Dowds robert palmerstown a3 news summer 3675

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PALMERSTOWN UPDATE Robert Dowds TD Summer 2014

NEW LABOUR LEADERSHIP TO WORK FOR FAIRER SOCIETY The Labour Party received a clear message from the voters during the Local and European elections. We heard this message, and we are taking action. In the past few weeks the Labour Party has elected a new leader, Joan Burton, and a new Deputy Leader, Alan Kelly. ■ Labour and the new Tánaiste will keep doing everything we can to create new jobs for the unemployed and to help people get back to work. We will do this through our Pathways to Work strategy. ■ Housing will be the number one issue for our Deputy Leader, Alan Kelly. We will begin a construction programme to provide houses and get the 80,000 unemployed construction workers back in jobs. ■ We will establish a Low Pay Commission ■ In Budget 2015, we will improve the system of child supports so that people moving from welfare to work will keep their payments. ■ In the same budget, we will also increase the Household Benefits Package by about €100 a year, to help older people and vulnerable groups. ■ We will prioritise the over 70s in the next phase of the roll-out of free access to GP care, and after that we will extend it to children aged 6-11 and then 12-17. We recognise that cuts have been awful for people, but it had to be done because the country was broke. The country is recovering but people do not yet see that in their pockets. We are trying to change this by creating more jobs and making life easier for families.

DOWDS WORKS WITH LOCAL GROUPS TO SOLVE PROBLEMS WITH PALMERSTOWN CEMETERY Robert has attended a number of meetings between Palmerstown residents and representatives from Palmerstown Cemetery. The meetings are aimed at helping to address some of the issues raised by local people. Discussions are continuing but so far, it has been agreed: ■ to try and improve wheelchair access to the site ■ Glasnevin Cemetery Trust (which runs the cemetery), will work with South Dublin County Council to prevent illegal access to the cemetery from Palmerstown Manor and Court ■ to try harder to resolve traffic issues occurring at funerals by allowing more cars into the cemetery Also discussed were toilet facilities, how security issues impact on local residents and traders, and the long-term plans for the cemetery. Robert said “If you have any queries relating to these or other issues with the cemetery, please do not hesitate to contact my office, and I will raise them in my next meeting with the Trust.”


FREE TRAVEL PASS SAFE The Labour Party has committed to protecting the free travel pass. A review was being carried out on the way the free travel scheme works, but that was to make sure that it can be enjoyed by as many people for the next fifty years as it was for the last.

There has been a lot of confusion recently about the new Housing Assistance Payment. However there are many benefits to this new system that have been overlooked. HAP is a payment that will replace rent supplement for people who are in private accommodation. If you are on a housing list, you can take up HAP and still seek a transfer to a council house, a RAS-type tenancy, or accommodation from a housing association.

Speaking in the Dáil, the Tánaiste has made it clear that the free travel pass is safe, has been protected in recent budgets and will continue to be protected.

It allows people to take up a full time job and continue to get a housing assistance payment, unlike the present system.

Robert said “I am delighted that despite the difficult economic situation the government and the country is facing, we have been able to protect the free travel pass and that we will continue to do so. The Labour Party has a vision for older people, a vision of a society which recognises and respects their valuable role by providing them with help, where necessary, to participate as fully as possible in economic and social life.”


Under HAP, you find your own accommodation and pay your contribution to the rent directly to the council. If your main income is from social welfare, your rent contribution will be deducted and paid to the council. The council will pay the full amount of the rent, up to the maximum limit, direct to the landlord for you. It is to be made available in South County Dublin in the coming months (for more information please telephone my office).

Constituency Office: Main Street, Clondalkin, Dublin 22 Tel: 618 3446

Mobile: 087 652 0360 E-mail: Website:

Robert Dowds


WORKING WITH RESIDENTS' ASSOCIATIONS Recently I have been attending the AGM’s of residents' associations in the Palmerstown area. This is a good opportunity for me to hear about the issues of local people and get a sense of how I can help. Following a meeting with Palmerstown Manor Residents’ Association, I have been in contact with the Council regarding a number of different road signs, and they have agreed to consider all requests at their next traffic planning meeting. I would like to thank those that have invited me to AGM's so far, and offer to attend any future meetings you may be organising.

LABOUR WORKING TO CREATE JOBS Recent figures coming from the Department of Social protection are very encouraging. There is still a lot more work to be done, but we are moving in the right direction. Below is some ofthe good news announced in the last few weeks. ■ 1.89 million people now in work, an increase of 42,700 compared to the same time last year, and there has been a 2.3% increase in employment in the last year. ■ There has been a reduction of almost 7% in the Clondalkin and Lucan live register, meaning over 600 people have found work, or are back in education. ■ 2,400 long-term unemployed back in paid work as a result of Government’s JobsPlus Scheme, reaching its target two years early. ■ Three times more jobs created in the construction and property industry compared to this time last year. ■ 1,000 small firms will benefit from digital vouchers by the end of this year after a successful pilot in Dublin area. 60% of these expect to hire new employees in the next 12 months. ■ 2013 saw greatest level of jobs and export performance in over a decade says Enterprise Ireland. ■ 44,893 New positions advertised since the start of 2014

DOWDS FIGHTING FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT FUNDING Robert Dowds is continuing to fight for the biggest allocation of property tax for South Dublin County. It is really important that the council gets to keep 80% of the money raised, without losing any other government funding. Robert says: “I am working to make sure the Minister and the government keep the promises they made about local government grants. South Dublin County Council has huge needs to service. Citizens who live in our capital city cannot be left without the central supports on housing, homelessness, transport, health, education and culture that every other citizen elsewhere will receive. I fought hard to make sure that 80% of the money raised from the property tax will stay local, and now I am continuing to make sure that we will not be deprived of government grants because we raise more money than other parts of the country.”

LABOUR REVERSES FIANNA FÁIL FEES FOR INFORMATION The decision to abolish the application fee of €15 for Freedom of Information requests is a radical, reforming move by the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform Brendan Howlin. The Labour Party has always strongly supported the idea of Freedom of Information across all government services since we introduced the Bill in 1997, until it was watered down by Fianna Fáil in 2003.In this Dáil, Minister Howlin has introduced a large amount of reforming legislation on Oireachtas Inquiries, lobbying and protection of whistleblowers, alongside the Freedom of Information Bill, that will help to create a more open and transparent democracy in Ireland.

The fees, barriers and restrictions introduced by Fianna Fáil are being hugely reduced with this new legislation that will overhaul our FOI law and extend its reach to nearly all publicly funded bodies. Robert said: “I am delighted with the introduction of these reforms. People should not have to pay for basic information about how our government works, or how people’s taxes are spent. This Bill will reverse the unfair charges Fianna Fáil introduced in most cases and is a big step in changing the way we do politics in Ireland.”

If you wish to raise any issue with me, whether personal, local or national, please contact me. Constituency Office: Main Street, Clondalkin, Dublin 22 Tel: 618 3446 Mobile: 087 652 0360 E-mail: Website:

Working with your local Labour team Joanna Tuffy TD 01 6183822

You can talk to me at my advice centres:

Robert Dowds

■ 10am every Monday morning on Main Street, Clondalkin


■ 12 noon every third Saturday of the month at Palmerstown Community Centre

There will be no clinics in August, please phone my office to arrange a time to meet me. 0612

Robert Dowds TD

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