January 24, 2012, Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle

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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Festival over for another year P. 6

Federal funds for sewage treatment Lindsay Chung THE CHRONICLE

Beth Worrall, 9, Toby Baiarrio, 9, and his brother Brayden, 6 enjoy some snow day fun on Symonds Street last Wednesday. We couldn’t possibly fit all our snow day photos into the paper, so we’ve put them up in our online NIOMI PEARSON/CHRONICLE gallery, which can be viewed at www.ladysmithchronicle.com

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The Town of Ladysmith is a big step further along on its way to providing secondary sewage treatment after receiving a $5.2-million grant from the federal government last week. A state-of-the-art secondary sewage treatment system — the first of its kind in North America, according to a press release — is being built in Ladysmith, thanks to more than $5.2 million from Canada’s Gas Tax Fund. The town is upgrading its present current treatment plant to secondary treatment, reusing or continuing to use components of the existing plant while building new structures and processes to provide full secondary treatment, explained Mayor Rob Hutchins. The total cost of the upgrade to secondary treatment and additions is about $21,000, according to Hutchins. The town has completed or nearly completed the first two phases at a cost of $5.5 million, and this final phase is estimated to cost between $14 million and $16 million. The $5.2 million from the federal government will help complete the third phase, and Hutchins says the remainder of the funds will come from town reserves, additional grants and/or borrowing. Nanaimo-Alberni MP James Lunney was in Ladysmith Jan.

19 to announce the federal funding, along with ParksvilleQualicum MLA Ron Cantelon, Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) board member Joe Stanhope and Hutchins. “This [grant] is here to see this project go ahead to complete your water treatment program here, add some secondary treatment to create improvements that will bring the entire program up to provincial and federal standards,” said Lunney. “I understand there’s an energy component to this project as well. This project is going to be extremely important for the community of Ladysmith.” Stanhope spoke about the importance of the Canada Gas Tax Fund in helping keep property taxes from rising, as it provides much-needed funds for municipalities. “This is a very important fund because the only source of revenue municipalities and local governments have is property tax,” he said. “Rules and regulations are getting more difficult, costing more money, a lot of the old infrastructure — 80 per cent across Canada — is due for repair. This fund is really helping all of us very much, helping keep our property taxes low, so it’s very important. It’s helping us close the gap on our infrastructure deficit.” These funds will save every single property owner in town $2,300 because the town See Town, Page 3

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2 Tuesday, January 24, 2012 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle


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Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, January 24, 2012 3

News Strength in numbers Lindsay Chung THE CHRONICLE

Nanaimo-Alberni MP James Lunney announces a $5.2-million grant from the Canada Gas Tax Fund for secondary sewage treatment in Ladysmith at the wastewater treatment plant on Oyster Cove Road. LINDSAY CHUNG/CHRONICLE

Town receives $5.2M from government From Page 1 won’t have to raise the money for the upgrades through taxation, explained Mayor Rob Hutchins. “The Canada Gas Tax Fund represents the federal government’s commitment to invest in our community and help us upgrade and rebuild our infrastructure so we can do a better job and lessen our impact on the environment, and we are so thankful for it,” he said. “For far too long, our community, like too many communities on the west coast of B.C., discharged our sewage into harbours like this.” Sewer lines were built in Ladysmith in 1902, and for the next 64 years, raw sewage spilled out into an outflow where the Ladysmith Community Marina now sits, explained Hutchins. At one time, the harbour produced an abundance of clams and oysters, he noted. “This once-great aquaculture industry languished because of our historic failure to do the right thing, as we continued to treat this beautiful harbour as a disposal site for our waste,” he said. “Since 1966, we have been doing better. We have learned from our mistakes, with the construction of a treatment plant on this site and millions of dollars of upgrades. We have been making progress.” In the past three years, the town

has spent $5.5 million dollars upgrading the water treatment plant in two phases, explained Hutchins. “However, this funding today will allow us to finally move forward with the third phase, full secondary treatment,” he said. “It’s going to help us restore the health of this harbour, it’s going to help us establish thriving marine life in this harbour and hopefully not too far in the distant future ... we’re going to be able to once again harvest the rich bounty that is available here and at the same time, we’ll again honour, respect this gift we share with the Stz’uminus First Nation.” This is the largest single gift the town has received, according to Hutchins. The earliest construction on the plant can begin is September, explained Hutchins. A number of steps must be completed first, including completion and acceptance of the Liquid Waste Management Plan by the Ministry of the Environment, final design of the plant and the construction tendering process. During the funding announcement, Deputy Mayor Duck Paterson acknowledged and thanked retired Public Works manager Joe Freisenhan, who worked very hard to make this possible.

There’s strength in numbers. That was the message at the Ladysmith Chamber of Commerce annual general meeting Jan. 17, as Greater Nanaimo Chamber of Commerce chair Wa l l y We l l s s p o k e about collaboration a m o n g Va n c o u v e r Island Chambers, and Duncan-Cowichan Chamber of Commerce president Ranjit Dhami spoke about the Five Chamber Accord in the Cowichan Valley. The five Cowichan Valley Chambers — the Ladysmith Chamber of Commerce, the DuncanCowichan Chamber of Commerce, the Chemainus and District Chamber of Commerce, the Cowichan Lake District Chamber of Commerce and the South Cowichan Chamber of Commerce — are looking to build a regional Visitor Centre at the BC Forest Discovery Centre (FDC) in Duncan. While the centre would be in Duncan, it would showcase all five regions. The hope is to build a regional Visitor Centre at the Forest Discovery Centre at Drinkwater Road and the TransCanada Highway. “We chose the Forest Discovery Centre to build the project because, first of all, the Forest Discovery Centre is a centre of activity in the Cowichan Valley and it has been for a long time,” said Dhami. “What it does is it speaks volumes of the collaboration we’re doing, not only with the Chambers, but also with the FDC, in a sense that we realize that at the Chamber at our Visitor Centre, we see X amount of people,


Ladysmith Chamber president Rob Waters (left), Duncan-Cowichan Chamber president Ramjit Dhami, Chemainus and District Chamber president Peter Matthews and Greater Nanaimo Chamber chair Wally Wells at the Ladysmith Chamber of Commerce AGM, where collaboration was a theme. and the FDC sees double X amount of people, so we become a much more viable business with the two of us working together. “We know the majority of customers who come and visit the Cowichan Valley, they make a concentrated effort to go to the Forest Discovery Centre. If we can capture those clients coming in and get them to stay a little longer, spend a little more and see the entire Valley, that is the concept the five Chambers are trying to get at.” The Visitor Centre itself would have a few offices and 1,500 square feet of open space to display each region, explained Dhami. The idea is that each region would be responsible for staffing one and a half fulltime equivalents at the Visitor Centre. Peter Matthews, president of the Chemainus and District Chamber, was enthusiastic about the initiative. “For us in Chemainus and us as a region, this is a pretty exciting thing to be involved

in, to be able to show- collectively, when it’s case our individual appropriate, represent communities without the business commulosing our autonomy,’ nity on the Island? he said. “What we thought Ladysmith Chamber was important was president Rob Waters to formalize some agreed it has been “a agreement among our pleasure” to work with Chambers that would the other Chamber allow us to formally presidents. say to governments Working together was and others, to port also the theme of guest authorities, whatever speaker Wally Wells, is necessary, ‘this is chair of the Greater w h o w e r e p r e s e n t Nanaimo Chamber of — we represent the Commerce, as he spoke majority, if not all, of about how Chambers t h e b u s i n e s s c o m on Vancouver Island munity on Vancouver can work together to Island.’” strengthen their voice. Last month, the Wells has found that Nanaimo Chamber governments put a lot passed a resolution of weight on who you that says Chambers agree to agree with represent. “ I l e a r n e d r a t h e r each other when it is quickly that the first convenient to do so. thing governments, “It does not mean, particularly senior gov- certainly in our opinernments provincial ion, that every issue and federal, ask you is that comes up has to who do you represent be agreed to by every because they want to Chamber,” said Wells. know what authorThe Ladysmith ity you have, how you Chamber of Commerce talk to them, and how passed the resolution they should listen to at its last board meetyou,” he said. “Well, ing. “Our Chamber agrees that came about in looking at how we are t h e r e ’ s c e r t a i n l y approaching things on strength behind collabthe Island. Wouldn’t it oration with Chambers,” be better if we could said Waters.

