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American Universities

Applications to American Universities. To reflect the steady increase in the number of LEH students in recent years with interest in applying to universities in the United States, Mrs Garcia is the designated member of staff responsible for overseeing arrangements relating to such applications. Pupils who are interested in applying to American universities are encouraged to discuss their plans with Mrs Garcia as early as possible.

Pupils individually are responsible for completing their section of the application and arranging the completion of the appropriate SAT or ACT tests in good time, ideally during their Lower Sixth year. The school holds contact details of several external consultants whom some LEH pupils have used in the past to guide them through the complexities of the system. This is particularly beneficial when pupils elect to apply to universities which either do not use the Common Application route or which require additional information and documentation.

The school will then oversee the arrangements for the completion of all other documentation. This will encompass, as a minimum, for those pursuing the Common Application route the ‘School Profile’, the ‘Transcript’ for each candidate, the ‘Secondary School Report’, the two ‘Teacher Evaluation’ forms, the ‘International Supplement’, the ‘Mid-Year Report’ and the ‘Final Report’. Candidates have the freedom to choose which Sixth Form teachers they would like to write their recommendations for the ‘Teacher Evaluation’. The ‘Secondary School Report’ is written by their Tutor. The school will ensure that these are produced in good time.

Additionally, the school organises on a biennial basis an ‘American Universities Information Evening’ which has been hosted in the past by one of our external consultants and which provides a thorough introduction to those who might be interested in pursuing an application. We also invite an expert in this field to attend the annual Higher Education Fair where pupils have the opportunity to discuss the application process on a one-to-one basis. Our links with former LEH pupils who are currently studying in America are also strong, and we invite many to return to the school to talk to interested pupils on an ‘ad hoc’ basis. We are also happy to put pupils in email contact with former pupils now studying in the US.

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