July 19, 2011 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle

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Serving Ladysmith, Chemainus and area

Mosquitos hosting ball tournament P. 21

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Leadfoots in sights: P. 6

Spotlight to focus on Purple Martins

Pride and Joy

Open house to talk about increasing number of birds Niomi Pearson THE CHRONICLE

Bill Rathlef takes some time to polish his 1963 Lotus Elan S2 during the Brits on the Beach car show at Transfer Beach Sunday, where hundreds of local residents and visitors gathered to take in some cool cars. See page 16 for more photos.

It’s no big secret to local residents that the Ladysmith Harbour has gone to the birds. For more than 20 years, the Ladysmith Maritime Society has played host to an Island-wide recovery program which has slowly helped bring the Western Purple Martin back from the brink of extinction on a wing and a prayer. On July 24, the bird’s the word as the society hosts an open house on the Purple Martin. People can learn more about the recovery program, see the birds in action and take part in a banding session. “It’s a good news story because so many people over the years have gotten together to champion the restoration of this bird and now they can stand back,” said Charlene Lee, project co-ordinator for the BC Purple Martin Recovery Program. “We really don’t want to lose anymore species. We’re losing enough as it is with logging and climate change.” The program began after a provincial government survey completed in the mid-1980s revealed there were only five to 10 breeding pairs of the avian in the Strait of Georgia, which is the only location they are found in B.C. Cue a group of dedicated naturalists and citizens who began to build and install artificial nest boxes designed to keep out the Martins’ competition — the European Starling. The boxes were first placed in the Victoria and Cowichan areas where the bird was sighted, but spread across the Island and Lower Mainland in the years following. Last year, there were a grand total of around 600 breeding pairs in 51 active colonies in B.C.


See Successful Colony on Page 3

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2 Tuesday, July 19, 2011 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle


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Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, July 19, 2011 3


Little off the top

Neal Smith keeps the greens at the Ladysmith Skatepark trim while doing some yard maintenance on Tuesday, NIOMI PEARSON/CHRONICLE July 12.

Tourist numbers level The number of tourists walking through the door at the visitor centre is closely matching last year. The visitor centre tallies not only the number of people coming through the doors, but also the number of parties, said co-ordinator Melody Smythies. In June 2011, there were 1,103 people coming through the door at the centre compared to 1,125 in June 2010. The amount of parties per hour, however, was up this June, Smythies pointed out. From July 1 to July 14, the numbers are also down slightly with 398 parties coming to the centre representing 638 people compared to 415 parties and 705 visitors last year. The slight dip, said Smythies, could be explained by the fact the centre was open for fewer hours this June or the crummy weather we have been experiencing. Holding those numbers

Quoted in the Chronicle

“Really it’s because of the poor weather. Marinas across the Island are seeing the same thing.” Dave Ehrismann, Maritime Society steady, said Smythies, is due to a combination of marketing the town and highway signage pointing passersby to the centre. Smythies also noted that the bulk of visitors coming through the door are passersby looking to only stop in Ladysmith before heading north or south. “We are not getting as many people staying overnight. They are heading right through town,” said Smythies. Barb Gust, who helps greet visitors and answer questions, said there have been a lot of European visitors to Ladysmith this year. What do people like to see when they stop in Ladysmith? “Mostly, we send them

on the heritage walk and the artifact walk,” said Smythies. The Holland Creek trail and anything at Transfer Beach are also enticing people to explore Ladysmith further. Smythies predicts more of the same traffic for the rest of July to September. Down at the Ladysmith Maritime Society, Dave Ehrismann, executive director, said the bad weather of late is to blame for a dip in the Marine Tours leaving from the dock. The tour is also down around 21 visitors for the month of June when compared to last year. “Really it’s because of the poor weather,” said Ehrismann, adding the society had a strong

A pair of Purple Martins peek out from one of the nesting boxes at the Ladysmith Maritime Society. NIOMI PEARSON/CHRONICLE

Successful colony here from Page 1

There are currently start to the year. 45 active nests at the “Marinas across the Ladysmith marina, and Island are seeing the there are still first-year same thing. I think we birds that are only are up higher than most just starting to nest of the operations.” and lay eggs, Lee said. The tours, Ehrismann Ladysmith Harbour has added, are not only for about 80 nest boxes and visitors and he encour- has seen as many as up ages local and new resi- to 70 nests in one seadents to come out and son. try the tour or check “It’s become one of the out what the dock has most successful coloto offer. nies in the province,” The tour is by dona- said local avian author tion ($10 suggested for and enthusiast Bruce adults, $5 for children) Whittington. and can be booked by “Ladysmith’s an ideal calling 250-245-0109. p l a c e , a n d t h e y ’ v e In July and August the shown us that they tours leave daily at 10:30 really like to nest over a.m. and 2 p.m. or beside the water.” In terms of the new visi- “They’re a neat bird... tor facility planned of the they make a pretty marina, Ehrismann said sound when you hear the concrete float has them, and most people arrived in Bamberton seem be quite happy to where the exterior of the have them around.” structure will be built The Western Purple before being tugged into M a r t i n i s t h e l a r g Ladysmith for the finish- est swallow in North ing touches — likely in America and should not September. be confused with the There is a website for Eastern Purple Martin, the visitor facility proj- which lives east of the ect at www.ladysmith- Rockies. maritimesociety.ca. “They’re different

genetically, they’ve been separated from the Eastern Purple Martin for over 200,000 years, but if you had them in your hand, you might not be able to tell the difference,” Lee said. The most distinctive is the adult male, who has a dark blue/black which appears purple in some lights. The female has more brown wings and back with a little bit of blue/black along her back and the top of her head, Lee said. They feed on large bugs such as moths, beetles and dragonflies. The average Purple Martin lives three to five years, however, thanks to the process of leg banding, researchers are able to track interesting information on the birds. For example, birds that are born in the Ladysmith Harbour have shown up as adults as far away as Campbell River. The oldest Purple Martins on record lived to 11. They also migrate 10,000 km each way to South America every year for the winter.

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Historically, Purple Martins nested in woodpecker holes in trees near fresh water. Whittington said the rebound of the Purple Martin is a prime example of people responding to conservation initiatives in a positive way. “Everything we humans do as a species has an impact on every other species and most of the time, it means they get the short end of the stick.” He said now that the population numbers are back at a healthy level, he would like to see conservationists work on reducing the birds’ dependence on the artificial boxes and restore them back to a more natural habitat. The Purple Martin Open House takes place at the Ladysmith Maritime Society on July 24 from 1-4 p.m., with the banding session taking place between 2 and 3 p.m. Light refreshments will be available, including a specialty Purple Martin (blueberry) milkshake.

4 Tuesday, July 19, 2011 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle


Community Police


Renovations complete

Signal well ahead of time and yield to all cyclists whenever you must cross a bicycle lane. Coronation Mall, Ladysmith


Selected Crime Stats from June 1 to June 30, 2011 Vandalism B&E Auto Theft Theft Ladysmith Yellow Point/Cassidy

13 4

9 0

0 0

21 2

Saltair Period Totals

0 17

0 9

0 0

3 26

Total reported RCMP Incidents during this period


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The Ladysmith Community Policing Station at Coronation Mall recently underwent a sprucing up, with new paint, floors and a few new decorations. Volunteer co-ordinator Audrey Ballegeer and volunteer Sheila Waddell welcomed NIOMI PEARSON/CHRONICLE visitors to view the renovations on Tuesday, July 12 during the station’s open house.



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Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, July 19, 2011 5

Last chance to offer view on Echo Heights plan

Sweet treats at Transfer Beach

Niomi Pearson

the association have said they would prefer to see the municipality The Municipality of concentrate its efforts North Cowichan is on the revitalization of preparing for a full downtown Chemainus. evening of discussion “We believe the municas the Echo Heights ipality has not made C o m p r e h e n s i v e the case that this land D e v e l o p m e n t p l a n is needed for residengoes to public hearing tial development,” said Thursday, July 21. Bernie Jones, the assoAccording to Mayor ciation’s vice chair. Tom Walker, it will be “It’s not like there are the last opportunity for developers knocking at members of the public the door of the municito have their say on the pality saying ‘We want project. to develop but we have “It’s coming to the end no land.’ ” of the process,” he said. Jones said it is hard “This is the formal pub- to know at this point lic hearing. We have how many residents input that night and will attend the hearing, then we can not have but speculates it could any further input.” be a full house. The development “This meeting on the plan outlines a phased 21st is super crucial approach to develop- because it’s determining approximately 200 ing the fate of the area,” to 250 dwelling units he said. on 11 hectares of the “We’re making a very Echo Heights prop- determined effort to erty while still preserv- get a lot of people there, ing another 12 ha. of so that the municipality park space. The plan understands that it’s a received second read- wide-spread sentiment ing at council’s regular of saving Echo Heights meeting July 6. as a forest.” Walker said he and “Maybe we’ll have up h i s f e l l o w c o u n c i l to the 300 that the resimembers will be lis- dent’s association was tening very closely to getting when it first what residents both for started this battle five and against the project or six years ago.” have to say. The CRA held a strat“The important thing is egy meeting on Monday, for myself and council July 18, to organize their to keep an open mind thoughts and speakers and listen to the input,” for the hearing. he said. “We can’t make “All of the votes on any assumptions at all.” council have been 5 T h e C h e m a i n u s to 2 for moving ahead Residents’ Association with the development has long been opposed of Echo Heights so to the development of we would have to be Echo Heights, argu- changing some minds ing that any develop- and whether that will ment would not only happen, I can’t say,” destroy the unique said Jones. bio-diversity of the T h e p u b l i c h e a rarea, but also compete ing will be held at with existing local the North Cowichan developments in the Municipal Hall at 7030 works such as Artisan Trans-Canada Highway Gardens and Artisan in Duncan, starting at Village. Members of 7 p.m. THE CHRONICLE

Quoted in the Chronicle

“The important thing is for myself and council to keep an open mind.” Mayor Tom Walker

Hannah Sullivan, left, and Sophia Smith prepare some tasty smores during the Ladysmith Parks and Recreation’s Adventure Zone summer day camps last Tuesday, July 12, at Transfer Beach. NIOMI PEARSON/ CHRONICLE

Woman banned from store There were a total of 70 calls for service over this period of time. To date, 2,141 incidents have been reported to the detachment (2,296 were reported in the same period in 2010). Tuesday, July 5 ❱ A white pickup truck was reported on Walkem Road when its two occupants were loading what was believed to be a load of lumber from a construction site and drove away with no lights on. Hall and Associate Contracting later reported that about $400 worth of used aluminum railing had been stolen. Police are asking anyone with information to contact them at 250-245-2215. A “Z 71” was also observed on the truck box.

❱ A mattress, a fan/ heater and a bag of recycling paper were dumped in a yard on Oyster Bay Drive overnight on July 3. ❱ A male was arrested and released on a promise to appear for mischief, after damaging the outside of a residence in the 400 block of Davis Road. Wednesday July 6 ❱ A female suspected of being involved in shoplifting at Home Hardware has been banned from the store and was issued a violation ticket for getting into a vehicle with expired plates after exiting the store. The vehicle was also towed. Thursday, July 7 ❱ Approximately $200 in fuel was stolen from a couple of vehicles

Ladysmith RCMP news July 5 to July 14 Provided by Ladysmith RCMP

in the 5000 block of Jones Road. One van’s gas line had been cut and fuel taken and one school bus also had fuel siphoned. Thursday, July 8 ❱ A vehicle reported stolen in Ladysmith was later recovered in Nanaimo by Nanaimo RCMP. The vehicle had been left parked and unlocked overnight in the 30 block of High Street.

