East Meath's Voice at Cabinet
Ged Nash TD
Minister for Business & Employment
Working with Cllr Paul Bell, Cllr Pio Smith & Senator Mary Moran Constituency Office: Connolly Hall, Palace Street, Drogheda | Tel: 041 9810811 | Email gerald.nash@oir.ie
130,000 6% EConoMiC ACroSS
jobS irElAnd
growTH fASTEST in EuropE
in 3 yEArS
full EMployMEnT SECurEd funding for
by 2018
bETTySTown/lAyTown link roAd
26% A&E
AT our lAdy of lourdES
To bE doublEd in SizE
nEw bEdS ExTrA TEACHErS & SnAS for THE lourdES
nEw CourTHouSE nEw SCHool buildingS
180 nEw jobS for drogHEdA And ExTEnSionS
THiS yEAr bACkEd by EnTErpriSE irElAnd
€500k boynESidE for our nEw
TrAil grEEnwAy
rEfurbiSHMEnT of
CAMpAigning for EnTErpriSE CEnTrE
in lAyTown louTH-MEATH ETb MovES HQ To drogHEdA
gArdA STATionS MAriTiME fESTivAl yApSTonE EuropEAn HQ opEnEd in drogHEdA for EAST MEATH SporTS ClubS 2012-15
GED NASH'S DEAL FOR WORKERS In one year at Cabinet Ged Nash has; ■ Increased the National Minimum Wage from €8.65 to to €9.15 from Jan 1st 2016 ■ Introduced radical new collective bargaining laws ■ Introduced new Registered Employment Agreement & Sectoral Employment Order laws ■ Signed off on a better deal for 50,000 contract cleaning and security workers across Ireland ■ Set up the low pay commission ■ Tackled zero and low hours contracts ■ Led the campaign for a Living Wage
Ged talking to workers who rece ived pay increases under new ERO agreement for Cleaners and workers in Security industry.
JOBS ■ Live Register in Drogheda/East Meath down by 26% ■ 180 new jobs at East Coast Bakehouse & the Boann Distillery & Boyne Brewhouse ■ Campaigning for Enterprise Centre in Laytown ■ Campaigning for Drogheda to be the new National Digital Payments centre
Meeting local Lidl staff marking the announcement that Lidl will be a Living Wage employer
Ged in "The Mill" - Drogheda's new enterprise centre .
HEALTH ■ Lourdes ED to double in size ■ Extra beds for our hospital ■ Cottage Hospital saved ■ New mental health unit completed at Crosslanes ■ New primary health centre to be opened in 2016 ■ Free GP care for under 12s & the over 70s Ged launching Jobsplus Initiati
ve with Minister for Social Pro
tection Joan Burton
Ged at opening of Boice Court estate
A CHOICE FOR THE FUTURE Labour have cut USC for those on low and middle incomes Sinn Féin Oppose Cuts to the USC Article written by Sinn Féin's Eoin Ó Broin opposing tax cuts, Sunday Business Post May 3rd
Ged announcing the launch of East Coast Bakehouse
Ged at Boann Distillery
Labour support social housing and delivered project in Boice Court and McCardle Green. Local Sinn Féin councillors voted against the provision of housing at McCardle Green.
Labour has hired an extra 3,500 teachers since 2012
3500 ExTrA TEACHErS HirEd
Sinn Féin Minister for Education John O'Dowd is about to sack 1,700 teachers in Northern Ireland
1700 teachers sacked
m St John's NS, Rathmullen
Ged with schoolchildren fro
East Meath & Louth has seen its biggest school building programme in generations: ■ Ballymakenny College school building ■ St. John's & St. Paul's, Rathmullen, brand new school building ■ St. Joseph's CBS secondary school, major extension ■ St. Oliver's Community College, classroom extensions ■ Scoil an Spiorad Naomh, Laytown, brand new school ■ Donacarney NS, new primary school building ■ Whitecross NS, Julianstown, new building to begin in 2016 Funding now confirmed for: ■ Marymount NS, Ballsgrove, brand new school building ■ St Ita's Special School, Drogheda, brand new school building