Higgins lorraine gort news 3558

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SENATOR LORRAINE HIGGINS working with Dessie O’Brien

TAKING GORT FORWARD The Labour Party Summer 2014 CREATING JOBS LOCALLY The IDA have not announced any new investment from multi-national companies in Gort for some number of years . The delivery of a multi-national company to this area is critical to the future of this town and creating jobs. We will work to put pressure on IDA Ireland to ensure Gort gets it's fair share of foreign direct investment coming into the country. We will also work to ensure any red tape with regard to planning, bureaucracy etc is overcome so as to ensure the earliest possible delivery of jobs to the Gort area.

BOOSTING LOCAL TOURISM We need to capitalise on what we have in this town and have a vision for what we can deliver. With the strong links to Yeats and Lady Gregory we need to further tap into this ready made market and work with Failte Ireland to develop this further. This is essential to ensure we retain our local jobs and create some more. Businesses in this town are paying business rates to Galway County Council and are getting very little for them. We believe a percentage of these rates should be used for the purposes of marketing Gort both nationally and internationally. Money should be spent on branding and strategy to encourage more visitors. We need to have a new vision as to how we can encourage people here so as to help businesses and create jobs. A marketing strategy and a marketing fund is key to delivering on this.

PROVIDING PROPER FOOTPATH ACCESS Despite the number of estates constructed in Gort over the past ten years and the possible millions acquired in development contributions it seems no effort was made to ensure that money was spent in Gort for the betterment of the area. We need and expect more and fight to deliver our fair share of funding from Galway County Council so we can enhance this town.

NEED FOR COMMUTER TRAIN TICKET PRICES If we lived in commuter areas in Dublin we would benefit from reduced fares. So why not for people travelling to Galway each day on our trains? This would suit commuters, tourists and travellers alike and help us build on the numbers visiting Gort. We are working to deliver price savings for commuters in Gort.

TRAFFIC CALMING MEASURES Despite speed limits on the outskirts of Gort there still remains an issue with cars speeding in this area. With a number of elderly, infirm and young residents here this presents a significant danger to all. This needs to be addressed and you have our commitment to working hard to alleviate this risk.




JOBS 14.7% -64,500 -7,000 -2.5%

FREE CAR PARKING FACILITIES Galway County Council are supposed to be providing services to us. Let's make them. Gort needs a site to be earmarked for a car park so it will have a positive knock on effect for families and tourists visiting not to mention town centre businesses who urgently require free spaces. It is imperative that new car parking plans are put forward.

DEALING WITH ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR We will use the Joint Policing Committees to increase measures in troublesome black-spots and will increase cooperation between Local Authorities, estate management forum, and Gardai so as the deal with this issue so people can live happily and safely, free from fear in their homes.

Live Register At work (Annual change) Jobs per month


11.9% +70,000 +5,000











Junk Status





AND THAT'S NOT ALL! We are proposing an increase in the number of dog and litter wardens; the continued maintenance of public parks and development of playgrounds; and will tackle the growing problem of illegal dumping in our towns.

SENATOR LORRAINE HIGGINS Seanad Éireann: Leinster House, Kildare Street, Dublin 2 Tel: 01 618 3186 Email: lorraine.higgins@oir.ie

Web: www.lorrainehiggins.com Follow Lorraine on:

Constituency Offices: Piggott Street, Loughrea McDonald’s Lane, Athenry Tel: 091 842200

Working with your local Labour Team

Madge Dean 087 9107231 madgedean1@gmail.com

Clement Shevlin 086 0758565 clementshevlin@gmail.com

Dessie O’Brien 087 8346441 dessiebriensbar@gmail.com

Cllr Johnny Walsh 087 9973008 0612

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