Labour Youth National Meeting Reports

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National Meeting October 2010 Temple Bar Hotel

Agenda 1. Minutes 2. Matters Arising 3. Campaigns 4. Recruitment 5. Presidential Election 6. Copenhagen Declaration (see Appendix 1) 7. AOB

National Chairpersons’ Report Friends, I hope that you are all well and that those of you who have been participating in the Recruitment Campaign are recovered. Well done to all involved once again we’ve had a successful campaign and it’s great to see so many people want to join Labour. To all new members I just want to say welcome and please get involved, in Labour Youth we’re like an extended family and we’re always looking for new people to get active and help build the organisation. This will be my last report before National Youth Conference, where after two years on the National Youth Executive, I will be stepping down. Thank you to everyone for helping over that period and may my successor have as successful and rewarding time as Chair as I have. Please find my report below. Regards Rory Tom Johnson 2nd – 4th July: I am happy to say that the Tom Johnson Summer School was a huge success with record levels of attendance. I’m sure all attendees will agree with me that it was a very enjoyable weekend, where we did more than just socialise but also began a dialogue within the party on the direction on the changes we want to see in our society. I would like to thank Isobel O’Connor, the Summer School Director, for all her work on the event and wish her well in her new role as the USI Equality Officer. During the school we were able to raise circa €700 for the Young Candidates’ Fund which was a fantastic achievement. Education / Job Creation Campaign Event 17 th August: I organised our annual Campaign Stunt prior to Leaving Cert. results being announced on the 17 th of August. We held a photo stunt outside the Dail where we got a lot of media attention. I would like to thank Cllr. Aodhan O’Riordain for supporting the event and to Deputy Roisin Shorthall who also attended in support. I would also like to thank Dan O’Neil and Brian O’Connor for organising posters for the event.The press release for this event saw me participate in 9 Radio Interviews, 2 Newspaper interviews and a TV3 interview, which I’m sure you will agree is fantastic coverage for the organisation. I would sincerely recommend that it continue to be an annual LY event. BBQ 24th August: I took charge in organising the LY BBQ which was a huge success raising a net profit of almost €150 for the Young Candidates’ Fund. I’d like to thank Conor Ryan and his family for allowing us the use of their home to host the event and thank everyone for coming. Reclaim Your Future 8th September: Following on from the Connolly Lecture on Social Justice and the Tom Johnson Summer School, I finished the work on the Reclaim Your Future Policy Document

outlining LY’s vision for the future (thanks must be paid to Eoghan McMahon, Dan O’Neill, Dr. Mary Murphy and Dean our Policy & Education Officer)We launched this earlier in September with Senator Ivana Bacik and again got some good media coverage. The document was circulated to all branch chairs but if you would like a copy of it or of the LY Policy Manual please email requesting one by post (due to time restraints we cannot send a copy to all members in a mailout). New Members’ Evening 9th October: I have organised a New Members’ Evening with Party Leader Eamon Gilmore on the 9th of October in the Templebar Hotel. This will be in the evening after the National Meeting and it a great opportunity for New Members’ from all branches to meet with the Party Leader. Youth Conference 5th – 7th November: This year the Youth Conference will be held in NUI Maynooth and workshops will be hosted by Freda Hughes from the IPSC, Sinead Pentony from TASC and others. I have arranged accommodation in the Glenroyal Hotel and 54 beds will be subsidised, by LY. The cost of accommodation is €55 (It is significantly more expensive without the subsidy so you are advised book early). Bookings can be made at and you need to register anyway even if you’re not taking the accommodation but still want to attend as a delegate. Each branch may submit 5 motions and one nomination for each position. If you’re interested in running for something and want more info please email me on . If you have a query about Youth Conference please contact Neil Ward at Recruitment: A huge amount of my time in August was spent organising the materials for the National Recruitment Campaign. This year we spent more money than ever on Recruitment getting branded Pens, Bottle Openers and A large Left Tribune Order. We also got Tee Shirts for activists and if you didn’t get one but would like one please contact as there is a limited number still available. During the Recruitment campaign I visited NUI Galway and UCD to support them in their recruitment efforts and once again both were very successful. I would like to thank Cathal McCann for his work as Recruitment Officer on the campaign and Dan O’Neil again for sourcing the cheapest tee shirt suppliers. Finally, I particularly want to thank our National Secretary Brian O’Connor who has put a lot of work into the recruitment campaign attending almost every branch recruitment event and personally delivering materials directly to some branches. Party Fundraising: I am involved in organising the party fundraiser in November and if anyone could spare some time to help please contact me, Maire Whelan (Party Treasurer) & Ita McAuliffe (General Secretary) would greatly appreciate logistical support from LY members. Finally, it is with great sadness that I found out about the death of the late Henry Haughton during the summer. Henry was a lovely man, a loyal party activist and a great friend to Labour Youth, his passing was very sad indeed. I attended his funeral on behalf of Labour Youth.