Friday, July 9 issued for failure to ❱ A Craftsman shop remain. vacuum and black floor Sunday, July 11 jack were stolen in the A gas Stihl ‘weed eater’ 200 block of 4th Ave. was stolen from under extension. The items a deck in the 100 block were all black in colour, of First Avenue. It was and hold an approxi- chained up but the mate $250 value. chain was still there, Saturday, July 10 the lock was gone. The At 6:30 a.m., a report white and orange Stihl w a s r e c e i v e d o f a was worth $300. single vehicle crash ❱ Tools were stolen on the Trans-Canada from a shed at Stu”ate Highway near S. Davis L e l u m S e c o n d a r y Rd. Some young males School over the weekhad gotten out and end. were tossing bottles Thursday, July 14 into the ditch then ran The RCMP received off. While waiting for an alarm at Uforik the tow truck, a male Computers on First returned and advised Avenue in Ladysmith at he was driving. The 3:46 a.m. A member was driver stated that they there in seven minutes were horsing around and noticed someone grabbing the steering had broken the front wheel and lost control window and entered striking the median. A the store. Several comviolation ticket was puters were stolen.

New look for library website Va n c o u v e r I s l a n d Regional Library’s website is getting a new look and new features. The organization has redesigned its site with a number of new features including improved

search capabilities, cover art, staff pick pages and the inclusion of social networking features that allow people to write reviews and comment on library items.

The catalogue portion of the redesign has been live for several months and can be found by clicking on the new catalogue link on the main site – www.virl.bc.ca. The homepage is also

being redesigned to make it easier to navigate. VIRL hopes to launch the complete website redesign in midJuly. New users can login with their 14-digit library

card and four-digit code to setup a username and password. VIRL also recently received $10,000 from the provincial Francophone Affairs Program to increase its French materials.

6 Tuesday, July 19, 2011 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle



It’s Time for Seniors to Lead in Ladysmith We are looking for passionate and hardworking seniors 55+ to step up and take a leadership role in Ladysmith on the inaugural Ladysmith Seniors Advisory Council. The Planning Committee has developed terms of reference and has worked hard to build a foundation for this project in the community. Now we are looking to seniors to step up and into these roles. We are looking for individuals 55+ that are interested in running for a position on the council. Positions are available as both one and two year terms. Applications, along with copies of the SAC Terms of Reference, will be available starting July 15th at the LRCA offices at 630 Second Avenue. The application process will remain open until August 5th. At that point, the Selection Committee will schedule short interviews with interested candidates. For more information on the Seniors Advisory Council and the elections process contact Sharen Newton, Seniors Advisory Council Coordinator, at 250-245-3079 or sac@lrca.bc.ca. Financial assistance for this project provided by the New Horizons for Seniors Program.

An RCMP officer and a SpeedWatch volunteer set up their new camera to catch heavy-footed drivers. The larger display comes courtesy of ICBC. SUBMITTED

Speeders in sights Matthew Peterson

Gus, one of the SpeedWatchers, is larger to remind ‘Visually If you’re not watching Impaired’ motorists of your speed, Ladysmith their speed. SpeedWatch is watchUnlike some speed ing you. boards around The arm of Citizens B.C., the Ladysmith on Patrol has just been SpeedWatch tag can given a new board, come with penalties courtesy of ICBC, to including a ticket if show motorists how an RCMP officer is fast they are going. on scene. This one, says This board is able to pick up the fastest driver and stays with them, said Gus. SpeedWatch works with the RCMP to identify spots where there are a lot of speeding THE CHRONICLE

This summer could be a scorcher.

Nearly half of wildfires in British Columbia are caused by human carelessness. Please prevent and report wildfires. To report a wildfire, call *5555 on your cell. For more information, visit www.BCforestfireinfo.gov.bc.ca

complaints, said Gus. cles tagged, 464 were They often stake out driving the speed limit Chemainus Road and or under, 58 were drivthe highway near the ing 81 km/h to 90 km/h, airport. 40 were caught driving “We can only help between 91-100km/h those that can be and eight were caught helped,” said Gus, not- doing more than 101 ing the large sign does k m / h . T h e f a s t e s t encourage some driv- speed in that hour ers to slow down. was 107 km/h. There are a select SpeedWatch also few, he added, who attends high-collision don’t learn the lesson. areas as requested by During a recent one- ICBC. In Ladysmith, hour speed watch the intersection at along the highway t h e Tr a n s - C a n a d a near the airport at Highway and Davis total of 578 cars were Road South is considrecorded in the 80 ered a high-collision km/h zone. Of the vehi- area.

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Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, July 19, 2011 7

Local art drops anchor Decking Sale! at Ladysmith dock Series of free events to highlight community asset Niomi Pearson THE CHRONICLE

Quoted in the Chronicle

“It’s a culmination of all kinds The Ladysmith Maritime Society is of art and it’s free hosting a number of for the artists to attend.” events down on the water this summer in Donna Notte, organizer hopes of increasing traffic on their social there’s going to be they don’t have a boat, dock. In addition to a num- a nice, cool breeze they don’t think they ber of community pot- blowing and people have any reason to luck barbecues, the are going to be listen- come on to the dock.” The Ladysmith society will also be ing to music, looking hosting Art Walk on at beautiful artwork, Maritime Society dock the Dock on July 24 maybe buying a nice is host to numerous new pair of earrings activities, including and August 14. “We’re having artists, or bracelet, your kids harbour tours, the painters, face-painters can get your face- maritime museum, for the kids, the First painted and learn dragonboating and Nations are doing ban- about water safety disabled sailing. The lovely heritage boats nock. We’ve got crafts while they’re there.” Notte said there is that come to visit are people doing jewelry, musicians — so it’s more happening on a sight to see as well, a culmination of all the dock than most Notte said. “Old boats, you kinds of art and it’s people realize. “It’s a community see them rotting in free for the artists to attend,” said art walk dock and people don’t shipyards, but you co-ordinator Donna know that you don’t don’t often see them need a boat to come restored and able to Notte. “It’s going to be beau- down and enjoy the go out on the water,” tiful and sunny, and dock,” she said. “If she said.

The harbour is also home to the Purple Martin. There will be a Purple Martin open house held in conjunction with the first Art Walk on July 24. The second Art Walk will coincide with Ladysmith Days, on August 14. The Ladysmith Maritime Society has already held two potluck barbecues on the social dock and will hold more on August 6 and September 3. Everyone is welcome. “You can come down onto the dock, bring a barbecue item and a potluck item, and we’re trying to keep a green theme, so you bring your own plates, cutlery and you take it back with you,” Notte said. “The barbecues, tents and tables are provided.”

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8 Tuesday, July 19, 2011 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle


Opinion Local spirit takes flight A



few weeks ago, Dave Street mentioned in an article dealing with school enrolment that ‘if it can happen anywhere, it can happen in Ladysmith.’ The words resonate throughout Ladysmith and, in all likelihood, it has been the mantra that has made much of the town. You can apply that phrase to any number of projects going around town. Want to build a new park from scratch? ... it can happen in Ladysmith. Relocate an entire neighbourhood? ... It can happen in Ladysmith. Help save a species from the brink of extinction? ... It can happen in Ladysmith. The Purple Martin Recovery program that was undertaken by dedicated volunteers at the Ladysmith Maritime Society doesn’t always get the most splash or coverage on a regular basis, but it is important to sometimes sit back and marvel at what has been done. If it were not for the colonies on Vancouver Island, of which Ladysmith is the largest, this species of bird may have likely flown the way of the dodo. This was a bird that was reduced to only five breeding pairs back in 1985 before people stepped in creating new, safe habitats for the migratory avian. Now, according to the recovery program’s latest newsletter in 2010, 585 breeding pairs were recorded. It is a remarkable turnaround that has happened because of a supportive program in a supportive community. Be sure to stop by the open house again on July 24 to learn more about the program and how it has restored the bird population.

YOUR WORDS “We can only help those that can be helped.” Gus, Page 6

Editor’s Note: For the full story on the Chemainus Aquifer, visit www.ladysmithchronicle.com

Wild weather becomes climate BC Views by Tom Fletcher

Question of the Week

ICTORIA – My summer road trip to the B.C. Interior began a s s o o n a s t h e Tr a n s Canada Highway reopened at Chilliwack. The crew had worked through the night to clear a mudslide studded with rocks the size of Smart cars, along with a couple of actual cars. We headed up the historic canyon route from Hope to Yale to Cache Creek, the Fraser River still surging a month after it should have settled back. At Ashcroft, river rafters bravely bobbed on the brown torrent. The Williams Lake Stampede went ahead between rain showers, bull riders benefiting from soft conditions while barrel racers struggled. We drove to Prince George and then Vanderhoof, the


Has the recent run of bad weather changed your summer vacation plans? Vote online at www.ladysmithchronicle.com. This web poll is informal, not scientific. It reflects opinions of website visitors who voluntarily participate. Results may not represent the opinions of the public as a whole. Black Press is not responsible for the statistical accuracy of opinions expressed here. Results from last week’s question Are you opposed to a new cell tower in Saltair? Yes 15 No 19

The Ladysmith-Chemainus Chronicle is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby Street, Nanaimo, B.C., V9R-2R2. For information phone 1-888-687-2213 or go to www.bcpresscouncil.org.

geographical centre of B.C., where the Nechako River looked ready to climb out of its banks. As we arrived news came that all this thundering water had done its work, toppling a hydroelectric tower at Surrey, briefly closing the Trans-Canada Highway again. One family member was unable to come down from Chetwynd for a visit. He was cut off by a staggering 16 washouts of Highway 97 north of Prince George in the Pine Pass, which winds through the Hart Range. This stretch of road has long been a contender for the most extreme mountain conditions in B.C., but one night of torrential rain tore it up beyond anything seen in my lifetime. This pass is the only road link from southern B.C. to the vast Northeast. The rains would keep coming around Dawson Creek and Fort St. John, disrupting farms, natural gas development, a coal mine and a wind farm with floods and washouts. The transportation ministry and its contractors had a winding track open through the Pine Pass con-

Chronicle The

Publications Mail Agreement 40010318 Subscriptions: Regular $32, Seniors $27

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We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.

Vol. 102, #27, 2011

struction zone within days, an amazing effort to restore essential freight traffic into the region that has emerged as B.C.’s main economic engine. But reconstruction will likely take the rest of the summer. We were back in Victoria by the time the Fraser River finally crested at the Mission gauge after six weeks of high water, its latest peak since 1920. During the trip, gasoline prices reached a high of $1.31, nudged up slightly by the latest increase in the carbon tax as well as political turmoil overseas. This is B.C.’s largely symbolic nod to the concern that extreme weather events are accelerating due to huge consumption of fossil fuels and emissions of greenhouse gases. I’ve been careful not to make any sweeping statements about the evolving science of climate change. But the sheer power of recent weather events, and the scars left by bark beetles and fires, are difficult to ignore. Australia has just taken bolder steps than those of B.C., imposing a carbon tax on the country’s 500 largest

carbon emitters. The government proposes to collect the revenues for three years and invest them in renewable energy, transition for coal and steel industries and tax cuts for consumers who will have industrial carbon taxes passed on to them in the price of goods. Then the Australian carbon tax is supposed to convert to an emissions trading system designed to push industry into a cleaner future. B.C.’s carbon tax doesn’t exempt industry as its critics sometimes claim. The tax is imposed on all fuels used in industry, but hasn’t been extended to industrial process emissions. By far the largest greenhouse gas source in B.C. remains vehicles, at around 40 per cent of the total. • Another highlight of the trip was the visible resurgence of the forest industry. May’s trade figures show B.C. lumber sales to China have surpassed the U.S. for the first time. Tom Fletcher is legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press newspapers. E-mail tfletcher@blackpress.ca.

