July 12, 2011 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle

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Ball season heating up

Serving Ladysmith, Chemainus and area

P. 21-23

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Garden grows: P. 7

Business plan needs youthful enthusiasm

Climbing to the top

Ladysmith Resources Centre organizing new initiative Matthew Peterson THE CHRONICLE

The volunteers weren’t the only ones hard at work at the Brown Drive Kin Park on July 8. Isabella Wiebe, 6, gets a boost from pal Jack Cochrane, 6, to the top of the rock. Getting Isabella up was only half the problem, as Jack had to find his own way to the top. MATTHEW PETERSON/CHRONICLE

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A new project is looking to engage youth in the community while providing new opportunities. The Ladysmith Resources Centre was recently awarded a grant of up to $10,000 from the Community Action Initiative to meet with youth, age 16-22, and community members to present a youth-driven and planned business venture that will not only offer a place to hang out, but also crucial employment skills. The convening grant means the Resources Centre will also be in the running for a further $200,000 to put the plan into action. Sam Corrington, project co-ordinator with the Resources Centre, said it was the youth advisory coalition that came up with the idea of a youth-run business. “Since I’ve been at that table, for the last year and a half, there has been a lot of conversation about youth not having a place to call their own,” said Corrington. “This convening grant is a chance for us to put together a real feasibility study and real business plan on what might that look like in Ladysmith,” said Corrington. The wanting was not just for a place to hang out, but to engage socially, she added, where youth could also gain work experiences. There are many businesses, said Corrington, such as the 49th Parallel that offer youth employment opportunities, but jobs are few and far between. “This a chance to consider providing more work experiences.” In her time working with youth, Corrington has learned the best way to get youth on a productive path is to get them thinking about the future and getting engaged in the community. See Mentors Page 3

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2 Tuesday, July 12, 2011 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle


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Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, July 12, 2011 3

News HST signs vandalized

New park ready for play

Chris Hamlyn BLACK PRESS

Volunteers were out in full force installing the newest phase of the Brown Drive Kin MATTHEW PETERSON/CHRONICLE Park in Ladysmith on July 8.

The debate on whether to accept or extinguish the harmonized sales tax took a step toward dirty politics this week. T h r e e ‘ Vo t e Y E S Extinguish the HST’ signs in Ladysmith, one in Nanaimo and one in Campbell River were altered to read ‘Vote No Extinguish the PST’. Terry Hand, FightHST mid-Island regional coordinator, said someone went to a lot of trouble to sabotage the signs. “They made sure they had the correct size of decal to fit over the ‘Yes’, they matched up the colour and the font and then replaced the ‘H’ in HST with a ‘P’ and also replaced the ‘H’ in FightHST.

com with a ‘P’,” he said. “Apparently there is a site called FightPST. com and we’re trying to find out who owns that. Whether it’s related or not, we don’t have any evidence of that.” FightHST volunteers in Ladysmith discovered three signs last week, took the tape off two of them, returned them to service and gave the remaining one to RCMP. Another altered sign was found on Nicol Street in Nanaimo. Hand took it to the RCMP detachment and filed a complaint. “It falls under mischief and the police seemed to take it seriously,” he said. “They did do a couple of interviews, but unless they catch someone in the act,

there’s not much they can do. The signs have been handled by many, many people along the way.” A fifth altered sign in Campbell River makes Hand think it might be more than an isolated incident. “The intent behind it is obvious and it’s the intent that is the real worrying part,” he said. “If it had been just Nanaimo, it could have been somebody local not happy with our message. But it happening in Campbell River as well raises questions. I guess we won’t know unless more show up.” Hand sent the Nanaimo sign to FightHST organizer Bill Vander Zalm in Vancouver and volunteers around the prov-

ince were notified to be aware of the signs. “We haven’t had any more reports and I hope we don’t. We don’t need this and neither does the public at this stage of the game,” said Hand. Woody Hayes of the Smart Tax Alliance, which supports the HST, said everyone is entitled to their opinion, but the tactic of changing the signs is not condoned. He said it would be easier for the alliance to put out its own ‘Vote No’ signs than go to the trouble of making changes to the ‘Yes’ sign, but it has avoided doing even that. “ I t h i n k i t ’s s o m e enthusiastic partisans who have gone out and done it,” he said.

Mentors needed for local business know-how from Page 1 The centre did a youth study in April last year where suggestions like a bowling alley, coffeeshop or movie house might be good ideas for youth, but they were not presented as youth-run businesses, said Dennis Lait, executive director with the centre. “We taken that one step further to say ‘What if the youth were the ones to develop and actually

“They have the experbe the ones that run an tise of what does it activity?’ ” said Lait. Corrington and Lait take to run a business said they are looking for in Ladysmith,” said youth to step forward Corrington. and identify what would Time however is not on be a good fit for them in their side as the feasibilthe town of Ladysmith. ity study must be done “Then having them by September 30. partner with some busiThe Resources Centre ness members,” said is inviting youth to a Corrington. They have meeting on July 18 at already approached the 6 p.m. in the upstairs Ladysmith Chamber of meeting room of their Commerce which is on new building on Second board with the idea. Avenue and High Street.

“If we can get the youth to identify a project they would like to initiate and build that fits within the framework of the community, then they have the opportunity to be on the ground floor of this,” said Lait. This involvement, he added, will help create jobs and hopefully get youth more connected to the community. Pizza and soft drinks will be provided. There will also

be a meeting for potential business mentors on Thursday, July 21 at 8 a.m. in the meeting room. Anyone interested in attending can contact Corrington at 250-2453079 or e-mail sam@lrca. bc.ca. Competition for the $200,000 grant is stiff with only five to seven awarded and the Resources Centre is hoping for vast commu-


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Q: I have a small space and wanted to plant some vegetables this spring – is it too late? A: No, it isn’t too late to plant vegetables. You can start a container vegetable garden today and be eating from it in 6 to 8 weeks. Vegetables in containers can be very attractive: imagine a pot planted with snap peas climbing up a small obelisk. Surround the peas with colourful lettuces; add some trailing strawberries and you have an attractive, edible container garden. Or select vegetables for fall or winter eating. We have versatile willow planters in our shop that will fold away for the winter and can be used year after year. Drop by and see us for more ideas!

Ladysmith Flowers & Gifts 320 - 1st Ave, Ladysmith, 250-245-2131 flowers@ladysmith.com

nity involvement from youth and mentors to create the best model possible. “If somebody’s out there that feel they have a skill or knowledge in this project, by all means come and see us,” said Lait. Corrington said they are also willing to take ideas to the youth group, but would like to see the initiative and drive come from the youth.

“What will make this successful is if the youth have ownership from Day 1,” said Lait. Lait and Corrington stressed this is not a short-term activity and they need enthusiastic youth to help propel it forward. “This is work over the summer. We are asking them to really roll up their sleeves and do some work with us,” said Corrington.


Q. Can I leave my dog in the car (during the summer) while I run errands? Society as a whole can help save pets lives by keeping others informed about the danger of leaving pets in vehicles. Being an advocate for helpless pets and calling animal control or the RCMP immediately if you feel a pet is in danger is the best way to help save a pet that isn’t yours. If you must leave your pet alone in the vehicle when it is warm outside, it is essential to leave the windows down and cracked enough so the pet can stick its head out of the window. Leave the animal plenty of water to stay hydrated. The best way to prevent heatstroke or hypothermia in a pet is to not take the pet for a ride in the vehicle unless you will be there or the pet will be supervised the entire time. You can also take the pet inside with you, if possible, rather than leave it unattended in the vehicle.

Little Rascals 416 - 1st Ave, Ladysmith, BC 250-245-2226

4 Tuesday, July 12, 2011 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle




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Meth found on man There were a total of 57 calls for service over this period of time. This is a considerably low number of files in view of the summer holidays. To date, 2,065 incidents have been reported to the detachment (2,191 for the same period in 2010). Tuesday, June 28 ❱ Sweat Pea Quilting located on Roberts St. was broken into. A pry bar was used to open a door. The culprit(s) took approximately $3 in quarters from the till. There was some damage to the door frame from where it was pried. Anyone having any information is asked to contact the RCMP at (250) 2452215. ❱ Sometime between 1:30 a.m. and 2:30 a.m., someone took $400 worth of oil from the storage container near the pump of the Coronation Mall MidIsland Co-op gas station. The person pried open the cover and took several bottles of oil. They then replaced

Ladysmith RCMP news June 28 to July 4 Provided by Ladysmith RCMP

the cover and left. The thief came back an hour later and did the same thing, stealing more oil. The thief was on surveillance wearing black pants, black hoodie, and black gloves. ❱ A window on a van was broken in the 700 block of Malone Rd. The driver’s side window had been broken. There was a small chip mark at the top of the window and a large hole in the window halfway down and the edges of the window were broken. Police believe a stone from the road may have hit the window causing it to break. The van was parked in a stall

next to the roadway. The vehicle doors had been unlocked prior to the damage and nothing was missing or disturbed inside the van. Wednesday, June 29 ❱ A male was arrested on Vowels Road for assault. When the member conducted the search, crystal meth was found on the individual. The male was released on a Promise to Appear for court on July 20. Thursday, June 30 ❱ A camera, $100 in cash and a diamond ring were stolen during a break and enter reported in the 200 block of Baden Powell. Saturday, July 2 ❱ Following a Citizens on Patrol tip, members a t t e n d e d Tr a n s f e r Beach for youth gathering around a beach fire. A male was located smoking cannabis on a bench near the Kinsmen hut. The male was arrested and searched. Two pipes and a small amount of pot were seized.

Before you vote, understand the referendum question: Are you in favour of extinguishing the HST and reinstating the PST in conjunction with the GST?

NO. To bring back the GST & PST at 12%, vote YES. To lower the HST from 12% to 10%, vote

Decide for yourself. Learn more at HSTinBC.ca



Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, July 12, 2011 5

Saltair cell site panned Niomi Pearson THE CHRONICLE

Saltair residents are calling on Rogers Communications to consider an alternate site for a 45-metre cell tower slated for Olsen Road. The proposed lattice tower and the equipment compound at the base would be located on private land at 10638 Olsen Road, and be used to provide improved wireless voice and data service coverage to Saltair and area. About 40 neighbourhood residents gathered July 6 to discuss their concerns and possible solutions. Jamie Lee, of Jarid’s Corner B&B, where the meeting was held, said the main concerns include potential health hazards, esthetics, fire hazards and the potential for decreasing property values. “We are not necessarily opposed to the cell tower as we are to the location,” Lee said. “Progress such as this is inevitable in today’s world. We’re not saying

not in our backyard and trying to pass it off to another neighbourhood — we’re saying that there must be another location where it can be just as effective yet in a non-residential where people and their homes are not affected.” “We’ve all chosen to live in a quaint rural area and a giant, commercial mega structure simply should not be part of the landscape.” M e l D o r e y, t h e Saltair director for the Cowichan Valley Regional District said he has found a few better locations for the tower, including a spot on the mountainside that’s currently home to the community’s power lines. “There will be ready power there, there will be remote access to it and maybe better coverage,” he said. According to Dorey, convincing the corporation to put the tower elsewhere is about the only option. “The CVRD does not have any rules, regulations or bylaws to govern the placement

of cellphone towers, so it defers to Industry Canada who has the jurisdiction over cellphone towers, local governments don’t,” he said. “They want to put it on farmland and that bothers people but we are not allowed to complain about that, we’re not allowed to complain about anything health-wise, because safety code number six of the Canada Health act says that the cellphone tower people will follow the safety code and put them in safely. ” Marina Guy, communications specialist for Rogers’ Western Region, said the company will review the sites before making a final decision. “We are working with the CVRD to find a site that will allow us to provide a reliable network for our customers and fit into the community,” she said. Some of the meeting participants say they felt Rogers did not advertise the project or the related meet-

ing, held June 28, to the public as much as they would have liked to have seen. Karen Wright said she was one of six property owners within the required notification distance of the tower to receive a package of information. “The information package that came to me was addressed to ‘the resident of’... it wasn’t addressed to me personally, or my husband,” she said. “It was a regular envelope with Rogers up in the corner. Normally those get thrown out because they’re advertising, but for some reason I opened it.” Wright said she is also worried that the proposed tower’s proximity to Princess Diana Park and the surrounding area will affect recreational users. “The locals call it the loop, and they use it for walking, jogging, and biking,” she said. The group plans on sending a delegation to the next CVRD meeting in Duncan, on Wednesday, July 13.

We wish to invite Energetic, industrious Ladysmith youth between 16-22 years to a

YOUTH WORKING GROUP Monday July 18th at 6pm at the LRCA, 630 Second Avenue in the upstairs meeting room. We will be discussing your ideas for a youth-led business in Ladysmith and how you can get involved with this project from the beginning. We will provide pizza and soft drinks.

We also wish to invite Adults with business expertise and willingness to mentor youth to a

BUSINESS MENTOR MEETING Thursday July 21st at 8am at the LRCA, 630 Second Avenue in the upstairs meeting room. We will be discussing what youth would like to see as a youth-led business in Ladysmith and how you can help guide and inspire the process. If you are interested in attending either event please contact Sam Corrington at Ladysmith Resources Centre Association at 250-2453079 or sam@lrca.bc.ca to reserve your space.