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4 Tuesday, January 24, 2012 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle

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Chemainus River bridge to be replaced this summer Krista Siefken BLACK PRESS



The Chemainus River bridge on

ese Chin ear Y New

Chemainus Road will be replaced using $5 million in federal cash. North Cowichan Mayor Jon Lefebure, along with NanaimoAlberni MP James Lunney and Union of B.C. Municipalities representative Joe Stanhope, made the announcement Jan. 19 at the municipal hall. The bridge, which was constructed of creosoted lumber in 1952, will be replaced this summer. “That (wooden) bridge is in rough shape, and we only have probably a year or (a little) more life left on it,” Lefebure said. “ We ’ r e g o i n g t o replace that creosoted lumber with a steel and concrete bridge that will be two lanes wide — if you’ve ever driven

the current bridge, it’s a bit of a game

There’ll also be a section for pedestrians and cyclists on Quoted in the Chronicle the structure. “And we’re going to improve the fish habi“The cost of that tat around the bridge,” Lefebure added. bridge would “We’re going from 12 piers to two to suphave had a port the bridge, and large impact we’re going to raise it on our taxpay- so there’s going to be ers if we had to a significant improvement in water flow raise it through under the bridge, less our property likelihood of log jams taxes, so we are happening there, and particular interest very lucky to be of to me, we’re going to receiving a grant be working closely with Halalt (First to do this.” Nation) on this project.” The $5-million grant Jon Lefebure, — coming from the $2 North Cowichan Mayor billion federal gas tax fund managed in B.C. by the UBCM — will cover the cost of the new bridge. of chicken because “The cost of that it’s just larger than a bridge would have single lane.” had a large impact on

our taxpayers if we had to raise it through our property taxes, so we are very lucky to be receiving a grant to do this,” Lefebure said. He also noted precautions are being taken to protect the river’s ecosystem during construction. “We’re doing diapering, which is the technical engineering term for providing tarpaulins underneath to catch anything that is falling as the bridge is dismantled, so that’s something we’re going to be very careful with,” he said. “And (construction) will be done during (federal) Fisheries’ window.” Tr a f f i c w i l l b e rerouted during construction, which is slated to happen over approximately four months this summer.

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Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, January 24, 2012 5

Icy roads cause problems

Addison Williams was one of hundreds of Ladysmith children enjoying a midweek snowfall last week. Unfortunately for them, however, the snowfall did NIOMI PEARSON/CHRONICLE not affect school closings in the Ladysmith area.

Electors to decide if fire truck replaced Lindsay Chung THE CHRONICLE

Ladysmith residents will have a say in whether or not the fire department gets a new rescue truck. Ladysmith Fire/Rescue’s 1986 Ford rescue truck is due to be replaced this year, and council voted last week to initiate an alternate approval process to borrow up to $440,000 over 25 years to purchase a new rescue apparatus. “The rationale is it amortizes the payments over the vehicle’s lifespan and doesn’t rob (Public Works director John Manson’s) account,” said Coun. Gord Horth. The town will issue a Request for Proposals to replace the Ladysmith Fire/Rescue 1986 Ford rescue truck. There are some reserve funds available to apply toward the purchase of this new vehicle, but a significant amount of the estimated $440,000 cost will still need to be funded. Council considered three options for financing and chose to seek elector approval and finance the purchase over the longest period of time. Going this route, the cost would be about $35,000 per year for the first five years, according to the report prepared by Financial Services Director Erin Anderson and Fire Chief Ray Delcourt. One option was financing the purchase for up to five years through the Municipal Financing Authority at about $94,000 per year. This would not require elector approval. Council could also choose to go

to referendum or alternate approval to finance the vehicle over a longer period of time, such as 20 years or the life of the vehicle — 25 years. Through this process, electors receive an Elector Response Form, and if more than 10 per cent oppose the bylaw and return the form, the municipality cannot borrow money without holding a referendum. In the past, the town has financed other fire vehicles over the life of the asset. Another option would be to finance the purchase with the town’s Public Works vehicle equipment reserve. The 1986 Ford rescue truck is slated for replacement this year in the Fire/Rescue Vehicle Replacement Schedule submitted in 2003. “Due to the age of the current 1986 Ford rescue truck, there have been many times over the last few years that this vehicle was out of service due to breakdowns or from needing constant repairs,” Delcourt wrote in the report. “Some of these breakdowns happened when Ladysmith Fire/Rescue personnel were responding to calls, which delayed their response times. Also, due to the growth of the town of Ladysmith and surrounding area and the required types of responses that Ladysmith Fire/Rescue Services now provides, our need to carry more equipment to emergency incidents has greatly increased. The new replacement rescue apparatus will be capable of carrying all required equipment and will enable firefighters to safely perform their duties.”

There were a total of 57 calls for service during this time. To date, 198 incidents have been reported (283 for the same period in 2011). Monday, Jan. 16 } At 8:55 a.m., police received a report of mischief to a window that occurred Saturday morning at approximately 1 a.m. A male had punched and broke the glass pane of the In the Beantime Café door. The value of the window was almost $300. Arrangements were made for the male to pay for the damage. No charges are pending. } At 12:38 p.m., Ladysmith RCMP received a report of fraud that occurred after an ad was placed on Kijiji. The complainant received a counterfeit bank draft in an amount well over the price of the item that was for sale, with a request to send the difference via Western Union to a third party. Fortunately, the complainant recognized this to be a scam and didn’t comply. This scam is one of the more common scams currently in circulation. Tuesday, Jan. 17 } At 10:53 a.m., police received a report of a credit card fraud. The complainant noticed a WestJet flight had been charged to his account in the amount of more than $400. The matter is under investigation, and police urge people to monitor their accounts and report any suspicious activity to their financial institution. } At 12:42 p.m., police received a report of harassment via Facebook. Both parties were spoken to and advised to avoid contact with each other. No charges were laid. } At 1:55 p.m., police received a report of a theft at a residence on Brenton Page Road. The theft occurred at about 5 a.m., with a vague description of a male suspect given. A lawn tractor and trailer, an air compressor and miscellaneous tools (total estimated value is $4,304) had been stolen. The male was not located; the investigation continues. } At 5:30 p.m., Ladysmith RCMP received a report of shoplifting that had

Ladysmith RCMP news Jan. 16 to Jan. 22 Provided by Ladysmith RCMP

front bumper of one vehicle made contact with the other’s rear driver-side panel, causing the other vehicle to lose control and hit a culvert on the right. There were no injuries; no charges were laid. Thursday, Jan. 19

occurred shortly before 5 p.m. at the Safeway store at Coronation Mall. Two females had attempted to steal a shopping cart full of meat and other groceries worth more than $300. The two suspects were identified, located and arrested. Charges are pending. } At 11:25 p.m., Ladysmith RCMP responded to a shotsfired call in the vicinity of Takala Road in Ladysmith. The complainant stated that it sounded like a shotgun in the woods between his house and the railroad tracks and that it sounded consistent with someone possibly shooting after an animal. Extensive patrols were made to the homes in the area and all the roads nearby with negative results. Wednesday, Jan. 18

} At 11:04 a.m., police received a report of two huskies in the Christie Road neighborhood that were off-leash and had just attacked the complainant’s cat. Members made patrols in the area and could not locate the dogs. The matter is still under investigation. } At 1:16 p.m., Ladysmith RCMP received a report that approximately two weeks previous, a Smart Meter installer from BC Hydro came to the strata building and installed approximately 15 smart meters. Despite the fact there was a sign in place opposing the installation, the installer broke the lock on the strata meter room door and completed the installation. The matter was referred to BC Hydro for further followup. } At 7:09 p.m., police received a report of a motor vehicle accid e n t o n t h e Tr a n s Canada Highway and Radford Road. A white Chevrolet Cavalier and a grey Chevrolet Blazer were traveling south on the highway when the

