Humphreys kevin spring news rathgar 4241

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#ALLABOUTJOBS LOCAL UPDATE Dublin Bay South Spring 2015

FROM CRISIS TO RECOVERY – FOUR YEARS OF LABOUR IN GOVERNMENT In 2014, Ireland recorded the fastest growth in Europe. We will do the same in 2015. The sacrifice and hard work of the Irish people have put our country on the path back to prosperity.


The latest progress report on the Programme for Government underlines the spectacular turnaround since 2011.

■ Have your Say on enhancement

And what the report shows is that this was no accident or coincidence.

■ Local Festivals awarded funding works to Ranelagh Gardens

■ Rathgar Village Improvement

We set out plans to restore the public finances, create 100,000 new jobs and get people back to work. Many mocked those plans and said it couldn’t be done. But our plan is working, and the evidence is clear:


■ Unemployment Rate down to 10% for March

■ 97,000 new jobs created since 2011

■ Know your pension rights

■ Unemployment rate down a third to 10% from a peak of 15.1%

■ Low Pay Commission will

■ Budget 2015 cut taxes on work while increasing funding for public services ■ €3.8 Billion Social Housing Investment to deliver 35,000 new homes

priorities fairness

■ Update on ESB Poolbeg Chimneys

■ Low Pay Commission to make recommendations on minimum wage ■ Exports up 2.4% in 2014 with tourism and manufacturing growing

■ Get in touch with Kevin on

■ Annual budget deficit has fallen from €22 billion in 2010 to €5 billion

LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook or his website

■ New €7 billion Strategic Investment Fund to invest in Irish jobs ■ 31 new Local Enterprise Offices supporting jobs and businesses ■ 28,000 places provided under the Youth Guarantee Scheme ■ 110,000 mortgages in arrears have been restructured by banks Having brought about economic recovery, our task now is to secure it and spread the benefits. Labour is focused on the social recovery where every person, family and community will feel the benefit of renewed prosperity. That is precisely what Kevin is doing as a Minister in the Department of Social Protection which has been transformed from a passive provider of benefits to an active and engaged employment service focused on helping people back into work. Every step of the way, Labour will continue to guard the public purse, ensure no return to crisis but focus on putting money back in your pocket and delivering reliable public services. Full details of this report are available at

Kevin recently welcomed a group from Terenure Enterprise Centre to Leinster House


Tel: 01 618 3224


Kevin Humphreys

Dáil Éireann, Dublin 2


Flickr: kevinhumphreystd


UNEMPLOYMENT RATE DOWN TO 10% FOR MARCH The latest Live Register figures show clearly the success of Labour’s drive to create jobs and reduce unemployment. The number of people on the Live Register fell by 4,700 alone in the month of March with a fall over the last year of around 43,000. This means that the unemployment rate now stands at 10%, down by a third from a crisis peak of 15.1%. While unemployment is still far too high progress is being made. Every new job for someone who has been out of work is a new future for their families and a boost for their community. Ireland is on the right track again and it is Kevin’s intention this year to drive the unemployment rate below the 10% mark, into single figures. As a Minister, Kevin is responsible for schemes like JobBridge, Community Employment, Gateway, Tús, Back to Education and JobsPlus which are all playing their part in helping jobseekers get back to work. If you would like to find out more about Kevin’s work in this area please visit

Kevin launches LinkedIn's Irish Volunteer Marketplace at their headquarters in Wilton Place

Get in touch…

If you’d like regular updates from Kevin, visit his website at or connect with him on LinkedIn. You can also follow him on Twitter (@KHumphreysTD) and Facebook (Kevin Humphreys TD). He’s very active on social media, posting daily about employment news and local stories from around the constituency. Get in touch to have your say on issues local and national, or send in a query. Kevin would love to hear from you.

Kevin with members of Templeogue Ladies Club on a recent visit to Leinster House

FUNDING BOOST FOR LOCAL FESTIVALS IN DUBLIN BAY SOUTH Minister for Employment, Community & Social Support, Kevin Humphreys TD, has welcomed the announcement of funding of €107,500 from Fáilte Ireland for Dublin City festivals and events in 2015. The majority of the events are taking place in our area, serving as a great boost to local restaurants, pubs and shops. Events like the Dublin Port River Fest enliven the area around Liffey, reminding us of the true resource and asset it is to the city. The Minister is delighted that Fáilte Ireland has recognised the value of these events and wishes the organisers every success.

HAVE YOUR SAY ON ENHANCEMENT WORKS TO RANELAGH GARDENS The Part 8 planning proposal for works to Ranelagh Gardens Park was lodged on Friday 6th March 2015. The proposal includes the construction of a new playground; upgrading the Ranelagh Road entrance area; improvements in signage and seating; surface and entrance enhancement; regrading of the pond edge and installation of railings; and the building of an outdoor gym area and bird garden. See for further info on the plans and details of how to make a submission or observation. The closing date for these is 4.30pm on Thursday 7th May 2015. Kevin would be happy to answer any concerns you might have or help you with your submission. You can call the office on 01 618 3224.