Annual report released The Town of Ladysmith has released its draft annual report highlighting what a busy year the town had in 2010. In the opening remarks, City Manager Ruth Malli states: “2010 marked a record year for the town in the number and magnitude of the capital projects that were underway concurrently.” Malli points to the creation of Forrest Field (formerly Lot 108) and the new Spirit Square as some of the major successes of 2010. The report offers a look at the town’s strategic planning and priorities under each department including corporate, core and community services. It also offers a list of the Top 25 projects for 2010 and their status. But the report is not all about the past, but also concerns where the town will be going in the future. The annual report contains four pages of goals

under the town’s strategic directions for 2012. Some examples include: Under wise financial management, provide additional online payment options to property owners. Goals for Effective Land Use Planning and Community Design run the gamut from the phased review of the waterfront vision to integrating elements of the town’s Visioning document into design guidelines and others. Streamlining the approval process for businesses, attracting green business and continuing to market Ladysmith are some of the big goals for 2012 in the Dynamic Economic Development. Under Enhanced Standard of Infrastructure the town hopes to complete its waterwork project and new wastewater treatment facility. For its Responsible Stewardship of the

Environment sector, the town hopes to start acquiring watersheds, look more at water use and conservation and increasing fish stocks. Goals for Strategic Direction F, or Safe and Healthy Community, the town hopes to have a designated dog park in place. And in the final category, Supportive Corporate Governance, the town will be orienting any new councillors and/or mayor, completing the updated website and bylaw enforcement and review. Mayor Rob Hutchins echoed the sentiments that 2010 was a very busy year and there’s more to come. “We’ve got a full slate ahead of us. There’s never a dull moment in local government.” The annual report is available online at www. ladysmith.ca under city hall click on bylaws, permits and reports.

6 Tuesday, July 12, 2011 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle

Seniors needed for new council Matthew Peterson THE CHRONICLE

The Ladysmith Resources Centre is looking for some active seniors in the community to be a part of the new Seniors Council. Sharen Newton, council co-ordinator, said seniors in this region need a better voice. As more people pick the Island, and Ladysmith, as their chosen place to retire, it becomes vital to have open lines of communication with the 55+ population. In the interest of getting the council up and running, the first crop of councillors will be appointed instead of elected. “All the people who apply for the council will be interviewed,” said Newton, adding they are hoping about 15 apply — 10 have already shown interest. Newton said seniors today are facing the

Quoted in the Chronicle

“The idea of the council was to give a voice to the seniors of Ladysmith.” Sharen Newton, senior co-ordinator same issues that were around 20 years ago. Access to health care, transportation, housing and pensions are some of the big concerns seniors continue to struggle with, said Newton. “Seniors need to be included more in things that are happening,” said Newton. As an example, Newton pointed to the ferries. Schedules are available online only around Ladysmith and for many seniors who do not have a computer or Internet access, it

becomes a barrier and annoyance. “So the rest of us are left out. Life is not senior friendly,” said Newton. Life can get even harder for seniors who are no longer able to drive or living off tight incomes. For Newton, who is a nurse by trade, constant cuts to health care leave her with cause for concern. “We need a voice for these people. The idea of the council was to give a voice to the seniors of Ladysmith and area.” That may include involvement at the municipal government level and health care. Seniors have until August 5 to submit their application for the council. Application forms will be ready at the Resources Centre on July 15. Newton said they are hoping to have their council in place by September.



Car slams into house

A Ladysmith RCMP member checks out the damage to a vehicle that rolled out of its driveway on Battie Drive and into the side of a house across the street on Tuesday, July 5. NIOMI PEARSON/CHRONICLE



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Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, July 12, 2011 7



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Bill Hutchinson, George Newton, Loyd Fair, Greg Roberts, Ken Bosma and Marshall Butcher, front, were helping build an arbour on June 30.

Garden plants enthusiasm Matthew Peterson

Quoted in the Chronicle

and Girls Club and others. “I think we’re still “We want Communities are in our infancy,” said it to be just like gardens, Roberts of the onereally part notes Greg Roberts year-old garden. with the Ladysmith Roberts hopes that of the Community Garden if interest continues public Society, with the right to grow, they will be ingredients, they grow able to branch out space.” and blossom. and look at other sites In the case of the to cultivate. Greg Roberts, community garden “There are a number Garden Society on High Street, it has of sites around town been the community that can be used.” that has helped cre- at food security. As for their current “So many communi- location, Roberts said ate the garden. Now thanks to the ties have taken on the completion of the help of such groups these gardens in the Spirit Square really as Ladysmith Rotary, past and Ladysmith adds to the area. L a d y s m i t h F a m i l y didn’t have one,” said “We want it to be a n d F r i e n d s a n d Roberts. really part of the Ladysmith Secondary, “It’s really a way of public space,” said the community gar- encouraging people Roberts, noting the den has a gazebo, with a demonstration n e w R o t a r y - b u i l t garden.” shed and arbour. arbour will provide R o b e r t s s a i d t h e another nice space The garden was always meant to be a community garden has for residents. community asset said received nothing but Anyone interested support from everyone i n l e a r n i n g m o r e Roberts. It was started by involved, including not about the community a group that called only the groups men- garden can visit their itself FACT, or Food tioned before, but also website at ladysmithAction Co-ordinating the Town of Ladysmith, communitygardensoTeam, which looked Seniors Centre, Boys ciety.weebly.com. THE CHRONICLE

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8 Tuesday, July 12, 2011 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle


Opinion Open-door initiative T



o stay open or not to stay open? That is a question that has been dogging local businesses since the start of the big box store. Trying to pin down a closing time can be as tricky as trying to figure out B.C.’s ever-changing tax forms. Unlike some of their larger rivals, smaller businesses can’t always afford to stay open until late into the night. Overheads, such as wages and even the electricity to keep the lights on can be a barrier to small stores looking to compete. Not to mention many stores are owner-operated and the entrepreneurs who put in the work to start them may not have the energy left to stay open while others have already settled into their nightly routines. That said, as everyone comes out of the recession, businesses and their owners have been looking for new ways to get customers back through the doors. Sometimes this can mean new sales ideas, promotions or giveaways to entice customers to come in and spend. A few weeks ago in Chemainus, some businesses decided the best way to get more customers through the doors is to keep the doors open longer. The extended hours fall on Wednesday night to capitalize on the successful Wednesday Markets held at the Waterwheel parking lot. And word from some businesses on Willow Street is it’s been working. This is a great opportunity to cater to not only tourists, but will allow fellow Chemainiacs to get home from work and see what their own town has to offer.

Question of the Week Are you opposed to a new cell tower in Saltair? Vote online at www.ladysmithchronicle.com. This web poll is informal, not scientific. It reflects opinions of website visitors who voluntarily participate. Results may not represent the opinions of the public as a whole. Black Press is not responsible for the statistical accuracy of opinions expressed here. Results from last week’s question Do you support the B.C. teachers’ vote for job action in September? Yes 14 No 25

The Ladysmith-Chemainus Chronicle is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby Street, Nanaimo, B.C., V9R-2R2. For information phone 1-888-687-2213 or go to www.bcpresscouncil.org.

YOUR WORDS “Life is not senior friendly.” Sharen Newton, Page 6

Never a shortage in summer I’m having a hard time dealing with the reality that it’s already June, I mean July. See what I mean? Great thing about summer in any small town, at least the ones I’ve frequented, is July and August are always party months. Celebrations abound and there is enough to keep any calendar full for some time to come. That being said, people still associating the town’s flagship Ladysmith Days with the August long weekend take note — the celebration has been moved to August 13 and 14. There is a full slate of activities planned, so stay updated on all the action at www.ladysmithdays.com. It’s a huge community initiative that this year has had to rely more heavily on local donations after they received only a slice of what they normally get in grants. It is a lot of work that goes into it so be sure to thank the organizers, volunteers and local businesses who make it all possible. While Ladysmith Days may be at the forefront of a lot of people’s minds, keep in mind there is a lot of stuff going on in the coming weeks. From the Bluegrass Extravaganza in Chemainus and British Car Show at Transfer Beach on July 16

and 17 respectively, to the numerous outdoor concerts and markets, there is no shortage of things to do. While we are on the subject of festivals, it was brought up at a recent council meeting people are still bringing their dogs to local festivals. This is a no-no by the city’s standards, so this is your reminder to please leave Fido at home when you head out for a day of fun in the sun. The Town of Ladysmith has released its annual report. It has a lot of insightful information and it highlights what most already know, 2010 was a crazy year for this town in terms of building and infrastructure. Check it out at the town’s website, www.ladysmith. ca under city hall/bylaws, forms, permits and reports. It can be difficult to find, I had trouble, but it is worth the navigation. Hopefully when the town’s new website is launched, it will make it a bit easier. The report is up for discussion on July 18 at the regular council meeting. And don’t forget the next night is the Town Hall meeting which will offer the chance to address your concerns. I attended the building of the new Brown Drive Kin Park on July 8. Even at 11:30

Chronicle The

Publications Mail Agreement 40010318 Subscriptions: Regular $32, Seniors $27

341A - 1st Avenue PO Box 400, Ladysmith, BC V9G 1A3

Since 1908

Phone - 250-245-2277 Fax - 250-245-2260 Classifieds toll free - 310-3535

We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.

Vol. 102, #27, 2011

E d i t o r ’s Notes By: Matthew Peterson editor@ ladysmith chronicle.com

a.m. it was nice to see such a great turnout of volunteers willing to lend some muscle and expertise to the park. It also gives you an appreciation of the amount of planning and work that goes in to see a park get built literally from the ground up — through fundraising and building. Speaking of parks, under less fanfare and attention, the new kids’ park at Forrest Field is in and according to the town’s top good times official Pat Durban, the ground cover should be going in July 12 and ready for play. I have had to take my kids to the field to photograph Highlanders games and can tell you what an asset it will be to be able to have a place to keep younger kids enter-

min tained for 90 minutes. A copy of Dolphin was dropped o off at the o Chronicle the other day. w For people who don’t know what the Dolphin is, which incl included me up until last w week, it is dedicated a magazine d to the men an and women of the Coas Coast Guard Mentioned Auxiliary. M page is our on the front p own Auxilia Auxiliary Coast were comGuard. They w mended for ttheir work on the marin marina society January. fire back in Januar being a bit I know I am be biased, but I love the picture we have on the front page this week. I went to photograph the volunteers building the new park when I heard the two kids struggling behind me. I turned to find them trying to push each other up the rock. It was a scene that portrayed such childhood innocence that I couldn’t resist. I shot first and asked questions later, eventually finding one of the kid’s mom who gave me both of their names. It was a great reminder of one of those cardinal rules of photography that carries over to life: Sometimes you have to turn your focus from your work to see the bigger picture.

Publisher/Advertising .......................Teresa McKinley publisher@ladysmithchronicle.com Editor .....................................................Matt Peterson editor@ladysmithchronicle.com Reporter ............................................... Niomi Pearson news@ladysmithchronicle.com Sales....................................................... Tim O’Rourke tim@ladysmithchronicle.com Office / Accounts / Circulation .... Colleen Wheeler Production Manager ............................ Douglas Kent




Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, July 12, 2011 9

Letters Your View

Chemical concern Editor: I am disgusted to realize that there are people that have no respect for living creatures and humans for that matter. Some residents of Dogwood have put herbicide on the boulevard in front of their house. They do have a small wee sign about the same size you see with a plant you are buying to transplant. You pass half of the herbicide first and then must be looking in the middle of the boulevard and down at the ground to see this sign, which means it is too late by the time you see it, if you even see it at all. The herbicide has been left in its powdered state which means it can be carried by the wind and transported by your feet to other places. Herbicides and pesticides are known to cause neurological problems like tremors, depression and fatigue, respiratory problems, cancers, degeneration of the retina, longer-than-average menstrual cycles, and reproductive issues. Animals can become very sick and die from this especially if it is ingested like when they get it on their paws and lick themselves. I also see signs on the boulevard stating “No Poop Please�, “No Dog Feces.� I also understand the dislike in having people not clean up after their dogs. But as a responsible dog owner who knows the need to walk their dog for exercise, I also pick up after my dog and do not need a sign to tell me so. As for the irresponsible owners a sign is not going to make them start picking it up, only their own conscious can do that. Herbicides do not only kill weeds. Besides the dogs that people walk, there are cats, squirrels, birds, raccoons, deer, loose dogs that cannot read signs. What about the toddler walking by that stumbles and puts his hands down to stop himself. Where do you think his hands are going to be shortly, in his mouth just like many toddlers? Now I do not agree with dogs being let loose and my own cats are strictly house cats, but I do not think these living creatures should be intentionally harmed.

4UBZ 4BGF Your independence may increase with home medical equipment that helps provide safety in your bathroom.