} At 1:05 p.m., Ladysmith RCMP received a report of a break and enter to a residence on Hooper Place in Ladysmith. The B&E occurred between noon and 1 p.m. this date. Access was gained through an upper bedroom window. Jewelry, three laptops, a small electronic game, a Playstation and backpacks were stolen. The property was recovered a short distance away from the residence, where it appeared to have been stashed by the culprit. The matter is still under investigation, and there are no suspects. } At 1:41 p.m., Ladysmith RCMP received a report of theft that had occurred at the Ladysmith Hospital Auxiliary Thrift Shop on First Avenue. A male came into the shop, bought a few items and, when no one was looking, took a $150 surge protector when he was walking out. The male was captured on surveillance video, and police are investigating. } At 5:18 p.m., police responded to a report that a commercial truck caught onto a guy wire at the corner of Cedar Road and Adshead Road, taking down several poles and wires. No other vehicles were involved, and there were no injuries. Traffic was affected for a few hours while the poles and wires were removed from the roadway. A violation ticket was issued to the driver for failing to keep right. Friday, Jan. 20 } At 10:24 p.m., police received a report of a break and enter into a residence under construction on Henry Roethel Road. A miscommunication between contractors resulted in the home builder calling police after he observed unknown males inside the residence. Police attended to find that another contractor had been sent to complete

some drywall work at the residence, and no B&E had occurred. Saturday, Jan. 21 } At 1:27 a.m., Ladysmith RCMP received a report of a suspicious person trying to break into a vehicle on Roberts Street. The male was reported to be looking in a vehicle and to be dressed in all black. Police made patrols, but no one was located. There was no apparent theft, nor any damage to the vehicle. } At 7:13 p.m., police responded to a report of a pickup truck that had slid into the intersection of Third Avenue and Buller Street. The vehicle was reported to be in the middle of the intersection with no one around. Police attended and located the vehicle parked on the side of the road legally. All of the roads around Ladysmith at the time were iced over, there were accidents all over, and numerous reports of sliding vehicles were received. } At 7:24 p.m., police received a report of a three-car collision on the Trans-Canada Hwy. A 2008 Ford F350 was attempting to pass a Toyota Matrix and then lost control and hit two barricades. The Matrix slowed and was rear-ended by the back end of a Chevrolet truck, which had also lost control behind them. The Matrix and Ford were towed due to damage sustained. Minor injuries only were reported. Road conditions at the time were definite factors. Sunday, Jan. 22 } At 7:02 a.m., police were dispatched to a single-vehicle motor vehicle accident where a truck struck a telephone pole on Chemainus Road in Ladysmith. The driver of a grey 2007 Ford F150 stated that he was travelling southbound towardsChemainus when the back end of the truck swung out and he lost control. The driver was transported to Duncan hospital due to back and shoulder pain. A violation ticket for failing to keep right was issued. Road conditions were icy at the time.

6 Tuesday, January 24, 2012 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle



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Gearing up for 25th festival Niomi Pearson THE CHRONICLE

The lights and the decorations may be down, but the enthusiasm needs to be bigger and better than ever this year for the 25th annual Festival of Lights, organizers say. Festival of Lights president Rollie Holland said the organization is just starting to get the ball rolling and is open to ideas and involvement by volunteer members of the community. “We would like to do something special for the 25th anniversary, but we’re also very aware that whatever we do has to


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be sustainable,” he said. “We’d love to hear from anybody who has some suggestions, providing they’re affordable.” The Festival of Lights, also known as Light-Up, is one of Ladysmith’s most anticipated events of the year. Thousands of lights are strung up with care around the town, leading up to the official turning on of the lights. While last year’s weather affected the turnout, 13,000 die-hard Light-Up fans attended the Nov. 24 event, which normally draws crowds of about 20,000. Now, with a clean slate for 2012, the committee has 10 months to prepare

a fitting celebration for the thousands of eager spectators who will descend on Ladysmith in November, keeping its quarter-century anniversary in mind. “We are strapped for money so it will depend what the resources do,” Holland said. Groups or individuals wanting to be a part of next year’s event or having suggestions can contact the Festival of Lights office at 250-245-588 or council members Bill Drysdale or Duck Paterson. We here at the Chronicle also welcome your Festival of Lights suggestions, so be sure to send them along to editor@ ladysmithchronicle.com.

Celebrate family literacy Saturday Niomi Pearson

Maintain your level of independence and dignity in a safe, relaxing home-like atmosphere. seasidelodge@shaw.ca Wendy Couwenberg (P.N.)

At left, volunteers take the Season’s Greetings sign off Aggie Hall during a soggy Festival of Lights takedown work party Sunday morning. Jacob Blaikie, pictured taking lights off trees at Bob Stuart Park, was one of the volunteers from Royal Canadian Air Cadets LINDSAY CHUNG/CHRONICLE 257 Parallel Squadron who helped out.

This weekend, dozens of Vancouver Island Regional Libraries will celebrate family literacy, and Ladysmith’s First Avenue branch will be no different. On Sat., Jan. 28, families are invited to bring their children down for sing-along time with Judy Durban at 1 p.m., story time with Nathan McKay at 1:30 p.m., followed by

“Reading can open the story time with Margaret To win a chance at being Murphy at 2 p.m. entered into a draw for a door to all worlds and give “[Nathan] gets the children Robert Munsch book, the you a connection to all cullaughing, he’s a great story passport must be filled out tures,” Hoy said. “And it’s teller,” said branch circula- and returned to the library one of the greatest tools supporting the community tion supervisor Elise Hoy. by Jan. 28. “And our local singer stoFamily Literacy Day is of mankind. “Reading is a skill that ryteller Judy Durban is a national initiative that delightfully colourful and promotes reading and has immeasurable value engaging.” writing for both adults and through your life.” More information can be Starting Monday (Jan. children by bringing them 23), the branch is handing together to participate in found at www.virl.bc.ca or out a Passport to Learning, fun activities that encour- www.familyliteracyday.ca. You can also call the full of suggested activities age literacy. such as finding a storybook “ T a k e t h e L e a r n i n g Ladysmith branch at 250about another culture, or Journey” is this year’s 245-2322 for more informatheme. tion. finding a travel movie.


Ladysmith Little Theatre Ladysmith Players Presents A Celebration of Robbie Burns Dates: January 27 & 28, 2012 Doors 6 pm Show and Dinner 6:30 pm All tickets $40. A not to be missed celebration! Box office 205-924-0658 or book online at www.ladysmiththeatre.com 4985 Christie Road, Ladysmith

2012-01-25 (Wednesday) Time Height PST (m) (ft) 07:03 3.9 12.8 12:40 2.4 7.9 17:56 3.2 10.5

2012-01-26 (Thursday) Time Height PST (m) (ft) 00:25 1.0 3.3 07:30 3.9 12.8 13:28 2.2 7.2 18:52 3.1 10.2

2012-01-27 (Friday) Time Height PST (m) (ft) 01:01 1.4 4.6 07:56 3.9 12.8 14:16 2.0 6.6 19:49 2.9 9.5

2012-01-28 (Saturday) Time Height PST (m) (ft) 01:35 1.7 5.6 08:23 3.8 12.5 15:04 1.8 5.9 20:52 2.8 9.2

2012-01-29 (Sunday) Time Height PST (m) (ft) 02:09 2.1 6.9 08:49 3.8 12.5 15:52 1.7 5.6 22:09 2.7 8.9

2012-01-30 (Monday) Time Height PST (m) (ft) 02:45 2.4 7.9 09:15 3.7 12.1 16:42 1.6 5.2

2012-01-31 (Tuesday) Time Height PST (m) (ft) 00:41 2.8 9.2 03:26 2.7 8.9 09:43 3.6 11.8 17:33 1.4 4.6