Kevin and Cllr Mary Freehill in Ranelagh Gardens Park

RATHGAR VILLAGE IMPROVEMENT PLAN The Rathgar Village Improvement Plan (VIP) was recently approved. Areas to be addressed in 2015 include public lighting; a village notice board; the replacement of bollards in the village; a clean-out of woodlands at Herzog Park and creation of a plan for park and surrounding lands. The clean-out of the woodlands area is already complete. The City Council Biodiversity Officer is engaging with Stratford College to initiate a biodiversity project in this area. An implementation plan for 2015, including costings, is currently being drawn up by the Council. Kevin is in close contact with his colleague Cllr Mary Freehill who has campaigned for this plan for Rathgar some time on the implementation of the proposed measures. They will keep you updated on developments.


KNOW YOUR PENSION RIGHTS The contributory State Pension is paid to people from the age of 66 who have enough Irish social insurance (PRSI) contributions, often called ‘stamps’. It is not means-tested. You can have other income and still get a contributory state Pension. This pension is taxable but you are unlikely to pay tax if it is your only income. You should apply 3 months before the age of 66. However, if you have paid social insurance contributions in more than one country, you should apply 6 months before reaching 66. To find out if you are eligible, see Kevin’s Department website ( or visit your local Intreo office (previously known as Social Welfare offices) where you can get application forms.

Kevin at the new playground in Neagh Park with former Cllr Henry Upton

See below a list of proposed works to be undertaken in the Rathgar-Rathmines ward in 2015. Kevin is in regular with his colleague Cllr Mary Freehill on these issues - as well as with Dublin City Council officials - if you have any questions, you can contact Minister Kevin Humphreys on 01 6183224. LOCATION


Ranelagh Gardens Park

Install new playground

Dartmouth Square Park

Undertake repairs to the pergola and implement recommendation outlined in the Management Study

Mountpleasant Square

Implement park upgrading

Hertzog Park

Undertake landscape masterplan for the park

Palmerston Park

Undertake phased implementation of the conservation management plan of the park, with emphasis on the pond and shelter

Bushy Park

Undertake footpath upgrading

Eamonn Ceannt Park

Implement park improvements

Neagh Road Park

Continue open space upgrading

The new Intreo Office for Dublin 2, 4 & 8 is located in the Guild Building on Cork Street. The 77A bus route from Ringsend Garage passes the office as does the 151 bus. You can also request a copy of your PRSI contribution record online to see what ‘stamps’ you have paid, or Kevin’s office can help you get a copy. Visit cord.aspx to apply or contact Minister Humphrey’s office on 01-618 3224. The non-contributory State Pension is a means-tested payment for people age 66 or over, who do not qualify for the contributory state pension.

Tours of the Houses of the Oireachtas The political season is well underway with plenty of action in and around the Dáil and Seanad. As always, Minister of State Kevin Humphreys would be more than happy to facilitate tours for any interested constituents. If you, your family or friends would like to visit the Houses of the Oireachtas, please do not hesitate to contact his office on 01 618 3224.

LOW PAY COMMISSION WILL PRIORITISE WORK & FAIRNESS AS ECONOMY IMPROVES This new independent body has started its work on advising the Government on the appropriate rate of the National Minimum Wage and its first report is expected by July. The Low Pay Commission will examine the rate of the minimum wage on an annual basis from now on. This model has been used in the UK for some time, and their minimum wage rate is now above ours. Minister Kevin Humphreys has welcomed this news, saying “it is critical to ensure that those on the lowest wages in society are given the opportunity to share in the recovery”. Ireland is on the path back to prosperity and the Commission represents the next step in prioritising work and fairness. The Commissioners will take an evidence based approach. They will examine existing data, commission new research if needed and consult directly with workers and employers in order to decide on what the National Minimum Wage should be. The chairperson, Dr Donal de Buitléir and eight commissioners were appointed by Kevin’s colleague Minister for Business and Employment, Ged Nash TD, in February. The Commission may also be asked to examine issues relating to other aspects of low pay as part of their work programme to be agreed and set at the beginning of each year. The establishment of the new body is one of the most important policy initiatives taken by any Government in recent years and without Labour in Government it would not have happened. Labour is committed to making dignity at work a reality.

ARCHITECTURAL CASE STUDY ON POOLBEG CHIMNEYS An architectural case study on the ESB Poolbeg Chimneys is complete. The case study researchers have been assessing the merits of the chimneys for addition to the Record of Protected Structures. A copy of the case study will be made available to Dublin City Councillors shortly along with the recommendation of the City Chief Executive. Kevin will post details on his website – - as soon they are released.

Kevin looks at prints of the PoolbegTowers by Clover Rua at the Irish Creative Expo 2015 in the RDS

Kevin Humphreys TD Dáil Éireann, Kildare Street, Dublin 2 Phone: 01 618 3224 Email: Web: khumphreystd

Kevin Humphreys TD meets pupils of St. Louis in Rathmines at the BT Young Scientist Exhibition 2015

He has special responsibility for Activation - to ensure those out of work are job ready, and given the supports they need to get back to work.

Working with your local Labour Team

Ruairi Quinn TD

Cllr Mary Freehill

01 618 3434

086 812 6378


Kevin Humphreys is Minister of State for Employment, Community and Social Support in the Department of Social Protection.

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