Guide Bringing the Future 3 - Brasil 2016

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On behalf of the Latin American and Caribbean Alliance of YMCAs, the Brazilian Federation of YMCAs and the YMCA of Rio Grande do Sul we would like to extend a warm welcome to our Annual Conference and Executive Committee Meeting Brazil 2016. We are very honored with your attendance. The Conference is a dynamic work space to deepen knowledge, exchange experiences, and share promising practices, tools, and ideas that will strengthen and maximize the work of the YMCA Movement in the region. It is also a forum to foster relationships among the YMCA in the region, identify common interests, and promote shared initiatives through our work in networks. The theme of this year “Bringing the Future: New Solutions for Common Challenges� invites participants to reflect on the challenges we face as a Movement on daily basis and collectively develop new, innovative solutions to the critical issues that impact youth in the region. We expect more than 60 participants from across Latin America and the Caribbean who represent the cultural and programmatic diversity of our region. We have prepared a full program with plenary sessions, workshops, group work activities, visits to YMCA programs, and cultural and social activities that we hope they will meet your expectations. In addition, we have the privilege to join the YMCA of Rio Grande do Sul during the launch of a series of events that will commemorate their 115th anniversary. A YMCA that has been a transforming agent in their community for more than a century and will open their doors to share their work with all of us. Finally, we will celebrate the annual in-person meeting of the Executive Committee. An open and transparent decision-making space to strengthen the governance of the Area Organization. We wish you a very productive Conference and please know that the staff team of the YMCA of Rio Grande do Sul and LACA will be ready to assist you and help you enjoy your experience. Once again, welcome to Porto Alegre!







Desayuno / Breakfast Misi贸n en Acci贸n / Mission in Action Anuncios / Announcement


Orador invitado / Keynote Speaker Break Llegadas / Arrivals

Reuni贸n abierta Comit茅 Ejecutivo / Executive Committee Meeting


09:00 - 12:30

Almuerzo / Lunch

Llegadas / Arrivals

Trabajo en grupos / Group work

Break Registro Conferencia / Conference Registration

Trabajo en grupos / Group work

Tour Gramado & Canela

Reuniones Subregionales / Meetings Subregions

09:00 - 18:30

Visita programas YMCA / Visit to YMCA programs Conclusiones / Conclusions

Tiempo libre / Free time Ceremonia de apertura 115 Aniversario YMCA RS Opening Ceremony 115 Anniversary YMCA RS

Cena cultural / Cultural dinner

18:30 - 21:00

Cena formal / Formal Dinner 18:30 - 21:00

Tiempo libre / Free time 21:00 -

Clausura y Cena cultural / Closing and Cultural Dinner 18:30 - 22:00

Salidas / Departures

Tuesday May 24th 2:30pm

Registration Table opens Convention Center Hotel Embaixador.


Departure to the Memorial do Ministério Público of Rio Grande do Sul Meeting Point: Lobby Hotel Embaixador


Opening Cocktail at the Memorial do Ministério Público of Rio Grande do Sul Opening of the Annual Conference and Executive Committee Meeting Launch of the 115th anniversary celebrations of the YMCA of Rio Grande do Sul Dress Code: Formal

Wednesday May 25th 7:00am

Breakfast Restaurant Hotel Embaixador


Mission in Action Piratini Conference Room


General Announcements Piratini Conference Room


Keynote Speaker: Prof. Beatriz Magdalena “New information technologies and its influence on the behavior of youth” Piratini Conference Room


Coffee Break


Piratini 1 Room: YMCA Bogota Title: Quality Management Systems, key for sustainability and competitiveness of local YMCAs Mauá Room: YMCA Peru Title: Youth Leadership Institute and the experience of having youth serving on Boards. Itamaraty Room: YMCA of Rio Grande do Sul Title: innovative enterprises for income generation and Quality Management Systems for continuous improvement and development. Piratini 2 Room: YMCA of the USA Title: Membership trends among US YMCAs and future perspectives.



Wednesday May 25th 11:30am

Workshops: Governance and Sustainability. Piratini 1 Room: YMCA Bogota Title: Quality Management Systems, key for sustainability and competitiveness of local YMCAs Mauรก Room: YMCA Peru Title: Youth Leadership Institute and the experience of having youth serving on Boards. Itamaraty Room: YMCA of Rio Grande do Sul Title: innovative enterprises for income generation and Quality Management Systems for continuous improvement and development. Piratini 2 Room: YMCA of the USA Title: Membership trends among US YMCAs and future perspectives.