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Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, January 24, 2012 7

Cedar community hall benefits from grants Niomi Pearson THE CHRONICLE

The North Oyster and Area Historical Society has been approved $20,000 in grants to complete projects at the Cedar Community Hall. A $5,000 grant from the Farm Credit Canada AgriSpirit Fund will enable the society to complete a storage room for chairs and tables, while a $15,000 grant from the Nanaimo Community Foundation will fund completion of one of the centre’s meeting rooms. Society vice-president Irene Hawthornthwaite said the grants will

bring the community “ W e ’ r e o p e n t o equipment and supplies centre that much closer anything like that,” purchased at RONA to to being the community Hawthornthwaite said. level the property, landhub the society is hop- “We’re looking for peo- scape it, paint the building for. ple who will start these ing and build a storage “It’s unbelievable how projects.” shelf in addition to the far it’s come,” she said. T h e N a n a i m o kitchen renovation. “It was just a 100-year- Community Foundation Hawthornthwaite old building ... saved has pitched in money gave kudos to all of from the wrecking to help renovations the directors, organiball.” for the building in the zations and volunteers The Cedar Community past. who have lent a helping Hall is located on In 1997, a grant of hand over the years. Cedar Road and is $8,700 was given to “They’ve all given of used for room rentals, re-shingle the roof. In their time and energy meetings, weddings 2005, a grant of $1,4700 in building this thing and birthday parties, was used to install the and getting it to where as well as a craft sale six front windows and it’s at,” she said. every Sunday. both exterior and inteThe society is look- rior steel doors. ing for skilled people M o r e r e c e n t l y, in the community who F o r t i s B C c h i p p e d may want to utilize in a donation worth the space to start up a $60,000 to renovate the seniors’ group or exer- hall’s kitchen in May. cise program. FortisBC workers used

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Remembering Joseph Mairs


Gabe Haythornthwaite lays flowers at the graveside of Joseph Mairs at the conclusion of the 10th annual Joseph Mairs Memorial Jan. 22. The memorial, which was held at St. Mary’s Catholic Church, included music and an address by Dr. Ingo Schmidt, co-ordinator of the Labour Studies Program at Athabasca University, about the class language of economics.

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8 Tuesday, January 24, 2012 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle





Connecting to the past

“I can’t stop doing sports, that’s probably what helps keep me motivated is my sports,” Emily Adams, Page 15


’ve always been interested in history, and I’m sure I am not alone. The stories of those who came before us can be so interesting — they’re full of triumph, sorrow, bravery, sacrifice, love ... all the elements of a good novel or movie, but that much better because they are true. They happened to real people just like you and me. They can serve to educate us and inspire us, and they’re very much worth telling. On Sunday, one of my assignments was covering the Joseph Mairs Memorial. The Joseph Mairs Memorial Committee has been holding this event for 10 years now, and it’s neat to see a group take the time and effort to get together to honour someone they feel has had a big impact. Mairs was a trade unionist and a coal miner who died a month short of his 22nd birthday. He was in prison after being arrested during the two-year-long strike coal miners on Vancouver Island waged for the eighthour work day, among other issues, and he became ill while in prison and died Jan. 14, 1914. The group honours him as a “martyr for a noble cause.” Events like this and so many others that focus on other themes help connect us to the past and to those who shaped our community and remind us where we come from. With everything moving so fast these days, it’s easy to feel very far removed from things that happened even just 30 or 50 years ago, and it’s nice to see people will take the time to make sure we do remember some of the stories and the people from the past. — Lindsay Chung

Question of the Week

Would you support the Town of Ladysmith borrowing up to $440,000 over 25 years to finance a new fire rescue truck? Vote online at www.ladysmithchronicle.com. This web poll is informal, not scientific. It reflects opinions of website visitors who voluntarily participate. Results may not represent the opinions of the public as a whole. Black Press is not responsible for the statistical accuracy of opinions expressed here. Results from last week’s question Did your property assessment go down this year? Yes 50% No 50% The Ladysmith-Chemainus Chronicle is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby Street, Nanaimo, B.C., V9R-2R2. For information phone 1-888-687-2213 or go to www.bcpresscouncil.org.

Questioning U.S. ‘environmentalists’ BC Views by Tom Fletcher


n Federal Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver set off a loud, but poorly informed, debate as environmental hearings began into the Enbridge proposal to pipe Alberta oil to the seaport at Kitimat. Oliver’s open letter blasted foreign-funded environmental groups that “threaten to hijack our regulatory system to achieve their radical ideological agenda.” This letter was seized upon by critics and the media and misrepresented as an attack on anyone who opposes the pipeline or further expansion of the Alberta oil sands. Of course all opponents aren’t foreign or radicals. That was made clear when the Enbridge hearings opened in the Haisla village near Kitimat. Haisla members told the throng of out-of-town professional protesters to sit down and shut up. The fact of foreign funding is no longer questioned,

thanks to research by B.C. blogger Vivian Krause, primarily from U.S. tax returns. What is the foreign-funded agenda? Oliver put it this way: “No forestry. No mining. No oil. No gas. No more hydroelectric dams.” Here are three notions that have become entrenched in the urban mind in recent years: Clear-cut logging is by definition bad. Alaska salmon is wild, and thus superior to farmed. Run-ofriver hydro destroys rivers. All are aggressively promoted by certain environmental groups. And all are false. On forestry, B.C. media have been spoon-fed by U.S.-backed environmental organizers since Clayoquot Sound in the 1980s, when wealthy Americans first decided to save B.C. from itself. G r e e n p e a c e f o u n d e rturned-critic Patrick Moore was in Victoria last week to speak to the Truck Loggers’ Association. He pointed out that North American “green building” standards reward locally-sourced concrete and steel, but not wood.

Chronicle The

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Vol. 103, #25 2012

Why? Because big international organizations like Greenpeace and Sierra Club are so invested in opposition to logging, they end up backing environmentallydestructive policies. On oil, the debate has been dumbed down to the point where even movie stars can participate. Protesting a pipeline from Alberta to the U.S., Hollywood darling Robert Redford recited the usual talking points about the “tar sands scourge.” Alberta oil sands can be seen from space, Redford moaned. So can Venezuela oil sands, a major U.S. source. So can Redford’s vast Utah ranch and ski resort development. Redford parrots the claim that oil sands extraction produces three times the greenhouse gases of conventional oil. This is the big lie of “tar sands” campaigners. Three quarters of emissions from all crude are generated when the refined fuel is burned by things like Redford’s limo, or the airline for which he voiced TV commercials. The Alberta government

reports that average emissions from oil sands crude are 107 grams per megajoule, slightly more than U.S. Gulf Coast crude at 104. California heavy crude comes in higher, at 114. And if carbon is the issue, what about U.S. coal mines that tear the tops off mountains and run the longest trains in world history to feed the country’s 600-plus coal-fired power plants? Where is Redford on that? And hijacking the regulatory process? Look no further than the Dogwood Initiative, an obscure Victoria outfit that admits to taking about 40 per cent of its funding from U.S. sources. Its “mob the mic” campaign signed up 1,600 people to speak at the Enbridge pipeline hearings. Among the signatories are “Cave Man” and “Jonathan Seagull.” But wait, aren’t oil, power and aquaculture companies foreign funded? Certainly s o m e a r e . T h e d i f f e rence is, they create jobs. Professional protesters destroy them. Tom Fletcher is legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press newspapers.

