Annual Report LACAYMCA 2015

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TABLE OF CONTENTS About us Member YMCAs Introduction Strategic Plan 2016-2018 Annual Conference and Meeting of the Executive Committee Youth Leadership Networks Movement Strengthening Strategic Alliances and Resource Mobilization Brand and Communications Financial Statements Acknowledgements



We are a Global Network.


The Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) is a global Movement present in 119 countries serving more than 58 million people.


Our strength relies in the programs and activities in each of the communities where we work; these programs adapt to each context and reality. The sum of these local efforts becomes the great global impact of YMCA. In YMCA, people from all ages, ethnic backgrounds, religious beliefs, and social status lead the change they want to see in their communities.

1’000,000 PEOPLE



The YMCA Movement in Latin America and the Caribbean promotes the holistic development of people in spirit, mind and body through an extensive network of community centers, shelters, camps, hotels, and sports and recreational facilities that focus on developing a better society in Latin America and the Caribbean.





To strengthen YMCA National Movements in the region and to contribute to the development of the World YMCA Movement.

To be a regional leader known by our ability to contribute to the transformation of the lives of young people supported on the health and strength of National YMCAs.

Solidarity Honesty Respect Responsibility

PRINCIPIOS Transparency Horizontal organization Co-responsibility Subsidiarity Transversality

INTRODUCTION In 2015, the Executive Committee and the General Secretary worked together under the guidance of Member YMCAs to consolidate key initiatives that will secure the future of the Latin American and Caribbean Alliance of YMCAs. The most important was the development of the 2016-2018 Strategic Plan “Youth Transforming Lives” where more than 100 people from 20 National Movements, international partners, and the World Alliance of YMCAs participated. The purpose of the Strategic Plan is to strengthen our network and continue collaborating with each other to build a better future for our communities. In addition, we implemented a formal evaluation for the General Secretary to support his professional development and we also met legal and tax requirements pending from 2014 and before. This year, LACA also increased its revenue from membership dues and some Movements paid annual dues from previous years helping strengthen our financial position. Additionally, LACA and Member Movements mobilized additional resources to strengthen its impact. Thanks to the outstanding work of YMCAs and their trust in the area organization, resources were raised from a corporate donor to advance our philanthropy efforts and youth development work in the region. This report highlights of our collective efforts during 2015. These initiatives strengthen our network and our impact in Latin America and the Caribbean.

We know that regionally we are facing a challenging political and economic environment but these results would not have been possible without the leadership and support of the Executive Committee, LACA’s staff team, sub-regional coordinators, and staff and volunteer leaders from member YMCAs. I extend my deepest gratitude for another year of hard work and commitment to remain a relevant network for all its members. Fraternally,

Minoru Roberto Kobayashi President Executive Committee

To strengthen YMCA National Movements in the region and to contribute to the development of the World YMCA Movement.

To be a regional leader known by our ability to contribute to the transformation of the lives of young people supported on the health and strength of the National YMCAs.

Christian Mission

Social Inclusion

Governance and Sustainability Youth Leadership Human Talent Strategic Alliances

Youth Empowerment

Human Development Training and Education Health and Well-being

If LACA and the National Movements it serves achieve the expected results in 2018, as we believe we can, we will have reached a clear and attainable long-term position as described below: Communities have greater confidence in YMCA work at the national and regional levels. Sustainable National Movements with high social impact in their communities. National Movement have greater confidence at LACA and value it as an effective Area Organization contributing to their development, committed to results, transparency, and accountability. National Movements contribute significantly to the strengthening and development of LACA.

ANNUAL CONFERENCE AND MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE LACA’s Annual Conference and Meeting of the Executive Committee took place in Aruba from May 12 to 16. The theme of the Conference was “The YMCA We Want” where more than 60 leaders from 14 National Movements reflect on and share ideasPromover to strengthen the work, impact, and vision of the el fortalecimiento de los Movimientos Nacionales en la región y aportar al desarrollo del Movimiento Mundial. YMCA in Latin America and the Caribbean.


Ser un referente regional reconocido por nuestra capacidad para aportar a la transformación de la vida de las juventudes sustentado en la salud y la fortaleza de las ACJs-YMCAs Nacionales.



Inclusión Social

Gobernanza y Sostenibilidad Talento Humano Liderazgo Juvenil Alianzas Estratégicas

Empoderamiento Juvenil


Desarrollo Humano Formación y Educación Salud y Bienestar

Si la ALCACJ y los Movimientos Nacionales a los cuales acompaña logran los resultados esperados en 2018, como creemos que lo podemos hacer, lograremos una posición clara y alcanzable de largo plazo como se describe a continuación: Aumento de la confianza de la comunidad a nivel nacional y regional en el trabajo de la ACJ-YMCA. Movimientos Nacionales sustentables con alto impacto en la comunidad. Movimientos Nacionales tienen mayor confianza en que la ALCACJ es una organización de área efectiva, comprometida. con los resultados, que aporta a su desarrollo, con oferta de calidad y transparente en la rendición de cuentas. Movimientos Nacionales contribuyen de forma significativa al fortalecimiento y desarrollo de la ALCACJ.