Len Gatey sent us this picture of the Ladysmith Dragonboat team practicing in the harbour. Send us your pictures to editor@ladysmithchronicle.com and we will feature it in ‘Your View.’ I am hoping that the town will put a stop to this, but in the meantime, I think the people walking by or living near needs to be aware of it. Janice Mageean Ladysmith

Letters and Your View policy The Chronicle encourages readers to express their opinions through a letter to the editor. Priority is given to local writers and local issues. Letters are encouraged to be 200 words. Letters must include the author’s name, phone number and address or they will not be published. The Chronicle reserves the right to edit letters for brevity, clarity, and legal reasons. Photos for Your View must reflect communities from Crofton to Cedar and include the photographer’s name. Contact the editor at editor@ ladysmithchronicle.com or fax 250-245-2260. Letters can also be mailed to the Chronicle 341-1st Ave., PO Box 400, Ladysmith, B.C., V9G 1A3.

MP’s Private bill addressing derelict vessels on B.C. coast Jean Crowder

Infrastructure and Communities Many of our neighbours share can become involved in the fol- a problem with derelict vessels. lowing situations. And the State of Washington has During the recent election, I Transport Canada can currently developed a fairly robust system promised to bring forward a pri- take a lead in instances where a that I used when drafting my own vate member’s bill dealing with vessel is the cause of an obstruc- Bill. derelict vessels. tion to navigation. However, vesThere were some differencMost of the work to draft the sels in the inter-tidal zone are es – Washington uses the term Bill was finished before the rarely an obstruction to naviga- “aquatic lands� that has no comHouse rose in March, so I was tion. parator in Canadian law. But as in able to introduce the legislation Transport Canada has also been Canada, many different agencies on June 16th. supportive of salvage claims and governments are responsible H e r e i s m y i n t r o d u c t o r y made to the receiver of wrecks for navigable waters and dealing speech: when questionable vessels appear with hazards. So it is important to “In many Canadian coastal com- ashore or in waters adjacent to clearly lay out which agency will munities derelict and abandoned communities. However, salvage deal with wrecks and derelicts. vessels have a negative impact claims are rarely made against The Bill amends the Canada on the natural aesthetics of their derelict vessels. Shipping Act, 2001 to ensure harbours, and some pose a threat Finally, Transport Canada that regulations are made to to the local environment. can take the lead in making an establish measures to be taken While major environmental dan- assessment as to whether a ves- for the removal, disposition or gers from derelict and abandoned sel may pose a threat of pollution. destruction of derelicts vessels vessels are dealt with swiftly by However, an abandoned or der- or wrecks. the Canadian Coast Guard, many elict vessel that is deemed nonIt provides that the Canadian are left to simply rot away and polluting is not dealt with. Coast Guard shall be designatleach chemicals into the surBoth I, in Nanaimo—Cowichan, ed as a receiver of wreck and rounding environment. and the member from Victoria requires them to take reasonable If an abandoned and derelict often hear complaints about der- steps to determine and locate the vessel is not a major environmen- elict vessels that are not dealt owners of the wreck. tal concern and is not posing an with. Hence, I have introduced My hope is that this legislation obstacle to navigation, there is Bill C-231, An Act to amend the will give our communities more usually no action taken. Canada Shipping Act, 2001 (der- resources to deal with abandoned The Minister of Transport, elict vessels and wreck).� or derelict vessels. NANAIMO NORTH COWICHAN MP



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2011-07-13 (Wednesday) Time Height PDT (m) (ft) 02:25 3.5 11.5 10:14 0.2 0.7 18:25 3.7 12.1 22:56 3.0 9.8

2011-07-14 (Thursday) Time Height PDT (m) (ft) 03:24 3.5 11.5 11:00 0.2 0.7 19:01 3.8 12.5 23:46 2.9 9.5

2011-07-15 (Friday) Time Height PDT (m) (ft) 04:21 3.4 11.2 11:44 0.3 1.0 19:32 3.8 12.5

2011-07-16 (Saturday) Time Height PDT (m) (ft) 00:33 2.8 9.2 05:16 3.3 10.8 12:25 0.5 1.6 20:00 3.7 12.1

2011-07-17 (Sunday) Time Height PDT (m) (ft) 01:20 2.6 8.5 06:10 3.2 10.5 13:03 0.7 2.3 20:27 3.7 12.1

2011-07-18 (Monday) Time Height PDT (m) (ft) 02:07 2.4 7.9 07:05 3.0 9.8 13:39 1.0 3.3 20:52 3.8 12.5

2011-07-19 (Tuesday) Time Height PDT (m) (ft) 02:55 2.2 7.2 08:02 2.9 9.5 14:13 1.3 4.3 21:17 3.8 12.5

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10 Tuesday, July 12, 2011 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle



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Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, July 12, 2011 11


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12 Tuesday, July 12, 2011 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle


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Alena and Hailey Strelaeff show off Angel and her six new puppies. Angel went missing from behind their Saltair home and turned up in Victoria.

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When Alena Strelaeff became separated from her dog, she feared the worst. “I wasn’t sure if somebody had stolen her, I didn’t know if she’d been hit by a car, I didn’t know if someone thought she was abandoned and was going to keep her,” said Strelaeff, adding there have been reports of dognapping in her neighbourhood. The ordeal started on Monday, July 5, after Angel, a three-year-old poodle, had just come out of the bath. Strelaeff was on horseback behind their Saltair home that evening with her sister and Angel, whose collar was removed for the bath. “It’s waist-high grass and we got separated,” said Strelaeff. Strelaeff went back to the farm and Angel left in the opposite direction. Strelaeff said Angel must have wandered up to the highway, because when she went looking at the other end of the land, Angel was gone. Adding to her anxiety was the fact Angel was pregnant with her first litter of puppies and Strelaeff wanted to be there for the birth. Strelaeff, along with her kids, Hailey, 12, and Danika, 10, searched late into the night, hoping to find their beloved

family pet. “They were with me up to 11 p.m. wandering and looking and calling for her,” said Strelaeff of her two daughters. The next they would see of Angel would be on an evening edition of A-News, where it was reported a dog had been dropped off and was found wandering in Victoria … it was Angel. Everyone was ecstatic she was found safe and sound. Angel had given birth to six puppies. Three, unfortunately, did not make it. “Sometimes when you have puppies and they come really fast, you have to help them out of the sack.” Strelaeff, who used to breed Labradoodles, said Angel holds a special place in her family’s heart as Angel’s sister was lost during a fire in Coombs two years ago. “I lost all my dogs,” said Strelaeff. Angel, however, was staying with Strelaeff’s friend in Duncan at the time of the fire. So when the opportunity arose to breed Angel and keep that cherished bloodline alive, Strelaeff jumped at it. So far they have three names for the new puppies, Ariel, Josh and Melody.



Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, July 12, 2011 13

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14 Tuesday, July 12, 2011 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle





Town of Ladysmith

NOTICE of 2010 ANNUAL MUNICIPAL REPORT AND MEETING The 2010 Annual Municipal Report for the Town of Ladysmith is now available for viewing at City Hall, or online at www.ladysmith.ca The report will be considered at the Regular Council Meeting on Monday, July 18, 2011, 7:00 p.m., in Council Chambers, City Hall, 410 Esplanade, Ladysmith.

Roadshow is in Nanaimo: 4 More Days! TERRY INKLER Canadian Collectors Roadshow Staff Writer After very successful shows in Penticton and Tsawwassen, The Roadshow is now in Nanaimo. So you had better search through your attics and garages, go through your lock boxes and jewellery, because you may be sitting on a small fortune and not even know it! Roadshow experts are here to examine all your antiques, collectibles, gold and silver.

Local Roadshow Expert Examines Some Gold Jewellery

noticed a substantial increase in the amount of precious metals such as gold and silver coming to the Roadshow, which makes sense considering how high it’s currently trading at. He added, “The Roadshow is great because it puts money in people’s pockets, especially during such hard times. Lots of items that are just sitting around collecting dust in basements and jewellery boxes can be exchanged for money, on the spot!”

At another Roadshow event, a woman, named Mira Kovalchek, walked in with a tin full of hundreds of old coins that During a show near Toronto, a woman were given to her as a young child by her came in with a jewellery box that she grandfather. She Ànally decided to come had just inherited from her late aunt. “I in to the Roadshow and see what he don’t wear jewellery,” explained Barbara had given her. She was ecstatic to learn Engles, “so it was an easy decision to she had coins dating back to the late come down to the Roadshow to sell it”. She was very excited when she was able 1800’s, some of which were extremely rare. Roadshow consultant Perry Bruce to walk away with a cheque for over $2,100 for jewellery she was never going explains “We had uncovered an 1871 Queen Victoria 50 Cent piece, valued at to wear anyway. over $2,000!! She had a nice assortment of coins that were not rare dates, but Expert Elijah Gold explains, “We have

she was able to sell them for their silver content”. She explains, “I never would have thought that my old tin of coins was worth so much! I can Ànally afford to renovate my kitchen”. Perry Bruce continued, “Canadian coins prior to 1967, and American coins prior to 1964 are all made with silver, and we have noticed a large increase of customers coming to the Roadshow with coins and cashing them in for their silver value”. Experts at the Roadshow will evaluate and examine your items, FREE OF CHARGE, as well as educate you on them. The Roadshow sees hundreds of people during a one week event, and they have been travelling across Canada to different cities and towns, searching for your forgotten treasures. Trains, dolls, toys, old advertising signs, pocket watches, porcelain and bisque dolls, pretty much everything can be sold at the Roadshow. Any early edition Barbie’s are sought after by the Road-

show collectors, as well as a variety of Dinky Toys and Matchbox cars. Lionel Trains and a variety of tin toys can also fetch a price, especially if they are in their original box or in mint condition. If a collector is looking for one of your collectibles, they can always make an offer to buy it. A man brought in a 1950’s Marx Tin Toy Robot, in fairly good condition, still in its original box. They were able to locate a collector for that speciÀc toy within minutes, and that gentleman went home with over $700 for his Toy Robot and a few other small toys.

Stores in the streets Willow Street in Chemainus was so packed, it was hard to move during the annual giant street market on July 9. Vendors selling everything from crafts to scarves and sports memorabilia lined the street as hundreds of people filed past. Below, Larry Duckworth and John Pimlott, members of the arts and culture society, were selling hotdogs to raise money for the Chemainus Legion Branch #191. MATTHEW PETERSON/CHRONICLE

So whether you have an old toy car, a broken gold chain, or a Barbie sitting in the closet, bring it down to the Roadshow, they will take a look at it for FREE and it could put money in your pocket!

See you at the roadshow!


4 More Days!

In Nanaimo: July 12, 13, 14, 15 Best Western Plus Dorchester, 70 Church Street, Nanaimo | 250-754-6835 9am - 6pm (except Friday, July 15th, 9am-5pm) Bring in your old unwanted or broken jewelry, coins, antiques & collectibles for cash.

HERE’S HOW IT WORKS • Gather all your collectibles and bring them in • FREE admission • Free Appraisal • NO appointment necessary • We will make offers on the spot if there is interest in the item • Accept the offer & get paid immediately • FREE coffee • Fully heated indoor facility • FREE Shuttle Service (pickup & drop-off) • FREE House Calls

TOP 5 ITEMS TO BRING... Gold Jewellery, Gold Coins, Silver Coins, Sterling Silver, Collectibles

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Kruggerands, Pandas, etc

• COINS: Any coins before 1967 (Silver Dollars, Half Dollars, Quarters, Dimes, Half Dimes, Nickels, Large Cents and all others) collectible foreign coins, rare coins & entire collections • GOLD COINS: All denominations from all parts of the world including Gold Olympic coins

• SCRAP GOLD: All broken gold, used

• WAR ITEMS: WWI, WWII, War Medals, Swords, Daggers, Bayonets, Civil War Memorabilia, etc.

Class Rings, Charm Bracelets, etc • PLATINUM: Jewellery, Dental, Wiring and anything else made of Platinum

Earrings, loose Diamonds, All Gem Stones etc • PAPER MONEY: All denominations made before 1930, Confederation bills, Large Bills

Dolls, Advertising, Cast Iron Banks, Pottery, etc.

We represent thousands of collectors who are all looking for a variety of collectibles! We have purchased a wide selection of items for our group of collectors. The CCG (Canadian Collectors Group) are a private group of collectors who are looking for unique items in a wide variety of categories.



GOLD ITEMS OF INTEREST: SCRAP GOLD • GOLD COINS • GOLD OUNCES • GOLD PROOF SETS • DENTAL GOLD NOT SURE IF IT’S GOLD? Bring it in and one of our experts will be glad to examine it for you!



• JEWELLERY: Diamond Rings, Bracelets,

jewellery, any missing pieces (Earrings, Charms, gold Links etc), Dental Gold,

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Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, July 12, 2011 15

CLASSIFIEDS SELL! Sign of the times City worker Neil Bouma was hard at work installing banners along First Avenue on Wednesday, July 6. The artwork for each of the banners is completed every year by students at Ladysmith Secondary and the colourful clothes will hang tall until late fall.