Publisher/Advertising .......................Teresa McKinley publisher@ladysmithchronicle.com Editor ................................................... Lindsay Chung editor@ladysmithchronicle.com Reporter ............................................... Niomi Pearson news@ladysmithchronicle.com Sales....................................................... Tim O’Rourke tim@ladysmithchronicle.com Office / Accounts / Circulation .... Colleen Wheeler Production Manager ............................ Douglas Kent production@ladysmithchronicle.com Production Creative ...............................Kelly Gagne




Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, January 24, 2012 9

Letters Your View

First few weeks have been busy for Palestinian refugees Editor: Re: Palestinian refugee sponsorship At the beginning of August, Ladysmith First United Church was challenged to consider sponsoring a Palestinian family from the El Hol Refugee Camp in northern Syria. The prospect was daunting, the need too great to ignore. Within weeks, it became clear that the community, including Cedar and Chemainus, was prepared to offer its whole-hearted support. Individuals, churches and service groups were quick to donate funds and offer household goods. A small crowd gathered to meet the ferry and welcome our family to the Island on Dec. 22. Their first weeks have been busy ones. They have reunited with family and friends sponsored by other Island communities. They have begun English classes, applied for health care coverage and social insurance numbers, opened a bank account and learned to use city transit, bank machines, apartment intercoms, infant car seats and other things we take for granted. Sponsorship is a one-year commitment. The goal for the next 11 months is to support mother, father and infant son as they strive to become functionally literate in English and able to support themselves financially in their new home. Judy Wilson on behalf of Ladysmith Refugee Sponsorship Group

‘Snow angels’ among us Editor: A heartfelt thank you to the many “snow angels” who shovelled driveways for seniors. Especially to the one who cleared a steep driveway on Delcourt Avenue. This was done

Mobility Matters Experience the freedom of travelling where and when you want.


Paul Biffin sent us this beautiful photograph he took along the Estuary Marine Trail in Ladysmith. If you would like to share any of your photos, you can send them to editor@ladysmithchronicle.com. so quickly and quietly — I didn’t notice it right away. Many, many thanks. Gillian Ames Ladysmith

worthwhile program. A special thank you also to Bridges Church, which went the extra distance this year to purchase eight brand-new teenagersized jackets. What an amazing community! Wendy Chapman and Morna Rockingham Co-ordinators, Coats for Kids Program

Coats for Kids a success once again Editor: Again this year, the Coats for Kids Program was successful in reaching those in need of warm winter coats and accessories. From mid-November to mid-December, we distributed 196 coats and 176 hats, mitts and scarves through the Ladysmith Resources Centre Association. A huge thank you to our “Knitters” (you know who you are) who were especially busy this year, the Ladysmith Health Care Auxiliary for their kind donations every week of kid-sized coats, and the entire community for their generosity in donating to this


Thanks Santa, elves Editor: Wow! So many families came again to Santa’s Pancake Breakfast at Cedar Community Hall that all of the elves were kept hopping. A special thanks to them for putting such happy faces on all the children who came and ate a delicious breakfast, played games, did crafts and got their nails and faces painted. And a huge thank you, too, Santa for taking the time to visit and listen to all the requests from each and every child.

Bob Handel President of the North Oyster and Area Historical Society

Common sense is not so common Editor: I’m sure we have all noticed that “common sense” is not as “common” as it used to be. So, I’ve decided to build a university that all it will teach is “common sense.”



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The Chronicle encourages readers to express their opinions through a letter to the editor. Priority is given to local writers and local issues. Letters are encouraged to be 200 words. Letters must include the author’s name, phone number and address or they will not be published. The Chronicle reserves the right to edit letters for brevity, clarity, and legal reasons. Photos for Your View must reflect communities from Crofton to Cedar and include the photographer’s name. Contact the editor at editor@ ladysmithchronicle.com or fax 250-245-2260. Letters can also be mailed to the Chronicle 341-1st Ave., PO Box 400, Ladysmith, B.C., V9G 1A3.


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The winners of the raffle included Linda Burrows, Pat Allison, M. Warrier, Barb Patez, Colleen Rice, Murray McNab, Cindy Sanders and D. Freisen. The North Oyster and Area Historical Society wishes also to thank all those businesses who continue to support this very special annual event. You are a big part of our success, and we truly appreciate it.

In order to be a public servant, you will have to have a “common sense diploma.” These are a few things that apply to common sense: 1. Left boot on left foot; right shoe on right foot. 2. Water does not run uphill. (Remember, gravity still rules.) 3. You don’t spit into the wind (or the other thing). When handing in your resumé: 1. Don’t have your cap on backwards. 2. No odd socks on. 3. Don’t be leading a pitbull terrier on a long leash. 4. No tattoos across your forehead and a matching tattoo on your dog. Unless, of course, you are applying for a circus job! You have often heard people say: “But this is so complicated.” If common sense was used in the first place, it is impossible to be complicated. Can you imagine how much time and money it takes to uncomplicate the issue? Two ingredients: keep it simple, and add a little common sense. (Complete success!) Please register early, for I know the lineup will be long!



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Dozens of dancers entertained a full and enthusiastic audience on Thurs., Jan. 19 at the Chemainus Secondary School dance showcase. The lineup included a variety of group and solo numbers and featured classic hits by Michael Jackson, Madonna and newer hits by Adele and LMFAO. Check out our full-colour gallery of shots from the show at www.ladysmithchronicle.com.

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Robbie Burns night a taste of Scotland Niomi Pearson

the liberal free movement.” Audiences will be entertained by THE CHRONICLE an authentic Scottish Burns imperThe end of January is approaching sonator, as well as his counterpart as quickly as the new year began, (Scotland’s worst poet), William which means it’s time for the annual McGonnagall, who will read out Robbie Burns night celebration at some of his work. “We pass out some buns to the audiLadysmith Little Theatre. This year’s celebration will provide ence so they can pitch them at him,” the same fun-loving, light-hearted Watt said. The evening will also include the banter and entertainment as it has since it was created by Judi and piping in of the haggis (made by Terry Whittaker around five years a Scottish deli in Nanaimo), the Selkirk Grace and singing of one ago. “There’s music, there’s jokes, of Burns’ well-known hymns, Auld there’s sing-a-longs, and we have Lang Syne. “There will be stuff going on all a really good, local bagpiper,” says event co-host Alan Watt. “Some of night long,” Watt said. There will only be two Robbie the music was even written by Judi Burns night performances, on Fri. and Terry.” Robbie Burns is Scotland’s best- Jan. 27 and Sat., Jan. 28. Tickets known poet and is revered around have sold out for the past three years and are $40 each. Ticket cost the world. “His poetry was translated, and includes the show and a full roast often what he did was take old celtic beef dinner. poems and songs and update them, “Anyone who loves Scottish heriimprove them and translate them,” tage will love to go, and anyone who wants to have fun will love it,” Watt Watt said. A very liberal-minded man who had said. “They’re going to see a celebraan eye for the ladies, Burns was con- tion of the Bard, his life and of his sidered ahead of his own time, Watt creative work, as well as some of the things he’s more infamous for,” said. He died at the age of 37. “It’s very much all tongue-in“He was not well looked at by a lot of the monarchists because he cheek.” For more information, visit www. looked favourably upon the French revolution; he thought everyone was ladysmiththeatre.com or call the equal,” Watt said. “He was part of box office at 250-924-0658.

Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, January 24, 2012 11

12 Tuesday, January 24, 2012 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle



Irene McLean and Donalda Smith took us to India! While Boating on the Ganges, at the Friday Mosque in Delhi and at the Red Fort in Delhi


Giving kids the Will to Survive CD raising money for The James Fund for Neuroblastoma Research Ladysmith became the supporting act in a video created for Megan McNeil’s song The Will To Survive in the summer of 2010, when residents and businesses came

together to show their support in the fight against childhood cancer. The familiar walls of In the Beantime Café and the familiar faces of members of the

A fund raiser for Yellow Point Drama Group Welcome to the Palace Disco Club here the dancing never stops until one of the customers has trouble “Stayin’ Alive”.

We wanted most of all to read it at the Taj Mahal but it was taken away by the security people on our way in. Luckily, our resourceful guide jumped a barrier and retrieved the paper from the garbage on our way out! Take us with you when you travel and don’t miss any of the hometown news!