Lunch Restaurant Hotel Embaixador


Working Groups Piratini 1 Room: Reflection on the mission, vision and values of LACA. Facilitators: Minoru Roberto Kobayashi and Greg Smith Mauรก Room: Preliminary results of the evaluation of the regional youth development programs. Facilitators: Sarah Emptage and Nathalia Novak. Itamaraty Room: Restructuring and launch of the Governance Network. Facilitators: Carolina Lรณpez and Alveiro Valencia. Piratini 2 Room: Restructuring and launch of the Healthy Lifestyles Network. Facilitators: Dinorah Granera and Mauricio Vandorsee.


Working Groups Piratini 1 Room: Restructuring and launch of the Education Network. Facilitators: Luisa Moreno and Raúl Salas. Mauá Room: Development, evaluation, and follow up of the human capital of the YMCA. Facilitators: Norberto Moreaux and Juan Baque. Itamaraty Room: Added value of YMCA programs and how to differentiate from the competition. Facilitators: Miguel Sánchez and Daniel Gómez. Piratini 2 Room: Opportunities for and/or expansion plans of the YMCAs. Facilitators: Felipe Jurado and Ernesto Gaona.


Free Time


Cultural Dinner Location: YMCA of Rio Grande do Sul. Dress code: Casual. Official photo with Conference t-shirt.


Return to hotel.

Thursday, May 26th 7:00am

Breakfast Restaurant Hotel Embaixador


Mission in Action Piratini Conference Room


General Announcements Piratini Conference Room


Keynote Speaker: Claudia Aparicio “Using new information technologies to empower people, promote social mobility, and transform communities” Piratini Conference Room


Coffee Break


Workshops Human Talent. Experiences to attract, develop, certify, retain and renew the human capital necessary to address the needs and challenges of National Movements and the Latin American and Caribbean society. Piratini 1 Room: YMCA Mexico Title: the YMCA University a model of social intervention. Maua Room: YMCA Peru Title: experiential education as an opportunity for staff development, sense of belonging, and certification. Itamaraty Room: YMCA Sorocaba Title: Investing in Staff Development Salón Piratini 2: YMCA Uruguay Title: self-assessment of Board Members YMCA Montevideo and LACA’s Executive Committee and initiative to develop and certify senior YMCA staff.

Thursday, May 26th 11:20am



Workshops Human Talent.


Talleres: Talento Humano: experiencias para atraer, formar, certificar, retener y renovar el capital humano necesario para enfrentar exitosamente los retos y exigencias de los Movimientos Nacionales y de la sociedad latinoamericana y caribeña. Piratini 1 Room: YMCA Mexico Title: the YMCA University a model of social intervention. Maua Room: YMCA Peru Title: experiential education as an opportunity for staff development, sense of belonging, and certification. Itamaraty Room: YMCA Sorocaba Title: Investing in Staff Development Salón Piratini 2: YMCA Uruguay Title: self-assessment of Board Members YMCA Montevideo and LACA’s Executive Committee and initiative to develop and certify senior YMCA staff.


Lunch Restaurant Hotel Embaixador


Sub-regional Meetings Piratini Room

Andean Sub-region Caribbean Sub-region

Maua Room

Brazil Sub-region

Itamaraty Room

South Cone Sub-region Mesaomerica Sub-region

Thursday, May 26th 4:00pm

Coffee Break


Plenary Piratini Conference Room


Free Time


Formal Dinner Conference Center Hotel Embaixador Dress Code: Formal Keynote Speaker: Honorable Mayor JosĂŠ Alberto Reus Fortunati


Free time

Friday, May 27th 7:00am

Breakfast Restaurant Hotel Embaixador


Mission in Action Piratini Conference Room


Generales Announcements Piratini Conference Room


Executive Comittee Meeting - open Piratini Conference Room


Coffee Break


Executive Committee Meeting continuation


Lunch Restaurant Hotel Embaixador


YMCA of Rio Grande do Sul Program Visits Meeting point: Hotel Embaixador Lobby

On Friday, participants will have an opportunity to deepen knowledge in three areas: resource mobilization; educational models, and community development, using an experiential learning methodology. Participants shall select their experience at the registration desk of the conference.