Publisher/Advertising .......................Teresa McKinley publisher@ladysmithchronicle.com Editor .....................................................Matt Peterson editor@ladysmithchronicle.com Reporter ............................................... Niomi Pearson news@ladysmithchronicle.com Sales....................................................... Tim O’Rourke tim@ladysmithchronicle.com Office / Accounts / Circulation .... Colleen Wheeler Production Manager ............................ Douglas Kent




Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, July 19, 2011 9


Money better spent Editor: Re: North Cowichan’s plan to borrow up to $3 million to renovate the cramped municipal hall. I believe there are far worthier projects in North Cowichan that need looking after before any renovation of the municipal hall begins. For years the local RCMP detachment has been squeezed into a dilapidated, extremely cramped, unhealthy building that should probably be torn down. Their need for a new home has been ignored. The cramped space at the municipal hall pales in comparison to the wretched accommodations RCMP and Victim Services personnel are forced to suffer at their Canada Avenue locale. Council should get its infrastructure priorities straight and become advocates at the CVRD for a new local RCMP detachment. Carol Donnelly Crofton

HST outlook Editor: On a positive view to the HST answer. There are some safe assumptions that thinking people can count on in the fall out and the aftermath of the HST referendum. From the campaign’s spending balance and fairness we can count on the B.C. government’s weaning its dependency on federal HST revenues. This forecast is reinforced by the many economists that have endorsed HST as being good for business. There is even one economist that is specific about this benefit, explaining how the same federal GST trust reporting system with HST, will aid many if not most firms in going underground.

Your View

Letters and Your View policy

Linda Brown sent this to the Chronicle after the residents of Wildrose Drive held their annual Wildrose Whoopup at the start of the Calgary Stampede. Send your pictures to editor@ladysmithchronicle.com With the near five per cent reduced shopping dollar, people will learn to keep all sales transactions in cash, off the record. As more firms catch on, shifting growing portions of their trade under the HST radar, to have less tax remitted. Already B.C. is looking to drop the costly pension schemes at BC Ferries. With any luck the government MLA’s will also follow with a pay and pension cut. Dwindling HST revenues will force that cut. Less revenues, means less will be wasted on police or home owner grants. Small government is what it’s about. Another boon of a reduced economy, with much of it underground, is that under reporting firms will advertise less. Put up an advert, you get an audit. That means no or less junk mail even on the Internet. A further plus is that less newspaper space will be wasted on ads. Dee Shoolingin Duncan

Facebook Feedback On our Facebook page, we asked: What is your favourite Ladysmith attraction? One member said ❱ Our amazing scenery, beaches. www.ladysmithchronicle.com to join Mobility Matters

2011-07-21 (Thursday) Time Height PDT (m) (ft) 04:31 1.8 5.9 10:07 2.6 8.5 15:17 2.0 6.6 22:07 3.7 12.1

2011-07-22 (Friday) Time Height PDT (m) (ft) 05:19 1.6 5.2 11:29 2.6 8.5 15:51 2.3 7.5 22:33 3.6 11.8

2011-07-23 (Saturday) Time Height PDT (m) (ft) 06:06 1.5 4.9 14:22 2.7 8.9 16:35 2.6 8.5 23:01 3.5 11.5

2011-07-24 (Sunday) Time Height PDT (m) (ft) 06:54 1.3 4.3 16:01 2.9 9.5 17:46 2.9 9.5 23:34 3.5 11.5

2011-07-25 (Monday) Time Height PDT (m) (ft) 07:43 1.1 3.6 16:49 3.2 10.5 19:24 3.1 10.2

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Points to Ponder Pastor Edgar Unrau Chemainus Calvary Baptist Church

therefore a spectator of unfolding events? The Bible is God’s self-revelation given to people. In it He is described as one who exhaustively knows the past, the present, and also the future. The future is described as laying before Him. Someone has illustrated God’s knowledge using a pen with the pen representing all of time, past, present and future. God holds time (pen) in His hand. He is able to view time from either end, the beginning or end of time. He can also view time as it lays in His hand. From every possible angle, He is able to view time because He is absolutely limitless, not bound by time. If you spend just a few casual moments thinking about this you realize this is a difficult con-

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c cept to logically accept. How c can something that has not t taken place be known by God? How can something seemingly H u unknowable be known? This attribute of God brings with it some hard questions. With God knowing what is going to happen in the future then why pray? If God knows all the bad things that are going to be taking place then why doesn’t He stop them? These are legitimate questions. I’m not going to try to answer them. But I will say that the Church is doing a disservice to people who ask these questions when we adjust the picture of God and dismiss His biblically revealed attributes. We cannot adjust God to fit what we are comfortable with. There is much mystery surrounding God. We can’t figure Him out. But He has revealed Himself in the Bible in a certain way and we need to wrestle with our questions inside the parameters He has set. Will I get in a car wreck the next time I pull onto the highway? I don’t know. But God does.

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2011-07-26 (Tuesday) Time Height PDT (m) (ft) 00:14 3.4 11.2 08:31 0.9 3.0 17:25 3.4 11.2 20:52 3.2 10.5

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There is a line from a Tragically Hip song which often flows through my mind when I pull onto the highway. It says, “And take my life in my hands?” It is a fairly safe highway. But none-the-less, there are some risks involved when driving your 2,000 lb. car at 90 km/hr with a number of strangers who are doing the same thing. Will I have an accident? Will the driver in the on-coming lane stay on their side of the road? We pull out onto the highway resigned to the idea that we do not know the answers to these questions. The future is unknown and full of “what if’s.” But is the future unknown? For people bound by time yes, the future is unknown. We cannot escape life as we know it and enter some other dimension and observe what will come next. We do not have time-traveling abilities. For us the future is impossible to know. But is it impossible for anyone to know? What about God? Is God also bound by time and

Oyster Bay Drive


2011-07-20 (Wednesday) Time Height PDT (m) (ft) 03:44 2.0 6.6 09:01 2.7 8.9 14:45 1.6 5.2 21:42 3.7 12.1

What does God know?

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The Chronicle encourages readers to express their opinions through a letter to the editor. Priority is given to local writers and local issues. Letters are encouraged to be 200 words. Letters must include the author’s name, phone number and address or they will not be published. The Chronicle reserves the right to edit letters for brevity, clarity, and legal reasons. Photos for Your View must reflect communities from Crofton to Cedar and include the photographer’s name. Contact the editor at editor@ ladysmithchronicle.com or fax 250-245-2260. Letters can also be mailed to the Chronicle 341-1st Ave., PO Box 400, Ladysmith, B.C., V9G 1A3.

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10 Tuesday, July 19, 2011 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle



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Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, July 19, 2011 11

Baker finds sweet success with tasty wedding cakes Niomi Pearson THE CHRONICLE

Some of Rebecca Radway’s fondest memories are of baking in her Saltair home with her late grandmother. “She said I had a knack for it,” she said. “I could have basically no ingredients and still make something good and I’ll always have those memories.” Blended with a dash of inspiration from reality shows such as Cake Boss and Ultimate Bake-off, a teaspoon of discovery in Ladysmith S e c o n d a r y ’s c o o k ing program and a cup full of education in Vancouver Island University’s level one professional baking program, the talented 19-year-old is preparing her own recipe for sweet success, which includes being a selfemployed professional baker specializing in cake decorating. “I love to work with my

hands to create things production based raththat are beautiful that er than detail work, but people love.” she said. I realized that was for “Once I get a bit of a the better because it portfolio I’ll be able taught me a lot about to approach different what I needed to know places and show them in the industry,” she what I can do.” said. “The detail came Radway, now living in at the end.” Nanaimo, said she likes Radway received the to branch out from the Lieutenant Governor’s traditional ways of dec- silver medal for acaorating. One such exam- demic achievement at ple was her final assign- VIU’s convocation cerment at VIU, where she emony last month. was asked to produce “I didn’t know much a pastel-coloured wed- about the award. My ding cake with fondant teacher gave me an roses. Radway’s inter- application a month pretation was a purple before school ended and black cake with and I thought it was large, handmade roses just a normal little and leaves. award,” she said. “They “My teacher was not e-mailed and told me I happy with me at first, won and I still didn’t but after he saw the fin- realize how big it was. ished product he was My family was ecstatic, ecstatic,” she said. too.” The 10-month proRadway’s passion gram may not have really got cooking after been a piece of cake, moving to Ladysmith but it has given her all and transferring to the the key ingredients for town’s high school for a rewarding career. Grade 10 so she could “It wasn’t quite what participate in the cafI expected, it was very eteria training pro-

gram and become a chef. However once her hands were back in the dough, she didn’t look back and was closely mentored by teacher Melody Hadikin. “My teachers there helped me out and switched things around so I could spend as much time in the bakery as possible,” she said. Now that she has completed her level one training, she says she’ll always remember the fun times and the dough ball fights in class. “Our class was very close, so there were a lot of moments that I remember about them,” she said. Radway said she would like to see more recognition for the cake decorating field. “There is a lot to it, it is an art, and it takes a lot of time and science,” she said. “Everything has to be absolutely perfect and

Outstanding citizen sought Ladysmith is looking as well as the nomifor its next Citizen of nees name and phone the Year. number. The call is going out The winner will be for nominations to announced on August honour a man, woman 13 during Ladysmith or couple for their Days just before the work in improving the parade gets undercommunity. way. Last year’s winner The selection comwas Jim Cram, who mittee is hoping for a was awarded for his good number of nomyears of service to inations this year to Ladysmith. choose from. They are asking nomNominators are asked to submit a short arti- inations be sent to PO cle on the history of Box 345, Ladysmith, the people they believe B.C., V9G 1A3 by July worthy of the honour 27.

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Public Open House Couverdon Real Estate, a division of TimberWest, invites the public to our first open house to outline the potential for including Couverdon Lands, located northwest of the Town, into the municipal boundaries of the Town of Ladysmith. Couverdon recognizes the importance of planned community growth. The proposed boundary expansion gives us an opportunity to work with the community to develop a master plan that is consistent with the Town’s sustainability objectives and community values and vision.

Please join us at our Open House for information about the proposal and to provide feedback. Date: Tuesday, July 26th, 2011 Time: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm (drop-in) Location: Eagles Hall 921 - 1st Avenue, Ladysmith Beverages and light snacks will be provided. For further information, please contact: Frank Limshue at Couverdon Real Estate: 250-729-3726 or frank.limshue@couverdon.com

Couverdon is the real estate business of Timberwest Forest Corp.