Keep in touch with local news! Read us online www.ladysmithchronicle.com

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Ladysmith Volunteer Fire Department and RCMP Detachment can be recognized between scenes of McNeil and her cancer-fighting friends singing the song’s lyrics and photographs of children who have been lost to childhood cancer. Ladysmith lost one of its own smallest members in October 2010 when Callum Brown died from a form of childhood cancer, neuroblastoma. Neuroblastoma is ease at diagnosis. The responsible for eight vast majority of these to 10 per cent of all children die. childhood cancers. McNeil lost friends Although it is only the to neuroblastoma as fifth most common well, and as part of cancer in childhood, her childhood canit is responsible for cer awareness cama disproportionate p a i g n , b e f o r e h e r number of childhood death in January 2011 deaths due to cancer. at the age of 20, she Neuroblastoma usu- designated that parally occurs in children tial proceeds from younger than five, and her song The Will to it is the most com- Survive be donated mon tumour in babies to The James Fund younger than one year for Neuroblastoma of age. Brown was Research. diagnosed at four After McNeil’s death, months old. The James Fund set Each year through- a new goal in her out North America, honour. The goal is several hundred chil- to raise $100,000 to dren are diagnosed identify drugs that are with neuroblastoma. effective in treating Sixty per cent of neuroblastoma stem children diagnosed cells, with the intenover the age of one tion of bringing those h a v e w i d e s p r e a d treatments to clinical (metastatic) disease trials. at diagnosis. This work is some In the last 20 years, of the most exciting there has been mod- science on the planet, est improvement in and it will take place the prognosis for chil- at the world-renowned dren diagnosed at less BC Genome Sciences than one year of age Centre in Vancouver. with neuroblastoma T h e p r o j e c t h a s due to research; how- b e e n n a m e d t h e ever, despite research Megan McNeil Gene initiatives, there has Discovery Project. been little improveDonations to ment in the progno- McNeil’s childhood sis for older children c a n c e r a w a r e n e s s with widespread dis- campaign are being

accepted at In The Beantime Café. Anyone who donates more than $5 will receive a copy of M c N e i l ’s C D T h e Will To Survive 2011, which has just been released and which includes the song The Will To Survive and the song Wake Up by Ladysmith musician Ryan McMahon, featuring Megan McNeil. C a l l u m B r o w n ’s m o t h e r, Ta m m y Dougan, spent a lot of time travelling back and forth to BC Children’s Hospital to care for her young son. All of the donations made in Ladysmith will be donated to The James Fund in Callum Brown’s memory. Dougan is now very involved with fundraising in her son’s honour and for childhood cancer causes. She recently gave birth to her third son, a beautiful, healthy baby named Wyatt. For more information about Megan McNeil’s childhood cancer awareness campaign, e-mail Megan’s Campaign Headquarters at info@ mmgrp.ca. — Submitted

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Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, January 24, 2012 15


Five teams makes for one super athlete Emily Adams is the Chronicle’s Athlete of the Month for January Niomi Pearson THE CHRONICLE

At just 15 years old, Emily Adams plays on both the junior and senior volleyball teams at Chemainus Secondary School, is currently the captain of the junior basketball team, a member of the Ladysmith U1618 soccer team, and an avid golfer, skier and runner. She is an athlete extraordinaire, but to be anything less is not an option. “It’s like a rush playing sports,” the Saltair resident said. “You have something to work at always. “A lot of my friends play sports as well; that makes it more fun.” Adams spends anywhere from four to six hours per day exercising or playing sports, while still maintaining a strong academic record, says coach Jennie Hittinger. “She’s kind of like a sponge, give her anything and she sucks

it in and works on it,” she said. “She really wants to impress you or show you that she’s mastered a skill level or strategy.” Among Adams’ accolades is a Junior Athlete of the Year award at Chemainus Secondary, and three first-place wins (in her age category) at the Twilight Shuffle. During a recent junior girls’ basketball game, Adams scored a total of 20 points, a third of the team’s points for the game. “Not only is she really athletic, she has a great disposition, she’s very sportsmanlike,” Hittinger said. “She’s the quiet leader that the other girls go to or watch and want to be. “She’s amazing and a w e s o m e ; s h e ’s a great asset to the Chemainus athletic program.” Adams has played in the youth soccer league since she was old enough to get on the team, and currently plays with the

Blue Lightning, who did ... then it came to are in first place in me that I did pretty their league. well, so I started going “There’s five to six in tournaments,” she girls on the team I’ve said. grown up playing socAdams hopes to one cer with, and we’ve day earn golf scholardefinitely bonded as a ships to help pay for team and work really university, and with well together,” Adams hopes of going to medical school to be said. As a golfer with a a doctor, she’ll likely +9 handicap, Adams need it. She dreams is already playing in o f s t u d y i n g a t S t . p r o v i n c i a l t o u r n a - Andrew’s University ments and has had in Scotland; however, two hole-in-ones since the Grade 10 student she started playing. has plenty of time She credits her older to figure it out. One brother for getting thing, however, is for her into the swing of certain. “I can’t stop doing things. “I was the little sis- sports, that’s probter that wanted to do ably what helps keep what my brother did me motivated is my ... My brother played sports,” she said. “I soccer and he golfed, just go out and have so I followed what he fun and try my best.”

Do you know a Ladysmith or Chemainus area resident who is an amazing, dedicated athlete? If so, send us an e-mail at news@ ladysmithchronicle.com and they could be featured in an upcoming issue of the Chronicle!

Emily Adams, who is involved with more than four sports teams, still finds time for NIOMI PEARSON/CHRONICLE her studies.

Dancers prep for fest

Skating in the garden


The Fuller Lake Skating Club was invited to perform on the festive outdoor arena at Butchart Gardens last month. The skaters and their families then spent the rest of the afternoon taking in the gardens. Club members are now finetuning their solos for the Lynn Hetherington Competition in Nanaimo Jan. 27 to 29. Hungry - Tired! Order Pizza Tonight!

We deliver or pick up • pizza • bbq ribs • chicken • pasta

hard,” Saab said. Dancers Reilly Lafontaine, 11 and Ruby McAuliffe, 10, say they were inspired by a recent trip to a Dance Battle competition in Nanaimo. “I got to see a lot of different styles of hip hop,” Lafontaine said. Both McAuliffe and Lafontaine say they plan to return to the competition and enter as battle buddies; in the meantime, they have festival competition in their sights. “I feel more excitement than nervousness,” McAuliffe said.

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A group of local dancers at Rhythm Dance Academy are preparing for three upcoming festivals in Cowichan and Nanaimo. The senior and junior teams, named RE:action and G8-way respectively, range in age from 10-16, and have been getting a crash course in Hip Hop from instructors Dominique Saab and Chelsea Ikona. Some of the moves they are learning include old school, new

school hip hop, vogueing, tutting, waacking and isolations. “When we’re able to bring in technique c l a s s e s n e x t y e a r, they’re going to be able to learn the basic styles, and then choreo becomes easier,” Ikona said. The girls practise once a week as well as follow home instruction videos provided online by the teachers to practise with. At festival, their choregraphed piece will undergo adjudication. “A lot of them have been working really

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16 Tuesday, January 24, 2012 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle y

