1 minute read
How to Be a Teams Player
By Jamel Thomas
Show Your Best Self
Pay attention to your camera angle. When speaking look at the camera and not yourself. Speak up when talking and even consider using an external microphone. Dress for your audience. Always be neat.
Avoid Multitasking
Doing anything other than active listening from being on another device to writing out your grocery list may send the wrong message.
No Illegal Time Utilization
Know when to video conference and when to email or slack. Always figure out the tech on your time. Learn and test software, hardware and network connections before the call.
No Eating on the Call
Everything is laser focused on your face during a video conference call. With front facing cameras getting better and better do you really want the worldseeing a close up of you eating your pastrami on rye?
No Traveling Out of Frame
Communication is key. If you must leave early let everyone know (use the chat feature). Signaling with a single finger in the air is the sign for give me a minute. Signal as needed.
No Illegal Use of Sound
The mute button is your friend. Unless you are speaking it should be engaged. If possible choose a quiet location. Use a white noise machine when ambient noise is unavoidable.
No Illegal Substitutions
Let the meeting host know if you can't show. Often meetings are held up due to waiting for attendees that are not going to show requiring someone else to contribute on your behalf.
Let Your Presence Be Known
Say who you are when speaking. Don’t talk over each other. Use the chat function to ask questions. Meeting hosts be sure to introduce everyone at the beginning of your meeting.