12 Tuesday, July 19, 2011 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle



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Wireless Internet, a mobile laptop cart in every school and centralized decision-making are some of the ways Nanaimo-Ladysmith school district can improve its use of technology in schools. A review conducted by IBM K-12 consultants this spring includes a number of recommendations for the district to improve access for students and use technology more efficiently. “Overall, the way we access technology and utilize technology for instruction is not where we want it to be,” said superintendent Mike Munro. “There’s no question in many areas of the district it’s insufficient to support the level of instruction we want.” Consultants found that access to technology varied from school to school – some have computers in classrooms, others only in labs – and recommends standardization so all students have equal opportunities. The report recommends centralizing information technology decision-making, creating an advisory group to provide a unified voice for the direction of technology, and getting a senior administrator involved with the committee – either an assistant superintendent or creating a new administrative position to oversee education technology. Full implementation of the recommendations would cost as much as $5.8 million over five years. That would include: server upgrades; districtwide wireless access; a laptop, document camera, data projector and electronic chalkboard for each teacher; two to four desktop computers per classroom; and mobile computer labs (one cart of 16 laptops per elementary school and two carts of 32 laptops per secondary school). Staff will present their recommendations to trustees in October. — Black Press



Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, July 19, 2011 13

Brewing up a prediction Frieda Douglas, right, gets a tea-leaf reading from Patricia Gruenwald at Salamander Books on Sunday, July 17 during a book signing session held for Gruenwald’s book, ‘It’s in the Leaves’. NIOMI PEARSON/ CHRONICLE


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Actors with the Seeds and Salt Theatre Company act out the great candy bar strike in Ladysmith during a performance at the Maritime Society on July 15. MATTHEW PETERSON/CHRONICLE




14 Tuesday, July 19, 2011 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle



Jim and Merle Cram took the Chronicle to Africa including our sister city Ladysmith In front of one of the guns in front of Ladysmith City Hall

In front of the siege museum beside the Ladysmith City Hall.

Jim Cram and his wife Merle receives a gift from Ladysmith, South Africa. Handing it over is Emnambithi/ Ladysmith Mayor Vincent Madlala, Deputy Mayor Sindiswa Mfusi and Speaker Cllr Zehra Rassool and other Emnambithi/ Ladysmith Mayor officials, during their visit to Ladysmith. PHOTO COURTESY OF LADYSMITH HERALD, SOUTH AFRICA In front of City Hall in Ladysmith with one of the cannons from the siege.

On the grounds of the Victoria Falls Hotel with Vic Falls bridge and mist rising from Vic Falls in the background.

Town twinning effort underway

Take us with you when you travel and don’t miss any of the hometown news!

Editor’s Note: The and Merle Cram dur- Rassool, Jim had given for miners, serving as a Chronicle has been try- ing their recent visit gifts and a message from shipping port for coal Read us online www.ladysmithchronicle.com ing to open a relation- we have started shar- the Mayor of Ladysmith, from Nanaimo, and or subscribe - Call Colleen 250-245-2277 ship with our namesake ing some content with Canada. The towns of Dunsmuir moved many city in South Africa the Ladysmith Herald. Ladysmith would like to buildings by rail to this for some time. Thanks Below is the Herald’s twin and work together peaceful spot he had to the efforts of Jim story on the Crams’ visit building a better future chosen. to a council meeting. for both towns. When Dunsmuir Located on the 49th r e ceived word on Claudine Senekal parallel, Ladysmith is a March 1, 1900 that LADYSMITH HERALD, RSA picturesque town built the British forces had on the hillside over- finally relieved their Ladysmith recently looking the glistening besieged countrymen welcomed Ladysmith, Canadian Jim and his waters of Ladysmith in Ladysmith, in the wife Merle Cram, dur- Harbour. One of the Natal Province of South ing their visit to South oldest settlements on Africa, he named the Africa. Jim and his Vancouver Island, the new town Ladysmith HEWESCRAFT 180 SPORTSMAN wife Cram are from community known as and many local streets Ladysmith, which is Oyster Harbour was were named after British Complete Package with YAMAHA 90 HP Four Stroke & Galvanized Trailer. situated along the west established in 1899 by Generals who served in James Dunsmuir, son the Anglo Boer War. coast of Canada. COMPARE THE FEATURES! of Vancouver Island’s Today, the delightD u r i n g a m e e t i n g SALE PRICE: $27,900 with the Emnambithi/ prosperous coal-mining f u l l i t t l e t o w n o f Ladysmith has a charmL a d y s m i t h M a y o r family. ing Edwardian setting; The community was THUNDERJET 20’ FALCON Vincent Madlala, Deputy a spirited, picturesque designed as a recreation Mayor Sindiswa Mfusi YAMAHA 115 HP Four Stroke on Pod and Galvanized Trailer w/ Disc Brakes. and Speaker Cllr Zehra and dormitory complex community with many COMPARE THE FEATURES! SALE PRICE: $37,900

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of its original buildings under restoration. Take a leisurely stroll along First Avenue and see the results of the revitalization program, this has restored a number of these historic heritage buildings. The buildings and sites evoke memories of a frontier past built on coal mining and forestry. With a population of a little over 8,000 people, Canada Ladysmith is preparing to twin with Ladysmith to exchanges projects. “I’m truly looking forward to making this twin project work and hope that our town, even thousands miles apart become great friends,� said Jim Cram.



Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, July 19, 2011 15

Hop on over to digital TV for free. On August 31, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) is mandating that all broadcasters switch from an analog to a digital signal. Which means, if you still want to enjoy your favourite TV programs, you’ll have to switch to digital too. The good news is: you can change for free with TELUS TV.

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16 Tuesday, July 19, 2011 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle



The weekend rain cleared up long enough for residents to head down to Transfer Beach for the annual Brits on the Beach car show, where 201 colourful, polished British cars and motorcycles were on display for vehicle enthusiasts of all kinds. Left: A pair of British motoring enthusiasts hits the road in their ride after a great day of cars. Below left: Margaret Gerwin relaxes on the hood of her and husband Victor’s 1962 Land Rover Doormobile. Below right: Leo Halliday and Sig Reuter check out the insides of a 1956 Austin-Healey. Bottom left: Ken Tanguay and Kim Campbell check out the decked-out style of their friend’s 1994 Austin Mini Cooper. NIOMI PEARSON/CHRONICLE



Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, July 19, 2011 17

Emotional journey Copsforcancer

South Island police officers plan 1,000-kilometre trek traversing the Island Erin McCracken Black Press


ith only one chance to make every kilometre count, four South Island police officers have their bicycle pedals primed to make a difference. Victoria Police Department constables Alvin Deo and Mike Massine, Oak Bay reserve constable Jarrod Christison and Cpl. Mary Brigham, a CFB Esquimalt military police officer, will be among 22 police and media riders in this year’s Canadian Cancer Society Cops for Cancer Tour de Rock fundraiser. Participants can only take part in the event once, which is why these four Special feature officers are striving to Black Press raise $75,000 for the newspapers on event. Vancouver Island Every year the tour will publish this generates more than special feature page $1 million for pediatric spotlighting police cancer research and officers taking part in Camp Goodtimes this year’s Canadian in Maple Ridge, a Cancer Society medically supported Cops for Cancer summer camp for Tour de Rock. kids with cancer and survivors of the disease. Christison, who is looking to raise $30,000, recalls when past riders stopped at his school. “Seeing them do the tour, I always looked up to that,” he said. “I also think it’s the ultimate form of volunteerism.” The 1,000-kilometre, 14-day journey from Port Alice to Victoria will be physically and emotionally demanding. The cyclists will meet children with cancer and people wanting to donate. Brigham is planning to shave her head during the ride to show solidarity with young cancer patients who have lost their hair through treatment. “It’s going to be emotional,” the military police officer said of the journey her team has been preparing for since March. “Regardless of all the training we’re doing, it doesn’t compare to what these (kids) are going through with their chemotherapy and recovering,” said Brigham, whose goal is to raise $5,000.

Black Press photo

The 22-member Tour de Rock team is preparing to ride in support of pediatric cancer research and a summer camp for kids whose lives have been touched by the disease. Among those riding are Oak Bay reserve Const. Jarrod Christison, left, Victoria police constables Mike Massine and Alvin Deo, and CFB Esquimalt military police officer Cpl. Mary Brigham. “It’ll be a real mix of emotions,” said VicPD’s Massine of the upcoming ride. “I’m not above crying.” Massine’s desire to participate dates back to 1998 when he was a Saanich cop and his police colleague Const. Martin Pepper initiated the first Tour de Rock. Massine is also inspired by his 19-year-old stepdaughter who has a rare syndrome for which she requires constant care. “It’s opened my eyes to the needs parents have when they do have kids who are sick in one way or another,” said Massine, who hopes to fund raise $25,000. It was only natural for Deo to help kids

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in need since, as a youth investigator, he spends most of his day doing just that. He is also a father to three young children. “I have kids of my own and just the thought of them suffering from cancer is pretty terrifying,” said Deo, who aspires to raise $15,000. “Realizing there are other families out there that are going through this right now, I just wanted to do whatever I could to help out.” Tour de Rock happens Sept. 24 to Oct. 7. To donate, please call 250-592-2244 or visit www.cancer.ca, select your province and click the Vancouver Island Tour de Rock link.

ON TOUR: This year’s Tour de Rock begins in Port Alice on Saturday, Sept. 24 and ends Friday, Oct. 7 in Victoria. Tour de Rock raises funds and awareness for pediatric cancer research and programs. HELP OUT: Donations to Tour de Rock can be made at www.copsforcancer.ca. FIND OUT: To catch up on all the Tour de Rock news, including rider profiles, please go online to:


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Local cemetery marker honours service groups Kit Willmot

kind.” The Prince of was originally appointWales became a mem- ed in 1851. LADYSMITH HISTORICAL SOCIETY ber. The Credo is that Their aims are simiO n e n t e r i n g t h e Oddfellows are syn- lar to the Oddfellows, Ladysmith Cemetery, onymous with broth- mutual support and on the left, one sees erhood, and their ulti- charitable activities. an imposing stone mate goal is universal Their ritual includes monument with the brotherhood. lessons from biblical inscription “To the The society started in stories of women in Sacred Memory of Baltimore in 1819 and the Old Testament All Oddfellows and in Canada in 1843; no of the Bible. Their Rebekahs, erected by longer a secret society, emblems – a beehive Harmony Lodge No.6 their main aim is the representing associand Rebekah Lodge welfare of its members ated industry and the No.9 1953”. giving mutual support, result of combined In the early 1900s, and raising money for effort; the moon and the Oddfellows had charitable purposes, seven stars which a lodge in Ladysmith s u c h a s e s t a b l i s h - teach us the value of in their own hall on ing a Chair of Visual regularity in all our Roberts Street (now, R e s e a r c h a t J o h n work; the dove, the 2011, the site of the Hopkins Hospital. In beautiful emblem of telephone exchange) 1999, they sent youths peace; and the white which was destroyed on tours of the United lily, the symbol of by fire in 1932, then Nations building, the purity. rebuilt on the same only fraternal organiLadysmith site. zation allowed to con- Chronicle July W h y w e r e t h e y duct such tours. 31 1953 called Oddfellows? The logo of three Oddfellows honor Originally, it was a l i n k s r e p r e s e n t Departed Brothers. In secret society formed Friendship, Love, and memory of their brethin England in the 18th Truth ren and Rebekahs who century and one possiL a u r e l R e b e k a h have passed this vale ble origin is that it was Lodge No.9 I.O.O. was of tears, the I.O.O. of odd in those times to instituted in Wellington Ladysmith are erectfind a group of men in November 1895. ing a beautiful memoo r g a n i z e d t o h e l p When the coal miners rial in the Ladysmith those in need, and “to moved to Ladysmith, cemetery. Designed pursue projects for they followed in 1901; and being erected by the benefit of all man- the degree of Rebekah Fred Rumble, the column of stone will rise from its base approxiLadysmith Celebrations Society mately nine feet, with beautiful inlaid marble and the crests of both orders. As far as can be learned, this is the first time in the history of the I.O.O. movement that such a project has been The Ladysmith Celebration Society’s undertaken. Consecration of the CITIZEN OF THE memorial will take YEAR AWARD p l a c e o n S u n d a y, August 9, when it is presented for outstanding Community Service over is expected that a period of time. Oddfellows from The service must be voluntary and does not include all parts of British service for which there has been remuneration, Columbia will take or where it has been in connection with normal part in the ceremony. employment. Grand Master of the The nominations are open to all residents of Ladysmith, Order for B.C., A.D. but they must conform to the guidelines put forth by McRae of Mission, will the Ladysmith Celebrations Society. also attend. A parade will be mustered from The nominations received will be judged by a panel selected from the committee.