Communications Officer Report Hi guys, Firstly I’d like to thank everyone for really pulling out the stops in this National Recruitment Campaign – every report on recruitment that I’m hearing from up and down the country has been positive, so well done! To the new members reading this report, you are most welcome to Labour Youth! The following is a short report on my activities of late, please peruse at your leisure. Left Tribune I have recently released Volume 5, Issue 3 of the Left Tribune, in time to be used for the National Recruitment Campaign. This is the 3rd and last issue of my term as Communications Officer, and I would like to thank everyone who contributed articles, served on the editorial board and helped out in any way in this or any of the previous issues. Feedback on the latest issue has been positive, both from established members and new joiners - which is always good! College Recruitment With the Left Tribune done, it freed me up to help with the National Recruitment campaign on the ground. I have been involved in our efforts in CIT and UCC, and in setting up Labour UL. I am happy to say that the response on the ground to our efforts and policies in each of these places has been very positive! Fundraiser BBQ I hosted a BBQ fundraiser in aid of the Young Candidates Fund, which I am glad to report was a huge success. A profit of 150 Euro was made and a good night was had by all, which can’t be a bad thing! As always, if you have any questions or queries regarding anything contained in this report or anything else for that matter, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with me at 0863034715 or simply flag me down at the National Meeting. Conor Ryan National Communications Officer Labour Youth

Education and Policy Officer Report A chairde, I’d like to first of all take the opportunity to welcome all of our new members to Labour Youth. LY is a fantastic organisation and you can really get involved as much as you like in any area. Anyone interested in becoming involved with the policy aspect of LY can email me at Labour Youth Policy Paper 2010 Since being elected in July, I have put together the Labour Youth Policy Paper 2010. This Policy Paper outlines Labour Youth’s policies in key areas, based on motions passed at the previous four National Youth Conferences. The Policy Paper is available at, and I understand that copies of the Policy Paper will be distributed at the New Members’ Evening being held after the upcoming national meeting. I hope that in outlining our key principles and policy positions in a single document the Policy Paper will prove to be a useful reference to our members. I also hope that members consult the document when drafting motions for our National Youth Conference in November so that rather than rehashing existing policy positions, we as an organisation focus on developing new ones or changing current ones. “Reclaim Your Future” Pamphlet Our National Chairperson, Rory Geraghty, has put together a pamphlet outlining Labour Youth’s views for a new future in Ireland. Due to having to sit the bulk of my exams in August, I was not able to provide Rory with as much help as I would have liked in preparing the pamphlet. Nevertheless, it is a good broad outline of the main changes Labour Youth would like to see made in Ireland; kudos to Rory for his hard work on the pamphlet. Educational Disadvantage Document Our Vice-Chair/Campaigns Officer, Kirsten Gordon, has done fantastic work in drafting a policy document on educational disadvantage. It’s my understanding that this document will be presented to the upcoming national meeting for ratification and I’m happy to recommend that it be ratified. It’s a comprehensive and sensible policy document. Net Neutrality At the suggestion of Declan Meenagh, over the next few weeks I hope to look at the area of internet neutrality with a view to releasing a policy position on it. Dean Duke Education and Policy Officer

