Trade Union Awareness Leaflet

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A Trade Union? Eh? Eh? What is it? A Trade Union is an organisation made up of workers in the same area of employment, who have come together to achieve common goals in key areas, such as working conditions. They offer protection to individual members who feel that they are being bullied in work, or being treated unfairly in general and they act as a collective voice for the membership in direct negotiations with employers. “A casual glance backwards at history will inform of the many gains and advances that have been won for all in society, by trade unions safer working conditions, paid holidays, maternity leave, the minimum wage, paid overtime, to name but a few. The list is virtually endless and many of the most basic rights that people now take for granted have been hard won over many years” – David Begg, General Secretary, Irish Congress of Trade Unions. Why Join? Joining a Trade Union offers you protection. If you’re being picked on at work by your co-workers or your boss, your Union Representative can help you. If your shift time changes, putting you in an unfeasible position, your Union can help you. If your Employer is trying to reduce your pay your Union can help stop them. In addition to all of this, Unions may offer members special deals on Insurance Policies, Health Care Costs and Legal Bills.

Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) The Irish Congress of Trade Unions is the umbrella group for the Irish Trade Union Movement. It is the largest civil society organisation on the island of Ireland, representing and campaigning on behalf of some 832,000 working people, both North and South of the border. Its core aims are to promote the principles of trade unionism through campaigns and policy development; provide information, advice and training to unions and their members; assist with the resolution of disputes between unions and employers. Ten Good Reasons to Join a Union 1. People who belong to unions have better wages and conditions. 2. Unionised workplaces have better health and safety conditions. 3. Unions have a proud history of defending the rights of working women, part timers & casuals. It is much more difficult for employers to discriminate against those workers who are aware of their rights. 4. Overtime rates, annual leave, rostered days off, redundancy agreements - these are all conditions fought for by unions. 5. Unions collectively and individually support education and training for employees and lobby for on-the-job training for members. 6. The Union movement fights to protect low paid workers. 7. People who are active in their unions learn about their working environment and how it can be improved. 8. In tough economic times, employers will try to cut jobs - it is unions who make sure that big companies don't put profit before people. 9. Unions help to break down barriers in workplaces - they unite workers and create a community. 10. Unions are involved in important social and community issues. Some of the larger Trade Unions in Ireland /labouryouth

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