The students are gaining hands-on experience they can use to pursue work opportunities and possibly an apprenticeship within the trades industry. Below, LaB d i h i hi helped make an instrument rack for s. (Cont'd on page 3.)
This summer the Diles Foundation held its charity golf outing at Riverview Golf Course and they designated the LaBrae Marching Band as one of the beneficiaries of their fundraising efforts. The event was a huge success and it resulted in a donation of $18,000 to the LaBrae Band Boosters.
Between the generosity of the Diles Foundation, donations from the band boosters, and contributions from the LaBrae Board of Education, the school district purchased over $33,000 worth of equipment for the marching band. In total, six new sousaphones with hard cases, performance cymbals, and three marching bass drums will make their debut next August when LaBrae hosts the initial Trumbull County Band Night. The District thanks the Diles Foundation and the LaBrae Band Boosters for their efforts and generosity in support of our students.
D'Orio and Daniels each retire with 24 years of service to the LaBrae community.
The LaBrae Board of Education recognized and honored retiring Assistant to the Treasurer Debbie D'Orio, standing in the center of the top picture, and longtime mechanic Russell "Shorty" Daniels, standing in the center of the bottom picture, at the board's December 12th meeting. They are each retiring after 24 years of exemplary service to the LaBrae community. Shown in each picture are also, from left to right, board members Tim Gibson, VicePresident, Russell Sewell, President, Bradley Gamlin, and Karen Ancell.
So far this year, LaBrae High School students Dustin Postlethwait, Ashton Laughlin, and Charles Faler have created or assisted in making a step stool, tote box, bird house,coatrack,keychainholderandaninstrumentrackforthemusicdepartmentat LordstownHighSchool.
The projects are all products of the skills they are acquiring through the Trumbull County Educational Service Center's Education Extension at Lordstown Elementary School. The TCESC began offering the Ohio State Apprenticeship Council (OSAC) recognized pre-apprenticeship program during the fall semester of the 2022-2023 schoolyear.
"(Thisprogram)ishelpingmebettermyskillswhenitcomestocarpentryandworking onprojects,butit'salsohelpingmebuildmymathskillswithoutmeevenrealizingitat the time, kind of effortlessly," said Postlewait, who hopes to pursue a carpentry apprenticeship."Itreallyismulti-encompassing."
The program is being funded by an Innovative Workforce Incentive Program (IWIP) grant through the Governor’s Office of Workforce Transformation and the Ohio Department of Education. It is a state-approved graduation pathway. Students who complete the program will attain several industry-recognized certifications and qualifyfortheOhioCarpenter’sApprenticeshipprogram,whichpairsapprenticeswith employers in the Mahoning Valley and statewide. The program also gives students opportunitiestonetworkwithareaemployers.
"It'sgivingmethehands-onpreparationandexperienceIneedeitherforajoboran apprenticeship,"Laughlinsaid."I'mlearningalotandenjoyingwhatI'mlearningand
Six LaBrae Local Schools students were among more than four dozens of their peers across Trumbull County who participated in the Trumbull County Educational Service Center's Annual STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) Showcase held December 6th and 7th.
The showcase featured art displays, a student made putt-putt course, robots, drones, performing arts, and much more.
The two-day event featured work from students across 17 Trumbull County School Districts.
The projects focused on the seven different pathways that the TCESC's STEAM program offers students, including Aviation and Drones, Coding and Robotics, Design Challenges, Engineering, Mixed Media Art, Performance Art, and Traditional Art.
The STEAM program is held at Lordstown High School the first semester of each school year.
The LaBrae students who attended this year's STEAM program and participated in the showcase are John Bustard, grade 5, Molly Beck and Bryce Haynie, grade 6, Kaydence Church, Mason Lutz and Robert Stevens, grade 7.
LaBrae High School graduating senior Mariah Leskovac, was named a 2022 Twenty Under 20 Award Winner as a Top 5 Recipient! She was recognized at the Tribune's annual awards dinner on December 6th.