2011 Citizen of the Year Nomination Form

Nominations Deadline Wednesday, July 29nd, 2011

Tim O’Rourke



the Eagle’s Hall at 2:00 pm, and led by pipers from Nanaimo and Ladysmith, will proceed to the cemetery. Rev. Nuttal of Nanaimo, and the Rev. H.E.D. Cooper of St. John’s Anglican Church, Ladysmith, will assist with the consecration. Following the service, refreshments will be served to the visiting brethren in the United Church Hall, provided by the Rebekahs. Ladysmith Chronicle Friday, Aug. 14, 1953 Solemn dedication of the beautiful cut-stone memorial erected in Ladysmith cemetery by Harmony Lodge No.6 and Laurel Lodge No.9 in memory of all Oddfellows and Rebekahs, was held Sunday afternoon. Flanked by over 100 persons, high officials of the orders officiated, among them Mr. A.D McRae, Provincial Grand Master, I.O.O. of Mission, BC. Mrs. Edith Granger, president of the Rebekah assembly of Kelowna; Rev. H.D. Nuttal of Nanaimo, who conducted the dedication, was assisted by Rev. H.D. Cooper and Rev. AJ.M. Alexander of Ladysmith. His Wo r s h i p , M a y o r Leonard Ryan, spoke in praise of the work which had been accomplished by the orders. A wreath of three links, symbols of the I.O.O. – denoting Friendship, Love and Truth, was laid on the memorial by Mrs. Robert Gauld, Noble Grand of Laurel No.9, and Mrs. Mary Anderson, Noble Grand of Miriam No.3, Nanaimo.



The winner will be announced Saturday, August 13/11 at the

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Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, July 19, 2011 19


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Real fun bunch of swingers Despite some lessthan-sunny weather, about 50 music lovers gathered at the Transfer Beach amphitheatre to watch Cynthia Davis and Swing That Thing! perform as part of the annual Concerts in the Park series NIOMI PEARSON/ CHRONICLE

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The return of Trinitude Niomi Pearson THE CHRONICLE

Whether it’s performing for families or performing as a family, the mother, father and daughter trio known as Trinitude is guaranteed to be a family show. “It’s a pretty energetic set. People of all ages and genres really relate to it because it crosses a lot of territory while still being played in the folk traditions,” said member Merisa Donoghue. “We do love to have audience participation.” This Sunday, July 24, will be the band’s third time playing at Transfer Beach amphitheater for Concerts in the Park; an annual fundraiser for the Ladysmith Resources Centre Association.

“It’s really nice to have those kinds of opportunities in your repetiore, and it’s nice for us to get to Ladysmith because we’ve done a few other gigs there although we’re based in Nanaimo,” Donoghue said. “It enables us to spread out a little bit, and it enables the people in those locales to hear something a little bit different. And it being for such a good cause, we like to support that kind of activity.” Trinitude was formed about five years ago when Donoghue and husband Les Tibbo, who have performed country and folk together for more than 30 years, were unexpectedly joined by punk-rocking daughter Emily Celeste.

the Trinitude team is the couple’s youngest daughter Elyssa, who is the media tech and website designer for the band. “She’s our silent partner.” Donoghue said, Trinitude will bring rich harmonies and Celticflavoured roots with an edge to the stage for Concerts in the Park. “There’s a lot of mix in quite novel out here,” there of folk traditions Donoghue said. “You and we are very interget quite a drone sound ested in local regional from it.” history so we have a lot Donoghue plays guitar, of songs that explore dulcimer and bodhran those topics.” while Tibbo mans the Some or those include Irish bluzouki and gui- the vital mining industry tar. on central Vancouver “We call him Papatude, Island, and the 1909 I’m Mamatude, and Emily Extension mine disaster. is Attitude,” Donoghue For more information quipped. on the band, visit www. The final member of trinitude.ca

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Trinitude Their second CD was recently released at the Cedar Farmer’s Market in June. Celeste plays the penny whistle, guitar, bodhran (Irish hand drum) and the hurdy gurdy, an old-fashioned stringed instrument played with wooden keys and a crank. “People are really interested in it because it’s

Get-up-and-go with Bopoma Marimba on Tuesday, July 26, at 7 p.m. at Waterwheel Park, Chemainus. Bopoma Bopoma Marimba plays joyous, high energy traditional and contemporary music from Zimbabwe and southern Africa. Enjoy their exuberance as they play their hand-crafted wooden xylophones – also performs known as marimbas. Bopoma is exciting to watch and they’ll put a smile on your face and set your toes to tapping. Rain or shine. Admission by donation. at park Thank You Amy!! Bastion Law Group Ladysmith Family and Friends would like to thank our exceptionally dedicated volunteer Amy for the years she has spent at LaFF making our participants feel welcome and supporting staff and fellow volunteers to create a place where everyone is welcome.

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20 Tuesday, July 19, 2011 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle

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Business Restoring the Sportsman


Matthew Peterson THE CHRONICLE

Dave Prakash has repurchased the Sportsman’s Pub and Ladysmith Inn and is ready to put in the

Meet our members www.ladysmithdowntown.com Members working together to cultivate the heart of our community.


work to restore the heritage building to the establishment’s former glory. This, said Prakash, will mean cleaning inside and out, new exterior colours and


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reopening the kitchen. “I have heard some negativity from people, that they don’t go in there,” said Prakash. “We’ll improve everything. We’ll get the kitchen going,” said Prakash. Prakash said he will be working with the chef from Chemainus’ Odika restaurant to get the kitchen and menu up and running. Prakash said he understands there have been some negative connotations around the Sportsman’s Pub in the past, but he wants patrons to feel safe and comfortable. “I want to

run a clean operation, supportive town to a safe operation,” he work in and he is lookadded. ing forward to the pub There will still be getting more involved some units in the in the community building available for again. short-term rentals. “I am looking forward Prakash owned the to working with the pub from 2000 to 2007 community. I will supwhen he sold it. At that port any events,” said time, he purchased the Prakash. Green Lantern Pub in As for the outward Chemainus. appearance of the “Within four years, the building, Prakash is place has gone down a thinking about green little bit.” exterior with a black H e g a v e a l o t o f trim. Work, he said, thought to repurchas- may not begin until ing the pub, and in the next spring. end he saw the potenOne thing that won’t tial in the pub and be changing is the Ladysmith. name. Ladysmith, Prakash “That name has been added, has always here for a hundred b e e n a years,” said Prakash. very “We’ll leave it at that.”

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Dave Prakash has repurchased the Ladysmith Inn on First Avenue and has plans to improve the local landmark.

Council Invites You to a

Town Hall Meeting

Ladysmith First United Church 232 High Street

Bethel Tabernacle 1149 - Fourth Ave., Ladysmith Phone: 250-245-8221 (PAOC) Sunday Celebration Worship 10:30 am Life Lesson Series “Armed Or Dangerous?” G67s: Tues, 7 pm (bi-weekly) (Preteens: Gr 6-7) Kidopolis: Wed, 6:30-8 pm (Kids: K - Gr 5) Gravity Youth: Fri, 7 pm (Teens: Gr 8-12) Rev. Robert Bedard (Lead Pastor) Phil Hazzard (Youth Pastor) Rev. H. Nettleton (Visitation)

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Worship Service with Sunday School at 10:30 every Sunday Rev. Min-Goo Kang www.ladysmithunited.org


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Mass Times: Sat. 5:00 pm Sun. 9:00 am 250-245-3414 Hall Rentals Available 250-245-2077


Sunday, July 24,@10am G uest : Francois Blouin of Guest

Tuesday, July 19, 2011 6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. AGGIE HALL An Opportunity for Information & Input 6:30 Our Story & Overview of Town Projects (Celebrations and Challenges) 7:15 Selecting Topics for Discussion, Including: Waterfront Development Fire Hall Upgrade Festival of Lights–Energy Source and/or Conservation Public Transit / Trolley Dog Park Raising Chickens in Backyards Licensing Cats Other topics you may suggest

The Sword Ministries

7:30 Discussion, Questions and Input on Selected Topics

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Mark your Calendars. Plan to Attend this Important Meeting

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For more information, call City Hall (250) 245-6400

381 Davis Road




Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, July 19, 2011 21


Ladysmith Cannons to host Island playdowns Niomi Pearson THE CHRONICLE

The Ladysmith Cannons are preparing to host the AA Island Zone Baseball Championships this weekend at High Street ball field. Coach Darren Rasmussen said if the past three weeks of play have been any indication, people can expect an exciting and unpredictable weekend of baseball. “This tournament is going to be very good, it’s going to be very competitive,” he said. “From what I’ve seen, I think every team coming to this is going to have a chance. It’s been real close.” The summer ball field season comes to a head July 22-24 when the Ladysmith Cannons, Port Alberni Athletics, Oceanside Reds, Nate Mrus makes a dash for third base before the ball reaches the plate while teammate Ryan DeClarke Saltspring Islanders, sprints towards second base during Sunday morning’s three-way doubleheader between Ladysmith, Comox Cardinals comNIOMI PEARSON/CHRONICLE Oceanside and Saltspring Island. pete for a place at the

provincials in Surrey. “We’re right in there with everybody,” he said. “There’s a lot of pressure and every game’s going to mean something.” The Cannons were hard at work over the weekend with a threeway doubleheader with the Oceanside Reds and the Saltspring Islanders. The team played a very close game against the Oceanside Reds Sunday morning (July 17) but took a 9-6 loss. Later that afternoon, they had a very exciting battle against the strong Saltspring Islanders and won 10-9 after being down 6-1 in the initial innings. “We definitely made a good comeback,” Rasmussen said. “Bats are hot, bats are cold, that’s the way the baseball goes.” Until next weekend’s championship, the team will continue to ‘work on their A-game’, making sure players

are familiar with every position on the field and able to pitch. “It’s all developing right now,” Rasmussen said. “When there’s only 12 kids on the bench you need at least 10 of them pitching.” Rasmussen said the Ladysmith community has really stepped up to the plate to support the team financially. In addition to supporting team fundraisers, a number of organizations have come forward with funds to help cover the cost of the team’s uniforms. “The way the community has been is just awesome,” he said. The AA Island Zone Baseball Championship will begin at noon Friday and end about 5 p.m. on Sunday at the High Street Ball field. You can catch the Cannons in action on the field at noon and 6 p.m. on Friday, and 3 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday.

