SHERLOCK SEAN A4 REPORT_Layout 1 26/11/2013 17:11 Page 1
Minister Seán Sherlock TD Minister of State for Research & Innovation
INVESTING IN SCIENCE, INVESTING IN JOBS ■ I have overseen the announcement of seven new Science Foundation Ireland Research Centres around the country. It is the largest ever state/industry co-funded research investment in Ireland with €200m of new Exchequer funds over 6 years and €100m co-investment by over 150 industry partners. ■ Targets research into major social challenges, including Health and Energy, directly supporting 800 top-class researcher positions ■ Among the research activities funded are: ■ “Big Data”, a sector currently growing at up to 40% per annum ■ Advanced food research based around microbes which live in the gut ■ World-leading research to take advantage of Ireland’s natural advantages in marine energies ■ Research to develop screening and diagnostic tests for perinatal and neonatal conditions ■ The seven centres involve a collaborative partnership across research institutions in Ireland with participation from University College Cork, University College Dublin, Tyndall National Institute (UCC), Trinity College Dublin, University of Limerick, NUI Galway, Dublin City University, Cork Institute of Technology, Teagasc, the Marine Institute, Geological Survey Ireland, Royal College of Surgeons and CSO Cork amongst others.
IRELAND AT TOP TABLE THANKS TO R&D INVESTMENT ■ Earlier this year I led the negotiation team during Ireland’s Presidency of the European Union this year to finalise the provisions of Horizon 2020, the €70b EU R&D funding programme. ■ In the coming years, Ireland will be able to benefit from the rollout of Horizon 2020. ■ I would envisage that our national research and development community is well placed to win significant funding in the order of €1bn between now and 2020. ■ In addition, significant improvements were made to the R&D tax credit in Budget 2014 which will make Ireland more attractive as a location for Research and Development activity, which will in turn and will result in additional jobs being created.