The program, in its 10th year, recognizes leadership, volunteerism and academic achievement and is sponsored by the Tribune Chronicle, Warren OH and co-sponsored by Akron Children's Hospital Mahoning Valley and Kent State University Trumbull.
LaBrae High School SMASH students, from left, Kennedy Sanderson, Rylee McDonough, Kaden Lippert and Dale Khlem received winter driving tips recently at a SMASH meeting at the Trumbull County ESC.
Kennedy Sanderson, left, won some deicer for her car after placing in the Top4 during a challenge at a SMASH meeting held recently at the Trumbull County ESC.
LaBrae High School students Christian Haught and Allison McCune were recognized for their high scores on “The Americanism and Government Program” test sponsored by the American Legion Post #699. They are shown in the picture at left with Post Commander Mr. Charles Allen.
The LaBrae High School Prep Bowl team, which is advised by Mr. DizMuzio, is off to a great start this winter. The team of Fiona Nicholas, Sam Watkins, Brett Marsh, Savannah Taiclet and Kira Thornton competed in Salem December 17th, defeating Springfield to claim the championship for LaBrae.
The team of Jack Dietlbach, Eric Heeter, Dale Khlem, Lu Marsh, and Zach Nyitrai finished second at the December 3 Trumbull Career & Technical Center challenge, and finished 3 out of 18 teams at the Salem tourney, falling short to Springfie
Meanwhile, LaBrae Middle School's 6th-8th grade Pr teams competed against 16 other school teams on Decem at TCTC. After three morning rounds, all four teams wer into the afternoon tournament bracket. Out of 20 tea received the following seeds:
LaBrae A- 8th graders and Sophia Balzer- 2nd seed
LaBrae B- 7th graders- 4th seed
LaBrae C- 6th graders- 5th seed
LaBrae D- 6th graders- 6th seed
The 6th-grade teams had never seeded that high co id i th ti i t 7th d 8th Th to to
Vision To Learn was on site December 15th at Bascom Elementary School, testing students and fitting them for glasses at no charge.
LaBrae Local Schools partnered with Vision to Learn this year, and the organization screened all students in grades K-12.
This program is made possible through the generosity of The Beutner Family Foundation, with the support of:
The Polena Trust & Mercy Health Foundation
Cafaro Foundation
Leonard Fisher Family
Erzurum-Sarac Family Foundation
J. Ford Crandall Foundation
Akron Children's Hospital
Eye Care Associates
Bascom Elementary School collected more than 1,300 food items in November to help families in need. The collection was part of a food drive contest. Mrs. Cunningham's preschool class and Mrs. Kish's 2ndgrade class collected the most items and received an ice cream treat. Also, Trumbull Correctional Institution collected food items that were donated in memory of former Bascom school teacher Pam Engle. Collected were two huge boxes of a variety of foods that will be distributed to LaBrae students and their families. The food drive was organized by the Leavittsburg facility's Jeanette Franklin, shown above with Bascom secretary Melanie Reese.
On December 15th, LaBrae High School Inducted 11 new members into LaBrae's Louise Clark Chapter of the National Honor Society (NHS). New inductees were honored in a day ceremony in front of their family and honored guests. Current NHS officers and inductees presented the new honorees in a ceremony recognizing their scholastic and individual accomplishments. Elements of their biographies correlating to the pillars of the NHS were highlighted during the ceremony.
The purpose of the National Honor Society is to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, and to develop character in the students of America's high schools. National Honor Society membership has been the true mark of student achievement for over 100 years, but it goes far beyond a report card. By empowering, championing, and recognizing well-rounded students, NHS provides a valuesbased framework to elevate a culture of scholarship, service, leadership, and character.
Congratulations to our newest members of the NHS!