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COLBY (Dabb), Cora Agnes Born in Ladysmith, B.C. August 1, 1925, died on January 17, 2012 in Victoria, B.C. Our dear Aunt Cora passed away after a lengthy illness on January 17, 2012 at Victoria General Hospital. Predeceased by her loving husband Richard L. Colby in 1990 and her dear brother William (Bill) Dabb in 2000; baby brother Reginald in 1917; father, Owen Dabb in 1948 and mother, Margaret Dabb in 1970. Cora is survived by her niece and close friend Muriel Carlson (Ken) of Ladysmith; nephews David Askey (Billie) of White Rock, Peter Dabb (Janis) of Vancouver; niece Peggy Southin (Chris) of Peachland; nephew Norman Dabb (Bev) of Kamloops, their families and many cousins. Her step-family, Ross & Tom Colby & Christie McLean of Comox; her sister Gladys Askey of Cassidy and sister-inlaw Cynthia Dabb of Ladysmith. Cora had many close and dear friends whom she thought the world of and who thought the world of her. She leaves us all with many good memories and we are forever grateful that she was a part of our lives for so many years. Her cheerful disposition, right to the end, is what kept all of us going. Having been born and growing up in Ladysmith, she had a wealth of knowledge to share about the History of Ladysmith. Cora’s working careers were very diverse, she worked for the CPR Railway as an Assistant. She was also a Telephone Operator in Ladysmith, a Teletypist in Victoria. Cora was a Medical Receptionist/Assistant at what is now known as Hillside Medical Clinic in Ladysmith for many years and oversaw the construction of the new Clinic when the old Clinic was torn down in the 1960’s. Cora met and married the love of her life and moved to Victoria in the late 1960’s. She then continued her work as a Medical Receptionist/Assistant for a group of Surgeons in Victoria. Cora was a very creative and artistic person who had many interesting hobbies, creating beautiful ower gardens, oil painting, embroidery, crocheting and knitting, these were among her many interests. The people she met in her lifetime were many & she enjoyed each person for who they were. Those who knew her loved her. She was a person who loved life, who took each day as it came and made the best of it. She and her husband Richard (Dick) had a great life together, be it travelling or taking photographs, working in the yard or reading, they were as one together. Cora’s niece, Muriel, would like to thank all of the Doctors, Nurses and Support Staff at Victoria General Hospital for the exceptional care Cora received while a patient on 6th Floor, D Unit. A special thank you to her companions and good friends, Jackie Ross, Donna Sawyer, Barb Sinden and John and Mary Robinson, for all of your support and for everything that you have done to make Cora’s last years easier for her to cope with. You are all truly a God send and true friends. For all you did for Cora and for me, we give thanks. By request there will be no service. Cremation and Inurnment at Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C. In lieu of owers, Donations may be made in her memory to the Children’s Hospital, Vancouver, B.C. MISS ME BUT LET ME GO When I come to the end of the road And the sun has set for me. I want no nights in a gloom-ďŹ lled room; Why cry for a soul set free? Miss me a little, but not too long, And not with your head bowed low; Remember the love that we once shared, Miss me but let me go. For this is a journey we all must take And each must go alone, It’s all part of the Master’s plan, A stop on the way to home. So when you are lonely & sick at heart Go to the friends we know, And bury your sorrows in doing good deeds Miss me-but let me go. Condolences may be offered at www.mccallbros.com

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JESSUP, Doreen, Evelyn

SIMPSON, Harold (Mush)

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Doreen

On January 12th, 2010, Harold (Mush) Simpson passed away peacefully in his home at 95 years of age.

(Moma J) on January 17th, 2012.

Born in Ladysmith on February 8th, 1916, Harold was a forestry worker and a 75 year member of the Fraternal Order of Eagles, #2101, Ladysmith.

Predeceased by her husband Fred in 2005. Survived by her sons; Terry (Robyn), Kevin (Karen) and her grandchildren; Rachel, Lauren, Cassidy and Colton. She also leaves behind her brother Don (Patsy) and sister Geraldine (Joe) and her loving companion, “Shadow.â€? “She will be missed but never forgotten.â€? Funeral Service was held at the Ladysmith First United Church 232 High Street, on Monday January 23rd, 2012 at 12:00 noon, followed by Burial at Ladysmith Cemetery. In lieu of owers, donations may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society, Box 46, Ladysmith, BC V9G 1A1 Condolences may be offered at telfordn@shaw.ca Telford’s of Ladysmith 250-245-5553

ANDRES, Cameron Born in Minitonas, Manitoba, on October 19, 1943, died peacefully at home in Ladysmith on Tuesday, January 10, 2012. He worked as a civil engineer in all four western provinces, co-authored three books on construction materials and practices, and taught at the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology for 25 years until his retirement to Ladysmith. He was a man of inďŹ nite courage and humility; he was greatly inspired by nature and used that to create a beautiful garden. It was his gentle manner and accepting ways that best deďŹ ned him. He was the beloved husband and life partner of Marion Andres, the much-loved older brother of David Andres, and a fond uncle of his niece, Ashlea, and his nephew, Sasha. He will be remembered more as a brother than a cousin by Gene Karlik. Carl, Gene and Adam Carlson knew him as a good, kind man. He will be forever loved and missed. Telford’s of Ladysmith 250-245-5553

Survived by Lilian Simpson, his wife of 54 years; his children, Carol (Keith) White and Wayne Simpson (Sandra); grandchildren Trevor, Jaret, Stephanie and Nicole; great grandchildren Jaden, Britney, Emma, Freya and Aria, and many nieces and nephews. Special thanks to Dr. Fergus Kennedy and all those who helped to make Harold’s ďŹ nal days peaceful. In lieu of owers, please donate to the MS Society of Canada. No service as per Harold’s request.

BACKMEIER – Martin passed away in the Nanaimo Regional General Hospital on January 18th, 2012 at the age of 90 years, surrounded by his loving wife Toini and their families. Survived by son, Phil and wife Cindy of Nanaimo, BC; daughter, Barb and husband Pat Clements of Langford, BC; grandchildren, Brian, Doug, Tracey, Mitchell and Darrin; great grandchildren, Dylan, David and Bohdi; brothers, Jerome of Saskatchewan and George of Ontario; sisters, Barb and Rose of Edmonton, Alberta. Predeceased by his daughter Margaret in 2008, and brothers Val and Wendell. Martin joined the Canadian Army in April of 1942 with the rank of Bombardier and was discharged in Vancouver, BC in February of 1946. He then moved to Ladysmith, BC and worked for Crown Zellerbach, Ladysmith Division for 39 years as a faller, retiring in 1982. He was a past member of the Knights of Columbus, and latterly had a passion for gardening. He was a loving and caring, husband, father, grandfather, great grandfather and friend. His memory will be cherished in the hearts of all those lives he touched. Prayers were offered in St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church 1132 – 4th Avenue, Ladysmith, BC on Monday, January 23rd, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. Mass for the Christian Burial was celebrated in St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church, on Tuesday, January 24th, 2012 at 11:00 a.m. Celebrant Father Robert Mmegwa. Interment followed in the Ladysmith Cemetery, Ladysmith, BC. Condolences may be offered to the family at telfordn@shaw.ca Telford’s of Ladysmith 250-245-5553

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We are looking for caregivers to provide a home environment for youth in need of withdrawal management and stabilization related to substance use. Situated in the Ladysmith or surrounding area, caregivers will provide non-medical care and support to youth between the ages of 12-19 years in a private, safe, alcohol and drug free home. A reliable vehicle, criminal record check, references, and participation in a care home study are required. If you are interested, have good people skills, a calm approach, and enjoy working with youth, please contact the Transitions Care Home Coordinator 250-754-2773 ext 222 or visist www.narsf.org - employment tab. Ladysmith Resources Centre is currently seeking Part-time Project Manager Project Reel Life Project Reel Life is a youth-led enterprise that hopes to bring a movie theatre to the community of Ladysmith. We are looking for someone who can fill the following requirements: Contract period: 15 months starting late January 2012 Qualifications: t t t t t

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Chemainus: Lockwood Villa, well kept bldg, 1 bdrm $625 incl. heat & hot water, sm pets welcome. Call Karen 250-2461033 or 250-709-2765. GORGE VIEW APT 258 Gorge Road East Stes avail. - Some Immed. 1 Bdrm $860; 2 Bdrms $1120; 2 Bdrm & den $1125. Amenities incl’s indoor pool, fitness facilities, above grnd and parkade pkg, on site laundry. Onsite staff avail. Please call Sue or Elena 250-380-6566 Email: gvapts@shaw.ca PARK WEST APTS 55 Bay Street Stes avail. - some immed. 1 Bdrms from $875; 2 bdrms from $1125. Close to Victoria downtown, Save-On, Starbucks & transportation. Please Call Wendy 250-590-7505 Email: pw@ramco.ca WETHERBY APTS FOR SENIORS ONLY 55+ Spacious stes Avail. - some immed. Bach $750; 1 bdrm $890; 2 bdrms $1075 & up. Close to buses, Hillside Mall, doctors, dentists all within walking distance. Seniors lifestyle of convenience & comfort. On site laundry, social room. Staff available. Please call Bonny 250-598-1650 Email: weth@ramco.ca

Please submit resume and cover letter to: PROJECT REEL LIFE PROJECT MANAGER POSITION Ladysmith Resources Centre Association 630 Second Avenue, PO Box 1653 Ladysmith, BC V9G 1B2 Fax: 250-245-3798 Email: info@lrca.bc.ca Applications will be accepted until February 15, 2012 Only applicants chosen for an interview will be contacted.

