Humphreys kevin education leaflet 4588

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Some of the School Projects underway in Dublin Bay South Work is also underway or completed on many schools not listed here. We are working with parents to secure a new Educate Together national school in the Dublin 6/6W area. We know the pressure parents are under to find places locally at primary and second level. We support the efforts to set up an Educate Together second level school in the south city area.

New school building approved for St Marys, Belmont Avenue National School – construction work underway.

Building secured for new primary school in Portobello area on Harcourt Terrace - design competition underway - then patron selection.

Haddington Road - New 24 classroom primary school planned – tenders being considered by design team.

We are working with the Milltown School Initiative to secure a new primary school for the Milltown area.

A MeSSAge froM ruAiri Quinn TD

The OPW have gone to tender for a new 16 classroom school for Griffith Barracks Multidenominational National School.

Three new classrooms delivered for Scoil Mhuire (Lakelands) on Gilford Road.

When I was Minister for Education and Skills I undertook an ambitious programme of reform and building to deliver a better education system. My successor Minister Jan O’Sullivan continues that necessary work and we are making steady progress. I will be stepping down from Dáil Éireann when the next election is called. In the meantime I continue to work with Minister of State Kevin Humphreys on issues in our constituency of Dublin Bay South. Updates on education and other local issues are available at You can continue to contact me on 01 618 3434 or

Funding secured for a new Sports Centre at the swimming pool for Marian College.

New Shellybanks Educate Together National School delivered for Dublin 4 - we are working now to secure a permanent home.

Working Locally with: Kevin Humphreys TD 01 618 3224 Kevin Humphreys @KHumphreysTD


Kevin Humphreys TD, Minister of State Dáil Éireann, Kildare Street, Dublin 2 Phone: 01-618 3224 Email: khumphreystd @khumphreystd Sign up for Kevin's email newsletter at

How to get in touch with Kevin:

See more inside ✓ Literacy & Numeracy - First Improvements since 1980 ✓ Investing in Better Schools – Classrooms not Prefabs ✓ 21st Century Apprenticeships - New Career Options ✓ A Better Start for Pre-School children ✓ More teachers, More SNAs - Better Opportunities ✓ Delivering a Better State for Pre-School Children

Better education our record

LiTerAcy AnD nuMerAcy

Delivering the first improvements in 30


Literacy and Numeracy and provided ■ We published a National Strategy for the resources to implement it. r, and it is working. ■ We will spend €13.8m on it this yea primary schools has improved ■ Maths and reading performance in our significantly for the first time since 1980. met and surpassed. ■ The 2020 targets have already been for us to break the cycle of poverty, ■ Investing in education is the best way young people. and begin levelling the playing field for all disadvantage in every school in the ■ We are now examining the level of country. target our resources to the schools ■ Once this work is done, we can then with the greatest level of need.

inveSTing in BeTTer Schoo

classrooms not Prefabs


■ During the greatest boom our country has ever seen, Fianna Fái l failed to invest in our schools, and by 200 9 were spending almost €40m each year renting prefabs instea d of building permanent classroom s. ■ Thanks to Labour’s prefab rep lacement scheme, the amount spe nt on renting prefabs has now been cut in half. ■ We published a transparent five year school building programm e. ■ From 2012 to 2016, we are spending more than €2bn on ma jor school building projects all across the country. During this year alo ne, 70 new schools or major extension s will be constructed across Ireland with dozens of new classrooms in Dublin Bay South. ■ In September, a revised 5 yea r building programme will be pub lished for the years from 2016 to 2020, continuing Labour’s commitment to major investment in school buildin gs. ■ Details of some of the projec ts in Dublin Bay South are on Pag e 4.

21ST cenTury APPrenTiceShiPS

new career options

■ We are rejuvenating Ireland’s apprenticeship system. ■ Following a call for new proposals, over 80 were received from sectors such as ICT, transport and logistics, hospitality and manufacturing. ■ 25 new apprenticeships will now be rolled out in areas like financ ial services, telecommunications, IT, catering and medical devices. ■ These apprenticeships will provide high-quality professional training and a clear career path for a new generation of jobseekers. ■ Nearly 3,000 young people will also begin on the 27 traditional apprenticeships this year, a 100% increase on 2012. s N.S, Sandymount

3 new classrooms were built at St. Matthew

hiLDren c L o o h c -S e r P e-school level. Ter STArT for


ion at pr standard of educat e th to s cu fo w ne ta dedicated ■ We have brough team of inspectors w ne a e se ill w e spectors is pre-school initiativ or - this team of in ct se e ■ Part of Labour’s th in s rd da ational stan ber. to enhancing educ their work in Septem n gi be ill w d an so d being recruite gest children will al un yo r ou ith w ng e worki r alifications for thos ose working with ou th at th re su e ■ A review of qu ak m ork ar, so that we can prepare them for w to be finished this ye ng ni ai tr ity al have top-qu ation youngest children me to improve educ m ra og pr od ho ild the Area Based Ch s. ■ We are funding disadvantages area 13 in n re ild ch g outcomes for youn

More TeAcherS, More SnAS Better opportunities

rs, Labour has protected class sizes. ■ Despite the challenges of recent yea ding for an additional 1,700 ■ In the last Budget, Labour secured fun teachers, resource teachers and SNAs. ds Assistants from September – ■ There will be an extra 610 Special Nee increase of 11.7% under Labour. bringing the total to nearly 12,000 - an needs the support of an SNA will ■ This will ensure that every child who have access to that support. s to give greater stability to young ■ We have implemented new circular teachers early in their careers. sures to help SNAs get full-time ■ We have also agreed a new set of mea careers they need. hours, allowing them to build the stable

MAking A Difference The Docklands early Learning initiative Through the ABC Programme, we secured a grant of €1.2 million to fund the Early Learning Initiative. Starting in September about 2,500 children aged 0-2, and their families in the Docklands and Inner City area, will be involved in projects working towards better educational outcomes. Based in the National College of Ireland, the Early Learning Initiative runs a number of numeracy, literacy and outreach projects, including the Parent Child Home Programme with which has 20 home visitors who do excellent work in our community with parents and children. These projects are making a big difference in Pearse St, City Quay and Ringsend.

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So must our edu



n System ■ Equality of op portunity must be gin with equality and transparent of access in a fair way through the proposed School Admissions Bill. ■ We are deliv ering new school s under patrons and with divestm like Educate Toge ent this will ensu ther, re greater divers ity and pluralism ■ Reform of th . e Junior Cycle ha s been agreed an children are educ d w ill ensure our ated for the chal lenges of the futu re. ■ We are taking action to end disc rimination agains t LGBT teachers ■ We replaced the discredited FA S with SOLAS w skills workers ne hich will identify ed and ensure th the ose needs are m et. ■ Our 33 VECs have been reform ed into 16 local Boards. Education and Tr aining

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