Secretary's Report Dear comrades, My written report will be brief as I have also included the updated accounts and minutes from 4/7/10. Most of what I will say here will be repeated in other Officers’ reports. Campaigns I have been active on a number of campaign since the last National Meeting. The most high profile was on educational disadvantaged which was highlighted in the media on the CAO results day. Israel/Palestine Tour I worked with Abby ryan and Neil Warner to organise this trip to experience first hand the plight of those living in the Palestinian enclaves and to meet similar minded groups from both sides of the divide. I organised flights and engaged in fundraising to offset the costs. I was unable to travel due to unforeseen circumstances. Recruitment I have spent several weeks coordinating and organising the recruitment in colleges of students for the academic year '10/11. We have set up new beanches in IADT, Tralee IT, UL, and help reinvigorate the NUIG branch in cooperation with Cian Moran and Mike Spring. A big debt is owed to these two members. Finance and Fundraising We had a very successful BBQ on 21 August hosted by Conor Ryan.The proceeds went to the Young Candidates Fund which is need of replenishing after the 09 local elections. Several beneficiaries have since pledged standing orders to the Fund. Conor and his family's hospitality deserve to be acknowledged. Yours Fraternally, Brian O'Connor

International Officer Report Palestine trip A delegation of 8 Labour Youth members travelled to Israel and Palestine for two weeks from the 5 th to the 19th of September. It was in general a remarkable and extremely enlightening experience for us all. The delegation visited Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Nablus, Hebron, B’ilin the Negev, and the border with Gaza among other places, met with numerous anti-occupation groups in both Israel and Palestine as well as sister parties Young Meretz and Fatah Youth, and engaged in several demonstrations. The group will be issuing a report on its experiences and conclusions which will be available at Youth Conference, where we will also host a seminar. We will also hope to organise a number of other seminars and speaking events in different places publicising our experiences. Particular thanks is due to Palestine Coordinator Abby Ryan for the enormous amount of hard work which she did in organising this trip. I would also like to thank the following people for the financial and other support that they have given: Senator Ivana Bacik, Nessa Childers MEP, Proinsias de Rossa MEP, Councillor Stephen Fitzpatrick, Senator Michael McCarthy, Liz McManus TD, Councillor Cian O’Callaghan Ruairi Quinn TD, Sean Sherlock TD, Emmet Stagg TD, Joanna Tuffy TD, Senator Alex White and Roger Cole. Future Actions on Palestine The group committed to pushing for a number of actions within Labour Youth as a result of its experiences. A series of campus-based campaigns to take place during the current college year, calling for official endorsement of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign by Student’s Unions; including disaffiliations from Israeli students’ unions and banning of student union use of Israeli products. To campaign for the removal of Young Israeli Labour as a member of the International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY) and as an observer member of the Young European Socialists (ECOSY) To campaign for the removal of Israeli Labour as a member of the Socialist International To campaign for greater commitment within the Labour Party to the BDS campaign Campaigns to increase awareness of the specifically Apartheid nature of the Israeli regime Cooperation with pro-Palestinian organisations in Ireland; namely Sadaka - the Ireland Palestine Alliance and the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign It hopes to push for realisation of these aspirations in the coming year.

Campaign for a PES Primary I have been involved in supporting the Campaign for a PES Primary currently being organised, mainly through PES Activits. I met with Desmond O’Toole for PES Activists Dublin and wrote a blog entry for the website approving of the campaign. I hope for Labour Youth to issues a press statement on the subject in the near future and, in the longer term, possibly launch a policy document, encompassing the issue of EU Democracy in general. The PES Primary campaign for a primaries of ordinary members in each member state to be held in order to select the pan-European socialist candidate for president of the European Commission in 2014. Key decisions in relation to PES procudure on this issue are taking place in 2010. You can access its Facebook page on: Western Sahara The anticipated lecture on Western Sahara to be held in Trinity on October 8 th has been postponed due to unavailability of speakers on the given date. I hope that it will still go ahead before conference and am waiting for a response from people. In the meantime I have been involved in the foundation of Western Sahara Action Ireland, a new amalgamation of different groups interested in the Western Sahara issue. Its launch is currently scheduled for November 10th, and I will inform people in more detail on this at the time of youth conference. You can find their Facebook page account: Regulate Global Finance Campaign The Regulate Global Finance Campaign is currently slow but is still in operation and I hope for Labour Youth to help further publicise the campaign in the future. I am currently attempting to arrange for a joint Young European Socialists action on the issue however this has been very difficult to coordinate. Upcoming international events The following are some upcoming international events ECOSY Networks Seminar for the ECOSYQueer Network, ECOSY Migration and Integration Network and ECOSY Pool of Trainers 4-7 November Werftpfuhl, Germany

