Deputy Colm Keaveney Summer newsletter 2011

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IF M18/M17 PROJECT IS DELAYED TUAM BY-PASS WILL PROCEED AS A STANDALONE PROJECT The continuation of the M17 from Gort to Tuam and the construction of the long awaited Tuam By-pass should be underway now, but as a portion of this project was reliant on private investment and securing this portion of the partnership is proving difficult in the current economic environment. In response to A Dáil question raised by Colm Keaveney TD earlier this month, Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, Leo Varadkar explained that although the M18-N17 Project remains “a priority for the Government” the successful awarding of Public/Private Partnership contracts for major capital projects such as the Gort to Tuam Motorway are proving challenging now more than ever due to Ireland’s current lack of financial stability.

Deputy Keaveney , in his Dáil contribution to this matter, outlined the importance of the Atlantic north-south corridor to laying the foundation for economic recovery in this region but also requested that the Minister instruct the NRA to have in place an immediate plan to proceed with the Tuam by-pass as a standalone project if these delays continued. Minister Varadkar agreed with the suggestion that the Tuam by pass could be funded on a traditional exchequer basis but stressed that they were still trying to get “this PPP over the line”.



Full contents of Dail Question can be viewed at

Councillor Shaun Cunniffe is delighted to announce that the first commitment from his Galway County Council “notice of motion” budget will be used by Tuam Tidy Towns. Tuam Tidy Towns committee are embarking on many worthwhile projects from litter collection and painting to landscaping and conservation.

Colm Keaveney, TD has welcomed plans for a new Youth and Family Resource Centre which will be located on the site of the old Mercy Primary School on Dublin Road. The building while structurally sound with plenty of space is very dilapidated and needs a major renovation. This centre will be a facility which can be accessed by various community youth and family groups and activities from Tuam and surrounding areas. This project will be funded and supported from various sources including the Mercy Sisters, the St Vincent de Paul through the O’Connell Trust, Galway County Council and matching exchequer funding which was secured directly by Deputy Keaveney to ensure that this much needed project progresses as soon as possible.

They deserve the full support of everbody in Tuam and they are always looking for volunteers. The Chairperson, Pat Fahy said he was 'delighted to get some extra funding'. Anybody that can lend a hand to the improvement of our town please give Pat a call on 085 7312541, volunteers meet every Saturday and Sunday mornings.

6,000 NEW PLACES FOR THE UNEMPLOYED ON HIGHER EDUCATION COURSES NO LOSS OF BENEFITS FOR THOSE WHO TAKE UP PLACES, CHECK OUT BLUEBRICK.IE TO ENROL The Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairi Quinn, TD, recently launched a new initiative, Springboard, which will provide 6,000 new places on higher education programmes for unemployed people. The initiative is targeted at those who were previously working but lost their jobs or were made redundant and who, with some upskilling, could fill current or future job shortages. To make it easier to apply for these places, a single web portal for all Springboard related activities is being used – It will

operate as a kind of mini-CAO for the Springboard courses, but without the pressure of the points system. Springboard, which is managed by the Higher Education Authority, will allow those who undertake the courses to retain their benefits and if they find a job, they will still be permitted and encouraged to finish their course. A range of programmes will be offered in both the public and private sector including GMIT, NUIG and The Open University with levels ranging from Certificate to Masters Degree. Potential students will apply online though

GOVERNMENT JOBS INITIATIVE A CRUCIAL FIRST STEP ON THE ROAD TO RECOVERY Labour in Government is intent on creating an environment which will support and create sustainable jobs. The Government’s Jobs Initiative is a crucial first incremental step in growing our economy. This is a positive move by a Government determined to get our economy working again.

What’s in the Jobs Plan?

21,000 training, education and intern places VAT on tourism related good and services cut from 13% to 9% Visa Waiver Programme to apply to short stay visitors of 14 nationalities Reversal of cuts to minimum wage €30 million made available for school building works €30 million for “Better Energy – The National Upgrade Programme” to insulate homes €75 million boost for transport projects to create at least 1,000 new jobs Employer’s PRSI for workers on below €356 a week will be halved

LABOUR RESTORES MINIMUM WAGE One of the most shameful acts perpetrated by the last Government was to slash the minimum wage from €8.65 to €7.65, a cut of 12 per cent. People on the minimum wage are among the most financially distressed and should not have been asked to shoulder the burden for poor decisions made by Governments, regulators and financial institutions. Labour opposed this cut tooth and nail, and during the last election we promised to restore the minimum wage to its former level. Under the provisions of the Jobs Initiative, we have done just that. Legislation to make that change is already being prepared and we hope that it will come into effect in July.

LENDING TO SMALL BUSINESSES A PRIORITY This Government’s Jobs Initiative sets out an environment to support job creation in small and medium enterprises (SMEs). This is a very positive intervention to support those entrepreneurs and business people that will create jobs and rebuild our economy. New initiatives to help get lines of credit flowing include: a partial loan guarantee scheme will be in operation by the autumn.

For every €400m that is guaranteed by the State an additional 4,500 companies can get further credit that will in turn create more than 8,000 jobs

a micro-finance fund will provide funding for small loans to

start-ups improve cash flow to businesses. From 1st July 2011, all government

bodies (excluding commercial semi states) will be required to pay suppliers within 15 days of receipt of a valid invoice.

2,000 JOBS ON THE HORIZON THANKS TO €75M INVESTMENT IN ROADS Under the Jobs Initiative, County Councils are being provided with an additional €60m for the improvement of regional and local roads. In addition, councils in our major urban areas will be provided with €15m which will go straight into labour-intensive traffic management and smarter travel projects.

are our neighbours, our children, and our friends. They are people who want nothing more than the opportunity to work in their own country, provide for their families, and get on with their lives. This Government is determined to do everything we can to provide those opportunites.

With this jobs package, the new Government has done more in two months, to promote employment and economic recovery, than the last Government did in two years. Unemployment is not a matter of statistics. The unemployed

The jobs Initiative is but one step on the road to economic recovery, but it is an important one, and one in which, as a Labour Party TD, I am proud to have been involved.

Colm Keaveney TD Dáil Éireann Leinster House, Kildare St, Dublin 2 Tel: 01 618 3821 Fax: 01 618 4331 Email:

Cllr Mary Loftus

Cllr Pat O’Hora

Cllr Shaun Cunniffe

087 6333493

093 24070

Galway County Council 087 816 1663

Constituency Office Lower Dublin Road Tuam, Co. Galway Tel: 093 24070


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