandate will allow. We are prioritising essential investment in public services such as health, education and social housing.

In Budget 2015, my colleague Minister Alan Kelly ensured that investing in the building of new family homes is of our main priorities for the year ahead:

We will continue our unrelenting drive to help people back into well paid employment, with measures specifically designed to assist jobseekers with families return to paid employment. For 2015, Labour in Government will mark a decisive shift towards shared prosperity.

■ In 2015 alone there will be a 40%

■ Over €2.2 billion has been allocated for housing provision for the next three years. increase in housing spending with €800 million allocated for the housing programme this year.

■ 7,500 family homes will be delivered in 2015 and 40,000 family homes will be delivered by 2020. This will help many families who are on Dublin City Council housing waiting lists.

■ Spending on homelessness services will dramatically increase in 2015.


NATIONAL CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL The design for the new National Children’s Hospital at St James’s in Dublin has been unveiled. The proposed hospital makes provision for 42 critical care beds, 18 neonatal critical care beds and 380 single inpatient rooms. Planning permission for the development is expected to be lodged in June and the hospital is scheduled to open in 2020. This project will bring jobs across many different sectors to our area.

Michael Conaghan TD

The new Low Pay Commission has begun its review of Ireland’s minimum wage and is expected to deliver its first verdict by midJuly. This is the next step in the Labour Party’s efforts to reward work and bring greater fairness for low-paid workers as the economic recovery takes hold. Having a job is the best protector against poverty and fair wages and conditions are essential to that. I have received positive indications from my colleague Minister for Business and Employment, Ged Nash that 2015 will be the year of the pay rise.

Dáil Éireann

Phone: 618 4033

Kildare Street, Dublin 2

Email: MichaelConaghanTD



Many large companies have now started to recruit apprentices for the first time in years. First up was Irish Rail and Eircom, the ESB have also announced it is to recruit 300 apprenticeships over the next five years. This is a genuine breakthrough which will bring huge benefits to young job-seekers. I am looking forward to seeing the Government expand and enhance the role of apprenticeships. For too long, apprenticeships have been undervalued. My colleagues Joan Burton and Jan O’Sullivan have been working tremendously hard promoting the value of apprenticeships to every industry in Ireland. Apprenticeships are the best route to higher pay levels. Skills can command much higher pay rates as the economy grows and employers start to hire again. I want new apprenticeships to be higher up the value chain commanding higher incomes.

I am delighted with the news that the Garda College in Templemore is after reopening in the last year for Garda Recruitment after the previous Government closed it, as well as a further investment in the Garda car fleet. In the next year there will be extra Gardaí on our streets, making sure our community is a safe place to live.

FREE GP CARE FOR UNDER 6S AND OVER 70S The government deal with the doctors (IMO) will mean an additional 270,000 children under 6 will benefit from GP care free at the point of service. The agreement is the first step in the phased introduction of a universal GP service without fees. The long-drawn out negotiations will include an agreed cycle of care for children diagnosed with asthma. The agreement is due to commence this summer and will also provide GP care for all people over the age of 70.



The Government’s choice of Richmond Barracks as one of only seven national 1916 commemorative projects is indeed a fitting tribute to the men and women who led the 1916 Rebellion and were all temporarily housed at Richmond Barracks. This was the only space that all the insurgents ever stood together. The museum to commemorate the stirring happenings associated with 1916 will open in Richmond Barracks at Easter next year.

The road surface on the main thoroughfare through Cherry Orchard i.e. Cherry Orchard Avenue is in need of urgent maintenece due to extensive and severe potholing. It is hazardous for road users in general. I have written to the Engineer to meet him on-site.

CYCLEWAY THROUGH BALLYFERMOT I have asked the road engineers to inspect and assess the cycleroute through Ballyfermot with a view to significantly improving it, particularly from a safety point of view for cyclists.

ANCIENT CEMETERY AT BLUEBELL There is an abiding interest amongst older residents about the history of this ancient burial place. I have been asked to make renewed efforts to establish the “story” of this cemetery.

PAINTING OF PARK RAILINGS AT CLADDAGH GREEN Residents have complained about the dilapidated look of the railings around this green. The railings must not have been painted for years, I have asked the Council to attend to this as it takes from the look of the general area.

MAJOR CYCLEWAY PROPOSED IN KILMAINHAM, INCHICORE AND DRIMNAGH DISTRICTS A cycleway linking Trinity College, Kilmainham, Inchicore and extending to Drimnagh Castle via Landsdowne Valley is being planned by the City Council. Recently, I had a meeting with the Council’s Cycleway planner and engineer advising on the various aspects of this proposal.

Dáil Éireann, Leinster House, Kildare Street, Dublin 2 Phone: 618 4033 MichaelConaghanTD Email:


Michael Conaghan TD

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