Sub-module 6
The optimistic look at the future of the Nordic-Baltic region
Module: Environment and Sustainability related Megatrends and Risks
The objectives of this submodule •
To give some optimism related to the future images, scenarios and visions that are based on megatrends analysis.
Control questions Before you start this sub-module, please answer to yourself the following questions: • Think about what do you know about long-term strategies for your country. • Formulate few statements reflecting your future insights related to your Country’s future.
Long term visions as the synthesis of megatrends analysis
Finland 1 vision
3 themes
Finland will succeed as a pioneer in sustainable wellbeing
Resource-wise and Carbon-neutral carbon-neutral society industry Circular economy Empowering Solutions for e-wellsociety being Social and healthcare financing Impact investing New working life and Transformations of sustainable economy work
Source: SITRA
6 focus areas
Production in Sweden – a vision for 2030
In 2030, Sweden is a forerunner in sustainable production.
SWEDEN: The National Board of Housing, Building and Planning • Managing Growing Metropolitan • Creating a Sustainable Environment in and around the City • Sustainable Development of Small Localities and Sparsely Populated Areas • Building Sustainably • Higher Education is the Engine of Regional Growth • Long-term Planning for Temporary Operations • Bolstering the Visitor and Hospitality Sector • Creating International Rail Connections for Freight and Passenger Travel • Regional Development Requires an Expansion of Public Transport • Securing Future Electricity Supply • Assuring Pure Water Supply • Preserving Nature, Shorelines and Agricultural Land Close to Built-up Areas
Norway brings forward carbon neutrality goal to 2030 • Norway's parliament has agreed on a goal to cut the country's net greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2030, moving the target forward by 20 years (2016) • To achieve this goal, oil and gas producing Norway will have to lower its carbon output or purchase carbon credits to offset its emissions. • "It's obviously a very ambitious goal …”
Estonia 2030 (environmental strategy) • “Sustainable Estonia 21”
Predominantly an environmentally sustainable consumption model will prevail in Estonia.
Vision for Latvia • In 2030 Latvia will be a thriving country of active and responsible citizens. • Everyone will have the opportunity to feel safe and belonging to Latvia, everyone here will have the opportunity to achieve his or her goals. • The strength of the nation will lie in the inherited, discovered and newly created cultural and spiritual values, the richness of language and knowledge of other languages. • It will unite the society for the creation of new, diverse and unique values in economy, science and culture, and these values will be appreciated, known and respected also outside Latvia • Latvia – our home – green and tidy place, which is easy to reach and regarding sustainability of which we are responsible before the future generations
Lithuania 2030 Lithuania is a smart country: a good place to live and work Changes will take place in the following areas: • Smart society: happy society that is open [openness] to the ideas of each citizen [creativity], to innovations and challenges, demonstrating solidarity, self-governance and political maturity [responsibility]. • Smart economy: economy that is flexible and able to compete globally [openness], generating high added value, based on knowledge, innovations entrepreneurship [creativity] and social responsibility as well as “green” growth [responsibility]. • Smart governance: governance that is open and participatory [openness], delivering, meeting public demands and ensuring high quality services [responsibility], as well as competent government, able to take targeted strategic decisions [creativity].
Lithuania 2030: Goals The implementation of the Vision would enable Lithuania to become, in the year 2030, one of the 10 most advanced European Union Member States by: • Quality of Life Index (now 23rd in the EU) • Happiness Index (now 20th in the EU ) • Democracy Index (now 22nd in the EU) • Sustainable Society Index (now 13th in the EU) • Global Competitiveness Index (now 17th in the EU) • Globalization Index (now 25th in the EU)
Control questions After you completed this module, please answer to yourself the following questions: • In your, opinion, is the presented vision of your country is feasible and desirable for you? I there are other personal expectations, list them and compare your vision with official vision. Where do you see the major gaps?
Thank you and good luck!
Instructor of the module: Ass. Prof. Gintaras Labutis Military Academy of Lithuania