LA E P A DVAN C EM EN T B OAR D 2 0 19 SUM MA RY Throughout the past year, the LAEP Advancement Board has
By reaching out to USU Advancement, the Development
sought opportunities to support the LAEP Department in a
Committee has identified ways to better track gifts to the
variety of ways that provide opportunity for both individual
Department. Doing so helps to maintain donor relations and
students and the department as a whole.
foster support for the Department. Additionally, the Board’s Recruitment Committee continues to work with Faculty
The LAEP Careers Coordinator, Tanya Rice, helps students
to develop materials and encourage recruitment efforts
to prepare for and secure internships and jobs following
amongst Board members. Increases in LAEP enrollments are
graduation. During this past year, the Advancement Board
one result of these collaborations.
has committed funding, alongside CREATE 2020, to provide 25-percent of the salary to support this position.
We are always looking for ways to advocate for LAEP. This
Additionally, the Placement Committee has been working
year we were had the opportunity to sit down with USU’s
with Tanya to identify internship and career opportunities for
new Provost, Dr. Frank Galey, to discuss the landscape
students. This year, Tanya’s work has provided an internship
architecture profession and the accomplishments of the
for every student (sophomores and juniors) that wanted one
this Summer. Thank you, Tanya. Thank you to all who serve on the Advancement Board. We The Advancement Board has also pledged a contribution of
recognize the individual commitment that is required to
$5,000 for both FY20 and FY21 to be put toward named
serve. We are grateful for the Advancement Board members
chairs. This is done with the intent to give LAEP a leg-up
that take the time to work alongside students and provide
in the hiring process. This serves as the first step toward
mentorship in competitions, studio projects, and many other
establishing endowments for the same purpose. Through
ways. It’s incredible the impact we can have when we work
these efforts we hope to reach the most qualified candidates
promoting diversity amongst LAEP faculty.