Strong season finish for Mid-Isle Highlanders Niomi Pearson THE CHRONICLE

The Mid-Isle Highlanders had a victorious finish to their season after beating Victoria United 4-0 on Saturday, July 16. The Highlanders finished their first season as a team in 6th position in the Pacific Coast Soccer League’s premier men’s division. The team played a total of 12 games and

traveled to Victoria for their final game at Royal Athletic Park. “We’ve had a tough season. We’ve had a ton of injuries so it was a great way to end our last game,” said player-coach James Merriman. “The whole game we played really well and we were definitely the better team both halves.” Playing on the turf at Forrest Field has been

an asset to the team during the season, picking up the majority of their points in front of their home field audience. “ I t ’s b e e n a n i c e atmosphere to come and train and play.” Merriman said. “The crowds were really good and it definitely helped us when we were here.” The next season will ramp up again next spring around April.

Until then, many of the Mid-Isle Highlanders, who come from as far as Campbell River to play, will keep up their skills playing for Vancouver Island University, Merriman said. The time off will also allow the Highlanders to re-group and spend less time on the administration that comes along with forming a new team. “It will be nice to have

all that experience and have that done,” Merriman said. “For us, we’d love to continue to build and grow it and get support from Ladysmith and Nanaimo so when next season rolls around we can focus on players and team development. That will be something I’m really looking forward to.” For more information visit http://midislefc. The Highlanders, in white, played their home games at Ladysmith’s Forrest Field com/

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Trail opens up to the public

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Local political figures, staff and guests met at the Chemainus Train Station to officially open the Chemainus section of the Cowichan Valley Trail on July 14. The section marks the completion of trails from Duncan to the Town of Ladysmith and is another step closer to finalization of the 120-km stretch of land. Speakers talked about the trail not only linking communities, but providing a place for people to enjoy the outdoors and get active. The trail will also serve as a great tourist draw, said Phil Kent, representing the City of Duncan. MATTHEW PETERSON/CHRONICLE

Lukas looking for Ladysmith support Every week, 16-yearold George Lukas is outside the Food Bank in Ladysmith helping unload bread for

Ladysmith Golf Club

KIDS OPEN GOLF TOURNAMENT Sat, Aug 6, 2011 - 10 am Start If you are between the ages of 6 & 14 and like to have fun, this golf experience is for you! • no experience necessary • BBQ after the golf game • prizes for everyone • entry fee is $5 ✄ Entry Form Name:

the Cowichan Food Connection. Lukas is now looking for some support from the community to

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help compete against the world’s best on the international judo stage. Lukas was recently selected for a fight-off during a national competition for a chance to advance to the international tournament. Lukas won the match and is now preparing for a round of training in Montreal before heading to Kiev, Ukraine on Aug. 6 for the Under 17 Anyone wanting to Championships. help Lukas can leave The Lukas family has a d o n a t i o n a t t h e applied to different lev- Chronicle made out els of government, but to the Judo Club of have been told he does Canada or the Mill Bay not qualify for funding or Victoria Judo Club. because he is an indiFor Lukas, the excitevidual athlete and not ment is mounting. an Olympian. “It’ll be quite an expeL u k a s , a m e m b e r rience,” said the stoic of the Mill Bay and 16-year-old. Victoria Judo Clubs, is Lukas said he really now looking to raise connected with the around $5,000 for the judo because of the training in Montreal tournaments and physand flight and expenses ical exertion of the in Kiev. sport.

George Lukas

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SCOTT – Arthur William Born September 13th, 1923 in Killarney, Manitoba, passed away July 14th, 2011. He is survived by his loving wife Laverne of 66 years; daughter, Marie (Ken) Rehman; son, Mervin (Gayl) Scott; two grandsons, two granddaughters, three great grandsons, and three great granddaughters. Predeceased by his grandson Bradly. Arthur served in the Canadian Navy, and worked as a faller and longshoreman. He enjoyed his bowling and gardening, and was very active with the Ladysmith Eagles for many years. No service by request. Cremation with inurnment at the Ladysmith Cemetery. In lieu owers please make donations to the charity of your choice. Telford’s of Ladysmith 250-245-5553

COLLEEN JOANNE POOLE (nee Watson) Jan. 16, 1951 July 11, 2011 Colleen passed away after years of bravely struggling with health issues. She was born and raised in Cumberland, moved to Ladysmith in 1979 with her husband Rob and their 2 children. In 1998 Colleen and Rob moved to Nanaimo where they have resided for the past 13 years. Colleen was predeceased by her parents Jack and Lorraine Watson. Whe is survived by her loving husband of 40 years, Rob; daughter Kristi (Carl) Dashwood; son Ryan; granddaughters (her special angels) Jordyn and Kayla; sister Noelle (Tony) Piket; brother Ray (Annette) Watson. She also leaves behind many nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles, and cousins; Rob’s mom, Marg Poole and family; and her special sisters “The Crazy Eightsâ€?. There will be no service at Colleen’s request. A private family Celebration of Life will take place at a later date. In lieu of owers, a donation may be made in her name to the charity of your choice.

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We always think of the wonderful memory, times together. To love cherish in our hearts never be forgotten.

WE’RE ON THE WEB www.bcclassiďŹ ed.com

Always remembered with love, Arvo, Joyce & relatives.



ABMA-JOHN (Tjitse) Passed away at the Lodge on 4th, July 11 2011 at the age of 82. Born on November 27th,1928 in Nyland, Holland. Pre-deceased by his parents and brother Ruurd. Survived by his loving wife of 56 years Bertha, sons Kenneth and Michael (Dayle), daughters Anita (Mark Kozowy) and Monica. Grandchildren Edward, Kyle (Crystal), Sarah, Levi, Chase, Brodie, Jonathan, Daniel, Benjamin. Step grandchildren Ashley, Natasha and Jonathan. Great grandchild Annastasia, and step great grandchildren James and Hailey. Sisters Ruurdtje Bakker, Hessy Nauta, Doutje DeBock (Wim) and Betsy Visser. Brothers Meinte (Bep), Gerben (Shoukje), Klaas (Ans), Willem (Froukje), Henk (Joke). Sister in law Claire Krol, and brothers in law John Colyn (Viola), Peter Colyn (Debby), and numerous nieces and nephews. Special friends Susan and Ron, friends and neighbours too numerous to mention, but each holding a special place in John’s life.

Aug. 9, 1923 - Jul. 12, 2011 The family of Ken are sad to announce his passing 28 days before his eightyeighth birthday. Ken had a great sense of humor and always a twinkle in his eye, he was looking forward to the family gathering planned on his birthday. It was sometimes hard to get Ken to share some of his experiences but he would have had a good story to tell; I’m sure, that day. Ken had lived at Lynn’s Care Home in Ladysmith for the past ďŹ ve months, enjoying the care immensely but his favourite place was in his house looking out at the yard and ocean. Ken and his “Maryâ€? had loved their location for thirteen years until her passing fourteen months ago. Predeceased by his father, Joseph; mother, Ella (Hartley) and one sister, Thelma. Left to cherish his memories are step-son Don (Brenda); grandson Chad (Angie); granddaughter Corri (Scott); great grandsons Wyatt and Rhett; and niece Toni Reese. It was Ken’s wish not to have a service. Telford’s of Ladysmith 250-245-5553








Happy th Anniversary Bob and Sharon Blair

John immigrated to Canada and worked on a farm from 1955-1960 in Qualicum Beach, BC, then worked on a farm in Terrace, BC from 1960-1963. John then moved to the island and rented a farm in Nanaimo,BC. In 1971 John and Bertha bought a farm in Cedar that they worked on and ran for many years proudly and rightfully called Onward Farms. For many years John was involved in local, Vancouver Island and BC church organizations, too many to list. John was a loving husband, caring father, grandfather and great grandfather, brother and friend. John although busy farming, working at many organizations, took the time for a friend in need, a child with a question, or a wife with her day. His memory will be cherished in the hearts of all who knew him. Special Thanks to the doctors, nurses, and all the staff at the Lodge on 4th, for their loving care and compassion towards John and his family while John resided there. Celebration of life service will be held in the Ladysmith First United Church, 232 High Street Ladysmith, BC on Saturday, July 23rd, 2011, at 2 pm. Rev. Min-Goo Kang ofďŹ ciating. Flowers gratefully declined. Donations in memory of John may be made to Ladysmith First United Church, PO Box 124, Ladysmith, BC V9G 1A1.Online condolences may be offered at telfordn@shaw.ca Telford’s of Ladysmith 250-245-5553

July 22


Love from

David, Susann, Ashley, Nicole and family

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LOST AND FOUND The Chronicle is holding


Fuelled both by product innovation and acquisitions, we are dedicated to responding to our customers’ needs while constantly reviewing our operations to remain a low-cost and efficient processor. Saputo produces, markets, and distributes a wide array of products of the utmost quality, including cheese, fluid milk, yogurt, dairy ingredients and snack-cakes. Our Courtenay Plant is looking to expand the team! Seeking a team player with a great attitude and an entrepreneurial spirit:

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Re: THE ESTATE OF ERIC CRAMPTON GIBLING Deceased formerly of Chemainus, BC. Creditors and others having claims against the estate of ERIC CRAMPTON GIBLING, are hereby notified under section 38 of the Trustee Act that particulars of their claims should be sent to the Executrix on or before August 26, 2011, after which date the Executrix will distribute the estate among the parties entitled to it, having regard to the claims of which she then has notice. MARGUERITE WINGERT by her solicitor, MARIA MACH ROBERTSON, DOWNE & MULLALLY Barristers & Solicitors 33695 South Fraser Way Abbotsford, BC V2S 2C1

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WORKSHOP/ LIVING SPACE FOR RENT Insulated 700 sq ft workshop- ideal for woodwork. One bedroom loft includes washer, dryer,dish washer. Located on 4 wooded acres in Cobble Hill (Arbutus Ridge area).Available Sept 1, 2011. $1250/m. Call 250-709-2010 for details. CARETAKERS/ RESIDENTIAL MANAGERS

CARETAKER, EAGLE Pointe Lodge, BC live-in during offseason, general maintenance, basic plumbing and electrical, Ref req’d. Send resume to jonathan.beaty@sjrb.ca or call 250-627-1840

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Publisher The Morning Star in Vernon, B.C. has an opening for the position of Publisher. The Morning Star, one of Canada’s leading community newspapers, is published every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday and has an extensive distribution network throughout the North Okanagan. More than 33,000 homes and businesses are reached in the communities of Vernon, Coldstream, Armstrong, Enderby, Lumby, Cherryville, Oyama, Spallumcheen, Grindrod, Falkland and Silver Star. The Morning Star is the No.1 news source in the North Okanagan and has been committed to serving its communities with in-depth local news, sports, entertainment, events and happenings since 1988. The Morning Star is part of Black Press, Canada’s largest private, independent newspaper company, with over 150 community, daily and urban newspapers located in BC, Alberta, Washington State, Ohio and Hawaii. Black Press is seeking a proven leader with an impressive track record in newspaper management, to build on the considerable growth the Morning Star has experienced over the past 23 years. Ideally, you should have a good understanding of all facets of newspaper operations with emphasis on sales, marketing and financial management. As publisher, you will be instrumental in developing a multi platform strategy for the newspaper and its online initiatives, as it continues to serve a rapidly expanding and diverse marketplace. If you are a critical thinker, customer driven and possess strong entrepreneurial skills, Black Press wants to hear from you. Please send your resume by July 22, 2011 to: Bruce McAuliffe, President Black Press BC South c/o Kelowna Capital News 2495 Enterprise Way, Kelowna, B.C. V1X 7K2 Email: brucem@blackpress.ca



