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Dublin Bay North Constituency

Welcome to the new Dublin Bay North constituency. I will be keeping in touch on a regular basis with updates on local and national issues and also through my website

PROMISSORY NOTES GONE Anglo Irish Bank is dead and the promissory note is buried with it. This is a good deal for our State, economy and people. This is more than just a financial watershed; it is an opportunity for our country and economy to take a decisive step forward into the future our people deserve. When this Government came into office its hand was not strong. While many inside and outside the Dáil demanded that we act when our hand was weak, the Government took a different approach. We knew and understood that we first had to repair Ireland's reputation abroad. We worked hard to do this, explaining what had happened to our country and what the Government would do to put it right. We made clear that while we were willing to deal with our own problems, we were carrying an unacceptable share of other people's mistakes. Over time and with patience and hard work, this message has got through and it is on that basis that we are able to make this announcement today. It has been a long and difficult slog to get to this point but it has been worth it. This package of measures will make a marked difference to Ireland's debt sustainability, our prospects of regaining our economic sovereignty and the process of economic recovery. We will reduce our borrowing requirement by 20 billion over the next ten years. We will reduce our deficit by an annual figure of €1 billion from 2014 onwards. We are tearing up the promissory note and we have wiped Anglo Irish Bank off the map. We are converting the promissory note into long-term bonds which have an average maturity of approximately 34 years. We are bringing far greater certainty to the financial landscape and righting a wrong that was done to the Irish people more than four years ago. This deal is a tribute, in the first place, to the endurance and patience of Irish people who have understood that difficult decisions and sacrifices had to be made to secure economic recovery. This agreement lifts a considerable burden from their shoulders. This new arrangement is not an end in itself but another major step on our way back. As the Taoiseach stated, we have further work to do on the separation of bank and sovereign debt and that work is already underway. This is an important step forward, which shows we are making progress with fixing the economic problems of the country and will succeed.

ACTION PLAN FOR JOBS The Action Plan for Jobs 2013 offers a blue print of the Government's plans to get more people back to work this year. Containing a number of action focused initiatives, which are all geared to create much needed jobs, the Action Plan for Jobs 2013 includes a specific focus on helping to further stimulate profitable industries such as the I.T., Healthcare and Energy sectors. Through the Action Plan for Jobs all government departments and agencies are working together to ensure that we remain focused on our primary goal to create jobs and tackle unemployment. Creating jobs for our people and equipping the unemployed to move into employment will remain top priorities for this Government. I look forward to working with my colleagues in Government to implement the wide range of actions set out in this 2013 Action Plan for Jobs. Remembrance Sunday 2012 Tanaiste and Leader of the Labour Party, Eamon Gilmore TD, attended the Remembrance Sunday commemorations in Belfast last November. In doing so he was the first Minister to accept an invitation to participate in this ceremony. Mr Gilmore laid a laurel wreath at the cenotaph on behalf of the Irish Government. During his visit to Northern Ireland he also attended the SDLP Annual Conference in Armagh, and visited a number of cultural and community projects in West Belfast.


Address: Dáil Éireann, Kildare Street, Dublin 2 or 44 Woodbine Road, Raheny, Dublin 5 Phone: 01 848 1806 (Home) 01 618 3744 (Dail) Email: Web:


Member of Oireachtas Committees: Transport and Communications; Justice, Defence and Equality

