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John Lyons TD

BALLYMUN NEWS Dáil Éireann, Dublin 2 Tel: 01 618 3280 Email: Blog: Web:


MORE ACTION NEEDED ON JOBS Being from Ballymun, I know how important every job in the area is and how we need to create more jobs and opportunities for the people of Ballymun. I believe that the best thing you can do to help someone in life is to give them a job. This is why since being elected, I have been putting forward ideas to the Government on how to create more jobs and how to prepare people for work. So far I have called for: l Investment in jobs from building new schools and other infrastructure l Better education and job training for the unemployed l A ‘Youth Guarantee’ to give every unemployed person under 25 a training or education place l Better supports for small business – every job created counts Progress is being made on these ideas but more can be done. This is why I organised for the Dáil Committee on Jobs to hold meetings with unions, community groups and some of the country’s largest employers to get ideas on what should be done to create more jobs.

John speaking in a Dail com mit

tee meeting on unemploym ent and youth unemployment

These meetings are about finding solutions and acting on them - not another report gathering dust. These meetings will lead to a report with solutions. This will then be presented to the Government and I want to see action on foot of the report. For my work so far, I was recently elected as the vice chair of the Job, Enterprise and Innovation Committee. I want to use this opportunity to lead the Committee’s work in responding to the jobs crisis. I would also welcome any ideas you have on how to get people back into jobs. If you would like to speak with me about this work or any other issue, please feel free to get in touch on 618 3280 or

NEW SCHOOL BUILDING FOR BALLYMUN As part of the Government’s €1.5 billion spending on new school buildings, Gaelscoil Bhaile Mhunna is to get a new building to replace the prefabs the school has at the moment. This is very welcome news for all those who have been campaigning for a new school building for the Ballymun Gaelscoil. As a teacher, I also know how important a proper school building is for learning and this new building will be a big help to the students of the school.

DEAL ON TOXIC BANK DEBT CLOSE The Government has secured a breakthrough in getting a European agreement, in principle, to break the link between bank debt and national debt. This is a big shift in our favour. Discussions are now underway to work out the banking problems which are holding us back. This was a big issue on the doorsteps in Ballymun when I was canvassing during the recent referendum. The Tánaiste Eamon Gilmore canvassed with me in Poppintree and he explained his plan for tackling the bank debt issue to a number of residents. The Tánaiste also said that it was Labour, alone, which stood against placing the private debt of the banks to the country in the first place. And it was Labour which first committed itself to renegotiating that debt burden. When others said it couldn't be done, Labour disagreed. And, in Government, through sheer grit, and a determination to put - and keep - Ireland's interests on the table, we have been proven right. We have some road left to travel on that deal, and to close the hole in our public finances, but there is no doubt that, this deal is a breakthrough. This will help Ireland regain full control of our finances and to say goodbye to the troika for good.

John at Gaelscoil Bhaile Mhunna

In Ballymun and across the country, people have waited too long for new school buildings. The last Fianna Fail Government failed to provide the school buildings needed and some children spent all their school years in prefabs. This is not good enough. To change this we will; l Spend €1.5 billion on 275 major school projects l Build 100 new school buildings at primary level l Build 43 new schools at second level. This will create; l 15,000 direct jobs mainly in construction l 3,000 indirect jobs Labour in Government is creating jobs through investing in education and I am pleased that Labour will deliver this new school building for Ballymun.

Tanaiste Eamon Gilmore canvassing in the Courts Poppintree

TACKLING ANTISOCIAL BEHAVIOUR NEW SAFER BALLYMUN INFORMATION As well as the Safer Ballymun meeting every six weeks, two more local meetings are now taking place in Ballymun West and Ballymun East. These meetings are an opportunity for you to discuss safety issues in your community with the Gardaí, BRL and the City Council. I have said before that to tackle anti-social behaviour we need residents to get involved and have their say. I attend these meetings and I want to work with you, the Gardaí and the City Council to stop crime and anti-social behaviour in Ballymun. If you would like more information on these meetings you can contact the independent facilitator on 222 7870 or visit You can also get in touch with me on 618 3280 or and I will speak to you about any concerns you have about your area.

