GILMORE EAMON A4 REPORT_Layout 1 26/11/2013 17:25 Page 1
Tánaiste Eamon Gilmore TD Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs & Trade
REBUILDING IRELAND’S REPUTATION When I took on the job of Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade I had one key task in mind: restoring Ireland’s reputation after the damage that Fianna Fáil had done to it, so this Government could begin rebuilding the economy. Following a successful EU Presidency, our election to the Human Rights Council of the United Nations, our year-long Chairmanship in Office of the OSCE, the successful renegotiation of the terms of our EU/IMF bailout, wide and comprehensive consultation regarding our imminent bailout exit, and two and a half years of communicating Ireland’s recovery strategy to our international partners at every available opportunity, we are starting to see results. We are now in a position to promote a positive image of post-crisis Ireland.
ECONOMIC RECOVERY PROMOTING TRADE AND INVESTMENT In 2011, as the Labour Party was elected to Government, Ireland was teetering on the edge of the economic abyss. Since then we have seen several key milestones on the way to economic recovery, all of which have had an international, foreign affairs dimension. We have: ■ torn up the Anglo promissory note ■ renegotiated the terms of our bailout loans ■ saved €10b in debt repayments; €40b in money we won’t now need to borrow ■ secured agreement at EU level to break the vicious link between banks and sovereigns ■ prepared the country for bailout exit this year, against all the odds
ECONOMIC DIPLOMACY Shortly after the formation of the Government, I recalled our Ambassadors to stress the importance of economic diplomacy. With immediate effect, our diplomats began a coordinated lobbying effort for debt relief in every European capital. This reorientation of the Department’s work was of central importance to promoting Ireland’s economic interests abroad.
In 2011, I rebranded my Department as the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, putting trade – Ireland’s economic lifeblood – at the heart of our foreign policy. I also formed the Export Trade Council to coordinate our national efforts across the various Government Departments and State Agencies in order to support our Irish exporters. This year I launched a review of the Government’s Trade, Tourism and Investment Strategy, ‘Trading and Investing in a Smart Economy’ to reassess our approach to international markets and make sure that it is fit for purpose in the current global economic environment. That review is due for completion later this year. We have more than doubled the annual number of ministerial-led Enterprise Ireland trade missions supporting home-grown Irish companies, up from eight in 2011 to 18 in 2013.