YOUTH LEADERSHIP 1.000 youth graduated from YMCA Lideres. 25 youth leaders from 6 National Movements enrolled in YGOR 2015 (Youth in Governance Roles). YGOR class 2015 will be the core of our delegation for the YMCA Youth Summit of the Americas Colombia 2016. 24 youth leaders from 7 National Movements enrolled in a YMCA Coaching program led by LF Leadership. This program aimed at strengthening our support to YGOR participants ensuring a better learning experience and follow up. Most participants were YGOR graduates.

NETWORKS 57 delegates from 8 National Movements participated in the 14th Latin American Mission Network Conference at YMCA Camp Myron of the YMCA of Rio de Janeiro from September 10 to 13. One of the main agreements of the Network was to emphasize the training of youth to become leaders of faith, love, and service to others.

MOVEMENT STRENGTHENING - Special attention to the YMCAs of Ecuador, Honduras and Trinidad and Tobago, in collaboration with the sub-regional coordinators, to develop new strategies to strengthen the governance, program relevance and sustainability of the YMCAs. - Support to the Caribbean sub-region during the transition of the regional coordinator and development of a work plan. - Participation in the YMCA of Cayman Islands Founders Campaign donor recognition event. - Support to the Mesoamerica sub-region in the development of a work plan and regional project proposal for international cooperation. - Collaboration with YMCA Brazil for their Youth National Forum 2015 (November 13-15). 26 participants and 5 facilitators came together to develop a new national youth empowerment agenda.

STRATEGIC ALLIANCES AND RESOURCE MOBILIZATION Community Projects Taking Off In 2015, the Latin American and Caribbean Alliance of YMCs developed a strategic collaboration with Delta Air Lines. This partnership helped advance the work of member YMCAs and bring YMCA programs and activities to more than 1,000 children and youth in Barbados, Colombia and Honduras. The great work of YMCAs and the strength of our network will enable us to expand this relationship during 2016 and together increase our impact in Latin America and the Caribbean.

BRAND AND COMMUNICATIONS In 2015, the Alliance provided training and support to strengthen the communication and positioning strategies of National and Local YMCAs. In addition, we offered hosting, as well as website development and maintenance, to 8 National YMCAs and provided specialized assistance to the YMCAs of Chile, Colombia, and Peru in the development of their communication and positioning strategies. Moreover, important progress was made in collaboration with YMCAs to refresh of our regional Brand Manual. YMCAs shared key learning for improvement. Finally, progress was made in the redesign of LACA’s website and development of a new resource center (intranet).

INTERNATIONAL REPRESENTATION The Alliance and Member YMCAs attended the following events: - World Alliance of YMCAs National General Secretaries Meeting in Mexico (February). - Founders’ Campaign recognition event of the YMCA of the Cayman Islands (February). - 10th anniversary of the YMCA School Panama (March). - Global Staff Team and Executive Committee Meeting in Bossey, Switzerland (April). - LACA-YMCA Germany evaluation meeting in Kassel (April). - NAYDO Conference 2015 in Atlanta (April). - Annual Conference and Executive Committee Meeting in Aruba (May). - Brand and Communications technical assistance and training in Colombia (May).

- Movement strengthening technical visit to YMCA Trinidad & Tobago (July). - Latin American Mission Network Conference in Rio de Janeiro (September). - Strategic Planning retreat of the YMCA of South Palm Beach (September). - YMCA International Conference in Calgary, Canada (October) - World Alliance of YMCAs Summit in Litomysl, Czech Republic (November). - Brand and Communications technical assistance and training in Chile (November).


Statement of Activities

Income Members’ Contributions Other Contributions

Expenses Operation Programs

Net assets at end of year


As of December 31, 2015 and 2014. (In Mexican pesos)


Current Assets: Cash Accounts receivable Total

Liabilities and equity Current liabilities Taxes payable Total current liabilities Employee benefits Total liabilities

Net Assets Unrestricted Total

DONORS We thank the support and generosity of: Major donors Delta Air Lines YMCA Partners Ann Arbor YMCA Austin Metropolitan YMCA World Alliance of YMCAs YMCA Canada YMCA Germany YMCA of Greater Cincinnati YMCA of San Francisco YMCA of St. Petersburg YMCA of South Palm Beach YMCA of the USA Individual Donors Renata Ferrari Jerry Prado Shaw Martha Prado Brian Yanny

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President: Treasurer: Secretary:

Roberto Minoru Kobayashi (Brasil) David Poblete Vial (Cono Sur) Luisa I. Moreno Beltrán (Andina)


Dinorah Migdalia Osorio Granera (Mesoamérica) Silvia Carolina López Díaz (Andina) Norberto Felipe Moreaux de la Cruz (Caribe) Nathalia Novak Vilela (Brasil) Miguel Sánchez (Cono Sur) Anky Vrolijk (Caribe)


María José Volpe Arouca (Brasil) José Barrón Chávez (Mesaomérica) Clenell Goodman (Caribe) Héctor Antonio Ramos Bernal (Andina)

STAFF TEAM General Secretary: Brand and Communications: Leadership: Special projects: Webmaster:

Rodrigo Antonio Merino Arango Daniel Gómez-Santiago Sarah Emptage Saldarriaga Abraham Martínez Aguilar Jorge Herrera Jiménez

Alianza Latinoamericana y del Caribe de ACJ, A.C. Latin American and Caribbean Alliance of YMCAs Av. Ejército Nacional 253 1er Piso Colonia Anáhuac, Delegación Miguel Hidalgo C.P. 11320 México, D.F.

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