Friday, May 27th Resource Mobilization: Cemetery Ecumenical Juan XXIII The ecumenical cemetery John XXIII is administered by the YMCA of Rio Grande do Sul since March 16, 1993 and it is considered a branch open to the general public. The ecumenical cemetery plays an important role in the development of the Association contributing resources to fulfill the social work and mission of the YMCA. Among the highlights, it offers religious services, sale and rental of crypts and niches, and cremation services. Educational models: YMCA School The purpose of the activity is to facilitate discussion on issues related to school life, encouraging reflection, professional growth, and exchange of experiences among participants. The topics to covered are: educational models aligned to the institutional mission; strategic positioning; development and monitoring of projects and processes; and how to develop a sense of identity between families and the YMCA. Community Development Center Cruzeiro do Sul The Community Development Center of Cruzeiro do Sul promotes various programs and initiatives aimed at children, adolescents and families to contribute to individual and collective development, seeking the transformation of society. Programs incorporate the values of "social justice, citizenship, solidarity and collective commitment" offering daycare programs, youth center, youth leadership, groups of older adults, in addition to vocational training, and social and community integration activities. The YMCA of Cruzeiro do Sul also serves vulnerable children and adolescents aged 6 to 14 and/or at personal risk and/or at social risk, or who dropped out school. For this population, the YMCA offers opportunities for their development through targeted activities such recreational, educational, computer workshops, bakery, physical education, environmental education, theater, dance and capoeira. The purpose of the activity is to facilitate interactive learning on issues of early childhood, share a presentation of a dance group of the YMCA, participate in a sports workshop (Football 3) and a presentation of the Quality Management System applied by ADS units, using as a case study the YMCA of Cruzeiro do Sul. 7:00pm

Closing Dinner Galp達 Crioul

Beatriz Corso Magdalena Beatriz Corso Magdalena has a degree in Natural History at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) (1967) and a Master’s in Education from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (1981). Professor at UFRGS since 1964, she has experience in education, with emphasis on the distance learning on the following topics: training for professors, online learning communities, educational use of innovative technologies in school, and developing learning projects. She has participated as a guest professor in classroom or distance learning classes, at undergraduate and graduate programs at Universities nationwide and she has worked with public and private schools of higher and basic education at federal, state, and municipal levels in different states. She was advisor to the Department of Technology and Information of MEC from 1998 to 2012 for the Proinfo and UCA programs (One computer per student). She published a book "Internet in the classroom: with the word, teachers," she wrote chapters of several books, published dozens of articles, and defended various researches at conferences and seminars. Professor Magdalena has spoken at dozens of conferences. She coordinated the Application College of UFRGS, which has created a new methodology focused on learning with the use of new technologies (Project Amora), today, an inspiring model for Project Learning methodologies. Currently, she is a retired professor from UFRGS and continues to develop theoretical and practical work. She is an advisor to the project "Rural Schools Online", Telefonica Vivo Foundation, which sponsors the EMEF Zeferino Lopes de Castro, as a laboratory school Viamão/RS, which is developing an innovative pedagogical work with the use of digital technologies. This school received in 2015 national and international awards for its work. Claudia Aparicio Yáñez Claudia Aparicio is defined as: "A Millennial born prematurely." Millennials are, by definition, one of the first generations 100% digital. By joining several of its strengths: critical capacity, passion for education and social justice, leadership and deep knowledge about technology, shows that this tool is primarily an ally for social change. Claudia Aparicio is, in every sense of the word, an agent of change. A trained lawyer that has dedicated his career to create in children a worldview that allows them to see that beyond the horizon there is a universe of which they are part and it waits for their ideas. Claudia has a great ability to connect ideas and create transformative solutions in the social and technological field. It is one of the few Colombian educated at Singularity University, a US university distinguished by applying unique methodologies to inspire and empower Exponential world leaders to use technology in solving the most critical problems of humankind. After working 10 years in education in Colombia, and with little formal education in technology and science, Claudia took on the challenge of taking a sabbatical in Silicon Valley to experience firsthand various models of disruptive education. This experience completely changed her perspective on education and it was there where she discovered that technology is a great tool for the implementation of disruptive educational proposals in the Latin American environment. This activist who seeks to make her mark in the world, loses no opportunity to make a call with urgency about the structural changes required in education in Latin America and the need to stop copying models to build pedagogical proposals that reflect our cultural identity. What better way to do that by "hacking" how to use digital tools for activism for reconciliation and childhood? This is seen in TIC4GOOD, a venture co-founded by Claudia Aparicio, which uses technology to create bridges of reconciliation and reunification of actors in the conflict. Besides being a reflection of the passion for social change, TIC4GOOD is itself a disruptive innovation that demonstrates the ability to offer local solutions to problems associated with conflict and violence.