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656305 – Bayview, Clarke, Gifford, Stephensen (88 papers) 656350 – Belaire, Hambrooke, Hartley, Jamison, Lions, Rigby, Root, Fourth Ext. (155 papers) ** 656400 – 401-533 Baden-Powell/Methuen/Roberts/White, 110-340 Fifth/Fourth (72 papers) 656452 – ** 8-33 Baden-Powell, 7-340 Esplanade, 100-341 First, 104-127 Forward, 9-149 Methuen, 9-133 White (139 papers) ** 656500 – 409-532 Buller/Gatacre/High, 410-640 Fifth, 631-641 Sixth (61 papers) 656550 – 11-133 Buller/Gatacre/High, 410-640 Esplanade/ First (54 papers) 656700 – 700-1099 Esplanade/First/Second, 1-199 French/ Kitchener/Symonds/Warren (69 papers) 656850 – Colonia, Delcourt, Defrane, Wallace (62 papers) 656900 – Brown, Nash, Stillin, Stuart, Walkem (124 papers) ** 657000 – Hooper, Ridgway, Rothdale, Russell (56 papers) 657050 – Ashwell, Gourlay, Louise, McNiven, Tassin (77 papers) All paper counts are approximates ** Indicates a route that can be split up CALL LARA TODAY

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Immediate opening for p/t office person for Sat., Sun. & Mon. Must be computer literate, pleasant phone manner, handles problems tactfully and can learn new systems quickly. Will train suitable person. Phone 250245-2760 or Fax 250-2452767. Deer Lake Properties (Thomas Rd.) Inc. dba Junction Mini Storage 13136 Thomas Rd. Ladysmith, BC 250-245-2760 PARKSVILLE, TYPESETTER /Layout Graphic Designer position available. Must have an understanding of Illustrator/In Design/Photoshop programs. Offset & Digital printing layout experience would be an asset. email:ruby@coastalcolour.com or call 1-800-811-7300.

BUSY GM Dealership in Squamish has an immediate opening for a qualified GM Technician. Send resume to denise@greggardnergm.com EXPERIENCED counterperson required for busy Automotive and Industrial parts store. Competitive wage and benefit package. Friendly atmosphere. Fax resume to 250287-8933 or e-mail cres1986@telus.net.

Holbrook Dyson Logging Ltd Has vacancies in the following jobs: 1)Heavy Duty Mechanic. 2)Driller Blaster Details can be seen at http://hdlogging.com/ Fax resume to 250-287-9259

The Lemare Group is currently seeking a heavy duty mechanic for the North Vancouver Island area. Full time, union wages. Email resume to office@lemare.ca or fax to: 250-956-4888.




The Lemare Group is currently seeking the following positions : • Hoe Chucker/Loader Operator • Boom Man • A Frame Dump Machine Operator • Grapple Yarder Operator • Hook tender • Boom Man • Chaser • 2nd Loader/Buckerman • 980 Dryland Sort Operator for the North Vancouver Island area. Full time, union wages. Fax resume to 250-956-4888 or email: office@lemare.ca.

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NYSA BladeRunners Information Dates July 20, 2011 at 1:00 pm Held at CFN Community Youth Center 8019 Shell Beach Road July 21, 2011 at 10:00 am or 2:00 pm Held at 11 High Street Ladysmith, BC BladeRunners is a Youth Skills Link/ ACCESS program that builds community partnerships and connects motivated, job ready youth with valuable employment opportunities in the Customer Service and Tourism industry for: • Youth facing barriers to employment • Out of school youth ages 15-30 Youth will: • Participate in skill enhancement training • Be eligible for work clothing allowance • Obtain First Aid Level 1, WHMIS, FoodSafe, Serving it Right and other related ticket and group based employability skills • Participate in Cashier training • Receive individual support and guidance Employers will: • Connect with job ready and motivated youth • Benefit by having youth provide up to 54 hours of work exposure at no cost to them For more information please call Sheila White or Debby Evans Tel: (250) 754-1989 Fax: (250) 754-8661

WE seek an Administrative clerk to join our growing team.Forward resumes to stchadm@aol.com

TRADES, TECHNICAL CANADIAN Tire Fernie BC is seeking Red Seal Automotive Service Technicians to join our team in a very busy, positive, well equipped, growing Automotive Service Centre. Please contact Shannon Morton or Jason Hayes via phone @250-4234222 or Email shannon.morton@hotmail.com

Heavy Duty / Commercial Mechanic or Apprentice Mechanic P & R Truck Centre requires Full - Time Heavy Duty / Commercial Mechanic or Apprentice Mechanic for our Duncan location. Possession of an Authorized Motor Vehicle Inspection ticket would be an asset. Excellent Wage & Benefit Package. Please e-mail resume to michele@prwstar.com or fax to 250-746-8064 LOUISIANA-PACIFIC Canada Ltd. requires an experienced Jour- neyman Electrician for our EWP Operation in Golden B.C. Email resume to: Audra.Stanton@LPCorp.com or fax to 250-344-8859.

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26 Tuesday, July 19, 2011 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle A26 www.ladysmithchronicle.com

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MOVING & STORAGE 2 BURLEY MEN MOVING. $85/hr for 2 men (no before or after travel time charges on local moves. Please call Scott or Joshua, (250)753-6633.

PLUMBING IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits will lend you money: It’s that simple. Your credit/age/income is not an issue. 1-800-587-2161.

A SERVICE PLUMBER. Licence, Insured. Drains, HWT, Reno’s, Repairs. Senior Discounts. After Hour Service. Call Coval Plumbing, 250709-5103.

250-245-7153 APPLIANCES WHITE 24” propane range $250, 17 CU ft white fridge $250, white S x S fridge $200, white Apt sized fridge $200, white 30” range $100, Washer dryer sets $200-$350. Washers $150-$250, Apt size stacking washer & dryer $250. Dryers $100-$150. Built-in dishwashers $100-$150, portable GE dishwasher $150. 6 month warranty on all appliances. Please call Greg at (250)246-9859.

FIR FIREWOOD. $160 cord. split & delivered. Call (250) 210-0384 or (250) 9243313 (evenings).

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE A FREE Telephone Service Get your first month free. Bad credit, don’t sweat it. No deposits. No credit checks. Call Freedom Phone Lines today Toll-Free 1-866-884-7464. FAST RELIEF the First Night!! Restless Leg Syndrome and Leg Cramps Gone. Sleep Soundly, Safe with Medication, Proven Results. 1-800-7658660. www.allcalm.com HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 www.thecoverguy.com/newspaper? RED ENVELOPE - Unique & Personalized Gifts for All Your Friends & Family! Starting at $19.95. Visit: www.redenvelope.com/Jewel for an extra 20% off or Call 1888-473-5407.


STEEL BUILDING Sale... Specials from $5 to $12/sq. ft. Great pricing on absolutely every model, width and length. Example: 30’W x 50’L x 16’H. now $10,500.00. End walls included, doors optional. Pioneer Steel Manufacturers 1800-668-5422.


Garage Sale: Sat. July 23rd, 9:30 am to 2 pm. Furniture, tools and other various items. Junction Mini Storage, 13136 Thomas Rd., Ladysmith.

Ladysmith: Quail’s Gate corner of Russell Rd. and Davies. Giant Garage Sale, lots of great stuff from several households. Sat. July 23rd, 9 am - 1 pm.

Saturday July 23rd, 9 am, corner of Timberlands Rd. and Halberg Rd. next to “That Pizza Place”.


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EXQUISITE SANCTUARY Fabulous 2.26 private acres with creek in beautiful Alberni Valley. Enchanting 3600 sq.ft. 4 bedroom, 4 bathroom custom built 1995 home. Outstanding 57x40 shop with own bathroom, lots of parking. Features hardwood, tile throughout, custom cabinetry. Gas fireplaces, stove, heat and hot water; ensuite with soaker tub. Thinking of a life style change? Move to Port Alberni, the Salmon Capital of the World! Visit www.albernihomes4u.ca for more information on this “one of a kind” property. Asking $649,000 RE/MAX Mid Island Realty Port Alberni, B.C. John Stilinovic 250-724-4725 Toll Free 1-877-723-5660

20 ACRE Ranch Foreclosures Near Booming El Paso, Texas Was $16,900, Now $12,900, $0 Down, take over payments, $99/mo. Beautiful views, owner financing, FREE map/pictures 800-755-8953.

LAKEFRONT Properties For Sale 20 Minutes from Qualicum www.hornelake.bc.ca

RENTALS APARTMENT/CONDO Ladysmith: 1 bdrm apts, heat incl., n/p require references, The Villa 250-245-3583.


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WORKSHOP/ LIVING SPACE FOR RENT Insulated 700 sq ft workshop- ideal for woodwork. One bedroom loft includes washer, dryer,dish washer. Located on 4 wooded acres in Cobble Hill (Arbutus Ridge area).Available Sept 1, 2011. $1250/m. Call 250-709-2010 for details.

APARTMENTS FURNISHED SALTAIR: furnished bachelor suite, ocean view, n/s, n/p, $690/mo, 250-245-1101.

COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL LADYSMITH: COMMERCIAL Int/Ext storage space avail. Call 250-245-8997. Retail Commercial Space 1430 sq. ft. of commercial or warehouse space for rent located in front of Junction Mini Storage. Great highway exposure. Deer Lake Properties (Thomas Rd.) Inc. dba Junction Mini Storage 13136 Thomas Rd. Ladysmith, BC 250-245-2760


Your Community

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CLUES ACROSS 1. Ribonuclease 6. “Law & Order” doctor Emil 11. MN 55120 12. The violin’s ancestor 13. Medicine man 15. Moral excellence 18. Cola plants 19. Plunge into a liquid 20. Wheel tracks 21. Get free of 24. Celt 25. Actress Thurman 26. Zig-zag movement on skis 30. Tossed around 32. Media mogul Turner 33. Green or Earl Grey 35. Shipping container 43. The SW division of Oceania 44. Macao monetary unit 45. Hit with the open hand 47. Publicities 48. Frosts 49. Treaties 51. Plural of crus 52. Dully painful 54. Standing rib and crown 55. Body that develops into a seed 57. Related on the mother’s side 58. Sebaceous gland secretion 59. Palm fruits CLUES DOWN 1. One part of a chemical reaction 2. National Measurement Accreditation Svc.


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3. Turkish leaders titles 4. Diego or Francisco 5. = to 1/2 em 6. Jr’s. parent 7. Kiloelectron volts 8. Kimono sashes 9. Denigrated 10. Existing in reality 13. Growth of stunted vegetation 14. LA 70360 16. Put into service 17. Snakelike fish 21. Radioactivity unit 22. Large WPA project 23. Young female socialite 26. About tide 27. 2nd musical tone 28. Ask at O’Donnell’s Web page 29. A rule in Sanskrit 31. Misleading & dishonest 34. Manual computing devices 36. Ancient Egyptian sun god 37. Double helix nucleic acid 38. A place to sleep 39. Former CIA 40. 2001 Spielberg film 41. Not hidden 42. Xhosas (alt sp.) 43. Chauvinists 45. A health resort 46. Resin used in shellac 48. Highly incensed 50. Deliberate affront 51. A sleeved outer garment 53. Glutamic acid 54. Transmits info from DNA 56. = to 2 ens 57. -__, denotes past

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LADYSMITH: 2 bdrm character home, lovely ocean view, n/s, n/p, close to all amenities, $1100/mo, 250-245-7161.