NATIONAL NEWS CLIMATE CHANGE Labour in Government promised to deliver climate legislation to map a path to our legally-binding EU targets – the Climate Action and Low Carbon Development Bill 2013 delivers on that promise. This legislation is moving ahead with the consensus that emerged from previous debates on climate change - that Ireland needs to move in step with Europe. The legislation provides for an Expert Advisory Body to provide independent monitoring and advice. As well as that, it provides targets for 2020 and automatically requires Ireland to meet any target that is agreed on the for 2030 or 2050. It also puts a legal obligation on this Government, and future governments, to show how it will comply with them. The Government will be required, by law, to produce a plan every 7 years at the most, to meet not only our EU 2020 targets, but also automatically to meet any target that is agreed in the post-Kyoto period (i.e. for 2030 or 2050). A 2030 target is due to be set by the EU very shortly. The legislation also places a statutory requirement on the Government to plan for the transition to a low-carbon economy by 2050, and for climate change adaptation. The purpose of the legislation is to make Government accountable to the Dáil for the achievement of the targets. The Minister for the Environment will be required to account to the Dáil each year on his progression towards compliance with these targets. An Expert Advisory Body is provided for in the legislation, which will have the power to independently review the Government’s performance in meeting its EU targets, and also to make recommendations on the direction of Government policy in light of potential future EU or international targets. The Government also decided to give the Expert Advisory Body the additional power to make recommendations anticipating potential future climate-related obligations of the State – i.e. to make recommendations anticipating Ireland’s likely future binding targets at EU and international level.Ireland will be one of the first EU countries to put a legal obligation on its Government to develop policies to plan for existing and future climate commitments. Ireland is leading the way on climate change in Europe.



A new cancer screening service is now operational. I have been informed by the HSE that the programme is now in place. The programme offers free screening every two years to men and women aged between 55-74 years of age. 50% of cancers within this age group are found in those aged between 60-69, and I am informed that the programme will begin with individuals of those ages - that's about half a million people. The focus with this programme is to have access at all public colonoscopy units, not only for those referred under the programme, but for all men and women who require a colonoscopy or similar procedures. I understand that there are fifteen centres around the country that will be offering this programme once these centres are fully accredited and set up in order to carry out the screening. This is the first screening programme in Ireland that is to be offered to both men and women. Programmes like this are complex and to ensure quality and the safety of patients it has to be monitored as it is introduced. This is the reason why the programme is being introduced in stages.

Speaking in the Dáil on the 19th of February on the Magdalene Laundries Report, the Tánaiste, Eamon Gilmore said:

YOUTH GUARANTEE There have been two significant breakthroughs in recent days on EU efforts to tackle youth unemployment. Firstly, as part of Ireland’s Presidency, Minister for Social Protection Joan Burton chaired an informal meeting of EU social protection ministers in Dublin, at which further progress was made on the Youth Guarantee. Such a guarantee would provide every young person under 25 a job, training or educational placement within a set number Minister Joan Burton TD of months of becoming unemployed. Negotiations are going well, and I am hopeful that Joan can now agree a deal on the Youth Guarantee when she chairs the formal meeting of the same ministers in Brussels at the end of February. One of the concerns some member states had about the Youth Guarantee was how it would be funded. But there has also been a breakthrough on that front. As part of the overall EU Budget agreed by member states this month, €6 billion has been set aside for employment initiatives. Of this, €3 billion will be dedicated to member states with youth unemployment rates above 25%, including Ireland. This will help to implement the Youth Guarantee and should be a major step in combating the youth unemployment crisis here and across the EU.

"I want to join with the Taoiseach, and with my fellow Ministers, in offering, on behalf of Seán Kenny TD speaking in Magdalene's Dail the State and the Irish Debate people, a heartfelt apology to the survivors of the Magdalene Laundries. I want to say to those women, some of whom are with us today, that we have heard you, we believe you, and we are profoundly sorry for what was done to you. That what happened to you, as children or as adults, should not have happened. It was Ireland that was wrong, not you." "As a Government, we are determined to work with you in the weeks ahead, to give a concrete expression to our apology. To provide a tangible expression of our regret, and acknowledgement of the wrong that was done. Today is not the end for the Magdalene survivors. No apology, no matter now sincere, can erase what happened. We cannot turn back the clock and undo what was done to so many. What we can do, is acknowledge the wrong, apologise, and work to translate that apology into a better future for those who remain." "The battle to liberalise Irish laws, and to separate out in practice Church and State was, at its heart, about freedom. It was about the individual. About personal dignity. And it was about the kind of society we wanted for ourselves, and for our children. Not a society that forced women into giving up their babies. Not a society where poverty split families apart, or required unhappy ones to stay together. Not a society that survived on secrecy. I am proud of the role my party its members, its elected representatives played in that transformation. It was not an easy task. Nor was it always a popular one. But the Ireland of the Magdalene laundries is a historical curiosity for a new generation of our citizens, because of that campaigning vision. And I am proud too, of the refusal of my party to forget the victims of that repressive Ireland. Of the members of my party who would not go quietly, as long as this historic wrong was ignored."