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Open house set for boundary talk C o u v e r d o n , the possible expansion. TimberWest’s real estate “Ultimately, what we’d division, will be host- like to do is work with ing an open house in the community on a lonLadysmith on July 26 to ger-range master plan for talk about expanding the the site,” said Limshue. town’s boundaries. Such aspects as types C o u v e r d o n f i r s t of usage, residential, approached Ladysmith commercial and green council back in February space must still be disfirst proposing to add 270 cussed. hectares to the town’s “The goal is to stay in northwest section of keeping with Ladysmith’s town. They are now look- sustainability vision,” ing at 330 hectares. Limshue added. The land, owned by Couverdon would then TimberWest, would be work with the town of taken out of Cowichan Ladysmith through the Valley Regional District boundary expansion jurisdiction and become process. a part of Ladysmith — to Couverdon has been be developed and sold by looking at some of its Couverdon. land and trying to find its Frank Limshue, direc- best use, said Limshue. tor of planning and zonOnly a small percentage ing for Couverdon, said of TimberWest’s land us the open house will give being looked at for develthe company the chance opment, said Limshue. to talk to Ladysmith resi- “In certain circumstancdents about the expan- es, because of the proxsion. imity of lands to the exist“It’s to introduce the ing development ... there idea of having some of might be an opportunity our land included into to look at better use.” the municipal boundary, The open house will be said Limshue. a drop-in at the Eagles There will be maps Hall from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. of the area for people on July 26. to understand the land “This won’t be the last. involved and they are We’ll be engaging the also hoping to get an community as we work understanding of how the our way through the community feels about process.”

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■ voting packages will include a ballot and instructions on how to vote and return your ballot package. ■ you can vote if you are: ■ a Canadian citizen ■ 18 years of age or older on July 22, 2011 ■ registered as a voter in British Columbia ■ a resident of B.C. for at least six months before July 22, 2011 ■ not disqualified by law from voting

ballot packages must be received by Elections BC, a Service BC Centre or an Elections BC Collection Centre before 4:30 p.m., Friday, August 5, 2011. Locations are listed on the Elections BC website at www.elections.bc.ca or call 1-800-661-8683 (toll-free).

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16 Tuesday, July 12, 2011 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle



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Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, July 12, 2011 17

Water readings to increase Niomi Pearson THE CHRONICLE

The Municipality of North Cowichan is hoping to turn off the tap on residential water leakages by increasing the frequency of meter readings conducted each year. Meters in the Chemainus, Crofton and South End private water systems will now be read three times a year after council approved the staff recommended increase at the July 6 council meeting. Over the last two years, approximately 18.6 million gallons of water have been wasted through residential water leaks. Staff noted that amount is equivalent to 28 days of average water use in Chemainus and 99 days in Crofton. John MacKay, director of engineering and operations, said not only will the additional reading prevent leaks by early detection, but assist with vital water conservation awareness as well. “Reading more often,

zeroing in on high use months, then you bring it to people’s attention that they’re using a lot of water,” he said. A report provided by staff in March to the Public Works Committee estimates an additional reading will cost the municipality approximately $10,000. Residential water meters within the municipality are currently read in March and October and water usage is averaged over the six months prior. Under the new schedule, the usage will be averaged out over three four month periods, from November to February, March to June, and July to October. During discussions, councillors Dave Haywood and Al Siebring expressed concerns that homeowners may exceed their water allotments during the July to October period, which includes three of the year’s driest months. “That’s only 28,000 gallons and I would suggest that not only is there an


often and stop these extreme bills going out to folks, that’s what driving this,” he said. “If they want to use lots of water, you just write out a cheque, that’s no problem. We’ll sell it to you.” “The water leakage problem is significant, so for that I am prepared to support moving from two to three readings per year with three billing periods,” Haywood concluded. The recommendation passed with councillors Siebring and John Koury opposed. The decision brings North Cowichan in line with other municipalities such as Ladysmith, Sidney and Courtenay who check their residential meters three times a year, however there is no set standard for meter reading. Some municipalities such as Ucluelet have their meters read monthly while Duncan, Nanaimo Regional District and Parksville have their meters checked every six months.

It’s Time for Seniors to Lead in Ladysmith We are looking for passionate and hardworking seniors 55+ to step up and take a leadership role in Ladysmith on the inaugural Ladysmith Seniors Advisory Council. The Planning Committee has developed terms of reference and has worked hard to build a foundation for this project in the community. Now we are looking to seniors to step up and into these roles. We are looking for individuals 55+ that are interested in running for a position on the council. Positions are available as both one and two year terms. Applications, along with copies of the SAC Terms of Reference, will be available starting July 15th at the LRCA offices at 630 Second Avenue. The application process will remain open until August 5th. At that point, the Selection Committee will schedule short interviews with interested candidates. For more information on the Seniors Advisory Council and the elections process contact Sharen Newton, Seniors Advisory Council Coordinator, at 250-245-3079 or sac@lrca.bc.ca. Financial assistance for this project provided by the New Horizons for Seniors Program.


ing S


increased activity for watering lawns, there’s increased activity for power washers, washing cars, showering... there’s going to be a tremendous amount of water used,” Haywood said. Siebring proposed altering the schedule to break up the summer months but it was voted down four to two. “I’m not saying we don’t encourage water conservation but this is going to have a major impact on people’s water bills,” he said. Ruth Hartmann argued it will be possible for residents to keep to their allotments and that averaging the billing period out would skew true consumption numbers. “It hides what people use and it needs to be brought to their attention,” she said. “Maybe that will add to the conservation.” Mayor Tom Walker also pointed out that homeowners will be saved money in the event of a water leakage. “We want to read more

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18 Tuesday, July 12, 2011 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle




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Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, July 12, 2011 19


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The Nanaimo Concert Band readies their instruments for the Ladysmith Resources Centre’s Concert in the Park on July 10 at Transfer Beach. Specializing in Kitchens • Bathrooms • Decks Fencing • Drywall • Painting Small Concrete Forming & Finishing


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Swinging show set for Transfer Beach Niomi Pearson THE CHRONICLE

Come put a little swing in your step July 17 when Cynthia Davis takes the stage at the Transfer Beach Amphitheatre. This week’s Concerts in the Park series continues with the jazz and blues vocalist, and her band, ‘Swing that Thing’. “I certainly am looking forward to it,” she said. “We’re going to be playing a lot of tunes from the 20s and 30s, really fun golden oldies like ‘Ain’t he sweet’, ‘Oh, you beautiful doll’, all those favorites from that era that a lot of people, even if they don’t know them, will really enjoy and love.



They’re so much fun.” Davis said she is hoping her music will encourage audience members to get up and dance. “My favorite thing is playing to all ages and crowds at outdoor events, I do as many as I can,” she added. “They have such a fun family vibe.” “It makes you feel happy and feel good.” The jazz singer said she has put a lot of time and research into choosing songs that people can tap their toes to. “It’s so fun and it has a lot of contemporary, for that day lyrics about having no money and having to make your own fun,” she said “I find the lyrics very endearing, they’re very

clever too.” an R and B band that Based in Victoria, got her dream back on Davis has been a jazz track. and blues vocalist for “That kick-started me the past eight years but back into the jazz and says her love of music swing thing which I had has been with her since always loved.” Cynthia Davis and youth and was nourished by her very tal- Swing that Thing will play from 6-8 p.m., ented aunt. “As a young lady I was weather permitting, very theatrical and was at the Transfer Beach always putting on shows Amphitheatre July 17. Admission for as a child,” she said. As a teen, Davis played Concerts in the Park is folk guitar and was in by donation, collected a number of wedding during intermission. bands in her 20’s. Her Proceeds from the musical career was concert go to assist the then put to the back Ladysmith Resources burner in lieu of raising Centre Association and the programs they a family. “I always dreamed provide to the commuabout doing it again and nity. Keep tuned to the having my own combos Chronicle for profiles and groups,” she said. Davis said it was the on upcoming performopportunity to play with ers.


Cowichan Valley Trail Celebration Event Thursday, July 14th at 11:00 am at the Chemainus Train Station (Chemainus Rd and Mill St) The Cowichan Valley Regional District (CVRD) invites you to join in celebrating the opening of new sections of the Cowichan Valley Trail between Duncan and the Town of Ladysmith! This multi-use trail for walkers, hikers, cyclists, and equestrians links communities across our region and is a key part of the Trans Canada Trail on Southern Vancouver Island.

Come celebrate with us on this new Regional Trail section through North Cowichan at the Chemainus Train Station (Chemainus Rd and Mill St). There will be ribbon cuttings, celebration cake, and project supporter recognitions. Project Funding Supporters: For more information contact CVRD Parks 250-746-2620 parks@cvrd.bc.ca


Phone: (250) 746-2500 Fax: (250) 746-2513 Email: cvrd@cvrd.bc.ca Website: http://www.cvrd.bc.ca

Council Invites You to a

Town Hall Meeting Tuesday, July 19, 2011 6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. AGGIE HALL An Opportunity for Information & Input 6:30 Our Story & Overview of Town Projects (Celebrations and Challenges) 7:15 Selecting Topics for Discussion, Including: Waterfront Development Fire Hall Upgrade Festival of Lights–Energy Source and/or Conservation Public Transit / Trolley Dog Park Raising Chickens in Backyards Licensing Cats Other topics you may suggest 7:30 Discussion, Questions and Input on Selected Topics 8:30 Open Question Period Mark your Calendars. Plan to Attend this Important Meeting For more information, call City Hall (250) 245-6400

TURN YOUR EMPTIES INTO A NEW SET OF WHEELS. From now until September 5th, return your empty beverage containers for a chance to win one of three eco-friendly rides! Look for the official ballot box at participating Return-It™ Depots. For contest details and a list of participating depots, visit return-it.ca/winit. No Purchase necessary. Open only to BC residents age 19 or over. Limit one entry per person and per household per day. September 5th,age 2011. For full visit No purchaseContest necessary.closes Open only to BC residents 19 or over. Limitdetails one entry per return-it.ca/winit. person and per household per day.


Contest closes September 5th, 2011. For full contest details, visit return-it.ca/winit.

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20 Tuesday, July 12, 2011 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle



Freedom of the open road Niomi Pearson THE CHRONICLE

A BIG THANK YOU to all who supported the Ladysmith Chamber of Commerce 3rd Annual Golf Tournament Silver Sponsor Bronze Sponsor Island Savings - hole in one $10,000 sponsor for hole #17

Hole Sponsors Fortis BC Western Forest Products Nanaimo Airport V.I. Real Estate Board Take 5 Ladysmith Maritime Society 49th Parallel Grocery The Chronicle Town of Ladysmith

Re/Max Ocean Pointe Realty Advance Yacht Sales Ladysmith & District Credit Union Ladysmith Marina/Coastal Trucking Little Valley Restorations Island Savings Credit Union hole in one $10,000 sponsor for hole #17 The Mortgage Centre, Essex & Kent

Cart Sponsors Jill Dashwood- Island Homes Realty, Mike Hooper- Nanaimo Airport, Joan Phillips- Notary Public, Heritage Wineworks, Ladysmith Golf Course, Sealegs Kayaking, Robson O’Connor - Law Office, Pat Moore. C.A, Curves, Tidal Blinds, Bouma Meats, Atchison Palmer Leslie, Homesafe Inspections, Hawley Place B&B

Prize Sponsors Cyndi Beaulieu - Royal LePage, Ladysmith Golf Course, Nanaimo Airport, Dairy Queen, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Safeway, Esquires, Ricky’s All Day Grill, Ladysmith Flowers & Gifts, Gloria Campbell - Royal LePage, Chopstix, Grant Jewellers, Mystique Day Spa, Sealegs Kayaking, Page Point Inn, The Chronicle, Budget, Ladysmith Maritime Society, United Rentals, Home Hardware, The Top Drawer, Harbour Towers Hotel, Brian Childs & Co. Ltd., Chemainus Theatre, Fairwinds Golf Course, Oak Bay Marine Group, Renee’s Soup & Sandwich, Pacific Salmon Foundation, Cottonwood Golf Course, Duncan Auto Parts

Although he may never walk again, Chris Loscerbo finds freedom on the open road. Loscerbo is classified high quadriplegic, and is paralyzed from the neck down due to a diving accident in his hometown of Winnipeg. But thanks to a wheelchair accessible RV, he is no longer limited by the distance his power wheel chair can take him. An avid businessman, Loscerbo now operates BC Wheelchair Friendly Services Inc., a small RV rental company with two wheelchair accessible rigs. “I thought it would be good to give other people in my situation the opportunity to go camping,” he said. “Seeing the smiles that come back from people who rent it is what motivates me.” Loscerbo purchased his first wheelchair accessible RV shortly after moving to Chemainus from Winnipeg with his mother and sister in February 1997.