2 bdrm upper suite to share with another adult male in good Ladysmith location, f/s, hydro & cable incl., n/s, n/p, references, 250-245-4638.

LADYSMITH2 BDRM Rancher w/extra den/office or bdrm. French doors from master bdrm to hot tub on deck. Private setting, southern exposure, detached 26x22 workshop w/220 wiring, golf course & schools near by. NS/NP. $1200+ utils. Available Aug 1. (250)713-4739. LADYSMITH. NEW 3-bdrm, 2.5 bath. Go to: www.webbasedtours.com/mariners_quay/ Call (250)245-8997.

TOWNHOUSES LADYSMITH, 3 bdrm, 2 bath townhome, W/D, F/S, D/W, close to schools, N/S, N/P, avail Aug. 1, $1075 mo + utils, 250-924-3826, 250-710-0708.


Up Coming

Ladysmith: 3 bdrm home in quiet area, avail. Aug. 1st, n/s, n/p, ref’s required, $1295/mo. Chemainus: 4 bdrm ocean view apartment, f/s, shared w/d, n/s, n/p, avail now, ref’s required, $995/mo. Chemainus: 3 bdrm duplex, upper floor with great views, f/s, w/d, n/s, n/p, avail. now, ref’s required, $895/mo.

South Wellington Area: 1 bdrm suite in quiet and private country setting, n/s, n/p, avail. Aug. 1st. ref’s required, $850/mo.

Call Royal LePage 250-245-0975

OFFICE/RETAIL LADYSMITH, APPROX 900 sq ft office space w/ bathroom/kitchen area in professional bldg, ground entry w/ prkg. Avail immed, $700 mo. Call Doug at 250-246-0321.

SUITES, LOWER LADYSMITH 1BDRM + den, bright bsmt suite, recently reno’d, separate entrance, includes utils. N/S, quiet person, Refs. $700/mo. Available Aug 1. 250-245-5557.

Email items for publication to production@ladysmithchronicle.com with the subject line containing "What's Happening". What’s Happening is a free service designed to help non-profit groups promote local events. Publication is not guaranteed, and copy is subject to editing.


Royal LePage Property Management

Saltair: 2 bdrm suite, quiet setting with car port, shared utils, f/s, w/d, n/s, n/p, avail. now, ref’s required, $750/mo.

What’s Happening

FREE CASH back with $0 down at Auto Credit Fast. Need a vehicle? Good or bad credit call Stephanie 1-877792-0599 DLN 30309. Free delivery. www.autocreditfast.ca. WANT A vehicle but stressed about your credit? Last week 23 out of 27 applications approved! We fund your future not your past. Any Credit. Receive a $500 Gift Card. 1-888593-6095.

CARS TOP DOLLAR Paid! Want To Buy Junk Cars & Trucks for cash. 1-250-954-7843.

OFF-ROAD VEHICLES GOLF carts/utility vehicles gas and electric,clearance priced at CartsplusBC.com click Summer Sizzler Sale 1866-886-6893

TRUCKS & VANS CASH BUYER of junk cars and trucks. Over the phone price quotes. 1-250-954-7843.

real estate

TOUR OF FARMS 2011 - What’s it like to be a farmer? Where does my food come from? Enjoy a rural ramble and explore answers to these questions on the “Tour of Farms” on Sunday, July 24. Free, familyoriented, self-guided event – choose from 15 farms and winery sites to visit on the Saanich Peninsula, through the Cowichan Valley and north to Parksville. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For free tour maps and more info, visit www. islandfarmfresh.com or call 250-652-9100 (Saanich Peninsula) or 250-746-1593 (Cowichan Valley). ANNUAL PANCAKE BREAKFAST - Eagles, Sun, Aug 14 (Lady Days), 8-11 am. $4, kids 6 and under free! Eagles Hall, everyone welcome.

Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, July 19, 2011 27 ANNUAL STEAK DINNER - Eagles, Sun, Aug 14 (Lady Days) 4-7 pm. $10, Eagles Hall, everyone welcome. FREE JUNIOR GOLF CLINIC - Ages 7-14, Courtesy of Ladysmith Golf Club, 380 Davis Rd. Tue and Fri’s 2-4 pm in July, Register at clubhouse or call 250245-7313. VERNON SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL - Class of 1981 30-year reunion on Sat, July 30, 2011. Starts at 6 pm, Best Western Vernon Lodge Hotel. $30 per person. RSVP by July 1 to grad81@hotmail.ca. Or call Rod at 250545-5303 for more information.

KINSMEN/BROWN DR. PLAYGROUND PROJECT HAS SET UP A FUNDRAISING ACCOUNT at the Junction Bottle Depot, on Ludlow Rd. in Ladysmith. People can take all their empty bottles, juice containers, pop or beer cans, etc (anything you can get a refund for) to the bottle depot and they will credit the funds to the proposed playground at Kin Park in Ladysmith. The name of the account is the “Kin Park Playground” and all we ask is that if folks take their returns to the Junction Bottle Depot they just tell the staff that they wish to put the money into the Kin Park Playground account.

1.37 Acres YELLOW POINT $369,000

Val Irwin PRIVACY AND TRANQUILITY are hallmarks of this lovely acreage in Yellow Point which features a beautifully remodelled 1250 sq. ft. rancher, a flat treed lot, and quality well water. Call for a full information package.

250.268.4701 (mobile) 250.245.0545 (office) www.valirwin.com


Sunday, July 24th, 12-2 PM 10601 Chemainus Rd STUNNING RANCHER - $372,500 Detached in-law suite, zoned for B&B. 1/3 acre with mountain view. Completely updated, completely landscaped, new kitchen with cherry wood cabinets. Must be seen to appreciate the tile art (mosaic) in the bathrooms. MLS 319678

Large 2 bdrm, 2 bath and 2 decks Natural gas fireplace & oversized picture windows. Spacious kitchen with sunny breakfast nook. Short walk to Transfer Beach Park. 45-100 Gifford - MLS 316880

PATIO HOME AT COLONIA VILLAGE - $279,900 Retirement living at its finest. Security and privacy and small pet is allowed. 2 bdrms, 2 baths and 2 decks. Canopied deck for the shade and another deck for the sunshine. 2nd bdrm features a Murphy bed. 17-815 Dunsmuir Cres MLS 318527

Nanaimo Realty, Ladysmith OCEAN POINTE Independently Owned and Operated



Beyond Your Expectations

BC Day Advertising Deadline Wednesday, July 27 at 4:00 pm for the Tuesday, August 2 Chronicle

Greg Buchanan 250-245-8914 See All My Listing on the Internet! www.coastrealty.com

$429,900 High end 1700sqft Rancher with some ocean views from deck.

Panoramic View $217,900


Our Marketing Plan Gets Results.

will be CLOSED Monday, August 1

Vicki Schoonbeek 250-245-2252

e-mail: vickischoonbeek@gmail.com www.royallepage.ca/vicki

640 Trans Canada Hwy Box 970, Ladysmith, BC V9G 1A7

3 bedroom, character, basement home with gorgeous ocean view clear to the mainland. $699,900 2.53 Acres Private Walk-On Waterfront Property with lots of fruit trees, beautiful garden area and an older home with separate workshop. This is a rare find.

Reduced to $259,900 Beautiful 1683 sq ft open floor plan home on it’s own lot with vaulted ceilings, 3 bedrooms 2 baths, gas fireplace and a very private back yard early possession is possible.

Wow what a deal! Incredible Oceanfront Property only $399,900 Charming 2 bedroom character home amongst tall trees, walkout basement to 65’ glorious ocean frontage. What could be better.

$469,900 Spectacular Ocean View 3 bedroom (each with an ensuite) 2169 sq ft home. With hardwood floors, 9 ft ceilings, gas fireplace and a wrap around deck all sitting on a beautiful private yard.

P. 250-245-3700 C. 250-776-7653 E. itscarol@shaw.ca


28 Tuesday, July 19, 2011 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle




“No need to wait EVENT ‘til Thanksgiving!”

with every $4900 order, excluding tobacco products, licences, gift certificates and lotto, you may purchase any ONE of the following items for 49¢-- with a $14700 order, you can get three items below for 49¢ each

Grade A Young

Turkeys Frozen, 7 kg and less. While supplies last. 2.60 kg




Pasta Sauce Original, 640 ml


BBQ Turkey Recipe

Prep Time: 45 Minutes Cook Time: 5 Hours Ready In: 5 Hours 45 Minutes Servings: 12 “This is a great BBQ Turkey recipe with apples and white wine. You will almost never have any leftovers. This recipe can be used with almost any size bird.”

INGREDIENTS: 2 cups butter, divided 1 (15 pound) whole turkey, neck and giblets removed 1/4 cup chicken soup base 3 sweet onions, peeled and cut into wedges 5 apples, cored and cut into wedges 2 tablespoons minced garlic, or to taste 1 (750 ml) bottle dry white wine

BC Home Grown



Limit 1 with a minimum of $4900 order Limit 1 - 49¢ Event item per $4900 order Neilson

Spartan Apples

Hot Chocolate

5 lb. bag

10 paks



DIRECTIONS: Preheat a gas grill for low heat. • Rub some of the butter all over the turkey, inside and out, then rub all over with chicken base. Cut remaining butter into cubes and toss with onions, apples, and garlic in a large bowl. Stuff the bird with this mixture and place in a disposable aluminum roasting pan. Fold the turkey skin around the neck area to cover the hole and then turn the turkey over and pour wine into the opening at the other end until the turkey is full or the bottle is empty. Set the turkey breast side up. • Place the roasting pan on the grill and cover loosely with aluminum foil. If you have a pop up timer or heat safe meat thermometer, insert it into the turkey breast. Close the lid. • Roast until the temperature in the breast reads 170 degrees F (75 degrees C) and the temperature in the thickest part of the thigh reads 180 degrees C (80 degrees C), about 4 hours depending on the temperature of your grill. When the temperature is getting close, remove the aluminum foil covering the turkey and allow it to brown during the final minutes of cooking. If it starts to brown too much, just cover it back up. Allow the turkey to rest for at least 20 minutes before carving.



Limit 1 with a minimum of $4900 order Limit 1 - 49¢ Event item per $4900 order Compliments

Cranberry Sauce 348 ml



Limit 1 with a minimum of $4900 order Limit 1 - 49¢ Event item per $4900 order

100% Locally Owned & Operated We deliver! (See store for details) We reserve the right to limit quantities Pictures for illustrative purposes only Visit our Website: www.the49th.com

Prices in effect Monday, July 18 to Sunday, July 24, 2011


Next to Cedarbrook Restaurant

Open Daily 7:30 am to 9 pm


The Old Bruce’s Store

DUNCAN 250-748-2412

550 Cairnsmore Street

Open Daily 8:00 am to 9 pm

CHEMAINUS Open Daily 8:00 am to 9 pm 250-246-3551 Next to the Ferry Dock


Beside the Liquor Depot Open Daily 7:30 am to 9 pm


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