TRINITY COMPREHENSIVE GRADUATION Every year I attend the Trinity Comprehensive graduation. I am always struck by how great the ceremony is for students and parents. It is always a fantastic celebration of the young people in Ballymun and their achievements. It is also an example of the great work being done in Ballymun schools by students and staff. I want to wish all this year’s graduates the very best in their future careers. John with Tessie & Anne Marie Wosser at the Trinity Comprehensive Graduation

CONGRATULATIONS TO BALLYMUN STUDENTS The Ballymun Whitehall Area Partnership (BYAP) said recently that the school attendance by Ballymun pupils has improved hugely in the past two years.


For the past two years the Partnership has been running a programme called the ‘Ballymun School Attendance Community Action Initiative’ to improve attendances.

A new Garda roster has been brought in to increase the number of Gardaí on the streets. The new roster is about reforming how the Gardaí operate and will mean more Gardaí on the streets more often. This is good news for Ballymun.

As a result of this work by the Partnership and the work of the parents, students, the School Completion Programme and Ballymun school principals and staff - over 14,000 less school days have been missed from school over the two years. Ballymun is moving closer to the national average for school attendance as more children are going to school more often. Students who go to class learn more and do better in school and I encourage all involved to keep up the good work!

EASY STREET The Easy Street programme has been running since May 2011 and is supported by Safer Ballymun and Ballymun Local Drugs Task Force. Easy Street has a group of workers who go out onto streets and parks to meet the young people. The workers aim to get the young people to take the focus off anti-social behaviour and respect their community. Easy Street is showing great results. The Community Gardaí and residents have said that areas are quieter where the Easy Street programme is running. This is positive news for Ballymun. As a member of the Ballymun Local Drugs Task Force I will continue to support this programme to see a permanent drop in anti-social behaviour in Ballymun. CCTV UPDATE Many people ask me about the cameras in the area and if they are being used to stop crime and anti-social behaviour. I ask for regular updates from the Gardaí on the use of the cameras in Ballymun. The Gardaí have told me the system is working well and the footage from the cameras is being used for fines and prosecutions. The Gardaí also said that the CCTV system is helping to reduce crime levels in Ballymun. I have also brought this up with the City Council who have access to the footage from the cameras. I want to see the City Council use the cameras more often to stop illegal dumping in Ballymun. In the past few months there has been serious dumping at the Sillogue Flats, the compound site at Coultry Gardens and other areas. I worked with the residents and the Council to have this dumped material removed but I want to see more from the Council to stop this. I think CCTV cameras can play a big role in it. The community can also help stop illegal dumping by working with the City Council and the Gardaí through the Safety Forums.

DiD you kNow?

Need advice on education or training options?

A new website has been launched with all the information you need on grants available for third level courses. For more information you can visit

Call Joanna on 01 700 8851 or call down to DCU in the Community, Unit 1, Shangan Court, off Shangan Road.

BALLYMUN HOUSING UPDATE REGENERATION UPDATE The first group of families moved into their new homes in Shangan 5A in the first week of May. Since then, 23 homes have been handed over to new residents in Shangan. The rest of the homes in this scheme will be handed over at the start of September. Overall, this means 36 new homes will have been filled in Shangan 5A by September. The first 11 families will move into the Shangan 5B scheme in the middle of August. The other homes will be handed over to tenants at the start of September. This will mean 57 homes filled in Shangan 5B by September. I am glad many families are finally getting their new homes in Shangan. However, I know many people are still waiting for their move and want information on when they will be housed.

HOUSING TRANSFER LIST CHANGES Now that many people have been moved from the blocks, Dublin City Council are looking to change how the housing list works. This is to make if fairer for people who have been waiting many years on the housing list.

Please contact me on 01 618 3280, email or drop down to my clinic on Mondays at 10am in the Axis Theatre, Main Street if The Council will be meeting to talk about this changes in the I can help at all with your housing situation or get autumn. I will keep residents up to date but please contact more information on your case. me if I can give you more information on these changes.

JOHN LYONS TD Dáil Éireann, Dublin 2 Tel: 01 618 3280 Email: Blog: Web:

Declan Dunne, Minister Francis Fitzgrearld, John Lyons TD, Kate Hogan and Colma Nic Lughadha at the launch of the report JohnLyonsDublinNorthWest

Working with Cllr John Redmond

Cllr. Steve Wrenn

Mobile: 087 9485559 Email:

Mobile: 087 2744249 Email:

@JohnLyonsTD 0612

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