July.August10 MYB

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July/August 2010

Mind Your Business

A Publication of the Los Alamos Commerce and Development Corporation


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ChamberFest - Big Success! It takes a whole community to create a successful event on the scale of the 2010 ChamberFest, held June 11 and 12. From the fantastic sponsors - LANB, Compa Industries, SMSI, Zia Credit Union, Los Alamos National Laboratory and Los Alamos National Security - to the volunteer committee who devoted time and energy to helping our staff with planning and promoting the event - to Russ Gordon, who brought the perfect music to the corner of Central and Main Street - to the County of Los Alamos, which gave us assistance with closing the streets, the sand pile and trash pick up - to the food vendors who came out to make everyone’s experience that much more pleasant - to

by Katy Korkos

friends and relatives of LACDC staff who always can be pressed into service to our accomplished staff who executed a fun event for everyone involved - all of the efforts are completely worthwhile because ChamberFest gives us a chance to showcase our members. Chamber members enjoyed the opportunity to meet new people and attract new customers with special offers and free samples. The car show and kids activities have proven to be great draws, and invite people to linger in downtown Los Alamos.If you didn’t get a chance to come, mark your calendars now for next year - June 10 and 11, 2011.

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FAN Club

The Next FAN Club July 21st LA Concert Association Duane Smith Auditorium 5:30 pm to 7:00 p.m.

Health Care Forum

July 28th - 3:30 pm Federal Health Care Legislation - How It Affects Your Business. Go to fyiLA.com for details

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