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shower. Wheelchair accessible RV’s do not require a special license and have built-in hand controls to enable a handicapped individual to drive the vehicle. “Anybody that drives a car can drive an RV,” Loscerbo said. RV’s are also the perfect solution for those who want an alternative to flying, Loscerbo said. “It’s really difficult to travel by air for anybody in a wheelchair, especially a high quad because our wheelchairs are so high tech, and when they start to bang them around in the bottom of the airplanes, invariably something will get damaged and you’ll be at the other end and your wheelchair doesn’t work,” he said. “Plus, they lift you like you’re a slab of meat to put you into a normal chair, it’s so humiliating.” “With the RV, I figure it takes a little longer, but you can at least see the country, and you can go camping every night, it’s great.” Loscerbo dreams of one day having an RV available in every province and says there is a need. “I get calls from the East Coast, from Florida,

and it’s just not possible to deliver the vehicles to them,” he said. “I’d like to get in bed with an RV company that knows about rental business.” Loscerbo also dreams of having the area’s first wheelchair accessible fishing charter and says that is the second phase of his company, once he finds an investor. Loscerbo owns one of only 40 Avro Arrow boats, made in 1962. The name comes from the Avro Arrow airplane project back in the 50s. Loscerbo says he has done much of the rebuilding work on the 40” boat, which is being stored in Ladysmith. To become operational as a charter, the interior needs to be redone, and a wheelchair accessible washroom and kitchenette installed. Eventually he would like to incorporate technology that would allow him to drive the boat himself with an assistant. “I’ve been swamped with inquiries already,” he said. “It’s amazing the number of people that, other than the ferry, can’t get on a boat that’s accessible. And you can’t fish off the ferry.” For more information, visit www.wheelchairfriendlyvacation.com

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“I had just spent 45 days locked in my house because we had had a couple of blizzards and we couldn’t even get out of our house because all the doors opened out,” he said. “The only way we got out of the house through the garage door which, fortunately, went up and down.” Loscerbo enjoyed the freedom of the RV so much that he decided to start renting it out to other people. When business started booming, he bought a second RV. “We went everywhere, we traveled the whole Island, and that was great just being out there with a bonfire and the kids around,” Loscerbo said. A wheelchair accessible RV is similar to a regular RV except a few modifications to make it able to accommodate a full-sized wheelchair. “It’s got a ricon lift, which is a wheelchair accessible lift, and a wide 40-in. door, and inside it’s all set up with lots of room, you can turn around in it,” Loscerbo said. The larger of the two rigs has a second lift that will take a user from their wheelchair to the bed, toilet and

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Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, July 12, 2011 21

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•Pizza •BBQ Ribs •Chicken •Pasta A Ladysmith Cannons third baseman chases after a Duncan opponent who was trying to steal home plate during a Mosquitos league game Wednesday, July 6 at High Street baseball park. NIOMI PEARSON/ CHRONICLE

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3 months

Golf club offers free lessons for kids Niomi Pearson THE CHRONICLE

This summer, kids are keeping in the swing of things with free golf lessons at the Ladysmith Golf Club. Every Tuesday and Friday until July 22, kids age six to 14 can go out on to the greens and learn to play the ‘gentleman’s sport’ at the Davis Road facility from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. According to Don Ross, Ladysmith Golf Club board director, this will be the third year that the course has held free golf lessons for children. “The obvious benefits are fresh air and exercise and getting them away from the computer and gameboys,” he said. Kids like Melissa Mrus said it is an awesome

experience. “I’m not really the best, but I try,” she said. “It’s been fun, I’ve learned quite a lot. The most useful thing I’ve learned is to keep your eye on the ball.” Ross has played golf for 50 years and helps run the lessons along with his fellow golf club members. “I love kids and I love to see them learn to play, I taught my own daughter and son,” he said. “The best approach, I think, is to help them a little bit, but everybody’s got a different swing, so you got to let them swing with what they’re comfortable with.” In addition to the basics of driving, pitching and putting, kids are introduced to some of the finer elements.

“We go through etiquette, that’s important to me, and sportsmanship is important too,” Ross said. “It’s not about the score, at their age it should be about fun.” The Ladysmith Golf Club course is a ninehole, par-3 course suitable for families, beginners and seniors. It is open year round thanks to the dedication of a board of volunteers. The annual free golf lessons are a way for the club to reach out to the community. “We want to show the community that the golf club is interested in their youth,” Ross said. “It’s good to see them out here, and hopefully the payback for the club is the community sees that and comes help support the club.”





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Don Ross watches on as Melissa Mrus takes a swing at the ball. To find out more about the free golf lessons, contact the club at 250-245-7313.

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22 Tuesday, July 12, 2011 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle



Mid-Island Mustangs player Trisden Abram stretches out for a first base grab on a ground ball hit during Sunday afternoon’s Game 2 against the Richmond Chuckers. NIOMI PEARSON/CHRONICLE

Mustangs vying for provincial spot CLUES ACROSS 1. Pina drink 7. Belongs to him 10. Dashed at top speed 12. Horizontal fence bar 13. Poisonous gas COCI2 14. NW Israli city 15. A contest of speed 16. ___ and ends 17. Dekaliter 18. First Chinese dynasty 19. Culture medium 21. Indicates near 22. Roadster 27. Rhode Island 28. Plug modifier 33. Delaware 34. More cheerful 36. Gas usage measurement 37. Prevents harm to creatures 38. Old World buffalo 39. W. Ferrell Christmas movie 40. Friends (French) 41. Soluble ribonucleic acid 43. Come out 44. More unattractive 48. UT 84057 49. So. Australia capital 50. Neither 51. Jeans


CLUES DOWN 1. Popular casual shoe 2. Belgian River 3. Liquefied natural gas 4. Consumed 5. Home of a wild animal

6. Sweetened lemon drink 7. Queen Charlotte Is. Indians 8. Int’l. Inst. of Forensic Studies 9. Patti Hearst’s captors 10. CT 06330 11. Bones of the fingers or toes 12. 1/2 diameter (pl) 14. Care for the dying 17. 1776 female descendant org. 18. Br. god of the wild hunt 20. Divulge secrets 23. Corner bed support 24. 2nd largest lake in Europe 25. We 26. Spasmodic contraction 29. Foster song __ Susannah 30. Many not ands 31. Matured fruit 32. Announce 35. British Air Aces 36. Moss genus larger than Bryum 38. Fossilized tree resin 40. About aviation 41. Close violently 42. Master photographer Jacob 43. Spanish mister 44. Previously held 45. A lyric poem 46. Manpower 47. __ Lilly, drug company

Niomi Pearson

when they get up to bat and just playing strong defensively.” The Bantams currentThe Bantam AAA MidIsland Mustangs coach ly sit in seventh place Mike Rochon says his in the league, out of a team needs to stay total of 12 teams. To make the provinstrong and maintain the same discipline of cials in Kamloops, the Mustangs must stay in their last 10 games. The team is in the the top eight. The Mustangs played home stretch and looking to earn a spot in the their final home games provincial playoffs July at Dogwood Field last weekend, with double28 to August 1. “We’re fighting for our headers on Saturday playoff lives right now,” and Sunday. On Saturday, July 9, he said. “ T h e y g o t t a s t a y the team took on the focused. They’re doing Vancouver Mounties, all the right things right who currently sit in the now; swinging at good league’s top spot. The final scores for pitches, having a plan

Quoted in the Chronicle


“They’re doing all the right things right now; swinging at good pitches...” Mike Rochon, Coach

Saturday were a 7-4 loss in Game 2 and a 7-5 loss in Game 2. The team tasted victory on Sunday in their first doubleheader game against the

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Trevor Read hit a two run home run out of the park, and Dylan Quist hit four-for-four during the day which was pretty amazing,” Rochon said. The Mustangs will play their final eight games on the road, starting in Kamloops and then to Penticton. Rochon is optimistic about the journey to come. “We’re starting to play good ball,” he said. “We have to play at least .500 baseball right now to give ourselves a chance and we’ve got eight more league games to play.”

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Richmond Chuckers. During the play, Jace Brown got a base hit and stole second base, and Cole McGinn hit a single to drive in the winning run. Cory Dewar pitched seven strong innings and was pulled when his pitch count reached the maximum. “He pitched really well, only allowing one run for seven innings,” Rochon said. The Mustangs won 2-1 in the ninth inning on Sunday’s Game 1, and fought a close loss in the second with a final score of 7-6. “In the third inning,

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Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, July 12, 2011 23

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Vicki Schoonbeek 250-245-2252

Ladysmith 250-245-2252

Cowichan Valley Bantam AAA Mustang Adam Sakuma releases the heat during the team’s second double header game against Burnaby on Sunday, July 10.


There was plenty of baseball action last weekend as the C o w i c h a n Va l l e y Bantam AAA Mustangs took to the Chemainus ball field for two double headers on both Saturday and Sunday. The Bantams faced Cloverdale, the second best team in the league, on Saturday, July 9. Cloverdale won the first game by 10 runs, but the resilient Mustangs played a much better second game. However, the team lost a tough game, 1 to 0. The Bantams next took on Burnaby during their second double header on Sunday, July 10, losing the first game 17-7. The team won their second game 7-6. Outstanding performances were played by Keegan Hankins, Adam Fukakusa, Shawn Arabsky and T.J. Mah. Kudos also go out to Robert Busch who closed out the victory on the mound for Zach Diewert. Overall, the Mustangs record for the weekend was one win and three losses. Coaches say the team had a good weekend despite the scores. The Bantam AAA Mustangs next home game will be in Duncan on July 20.

Retirement living at its finest. Security and privacy and small pet is allowed. 2 bdrms, 2 baths and 2 decks. Canopied deck for the shade and another deck for the sunshine. 2nd bdrm features a Murphy bed. 17-815 Dunsmuir Cres MLS 318527

Nanaimo Realty, Ladysmith


Bantams take on double headers


e-mail: vickischoonbeek@gmail.com www.royallepage.ca/vicki


# 1 - 8 White Street NOW $194,900

250.245.1111 ext. 306 Jillian Dashwood

email: jill@IslandHomeSales.com

Putting Families First!

Like new - 2 bedroom condo walking distance to parks and downtown. Even some ocean views.

Beyond Your Expectations

COUNTRY LOT Ready for your country dream home. .44 acres of gentle sloping land with a beautiful mountain and lake view, and fully fenced. This one of a kind lot has a large workshop 30’ x 24’ with 2 overhead electric doors, cement floor and a new roof. Attached to the shop is a 10/ x 24’ greenhouse.

Open House Sunday July 17 2-4 pm


Great Equity Builder

Holland Creek Heights - Colonia Road

d l o S

3 Bedroom 2 1/2 Bathroom Townhome with bonus room. This townhome is an end unit with a private back yard, and offers lots of parking, needs some TLC.

Holland Creek Heights – area of fine homes close to schools and Holland Creek walking trails. 686 Colonia $419,900+HST 690 Colonia $419,900+HST 694 Colonia $424,900+HST 3 fabulous brand new homes now complete and ready for occupansy! Gorgeous hard wood floors, granite counters in a very grand custom kitchen; 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, family room and room for future finishing with suite potential. Walk out into your sunny back yard from the kitchen; enjoy the views! Much of the landscaping will be done prior to completion. Treat yourself to a fine new home!


Cute and cozy, 2 bdrm rancher in Sunny Saltair. This lovely home offers a fully fenced, private yard, and is landscaped. Interior features include an open plan with a galley kitchen. Updates include windows, hot water tank, flooring and plumbing.

With slope perfect for walk-out basement.

Don’t delay! Call Cyndi today 250-245-2252!


Open House - Sunday July 17 12-2pm. 424 Symonds St - Perfect in every way! $274,900


Greg Buchanan 250-245-8914

2 Bedrooms + Den + Cabin, perfect . Dogs and kids can play safely on fully fenced bright and open back lawn, close to Hemer Park and Cedar-ByThe-Sea from a large Private deck. A new 16 x 20 Studio is set in the trees, for potential office, home-based business or spare room for guests.


See All My Listing on the Internet! www.coastrealty.com

This home is absolutely immaculate both inside and out! Perfect for 1st time home buyer, investor or active retirees who are not quite ready for strata living. Sunshine from every corner of this delightful 2 bedroom/1-½ bath 0pen plan rancher, with skylights, newer roof, wonderful sunroom, patio and raised garden beds. Level and easy to maintain property. Quick possession available.

GREAT INVESTMENT PROPERTY Located in Nanaimo, this great revenue property has 5 bedrooms each side and 2 1/2 baths, and separate laundry. Located close to all amenities in Nanaimo.

$699,900 2.53 Acres Private Walk-On

1111-3rd Ave, Great Harbour Views $359,900 Duplex zoned! Live/Work/Play! Opportunity knocks on this 1 owner property located at 3rd at Symonds, a ‘stone’s throw’ from everything Ladysmith has to offer. 1/3 acre is duplex zoned and fronted by 3 streets. This 2224 sq. ft. 3 bed/2 bath home and property has much potential


Lot 1 - Walker Road $159,900 Large .2 acre - Ocean view


122 Ryan Place $350,000 4 bdrms with Ocean Views! Families will enjoy this lovely 4 bdrm, 2 bath home with plenty of family space, gorgeous unobstructed ocean views, freshly painted interior, new roof, family/ media room, private back yard with rear access. Truly a family home worth viewing.

Make your appointment soon to discuss new opportunities in buying or selling real estate. Offering a free no obligation market evaluation. Serving Mill Bay to North Qualicum and beyond. O 20 i h l fV Il d

Waterfront Property with lots of fruit trees, beautiful garden area and an older home with separate workshop. This is a rare find.


SPACIOUS RANCHER 4 bdrms, 3 baths, large family room. Outdoor space has a large sundeck & large patio with stamped concrete. Also a separate 20’ x 40’ garage for all the extra tools and toys. All this is located on a quiet street on 1.76 acres.

Reduced to $259,900 Beautiful 1683 sq ft open floor plan home on it’s own lot with vaulted ceilings, 3 bedrooms 2 baths, gas fireplace and a very private back yard early possession is possible.