Honorable Prefeito José Alberto Reus Fortunati Honorable Jose Alberto Reus Fortunati is a Brazilian politician and the current Mayor of the city of Porto Alegre. Mr. Reus Fortunati was born on October 24, 1955 in Flores da Cunha. He studied in public schools in Flores da Cunha and Caixas do Sul during his childhood and adolescence. During this time, he worked in a drugstore to pay for transportation and books. During his adolescence, he participated in the Boy Scouts movement. In 1974, he moved to Porto Alegre becoming one of the founding members of the Association of the Students House of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). He was President of the Board of Students of Mathematics and member of the DCE. From 1979 to 1982, he participated in the popular movement in the communities of Grande Cruzeiro do Sul, delivering literacy programs for adults using the Paulo Freire’s method. In 1980, he joined the Workers Party (PT). José Alberto has a degree in mathematics, public administration, business administration and law from the UFRGS. He contested for Brazil’s National Bank and in 1985 became president of Porto Alegre’s Bankers Union. His political career began in 1986 when he was elected as state representative for the PT with 25,606 votes. During this period, he was the representative who presented more proposals and the representative with the highest number of proposals approved. In 1990, he was elected as a national Congressman and reelected in 1994. As the leader of his party, he was considered one of the most influential leaders by the Parliamentary Counsel Department (DIAP) during three consecutive years. In 1997, he became Deputy to the Mayor of Porto Alegre coordinating social policies for the city. In 200, he was elected alderman with 39, 989 votes and became Chair of the Municipal Camera of Porto Alegre. In 2002, he joined the Workers Democratic Party (PDT). In 2003, he was Secretary of Education of Rio Grande Do Sul. During his tenure, the State of Rio Grande Do Sul was recognized as the State with the best quality on education and the best network of public junior high schools. At the end of 2006, he worked as Secretary for Urban Planning where he led the public debate on developing a new Urban Plan for the City. In 2008, together with José Fogaça, he was elected as deputy to the Mayor of Porto Alegre and was appointed as Secretary for the World Cup in 2014 in Porto Alegre. In March 2010, with José Fogaça’s resignation, Fortunati became interim Mayor until the end of the period in December 2012. In October 2012, he was reelected as Porto Alegre’s Mayor in the first round with 517 969 votes, representing 65.22% of the total votes.