Overthelast20plusyears,Ohio'sschoolvoucherprogramhasgraduallyexpandedwitheachpassingstate budget Whatstartedoutinthe1990'sasapilotprogramdesignedtohelpimpoverishedfamiliestrappedin poorperformingdistrictshasgraduallymorphedovertimetoaneverexpandingprogramthathasballooned toataxpayerfundedexpenseof$350millionduringthelastschoolyear. Overthelastthreebudgetcycles, theOhioGeneralAssemblyhassignificantlyexpandedeligibilitycriteriaandhasdemonstratedaclearintentin H.B.290tomakeeducationalvouchersuniversalforallOhiostudentsregardlessofresidencyorfamily incomelevels. H.B.290,commonlyreferredtoastheBackpackBill,isallbutguaranteedtobereintroduced whenthebudgetmakingprocessbeginsintheGeneralAssemblyinFebruary. Shoulduniversalvouchers becomelaw,allprivateschoolstudentscurrentlynoteligibleforavoucherwouldqualifytoreceiveone.Itis estimatedtocostOhiotaxpayersanadditional$1billionperyeartofundthosestudentscurrentlyinprivate schoolsandnoteligibleforvouchers. Schoolfundingexpertsquestionifsuchamoveisaffordableasit createsasizeablerebate/refundprogramforfamiliesthatarealreadypayingtheirtuitionexpensesoutof theirownpocket
Legislativeleadersespousethenotionthat"themoneyshouldfollowthechild",whichunderthispremise, wouldmeanOhiotaxpayersareresponsibleforfundingthreetypesofschoolsystems,theirlocalpublic schools,Ohiocharterschools,andprivateschools. SuchasystemcreatesmanyquestionsthatOhiocitizens shouldponderearnestly.
Forexample,shouldthemoneyfollowthechild? Willprivateschoolsbesubjecttothesamelevelsof accountabilityaslocalpublicschools?ShouldOhiotaxpayersfundtheprivateeducationforfamilieswith financialmeans?IftheStatedivertshundredsofmillionsofdollarstoprivateschoolsviavouchers,whatmight betheimpactonlocalpublicschools?Whatmightbetheimpactonlocalpropertytaxes? Willprivateschools berequiredtoacceptallstudentsusingavoucher?DoesOhioallowsuchatransferoftaxpayerfundsfor otherpublicgoodssuchasparks,police,andfire?Thesequestionsarejustasamplingofimportant considerationsinthevoucherdebate.
Lastyear,anevergrowinglistofOhiopublicschoolsinitiatedalawsuitagainsttheStateofOhiooverthe unconstitutionalityofthevoucherprogram. Simply,thebeliefisthatVouchersHurtOhio,thattheState voucherprogramisunconstitutional,andOhioshouldnotbesubsidizingprivateeducation.Statesupreme courtsinWestVirginaandKentuckyin2022ruledtheirstatevoucherprogramsunconstitutional LaBraeisa participatingdistrictintheVouchersHurtOhiolawsuit. TheBoardofEducationbelievesthatourparticipation isanimportantsteptoprotectingpubliceducationandprotectingOhiotaxpayers.Youcanlearnmoreabout theVouchersHurtOhioeffortbyclickingonthepicturebelowwhichwillredirectyoutotheirwebsite The unceasinggrowthofthevoucherprogramhascreatedscrutiny,andinlightofanunwillinglegislaturetocurb thegrowthofvouchers,theonlyavenueforclarityonthelegalityoftheprogramisthroughthecourts,thus theVoucherHurtOhiosuitagainsttheState
LaBrae Locals Schools recently completed the required Ohio financial five-year forecast for fiscal year 2023, which began on July 1, 2022. The District is forecasted to be in stable financial standing for the next two fiscal years. Per the forecast, LaBrae is expected to have a surplus on June 30th of $743,199. In fiscal year 2024, LaBrae will have expended almost all of the federal Covid-19 relief dollars which were used to reduce personnel and benefits costs in FY2023 and prior. Subsequently, the general fund will reassume additional personnel expenses in fiscal year 2024, and the fund is expected to experience a slight deficit of $47,843 for the year
2023 brings a new Ohio biennial budget cycle that is full of uncertainty, which makes forecasting confidently beyond two years difficult Ohio is expected to stay committed to the Fair School Funding Plan, but the budget cycle will determine how significantly Ohio ramps up the gradual phase-in of the new plan Despite the uncertainty, the District will continue to monitor expenditures throughout the forecasted years, and continue to implement cost savings measures accordingly.