TRANQUIL SETTING Beautiful 0.75 of an acre, + existing mobile on property, offering a tranquil setting, just off of Spruston Road. Fish pond, willow trees and landscaping is ready to move your modular or build your dream home.

Wow what a deal! Incredible Oceanfront Property only $399,900 Charming 2 bedroom character home amongst tall trees, walkout basement to 65’ glorious ocean frontage. What could be better.


$469,900 Spectacular Ocean View 3 bedroom (each with an ensuite) 2169 sq ft home. With hardwood floors, 9 ft ceilings, gas fireplace and a wrap around deck all sitting on a beautiful private yard.

640 Trans Canada Hwy, Ladysmith, BC

P. 250-245-3700


E. itscarol@shaw.ca



24 Tuesday, July 12, 2011 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle y









SUNNY SUMMER Specials At Florida’s Best Beach-New Smyrna Beach Stay a week or longer Plan a beach wedding or family reunion. www.NSBFLA.com or 1-800541-9621.

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AIRLINES ARE HIRINGTrain for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualiďŹ ed- Housing available. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance (877)818-0783

WORKSHOP/ LIVING SPACE FOR RENT Insulated 700 sq ft workshop- ideal for woodwork. One bedroom loft includes washer, dryer,dish washer. Located on 4 wooded acres in Cobble Hill (Arbutus Ridge area).Available Sept 1, 2011. $1250/m. Call 250-709-2010 for details.

INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. Locations in Alberta & BC. Hands on real world training. Full sized equipment. Job placement assist. Funding Avail. www.iheschool.com 1-866-399-3853



How would you like to be remembered?


“A Guide to Planning Ahead.�

LOCAL, CANADIAN AUTHOR, CHRISTINE J LOGAN (Mackay, Goodwin) born Dec. 25,1964. Check out her new book: “To Touch Your Heart� poems of inspiration. Sold in Black Bond Book Stores, Louis Leather Shop, Kitchen on the Ridge and The Act Gift Shop (and Mosaic Book Store in Kelowna) Coming to Chapters Book Stores July 16,2011 with a book signing from 12 to 4pm. Thanks to everyone for all your support! Email for more info: tinemusic3@hotmail.com

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The choices are yours ...when you plan ahead. Call today for a free copy of:

Iain S. Smith Manager Nanaimo


SANDS FUNERAL CHAPELS Nanaimo 250-753-2032 Proudly Canadian


ATTENTION RESIDENTIAL School Survivors! If you received the CEP (Common Experience Payment), you may be eligible for further Cash Compensation. To see if you qualify, phone toll free 1-877988-1145 now. Free service!


Lempi Ensi Paivarinta July 17, 1999 also Frans Vaino Paivarinta February 29, 1964 Two people that worked hard for this community. Original developers of 49th Parallel Grocery, and later Bay Ridge Manor Apartments. We always think of the wonderful memory, times together. To love cherish in our hearts never be forgotten.


Re: THE ESTATE OF ERIC CRAMPTON GIBLING Deceased formerly of Chemainus, BC. Creditors and others having claims against the estate of ERIC CRAMPTON GIBLING, are hereby notiďŹ ed under section 38 of the Trustee Act that particulars of their claims should be sent to the Executrix on or before August 26, 2011, after which date the Executrix will distribute the estate among the parties entitled to it, having regard to the claims of which she then has notice. MARGUERITE WINGERT by her solicitor, MARIA MACH ROBERTSON, DOWNE & MULLALLY Barristers & Solicitors 33695 South Fraser Way Abbotsford, BC V2S 2C1


COMING EVENTS CALL FOR ENTRIES 9TH ANNUAL Kitty Coleman Woodland Art & Bloom Festival. Fine Art and Quality Crafts Juried Show. Presented in a spectacular outdoor setting SEPT 3,4 & 5 Applications for Artisans are available at woodlandgardens.ca or phone 250-338-6901

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LOST AND FOUND LOST CAMERA Transfer Beach. If found call (250)2100031.





The Chronicle is holding several pictures that have not been claimed from obits, memorials, births, birthdays, anniversaries, etc. If you have submitted a picture in the past and have never picked it up, please come to 341 First Avenue to claim. All pictures not claimed by August 1st will be disposed of.

TRAVEL TIMESHARE CANCEL YOUR Timeshare No Risk Program. STOP Mortgage & Maintenance Payments Today. 100% Money Back Guarantee. Free Consultation. Call Us Now. We Can Help! 1-888-356-5248.

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GET PAID Daily! Now accepting: Simple P/T & F/T online computer related work & paid surveys is available. No fees or charges to participate. Start today, www.BCWOC.com




Dad passed away at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital July 6, 2011 at age 90. Predeceased by his wife Anna E. in 1997, son Bobby in 1970, Daughter Elly in 1952, and great-grandson Scotty Stephens in 1998. Dad is survived by his daughters Charlotte deRook (John), Judy Stephens (Vern) and son Bradley (Charlene), 16 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren. The family will host an open house in celebration of his life on Wednesday, July 13 from 2–4 pm at 1230 Strathmore Street, Nanaimo.

WE’RE ON THE WEB www.bcclassiďŹ ed.com

Happy 16th Dustin




Burial and Cremation Centre Your local Memorial Society of BC Funeral Home, caring service at reasonable cost. NANAIMO 595 Townsite Rd.

250-591-6644 LADYSMITH 112 French St. Greg Lonsdale




770 ALBERTA Hauling need Class 1 drivers to haul logs in western Alberta. Experience needed. Call 780-554-8511 for more information.

PARKSVILLE, TYPESETTER /Layout Graphic Designer position available. Must have an understanding of Illustrator/In Design/Photoshop programs. Offset & Digital printing layout experience would be an asset. email:ruby@coastalcolour.com or call 1-800-811-7300.





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656305 – Bayview, Clarke, Gifford, Stephensen (88 papers) 656350 – Belaire, Hambrooke, Hartley, Jamison, Lions, Rigby, Root, Fourth Ext. (155 papers) ** 656400 – 401-533 Baden-Powell/Methuen/Roberts/White, 110-340 Fifth/Fourth (72 papers) 656452 – ** 8-33 Baden-Powell, 7-340 Esplanade, 100-341 First, 104-127 Forward, 9-149 Methuen, 9-133 White (139 papers) ** 656500 – 409-532 Buller/Gatacre/High, 410-640 Fifth, 631-641 Sixth (61 papers) 656550 – 11-133 Buller/Gatacre/High, 410-640 Esplanade/ First (54 papers) 656700 – 700-1099 Esplanade/First/Second, 1-199 French/ Kitchener/Symonds/Warren (69 papers) 656850 – Colonia, Delcourt, Defrane, Wallace (62 papers) 656900 – Brown, Nash, Stillin, Stuart, Walkem (124 papers) ** 657000 – Hooper, Ridgway, Rothdale, Russell (56 papers) 657050 – Ashwell, Gourlay, Louise, McNiven, Tassin (77 papers) All paper counts are approximates ** Indicates a route that can be split up CALL LARA TODAY

746-4451, EXT 224

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Director of Resident Care A Complex Care facility in the warm Cowichan Valley is seeking a Director of Resident Care. Lead our care team with your passion and expertise. As a forward thinker you will be supported in your geriatric best practice initiatives. A degree in nursing with 5 years of progressive career advancement is required. A degree in a related healthcare field will be considered. We are offering a competitive salary and benefits package. Fax your resume in confidence by July 12th, 2011 to 250-7372112 Holbrook Dyson Logging Ltd Has vacancies in the following jobs: 1)Heavy Duty Mechanic. 2)Driller Blaster Details can be seen at http://hdlogging.com/ Fax resume to 250-287-9259

The Lemare Group is currently seeking a heavy duty mechanic for the North Vancouver Island area. Full time, union wages. Email resume to office@lemare.ca or fax to: 250-956-4888.


Oil Spill Response Technician – Duncan Location

LOUISIANA-PACIFIC Canada Ltd. requires an experienced Jour- neyman Electrician for our EWP Operation in Golden B.C. Email resume to: Audra.Stanton@LPCorp.com or fax to 250-344-8859.

Western Canada Marine Response Corporation (WCMRC) is certified by Transport Canada to provide oil spill response services to the coast of British Columbia. We have a fulltime position for a

The Lemare Group is currently seeking a hoe chucker/loader operator, and a boom man for the North Vancouver Island area. Full time, union wages. Fax resume to 250-956-4888 or email: office@lemare.ca.

Admin Assistant Trainees Needed! Professionally trained Administrators needed! No Experience? Need Training? Career Training & Job Placement Available! 1-888-512-7116 PROFESSIONAL/ MANAGEMENT

MEDIUM Duty Truck dealership in the Vancouver area requires a Parts & Services Manager. You must be experienced and have the ability to increase business by building an effective team and delivering exceptional customer service. Our company offers a competitive pay package with excellent benefits in a fully-equipped ultra-modern facility. Apply in confidence: candidates@look.ca


out of our Duncan office. We are looking for a motivated individual with strong work ethics and interpersonal skills to join our dynamic team. You will be responsible for the operation and maintenance of our vessels and equipment.







Dial-A-Law offers general information on a variety of topics on law in BC. 604-687-4680 (Lower Mainland) or 1.800.565.5297 (Outside LM); www.dialalaw.org, audio avail.

MORE CORE Diamond Drilling is looking for Experienced Diamond Drillers for hydraulic and conventional drills. Work is located in the US and Canada. Must have valid first aid. Up to $600 a day + bonus. Send resumes w/ references to jobs@morecore.ca or fax (250) 636-9159.

LAWYER REFERRAL Service matches people with legal concerns to a lawyer in their area. Participating lawyers offer a 30 minute consultation for $25 plus tax. Regular fees follow once both parties agree to proceed with services. 604687-3221 (Lower Mainland) or 1.800.663.1919 (Outside LM).



Preference will be given to candidates with Transport Canada marine endorsements. Mechanical aptitude is essential. We offer a competitive salary and benefits package.

* Gutters * Windows * Siding * Moss treatment * Pressure washing GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420. www.pioneerwest.com IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits will lend you money: It’s That Simple. your credit/age/income is not an issue. 1-800-587-2161.

Send resume to: Fax: 250-746-9447 billj@burrardclean.com

MoneyProvider.com. $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.

HEAD SAW FILER needed for Central Vancouver Island sawmill. Union rates at non-union mill. Should have ticket and past experience. Fax (250)248-8998. email: liana@errced.com

NEED CASH TODAY? ✓ Do you Own a Car? ✓ Borrow up to $20000.00 ✓ No Credit Checks! ✓ Cash same day, local office www.REALCARCASH.com

FIBER-WERX International in Sylvan Lake, Alberta is seeking experienced fiberglass laminiators / repair personnel. Fax resume to (403) 887-7737 or email scott.fiberwerx@telus.net

HEAVY Duty Mechanic needed for West Coast of Vancouver Island logging camp. Flexible shift, full benefits, permanent position and year round work. Fax resume to 604-681-8906

Looking for a NEW career? www.bcjobnetwork.com

250-244-1560 1.877.304.7344





Mill Bay/Duncan 250-743-3306 Chemainus/Ladysmith 250-324-3343

PLUMBING A SERVICE PLUMBER. Licence, Insured. Drains, HWT, Reno’s, Repairs. Senior Discounts. After Hour Service. Call Coval Plumbing, 250709-5103.

NYSA BladeRunners Information Dates July 20, 2011 at 1:00 pm Held at CFN Community Youth Center 8019 Shell Beach Road July 21, 2011 at 10:00 am or 2:00 pm Held at 11 High Street Ladysmith, BC BladeRunners is a Youth Skills Link/ ACCESS program that builds community partnerships and connects motivated, job ready youth with valuable employment opportunities in the Customer Service and Tourism industry for:

PARKS, RECREATION AND CULTURE DEPARTMENT COWICHAN VALLEY REGIONAL DISTRICT (CASUAL OPPORTUNITIES) Do you have experience as a: cook, bartender, concession attendant, cashier, dish washer, bus person or working banquets? Can you skate? Do you relate well with youth? Are you familiar with Theatre Front of House Operations? Then these casual opportunities may be of interest to you! Casual opportunities are available this fall at Cowichan Valley Regional District (CVRD) Recreation and Culture Facilities.

• Youth facing barriers to employment

• Food & Beverage I, Cowichan Lake Recreation

• Out of school youth ages 15-30

• Bartender, Cowichan Lake Recreation

Youth will:

• Rink Patrol, Kerry Park Recreation Centre

• Participate in skill enhancement training

• Food & Beverage I, Island Savings Centre

• Be eligible for work clothing allowance

• Food & Beverage II - Cook, Island Savings Centre

• Obtain First Aid Level 1, WHMIS, FoodSafe, Serving it Right and other related ticket and group based employability skills

• Food & Beverage II - Bartender, Island Savings Centre

• Participate in Cashier training • Receive individual support and guidance Employers will: • Connect with job ready and motivated youth • Benefit by having youth provide up to 54 hours of work exposure at no cost to them For more information please call Sheila White or Debby Evans Tel: (250) 754-1989 Fax: (250) 754-8661

• Activity Leader I (Rink Patrol/Instructors), Island Savings Centre • Youth Outreach Leader, Island Savings Centre • Theatre Front of House Manager, Cowichan Theatre If you are interested in providing pleasant, professional service to the general public, are willing to work as part of a creative team, and are flexible to work a variety of shifts consider joining us this fall. Please visit our website to view the details of each competition, including the required qualifications and details on how to apply.