SEAGATE APTS 707 Esquimalt Road Stes avail. - some immed. 1 bdrm $875 & up; 2 bdrms $1010 & up. Indoor pool, exercise rm and many other fitness amenities. Full view of Strait of Juan de Fuca. Please call Sylvia 250-383-1731 Email: sea@ramco.ca

Ladysmith Resources Centre is currently seeking

Program Manager The Ladysmith Resources Centre is looking to hire a Program Manager to manage various programs offered by the Association. This person will be responsible to ensure that the programs they oversee are successful in meeting their mandates and to ensure funding is maintained and continually forthcoming to support ongoing delivery. Qualifications: Social Services Diploma / Early Childhood Education diploma or equivalent education and experience. Experience in program management Theoretical and practical knowledge of parenting young children. Ability to work independently and in a team Excellent organizational and interpersonal skills Excellent communication skills – both verbal and written Criminal Record Check Hours: 18 hours/week Position to start Feb 2012. For more information on the position, go to our website www.lrca.bc.ca Job Opportunities Submit resume to: Ladysmith Resources Centre Association Attn: Program Manager Position 630 Second Avenue, PO Box 1653 Ladysmith, BC V9G 1B2 Fax: 250-245-3798 Email: info@lrca.bc.ca Only applicants chosen for an interview will be contacted.

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Retail Commercial Space. For rent 5000 sq.ft. fenced in compound with cabin. Suitable for commercial use with highway exposure and easy access. Deer Lake Properties (Thomas Rd.) Inc. dba Junction Mini Storage 13136 Thomas Rd. Ladysmith, BC 250-245-2760

LADYSMITH: 3 bdrm, wood flrs, W/D, $850 + part util’s. Mar. 1st. Call 250-924-3349. Ladysmith:Central and bright 2 bedroom, hydro and cable incl. N/S, N/P. 250-245-4638.

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EXECUTIVE HOME 4000 sq.ft. Cowichan Valley Hwy, with great view, 4 bdrm, 3 1/2 bath, 2 fireplaces plus approx. 1 acre horse paddock. Available immediately, $2500 per month, utilities not included. For viewing, contact (250) 248-0015.




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LADYSMITH, 2 bdrm upper corner large suite with large deck. New laminate floors, newly painted. $800/mo. 250-714-2746. Ladysmith: bachelor, 1 & 2 bdrm suites from $700/mo incl. heat & hot water, ocean views, completely renovated, new management, on trolly route, small pets ok, rent incentives. 250-668-9086.

COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL Retail Commercial Space 1430 sq. ft. of commercial or warehouse space for rent. Located in front of Junction Mini Storage with great highway exposure. Deer Lake Properties (Thomas Rd.) Inc. dba Junction Mini Storage 13136 Thomas Rd. Ladysmith, BC 250-245-2760


Ladysmith: 3 bdrm bungalow, central, newly reno’d, 6 appls, n/s, n/p, $1200/mo + utils, Avail. Feb. 1st, 250-668-3149.

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Ladysmith: Executive at The Creek, 2 bdrm with loft, 5 appls, gas f/p, covered prkg, n/s, n/p, $1200/mo, ref’s pls. Ladysmith: Twin Falls. A deluxe townhome. 3 bdrm with finished bsmt, 6 appls, gas f/p, n/s, n/p, $1250/mo, ref’s pls. Chemainus: 4 bdrm ocean view apartment, f/s, shared w/d, n/s, n/p, avail now, ref’s required, $995/mo. Chemainus area: 2 bdrm ocean view duplex, f/s, w/d, n/s, n/p, $750/mo, available December 1. Ladysmith: Harbour view 4 bdrm home with basement suite, 5 appls., gas f/p, hotwater heat, n/s, n/p, references please, available now, $1500/mo. South Wellington Area: 1 bdrm suite in quiet and private country setting, n/s, n/p, avail. now, references required, $850/mo. Ladysmith: Warehouse/retail space, 2000 square feet approx., Westdown Rd. Available Dec. 2011 Ladysmith:Alderwood Area, 3 bdrm rancher, like new, 5 appls, nice yard, n/s, n/p, avail. now, $1300/mo.

Call Royal LePage 250-245-0975

OFFICE/RETAIL Retail Commercial Space. For rent 1500 sq.ft. of upstairs retail space. Will develop for suitable tenant. Deer Lake Properties (Thomas Rd.) Inc. dba Junction Mini Storage 13136 Thomas Rd. Ladysmith, BC 250-245-2760

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CARS 2007 CUSTOM Chev HHR. Excellent condition. Loaded. White. 119,000 km, mostly hwy driven. On-Star. $11,900 firm. 250-755-5191. TOP DOLLAR Paid! Want To Buy Junk Cars & Trucks for cash. 1-250-954-7843.

SCRAP CAR REMOVAL SCRAP BATTERIES Wanted! We BUY Scrap Batteries from Cars, Trucks etc. $4.00/ea. & up! Free pick-up Island Wide. Min. 10 (1)604.866.9004 Ask for Brad SCRAP BATTERIES Wanted We buy scrap batteries from cars, trucks & heavy equip. $4.00 & up each. Free pick-up anywhere in BC, Minimum 10. Toll Free 1.877.334.2288.

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SUITES, LOWER Ladysmith: 1 bdrm, large suite, reasonable rent, ref’s req., More info 250-245-8842. Ladysmith: 2 bdrm Baker Rd., oceanview, w/d, f/s, n/s, n/p, $1050 incl. heat, cable, internet. 250-245-4185. LADYSMITH. 2 Bdrm. Lndry & util incl. $900/mth & DD. N/S, N/P, Refs. Avail immed. Call: 250-245-9348 LADYSMITH NEW 1 bdrm Avail now! In suite laundry, 5 new appls, all utils except cable incld, private patio, NS/NP. $825. 250-714-8556. LADYSMITH- (walk to town) new bright 1 bdrm, Priv. entr. NS/NP. Quiet, mature tenant(s). Utils incld. Parking small car. On bus route. Avail Jan 15. $750. (250)245-4025.

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Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, January 24, 2012 19


Lorne Gait 245-0545

real estate


Book yours by Phone


lgait@ shaw.ca #38-10980 Chemainus Road

NEW PRICE AT $79,900 Updated 2 bdrm mobile home in one of the area’s finest mobile home parks. Great renos and additions. Enjoy the rec center and swimming pool. Call Lorne Gait for an appointment to view at 250-618-0680.


604 Farrell Rd, Ladysmith Priced at $399,900

NEW IN TOWN? Our hostess will bring gifts & greetings along with helpful community information.

Enjoy sweeping ocean in this new 3 bedroom and 2 bathroom view home. Includes the following: Double Garage; wood cabinets in kitchen; great deck to enjoy views; stainless steel appliances. Builder willing to talk about suite development or finishing the basement/landscaping. Call Lorne to view at 250-618-0680.

Chemainus: Diana 250-246-4463 Ladysmith: Eileen 250-245-0799

Do you need to get the word out? Advertise your small business here! This size - $1525+HST/issue Minimum 4 weeks

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509 Lousie Road Now $499,900 3300 sq. ft. water-view west coast home and at a great new price.

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20 Tuesday, January 24, 2012 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle


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CHEMAINUS Next to the Ferry Dock Open Daily 8:00 am to 9 pm 250-246-3551


Beside the Liquor Depot Open Daily 7:30 am to 9 pm


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