LaBrae Local Schools is reducing the rate of taxation in 2023 on the outstanding debt incurred when the District built the LaBrae Complex. The construction costs for building the new LaBrae Complex were acquired, as is typical with capital improvement projects of this magnitude, through the sale of bonds on the market. The original debt was refinanced in 2011 so the District could take advantage of historically low interest rates at that time. The refinancing of the debt saved the District, and subsequently, LaBrae taxpayers, $631,644.17 in interest over the remaining life of the debt.
In 2022, LaBrae Local Schools was able to compound the aforementioned interest savings by continuing the return of unused principal from the bond levy to taxpayers. The 2022 tax rate on the LaBrae bond debt was reduced from 4.4 mills to 3.8 mills of taxation. In 2023, the bond rate will be lowered further to 3.3 mills. For comparison, the 2016 tax rate on the bond debt was 5.7 mills. From 2017-2019, the tax rate stood at 5.0 mills. The bond millage was lowered to 4.5 mills in 2020. What does this mean for a property owner in our community? In 2016 at 5.7 mills, the owner of a $100,000 home would have paid $199.50 in taxes to help fund the bond obligation. With a reduction in millage to 3.3 mills in 2023, that same homeowner will see a lower tax liability of $115.50.
The District is able to return the remaining unused principal because the construction of the building project came in under budget. This unused principal will supplant tax revenue lost when lower tax rates on the bond levy are provided to LaBrae property owners. Each year LaBrae Local Schools evaluates the tax revenue from the bond levy and sets its tax rate with the Trumbull County Auditor's Office to ensure that the rate will generate enough money to make the coming year's debt payments. LaBrae Local Schools will continue to manage this revenue in an efficient and responsible manner. LaBrae will continue to annually evaluate bond revenues and adjust the rates accordingly. The last debt payment will be made in December 2024, which will mark the expiration of the bond obligations.
Should you have questions regarding the information herein, please do not hesitate to contact the Superintendent or Treasurer at 330.898.0800.
LaBrae Local Schools hosted families of our elementary students on October 19th at Bascom Elementary for our annual Title One Family Night.
Our Family Night is a family engagement opportunity for students and parents to partake in fun literacy and math activities that are designed to showcase strategies for improving student literacy and math skills.
LaBrae uses federal Title I funds to fund high-quality instruction and provide resources necessary to help close learning gaps among our students.
The purpose of Title I is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education. Title I provides funds to schools to improve the achievement of the lowestachieving students – those who are failing, or most at risk of failing, to meet a State’s academic achievement standards.
Title I is funded under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. It has been in existence since 1995. There are more than 51,000 schools across the U S that receive Title I funds.
Mr. Russell Sewell, Email:
Mrs. Karen Ancell Email:
Mr.Bradley Gamlin Email:
Mr. Tim Gibson, Email:
Mr. Gary Morton Email:
LaBrae Board of Education meetings are scheduled for the second Monday of each month. Typically, the lone exception is the month of November, when the Board meets on the third Monday of the month. The meeting schedule can be found on the LaBrae website.
Dr. Broome is a 1976 graduate of LaBrae High School. Dr. Broome completed medical school at NEOUCOM, via Kent State University. Also, she earned her MBA from the UniversityofMassachusetts.
Dr. Broome completed her Family Practice Internship and Residency at Aultman Hospital in Canton. She served as a faculty member in her residency program for three years, and then went into private practice for four years. Her medical career has spanned over 38 years in a mix of roles thatwerebothclinicalandadministrative.
Distinguished Alumni
She has served as both residency faculty and residency director in Ohio and California. She has served in corporate health care in many leadership capacities working toward innovativeprogressinaconstantlychangingfield.Lastly,she is committed to community service via her roles on various communityboardsandcivicorganizationswheresheresides.
WilliamMarshisa1968graduateofLeavittsburgHighSchool.He earnedhisBachelorsdegreeinAerospaceTechnologyfromKent StateUniversity
Mr.Marshserved20yearsofactivedutyintheU.S.Navy.Hewas a Naval Aviation Officers Candidate School graduate, earned a Master's in Business Administration from Pepperdine University, and graduated from the Department of Defense Armed Forces StaffCollege.