The Morning Star, one of Canada’s leading community newspapers, is published every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday and has an extensive distribution network throughout the North Okanagan. More than 33,000 homes and businesses are reached in the communities of Vernon, Coldstream, Armstrong, Enderby, Lumby, Cherryville, Oyama, Spallumcheen, Grindrod, Falkland and Silver Star. The Morning Star is the No.1 news source in the North Okanagan and has been committed to serving its communities with in-depth local news, sports, entertainment, events and happenings since 1988. The Morning Star is part of Black Press, Canada’s largest private, independent newspaper company, with over 150 community, daily and urban newspapers located in BC, Alberta, Washington State, Ohio and Hawaii. Black Press is seeking a proven leader with an impressive track record in newspaper management, to build on the considerable growth the Morning Star has experienced over the past 23 years. Ideally, you should have a good understanding of all facets of newspaper operations with emphasis on sales, marketing and financial management. As publisher, you will be instrumental in developing a multi platform strategy for the newspaper and its online initiatives, as it continues to serve a rapidly expanding and diverse marketplace. If you are a critical thinker, customer driven and possess strong entrepreneurial skills, Black Press wants to hear from you. Please send your resume by July 22, 2011 to: Bruce McAuliffe, President Black Press BC South c/o Kelowna Capital News 2495 Enterprise Way, Kelowna, B.C. V1X 7K2 Email: brucem@blackpress.ca

www.cvrd.bc.ca COWICHAN VALLEY REGIONAL DISTRICT 175 Ingram Street Duncan, B.C. V9L 1N8

Phone: (250) 746-2500 Fax: (250) 746-2513 E-mail: cvrd@cvrd.bc.ca Website: http://www.cvrd.bc.ca





CUTIE Celia is ready, just 11 wks old, $450.Good with kids, CKC reg, vet checked,dewormed and vaccinated , shots taken, coming with registration papers. s.wallace43@yahoo.com


WHITE 24” propane range $250, 17 CU ft white fridge $250, white S x S fridge $200, white Apt sized fridge $200, white 30” range $100, Washer dryer sets $200-$350. Washers $150-$250, Apt size stacking washer & dryer $250. Dryers $100-$150. Built-in $100-$150, dishwashers portable GE dishwasher $150. 6 month warranty on all appliances. Please call Greg at (250)246-9859.

AUCTIONS WWW.BCAUCTION.CA BC Government Surplus Auction Vehicles, Equipment, Machinery, Seized Items and Misc. Items

Looking for a NEW job?

The Morning Star in Vernon, B.C. has an opening for the position of Publisher.

Quality Residential New and Re-roofing Roof Repairs

Sony LCD 46” TV, $250.00, 250-245-5695.

2 BURLEY MEN MOVING. $85/hr for 2 men (no before or after travel time charges on local moves. Please call Scott or Joshua, (250)753-6633.






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Spill Response Technician


LEMARE GROUP EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT The Lemare Group is currently seeking an Executive Administrative Assistant for their Port McNeill Office, which is located on Northern Vancouver Island. Responsibilities: •Managing Calendars •Coordinating Travel Arrangement •Process correspondence, reports and other documents •Maintain confidential records and office files Qualifications: •Previous executive/administrative experience •Excellent oral & written skills •Microsoft Office fluency is mandatory This position is a full time permanent position with a competitive compensation package based on experience. Lemare will accept resumes by email or fax. Please email your response to: office@lemare.ca or fax 250-956-4888.

Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, July 12, 2011 25 y

FRIENDLY FRANK GIRL’S 24” 15-spd bike, $25. obo. (250)924-5658.

FUEL/FIREWOOD FIR FIREWOOD. $160 cord. split & delivered. Call (250) 210-0384 or (250) 9243313 (evenings).

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 18 CU.FT. Freezer, $175. Men’s RH golf clubs $75. Girl’s bike $25. obo. (250)924-5658. A FREE Telephone Service. Get your first month free. Bad credit, don’t sweat it. No deposits. No credit checks. Call Freedom Phone Lines today Toll-Free 1-866-884-7464. HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 www.thecoverguy.com/newspaper? RED ENVELOPE - Unique & Personalized Gifts for All Your Friends & Family! Starting at $19.95. Visit: www.redenvelope.com/Jewel for an extra 20% off or Call 1888-473-5407. SAWMILLS FROM only $3997 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free Info & DVD: www.NorwoodSawmills.com/ 400OT 1-800-566-6899 Ext:400OT. STEEL BUILDING Sale... Specials from $5 to $12/sq. ft. Great pricing on absolutely every model, width and length. Example: 30’W x 50’L x 16’H. Now $10,500.00. End walls included, doors optional. Pioneer Steel Manufacturers 1800-668-5422.

PLANTS/NURSERY STOCK TOP SOIL Lawn & Garden Mix. Screened Sandy Loam. Natural brown earth blended with 50% sand. Great for Lawn seeding, turf and mixing in with garden soils, $18 per yd. Del starting at $35 250-245-8355

26 Tuesday, July 12, 2011 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle A26 www.ladysmithchronicle.com REAL ESTATE








7.5 ACRES in Quesnel Lake area, Likely, BC Government forfeited property sold www.bcauction.ca

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CITY LIVING In a Westcoast setting! Beautiful rentals available now in Wesbrook Village at UBC. Studios, 2-bedrooms and Townhouses. Call 604-228-2025 today, or mail DiscoverWesbrook@ ubcproperties.com. www.DiscoverWesbrook.ca/bcy


EXQUISITE SANCTUARY Fabulous 2.26 private acres with creek in beautiful Alberni Valley. Enchanting 3600 sq.ft. 4 bedroom, 4 bathroom custom built 1995 home. Outstanding 57x40 shop with own bathroom, lots of parking. Features hardwood, tile throughout, custom cabinetry. Gas fireplaces, stove, heat and hot water; ensuite with soaker tub. Thinking of a life style change? Move to Port Alberni, the Salmon Capital of the World! Visit www.albernihomes4u.ca for more information on this “one of a kind” property. Asking $649,000 RE/MAX Mid Island Realty Port Alberni, B.C. John Stilinovic 250-724-4725 Toll Free 1-877-723-5660

ACREAGE 20 ACRE Ranch Foreclosures Near Booming El Paso, Texas Was $16,900, Now $12,900, $0 Down, take over payments, $99/mo. Beautiful views, owner financing, FREE map/pictures 800-755-8953.





Damaged House? Pretty House? Moving? Divorcing? Estate Sale? We will Buy your House Quick Cash & Private. Mortgage Too High and House won’t sell? Can’t make payments? We will Lease Your House, Make your Payments and Buy it Later!

TEXAS LAND Foreclosures! 20/40 acre tracts. Near growing El Paso-Was $16,900 (USD) Now $12,900 (USD) $0 down, take over payments, $99/month. (USD) Beautiful views, owner financing, free map/pictures. 866-484-0857 (US)




Ladysmith: 1 bdrm apts, heat incl., n/p require references, The Villa 250-245-3583.

Canadian CSA Modular, Manufactured, and Park Model Homes @ US factory direct wholesale prices. Starting @ 39,824 better features + more options = best value. The Home Boys 877976-3737 or 509-481-9830 www.hbmodular.com We will beat anyone’s price. Guaranteed!


Ladysmith: Retirement sale 512 Methuen St., tools, hardware, collectibles, misc. items, Sat. July 16, 9 - 3, NEB.



Call: 1-250-616-9053

Garage Sales


RECREATIONAL PROPERTY LAKEFRONT Properties For Sale 20 minutes from Qualicum www.hornelake.bc.ca

Ladysmith: Seaview Manor beautiful, clean, quiet, completely renovated and under new management. Stunning ocean and mountain views, beautifully landscaped, starting at $700 heat & hot water included. Small pet neg. 250-668-9086 or 250-9246966. WORKSHOP/ LIVING SPACE FOR RENT Insulated 700 sq ft workshop- ideal for woodwork. One bedroom loft includes washer, dryer,dish washer. Located on 4 wooded acres in Cobble Hill (Arbutus Ridge area).Available Sept 1, 2011. $1250/m. Call 250-709-2010 for details.

ft 2 br home view. Bsmnt f/s w/d d/w. 250-245-4255

LADYSMITH: 2 bdrm character home, lovely ocean view, n/s, n/p, close to all amenities, $1100/mo, 250-245-7161. LADYSMITH2 BDRM Rancher w/extra den/office or bdrm. French doors from master bdrm to hot tub on deck. Private setting, southern exposure, detached 26x22 workshop w/220 wiring, golf course & schools near by. NS/NP. $1200+ utils. Available Aug 1. (250)713-4739.

Royal LePage Property Management Ladysmith: 3 bdrm home in quiet area, avail. Aug. 1st, n/s, n/p, ref’s required, $1295/mo. Chemainus: 4 bdrm ocean view apartment, f/s, shared w/d, n/s, n/p, avail now, ref’s required, $995/mo. Chemainus: 3 bdrm duplex, upper floor with great views, f/s, w/d, n/s, n/p, avail. now, ref’s required, $895/mo. Saltair: 2 bdrm suite, quiet setting with car port, shared utils, f/s, w/d, n/s, n/p, avail. now, ref’s required, $750/mo. South Wellington Area: 1 bdrm suite in quiet and private country setting, n/s, n/p, avail. Aug. 1st. ref’s required, $850/mo.

Call Royal LePage 250-245-0975



SALTAIR: furnished bachelor suite, ocean view, n/s, n/p, $690/mo, 250-245-1101.

LADYSMITH, APPROX 900 sq ft office space w/ bathroom/kitchen area in professional bldg, ground entry w/ prkg. Avail immed, $700 mo. Call Doug at 250-246-0321.




Western Forest Products Inc.

RIALTO MANOR in the heart of downtown Ladysmith has large, bright & clean 1-bdrm, 1 bath apt. $550./mo. Available to responsible tenants. Call Widsten Property Management Inc, 250-753-8200.

HOMES FOR RENT LADYSMITH: 1200sq for rent. Ocean wkshp/strg. Fenced. Pets ok. n/s $1250. ref req’d



THE POSITION: WFP is currently seeking an Area Planner to join our Holberg Forest Operation located approximately 45 minutes west of Port Hardy. Port Hardy, a welcoming community of just under 5,000 people is at the northern end of beautiful Vancouver Island and the gateway to Cape Scott Provincial Park. Found in the heart of a wilderness paradise Port Hardy is brimming over with recreational opportunities for kayakers, bird watchers, canoeists, cyclists, divers, hikers, hunters, and fresh or salt water sports fishers. QUALIFICATIONS & REQUIREMENTS: Reporting to the Operations Planner, this full time position will be a critical role in Holberg’s Planning Department. Key functions of an Area Planner include, but are not limited to the following abilities: • Provide leadership in safety and stewardship for members in the Planning Department • Complete and manage budgets, contributing to timber development for an annual cut of 550,000 M3 • Block development planning • Contractor and staff supervision (layout, cruising, terrain, bridge designs, post harvest assessments, etc.) • Timber sort and block margin forecasting • Liaison with First Nations • Work in collaboration with other Planning team members to complete road permit and cutting permit applications • Maintenance and deactivation plans preparation • Complete harvest instructions, road instructions • Maintain a dynamic working team environment, complete with sharing of information, ideas, creativity and support for challenging the status quo • Provide leadership in meeting WFP’s EMS and sustainable forest management responsibilities • Ensure that all team members conduct themselves professionally, ethically and treat all individuals and organizations with respect • Proven ability to work in a team environment • Good communication skills • Extraordinary personal standards and expectations • Must have a degree or diploma in forestry from a recognized post-secondary institution and be a registered (RPF, RFT) in good standing with the ABCFP • Must be able to withstand the demands of coastal field work • Experience with CENFOR (GENUS), ROAD ENG, Forest Ops, Plant Wizard and Survey Wizard would be considered an asset. Lesser qualified candidates are encouraged to apply and may be considered for alternate positions. THE COMPANY: Western Forest Products Inc. is an integrated Canadian forest products company located on Vancouver Island that is committed to the safety of our employees, the culture of performance and the discipline to achieve results. WFP offers a competitive salary, a comprehensive benefit package and the potential to achieve annual performance rewards. If you believe that you have the skills and qualifications that we are looking for, please reply in confidence: Human Resource Department Facsimile: 250.748.3177 Email: resumes@westernforest.com Application Deadline: Friday, July 22, 2011 Reference Code: Area Planner, HFO As only short listed candidates will be contacted, WFP thanks you in advance for your interest in our Company. Please visit www.westernforest.com