LOCAL NEWS DUMPING IN DUBLIN BAY Dublin Bay North Labour T.D., Seán Kenny has called on the Environmental Protection Agency to refuse a pre-Christmas 2012 permit application by Dublin City Council for the dumping of 824,000 tonnes of spoil in Dublin Bay, approximately 3km from the Baily at Howth, under the Dumping at Sea Acts 1996 to 2010. This massive amount of spoil will emanate from the tunnelling at the Ringsend Wastewater Treatment works extension due to commence in 2014. Deputy Seán Kenny said "Dublin City Council need to consider alternatives to dumping the material on the Dublin Bay seabed as the cloud, plume and dirt from the proposed dumping would be swept back into the bay on the tide. Sub Aqua Clubs who use the amenity of Dublin Bay have also raised the safety concerns of sportspeople, saying it would detrimentally affect the visibility and clarity of the water” .

WELCOME FOR S2S CYCLEWAY BULL WALL (WOODEN BRIDGE) TO CAUSEWAY ROAD (DOLLYMOUNT) Seán Kenny welcomed the pre-Christmas planning application 3601/12 for public display and public consultation by Dublin City Council to complete the missing section of the S2S (Sutton to Sandycove) Cycleway and the recent provision of funding by government through the NTA for this project

TREE MANAGEMENT In 2013 Dublin City Council propose to develop a strategy around tree management in the City. There is concern regarding the damage that tree roots are causing to many footpaths and safety issues around tree branches overhanging onto footpaths. A report on the new strategy will be brought before the relevant Strategic Policy Committee.

DERELICT SITES REPORT NORTH CENTRAL AREA A report presented to Dublin City Council North Central Area Committee in January 2013 on Derelict Sites notices included the following: ■ Richmond Avenue, 21 & 27-29: Entered on Derelict Sites Register 13/12/2012 ■ Fairview Avenue Lower 18: Law Agent instructed re non-compliance with Derelict Sites Notice ■ Malahide Road 123-125: Notice re-served on four owners on 19/11/2012, undertaking to have work completed. ■ Chelsea Gardens adj. 22 & rear 87-89 Kincora Road: clean-up of rear 87 reportedly commenced, to be inspected ■ Howth Road 147: Notice complied with, under review. ■ Dollymount Avenue rear 28-50: Details of ownership requested. ■ St. Declan's Road 46: Commitment to tidy garden. ■ Vernon Avenue 72: Details of ownership requested. ■ Vernon Avenue 77: Owners requested to remove litter and overgrowth.

Seán Kenny TD at Opening of St. Joseph’s Nursing Home November 2012

JOINT POLICING COMMITTEE PUBLIC MEETING ST. JOSEPHS CBS PRIMARY SCHOOL FAIRVIEW 7.00PM TUESDAY 9TH APRIL 2013 This meeting, organised by Dublin City Council and An Garda Síochána, was scheduled so as to provide a public forum in each Garda District. The meetings are an excellent example of joint cooperation between An Garda Siochana and Dublin City Council.

■ Vernon Grove 20: Details of ownership requested.



Deputy Seán Kenny has been informed by Dublin City Council Parks Manager that the works currently taking place at Fairview Park are Bord Gais operations associated with gas transmissions and other works that Bord Gais have been carrying out in the area. Bord Gais have been granted way leave/permission for these works with a number of conditions that relate to access, soft landscape and hard landscape reinstatement, insurance, works controls/methods and communication with local Parks Supervisory Staff. The works are planned to take place over the coming months through the park and also on Alfie Byrne Road Open Space.

Dublin City Council has informed Deputy Seán Kenny that it is proposed to the resume junk collection service this year. When the service resumes residents will be notified several days in advance of the collection taking place.

NEW DOG PARK ST. ANNE’S PARK Dublin City Council Parks & Landscape Services is responsible for the maintenance of the surface of the dog park at St. Anne’s Park, including the area with the wood chip surface which is specific to small dogs use. Dog owners are responsible for the disposal of dog waste and it has been noted that there has been an improvement in the park generally since the opening of the dog park. It is proposed that this area will be assessed as part of the day to day maintenance of the park by Parks and Landscape Services Staff and replaced and renewed as required.