Workshops: Governance and Sustainability. Experiences, standards and promising practices that strengthen the leadership, credibility, and ability to generate and/or mobilize resources. Piratini 1 Room: YMCA Bogota Facilitator: Luisa Moreno, President; Gloria Hidalgo, Chief Executive; Silvia Padilla, Principal at George Williams School. Title: Quality Management Systems, key for sustainability and competitiveness of local YMCAs Description: the presentation will raise awareness among participants about the importance of implementing Quality Management Systems based on the experience of YMCA Bogotá. It will share a roadmap to start the process and key benefits for the organization with emphasis on resource mobilization benefits. Mauá Room: YMCA Peru Facilitators: Dante Villalobos, President; Carolina López, Board member; Raúl Salas, Chief Executive Officer Title: Youth Leadership Institute and the experience of having youth serving on Boards. Description: The YMCA Peru Youth Leadership Institute currently has 300 participants 18 years old and younger and 70 young adults ages 18 to 29 in YMCA Lideres. Since 1995, the By-laws had established that at least 30% of Board members must be under the age of 25 years old. We will share successes and challenges of the Youth Leadership Institute, as well as future vision. We'll facilitate space for conversation, thought provoking questions, and reflect on this experience. Itamaraty Room: YMCA of Rio Grande do Sul Facilitators: Wilton Araujo, Vice President; Marcio Rolim, Professional Secretary; Bernadete Franco Cunha, President; Ángela Aguilar, Professional Secretary. Title: innovative enterprises for income generation and Quality Management Systems for continuous improvement and development. Description: this workshop will present the experience of the YMCA of Rio Grande do Sul managing innovative businesses to deliver the mission and vision of the YMCA. In addition, we will introduce the experience incorporating the Guacho’s Quality and Productivity Program which aims at improving the quality of life of citizens and promote high management standards in the public, private and nonprofit sectors. Moreover, we’ll share the benefits and challenges for the YMCA with emphasis on institutional development and positioning. Piratini 2 Room: YMCA of the USA Facilitators: Kent Johnson, Vice President and COO Title: Membership trends among US YMCAs and future perspectives. Description: in a changing context with new economic demographic generational and competition trends, YMCAs in the United States face the challenge of re-thinking the membership model that sustains the movement. Kent will share the latest update of the national reflection on membership, emerging responses, and will explore with the audience potential similarities with YMCAs in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Workshops: Human Talent. Experiences to attract, develop, certify, retain and renew the human capital necessary to address the needs and challenges of National Movements and the Latin American and Caribbean society. Piratini 1 Room: YMCA Mexico Facilitators: Juan Baque, Dean YMCA University Mexico Title: the YMCA University a model of social intervention. Mauá Room: YMCA Peru Facilitators: Juan Quiñones, Treasurer; Raúl Salas, CEO Title: experiential education as an opportunity for staff development, sense of belonging, and certification. Description: experiential learning is an opportunity to develop, innovate, and strengthen YMCA staff working in non-formal areas. We could consider experiential learning as the most natural, primitive, and real way of learning. Experiential learning is a powerful methodology that it is used consciously, planned, and directed as an adaptable training tool for different learning styles, aimed at facilitating the development and transformation of people from the inside out, from their own experience, their own sills, leadership, relationships with others, and decision-making. This program is delivered in collaboration with the YMCA University in Kassel, Germany, and the Center for Experiential Education Training CFEEI. YMCA Peru certifies as a facilitator in Integrated Experiential Learning. We’ll share testimonies from staff, program and new courses. Itamaraty Room: YMCA Sorocaba Facilitators: Cyrino Mantovany, CEO Title: Investing in Staff Development Description: Based on the case of YMCA of Sorocaba, attendees will explore the financial profitability of investing in staff training and development, as well as the need for specialized human resource professionals and the importance of a favorable working environment to attract, develop, certify, retain and renew the knowledge of staff. Comparative data will be shared from 2007 to present. Piratini 2 Room: YMCA Uruguay Facilitators: Mauro Fonticiella, President; Miguel Sánchez, Board Member; Jesús Ithurralde, CEO. Title: self-assessment of Board Members YMCA Montevideo and LACA’s Executive Committee and initiative to develop and certify senior YMCA staff.

Country: Brazil is the largest country in Latin America and the Caribbean and the fifth largest in the world. Borders with the French Guyana, Surinam, Guyana, Venezuela, Colombia, Uruguay, Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia, and Peru. Capital: Brasilia National language: Portuguese Currency: Brazilian Real (R$). Credit Cards: most places accept debit and credit card Visa y MasterCard. Tips: most restaurants and bars include 10% service in the check. It is customary to add a little bit more when service is satisfactory. When not included in the check, custom is a tip between 10 and 15%. Taxi: use licensed taxis inside airport, hotels o radio taxi. It is not customary to tip drivers. Dialing code: +55 International calls: dial 00 + country code + area code + telephone. Time zone: GMT -3 On the banks of the huge freshwater of Lake dos Patos, Porto Alegre is southern Brazil’s most important port city and a key player in Mercosur

(the South American free-trade agreement). The downtown area has benefited from a thoughtful approach to development, including the creation of transportation hubs and the preservation of much of its grand, neoclassical architecture. A long tradition of progressive politics has helped nurture vibrant arts and alternative music scenes. Porto Alegre Airport: Salgado Filho International Airport (POA) Electrical output Porto Alegre: 127v. Some places have 127v and 220v. An adapter and/or converter may be needed. Weather in Porto Alegre: between 7ºC and 25ºC (Autumn). Emergency Numbers: Police: Ambulance: Firefighters:

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YMCA Brazil: Rua Nestor Pastrana, 125 0o cj. 83 CEP: 01303-010 – Consolação, São Paulo / SP Brazil +55 (11) 3257.5867 YMCA of Rio Grande do Sul Rua Washington Luiz, 1050 CEP: 90010-460 Centro, Porto Alegre / RS Brazil +55 (51) 3213.6000 Hotel Embaixador Hotel & Centro de Convenciones Rua Jerônimo Coelho, 354 CEP: 90010-240 Centro Historico, Porto Alegre / RS Brazil +55 (51) 3215.6600 Airport Transfers Coordinator Matheus Medeiros +55 (51) 8577 4881 (calls, text and Whatsapp)

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