A CHURCH ON FIRE -“SEASON OF PURITY” Inside this issue:– “SEASON OF PURITY”J.A.FOSTER– excerpt from “Life’s Transitions”
OFFICERS Pres.-Jackie Vice Pres.– Cynthia Treasurer—Joyce Secretary– .Daphane
OUR NEW BOOK OF FOR THIS SEASON: The Battlefield of the Mind for K kids– Joyce Meyer,K.Moore
Godwe is looking for athe pure vessel to make a deposit His When consider word “order”, we thinkofof e, righteousness. God tells us to separate ourselves from things that defile comfort and we think of balance. In reading all the various our nature. We are a peculiar people, who are chosen to let the light of bible stories andshine miracles were us recorded the writers the glorious gospel in us. that God wants to not be by polluted by cirone thing that was prominent in would each cause circumstance cumstances, people, relationships that our spirits encounto be otherwise contaminated. the story of DanielJesus and the sons on of Judah, they tered was a note ofIn disorder. When came the scene were summoned to the King’s court. When the three young boys prehe left sented themselves to the king Nebuchadnezzar, they were instructed to participate in eating certain foods so that they would receive certain virtues, but the young men choose to not defile themselves with the kings meat. The king really wanted to prove to his eunuchs and his people that what he recommended would work. So, again Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s meat and the kings wine. We as God’s people are responsible and accountable as to how we live and interact in this world. Ask God to help you purpose to live a lifestyle that reflects His glory and purity. As you live for him, you reflect the light of righteousness. As you live a life of purity you are letting this world know that with his power through the Holy Spirit you can life for Him. MISSION STATEMENT
∗ INNER COURT ∗ MINISTRIES OF MD ∗ Sun 8:30 & 11:30 worship services ∗ Tues Bible Class 7:30 pm ∗ Thurs– Prayer 7:00-8:00 pm ∗ Bishop Wallace Sr.– Senior Pastor
This book club was formed in our monthly fellowship, every in order to provide encour- 4th Saturday of each month at agement and fellowship 4:00 P.M. Should you desire to for its members. Our mis- join us, contact Sis. Foster at hsion is to share and pro- 410 383-9056, c-410 209-0664 tect personal expressions Websiteand spiritual growth through the analysis of . the book chosen and by using our Bible as the final foundation of truth. With this in mind, we desire that you would join with us
THE NEXT MEETING: JUNE 4, 2011 All are welcome!!!