ST ANNES PARK TENNIS COURTS Sports Capital funding has been made available for the upgrading of fencing to the tennis courts. This work will be implemented before the summer months.

WHAT’S HAPPENING IN YOUR AREA? For regular updates on meetings of Dublin City Council North Central Area Committee, and meetings of Fingal County Council Howth-Malahide Area Committee see



Personal Insolvency Bill 21 January 2013 Dear Sean, Following the appointment of Mr. Lorcan O'Connor, the Director-designate of the Insolvency Service, an implementation team has been established to address all operational matters necessary for the opening of the Service. The Insolvency Service is working towards a launch date in the first quarter of 2013 that will include the opening of an office and website, the launch of an information campaign and the issuing of publications and relevant guidelines. Intensive efforts are also under way to design and implement the regulatory and IT frameworks required to be in place prior to the Service accepting applications for the new debt solutions. These should be in place during the second quarter of 2013. Further information on a range of matters, including the establishment of a register of personal insolvency practitioners, will be forthcoming from the new agency in the near future. If you have any further specific queries please email " ". Yours sincerely, Alan Shatter, T.D.

Seán Kenny welcomed the launch of a new Taxi Driver Check Smartphone app, devised by the National Transport Authority. The App allows a passenger to check the licence details of both the vehicle and the driver, and to see an ID photo of the authorised driver. The passenger is then able to simply forward these details to a friend – all of which will reassure taxi customers that they are travelling safely, and that there is a record of their trip. All details can be checked by a customer before they get into the vehicle. I am very happy that this new Taxi Driver Check App is now available. We are using technology to give consumers more confidence in the taxi sector and make the public feel safer when travelling in a taxi. For drivers, it will promote greater professionalism and accountability, and the data is already public record but being made accessible to the public in an easy way."

ACTION PLAN ON BULLYING Minster for Education and Skills, Ruairi Quinn has launched Ireland's first ever national plan to tackle bullying. The Action Plan on Bullying sets out 12 clear actions on how to prevent and tackle bullying. Recognising the many forms and places that bullying can exist, this plan resolves to tackle bullying in a multifaceted approach, working together with all parties to find a common solution. Bullying can have a devastating effect on our children and young people that can sometimes end in tragedy. That is why this Action Plan is so important. I welcome the proposed actions and now want to see implementation begin immediately, alongside other related initiatives, including the new Well-Being in Post-Primary Schools: Guidelines for Mental Health Promotion and Suicide Prevention (2013) which were also launched earlier in the New Year.

Constituency Advice Centres Every Monday 10am - 10.45am Unit 1, Rear Community Sports Hall, Darndale

Every Saturday 10.30am - 11.30am Concorde Lounge, Edenmore Shopping Centre

Every Monday 11.15am - 12 noon Donnycarney Community and Youth Centre (Le Chéile)

Every Saturday 11.30am to 12 noon Foxhound Inn, Greendale Shopping Centre

Every Thursday 7pm - 8pm Ard Scoil La Salle, Raheny Road


Every Saturday 12 noon to 12.30pm Donaghmede Inn

(Excluding Bank Holiday Weekends and months of July and August)

USEFUL CONTACTS/WEBSITES JobBridge - National Internship Programme Ph: 1800 303 515, Springboard - Training Courses Citizens Information Ph: 0761 07 4000,

Better Energy: Warmer Homes: Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) Ph:1800 250 204, Money Advice and Budgeting Service (MABS) Ph: 0761 07 2000 Mon - Fri, 9am - 8pm Deputy Seán Kenny acting as Ceann Comhairle



Aodhán Ó Ríordáin TD

Cllr. Jane Horgan Jones


Dáil Eireann, Dublin 2 Phone: 01 6183209 Email:

City Hall, Dublin Phone: 086 837 5219 Email:

086 383 1805

Address: Dáil Éireann, Kildare Street, Dublin 2 or 44 Woodbine Road, Raheny, Dublin 5 Phone: 01 848 1806 (Home) 01 618 3744 (Dail) Email: Web: @SeanKennyTD 0612

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