ECOSY-IUSY Social Balkans seminar 12-14 November Velenje, Slovenia Kurt Löwenstein Centre Annual Winterschool Theme: Gender 27 December 2010- 3 January 2011 Werftpfuhl, Germany Partial reimbursement of expenses is possible but uncertain in relation to all of the above. Anything else? Anything else relating to European or international issues which you would like us to engage in? Just let me know. Neil Warner, Oifigeach Idirnáisiúnta, International Officer, Labour Youth

Equality Officer Report Labour Equality have been up to their usual tricks during the summer. In Mid/Late October Labour Equality will be hosting a public meeting on Homelessness in Dublin (Venue, precise date, tbc), highlighting how the homeless appear to be being targeted by the public service. Labour Intercultural is finding its feet and recruitment cards are now ready for distribution. The first event will likely be held in early December and a policy document is currently being reviewed by the arch-lizards of the inner party. Since Equality Officers’ Training in June ‘Labour Disabilities’ has been (re-)founded by some interested activists, and a Disabilities campaign is in the works. The event itself was deemed to have been lovely (or rather, “a success”), and will likely continue as an annual event for the section. Nothing to do with me: Labour LGBT are holding their AGM on October 2 nd to determine once and for all which sexuality is the best, and my money’s on Lesbian. If anyone new wants to get involved in this subsection I suggest you head along as the spectacle of humorous motions and fulfilled stereotypes is likely to make it very interesting. It’s being held in the Central Hotel in Dublin. If you’re reading this at the national meeting it’s obviously already happened but don’t feel bad it probably wasn’t very interesting at all, with absolutely no stereotype fulfilment at all. For non-Dublinites I strongly suggest emailing Labour LGBT and telling them if you’re interested in getting involved and some sort of regional developmental hat can probably be sent to you in the post. Recruitment I’ve been involved in recruitment on three canvasses: UCD, UL and the challenging Griffith College Dublin. Weldone to Rob Quinn who’s article in the LT really annoyed Young Fine Gael on two of those campuses, and, I should hope, across the country, in a number of incidents mirroring our senior party ways. Public Service Announcement On the day of writing “Choice Ireland” are asking people for a Euro each to contribute to the cause. The Facebook group “A Euro for Choice” has details of how to pay said Euro if you wish, and I’m sure they won’t mind getting money whenever they receive it.

As this is most likely my last report thanks a bunch to everyone in the organisation for a pretty weird year as Equality Officer, any to everyone else on the NYE, and to the fine members also of the Labour Equality and Labour Intercultural executive councils. Colm

Appendix 1 - The Copenhagen Declaration We, the undersigned, commit ourselves to advancing the sexual and reproductive health and rights of all people according to the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development (Cairo, 1994), the Platform for Action of the International Conference on Women (Beijing, 1995) and the Millennium Development Goals. We acknowledge that: 1. Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 5, to improve maternal health is the most off-track of all the MDGs. MDG 5a seeks to reduce the maternal mortality ratio 75% by 2015 but no significant progress has been made since 1990. Between 1990 and 2006, the ratio of maternal deaths had declined by only 6%; 2. MDG 5b, to achieve universal access to reproductive health by 2015, is also off-track: • 215 million women still have an unmet need for contraception; • 75 million women have unintended pregnancies every year; • Demand for contraception is estimated to increase 40% by 2015 when the world’s 1 billion young people enter their reproductive years; 3. Young people, in particular girls, are especially vulnerable, as: • Pregnancy is one of the leading causes of death for young women in developing countries between 15 and 19 years of age; • Gender-based discrimination leads to lower access to education and an increased risk of sexual abuse, child marriage, early pregnancy, poverty, harmful practices such as female genital mutilation, trafficking, forced labour and HIV infection; • Young people under 25 account for half of all new HIV infections and in some countries the risk of a girl being infected is 3 times that of a boy the same age; • 14 million teenagers give birth every year, facing higher risks of maternal and child mortality and social exclusion; 4. Annually half a million women die during pregnancy and another 7 million women experience serious health consequences. The majority of these women come from developing countries; 5. Each year approximately 20 million women have unsafe abortions, and 3 million of the estimated 8.5 million who need care for subsequent health complications do not receive it, and 70 thousand women die as a result; 6. There are 33 million people in the world living with HIV and there is an annual 8 million shortfall in condoms needed to provide adequate protection; 7. It is estimated that fulfilling the unmet need for modern family planning methods would cost 3.6 billion US dollars in addition to the 3.1 billion US dollars spent using current methods, for a total cost of 6.7 billion US dollars annually; 8. Even though HIV/AIDS and sexual and reproductive health and rights are interlinked, it seems budget allocations have favoured HIV/AIDS and neglected sexual and reproductive health and rights; 9. Comprehensive sexuality education and access to family planning services are integral to reducing maternal mortality rates and the number of unsafe abortions.

