Panorama is Ladue Horton Watkin’s High School student-run newsmagazine. We publish 9 monthly issues a year along with our annual Senior Edition, which focuses on the graduating class. Our students work tirelessly to cover students, staff, and events that affect the Ladue community. Our paper is entirely created, edited, designed, and proofed by Ladue students.
Our newsmagazine is distributed to the Ladue High School student body of 1,300 students along with over 100 staff members. We also mail over 100 copies out to families, business, and local high schools.
Panorama is one of the top scholastic high school newsmagazines in the country, earning countless local, regional, and national recognition. This past year, the Panorama was named number one in the nation at the Journalism Education Association National Convention both in the fall of 2023 and the spring of 2024.
To put it simply, we love what we do and we strive to do it the best that we can. If our students would benefit from your business, we would love to help you share it with them. You are welcome to include coupons, deals, or upcoming sales in your advertisement. We love our community and want to help you as much as we can!
Interested in supporting Panorama but don’t need an advertisement? Become a sponsor!
Sponsors are listed in every issue of the Panorama after their one time donation. Students, families, and the Ladue community are all welcome to help the Panorama with a sponsorship.
All sponsors receive a year-long subscription to the Panorama. Every issue is delivered by mail.
$400 an issue
$450 an issue
$100 per issue if provided by advertiser (900 copies)
$200 per issue if advertiser would like staff to print black and white inserts
For $50 you can have your ad appear on the publication website, LaduePublications.com. We will link your advertisement directly to your website for one calendar year.
For $50 we will post your advertisement on our Instagram account @laduepublcations for hundreds of students and staff to see. Each purchase comes with a package of 3 posts.
Ladue Blue Sponsor
LHS Publications 1201 S. Warson Rd. St. Louis, MO 63124
Publications01@ladueschools.net Phone: (314) 983-5844
It costs Panorama over $2,000 to print each issue so your support is greatly appreciated! Thank you for your time.
You can send us a completed design or you can send us your logo or photos and any information and/or deals you want to include and we will design an ad for you!
1/8 page 4 x 2.5 in
1/4 page 4 x 5 in full page 8 x 10.25 in
1/2 page 8 x 5 in
Panorama Newspaper
ID Feature Magazine
Rambler Yearbook
Melodrama Lit Mag
LHS Publications
1201 S. Warson Rd.
St. Louis, MO 63124
Phone: (314) 983-5844
Advertisers (please fill out completely and legibly) Name
•The Panorama will typeset and design all ads if so desired to fit our standards.
•This contract, once signed by both parties, shall constitute a binding agreement. Either party may break this contract through written notification. This must arrive at Ladue HS no later than two weeks prior to publication.
•The Panorama staff may review or reject any copy or illustration that does not meet the standards of acceptance. No advertisements for products illegal for high school readers will be accepted.
•When an advertisement contains an error which is not the fault of the advertiser, the Panorama staff will publish a correction in the issue following the error as well as an additional print of the corrected ad. Please make checks payable to Ladue High School
Pay the day of Advertisements must be paid when advertising contract form is submitted. No bill later option is available.
Ladue Publications accepts check or cash. Please make checks payable to Ladue High School. We do not accept card or Venmo.
For any questions about payment, email the Ladue Publications Business Manager at publications01@ladueschools.net
Printed Advertisement in the Panorama Size: 1/8 1/4 1/2 Full page
Back cover ($450 an issue)
Inside back cover ($400 an issue)
Month(s): August February
October March
November April
December May (Senior edition)
Insert flyer provided by purchaser $100
Social Media advertisement $50
Web advertisement $50
Signature of advertiser: Date: Student seller:
Panorama Newspaper
ID Feature Magazine
Rambler Yearbook
Melodrama Lit Mag
LHS Publications
1201 S. Warson Rd.
St. Louis, MO 63124
Phone: (314) 983-5844
Sponsor Information Please write clearly
Down to the Details: Sponsorship
•Sponsorship allows relatives, community members, alumni and friends of Ladue Publications to support the publishing of the newspaper through donations.
•The Panorama will list our sponsors in each issue of the newspaper once they have submitted their contract and payment.
•Sponsors may choose to remain anonymous if preferred.
•Each sponsor will receive a monthly subscription of the newspaper mailed to the address submitted on their contract (above).
•It costs Panorama over $2,000 to print each issue so your support is greatly appreciated!
Payment options
Pay the day of
Subscriptions must submit payment with their sponsorship form.
Ladue Publications accepts check or cash. Please make checks payable to Ladue High School.
We do not accept card or venmo.
For any questions about payment, email the Ladue Publications Business Manager at publications01@ladueschools.net
Sponsorship options
Please check your preference and return with check or cash to Ladue High School. Checks payable to Ladue High School.
$150 $500
Ladue Blue Issue Gold
$25 SPONSOR $50 Silver Friendly SPONSOR $100 SPONSOR SPONSOR
(ex: The Meyer Family, Mr. & Mrs. Johnson, Omega Steel Company, etc.)