Following20distinguishedyearswiththeNavy,Mr.Marshserved 20 years as a Navy Program Manager and Navy government support contractor who provided procurement services, engineering,andprogrammanagementservices.
In retirement, he has committed to being an integral community servant. He was a member of the Board of Directors for the Pacific Beach Town Council, a (501(C}{3) charitable organization, for six years with four of those years serving as the PBTC Treasurer Additionally, Marsh has participated in and helped to coordinate numerous local community charity functions, activitiesandfacilities.
Clyde Smith is a 1966 graduate of Leavittsburg High School. He earned a Bachelors degree in Aeronautical Studies from EmbryRiddle Aeronautical University. He also earned Master's Degrees inBusinessAdministration&AeronauticalScience.
Mr. Smith served in the U.S. Army where he achieved the rank of LieutenantColonel.HeachievedthehonorofbeingnamedaU.S. Army Master Aviator. While in the Army, he served as a Medical Evacuation Pilot flying UH-1 Medevac Helicopters in South Vietnam with the 283rd Medical Detachment. He later served in Germany and Panama, and was recalled to active duty for OperationDesertShieldandDesertStorm
He has served as an Airfield Commander, Aircraft Maintenance Commander, Test Pilot, and in the Operations, Safety, and Accident Investigation unit. Mr. Smith is a graduate of the U.S. Army's Command and General Staff College He retired with a combined 42 years of active duty and active reserve duty. He also worked for Pratt & Whitney for 22 years as a Test Engineer andProjectEngineer.
He retired as a Project Manager with Belcan Corporation’s Advanced Engineering & Technology Division. He is an Adjunct Professor for Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona, Florida where he has been an aeronautics instructor for 25 years.
Throughout Melvin Staats’ greater-than 20 years at LeavittsburgLaBrae,heheldmanyrolesincludingteacher,coach,DeanofBoys, Athletic Director, and Assistant Principal. He impacted hundreds of livescontributinggreatlytotheLaBraecommunity.
In 1966, Mr. Staats became the first head coach of the reinstated Leavittsburgfootballprogram,whichhadnotbeeninexistencefor more than 40 years. Throughout his coaching career, he received many awards and recognitions such as coach of the year nominee in 1969, 1971, and 1972 In 1971, LaBrae was Trumbull AA Co-Champs andoutrightTrumbullAAConferenceChampionsin1972.Mr.Staats served as head coach through the 1972 season. He retired from LaBraein1989.
In 2006, Mr Staats was inducted into the Trumbull County Sports Hall of Fame, and he was inducted into the Ohio High School Athletic Association's Officiating Hall of Fame in 2015 for 30-plus years as a baseball umpire. Following retirement, he became the league commissioner and referee assignor for Trumbull County allowing him to continue to serve and stay connected to interscholasticathletics.
Tony Stephens is a 1984 graduate of LaBrae High School As a student-athlete at LaBrae, Mr. Stephens excelled at football, basketball, and baseball, earning 10 varsity letters during his high school athletic career. Mr. Stephens' excellence was most prominent on the gridiron. He earned three varsity letters playing for Coach Al Carrino during the most successful threeyearperiodinschoolhistory.
Mr.Stephenswasfirst-teamall-leagueandall-countyasajunior. Asasenior,andateamcaptain,heledtheVikingsinrushingwith 817 yards and 8 rushing touchdowns. His senior success earned him all-league, all-county and all-state honors. He was also nominatedfortheTrumbullCountyPlayeroftheYearaward Mr. Stephens' success at LaBrae earned him a Division I football scholarship at Kent State University. As a Kent State Flash, he had a successful career on the gridiron earning four varsity letters as a four year starter at outside linebacker His 421 careertacklesranks9thinKSUHistory.
Mr. Stephens graduated from Kent State University with a degree in Criminal Justice. He served 27 years with distinction with the Ohio State Highway Patrol, and currently works as a special deputy with the U.S. Marshals in the federal court system.