We believe that: 10. All people, including young people, have the right to make free and informed choices about their sexual and reproductive lives. This includes the right to information, youth-friendly services, and the supplies necessary to implement those choices; 11. Youth participation is essential to decision-making processes as we currently have the largest youth population in the world’s history: one in four people are under 25 years old and 1.06 billion people are aged between 19 and 25. The participation of young decision-makers in the formulation of policy and legislation aimed at young people is therefore crucial; 12. It is not possible to achieve the MDGs, especially the eradication of extreme poverty and hunger, if we do not tackle reproductive health issues as a crucial part of economic development. This means intensifying efforts to promote women’s rights, gender equality and implement greater investment in education and health, including reproductive health and family planning, and promoting the economic independence and empowerment of women; 13. Meeting the unmet need for contraception, and providing the recommended package of maternal health care is cost effective. It saves the lives of women and children and saves society money for medical care; 14. Maternal mortality rates can be reduced by ensuring the provision of local and affordable antenatal healthcare; 15. Everyone, independent of her or his sexual orientation, is entitled to attain the highest standards of sexual and reproductive health and express his or her sexual identity free from coercion and criminalisation. We commit ourselves to: 16. Promote sexual and reproductive health and rights as a human right as well as an element of equal opportunity and development; 17. Support mechanisms that allow for the participation of young people in advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights and the Millennium Declaration; 18. Call upon the appropriate political structures to advance the implementation of sexual and reproductive health and rights in developing countries 19. Call upon the appropriate political structures and the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Development to increase funding for sexual and reproductive health as part of overseas development aid; 20. Promote the eradication of female genital mutilation (FGM) entirely where it exists worldwide; 21. Call upon civil society and non-governmental organisations to actively take part in the decision making process to ensure necessary transparency and good governance. We recommend to members of parliament, European governments and EU Institutions: 22. Deliver on their commitments as outlined in the Cairo Programme of Action (ICPD) and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), in particular their commitments concerning sexual and reproductive health in the field of public support to development assistance;

23. Play a leading role on the international stage to highlight the important role of sexual and reproductive health and rights in achieving the MDGs; 24. Ensure that EU member states are working towards their commitment of allocating at least of 0.7% of their GDP to development; 25. Increase specific funding for sexual and reproductive health and rights as part of overseas development aid; 26. Ensure that EU member states policy commitments on MDG5 are reflected in financial agreements with developing countries by including more systematic reproductive health related performance indicators; 27. Provide universal access to information, comprehensive sexuality education, family planning services and affordable contraceptives; 28. Strengthen efforts to achieve gender equality; 29. Recognise that HIV prevention is part of a greater effort to protect and promote health, especially sexual and reproductive health and rights; 30. Hold governments of developing nations accountable for corruption in the management of development aid. The need for civic and social support is a crucial part of public opinion and political decisions. This is the reason for our commitment. We sign this declaration to formalise our commitment to the promotion of sexual and reproductive health and rights in Europe and in the world. Sources: 1. International Planned Parenthood Federation, Contraception at a Crossroads, London: International Planned Parenthood, 2008. 2. Singh S et al., Adding It Up: The Costs and Benefits of Investing in Family Planning and Maternal and Newborn Health, New York: Guttmacher Institute and United Nations Population Fund, 2009. 3. United Nations Population Fund, State of the World Population 2005, New York: United Nations Population Fund 2005 4.

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