Vernon: Lakeside Assisted Living Home, licensed, Space Available, Pictures & info by email shason@telus.net or call Steve at (250)306-0734

www.ladysmithchronicle.com www.chemainuschronicle.com Tu 6 and under free! Eagles RENTALS LADYSMITH Hall, everyone welcome. MEDITATION SUITES, UPPER Drop in Wednesday ANNUAL STEAK nights, 7 p.m., 281 DINNER - Eagles, Sun, LADYSMITH 1 brdm, upper suite. Views. Ref’s req’d. Avail. Dogwood Drive. Aug 14 (Lady Days) 4-7 Immed. 250-245-3143. Meditation lessons, pm. $10, Eagles Hall, TOWNHOUSES discussion & goodies. everyone welcome. Free. 250-245-4102. LADYSMITH, 3 bdrm, 2 bath townhome, W/D, F/S, D/W, bhiggs@bcsupernet.com. FREE JUNIOR GOLF close to schools, N/S, N/P, CLINIC - Ages 7-14, avail Aug. 1, $1075 mo + utils, 250-924-3826, 250-710-0708. MUTUAL FUN Courtesy of Ladysmith INVESTMENT CLUB Golf Club, 380 Davis Rd. TRANSPORTATION – for women interested Tue and Fri’s 2-4 pm in learning investment in July, Register at AUTO FINANCING strategies; meets 2nd clubhouse or call 250Monday evening of every 245-7313. month at 7 pm Ladysmith Resources Centre, 630 OPEN HOUSE, Second Ave., Upper Floor LADYSMITH Info: Wendy at 250-245COMMUNITY POLICING 3079. - Coronation Mall, Tues, July 12, 9:30 am-1 pm. CHRONIC PAIN Come see our newly SUPPORT GROUP renovated office. Free 3rd Monday of each refreshments. Month, 5:30 - 6:30 pm Meeting Room at VERNON SENIOR Ladysmith Resources SECONDARY SCHOOL Centre Association Class of 1981 30-year FREE CASH Back with $0 reunion on Sat, July 30, down at Auto Credit Fast. Need a vehicle? Good or Bad BINGO - LADYSMITH 2011. Starts at 6 pm, credit call Stephanie 1-877792-0599 DLN 30309. Free Every Wed - 6:45 pm, Best Western Vernon Delivery. Doors 5 pm, St. Mary's Lodge Hotel. $30 per www.autocreditfast.ca Church Hall. Info call person. RSVP by July 1 WANT A Vehicle but stressed to grad81@hotmail.ca. Or 250-245-3079. Sponsored about your credit? Last week 24 out of 28 applications apby Ladysmith Resources call Rod at 250-545-5303 proved! We fund your future not your past. Any Credit. ReCentre Association for more information. ceive a $500 Gift Card. 1-888593-6095.

CARS TOP DOLLAR Paid! Want To Buy Junk Cars & Trucks for cash. 1-250-954-7843.

SPORTS & IMPORTS 2006 MAZDA Miata MX5. 33,000 km, copper red w/removable hard top. Smart key. Touring options, great cond. $19,500. obo. Phone Ken (250)802-4956, leave msg. OKANAGAN’S Largest Used Car Super Store. Always open online at: www.bcmotor products. com 250-545-2206

TRUCKS & VANS 1992 Ford F150 with canopy, 300,000 + kms, $600 OBO, 250-739-8879. CASH BUYER of junk cars and trucks. Over the phone price quotes. 1-250-954-7843.

SUITES, LOWER LADYSMITH 1BDRM + den, bright bsmt suite, recently reno’d, separate entrance, includes utils. N/S, quiet person, Refs. $700/mo. Available Aug 1. 250-245-5557. LADYSMITH: 3 bdrm, level entry suite, lrg yard, f/s. w/d, ocean views, ref’s req’d. Avail. Aug. 1st. Call: 250-245-3143. LADYSMITH: 2 bdrm, 55+, well maintained 1000 sq.ft., oceanview, drapes-carpet, storage, no elevator, w/d, f/s, n/p, n/s, avail. July. Call 250245-4646, 250-758-5816. LADYSMITH: NEW 1 bdrm avail immed. In suite laundry, 5 new appls, all utils except cable incl., private patio, NS/NP, $875, 250-714-8556.

MARINE BOATS 1999 BAYLINER 19 foot Capri Runabout and Trailer $11,775 Excellent condition 4 cyl 3.0 litre MerCruiser in/outboard. Canopy, open front seating, lifejackets, lights, full cover, fishfinder, bumpers, AMFMCD, new water pump, low hours, galvanized Escort trailer with new tires. Reliable ski or fishing boat-ready for fun this summer! 250 743 9882.

Time for a NEW car?

What’s Happening Email items for publication to production@ladysmithchronicle.com with the subject line containing "What's Happening". What’s Happening is a free service designed to help non-profit groups promote local events. Publication is not guaranteed, and copy is subject to editing.

Up Coming

ANNUAL PANCAKE BREAKFAST - Eagles, Sun, Aug 145 (Lady Days), 8-11 am. $4, kids

KINSMEN/BROWN DR. PLAYGROUND PROJECT HAS SET UP A FUNDRAISING ACCOUNT at the Junction Bottle Depot, on Ludlow Rd. in Ladysmith. People can take all their empty bottles, juice containers, pop or beer cans, etc (anything you can get a refund for) to the bottle depot and they will credit the funds to the proposed playground at Kin Park in Ladysmith. The name of the account is the "Kin Park Playground" and all we ask is that if folks take their returns to the Junction Bottle Depot they just tell the staff that they wish to put the money into the Kin Park Playground account.

On Going LADYSMITH WOMEN’S BUSINESS NETWORK Wednesdays, 3rd monthly, 5:30 p.m. Various restaurants. See www. lwbn.ca for details & location. Call Linda Sisk: 250-246-9902 or Carole Keyes 250-245-4476. PROBUS CLUB OF LADYSMITH (for information see www. probus.org), meets every third Wed morning of the month at the Hall next to St John's Anglican Church, 314 Buller St. Doors 9.30. Call Vince Devries 245-0907 or Don Fisher 245-5965.

LADYSMITH WOMEN'S BUSINESS NETWORK Every 3rd Tuesday at 5:30pm. Info at www.lwbn. ca or call Debby Baker 250-245-5259 or Nikki McCallum 250-245-4238. LADYSMITH REUNION Did you live or go to school in Ladysmith during the 1930's 40's 50's. Would you like to have a reunion next summer. Reply to ladysmithreunion@ gmail.Com HARVEST HOUSE FOOD BANK Chemainus. Friday, Info call Lynn Morrison. 250246-9060. BINGO Chemainus Senior Dropin Centre. Mondays, 6:40 p.m. Info: Murray 250-2469968. MEALS ON WHEELS Ladysmith meals delivered Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. Volunteer drivers needed. Call Pearl: 250-245-3844. CANADIAN FEDERATION of UNIVERSITY WOMEN Nanaimo branch. Meets 4th Monday of each month. St. Andrews Presbyterian. 7 p.m. Karen: 250-756-9508. LADYSMITH LEGION Soup and sandwich. 2nd and 4th Thursday, September to June. Everyone welcome. 250245-2273.




Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, July 12, 2011 27

! g n i l l a F e r A s e z i r p r u g! S

Campfire Fun Package

RV Accessory Package


n i n w A e h Roll Out T

RV Protecti o Package n

Outdoo r Dining Package

Grand Sur-Prize Package! – $2,000 Value

We Do Service Right!

11am - 3pm • High i h ed Pressure SStainless i l Steel S l BBQ Q • 2 Reclining li i Loungers Over 20 Certifi • Ban Buster Fire Pit • Deluxe Aluminum Grill Table RV Service Technicians onCardSATURDAY MAY 14th • 9'x18' RV Mat PLUS – $500 Gas & $500 Grocery Card!!!

Chef's Helper Package

With over 200 YEARS of combined experience Purchase an RV at Arbutus RV, roll out your awning and you are guaranteed to receive one of at 5 Vancouver Island Locations. 5 Sur-prize Packages each valued at over $50! (*see in-store for full details)


TRUST your RV to Arbutus RV!

2011 Surveyor SP210 Travel Trailer

2011 North Trail 28BH 5th Wheel

2011 Edge M22 Travel Trailer

2011 Coleman Evolution SV3

Ultralite Sport Bunk Model – impressive! Full bath, A/C, A&E electric awning.

Front queen suite, rear bunks, electric awning, 32" TV, 1 slide, toy lock.

"Texas"sized storage, thermal panes, dual LP, SS fridge, aluminum frame.

Off-road capable, seamless aluminum roof, HD steel main frame, electric brakes.

Stk #M11N1060

Stk #A11N1892

Stk #M11N1104

Stk #NWA11N1997

MSRP $23,617

MSRP $40,662

MSRP $33,190

MSRP $17,140

Sizzling Summer Savings Price ◆

Sizzling Summer Savings Price ◆

Sizzling Summer Savings Price ◆

Sizzling Summer Savings Price Pr ric ice ce ◆


* 75 bi-wkly OAC




* 113 bi-wkly OAC




* 104 bi-wkly OAC




*** 69 bi-wkly OAC




2012 Komfort 3230FRK 5th Wheel

2010 Islander Resort 239FB Travel Trailer

f 2011 Trail Blazer T285S Travel Trailer

2011 Greystone 29MK 5th Wheel

Triple slides, Komfort Platinum Interior AND Exterior Packages – endless features!

Check the slide! Fully-loaded, ducted A/C, deluxe A&E power awning, style and space.

Thermax package, unique drop down storage, free-standing dining, TV mount for flatscreen.

Mid-profile, 2-tone interior, 3 slides, FS dining, slam baggage doors, a must see!

Stk #M10N1000

Stk #11N1304

Stk #S11N11089

MSRP $63,290

MSRP $31,821

MSRP $43,037

MSRP $51,553

Sizzling Summer Savings Price ◆

Sizzling Summer Savings Price ◆

Sizzling Summer Savings Price ◆

Sizzling Summer Savings Price ◆

Stk #12N1386


202** bi-wkly OAC




96* bi-wkly OAC




142* bi-wkly OAC



2012 Kodiak 241RB Travel Trailer

2011 Damon Serrano 31V Class A

2010 Great North 1421A Park Trailer

Ultimate Package, solid surface counters, Coach-Net Roadside Assistance, slide-out.

MaxxForce Diesel, European styling, 2 slides, luxury standard features.

12' wide, Whirlpool appliances, cathedral ceiling, fireplace, 'Blend-Air' air exchange.


113* bi-wkly OAC


Stk #12N1388

Stk #A11N2019

Stk #A10N1871

MSRP $29,980

MSRP $155,760

MSRP $74,636

Sizzling Summer Savings Price ◆

Sizzling Summer Savings Price ◆



432**AC bi-wkly OAC



Sizzling Summer Savings Price ◆



bi-wkly OAC





bi-wkly OAC



FREE 7-Day Stay RV Resort

is pleased to be & Marina ab to offer EXCLU le to continue SIVELY to every ARBUTUS RV p urchaser, a FREE 7-DAY STAY at their beautiful oc ea RV Park in Metch nfront osin.

Check out our 30 New Product Lines & BC’s Biggest Selection of over 700 NEW & PRE-ENJOYED RVs plus Parts & Service Specials online at

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PORT ALBERNI 250-724-4648

Toll Free 1-800-665-5581

Toll Free: 1-888-272-8888

Toll Free: 1-866-330-2174

Toll Free: 1-877-724-4648

Payments based on: Total Price including freight and taxes, 10% down (or equivalent trade). Variable interest rate at the time of calculation 6.99% on approved credit (OAC), amortized over *390 bi-weekly pymts/5 yr term, **520 bi-weekly pymts/5 yr term, ***260 bi-weekly pymts/5 yr term, ****130 bi-weekly pymts/5 yr term.

NANAIMO 250-245-3858 Toll Free: 1-888-272-8887


28 Tuesday, July 12, 2011 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle




Live Music Fridays!


with every $4900 order, excluding tobacco products, licences, gift certificates and lotto, you may purchase any ONE of the following items for 49¢-- with a $14700 order, you can get three items below for 49¢ each

1020 1st Ave Ladysmith, BC All Shows 7-8:30pm m Admission by Donation

Pepsi Cola, Diet Pepsi or 7-Up 6 pak mini cans 6 x 237 ml



Limit 1 with a minimum of $4900 order Limit 1 - 49¢ Event item per $4900 order


The 49th Cafe offers cool drinks for summer: fruit smoothies, iced lattes, frappes, italian sodas and fresh iced tea. We also have outdoor seating so you can enjoy your drinks in the sunshine More music coming... July 29 - Alex Watt Jazz Aug 19 - Ellisa Hartman

Peanut Butter 500 grams



Limit 1 with a minimum of $4900 order Limit 1 - 49¢ Event item per $4900 order


Bits & Bites 225 grams



Limit 1 with a minimum of $4900 order Limit 1 - 49¢ Event item per $4900 order

100% Locally Owned & Operated We deliver! (See store for details) We reserve the right to limit quantities Pictures for illustrative purposes only Visit our Website: www.the49th.com

Prices in effect Monday, July 11 to Sunday July 17, 2011


Next to Cedarbrook Restaurant

Open Daily 7:30 am to 9 pm


The Old Bruce’s Store

DUNCAN 250-748-2412

550 Cairnsmore Street

Open Daily 8:00 am to 9 pm

CHEMAINUS Open Daily 8:00 am to 9 pm 250-246-3551 Next to the Ferry Dock


Beside the Liquor Depot Open Daily 7:30 am to 9 pm


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